CORBETT'S HARDWARE, Cor Princess and Wal | Doss the Grim Spectr - Foi You fale the Joyous Spagna ? Paine s s Celery Compound Defeats the Wo k of Deatts by Re- _ moving Your Toanille Bud. "4 Lal. Are you still in suffering, misery and despondency ¥ Does the grim "apectre death follow you closely ae Sjovons springtime brings happi- ness and blesengs to others around you! Are sou still clinging tenac jously to false theories of physicians or friends who persist in assuring you that time, care and use of your pres ent medicine will give you new health ? Be assured your present condition ie a perilous one. The continuance * of the medicine you are now using is a folly 3 you are simply trifling with life and wasting previous time, You should remember that while na- ture clothes the Telda with fresh gras and flowers, and while the trees with a strong life are showing bursting buds and new foliage, that human be ingr--old and yoimg-~rop off in thou sands in spring time Now is the time for prompt, decided and practical action if life is to be sav Prejudice and the srrom ous theories of evim medical men should be cast aside when the hand of dea bh i wpon you, It matters nok what ur social position be ; the medicine he t saves the humblést man or. wo- man is sorely the one adapted for the needs of the rich and those in high social positions. Paine's Celery Compotnd has a rec ord of life saving that ne other medi eine can ever equal. It has rescued rich and poor from the grasp of death when physicians and their' most eavefully prepared preseriptions failed in the work. the suffering men 'and 'women of to-day could but se the bappy faces and hear the kind words spoken by the tens of thous ands who have been made well and strong hy Paine's Celery Compound, it would soon dispel their exivting doubts and fears. Paine's Celery Compound is the on ly medicine that reaches the root ol disease ; it is thy only agency that ean remove your trouble load of disease, Unsolicited testimonials of cures pour in every day. Young and old ennstantly 'bear witness that rheumatism, nearalgin, kidney disease, liver complaint, dyspepsia and blood diseases are henishd permanently when Paine's Celery Compound is faithfully used for o time. Begin its wee to-day poor suflever ; delays Lore Ta. $ UNKRRING LAWS the rise mar OE ay they 3 Ml to Tears fons, one be pemomena, (hus ------ The Old Bath Tub Is unsightly, You have thought of painting it but do not know what to use. THE : SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Barn ENAMEL Makes the zinc tublook like porcelain, and it wears like porcelain. Made in four tints ~~ Ivory, . Porcelain, Rose, Nile Green. v Wellington Sts 'rr WHIG--08th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, sack eine, | ot 08310 King Street, - a 230 asd 4 "WEEKLY BRITISH WH, publi every Thursiay "A Clached is one of Oflices in Coveds; stybish and work; plow improved Presees. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'IIE DAILY WHIG. Opiner our wir Ovbem Dicor.' CATERING TC TO ONE' 8 NEEDS.' This ix a most utilitarian age, and we soe the evidence of the fact every day. Here follows is the revelation which & day's - perusal of the papers produces : . The book lovers have ng longer to seek the libraries for the choicest of reading. The books are brought to the door, and the catalogues, and one has only to intimate his wants in literature of every kind. Reading is made easy, inviting, and pleasurable. A great mind, somewhere, has dis coversd just what the people want, and proceeds to meet it in the most efficient way. How many people study the weather, or the wenther probabilitics ? Not many, and so the hurried man is often caught away from home, withont pro- tection from a shower, and in great danger of getting his clothing dam- aged. New York has a company which has contemplated this emer gency. It has established stations in hotels, shoe and drug stores, and barber shops, where umbrellas are kept. The individual buys a cheque, good for a year, for 81, and he can get an umbrella at any of the stations for as long as he wants it. He can get an exchange of umbrel for cheque when the rain is over, asd so go on till the next change of weather. The company has a copital of five millions of dollars, and is going-to spread its | would stop asspssing the rich business all over the country. Still more. A London syndicate has undertaken to supply cooked meals without any trouble save the selection of them, As fixed hours the motor car drives up to the door, the meals, smoking hot, are delivered, and the empty plates and platters are taken away. No one can ie taken short hy visitors, A telephone message will bring a luncheon or a dinner for any number within a few minutes. This in the acme of sccommodation, and the highest contribution to indolent life. There is no Timit to the development of the helpful spirit. The idea is that a large service, systematically sus- tained, costs less than a fragmentary service that is dependent om the in dividual and his wants. The theory of expansion is on trial, and there is no telling what it may Secamplish MR. WHITNEY'S NONSENSE. The leader of the opposition pro- poses, with the help of the electors, to ; do prodigious things. Speaking at a recent public meeting he said that he proposed to 'place: the finknves of the province on a proper footing. To that end, carrying out his previous argu ments, he would cease the sale of timber and hold it as an asset; be eor- porations and taking any taxes from them for the purposes of the pro- vince; he would cot off the subsidies, published | ot! 12 pages. | wmorwing ob $1 a | best Job Printing | chewp order to be supplied with the latest THE DAnLY % 810, THURSDAY, institutions and charities which must be maintained, the government would be in distress, in financial pains, all the while, and yet Mr. Whitney would build five or seven agricultural colleges more in the province. The proposition is simply abserd. Ontario hus not a need, just now, for more than one agricultural college, and the talk of Mr. Whitney shows how im- practical be is, bow unsale it woula be to entrust him with the adminis tration of public affairs. ------------ A VERY SUGGESTIVE TROUGHT. Cecil Rhodes, in his will, and in the directions which it contained respect- ing college funds, incidentally gave his beneficiaries some good advice Finally," said he, " as college au | thorities live secluded from the world, t and are so like children as to com | mencial matters, 1 would advise them {10 consult my trustees regarding the | investment of these various fands, for they would receive great help' and assistance from such advice." There are exceptions to every rule, and exceptions to the average ex- perience of the average teacher. Cecil Rhodes had his mind's eye upon the people whe live amowmg hooks, and judge people, thir manners and their methods, by what they read therein. He is, however, confounding the college teacher with the college professor, and one is a man of busi nesd while the other is a man of books. The trustee is @ivposed fo be, apd often is, a shrewd, sharp, penetrating. person, and what he does not know about values, safely calou- lated, and free of the glement of speculation, is hardly worth knowing. The professor is occasionally a com- bination of literary and business genius. Kingston bas, in some Queen's staff, men of commanding ability, and men so versatile in their | qualifications that they can perform prodigious things. These the representatives of their teachers of the of are { 'neommon ! olass. Generally the | day, in schools and colleges, are cor | rectly described by the late Mr. Rhodes as living secluded lives Lond so "like children as to pommercial mat- ters." The fact is to be regretted, and | the more so as when they come to gether, in convention, théy create con- fusion hy #he multiplicity of their ideas and the impracticability of them What a whirlwind 'of opinion' there was in the Easter gathering of the educaticnists in Toronto ! contained columns of reports, which reflected very very oth the tem | posta of talk that oeeurred in mowt of { the departments. How much of it was wasted 7 Of all "the theories ad- vanced how many will be given a test in practical school work? Awd there is so much complaint because the minister of education moves so slow- ly. He is the last man one expects to be notiomate and excited. He of all people must be sure of his ground be fore he acts, and if sbme bf the great talkers of the convention realized this they would have less to say. What is the inference ? That teach. ers. of all kind, should live more am- ong the people, should identify them: selves more with public movements and public bodies, and should under stand, as they do not new, the cur rents of public opinion. The thought of a master mind such as Rhodes' should have great respect ------------------ EDITORIAL ITEMS. The next election will be "a hot one" says the local tory. Yes? The same thing has been heard about elec tion time, repeatedly, the last time only a few months ago. The Montreal-Georgian Bay Canal hill has been reported in the Railway Committees of the senate. It is esti mated to cost eighty millions of dob lave. Which. means that it must go inte pickle for quite a while. Mr. Whitpey. in one of his recent addresses, admitted that "there is not fonch room for the exercise of political ip of 'partizan govern Just what Mr. Marter says, The papers" TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Patrick and Me in New York, cost #70) Grover Cleveland is Jooked upon as a candidate for president of the Uni- ted States in 1904, Signor Marcon: sailed on Wednes: day for England, where he will re main about two months: The admiralty has ordered the éru- iser Thames to search for the missing Allan liner Huromian. The West' Simcoe conservatives have nomisated J. 8. Puff, Fookstown, for the legislative assembly. It Ss rumored that He €. St. Pierre, KU, Montreal, will saeceed judge Bel- anger, who js to retive shortly. Conservatives of West Nipissing have chosen Frank Cochrane, as their candidate in the coming election, The Chinese Tmpenal troops have ated the rebels in southern China, be the. rebellion is spreading inland. North Brant conservatives have chosen J. H. Fisher, Paris, as their candidate in the prov incial election, Two young men in Lindsay found plaving poker were heavily fined. One paid" 230 and costs and the other $20 and costs. Turkish troops have heen sent to four localities on .the eastern Rou- wanian frolitier to guard it against Bulgaria. W. Richmond Smith, Montreal, has accepted the position of managing cli tor of the Toronto News in succession to H. C. Hooken. 8 Three New, York police captains will shortly be tried for neglect of duty in, permitting ; violations of the excise law in their precinets. Mrs. Carrie Myers, Montowr, Pa. was assaulted and robbed in her own home and then murdered. An infant, unharmed, rested in a crib nearby. Mrs: Edward Hickey, Utica, N. Y., aged thirty-four years, took a poison ous drug in mistake for toothache re- medy, and died within half an hour, James Mitchell, of the Goderich Star, was nominated gs the conserva- tive eandidate for West Huron at a convenfion held at Smiths Hill on Wednesday. Most of the Syracuse, N.Y., leading merchants have entered into an agree ment to confine their advertisements to newspapers and to refuse to pur chase tickets for entertainments, John Reeve, of Canandaigus, N.Y., became intoxicated and fell with his head lodging hetween the wheel and the waggon box, grinding his head to a pulp. : The Grand Trunk will spend ahout 81.500. 000 in double tracking the road between Port Hope and Whitby, thus completing the double tracking be- tween Toronto and Mentreal. King Leopold was mobbed bv so cialists at Biarritz. Later in the ev. ening the socialists attacked the resi. denres of prominent Catholies, and came in conflict with the police, Lord Provost Fleming, in presenting tnrd Strathcona with the burgess tick. et, on Wednesday, at Aberdeen, refer red to hi splendid services and prince ly munificénee in raising Strathcona's horse for the South African war, President Roosevelt visited the Charlestoh exposition vesterday and presented to major Jenkins the sword of honor, which pained notoriety af ter senator Tillman's ifivitation to dine with prince Henrv was cancelled. The British colonial office has ap- pointed Henry Moore Jackson. now governor of the Leeward islands, to be governor of Fiji in succession to Sir George T. M. O'Brien. Sir Gerald Strickland, chief secretary to the gov ernor, at Malta, has been appointed governor at Leeward islands: Some 137 deaths from cholera were reported to the United States erament to have oceurred at Manilg up to Tuesday last. The natives break the quarantine and so extend the plague. The danger of the dis ease is not known to the inhabitants of the Philippines. - A petition against clusion bill, signed hy over 1,000,000 American citizens, wag presented to the American senate on Tuesday lost (Jane Soreaklen and other Sen Fran- cisco capitalists are opposed to the hill. They claim sich a measure is opposed to the declaration of in dependence. "All men shall he declared vee, if ineaux trials the Chindee ox- Macdonald Club Smoker. The Macdonald club gave a smoker last evening in the new consérvative rooms, on Princess street. The attend ance was large and was presided over by aldervian F, i. Dunlop, president of the duh. Short addresses were made by mayor Shaw, Dr. Ryva Capt, Gaskin. allerman Dunlop, J. Rigney and other prominent men of the party. An abundance of cigars and and schasen were furnished, and ev- "sinoked up." The work of edaion was strongly urged by he speakers. ---------------- Preparing a Catalogue, A catalogue of the books in the i library is be- gov- PP APRIL 10. ' -- "A SPLENDID SkRVICE Soon to be Given Ower the K. & P. Railway. OC. WW. Rpencer, gesoral superintend- ent of the Canadian Pacific railway, was here to-day in his private car. Interviewed by a Whig reporter, he stated that the work of improving the K. & PF. railway. would be began siout May lt, and a large sum of money would be spent in putting the line wn first-class condition. On June 15th, the new time table will come inte effect, and much better time and connections will be made. "Then we will give Kingston a splen- did service," saad Mr. Spencer, * and bring a large amount of travel over our lines to the summer resorts heve. We will also draw much United States travel by the 12.40 train which will be put on. This will be a fine con: nection for the Thousand Island steambont company's vessels, By these IMProvements we expect to se eiire. much Kingston travel also Heretofore the bad connections at Sharbot- Lake prevented this, but now the pew 12.40 vain will make dow connection there with the Montreal Toronto express, Then a close connection will ale he afforded at Renfrew with the Imperial limited to Vancouver,' Mr, Spencer also stated that in the Oitawa district about 100 miles of pew rails will be laid on the C.P.R. The Smith's Falla division will have 80 pound rails to. replace the 32 pound rails now use. AH this work will give ay to a vast army of men and will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mr. Spencer is a most genial man, and always pleased to give any in- formation about the railway which will interest the public. A CONSPICUOUS FIGURE. Lieut. Bruce Carruthers May Have Been Paroled. There is a possibility that Lieot, Bruce Carruthers' fighting days in South Africa are over. Taken prisoner the probabilities are that he was re leased on parole, and that being so, he will be relieved from further duty and return home. If this be so Lieut Bruce will likely come, via London, and attend the coronation ceremonivs of the king, He would be a conspicu ous figure in the Canadian contingent We append late press comments Toronto News : Canada, has written the name of Bruce in letters of gold on the page of her history Toronto Star: The Boers rode up to the Canadians "confidently calling them to surrender," but Lieut. Car ruthers explained with his pistol that it was not a sum in simple arithme tic that the Boers were working ot just then: x Hamilton Herald the survivors deserves cross. Hamilton Spectator hear of that fight the it 'Boston Herald © "The remarkable stand of the Canadian rifles at Doornhalt farm, would seem to sug gest another | poem after the manner of the celebration of the charge of the light brigade, at Balaklava, The main obstacle 'in the way of realize tion of this suggestion is the facet that Alfred Tennyson is dead and has left no sueeessor." MARINE NOTES. too man of Victoria Fvery the The more better we like we Getting Ready For Opening Of Navigation. The schooner Lydon cleared for Os wego to load coal for Cabourg Several of the Calvin fleet left Gar den Island to-day bound for upper lake ports. The steamer Aletha was unable come down the bay yesterday on count of the storm. Seamen's wages are intreasing in Chicago and will be higher this um mer than for many vears past. Thé straits of Mackinaw are still fast with anchor ice and it is impos sible for steamers or schooners ta lonve Chicago for the lakes. A despateh from Chebovgan, Mich states the schooner Annie M. Peter som, of Oswego, is ashore at White fish . Point, Jake Saperior, twenty miles from Sault Ste. Marie. Th crew are safe. . Scouts The Idea. London, April /10.--The London cat tle market scouts the idea of the e tablishment of the American heel trust in England. 'Butchers and meat tradire aeclare, however, that th scarcity of eattle will increase and prices will continue to rise aptil the government once more allows South American cattle to be carton alive te thie country for slanghter, and also removes the prohibition upon Cana dian store eattle., The crisis has hoop inerssea by the diversion of Austra lian ane New Zealand carcoses for the British troops and Boer prisoners in Sguth Alrica. tw ac Mark Twain. New York, April 10. After losing the fortune made by a life's work, and then setting ont to make a new one at an age when most men are re tiring. "Mark Twain," (Samuel L. Clemens), the humorist, has just purchased a summer home in Tarry town, The place consists of nineteen acres, situated on high ground over looking the Hudson. On it i* 8 stone mansion which has been recently re modelled ad modernized. with ouf buildings and barns added to it. The Price i» Undetsiond to have been $47, Drank Eyewster And Died. Halifax, N.8., April 10,-Rita aka Mat Dickson, duughtar of J ohn Dickson; eve Ye hich hed been Joft on & shell by jmather, nes Stops Te Gongs 2nd Wess oI : Souk As --- y MORE NEW THINGS IN DRFSS 600DS VE Suitable for Waists and Dresses. Rose, Blue and Grey. . Persian Stripe Delaines. Viela Cloths in Self Colors. Black and Creme Silk Velours. Black Muyire Silks. Black Brochz Silks. Old Rose Cashmeres, Serges and Cloths, Black Venetians, 50 to 54 in. in width, qualities guaranteed, values extra good ' . 10 Pieces New Wash 'Goods. Chambrays, Zephyrs, Silk Stripe. Linens, Satin Stripe Lawns in Black and White, White Mercerized Stripe Mustirs, Oxblood Chambrays, Oxblood S Lawns. Stripe. Zephyrs. and Printed Organdies in a variety of new designs. STARR, & SUTCLIEFE'S, | Us ana 120 rincoeas Mtreq . Kingston, A Cf One Phase of the New Woman of 'the new woman, ting herself to do, I the inclination ui tue pow dom from restraint, wo nn pen or her brush, contribute to her creature women of all ages and in various in part or in whole Knowing how to do it ix dinary intelligence can learn how elaborate crocheting, knitting and and like its predecessors, furnishes valuable modern lace making, embroidered signs, crocheted purses and bags, The magazine andl is sold for lik 000 ONO IPNNUBATIIIPOPIPIONIOSIePPNOIPTUEIREIS ft ix quite the thing just now to make sport but there is one for which she must either to earn her own living or to implement it is equally in the dir her condition and bLetterment of her able ways she earns money with out resorting of the Shirt has no place in her vocabulary, or her voice or her musiéal tou comforts but by far the walks of life irom the skilful the great soeret, simple lessons in the Corticelhi Home spring number of this admirable quarterly is is & marvel of usefulness and beauty, instructions in the shirt. waists, of the thing that the new he commended her ndepw BRIER VeneRs woman is fit. and that is ordinary ineome. ner nil free wprovement.. of honor Song work with her he made to larger number of ivelihan, neadti of oe and lowing up the Magazine "The for deliviny, anid en iby roidery, new onntevpioce de 1% towards on of aurroyndings ons to She Vhe may "arn er employment of he and every lady to do the embroidery | Neadlework now wad most art mii art of French lace te, is profusely illustrated in colored pnd a number or 38e, CORTICELLI SILK CO. Limited, Publishers, black prigis, . ® ° Addr oo > pec annum Fobns, Drain Pipes,} Flue Linings and Chimney Tops. We are Agents for the ( inadian Sewer ! Pipe Company and can furnish these in | any quantity desired. We carry a} {arge | and well assorted stock and make a special | discount to contractors and those ja thel§ trade. McKELVEY & BIRCH, » 6O mand 71 Brock Street, {t Leads and Holds the Thou- | sands Who Formerly Used Starchy Grain Fonds, WALT BREAKFAST FOOD The D-light of Ever, Home Malt Breakfast Food, delicions, ap- petizing and comforting to dhe stom ach, deals and holds every man, wo man awd ehild who has given it trials Tt has, with tess of thousands, taken the place of the common grain foods Tull of staceh and other ingve- dignts that hamper digestion Mali Breakipst Food with is won derful healthiproducing virtues is the delight of every home in which it is weed, Jt ix the pure, health giving Malt, used in combination with the choicest Wheat that gives Malt Break fast Food ite many sdvantages as 8 rip food: A hreakiat begun with Malt Break: fast Wi gives to men women all deeded energy fof ench déy's work Taliets, and gives 10 schoo! ohik 3 Yim and bealthe activity for One packuge mabes a i people, Yau pro more of it than any otaer i i , postings, Talking of Clothes, What's the malter ove of Ahoss me diam weight du ving Wedel They have quali will St sel Took ew ut in fashion snd sre properly gands, the prion ia responsable Call aod stamine ew pallens viagh of string ovens dunt mrrived 3 J, GRAWFORD, BOGS OOPNCPISOOSROORY : Princess & Bagot sts, =) sc A wy "© Is In Good IT COMPRISES Plane, Hemlock, Maple, Oak 2 and other Woods. S. ANGLIN & co. Foot of Welllagion Sreet. SS sone eN sessacenssn SRL SIVEsEREIITRIT YS DAVID HALL, Spun sTaRens.