KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902, LOCAL MEMORANDA. | FOUR COLONELS REQUIRED. TOLD 10 G0 VERY EASY! A PATHETIC STORY | The Daily Note Book For Whig A STOCK BROKER STORY ce Definite Decided on for : Reported From Livre Valley Set- | Torosto, Ont, Apsil 11<Mostly slaudy - the Com ds { tiement. ool, with 8 low satienn Ottawa, April 11.--The talk in mili- 'Ia The Matter of Masufacters| Ottawa, April 11--A peenliarly pa- | tia circles is, who will command the thevic story comes from one of the | fourth contingent 7 Four colonels ing Supplies porthern settlepwmis of the Litre val- | Readers to Post Themselves By. { Campbell's. hate: | Published That Peace Terms Are Victoria day eelidbration committer, 8 p.m. | The Biggest Kid of a lis may be told by Arranged OR t her Jor _larie assor iods $5 taenis of all styles a smile bovse, 8 pan quite Bis job own counsel. You can buy. uw vew bat For a dollar or mors, ¢ So rich and so siylish in Geores Milly' swell store This day in the world's history , 1873. | SETS "leo, the Royal Cadet, Grand opera A clerk rovigns his position sod ou leborer Fire anid sword are but lw empmes of | destruction le compmrison with the bubbler -- | Steele A man may be too poor to lire sn lewyer and at the enme time cpu afford to keep Ris Gotacre ondercdl bome, 1900; treaty "of Utrecht sion od. 1718; Gibraltar ceded to Fagland, 1713; United States civil war begun, 1561; Madoe DINNER DESPATCH FROM PRETORIA SAY THE BRITISH MADE NO - CONCESSIONS. There Was Good Hope About the Parliament in London "on Thursday Night--The Rumor is Not Confirmed by Any Other Morning Paper. London, April 11.~The Financier and Bullionist, a stock brokers' morn- ing newspaper, issued a seond edition at four o'clock, this morning contain ing the following : "Pretoria, Thursday--1 am informed that after prolonged negotiations the British and Boer representatives have at last agreed upon terms of peace. The actual terms are still withheld, but 1 understand that the British government has not given any con cessions to the enemy. The terms have been cabled to the Boer agents will be required, Col. Lessard is cer tainly one who will be first offered a position. Lieut. Col. Williams, Tor- onto, is aloso spoken of, and so is Lieut -Col. Turner, Quebec. It is just probable that Lieut. Col. Perry or Lieut.-Col. Saunders, of the mounted police, will get a command, but so far nothing definite has been done. The Christian brothers, who are io teach in two of the separate schools in Ottawa, have been engaged at a salary of $250 a year each. : William Savage, formerly a captain in the 43rd Duke of Cornwall and York's Own regiment, died last night a victim of consumption, He was only thirty-six years old and was well known and popular, : ; A board of trade was organized in Hull, last night, with ex-mayor Bar- rett as president and F. A. Lavell, sec- retary. The new board starts with a la membership. © <BR Askwith, M.E., Sault Ste Marie, son of alderman J. BE. Ask- with, Ottawa, was married last night, the bride being Miss Mary Chamber lain, daughter of J. i. Chamberlain, FOR ARMY IN SOUT AFRICA GOVERNMENT WILL NOT AN. NOUNCE ITS INTENTION rman, Until the Endget is Brought Down --The Grand Trunk Directors Had Their Annual Meeting -- May be Able to Close Capital Account Soon, London, April {1.--A despatch to the Lirmingham Post states that the war office has iinstracted the grmy contractors to go easy in the manu factare of supplies for the Bridish troops in South Africa. A deputation of sugar men conferred with colonial secretary Chawberlgin to-day voncerning the prospective in crease of a half penny a pound in the sugar tax. 'They Chamberlain for his views on the sub- ject, Mr. Chamberlain replied that the government would not announce ite intention until the budget wus asked © Mr. ley. Several miles back of Notre Dame de Lave, mn a small cabin, with se ncighbiors nearer than seven miles, livea Mri Binette, a widow, with three children, wll girls, the eldest | aged nine years, the second six years, and the youngest hardly mors than o baby. Last week the mother and eld est gir] were out in the barnyard milking, when, without the slightes warning, the mother fell to the ground dead. The child after many attempts to get 'her mother, whom she thought hod fainted, to sit up, ran bome jor her sisters' aid. Returning to the vard they had- to take down a pole fence, after which a small hand sleigh, used for drawing firewood to the house, was utilized for conveying the body to the house, the eldest drawing, the vounger one st the back to hold up "mother's" head from the ground. The two children then took down the bed, us of course they were unable to lift the body up, and lovingly placing the remains on it, the poor hereaved litt\e ones sat beside their mother's forts lone through the whole night, and until late the next morning, when they got relief and assistance from CORSETS We believe our Corset stock to be the best and largest in Kingston. Rather a sweeping statement, but amply borne out by anyone who takes the trolible to compare. Years of experi: ence have taught us what is worthy and required by the women of Canada Freaks of shape or style in Corsets find no place' i Grace of figure and comfort are the first points of excels | lence we demand in every Corset we sell. Absolute security is assured to every patron of this Department, no matter what the style or price af Corset desired. Only N thoroughly experienced sales< people are employed to sell ---------------- LEAPED FROM BOAT. MILITIA MATTERS. OPERA bs : » The source of this statement pre- {and Lest man, Arthur Holden, of Mon- ( heerfulness pervades the semi-annu- the house! to select from. only discordant note came from a here at the service of any mont, and iu sume praee Harti, ible in the management of the Regular a8. posse | ROA Brockville, Ont., April 11.--Clarence 's disclai v . : : | t h 1H you dewire to $7.50, erament's disclaimer of having re- | oo AL 1 The attention of | bared that the company had the first ly experience near. Brockville on a gas- | Corset best suited to her figs ' wd 1 i i jspered that peace k at night it was whispered ¥ rie) Mat of the so." With the exception of the Finan: much discussion on the items as both | half year as having been uneventful. | ¢d on the flames burst out, completely | do not confirm the rumor, to place the militia on a better foot- | He said he hoped it would be com ing him until he was enWrely. under | $1.38 to $3.50 pr. HOUSE | and is well informed concerning the fore the house adjourned. at Amsterdam and other continental | Ottawa: The bridesmaid was Miss |} Ruri . We have hundreds for you centres." Maggie Askwith, "sister of the groom, introduced. some relative, who happened to go te cludes its acceptance without con | real. Mr. and Mrs. Askwith left al meeting of the shareholders of . : L frmation. Last evening, however, | here for Sault Ste. Marie to-day. Grand Trunk railway of Canada. 'Ihe and explain every pair. An But we offer you a special there was a considerable feeling of om tn expert fitter is permanently 2 ha : ; f lia- shareholder who expressed the opinion | Exciting Experience With Gaso- set of a best English maker. optimism in the lobbies of paris that there was not as much economy ie ieces Pp ice | based the officia) confirmation of | Int ti Discussion on. the Pe d line Launch Near Brockville. lady desiring ber advice oF OWNENS OF LARGE TRACTS OF WHEAT [97 PIECES. ri hased on the of 2. SppiL Ee eresting n company. Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson, rocky 3 i assistance in selecting the oi he in Mantsoba, Assn . the Klerksdorp meeting, and the gov partment's Estimates. pons ow of the road, in a speech, de Willit, of Alexandria Bay, had a live ceived overtures of peace failed to ? tine | . niteou HAI ure. Consult her whether ! i . . the house yesterday was taken up [of the railroad managers of America, oline launch up the river. There was a | or $5.50. quench the growing hopefulness. Late principally with the consideration of and, on view of the resalts obtained, leak in the tank, which allowed the you are gsady to buy or not. he estimates of the militia and de- | the criticism was ungracious. The | #asolive to flow into the bottom of the This had actually been arranged and the v I the sm 3 ung \ a be | Fay d : a ; ' fence department. There was not | president also characterized the past post. As soon as the spark' was turn ak inter ---- optimists began saying, "I told you I makes we carry may in Ane yisckis : odin oy the onveloping Mr. Willit. He jumped | J **' # ke r AeWEDOPE sides of the house seem agreed that | but prosperous, and outlined the pro- | enveloping . ili 6 jumpe ROBERTSON BROS. cier, however, the moxming Jin a good deal of money should be spent | gress of building the second track. overboard headfirst, the flames follow: W. B. CORSETS--10 styles " i il el to know that : K : : a Daily Mail elafas, th Rohs ing. All the items were passed be | pleted from Montreal to Chicago with. | water. The boat war quickly turned gave } in a year, predicted continual prosper. | OVOF and flooded before the flames ¥. P. CORSETS--25 styles, $1.25 up. I, NEW BRAND OF CONFFC frolts next door to A. J. SMALL, Lesses and In the course of his answers to ques | ity, and expressed the hope that the | wrought much damage. ? 3 Opern_ House. we it mm JH. JERYAS, 220 Princess St. rm mse -- TET NOTICE. M wo alec rectors for the en on Dusiness ad MAY EDWIN MOOERS Secretary [TABLE SPECULATION ! I SPvouLA and wich New York Oitv, New York, grooms, bath room, also the house 'next door com rooms, snd with all modern im- Apply to De, Fowler, Broek mr ---------- This 2 BOYER. A Co., Smith RB TW TE IN THE STOCK MAR- yOu oon on. We have a iy Hend IL mail you AN. Adidrean Park PLEASANTLY SIT ATED Sta... containing Tw OF MS, WITH Ve bad at Bd Stuast » hoard. POAT BUILDERS ON CAR Iunohen. Good os Spirited Military Opera EL : EO Te Royal Special Scenery and Appointments. FINE CAST Orchestra of 16. Prices -28¢., 30c.; 7bc. Seats on sule st RANLEY'S. 23rd, the Distinguished Artist Revival of David Garrick's present trical sesson. FRIDAY, April 11th CAMERON & TELGMANN"S CHORUS of 75 Under the direction of U0. F, Telgmana. Noss afienetion, Thursday, Apel] 76h, the t saational melodrama, "MAN 10 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, April KATHRYN KIDDER Wu Ageeer lotric | GRAND OPERA HOUSE in & Grand tmmortal "THE COUNTRY GIRL" he the most notable event of the Sale of seats will commence on Saterday, PRINCESS | April 19sh. Velow 2 PRICES - 28¢. to $1.50. in possvsmion. Apply st latter WORTH LOOKING AT, We have some farm. properties that READ, seve 00000000 NROOIVAGORS There Aro Three Kinds of) pacific intentions of the great bulk of she Boers in the field. There are two points, it adds, on which no conces- sion can be made. This is the aboli- tion of Boer independence and a gen- eral laying down of arms. Every- thing else can he made the rubject of negotiations. Thevpaper declares that substantial proposals which may emanante from the Boer government will be from the basis. if necessary, of counter proposals. Toe five chief points, according to the Mail on which any negotiations will turn are: (1) The approximate time which will elapse before the restoration of a responsible government; 23) the sta- tas of the Boers after the war; (3) banishment proclamation; (4) the question of amuesty; (6) advances by the British government for rebuilding and restocking Boer farms. Of Course They Do. Amsterdam, April 11.--~Mr. Kroger and Dr. Leyds, diplomatic agent of the Transvaal, contradict all the peace rumors. Fhey %tie t the negotiations of the Boer leaders have not been concluded, therefore there could not have been any settlement of the war. When Mr. Schalkburger concludes his negotintions with the leaders in the field he will ask for the free use of the cable in order te consult with Mr. Kruger. -- Shot In Cold Blood. Ottawa, April 11.--Lord Minto re ceived a cable from the casualty de partment at Cape Town to-day, stut ing that Gen. lord Kitchener had eon- firmed the death of Corpl. William A Knislev and R. B. Day, who, he says, were shot on April. 2nd, Latween Boschhalt and Klerksdorp. This state- ment with respect to these two men would seem to indicate that they had ¥ shot hy the Boers after being en prisoners. They were first re ported dead by released prisoners and as they were not shot until two days after the battle at Kleinharts river, it is evident that they must have sui: fered aeath at the hands of the Boers. ARSENIC INDUSTRY. Dominion Government Decides to Grant a Bounty. Ottawa, April 11.-<The government bas had under consideration the re quest of 5 large delegation of mining men from Central Ontario, who asked for a bounty on the production of ar- senie, and it has been decifled to weet the wishes of the delegation to the ex- tent of $150,000, spread over 4 period of seven wears, on the basis of so much per ton. The grant will be con: ditional upon the Ontario government voting $100,000 to assist industry in place of the £50,000 adopted at the last ion of the legislat it is in a position to state that any tion put by the opposition, Dr. Bor- by his department in the matter defence. He suid that one of these wa the creation of a military resers highly approved of by the ministe and the members of the opposition. ELECTION DAY. A Conservative Paper Tells Wha It Believes. tion to 'announce The exact date, the paper adds, ha not yet been definitely fixed by th June 3rd. and Quebec was held here yesterday ing to some $2,500 have been received for the propriation of new work. Lieut.-Uol. G. represent the Canadian branch of th by Mrs. Denison. AN ABLE ADDRESS. Budget Speech Delivered in P. E I. Legislature. Charlottetown, before a crowded legislature las history of the province. He pointed tc the opposition to show one perman ént structure warranting their im stated that the province would re of the fisheries award by may next Tramps Got Away. Hamilton, Ont, April coming to Hamilton. constables went out on an engine to meet the freight, The tramps jump ed when thay saw t in escaping. Our Brave Soldier Boys. every time, Have you seen our new American Alpine hats at $27 Cdpip- bell Bros., the batters, 84 Princess St. time was coming when they would be den mode some important ansounce- ments regarding what was proposed | 8s some of the roads of the United of | States had done, and pay for im government, but it is Likely it will be T. Denison, who will | appointed % yet. night. It was one of the sblest in the | with their request. permanent works established by the | colonel in Kilrush, present government and challenged | tempteil to take bis sent in the house mense expenditure when in power. He 11. ~At Smithville, last evening, three tramps, at jhe point of a revolver, took pos- pousion of a T. H. & B. freight train Word was sent to police headquarters here and three | Co the battlefields of South Af- anle to close their capital accounts, s | provements out of the earnings of the | road. The directors, whos terms of which would bring the {ores of Can- | office had expired, were re-elected. ada up to a strength of 100,000 men. | This was recommended by Maj.-Gen, { afternoon, Arthur Balfour stated that O'Grady-Haly, in his report which was In the house of commons yesterday the conference of colonial premiers to e | be held at the time of the coronation. will be confined to representatives of the British empire. For that reason the government did not intend fo in vite Mr. Hay, the American secretary t of state, or statesmen from any other foreign power. Princess Henry, of Battenburg, Toronto, April 11. ~The Mail and | youngest daughter of the late quen Empire to-day says it is in a posi- | Vietoria, is indigposed, that the Ontario general elections will take place be- | mon council of the city of London, it fore the end of the first week in June. | will be projosed that the city aw At the next meeting of the eom s | thorities have a bust of Cecil Khodes e | placed in the Guild hall. : The Prince of Wales has reo ed {he invitation of the New York chamber The semi-annual meeting of the Bap: | of commerce to pay a visit to the tist home mission board of Ontario | United States. It was sent through , {lord Brassey, president of the Lon at which appropriations for the com: {don chamber of commerce, who for- ing half year were made. These am- | warded it to the prince. The London ount to $8,500. Special gifts amount chamber of commerce has gocopted the 1 | invitation to send deleguiss 0 New York. These delegates have not wen It is known, héw- oe | ever, that hard Brassey will go British empire league at the corona- Col. Arthur Lynch the Irishman tion of king Edward sailed from New who claims to have fought on the York yesterday afternoon accompanied Poer side early in the war, and has since been elacted nationalist member of parliament for Galway, brought a suit, yesterday, hefors "the quarter sessions, at Kilrush, against a num- ber of tenants for arrears of rent The tenants belong to the fisher class, and are all poor people. They asked 1 PEL, April 11.= | the magistrate to allow them time Mr. Peters delivered the budget speech | to pay. He said he sympathized t | with them but was unable to comply The afiair bas » | aroused great indignation against the He has never at- - {of commons. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. ceive one million dollars as ite share | The Stranger Says He Belongs to o New York. Quebee, April 11.-A stranger, who gave his name as Harry Irving, aged thirty-five years, and elrims = New York as his place of residence, has been arrested by detective Thomas Walsh, on the charge of forgery. The accused reached (Quebec some two ostensibly to Gl a posi: tion but instead of going to work he started in to amuse himself. Detective > od when they sam thy oe oifeors | Walsh Bad his attention called to him gave chase, but the tramps succeeded the first day of his arrival, and kept his lynx eye on him and he soon be gan to suspect that the man was pot what he represented himsell to be, es- pecially as he appeared under differs names in different places, and besides Irving gave the name of Culver. Checks forged by him range from $20 to 830. The first is, however, a clever mets. one and may lead to startling develop. In the meantinfe, the KNEW GOETHE. Death of a Berlin Lady Who Re- called Famous Author. Berlin, April 11. Mrs. Kasten, who! knew the German poet® Goethe; disd here at the age of eighty nine When Mrs. Kasten was a girl in Weimer, she used, with other children, and her mo ther, to carry flowers to Gothe upon the anniversaties of his birthday. She vividly remembered the handsome and kind old man a= he thanked the chil dren and treated them to cakes and wine. Gothe died in 1882. A Candidate Chosen. Sturgeon Falls, Ont., April 11. -At | the first liberal convention of the new riding of West Joseph Michaud, Nipissing, was nomi nated ox the liberal candidate for the legislature Hon. Frank Latehford and Mr. Evanturel were present and addressed the convention in the in terest of the Ross administration The Body Found. Winnipeg, April 11.-<The body of an | old settler in the Rainy River coun try, named Mefiinnis, was found in the ico at Beaver Mills. McGinnis fell ou of a canoe in the Rainy river last au tumn and the. body could not be found. It evidently rose and got frozen in the ice which carried it to where it was discovered Women Had A Fight. Newport News, Va, April 11. Bessie Gibbon and Maud Ray fought a bat tle to the death, yesterday. The Gib hon woman split open - the other's head with a hatehet, inflicting a fatal wound. They battled over the affec tions of a mutoal admirer. A Chance For Inventors. London; Avril 11.-The Daily Ex ress, today, says Sir Hiram Maxim has offerea £250,000 for a flying ma chine, not a balloon, which will tra vel at a satisfactory speed to make it suitable for military purposes, and sound patimts, A Journalist's Promotion. Washington, April 11.-~Robert J Wynne, the Washington sorvesponden of the New York Express. has been offered and has sccepted the office of | aseistant postimaster-general. Comfort And Satisfaction Are enjoyed by the wearers of our bats. Treat yoursell to owe of wus celebrated $2 derbys. Campbell Bros The Well-Dressed Man. The well-dressed man as a rule pre fers a Hawes hat. George Mills & Co, Wellington street, are sole agerts, The water at Portage La Prairie re ceded about obe anch during the 'night. The east end is still flooded At Selkirk the water bas dropped al most ten feet. Navigation has opened at Fort Wil finm, the Midland Queen having reach Nipisving held bere, | SETS, $1.25. We are sole i | RIBBON LATTICE : COR. | | these lines. agents for CALDWELL «AC Sviderham, April 118h, Thome on Unidwdll, ted 76 woure 2 Fameral or Resdey sllernoon NORBHEIMER PIANO i The Representative Piane of Canada. of the above tiles the FPHINS NORUHEIMER representative 3 eeton for a few dave this wok and W 4 wert an ir 'DAVID HALL, i | Practical Plumber, | Steam and Gas Fitting, Baths, closets, wach basins aod remes boll ars, Gtted up at lowest Prices; salary ine spection a specialty, All jobs promptly ab | tended to. 'Phone 335. A ------ ty A { Brock St, [40 team | W. NEWLAMDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE SECOND FLOOR OVER MA. «i's Drag Store, corosr Privesss sad Bagot Sureats ENTRANCE ON BAGOT STRERT ---------- os ---- FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. | MUST BE IN GOOD LOCALITY, SANITAR { atl hmve modern conveniences. Terms sin wonths or lower. No wicimnget. As in aod ters $1,000 WILL BUY THAT COMFORTABLE brick veneered dwelling, Ne Rovian St, for, #45132, Large flown. 35 frelt tees, stale snd delve shed. Appiv oe teaisie The Best Hats Are sold by George Mills & Co. |$ W.J. CROTHERS. sssessssssssssessass n ignition, "1 ad her dock on Thursday evening. The channel i» clear of strong ice. = Carmi nn "Lest You F or g ¢ r Ba But thea we know you won't forget to send your linen to BAKER'S Steam Lauspry, be cause we give you The Pen of senses B25 i Sessssvesene . J nd