TR "8c. up to' T8e, prettiost pol y of wh makes ot Dems tp or ANS AXMINSTERS-Nobe ticher A all WRrerooms .. Sonlity variety, y Bend ©, nob exoolled-- SHADES AND POLES~-- Good va QUALITY WILL BE BETTER THIS YEAR THAN LAST. ha ithret New and More Expensive Caps -- This Decided at a Meeting of the Fire and Light Committee Yesterday--Arbitration Talk. A regular meeting of the civie fre and light 'committee was held yester day afternoon st threes o'clock. There were present ; Chairman Bell, Als. Craig, King, Harkness, Farrell and MoCammon, A number of miscellancous accounts were passed. The question of supplying clothing for the firemen was the principal mat- ter discussed. The engineer said that the lining supplied last year was not as good as it should have been. The chairman thought it advisable to abtain a sample of the best indigo blue, with the weight of the goods stamped thereon, : Ald. Harkness' opinion was that it would be advisable =» purchase a coal sud two pairs pants and not J furnish a vest. Samples of cloth and linings will be obtained by the chairman and the en gineer, and will 'be submitted for ' the inspection of the committee at a spe cial meeting. It was moved *by Ald. Farrell that tenders be called Jor a supply of six teen caps, similar to the sample sup plied by A, Abernethy. Carried. The chairman announced that Ald. McFarlane"s bill cf expenses for pur chasing the new fire brigade team would amount to $29. He expecied that the alderman would be present to hand in his bill, Ald. Harkness' mo: tion, that this bill be paid, passed the gommitiee, ! It was moved by Ald. King that $01, the proceeds of the sale of the old team, be eredited to the fire and light committee. This was carried. In comnection with the disputed value of the light, heat and power company's franchise, Ald. McCammon asked if a compromise could not be affected. Ald. Craig considered that if the company submitted suach a proposi- tion to the commities it should be donsidered, but hé did not think it wise for the committed to have the initiative, Ald, MeCammon's point was that the city, by renewing the lighting eon tract, quarter by quarter, was sup- plying funds to the company to carry the appeals from one court to an other, Ald. King mentioned the city #0 licitor's stand in the matter, quoting hin reference to supplying the oon pany with 'the sinews of war." The solicitor; he said, had advised the council against arbitration, but when the eity got the award of $175,000, he was very well pleased. The maiter was allowed to drop. On motion of Ald. Farrell, the en- ineer was instructed to ask for ten- ees for 300 feet of hose of various grades, ¥Y.M C. A NOTES. Baseball in Favor--Gifts of Books And Magazines. The Y.M.CA. game the coming summer ie to be baseball. Already one team is at practice, and other teams will also be formed. The swimming tank has been sup- plica with a better heating appara tus; and when fall comes the members will have a delightiul place to bathe, On account of the new schedule, the boys' weekly gospel meeting is held on Friday at 4:30 p.m. ; A notice posiea in the various ome reads ; "All members aru-re- ired to carry their membership tick- ith them." Six mote Yovka dave, been donated to t rary by Jose « Hayeoock, ex-M.P.P., Cataraqui. : Robert Meek has presented the Y.M. CA. with Recreation, 'a monthly ne. " Hereafter no loafing will be allowed on the association steps. Less Binding On The Roads. Fast yoar, the city decidea binding on some. of the TET E $75 FE { 2 SE § i «5 TAR DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 13. SPORT IN GENERAL. ------ Notes About the Various Sport ing Fields. ; New Westininster will have the same Jacrosse . teams as last year, a very strong one, President Roosevelt will attend the first baseball match of the season at Washington. ft will cost 81,000 tv send the To- ropta seullers to Henley. AH but #500 of that amount haw been collect al. Napanee has formed a tennis club, with these officers: Honorary presi dent, T. E. Anderson; president; U. J, Flach; vice-president,, Mra. Tobey; secretary -treasarer, J. F. VanEvery; executive committee, Miss G. Herring, Miss E. Dafoe, T. A. McKay, A. F. ie. Arthur Page, of athletic renown, has entered the émployment of the street railway . company. Next fail it is likely he will play in the scrimmage of t Black Watch rughy team, in the O.RP.U, series. Na stronger or more capable scrimmager could be Tanager G of the Ponies' anager sgan, of t Pomes hasehal on Groghe not yet made final arrangements about a battery, though Cheney will be one of the pitchers, The personnel of the romainder of the team will be: First base, Hunt; se cond hase, Quigley; third base, Derry; shori-stop, Tilton; left field, Islin; centre field, Daley; right field, Cheney. Toronto Globe : "Chaucer" Elliott did not to so badly at first, handling thrown balls very nicely, 'That he is exceedingly nimble was shown by the easy way in which he got over the grounds. There is nothing the mat- ter with his throwing whip, and if he dost not deliver the "goods," appear: ances are very deceiving. ---- ALLOWED TO PLAY. An Enthusiastic Baseball Meeting Last Night. A very enthusiastic meeting of lov- ers of baseball was held at Congress Hall last night. It was intended to Rave the meeting attended by only two members from each team, but dozens of others were present, These teams have entered the following number of players : St. Lawrences, 18; Oddfellows, 48; Longshoremen, 22; Battery, 23; Locomotive works, 14. The Ramblers, having not yet held a meeting to organize, did not submit & number. Some objection was taken to the Oddfellows playing Conley, Easton, Derry, Moore, McCammon, the Laird brothers and others who had places last year with the Gra- nites and Ponies. A vote was taken on this point. with the result that these men will be allowed to play. This gives the Oddlellows the strong- est team in the league to start with. C. 1. Bass considered that his dutiés as secretary-treasurer would be eom- plicated enough to warrant him hav- ing an assistant; alderman McCan- mon was appointed to assist Mr. Bass. The executive will meet on Wednesday evening, and the teams will at once get down to work. Many of the team members think that Me Cammon, whosé skill is everywhere re- cognized, should not be allowed to go into the box for the Oddiellows. PERSONAL MENTION, Tovements Of Tha People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. James Stewart returned from Mon- treal this morning. Miss Maud Wright, Prescott, spent the Easter holidays with friends in "Kingston. Rev. Dr. Philp onal sermons in cuit on Sunday. Sidney Smith, Kingston; Joseph Cadicus and Peter LaChance were among the lucky drawers at the St. John's church bazaar, Gananoque. Rev. G. 8. Eldridge, formerly pas- for of Princess street Methodist church, this city, is now pastor of Sumner avenue M. E. church, Brook- lyn, NY. "Arthur Stevens, late proprietor of the Terminus hotel, will sail this sea- son as steward of the steamer Rideau Queen. The company Rd s good man for the position. J. G. Foster, Toronto, publisher of the city directory for a good many yeats, is again here making his an: nual , It will be interesting to know what he makes the city's popu- be. ation Campton, Brockville, former- ; ; ton, was in the eity yes Ramen, ent hie conadtiom with A. W. Ault, Ottawa, and is now travelling for the Hamilton jobbing house of Toronto. Harry B spending the past month with friends in the city, re turned last night to Toronto, A num- ber of young men accompanied him to the outer junction, and jar him an enthusiastic' send-off. eo will be much missed in the city. MARINE NOTES. Getting Ready For Opening Of Navigation. will preach educati- the Sydenham eir- from Oswego, with coal, expected to- schooner New Dominion arrived Sowand's wharf with coal from Crawford's whari = Schooner Acacia, "{E, THE ROTA CADE." ' AL Se IT DREW A LARGE AUDIENCE LAST NIGHT. The Production Was Highly Pleas- ifig -- Principals Took Their Parts Well--Seventy-Five Local Amateurs Took Part. That popular military opera, 'Leo, the Royal Cadet," with ite local set ting and martial 'music, was atthe Grand operas house last night, and drew a large audience. Jt wes pro: duced by a Kingston company of sev: enty-five, under the direction of Mr. Telgmann. For the benefit of the pre- sent generation it might be mention- od that "Leo, the Royal Cadet," is the production of two Kingstonians. Rev. C. J. Cameron, now of Boston, then plain "Charlie," wrote the words, while the musical setting is by Oscar Telgmann. This charming little operas has been produced all over Ontario, and it will be remem- bered that last December a western Methodist minister placed a ban on it, because he had been told that the girls appeared on the stege in tights But there was never anything of the kind--the daintiest costume worn by the maidens is knee skirts and knee boots, brightly polished, when they in their drum drill. The production was highly pleas- ing. The role of "Leo," was filled by Gene Bepupre, who has a very good voice. A few more stage rehearsals would fit him well for the part. W. E. Manbard essayed the role of "Wind," so ably taken in previous years by Maj. Frank Strange, Mr. Manhard was perhaps the most successful of last night's principals in sustaining his role, throughout the play without a hitch. "Nellie," the sweetheart of "Leo," was. sgéin admirably played by Miss Madeline Campion, who did so well in that part two years ago. Her sweet voice and pretty face well qualify her for that character. Miss Bessie Stroud as "Caroline" was in- deed 8 dainty maiden, and made =n great hit. She was as chic and win- some as the "gods" could wish, ami played her part with spirit, just as the minx should be played. A person named O. F. Namglet ap- peared as the comical "Bellows," and made such a success of the character that his identity was eagerly sought for and was discovered by spelling his name backwards Telgmann, just Os- car, As "Gaspard," E.-Barry showed a good voice. Vin. Daley did a clever act as "Quip," the landlord." D. F. Armstrong again appeared as the R. M. C. commandant, and did so woll that the audience unanimously voted him capable of filling that po- sition permanently. Maj. Galloway as "Capt. Bloodswigger" and Calot Sergt. Bailey as the "BSN" were heard to good advantage in their songs. Others on the cast were : "Madge, capiain of the drum corps," Miss Irene Armstrong; 'Phyllis, lieutenant of the drum corps," Miss - Etta Es- ford: "Chawles, king of the dudes.' Herman Byron; "Zulu chief," E Koen. In the second act a clever bur- lesque act was done by V. Daley and E. Barry, as German and French pro fessors respectively, Then there were mare. than a score of attractive girls nd es many young men in the choruses, which were very well ren- dered. The music is as vodtchy and tuneiul as ever. Between the first and second acts, little Mignon Telg- mann, a child about six years of age, played a violin solo on a tiny instra- ment, in a clever manner for such a little tot, and was warmly applauded. Considering the large company. of players, the opera went off with re markably few hitches. In a couple of cases, the Jady principals weakened their parts by using their manuseript in songs, and in the third act a "white" Zulu was rather noticeable in the fight. The music was supplied by a good orchestre. and the stage settings were very good. There is one act of "Leo, the Royal Cadet," which is aeeidedly unrealistic, and that is the. fourth. Several improvements could be made . in it, which would strengthen the whole production. Claimed By Galt. Stratford Beacon, Lieut. Bruce Carruthers, the gal- jant Canadian officer, who held his st at Kleinhart's river, till all had len, is an old Galt collegiate insti- tite hoy, having been an attendant in the late seventies, and thus is one more added to an honor roll of dis tinguished men. "Bibby's."' Oak Hall. '"Bibby's." Men's spring suits, the finest variety in town, 83, 810 and $12. The H, I. Bibby Co. Campbell's Hats. The new American styles in young men's fedoras, $2. Campbell Bros. -- A NEW BABY. Old One Made Over by Grape- [ relieve © CHURCH SERVICES. Places Where Good Sermons Will be Heard. First: 'Baptist © church. -- Morning, "The Sabbath for Man; A Blessing or a Curse." Bethel Congregational church--Rev. PD. N: Morden, minister. Serviees, 11 am. and 7 pm Strangers cor dially invited. Seats are all free. First Congregational chareh, corner Wellington and Johnston streets Rev, Hugh Podley, Montreal, will preach at both services: 11 a.m, sub jot, "The End And The Means'; 7 p.m., subject, "The Strenuous Life." Seats are free and all are welcome Brock Street Methodist church. -- Rev. Eber Crunnmy, B.A, B.Se, pas tor. Supday, April 13th, educational day. Morning aad evesing, 11 sam. and 7 p.m. Morning preacher, Rev. T. C. Brown, Sydenham; evening, the pastor. Sunday-school, 2.45; pastor's bible study, 4.15. Sydenbam street church, Rev. Dr. Philp, pastor, Sunday, April 13th, 1902-11 am., Rev. E. Crummy, B.8¢.; 7 p.m, Rev. T. C. Brown, Syd enham; 2:45 pan., Sanday school and bible clase. Monday, 8 pm., Ep worth league; Wednesday, 8 p. m., praver and praise service, Music : morning anthem, "The Earth is the Lord's." Evening anthem, "The Sun is Sinking Fast"; solo, Miss Perley. Queen street Methodist church, April 13th, 1902--Rev. J. Cooper Ant ff, M.A., D.D., will preach at 1] a.m. and 7 pom. At the evening service a special collection will be taken for the relief of the poor oi the church. Sun day school at 2:45 p.m. Mid-week sor vice on Wednesday at 8 p.m. All wel come, Morning anthem, "Even Me," Mr. Dillabough and choir; solo, "Oh, Eves That Are Weary," Mrs. Fraser. Evening anthem, "Son of My Soul'; solo, "Three Visions," Mrs. Evans. Po Grand Trunk Officials Here. The Grand Trunk railway's official special, which has just completed the most thorough inspection ever made of the line, arrived here vesterday af- ternoon. The train was made up of four official cars and an official bag gage car, and carried general manager Hays, manager MeGuigan, chief en gineer Hobson, third vice-president Morse, car superintendent McWood, M. 8. Blaiklock, superintendent of eastern division, and U, E. Gillen, train mas- ter, - These officials looked over the yards of the outer station, and also came in te the city station, remaining about twenty minutes. They leit shortly after four o'clock for Montreal where their journey was ended, a tour of 3,000 miles having been made. Every station on the main line and branches, west of Montreal, has been inspected. The tour. was made to -deeide- upon new work to be carried out, new sta- tions to Le erected and double track- ing to be done. "Man To Man.'* One act of the new. melodrama "Man to Man" presented by Butter field and Bromilow, shows a summer hotel in the heart of the Adirondack mountains. Nain Grute, a New York newspaper man, who wrote the play, spends his summers in the mountains, and 'the scene showing the hotel in question is said to be a exaet repro duction of a summer resort that ac- tually exists. Further than this a chambermaid character in the piece, and a country boy and a country sher- iff, all of 'whom carry the comedy ele ment of the © piece, are taken bodily from the characters at the resort every summer, The play throughout, is described -as being thoroughly mo- dern so far as its dialogue and con: struction are concerned, while telline the none the less old, old story of the love of a man for a maid. 'Man to Man" is booked for the Grand for Thursday next, 19th inst. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special i tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a ouebated German physician, and is acknowledg- ed to be one of the most fortunate dis coveries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest naiure, removing, as it ioes,..2he Saute of the affection and ving parts in a and healthy condition. It En ext perimental medicine, but has stood the st of Years, giving satisfaction io frery p Sant, whi its rapidly increas million bot chee's T up in the United States in 1868, and now sold in every town and village in the civilized wo ad. Thums dos i any ordinary 1 750. For sale at Wade's drug store. Was Well Known In Kingston. There passed away on Thursday, at the residence of r father, James Ross, Athens, his eldest daughter, An- nie, aged twenty-five years, ter many months of suffering. She was a and music teacher of note, and held the position of organist in George street Methodist chureh, Broek- ville, until a few months ago. deceased young lady Kingston on various occasions, had many friends bere who will be ined to learn of her demise. The uhsral took lace . Shia aftanoon, ser- vice being conduc in lican chiirch by Rev. W. W, ete! ST Br itis Canads. > Will Whitney Agree To This ? One would think that Mr. Gibson The ARE 8 al, whole-souled pe atts te is the case; eis cold; and unsympathetic. had' a quarrel PARAGRAPHS PICKED Ur BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Dog bailiff Conley has gathered five stray dogs this week. Monkey Brand Soap removes all staiug, rust, dirt or tarnish -- but won't wi thes. * The Elder Dempster (Beaver) line is represented by Gilderslesve & Kirkpat rick. The annual spring cleaning of the principal downtown streets bas been completed, All sizes of Manahan's Tarine Moth Proof Bags, the best moth preventive on the market, at E. C. Mitchell's. Toronto Star: If the Boers now make peace, it would seem as if the Canadians had been in 'at the fin in The civie finance committee was to have met Inst night, but there was no quorum, owing to the absence from the city of several aldermen. Rireet scrapings are being used to raise the K. & P. railway station lawn, at the foot of Clarence street, to the level of the asphalt sidewalk. The very changeable weather of the past week would convinee anyone that spring must be of the feminine gender. Then, too, she sheds tears on the least provocation. A large number of auction sales will occur at the end of the month. Allan & Brown have booked several, while J. H. Mills has three household sales next week. The moving season is here, \ People who have used these Moth Proof Bags. are our best advertise ment; we sell more through their tell ing their friends than our own of forts. Get one and you'll not be dis appointed. E. C. Mitchell. During the next two weeks, while the alterations are going on in the store, we will give twenty per cent. off the following goods : Toilet paper, sponges, tooth brushes, hair brushes and trusses, at Wade's drug store. Farmers in the city to-day, stated that a great deal of their low lands have been flooded by the late rains, and that the more elevated ground is too wet so work. Seeding opera tions have been discontinued. Too late to insure when the fire bell rings. Do it before. Gildersleeve & Kirkpatrick. A long stretch of the fence at the north east side of the fair grounds was blown down during the late heavy rains." That portion of the grounds is undér water. As soon 'as it becomes dry Messrs. Conley and Att wood will repair the fence. You will not have to send your fur lined coat to the tailor's to have it pressed if vou put it away in a Mana han's Moth Bag: there are hooks ia side to bang it up and a bag will lest for years, E. C. Mitchell. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, 14 King street west, Torontd, has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late Miss Maria Hart, of St. Catharines, who died Taste month. The estate consists principally of real estate and moneys deposited in banks. Peerless Tawn Seed will grow in any kind of soil, in almost any situation, and will produce a beautiful green, velvety sward, 20¢, a pound, 5 for $i. E, C. Mitchell RENEWING THE VILLAGE. The New Buildings Quite a Credit to Place. Napanee Express Tamworth, which was nearly wiped out on February 6th, 1902, bas some fine buildings startea. I; E. Rose has his Block well under way, as he has commenced to Jay the brick work, al so F. P. Wells, who in connectidn with D. E. Rose, is building a double store together, making it cost less and a warmer building. Next om the way is Floyd & Son, who have neaf- lv completed their stone work, and ly appearance of foundation, will have a fine structure. C. R. Jones, hardware merchant, will be next, als Brose Richardson. 2. Thornton also talks of erecting a store on his old foundation, but not as large as form. erly. When all these are complotod we will have as fine a street on the north-east side of Division street as could be wished for in any town. The talk is that Sampson Shields will erect a fine brick block op the north side of Ottawh street, which will com- plete that side of the street, which was destroyed by fire in 1805. C. G. Coxall has renovated his shore wines the fire of February Oth, making it as commodious for a busi ness block as there are in any city. For the new buildings the stone is being quarried on the site of the Grange property, at the stope grist mill, about one quarter of a mile south of the village. It in a fine quarry of good dark color. Prentice To Go Free. An order-in-council has passed by which a young lad, Arthur Prentice, under sentence in Kingston penitenti- ary, life imprisonment, for murder, ix to regain hig liberty. He will go back to his friends in England Prentice, five years ugo was sen tenced to be hanged for murder of a farmer in western Ontario. Prentics with a nei farmer's son over a rabbit, whi Prentice said to him. farmer took np the row with Prentice ana the lad shot him. x "Bibby's" Oak Hall. "Bibhys." Swell top coats. Oxford greys, 87. i, $5, 8 and $10. The H. D. Bibby 0. FACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOOD solid conl~s0 much solid fre Aler ronches the face of the earth mines, impurities are Thereatia it in YW it reached yOu, 4 no We am very carebul, T-. i 5 Of course you are. I's a natural thogeht at say season. You wast eosl, too, bat sorvos the best Pucpody, thet keeps the fire golng to the best advantage. Here's gogl « olonr chunke---which will provide yall value for, what is odwis. : % (HE RATHBUN £0. Your Neighbor Says ' WALSH'S. SCRANTON COAL IS ALL RIGHT. Have you tried it 7 Shall we send you a ton ? A COSY BRIGHT ® FIRE SERTICES BOOTH'S COAL. SY eh REMINDER. Now is the time te have yous Waggons, Carriages repaired' end