Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1902, p. 3

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DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL s. & Pimbtoks & Canadian Pacific Railways. Commencing March 1st and Until April SPECIAL GOIONST ATES NORTH PACIPIC COAST and KOOTE. v NAY POINTS, py Gl sas, @ SPOKANE, Wa. 1843.55. ity eat {$43.05. y -W Seconds-Class One ilu RHI 5 SEI hi Al i Ticket ¥. Gen. Comudten orth PURSOAY A MAKCH t business offers. rR at K. . P. and C ee VT A "yoLgkm, 4 2 THE'BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napanee, Dessrontio and all Jona: points Traln loaves City Hall Depot gt ¢ We RJ, WILSON, OP.R. Tolagraph or Sos, Olarenss Stress. r -------- GT) + + Canadian HORSE SHOW Toronto, Ont., APRIL 10th, lith and 12th. Tickets Good Going $ 5.00. April 10th, $7. 70. Tickets Good Going April 11th and 12th, envine To o OZ All thekots valid for return, onto on or belore April 14th Tie above raves include admission horse show J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service, non PORTLAND. ticket to fith, And 12¢h April 19th Aneil 20th Sh : May fed N man A May 10th oBiiamers marked® do pot carry ¢ MATES OF Sitoor 50 and Soeond Saloon, pasecog PASSAGE uoward: Single, $90 urn $35; Third Class, $25, 1 do MONTREAL, Dominion . ER June 21st FROM BOSTON. Bowland: Boston to the » NEW SERVICE Mediterranean, Cambroman, April 9th and May 21st. wal ddin: saloon, © electric light, spaciou " decks. J.P. Hanley, J.P. Gildersleeve, Station, 42 0 se St D TORRANCE & Cor Gor. Aes arene Montreal and Portlang April 10th April 19th andes drains sens Rive ool and Allan Lire ¥' mderry. Royal Mail Stat levi, Bal Vom Jeha. From Halifax. Bal. § dm. 29 ta Eli aN Al, ¢ wh Mon, Apl. 21 -- v "v Passads. ion ATES 0 ou ; oe 1.80 a 28 gr io prim. ol ade of New York to Glasgsw and Londonderry Sat, Nar. 22, 9 am Er Hd ea oh 2 am, ir in M0, 483 secon" Second On 1 b ATC 1, tren Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Kingston - Picton Belleville Str, "Aletha" Commenelug Mortav, < Apwil Ki 5 week dary for P Qubive por Thursdays ard Sa ve the or thpoit amd wh will Jenve on Tuwslayw stesmper will call ab Bejleville, N Pescrunto. ---- { Kingston Rochester Sir. "North King" Commencing Mav 11th, will leave on Son daye 06 0 pa fon Port of Roelsster, N.Y, tesurging witl arrive Bundace at 10 pm. EY informeston senly to . § Pokus Agents. ¢ James Swilt & Co. General "Manavor, Freight Anents STOP BURNING DOLLARS AR wn YoU po Ww T " Incandescent TH "6 ln fe va, is avn 38 ine amt wb bbeys Effervescent ---- The best Tonic and System for Spring It purifies the blood and improves the tene of every organ in the body. . A. teaspoonful in a glass of water in the morning after breakfast. Sold by all druggists. _ Is served every place where good goods are sold. tole agent for Kingston, J. 8. Henderson, EU BE LLY AA AC RRR ie #00 FURNISHED ROOMS, Sithou: board, 100 Goosen Wk uoOn FURNISHED ROOMS, WIT) wonsd, Wh all modern suavenishess, 191 Usiveraity Avesus, * WWUSE IN VADGHN TERRACE, WITH sitchen and bath room is extensive ora on No & or at the Whig NO. 3 VAUGHN TERRACE, in MAY 1st. Extension Kitchen a modein Souvenisioss, o Arpiy at Whig Cites or = No. & Caos. NEW BRICK "HOUSE, WELLINGTON 81. next two City Park. All mocks improve monte, Apply to G. 8. Uideeive, Ue West and Wellington Servet 118 BTUART 8T., ® ROOMS, water beating, also 7 HOY lings R' MeC, Ist MAY, RRICK RESIDENC E 2 Brock stree. 1 eomdition, 9 rooms, modern conv niences throwghont, Apply to M.D. Bibb 201 Brook ssrect. HE. SHOP WITH FLATS GLASS HRON ;, tron, Bitherto ray "57 Robineon SiEEve "a KINEFATHIOK, MAY. THAT VERY Ds street, near the Park. saree 2 ai modetn touvericnoes, bo water furahon. Apply to an Shaw, Ae Bagot Street. GILDEN Clarsom 1st OF house, 117 SHOP AND DWELLING ( or Se.. 'mext Crothare' basery Mu the stom dst. Ab Grosse to. Mre nn Itington Possession ng adjoining wd pa Lov oie Leadon ad Globe era In , sion wo oo { man is mot imlate w give false hope, but TIE JAPANESE METHOD Of Conductirg Business Is Al Unique Onc, PRACTICAL, ALERT MEN, ARE LOOKED UPON SOME CONTEMPT. WITH An Interesting Letter From a For- mer Kingstonian--Proper Divi- sion of Labor, or System, is | Unknown to the Japs--Fond | of Tips--Quick to Imitate | Western Methods. (Continued from Monday.) Perhaps the most lamentable feature of Japanese commercial intercourse is the decided lack of reliability and sin arity, one toward the other, and the consequent pravak nee of suspicion and 'mistrust which characterize gvers transaction. No such feclings as fu i confidence and implicit trast in others, those primary essentials to successful development and rapid growth of commercial enterprise and economic exchange, known Japan. Ii, after placing an order for future de livery y the merchant, beiore. delivery, } finds 3 to his ecomon interest cancel same, be will without the slightest - hesitation compan tion over kis own sin, and with no thought of the possible loss or incon ventenee caused the "other member the agreement This practice. whin applied to staple articles, is perhaps not so dirastrous in its workings, as regards perishable artic those for special pe {rp particular lv import its damaging effect in trade must be very obvigus to all In other | res its, as well, one wer ready t unjust advan tage of another, ang consequently the prevalence of suspicion on every hat needs no further explanation. Nearls all con ts are for short perio with conditions of payinent ete., explicitly stated John Chinn less honest and ro because he re best economic Japan 1 are to He to GO BO, of vet, | , or is, orders, vauible more or contracts, to be the him, hut the short-sighted or finds to overcome hiz innate tendeney for playing false, the first being, perhaps. the explanation for the majority of cases No foreigner ever enters into an ex tensive contract with a Japanese firm | without first having every particular of that contract clearly enunciated, a god percentage of the eontract price advanced on ordering the goods ship ped, and the 'balance well stipulated for. Even with these precautions, cases of short payment or other difh culties in connection, with the deal ape frequent enough, In fact, figuratively speaking, no foreigner who has at all become acquainted with the native character ever trusts one of them, of whatsoever rank or in any eapacity, out of sight, and very few gare to | have them in sight anv longer t possilile, If one did not at all time discount their representations and statements, bv half or more, he would fogicglly conclude that he was « COLLAPSE OF THE NERVES. Strange, Dizzy Feeliogs, < Bleeples Rights, ~ Hend Pelt: "is Thorgh it | Would Bares, Thought Sbe Wou'd | Lose tler Mind -- A Remwmk bi Care by Rr. Chase' S Nerve Food. liable in his wgnizes it poliey for wither more "difficnlt more it My H you have been discouraged in seeking a cure for nervous exhaustion or prostration, the case of Mrs. C. H Jones, of Plerceton, Que, will inter est you. Her's was a wevere case, but is a fair example of what thou sands of women are enduring, with | the belief that they ean mever be cur o Mrs. Jones describes her case tollows : "For several years 1 had oeen. gradually ruming down in health and growing weaker and wegk- wr. I did not know exactly what ail | ed we, for strange, dizzy feelings | would come over me. | got a fer) tible fright, and i so unsettled wy nerves, that shaking spells would | come over me, and 1 could not keep my fect still, and finally 1 had keep the bed most all the time. "The doctor said I had mervous prostration, and though I. took his medicine from fall GH spring, I did not improve in health, dnd could not vead or sew. [ 'woukl lie awake at nights and often woald not get more | than five or six hours' shop iv a! week, Mv head fell ax though it! would © burst, and 1 thaught would gu out of my mind "An vpele from New York visited me at this time, and told me of what an awful time he had gone through with his nerves. He said that he al ways had more faith in Dr. Chase than in any other physician, and was cured il the wse of Pr. Chase's Nerve Food. began . using this prepara tion A improved from toe first. Al together I used five Lowes, and it has dons me more good than 1 . iors thought medicine could, do. My healih ia better in every way thaw it been jor many years, and my nervous system is strengthened and mvigorated. "I might add that 1 have also weed re. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, with exeellent pesidte Br. Chase's Nerve Food cams fil as io H Be Sen ap pen and Sects permanint i vagant oiit exception, { hot regrets to add that, mg | ronsive [ oh account of { mdge, i eanse i love | cognizing or re specting the { same | a clearer and brighter vision i and holding | cannot 8a, | appears for } better advantage. and re | more { present up, | has | not a few of his notions | pleasure yacht from the city to the dilly invited to yh them. dealing with monied poten with men of untohl influence importance, and of unquestion wht principles. A race con rgur proportion of extra of cool deceivers stantly tates, [ami ably tain or found. necessarily more « yet to be preceding, eneral in charactor, al may. be comic the reader unfamiliar with Japan somewhat harsh, and as by no means tring forth | the Japanese man of business on his better side. The writ this apparent neglect, in as far as he has been able to see or learn, there is very little in the way of redeem features 10 give account of. be admitted, however, during the last few decades the. have made wopnderiul commercial and industrial progréss. This is, in the main, Hf not altogether, attribu table to their coming in contact, more and more, with foreign ideas. While they have little or no original itv in anv line, they yet are wonder fully skilbal at imitating, and the ra pid with which they have turned, and are continuing to turn, to their own advantage, forvign methods and inventions, is traly marvellous. Sur Iv the outside world has made modern indusirial Japan, what she is, nearly everything that er people know have in the sphere, that worth knowing having, having heen borrowed from the mor European or American, Further, it is the well grounded con vietion of all foreignérs who have heen long in the country that their presence, while not desired, is yo toleratea; and even outwardly fav Kb their superior know! account of the capital with them. and circulated. The natives and covet the foreigner's re sources, both in the matter of mind and material things, but do not faver ot suffer foreign control, except incu far a= they are helpless to avoid it In this, as in most things, they ar purely selfish, never for a moment re rights thee reciates that lapan Ht must cue iy or LCODOIIC i» or pro and on they brine to be which others, any such thing name or répotation for fact, erookedness seems eid commensurate with shrewdness, remark often heing even ong themselves, Sch sucerssiul to he honest Still there is hope for the Japanese With the diffusion of ideas along in dustrial lines, Jet us hope that at th time there may appear to them of the for developing a strong econo on the one hand, plac and, in tun, being confidence veposed Without the latter the former be, and wince this self-honor and grity and respect for and confidenee in others, have been proved to be the fundamental, underlying principles of healthy and steady nomic growth in all truly progressive countries, the future for the Japanese canpot what it otherwise might until this all-important truth strikes more forcibly home to them later, the writer will send article en the. Japan social and domestic life it may be said, where he the foreign eve to much The political, moral ligious "aspeets, while, perhap often read of, are at the same dificult to deal with in and accordingly for the least shall not be taken ating that ar acquir o ther fo or appre the an A man 1s too passed, primary importance together mie ing true them fabmie, of, confioence, to that in integ "eo he Sometime a second short in his departments, time short more space, at Ww M. 0. LOCHEAD. EFFECTS NOT AS GREAT. As London Papers Expect Rhodes' Legacies. Principal Grant is not an admirer of the late Cecil Rhodes, and when asked last night for his opinion on the imperialistic aspect of (deceased's will he remarked with some degree oi vigor + "In my nonsense, or From opinion a great deal of rather, inflated language been used with reference to it, especially in the London press. | be hieve the effects will be, by Bo means as great aw the papers seem to imag ine. But it is, perhaps, betier not to discuss a will until ite full text is be fore us: However, so far as reported seem to me to be unpractical and characteristic of the egotism of the man. My opin ion 'of Mr. Rbodes has not changed in the slightest by his but it may be better to sav nothing now about a maw who is dead amd not buried. 1 do not believe im perialisin, in the true of the word, likely to be permanently Lenefided by the legacies of Ms Rhodes any more than the peopl of Rome were benefited by the few drachmae which Caesar left to each citiven by his will." been will, sense in Yacht For A Gananoquean. David Wilson, of Wilson & Mitchell, the enterpriding Gananoque contrae- tors, was in the city yesterday sup ecintending . the removal 'of his new factory town. The handsome little craft, which will be run with gaso- line, was built by Bowman Bros., this city, Mr. Wilson will pse it not only for pleasure, but also for transferring his workmen: from the town to their work on the various islands in the St. Lawrence. The yacht was taken down to Gananogue vesterday. New Reform Rooms. The reform assonation has secured pew committee rooms on Princess street, one door below Sawyers hoot and shoe store. These will Le fitted up as soon as possible, when the reform hewdquarters will be removed from | the pos ph ps Lion Block to the mew lo- tution. FOUmS are open pvery rv day and evening, and ail liberals are cor' Al ba reed ho ing his spri. a A _- = | | Toronto, Wo for TOUGH OF CANADIANS. | HEAVY FINES In INFLICTED ON | THE SOLDIERS. { Dress Parade Order Expected of the Man in the Field--Takes | All Some Canadians Make to | Pay Fines for Offences They | Cannot Prevent | By let Kingston ° ters received in the ol boys who went » empire's ba vident that Canad a | ungeRer § in pm 4 to th glorio us od, and that, to gether unbecoming a great and course i grumbling among sol in the but in this case seems that hardship is being propagated it is this H a soldier horse be is fined a sum almost equi valent to the animal's value; if he lowes harness, or rifle, or uniform other fine are inflicted. This, course, § carelessness to certain deg as it ix no doubt tended to dos. but drives men seek safety in flight rather possible papture and a hig does not encourage a man to s and fight it let the resait diers loses his os of Vents ree than 1 fine oul, bw v hat 41 will, The man behin run gots Hone too much pay that he ca afford to part with any of it form of fruitless fines Recently four Canadians to the South African were éaptured by a Ia who stripped the ervthing and set them frie reached camp &gunin, the were fined £40 each men's. fault that their captured; it was m t war. And £46 would that a soldier ¢ ardepus nnd If the ly 'arra speck of $ ed again a These are unfair tr in South that the governme back nearly évety fighting men. justitic d conditions, King rstonian whose son is in the field. "While these rules will do very well for dress par ade, they appear to he fearfully wonderfully out of j during tual warfare. A few conditions u well govern 'the treatment corded the next contingent sends out," n in th co men of ev When they Canadians Joers, represent uld save in a year of -sacrificing service not proper if there we 18 nel ad tance at Africa re Canadi of them in thus it 1 One nt chilling ita he soldiers q ute and ht to be a« Canada Repairing The Church. Parham, April 7.--Sugar making is it has been a splendid ranizer Hill, Toronto, was around were last week working for the A.0.1 W. The Methodist church has heer undergoing some repairs hy the ladies, carpets being laid, new choir che provided which are the received from the social given by W Db time ago. J Black is making chang ouse this spring Miss has resumed her work H. Goodicliow has returned Kingston, where she spent the John Goodfellow is making great provements in up fences road in the village lots. 'W. I. ler trim is preparing for kéeping hotel this season, Edward Ellis has moved back here, and is blacksmithing again Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. J. McMahon Tichborne, at D. Goodfe Mrs W. Griffith, Sydenham, at W, D Black's: Mr. and Mrs. D. Drew, at A Howe's; W. Goodiellow, at Mountair Grove J. A. Good has old several waggond this spring for the Walkerville waggon con pany over season Org $ iTS hepelit Mrs G ele. Black some 8 os in n as teacher winter im fixing and low's How A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is acknowledg ed to be oue of the most fortunate dis coveries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all lung troubles oi the severest naiure, removing, as it does, the cause of the aflection and leaving . the parte. in a strong and bealthy condition. It not an ox perimental medicine, but hhs stood the test of years, 'giving satisfaction 0 avery case, which its rapidly increas ing sale. every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually, Bos chee"s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1568, and is | now sold in every town and village ir the civilized world. Three doses will | relieve any andinary cough Price | i5¢. For sale at Wade's drug store 1s Died Of Scarlet Fever Vennachar, April 5 has rented his farm by the saw mill to Adam Gregg for a year. Mr has moved on his farm about am from the village. Alexunder has rented G, F. Bebed's farm Edith Bebee has returned from King ston to teach the Glenfield schoo! | again this tern. Much svmpath felt for Mr. and Mrs. McCrimmon losing their third oldest dauchter, | Jennie, with saerlet fever. She i ill only a few hours. There have been | quite a few cases of measios bere. A.C. Sweeotnam and McKay went along with Justus Sweetnam to Alberta. Robert Connor | returned last week from his deught- | er's, Mrs. Henry Grant, Douglas. James Grant Grant Grant | Miss | isl was Off For Manitoba. Mountain Grove, April and family left last week for toba, where they will reside. The | height' social at othe parsonage on | Moudsy wight was very well attend | ed, Miss Stella Price bas. gone - after pending the winter with her parents. T. G. Flynn's wale | takes place on Wednesday. 0. You man's windmill for grinding is rus ning full blast, To Cure a Cold In One Day. we A ean Btmo 2. Shainin Tab: id the money | aR. * a ~ EW signature is on sach box. 25 Get A Shine At the Lockels shoe store, A. Lows Man: (1 4 it RIG The World.re ARD MA aowned J RICHARD MA NSFIELD writes : I always have Vin Mariani in my dressing room : when fatigued I find a small glassful works won- RICHARD "ders. » Makes The SPECIAL OFFER: AT ALL DRUGQOISTS. MANSFIELD, Lune Waak Strong. Boum Ploy Heals let and AVOID SUDSTITUTES. LAWRENCE A. WILSON CO , LIMITED, Caandian Ag int. My goodness, how a sprain does hurt! alone the loss of time and wages. Omeg and then that sure in the pended bruises, rer bodily aches and pains, all otl It is good. for everythi And it isn't the pain that is to be dreaded, but There is today many a person with a sprained wrist, elbow, hip, back, knee, or ankle whois unable to work, and is 1osing many a dollar in wages. What a pity - it is that these people won't get a bottle of Omega Oil and cure them- se Why don't they rub their sprains with this green-colored liniment, and get back to their work again? Maybe they'll try slves ! a Oil some of these days, they'll find out for there's one liniment which can be de- cure sprains, swellings, and world upon to strains, Or IN a lings ment ought to be good for. Neve: take asabstit ta {or Omega OL persiptently refuses io on round way, New York, wa br d. for got money order or plampe tie. prefs around ! { Thomas | {ominion Business [oll | LlaMoatine, Grave's | «x fingston Business College, KINGSTON 'it, TORONTO | Largest and best sgeipment in Cannds Uosgualiod fociiitie for seeing Powitices, 321 Queen Street, Kingston. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE + Clean tlion Liles Boidliog, Toréeis oom on | STRACHAN |; Kalsomine, Ard lephant Res dy THESE ARE SPECIALS. medmme-- | il | a . 'Provincial Election, FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EOW. J. B. PENSE. For Good Government, Bullding p of Ontario, and ingeton's best Interests. Straw Hat Polish Mixed Paint | IR. CHAROOT'S ANTIGEIM PASTY thi re

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