Y BRITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1902, . 1D, UNDERTAKER ¢ the Opers Howse. LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Junking my batter. Campbell Bros. for haly, Chnimers church anniversary services to morrow. A meu doesn't mind being a fool aa long ws he dowsn's know it Fome men have reasons lor doing thie and sotse have e¥cuses. Some men are so liberal they Unually givieg themselves away Anniversary weviees, First Congregational church, sermons by Rev. Dr. Pediey, Mon: treul. Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it a mun banlly knows whether be fs honest or not ~--Fiekling. He who reesives a good tern should never forget it; be who does one should' wever pe member it. --Charron. Caledonian convert company, tmder aus pices of YWCA, opera house, Friday, Ap ril 18th. Prices 28c., 3%c., S0c By onder of the president, the regular menting of the Fistorial society will be post: pond till Tuesdav, April 20th I ned a mew bat So tonight I will go Avil buy a swell Derby From George Mills & Co, This day in the world's history : Bishop born, 1778; cardinal Tascherean ary con- J Sed, 1898; Jion. MC Camron born, 1831: of 'Pine Puralture st 125 ;TURSDAY, April 15th, SELES CARPETS, FINE SILK Bab net. 0 Le y. Buskeot's Fasy ¢, Hidr Cloth Saite, Ruck. WANTED. : AN. BOR FAS bt Baki Wilson _ BOYS. APPLY TO 5 (; sireet, opposite 7 J, capture of Magdala, 1068: Henry Clay bom, 1777; a $1,200,000 fire n Buffalo, the gu cose works destroyed, 1894, DINNER SETS We have hundreds for you to select from. Bat we offer you a special set of a best English maker. 97 pieces. Regular price $7.50, For $5.50. ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA A J, and Manager, CIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. mn SH RORESBAY BVENING, Apn ATHRYN KIDDER WuiAgsear GRAND OPERA HOUSE in a Grand y at of David Gari Reviv, ck's tmmorial "THE CUUNTRY GIRL" MEH OFFICER FOR ST. ANDREW'S 3 reovived ap to Bad, by J. M. Stange, Scirior Chek. ¥: FOR COPYING LETTERS tamps for by: wither , Send ¢ ars. tage Suboiy Co. 39 Dear § Steer, T BUILDERS ON CAR Good ao So * ON THE ROAD TO SUC. you the wav. Habe B. pall & To, Tom a "ROO COPYING AT OMEN TO DO vo S18 woukiv. + ovking even engagement. THUASDAY, Apeil 17th AT LAST SOMETHING NEW AND NOVEL THE GREAT MELO-DRAMA MAN TO MAN' a New 3 Trousers J J Crawford, Merchant Tailor. 0 CONSIDER QUESTIONS The British Cabinet Has Beco Summorecd LORD KIT HENER QUERIES AS TO TERMS GREAT BRITAIN WILL ACCORD. The Boer Conference is Still Going on at Klerksdorp--Se Far no Overtures Have Passed Be- tween Either. London, April 12-It is reported, from Protoria, that the Boer counfer- ence at Klerksdorp was still sitting on Friday afternoon, Official informa- tion in London is to the effect that no évertures or communication of any sort has been made by the Boer lead- er to Great Britain or by Great Bri. tain to them. It is, nevertheless, ap- parent that the government has re ceived sufficient indication from Gen. Kitchener as to the way the wind is blowing to induce the summoning of the cabinet for a meeting to-day. Sum- monses had already been issued for a meeting on Tuesday next in the ordi- nary course and the sending of hasty news to the ministers last evening to assemble on Saturday, which is the rarest dey for cabinet ministers, jus- tifies the belief that the doings at Klerksdorp will form the subject of discussion. The impression prevails that lord Kitchener has addressed cer- tain queries to the British government a# to the terms Great Britain will ac cord and that the matter will be con sidered by the cabinet to-day. -- Likely Some Understanding. New York, April 12.---A London cable to the Tribune says: "No of ficial explanation has been made of the secret understanding between lord Kitchener and Mr. Schalkburger, up- on which the Boer leaders asked and received safe conduct and facilities for reaching their companions-in-arms. If this did not exclude the Boer claim for independetwe and a separate na- tionality, lord Kitchener was less busi nesslike than usual. The prevailing opinion among members of parliament is that a long step has been taken in the direction of peace, but that con- siderable time may be required for reaching the goal. The king's sud- den change of plans and return to London tend to confirm the view that proposals for peace have been rough- Iv outlined and that the ministers de- sire to consult the Boer leaders in Holland, T am convinced they are ex- poeting peace, while they. ove advoeat- ing war to the bitter end." Have No Great Hopes. Amsterdam, April 12.--In view of the reports 'which have been sent ont that Mr. Kruger is not in good health, Dr. Heyman hag issued a bulletin stating the former president of the Transvaal, despite his age, is very well, Despatches have been received stating that the Boer leaders have decided to enter into negotiations if they can have free use of the eakle to consult the Boer delegation in Eurore. Mr. Kruger's intimates emphatically assert that the . independence of the two republics--will -be again the basis of negotiations. They further inti- mate that those who have the best information have not got any great hopes of any conclusion of peace. | 4Wbat Is Needed. London, April 12.-The Official Ga- mette contains a lengthy report from here | ae of 86th 'perial yeomanry nl in fire dis | cipline and knowledge to how they "| be in ned .{ not Gen. Mothuen in regard to the Twee bosh disaster. Gen. Methuen says he finds the rear Im: should act in action. They svemed to of instructed officers and 1 rs. Lord Methuen concludes his report by stating that many of the Boers were in kahki and wore the chevrons of non-commissioned officers. This led to a misapprehension as to their iden- tity and resulted in the losses to the British. + Additional Losses. London, April 12.--An additional list ities, issued by the war office, shows that at Boschbult, on March 3st, two men were killed and six wounded. At Pietersburg on April Sth and 9th, the Inniskillings lost a neni Rilled and Lieut.-Col Mur s two lieutenants, and five wounded B The British war offics announ that 21,000 fresh troops are ws for the winter campaign in South AL Io - Sina. areangA are p a t 1 will mail next week. atalimemt v i i I : i i 8 F hi il i i ii ge » 58 i PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. Edward Washburn, Lion's Head, cut his throat and may die. Lord Mountstephen has given $30, 000 to the royal infirmary st Aber deen. * Senor Robert, leader of the Cata- lonians, died suddenly at Barcelona on April 11th of heart disease. A society has been formed in Lone don, to emcourage the emigration of women to South Africa, alter the war is closed. ; The Venezuelan parliament has rasi- Med the tocol re-establishing diplo- matic relations between France and Venemaela. Daniel Murphy, fireman in the Acme oil refinery, of Olean, N.Y., was in stantly killed on Thursday, by =a tank falling on him. : Civil service promotion examinations will be held in Toronto, Ottawa, Win: nipeg, Montreal, St. John, and Hali- fax commencing May 13th. Two policemen were killed in the socialistic riots at Brussels on Wed nesday night. The troops were called out and fired on the rioters. The government propose to take Wednesdays for official business, which, if the house concedes will leave only Mondays as private members' day. Charles Coleman found three bottles of benedictine in a wreck near Onei- da Castle, and drank the liquor. The coroner thinks an inquest is unnecss- sary. The czar has commuted the sentence of death imposed on ! win, for betrayal of Russian army secrets, to life imprisonment, at Sechulssburg, on an island in the Neva, The Vossische Zeitung, Berlin, says that the German owners of the chief railway in Venezuela are negotiating with an American syndicate, which desires to buy the lines. The conference held in Vienna by count Von Buelow, the German im- perial chancellor, ended in a decision that the triple alliante shall be re newed for another term of years. The Halifax longshoremen's strike was ended last night. The men ae- cepted the offer from the employers of twenty cents an hour for day work and twenty-five cents for night work. It is reported that king Leopold is averse to calling out troops to pre serve order in Brussels, as many of them cannot be relied upon. The strike is spreading; over 15000 men are now out. The British parliamentary officials have acceded to the request of the press corps that colonial and Amcri- can journalists he admitted to the parliamentary priss rooms at the time of the coronation. » MARRIED AFTER 22 YEARS. Wedding Follows Separation, Sup- posing Each Other Dead. Kankakee, mn. April 11. After twenty-two years' separation, during which each supposed the other dead, Isidore Mercier, a prosperous jeweler of Ban Autonio, Texas, and Miss Cor- delia Boilard, daughter of Charles Bollard, of this city, were quietly married al the bride's home. Miss Boilard and Mr. Mervier ave middle-aged. Twenty-two years ago they pledged their troth in this city, but the engagement was broked when Miss Boilard's mother died, for on her deathbed Mrs. Boilard secured a promise from her daughter to remain at home and care for the dying wo- man's husband. Miss Boilard kept the promise, though it saddened her life. Mr. Mercier, after vainly using every argument to persuade his sweetheart to keep her engagement, without sue- cess, went to the southwest to seek his fortune. He prospered beyond his expectations. Mr. Mercier had never returned to Kankakee and all trace of him had been lost, when he came here on ' a visit last July. Miss Boilard, who had not heard from him "in all "that time, fancied he was dead. The two met at the home of a mutual friend. When Mr. Mercier returned to Texas it was with the undersiandine that he would Some back to Kankakee to claim his WEINERTH KILLS CONSTABLE. Arrested Near Ogdensburg, While Making For Canada. Ogdensburg, N.Y., April 12.--Con stable Mallett, of Philadeiphia, N. Y., noticed a strange man hanging ar ound the railroad depot at that place and as he answered the description of Weinerth, wanted for burglary and se- veral crimes in Syracuse, at- tempted to arrest him. The stranger pulled a revolver and fired at the constable, the ball pene trating the stomach. Mallett dropped to { ground mortally 'wounded, while the would-be murderer tried to escape. He jumped into the river and swan across, but was met with a crowd of men, who were atiracted by the shooting, and who placed him under arrest. He was taken to Watertown and locked up. He witnittied that his name WHAT IT CAN RECOVER Judgm:nt Rend red Over a Railway Bosus GIVEN AN - APPOINTMEN] LESSARD MAY NOT AC- CEPT THE POST. COL. But so Far He Will Not Say Any- thing About an Offer He Has Not Received--Death of a To- ronto Man in South Africa -- Heavy Overdraft. Toronto, April' 12.---The town oi Whitby granted a bonus of $0,000 to the Midland railway to establish iw shops there. When the G.T.R. absorb ed the Midland the shops were torn down and removed to Toronto. The court of appeal now holds that Whit by can recover damages for the actual tearing down of the buildings, but for nothing else. . H. E. Hamilton has received notice of his appointment as superintendent of dominion public buildings in Toron to. \ Col. Lessard, whose name is men tioned as commander of one of the new regiments for South Afriea, spok- en to about the matter, last night, said he had had no official offer and declined to make any further state mont. From another source it was learned, however, that should the of" fer be made he is not likely to accept. Maj. Williams, another of the officers named in the same connection, said he had received nothing official upon the subject, but declared . his willingness to accept should a command be offer ea him. Trooper J. Arthur Patterson, of the South African constabulary, whose death from enteric fever is announced, was the eldest son of Samuel Patter son, of the firm of Patterson & Co., cider and vinegar manufacturers, this city. He was twenty-one years old. He deserted from the Royal Canadian dragoons here about a year ago and went to England, where he enlistec with Baden Powell's staff as a quar fermaster's clerk, holding that office until taken ill. City treasurer Coady has informed the board of control that the over drafts, last year, totalled $90,000, which sam will have to be met out of thie vear's tax rate. : The inquest in the case of William Ham, East Toronto, who died in the general hospital, on Tuesday last, a bullet wound being found in the back of his head, after death, was eonclud- wd, last night. The jury found that Ham came to his death from pneu monia complicated by the effect of a bullet wound in kis head inflicted hy his own hand. The declaration of the new issue of $1,000,000 of stock which was decided upon at the annual meeting of the Canadian general electric company, held a few months ago, expected to be made shortly. The company has re- ceived the necessary permission from Ottawa and when Frederic Nicholls second vice president and Sanaging director of the company, who is now in British Columbia, returns to the city, which will be about the latter end of next week. A meeting of the directors will be held and the matter settled. It is stated {hat 425.000 of new stock will be the présent issue at the ratio of one in four to the exist- ing shareholders. HAVE STARTED BACK. Ross and His Colleagues Leave Sault Ste. Marie. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 12. Premier Ross and his touring migis- ters, aiter having spent" two days' in examining the enterprise and works in operation in this distriet, took train for Toronto last night. Yesterday was devoted to an inspection of Mr. Clergue's barge industries on this side and a trip up the Algoms (Central railway. Owing to the steel plant not being vet all roofed in the com- pany was not able to give an exam- ple of steel rail making. The making of steel was, however, witnessed, to pether with the rolling of the metal into billets, but one process removed from rails. Inspection of Poles. Brockville, Ont., April 11.--The quest touching the th of W. Nevins closed last night. The ver dict of the jury was that Nevins came to his death by the breaking of telephone pole, the property of the Bell telephone company, on which "he was working. © They also expressed the opinion that the pole wax over loaded with cables and wires | and TH. i 1 1 telephoning and tel@raphing without F bevlain. There is a rupture in the cabi A GREAT INVENTION. If it Can be Made Practical Inexpensive. Dunkirk, N.Y., Apel 12-4. 8 Reshong, a telegraph operator of this city, has discovered a new method of and wires, which, according to his state ment, is wore practical and inexpen: sive than the Marconi system of wire less telegraphy. A peculiar feature of the nsw invention is that no ele tricity whatever is used in transmit ting the sound. The inventor alse clomms, with the aid of his vipiior motor, which generates a current far more powerful than electricity, he will be able to run all kinds of ma Kinery at a small exvense, thus dis pensing with coal, smoke and ashes THE STATEMENT DENIED. Chamberlain Says no Differences Exist. London, April 12.--The Echo crea ted a sensation to-day by publishing the following statement : "We hear, on the best and most reliable author ity that the cabinet has been stm moned to confer, mot only on the question of peace, but regarding an open between cha Hicks veach and colonial secretary Uham net due to Chamberfdnin's msistance for a loan™ as a way of raising the present deficit." Colonigl secretary Chamberlain denies that any cabinet differences exist. Fisher's Figures Under Discussion. Ottawa, April 12.~The estimates of the minister of agriculture were under consideration in the house yesterday, and Mr. Fisher explained about every thing from the curing of cheese to the. explanation of how the chickens died aom some disease anknown at the ex perimental farms. Some few members were quite interested, but the major ity seemed to have business elsewhere, ad the result was that when the house assembled after dinner then were many vacant seats The esti mates will probably be continued Monday. J Hopes She Will Race. London, April "13.-The Yachting World, in an article on the prospect of a race beteen Columbia, Sham rock and other yachts during coro- nation year, expressed the hope that the American boat will participate in the race. It says she will be sure of an enthusiastic reception, and say: there could be no more fit oecasion than during the coronation year for such a visit. on . ¥* Little Girl Dismembered. Watertown, N.X., April 12-A few feet east of the Antwerp station on Friday, the milk train, running as the second section of passenger train 4, struck and killed Cecil Yerden, "the ten-year-old daughter of Oliver Yer den, Antwerp. The little girl was walking on the track ahead of the train and disregarded the whistle warnings, Both legs were cut off and the beady horribly mangled Woman Gone, Man Fined. Windsor, Ont., April 12.-A fine of £100 or a vear's imprisonment was the penalty inflicted on Edward Ma ther at the spring assizes, last night, on a serious charge brought by Em fly Strong. Pues. Notwithstanding the fact that Miss Strong had disappear ed, her statements before the poli N No. WEATHER PR\ Toronto, Oni. April occasional showers. winds, contiomd could, local showirs We believe our Corset to be the best and IN in Kingston. Rather sweeping statement, amply bérne out by am) who takes the trouble 10 compare. Yehrs of experls ence have taught us what is worthy and required by the women of Canadas Freaks of shape or styls in Corsets find no place kh Grace of figure and ¢ are the first points of lence we demand in Corset we sell, Absolute | security is assured to patron of this no matter what the style or price of Corset desired, Only thoroughly experienced sales people are employed to sell and explain every pair. An expert fitter is permanently here at the service of ' lady desiring her advice. assistance in selecting the Corset best suited to her fig- ure. Consult her whether you are ready to buy or not. This partial list of the makes we carry may inter ost : W. B. CORSETS--10 styles § $1.35 to $3.50 pr. ; F. P. CORSETS--25 styles, $1.25 up. : RIBBON LATTICE : COR. SETS, $1.25. We are sole agents for HUSBAND-M Norw #rodericheburgh, April dud, 10' Mr, wd Mee. Marcus bard, & daughter ARMSTRONG--Un March 26th, the wile of ! Armstrong, (mes Edith Demorest], lisa, Man. of & son MARRIED. oo Tweed, « 4] hon Hoos Mo tt M virose, on Bariwe, Shas Deseropre. winvhip, NAND--AL Hobwrt Mise Wintde Leonasd ARRETT--AL | Napanes, Hh Yaz, Hobwr: € ancy, vl, Helle, younguet duster of the Tats liam Garrett, Coatreville DIED. CALDWELL~At Sydenham, April 11th, Theis as Caldwell, aged 76 years, Siwtlield BARBER LEU Nth, Jo wo CLANCY« magistrate in Windsor were accepted as evidence, Wingham, Ont., April 12 Arthur aged about fourteen, were engaged in digging a hole in v a large boulder when suddenly the stone | moved, slipped into the hole and | crushed the life out of most frantic with grief the father was | i obliged to dig his son out. 1] Not Freed From Awful Charge. | St. John, N.B., April 12.-A¢ Hap | ton, Robert Bennet, avcused of erim- | inally wssaulting his daughter, was | let out. The daughters, who were wit | nesves, have been spirited away, and | the prosecution had no evidence. The court in letting Bennet go suid he was not freéd Trem the charge. W. J. Dennis Sentenced. Cobourg, *Apfil 12-W. J. Dennis, found guilty of obtainifiy money hy | false pretences from his late partoer, | Daniel O'Leary, and stealing a quan | tity of silk from L. F. Clary, as | signee for the benefit of creditors, | was sentenced to nine months in the | Central prison. : Seoteh Tweeds. i This spring in Fit-Reform is to be | jound a large emortment of Scotch | tweed suits at R10, $12, 815, perfect fit | and guaranteed to keep their shape i Jenkins. The estimates were presented to ae porth west territories' legislatures on | Friday and amount to $637,221, an | increase over last year of 845104. i Rev. Dr. T s physicians ao | nounce that they soe po hope for hie reéovery. Forget" --~ Fut thea we know you | won't forget to send, your linen to BAKER'S | "Lest You | | Steam Lauxory, be- | i Killed The Lad. | i s 1 Magee, a farmer, and his son, James, which to bury al | ® |sesscesesscsvessee oe Famernl ov Sunday afternoon. | ROGUEY<As Gorden Island, un Apel] X Willinm Roguey, aged OF yours mont hs i Funeral notive inter - Arrl THN, at ber penis RICE-On Friday dex £9 Nydenham sceewt, Ki in the cightynioth year Hurriet, Mice at St Cooree's onthedend Monday, her age Funeral 10 the boy. Al | ¢ The kind you ¢ that van be bake W. J. CROTHERS. REAL ESTATE. OWNERS OF LARGE TRACTS OF WHEAT land jn Mandtobs, Assinbols, wan, Alberta Jrovine a1 MH vou desire fo | sell your lund, phases nd a and net price enn businoes fevenoon Ir Will comsider jonds. 11 favorable prides are ropressniative il RET, I hm ae FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. MUST BE IN GOOD LOCALITY. & smd hve modera cotivemieites, fonse alt months or 3 Medorontes xchaued. Addrems, accomrweia tion Whig English Derby Hats. Peet quality for, kit, new 81.50, 82. Jemkine. ! The Pen of Constant Xcel PC Is