18. ae LER v TE B Kingston & Pembroke & Cansdias " Pacific Railways. (ommencing March 1st and Until April SPECIAL GOLONIST RATES NomTH Pacing cosmE and KOOTE. EL I845.05, } $43.55. 1843.05. «Class $ 4 D SPOKANE, Wa. i, Mont., and A, Mont. SETTLERS' O% Fit 35s g and Canadian N THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Besstonte and all . i R lith "and 12th: ] Be $5.90. based eis $7.70, valid for retars, levine T a ee a a tas include afmisston shyt 4g Nr WHAT. IS THIS? MALT BREAKFAST FOOD. physicians, Malt Breakfast Food is made from the choicest strei -yielding wheat ba i malt. and ted, quickly milated, and reqlires so digestive effort, 4 Malt Broskiast * Food is 'a concen: trated food for young and old, yield- ing true moutishment to. the body and brain. Malt Breakfast Food blood and builds Lhe Lissues of the & Malt Brepkfast Food is invaluable for growing ' children, invalide and convalescents; it is vetained on the weakest stomach. Malt Breakfast Food stands first in public estimation as eo grain break: fast food. i Malt Breakfast Food the ac- & king of all foods; it is used by royalty and the masses. Your Grocer sell it. * ' "i | Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Kingston - Picton Belleville Str " steamer will call Dateronte, x Roe Re jo Malt Food is true cosa Hy he pat | aud garden . "Aletha" _ man and Woman--The Beauty and Benefit of Civie Art -- That Which MNaketh a City Beautiful. (Continued from last Satuitlay.) Angther great point in the beaut tying of the city is to enlist the in | sane she suidren, an how: bette a point oper observ teachers N of Sowers and beautity, their respective grounds, and in this manner create a healthy rivalry between the pupils of the difierent schools, who raid and Is i ubs 3 pleasures of home surro! gs | the happiness of family life. Another work for improvement clubs would be in inducing the city to prohibit 4 the defacement of our scemery by me- dicine signs, in the way our harbor front any ohber portions of our city have disfigured with hideous creations in yellow and black, more dreadful than the dyspepsia the stuff 1 advertised is # to cure. The newspapers are the proper mediums for advertising, and the vandal sign painters who go about the country defacing the landscape should ~ be ppressed. For The Workingman. Let us consider what we should do for the worki n in this scheme of improvement. encouraging him to improve his modest little home surroundings by the planting of trees and the cultivation of & cottage lawn , we should turn to his surroundi during his working hours. what an opportunity for improvement exists at the ndeting mill, for instance, Neither this build- that my 8 city would give thous ands of dollars to possess. But they are existing evils which cannot be re- moved at present, thos their un- sightliness can be mitigated to some extent by growing grass around the buildings, covering the bare walls with creeping vines, lay ow- or beds, planting trees improving the waterfront, thereby lessening the harm such buildings do to a fine residential locality, and at the same time moking more cheerful and pleas Colds That Will "Colds that will never be cured." A age on hospi s and kindred works. But works of necessity are sure to | | be provided for in some way; on the otine hand, works of art depend on the public spirit citizens inspir ed with lofty and cultured ideals, who believe that art should not only be t id of religion but should ang Project having for i erection of worthy memorials to and good wen, whose lives will be 'an example and i ion to the generations that to follow. The same answer might i to those objectors as was i Potter, of New York, t cost the which is now being Ts TSW Get a packet of whatever to find bow fine it is compared with other teas. "BLACK. GREEN OR MIXED. kind you bave been in the habit of buyiog and you will be astonished INDO-CEYLON T ox - IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. Mission Effort in Cuba. Rev. E. T. Evans, formerly of Bath, Ont., is now in charge of a church jo Brooklyn. Rev. W. P. ers, Coboconk, has been invited to orestville by the Methodist officidls. "The new statis jes of the Swiss re public reports 1918,191 Protestants and 1,383,135 Catholies. Cardinal Gibbons will celebrate his silver jubilee as archbishop of Balti- more on October 3rd next. One of the most cheering signs of the times in Japan is found in the rapidly Protestant bincreasing sales of the scriptures. Rev. E. N. English, late principal of Hellmuth ladies' college, London, has been appointed rector of Sowthamp | - {ton "| hospitals and the relief of poverty and suffering, he replied : *'Yes--if the body were everything." Considering the large sums that are being freely given to 'works of benevolence surely something should be devoted to the spiritual side of humanity, and the ar- tistic cravings of man be satisfied by bringing into being worthy monu- ments of the artist's genius. (To be €ontinued.) "Ping-Pong." Milburn, April Bh salut roi farm ers have gone to pl ing . ing in this locality. Several attended the ploughing bee at W. Keeler's last week. remains of the late Joseph Gordon were conveyed to Sand Hill cemetery on Sunday. Owing to the darkness on Sunda evening last thosédwho attended found the aid of lights necessary in seaching their vespective homes. Sand Hill cheese factory of on the th, Ba mor Says a wi is ic n the near future. 2 ecich has resumed her duties at school after spending the Easter bolidays at home. Despite the inclement weather, the "parlor social" at W. Keeler's on evening, in aid of the Me- Hie may santly passed away time, which refreshments were served. Misses . have re 2 tT i E g E i io 11 E 3 F . * | 81,545. Jtion: A reception to. the new pastor In the Russian empire there are 557 Lutheran churches with 700 pastors, ' and forty Reformed or Presbyterian churches. Hereafter children in the Cleveland | public schools must study the Lord's | prayer, the ten commandments and the 23rd Psalm. | The Roman Catholie cathedral of the | Immaculate Conception, Albany, has' received a new pulpit, costing $50,000, ! from John A. McCall. St. Andrew's church, Ottawa, contri- | buted the largest amount of any one, church to the Presbyterian century | fund. Ite offering was $26,437. | Extraordin yrogresa is making by Protestant mission effort in Cuba. ! Every place opened for worship is crow immediately far beyond its limit. | Rev. Charles J. Hutton, Belleville, ' bas finished a canvass of Tyendinags ' parish, in the interest af the sugmen- tation fend of the Church of England. | He secured pledges to the amount eof Arrangements are already bei | made for the world's Sunday --ey convention which fs to be held two years hence, probably in Jerusalem. This will be the fourth convention of the kind. | Rev. W. L. Atkinson was inducted at Warsaw on Wednesday. The sermon ' was preached by Rev. J. G. Potter Rev. Mr. Kaonawin i the minister, and Rev. Mr. tosh the congregation. ! Arrangements have been completed whereby F. W. Thompson, M.A., of the Mount Forest, Ont., district, will oe cupy the pulpit of Asbury Methodist church, Perth, until the meeting of conference in June next. In Ponce, Porto Rico, the Baptista are about to erect a church costing $10,000, and in Humacao, Fajado, and some other towns of eastern Porto Rico, Congregationalists are planning to build chapels and schools. Rev. Hugh Pedley, who preaches in Kingston to-morrow, is pastor of Em manuel Congregational church, Mon- treal, founded in 1875. It is in the vanguard for missionary and charit- able enterprises, and organized the first Chinese Sunday school in the metropolis: Dr. Pedley is one of the foremost Congregational preachers in Canada. The induction of Rev. Robert Hark- ness to the pastorate of Knox church, Comwall, took place on Tuesday evening, Sth inst. Rev. A. McGregor, of Woodlands, preached; Rev. J. 8. Burnet, of Summerstown, addressed the minister, and Rev. K. McDonald, of Williamstown, spoke to the congregs- took place on Friday. evening. Bishop Blackburn, Eng., practiced i life and did not follow in the foot- discarded sealed, npon My disease and restore RW Setimmerg, Merriegs, OP TT S202 "PAY WHEN CURED. style, blistering Ohetiom Hlertrade "want every man sud ome TEST Banas FREE BOO I would like to have you DR: M.'R{ MCLAUGHLIN, "*355iv [1 MAKE MEN Made a Man of Nim. Dr. McLaughlin, Pear Sir: It gives me great pleasure to certify to the excellence of your Belt after a three months' trial. It's worth a fortune to have health and strength and be s man. You are at liberty to refer anyone to me about the Belt. 1 will be only too pleased to help others to get the benefit that I have received. Yours health. rheumatism this winter sihee SS Ratvand thes Toit thy ety ver Miting heavily, ie le can be ékagtion] as to the as know that the foundation some part of the the vitality of are Own cases. wer of Rt their , and it y m, sufficient vitality in & minute to see that back, as I give it, and have made a study of ti y remedy. n, Kincardine, Ont. writ , sud had cohwtan to use 8 cane to an Ae nban and Mobi' sor hose suffering from rheumatism. with testimoninis from honest people. 1f yoy give you names of people all about you whom to offer the Belt on trial, sod Belt at my risk and Doar Sir-1 was enables me in my method reasonable security can use my way fo o my confident in the wonderful curative "ian Ageure Yon before | Mek BY pay. On anything There are many old style Belts on the market to-day, whose merit is their abilisy to burn and sear the " soorchers ape wing a cheap imitation of my office contain® hundreds of thew okl style Belts, of them after the patiens bad only thew and woman who are' suffering from an MY BELT FREE My trad 1 have a book which will inspire a man or woman eats hoalth and strength. | will send it free, inelose this ad. eall for free advice and consnltation STREET, , ONT. + who if you OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 830 pan. n Pipes, Weare Agents for the Canadian Sewer Pipe Company and can furnish these in any quantity desired. We carry a large and well assorted stock and make a special discount to contractors and those ia the --