- THE DAILY W HIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 8. PAINT That CAN be walked on. Many socalled floor © paints won't stand suchuse! . . THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Seecur Froor PAINT Is made for floors and nothing else, It & anade to walk on and stand being walked on. Color cards for ; SOLD BY the asking, *» 2" a _ Lorbett's Hardware, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAR Browett, the City of Kingston, 5 of Frontenac, widow, has muds ab assent wmier KS.0. Chap 47 and amending Acts of all her credits upd ellocts to James Hill Macnee, of the City of Kingston, in the County of Froutenae, Soliel- tow, for the general bemeBit of her creditors. mecting of creditors will be held at the of the uadersisgmed at No. 79 Clarence Bipot, in the said City of Kingston, on FRIDAY, the teenth doy of April next at the hour of three felock in the alternoen, to weoeive a wintemwnt of affairs, to appoint in pwotors and fix their remuneration, and for he ordering of the afairs of the estate geny- ported to fle their claims with the pole awl pare eo said act, on i. And noties is farther given that after the dteenth dav of April next (hd assignes ll proces to distribute the asseta of the telstir amongst the parties entitled thereto, Paving regard only to the claims of whieh wotice shall then have been given. and that he will not be liable for the assets or any thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of & he shall pot then ve had notice. ny J. 1m MAUNEE, ssignos, Kingwton, 7th April, 1902. Handsome Designs Sent Free of Cost to Any Adress in Canada DIAMOND DYE MAT AVD RUG PATTERNS ARE THE MOST POPULAR. The gontinued and increasing de mand for the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns; is the best proof of : their, great popularity. The fascinating art of Mat and Rug making in the home is now cultivated by women of every social rank. There is with many ladies a pride and plea- sure in being able to show nice spe- oimens of their handiwork., The Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns combine beauty and simpli- eity." After securing one of these pat terns, any lady can easily hook it and ; 6 valuable and attractive room ornament. The manufacturers of the cele' rated Diamond Dyes are prepared to send to any address free of cost sheots of gl tty and suitable designs to enable ies to welect from. Address o Wells & Richardson Co., limited, 200 Mountain street; Montreal, P.Q. OUR SPRING SUITS ARE BOTH Die'inctive and Elegant In patterns, and we make them up in the latest fashions. All our goods are new, J R JOHNSTON, i Se : i secescscnsssseny Ssesssnsspsces THE WHIG 08th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published ench 8310 Kiog evening, st 306-31 Street, ot #0 at. Sein at 330 end 4 o' 4 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, published every Thursday morning at $1 a Attathed is one of the beet Job Printiog Offices in Cenadn: rapid, stylish and cheap work; wine improved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'tIE DAILY WHIG. 'Opiter ver Orbem Dicor,' A SIGN OF BRAVERY. Mr. Whitney is posing as a very! bold and courageous man. He wants it to be understood that he is against the new liquor act and the referen- dum. The people need not he told that, it took him some time to make up his mind where he stood upon the question. During a part of the late session of the legislature he was mum and mysterious. Then he became somewhat voluble, and at a certain dinner in his honor announced that he was not going to take any part in the the settlement of prohibition. The question was one thats affected only the government and dts supporters, and he was going to let them remain in a stew. Later it hecame evident that he had to take sides, and when forced into ac tion he made a speech, from carefully typewritten notes, in which he declar- ed that if given a chatice to rule he would | continue the license system under non-political influences. Just what he means he has not de- fined, but the electors can recall the non-political administration which the conservative government at Ot tawa suggested when it undertook to appropriate the powers of the provin- cial goverment and direct the liquor trade. Nothing could be more grossly partizan, and Mr. Whitney's adminis tration would be but a repetition of it with all its faults and flaws, Mr. Whitney professes to be very firm upon this prohibition question, but he has said nothing except what he has been forced to do, and he has been very careful even then not to promise too much. -------------- QUESTION IN ARITHMETIC. Mr. Ross is giving the pulp wood of Ontario away! That is the cry, the daily cry, and almost the only cry of the opposition. It shows that the party is somewhat hard up for a grievance, and it is not a substantial grievance either. Mr. Ross, in his splendid speech in North York; (Mr. Davis' constituency) referrod to the question, and put it in a light in which it will ibe easily com- prehended. Said be : "The opposition say we are wasting the pulp forests. Let me give you a little question in arithmetic. T am not good gt arithmetic, but I can do long division. If any pulp mills with which the government has made an agree ment works full time they will con- sume in one year 320,000 cords of pulp-wood, and there are seven pulp concessions. There are 258,000,000 cords of pulp-wood in Northern On- tario. How many years will it take these seven pulp mills to consume the pulp-wood supply of the provinee? Just 900 years! The electors will, therefore, understand that there will be pulp:woed in Ontario when they are gone and pulp-wood for the;mak- ing of paper for their children and children's children -to the remotest generations." What is more, on every cord of that pulp-wood which is cut the concession- avies pay a fee of 40c. to the gov: ernment, and the material would be worth nothing and going to waste but for the pioneer railways projected by the government and syndicates that are opening up the country. MR. WHITNEY IN LABOUR. The Kingston people have so far received two special messages from Mr. Whitney. The conservative can didate had an audience with the great man, the man of many disappointed hopes, and learned that the party was expected to redeem Kingston. Still ter another local conservative rode a few milés on the same train with the conservative leader and was permitted to have a short conversa tion with him. The result is an- noanced ~Mr. Whitney js going to carry four out of the six seats in New Outario, and Kingston. The rest of the province is of no account, cud it can take care of itself. Mr. Whitney has his eye on only two spots. Of course it does mot ocenr to the gonservative candidate ana his spon- sor that Mr. Whitney would hardly be diph gh to say that he expects defeat all along the line. The of the party. Mr. Whitney is having his second trial. Failure in each case has been followed by decapitation: Mr. Whitney is quite aware of his peril. It is a case of succeed now or go away back and sit down, snd be uppears to be nerving bimself for the inevitable. TALKING ABOUT OTHERS. It is not wise to eount one's chick- ens until they are hatched. The con- servatives are, counting upon what they will do when they get into pow- er. They are even threatening what they will do to the office holders. Théy say that parliament is dead, that the government is acting by a sort of courtesy, and that any ap- poistment it may make until the elections will be surely annulled by Mr. Whitney--if he gets the chance. They assume that Mr. Ross is doing, or going to do, a lot of unfair things. They bad better wait until they have something to complain of Lord Aberdeen did not object to Sir Charles Tupper's appointment of his pets to minor offices but my lord did object to the attempt of Sir Charles to fill some seats in the sen- ate which had long been vacant, and which it' was thh prerogative of the liberals to fill, an election in the meantime having placed them in power. If, after the election in On- tario, and the government sifers de feat, Mr. Ross makes any appoint ments it will be in order to make complaint. In the meantime the talk of his critics amounts to an imperti- nence. Their audacity, however, is not something new, Again and again, in the past, they have discussed the thing, that Mr. Meredith and Mr, Whitney had in view. Again and again they have been picking out certain places of trust for distinguished men. A seat in the cabinet was even select. ed for a conservative candidate in Kingston, in one election, and it is just possible, --it would be in perfect keeping with the pretensions' of some people--that the performance may be repeated during the campaign which has just been opened. Let not any one ceived by the idle talk ponents, The relative strength of the parties is indicated by the relative strength of the leaders, and the speeches of Mr. Ross and Mr. Whit- ney, as they appeared in the Globe and Mail of Saturday, sounded in one case the peal of victory and in the other the knell of defeat, Read these speeches, friends, if you have not done it, and you will get a tolerably clear idea of the capacity of the men that are appealing for your support. The one is a record of service; the other a record of nothing. The one a manly statement of facts; the other a miser able wail of discontent. The one is the presentation of definite plans for future usefulness; the other an apolo- gy for fault-finding and failure. As these men differ so do the parties they represent, and as they have fared in the past at the hands of the electors so they will fare in the fu- ture. be de of our op- EDITORIAL NOTES. The Whig is being quoted a good deal by the local and provincial press. It's a good sign. Let the good work go on. " ! Mr. Whitney he is going to carry four of the seats in New On- tario. There's a choke for you! He has been such a friend of the country, and is entitled to so much of its grati- tude. says In his spesch at Port Hope Mr. Whitney said his party would offer the people nothing but good ° intentions. The people have heard of them before and appraised them at their proper value, Mr. Foy says the" reform party was kept in power by the votes of the temperance people. Oh! It mused to be said that the liquor men were the friends of the government. But that was before Mr. Foy became a spokes man for the party. do Mr. Whitney, if premier, could great things for the public schools ! But he leaves the people in blissful ignorance of what he has in mind. His attitude recalls the old song. to the effect that a lot of things are go- ing to happen, "but for goodness sake don't say I told you." The Danish government has repudi- ated Capt. Christmas, who alleged that he had accomplished the sale of the West Indies Islands to the Ameri i I [HE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. London's tax rate bas been fixed at twenty-three mills.' Mrs. Susan Perry, Whitby, dropped dead while walking on the street, The bishop of Huron consecrated new St. Paul's church at Woodstock. The dominion government will send an' exhibit to the Japanese exhibition in 1903. ' The Brantiord fancy fair in aid of the soldiers' memorial funds, realized about $2,000, The government has not yet come to any decision in regard to the sugges tion to proclaim coronation day a public holiday. The striking longshoremen at Hali- fax bave applied to deputy minister of labor King to try and arrange a set- tlement of the difficulty. Mr. and Mrs. James Nehin and a seven-year-old child were asphyxiated at Hamilton by gas from the furnace and their recovery is extremely doubtful. Mrs. Mary Elston, a negro woman, is dead in Talladoga county, Alaba- ma, aged 131 years. Her descendants number 150. She remembered George Washington. Carrie Nation, was arrested at Ne braska 'City, Neb. She had been mak- ing the rounds of the saloons and at oge threatened to demolish a huge picture and smash the bar. She was let go on promising to leave the place. The customs authorities at New castle-On-Tyne, Eng., have refused to issue the usual! order enabling timber vessels arriving to discharge their car goes. This jis interpreted as meaning that the government intends to place a duty on timber imports. Vice-admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, formerly in command of the channe: squadron, lady Rawson and Sir Richard Musgrave and lady Mus- grave will be among the passengers on the Teutonic, to sail from Liver- pool, April 9th, for New York. Kansas City Voting To-day. Kansas City, Mo., April 8.--The el ection in Kansas City to-day is for a mayor and other municipal officials. The contest has been a fierce one with municipal ownership of lighting faci lities, the enforcement of the terms governing the franchifes granted to public service: corporations, and the improvements of the streets and the water evstem as the chief issues. Mayor James A. Reed, is a candidate for re-election on the democratic tic ket, and the republican nominee for mayor is John J. Green, Report from the various polling places indi- cate a heavy vote and the result is expected to be close. Cause To Rejoice. The earth was not made in a day, neither is rheumatism cured in a dav. Mrs. Jacob Dairmaid, Black River Bridge, Prince Edward County, Ont. suffered intense pain in both limbs for a year and a half, and two phy- sicians were unable to give her relief. Half a bottle of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure gave her ease and five bottles, bwith the Climax Iron Tonic Pills, af- fected a permanent cure. Her many friends are rejoiced at her recoverv. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten days treat- ment. Price 50 cents at Wade's drug store. Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra. New York Musical Courier. Mrs. Dorothy Harvey made one of the most satisfactory metropolitan de- buts witnessed in years. Coming out on the platform, unheralded, and hy press agents unsung, she won a double triumph by her great personal beauty and the beauty of her voice. She is a tall, well-proportioned woman, of graceful carriage, and perfectly: com- posed bearing. Her voice is a rich, sympathetic, vibrant soprano, well cultivated. Her success with an ultra eritical audience was instantaneous. Grand opera house, Thursday. Seats on sale at Hanley's. Remember Ross. Extract From Whitney's 8) % A critical position has arrived in the province of Ontario; its fair fame and public morality are on trial; the press of this country, the clergy and the women of this country have a task before them, in order that the fair fame of this province shall go down to our children in a manner of which they shall not be ashamed when they read of what their fathers did when great important questions re lating to public morality came hefore them for decision and judgment. Tribute To Bruce Carruthers. Toronto Mail and Fmpire. It is to such men as ruthers and his companions that greater Britain Owes its most im portant and valuable assets--the feel ing of faith in its fntore and of con- fidence in its strength that cements its scattered and far-separated por tions. Bruce Car Stole Horse; Traded For A Watch. Brockville, April 8.--Archibald White stole a horse from William Sheridan, OLD FORT HENRY. That Historic Place Should be Cared For. Years ago, when many of us were voung, one of the most enjoyable of Sunday afternoon strolls was over Barrieficld hill to Fort Henry. Since Kingston has teen supplied with five parks, the pil rimage across Catara- fg bridge on a Sunday has fallen off. owever, last Sabbath afternoon there was quite a procession of strollers to the old fortificatGtus and hillside. The day was mild, the air refreshing, and a gentle breeze was wafted over the heights. The harbor was calm 'and hazy, and the city lay in a deathlike silence, not a sound coming over the water. The scene was grandly im: pressive and beautiful. One felt lifted up from every day cares and worries in the calm that reigned, and in gaz ing upon forest, hill and isle in the garb of spring. A visit to the fortifications revealed sad decay, The fort, where once the soldier dwelt tw defend the old his torie city from the efemies of Britain, is slowly going to min. The union jack still floats proudly over the place of defence, recalling days when the clash of arms resounded within its walls. For the sake of its historic as Sociations and its picturesquencss, Fort Henry should not be allowed to further go into decay and ruin. It should be kept in repair--not only that, but beautified. Pressure should be brought to bear upon the govern ment, and if the matter is vigorously DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. Mrs. Paul Griffin, Perth, is dead, af ter an illness extending over many years, Mrs. Edward Dougherty, Perth, died from pneumonia at the age of seventy- three vears : C. T. Wilkinson has been made su perintendent of the light and power department, Brockville, at a salary of $1,000 per year. 4d Miss Maud Wilson, second daughter of Thomas Wilson, Belleville, was unit ed in marriage to J. M. Drummey, Hawkesbury on Monhay. : Robert Lochead, one of Perth's old- est residents, is dead at the age of wighty-two years. Deceased was born at Bar Head, Scotland, and came to Perth in 1360 and followed the ocou- pation of weaver and gardener The family of the late Henry 8. Taylor, who died in T¥inidad, Color ado, has been located, His father, Alired Taylor, resides at Kast Lake Ont., and his sister is Mrs. Charles Coughlin, of Napance. Relatives will receive the young's man's property President At Charleston. Charleston, S.C., April 8.--Hundreds of people gathered about the railway station this morning and cheered the arrival of president Roosevelt and his party. An official welcome was ex tended by mayor Smyth and a citi zens' reception committee and a cor dial response was made by the presi dent. The greater part of the day, after the formalities of welcome wore over, was spent in visiting the site of the navy yard, the ports in the har bor, the jetties and other places of in terest in and about the city. Public buildings and business houses through out the city were decorated in honor of the visitors and everywhere there was a continuous ovation from the crowds that lined the sidewalks and filled the windows. Arriving trains to day were crowded to their capacity with visitors who have come for the celebration of president's day at the exposition to-morrow. From all ind! cations the crowd will be the largest ever entertained in Charleston. Birthday Of King Christian. _ Copenhagen, April 8--The eighty fourth birthday of king Chriftian was celebrated today throughout Den. mark. During the forenoon officials diplomats and other dignitaries called at the palace and tendered their con gratulations. The streets of the capi tal were crowded and in the square fronting the Amalienborg palace sev eral thousand people constantly cheer ed the king, who in response appeared on the balcony with his daughters There was the usual family gathering at the palace in celebration of the anniversary. The party included the dowager empress of Russia, queen Alexandra of England, the hereditary grand duke Michael, the grand duch ess of Luxemburg, the duke and duch e8s of Cumberland, and prince George of Hanover, and the princesses Alex andra and Olga, the landgravipe of Hesse, prince and princess Max of Baden, and prince Hans of Glucks burg. Edict Of The Sultan. Tangier, April 8.---The sultan has notified the powers that he reserves the right to stop the free coast trade upon giving ninety days' notice by an edict, promulgated last September, The sultan permitted free trade he tween all the coast ports of Moro ¢o. His purpose, in so doing, was said to be to increase his popularity by lowering the price of wheat throughout northern Morocco, ship ments of which had heen hampered by many petty restrictions. / Anarchists Sentenced. Rome, April 5S. -Malatesta, he well-known 'anarchist, has been sen tenced to five months' imprisonment for publishing an article in an anar chist journal applanding the murder i i His co-anar- i for and 'was convieted. He was also sentenced to imprison ment for five months, Should be done early rush. © At strees, before , Ontario urged, there is no doubt of the result. OUR MOUNRY TOK Is the equal of any Millinery stock anywhere in style and value. It is beyond compari-on with any stocks round about this section Consequently its to your interest to look over our stock before buying. Tailor-made Suits, i Tailot=made Skirts, Tailor-made Jackets From the best makers ia Canadi. They're made cight ; they'll keep their shape; they'll give satisfaction and the prices are fair, everything c nsidered. 6, 8.50, 10, $ 12 up to 25 Plain and Fancy Ribbon: for Neckwear TAFFETA RIBBONS, self colors.........12%c¢. yard. FANCY RIBBONS...................15¢. and 25¢ yard. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 18 and 130 Princess Street, Kingston. OOnt, NI = IO ATES CHOICE CHCCOLATES The man who makes our Chocolate Candy is a wizard at contriving delicious con- fections. Purity of all ingredients is the first merit ; then their freshness adds a further virtue ; the result is a dream of deliciousness. And our prices--they are right too. How about trying a box? Toye. King St. Lave License District of Kingston, A MELTING were of he " Court Room promises at the merly kept by Mr There were wind wr #1 Tavern viaill. on REMINDER. Now is the time to have youww Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to gel them done is at LATURNEY'S. where every thing is done unde his own supervision. 300 PRINCESS Sl. Telephone 152, A VISIT. We invite every citisem of Kingston jo visit our suilding. sed operation. Our emulovers hb dreds of wnilons of milk # amd the process is very inter CLARIFIED MILK COMPANY, Cot. Brock aad Bagot Sts. Geers sae NOTICE, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHARE boiders of the Frontenac Mulisg Co. Limit od, will be held at the offies of the com Outaria day of wee esacevneen nn Sc Chocolates! SEE OUR ASSORTMENT. NOTHING LIKE GANONG' S. The finest in the city st A. J. REES', Priscess Street. Phows IS SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. EDWIN NMOOERS oond furntssrs, stoves, of bowechedd goods, Drop a poss al curd aod we will call on you I. ZACKS, 271 and 273 Princess Street. B d door below Corbest's soderiaking ol new ponty fore ny Aout on » D. Der tal il a