THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 12 ; rm ------------------------------------_--_-- =] . ---- . ns Vo em-- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By TERRIBLE ACCIDENT IN AN OF MINING IN NOVA SCOTIA Reporters On Their Hounds. is & i change. Buil IRON TUBE FOUNDRY. This is nu Vite for o changs BY ENGLISHMEN. ne up Ontario * >» " : J Judge Mellonald has disposed of 110 A New Lacrosse League Formed in Montreal, Will Not Exclude actes of the farm at east end of Gan- anogue to J.C, Thomson, for 42, Toronto~The Price of Domin- ion Steel Still Keeps up Well. Montepal, April 12.-& young lad, aged sixteen, nomed Vaultier, was lit- erally torn to pieces this i in the iron tube foundry at St. enri here he was employed. He was caught in: the machinery and death was in- stantaneous. The talk in lacrosse circles to-day is that when the senior lacrosse Jeague meets this afternoon, in this city, the organization will di that sn uently a new orgauization will be formed which will not include To- routo. 'One reason for this action re- garding Toronto is the expense of tak- ing clubs to that city from the cast, resulting in fingneial loss. There is talk of electing alderman Lamarche to the presidency of the proposed new or- ganization which will include the Point St. Charles club in place of Toronte. Me. Loawmarche is now president of the National lacrosse club. The first bid for Dominion steel, common, at the opening of the stock exchange to-day was at sixty-nine. He | was immediately surrounded by a howling moh of sellers, When mat ters got straightened ont 500 shares wont on' the board at those figures. A litte later 693, the former top level, was -with- a subsequent re-se- tion to 09. Yesterday's closing was <1 66}. - Canadian Pacific was also very * | strong, selling up to 117 by the first | hali hour. MAJOR WALLER Attempts to Justify His Treat- ment of Samar Natives. Manila, April 12.--Major Littleton W. Waller, of the marine corps, who is being tril by court-martial on the charge of execotling Samar natives without rial, addressed the crowded court yesterday. The major said he was wither right or wrong in his ac tions, and added that he desired to cite five precedents, which came under the head of his own case, He alluded to the naval battle at Santiago and the humanity he had shown the Span- ards thanking him for the kindness be had shown them. Continuicg, Maj. Waller said that, in 1882, he was with British forces in Egypt. where Arabs 'captured pickets of Bengal cavalry, decapitated the pri- soners and placed their heads on poles. Afterwards, all the Arabs who were "omens | FOR BOYS. We have now Teady, our coms plete range of Boys S ings. FINE WOOL, double heels and toes, 25¢., 356 33¢., 39¢. - RIBBED CASHMERE, dou-} ble heels and toes. 4 ply knees, just the the thing for hard wear, SR. all sizcs from 1 to 16 years. BOYS' EXTHA STRONG RIBBED COT: TON, absolutely fast black. This stocking is known in the States as LEATHER and this make is to be had us only in Kingston Prices range from 15¢C. to 25C, ac- cording to size. Girls' - © Ribbed or Plain Cashmere. | i Ribbed or Plain Cotton Sieg Tan, Black, White, Cardinal, all What Mr, Dick Has to Tell of His Recent Visit to Europe -- Hopes to Secure Good Coun- tracts in Scandinavia. Walilax, April 12---~Alexander Dick, { nesistant to the general manager of { the Dominion ceal company, who arrived howe from his trans-Atlantic trip in the interests of the company. | ~ reports that he made a number new contracts nS inavia Pemmark, and is hopeful that the large ones will be closed when the shipments to the St, Lawrence mark- ets couse, Mr. Pick says he found competition much more it was during his last visit. While in Fng- {land Mr. Dick suggested to the Brit ish royal commission on cogl the de sirability of including the colonial trade in the sphere of its investiga: tion. A number of English colliery proprietors and mining managers, he says, are about to visit Nova Scotia to study improved methods of mining. ORGANIZE FORCES All Over the Empire to be Always Available. Toronto, April 12--A meeting of the executive committee of the Tor i onto branch of the navy leagne was Fugene ¥. Ware, Kansas, has been | held yesterday, at which a memoran- j selected by the president to succeed | dum, drawn up for submission to the 1H. Clay Evans as the commissioner of | dominion government, on the subject | pensions. fir. Ware is: from Topeka, | of imperial defence, was adopted. The an, | memorandum, which is a lengthy one, Jucob Riis, New York, will decline | UrE®S the necessity for the organiza- the position of governor of thé Dan- | tion of forces at the present available ish West Indies, unless president | '0 the outlying Barts of he singite Roosevel lv inis ogo t in case the empire shou arta. Wwsugly 'insists: upon: his attacked these forces will be ready Mrs. A. Edward Tower, a Pough- for immediate use. Such forces it "is i keeprie, N.Y., millionaire's wife, killed declared should be organized and Hy li RA : her voung son snd then committed maintained by the colonies, and. re suicide. She was subject to tempo rary insanity. main under the absolute control of Gen. Schifield, Washington, declares their respective governments. The document also draws the at that the United States must abolish the office of commanding general, and tention of the government to the im- portance of adopting a policy where mibstitute what other pations have, a chief of staff. by Great Britain and Canada, by a Orlando Preffer, a resident of Yar joint system of subsidization shall create 8 powerful fleet of merchant mouth township, Ontario, died Friday night from the effects of exposure. He steamers in the North Atlantic, which would produce a large number of lay out all night in a swamp near fleet auxiliaries in time of war, and Sparta a few weeks ago. outliies a scheme whereby the merch- Among the floral tributes on the | ant seamen and fishermen of the dom- casket of the late W. E. Nevins was oné from deceased's comrades in the inion of Canada may be organized and trained as apart of the Cana- employment of the Bell telephone com- pany and another from mayor Shaw. dian militia system. Eight drunken marauders attacked The death occurred yesterday of ex- Ald. J. B. Boustead, who for twenty Michael Adonowiez in his saloon at Chicago. Adonowicz laid out two of six years; was a member of the To- ronto city council. Mr. Boustead was caught were shot without trial. Dur them with & beer bottle and shot a ing the éampaign in China the Chi- { hind. He was finally knockea. sense: sixty-seven years of age, and bad been a resident of Toronto since was nese | less. twenty-one. He was prominent in the Jnatilsted the dnd and toriiited | A. ©. Austin, of Lyndhurst, has re- when a. Be faba ; eomsequently, | ooived notice from the proviucial see a Boxer or a fanatic Was captur- | iary of Manitoba that -an order-in- FEET, 25¢. FANCY STRIPES. business, church, municipal and social circles. He had been ill with para ed, he was executed immediately, with- | : inti t a {eouncil had been passed, appointing Sut refs . This was true in the | hi, u notary public for that pro- LACE ANKLES and many novelties. lysis for a year and o half. . case of the troops of every nation in| -------- > China. It was true the three weeks! John Patkhouse secured a 81.200 Rhodes' Portraits Are Full-Face. : be commanded the Americans there. i i ¥ J . LAI DLAW & SON ww | verdict against the Bennett furnish London Mail side of this But the same thing oceurred, later, | jhe contpuny at the -~nssige court, in BANS ALANS OS NINS OST ap | SION A story illustrative of a when he was no longer in command. | London, Ont. for the Joss of a hand | pain aud | Lov ' ter. My. Rhodes was in the ar No protest Es made, and he had | while in the employment of the de Ps studio preparing to sit. : oy bs $0 believe that his acts | fendant. " How are yon going to paint me?" Sse TTT deni approved, so far as the American | The mayor is in weceipt of a com: | he enyuired, with undisguised anxiety. OFCER. WePg concerned, He knew they | munieation from the machinists' union | Before the artist could reply Mr. wire approved by those of the other asking that only a practical machinist | Rhodes added determinedly, "if you i : a : be appointéd to the position of night | don't paint me full face you don't : 8. impossible to gonoeive such engineer at the water works pumping | paint me at all, unless it is the back 8, ty ad that of the natives of station. of my head. Why does a man want : hrs said the major. "They revel | The admiralty division of the high | to paint you side-face, when ail hon- in: blood, and have an appetite for | court of justice has handed down a | est men look you straight in the face? wanton sacrilege of the human body. | judgment against Harmonides, holding | No ome ever saw me other than full- These fiends stole Capt. Connell's class | that she was at fault in the collision face." Mr. Rhodes went on to tell ring, filled the soldiers' bodies with | with the steamer Wassland. © The dam® | how a distinguished R.A. bad once Jam and jelly and attempted to mur- | ages to be collected by the Red Star | painted him three-quarter face. He oF my coumand, 1 shot them. I line will he assessed by the registrar. | bought the picture at once for g large -- ---- wR honestly hot hen that A goa When at Neweastlé, South Africa, | sum and destroyed it. : ) _ ent, i y How, Neither | surgeon-maj Duff me i -------------- a -- my people nor the. world will believe ; for] met major. Umple 205. Willian Chapman, of Ottawa, has been appointed a permanont transla tor on the senate ypinff, at a salary of £1 000 a year. Fx-mayor James K. McGuire, Syra- | cuse, will not be a candidate for lien tenani-givernor on the democratic ticket, for New York state. Miss Mair, Union street, last even ing entertained her class of Sunday ol pupils of Chalmers church, A t evening was. spent, Juvitations have been issved for the marriage of Miss Janet Bennett, wil | jetsholme, to John Gillespie, of same place, on Wednesday next. The Swise minister to Jtaly, Dr. G. Carlin, handed his passports on ac count of the friction between the two countries, will leave Rome to-day. The police have received complaints against a dissolute woman who ar rived here from Belleville a few days ago, und will ran ber out of the city. Canada's foreign trade for nine months of the current fiscal year was $302,498,000, an increase of over $20, 000.000 over the same period for 1901. | The St. Thomas Journal points out i that the Mail is grief stricken shecause | the jer did wot tour new Ontario | on soda crackers and condensed 'milk. We and values are geiorally being sendy steolagrioal sotiely estimates that Bel {poe pink. 3 vag 3 | Uspitaliais will eect o $750,000 pulp plant on Prince of Wales island, pear Queen Char foils sound, for the mantlucturiog of pulp ZL Phos mudvement in in dare. Thev ine clude patterns on low grounds, vrevs. stone sf ploes, she new roan, the mew rove, coronas "Htion Blas, aud the roguifir colors. The Miswourl, Kansas and Texas railrond, Bug. timid, which has dlecnsly purelinsed large Fumhmctity of oi) préperty about Petrolia, Ont. aml will probably bey much more this stm wer. 'The company is also expected to invest Ta great deal of money in driller snd de ; wioping mew ofl territory, which will prove " ft of great benefit 10 the Canadian petroleom Satistied -- Aren't You? tiees. he beet palut that can he © it. Try a cam, avy CAMSAY'S. | Ls | HARDWARE. VID sizes. % j Wy sy fin hart EXTRA GOOD VALUES, * | The - county finance and property . F sommifttees met Saturday morning. An early settlensent in Jooked for in connection with the Folger note, ' No nftion was taken on the demand that the city pay half the cost of court. hatise improvements, as an answer iw awaited from the civie finance com- wittee. Satisfactory arrangements will be made for cutting the grass arotind the court house by the jail prisoners, but formal application boit | oust be made to the sherilf for the prisoners' service. Repairs will to the jail roof, and a portion of the wall of the women's depart ment, which is heaved in and in dan- gor of falling. The walks in rear and at both ends of the court house will be repaied, ---- Money Saved. On every hat you buy at Campbell Bros. e------------ - A paper entitled "The Origin of 3 i Municipal Government in Up tan HENDY'S Al Real Mer IIil be mad by. Prop. = Adam Pronss Limbs ott, of Queen's university at to: "Br i Cute, Sah night's meeting of the Canadian Head and stitute, Toronto. - ICE, 25c. CASHMERE, asc., 35¢., 39¢, 43¢, 4 soc. FINE COTTON, 10c., I2%cs I5¢C., 20cH 25C. : fas. CaN ~ FINE COTTON WITH CASHMERE many-sided man is related by the davghter of a well-known portrait Tr Take Our $1.50 Shoes Examie Them, Compare With Other Shoes Higher Priced, + Sold in Other Stores. 200% The county ~~ licensé commissioners ------ met at 'the Windsor hotel this morn ing, and transferred the license for the Wosthrooke hotel from Joseph MeCon- ville to W. H. Carson, formerly of Kingston, A little danghter of Rev. Alexander and Mrs. Laird, Mack street, became Jost = this morning, and the police wave notified, She was subsequently diseavered. Walter Gordon, Brandon, Man., has ' | confessed to the double crime of mur ! dering Smith and Daw at Whitewater. A Matter Of Taste. ell Me Somebody Who Wants to Get Well I Me Tell Him My Way. | Will Pay me to be a murderer." BUDGET MAY BE POSTPONED. Remote Chance That Hicks-Beach Will Recover in Time. London, April 12-There is still a possibility that the discussion of the udget will be again postponed. Last night Mr. Balfour aanoanced in the course of business that there was "a "Very remote" chanot of Sir Michael hy, of the Victoria mounted rifles, un- der whom . surgeon-licutenant Ross served for a time, after joining the Australian contingent. Major Umpleby presented Dr. Dufi with a pony. Lient.-C'ol. Boulanger, command&nt of the Quebec field battery, has left for Ottawa. He bas been offered a command of a regiment that will com- pose the fourth contingent for South Africa. Laewt.-Col. ir, VG, D.8.0., having been. offered 'a subor dinate Fomtion., has declined, The 88. Fremona, Thomson Fine, Washington Post Senator Money, of Mississippi tells an interesting fact about imitation butter, He says that every pound of § which goes to the West Indies is colored a brilliant ved. "The darkies down there," he says, "won't have any other color. They like red butter just as they adore red shirts or red cravats." : "Yiike ved lemonade at 8 circus," suggested senator Tillman. as" he lis tened to the story of the red butter. Oars aro ahead of them, hy moro style. Wo got the very latost ideas made up in cup i $1.50 Shoes. from Messina, via Louisburg, "Yes,'" replied senator Money, "or the red label on a tomato can. 1 have been told by grocers that if a binck and white label shonid be plac ed on eannod tomatoes, there would be no sale at all. It's all a matter of taste." The Cost, If it Fails. an ocean steamship up the St. Law- so effectively, so early in the THE LOCKETT SHOE A ------ STORE ---- the province of Shansi the coal-fields cover an aves of 14,000 square miles andl contain. it ig estimated, more ----_-- What Is Offered. London, April 12.---Among the many peace rumors, this .meming, the most interesting is fo the efiect that the Boers have intimated that they are willing to come into the British empire as jenior partners, le give up their fag and berome part of an African confederation with a flez of its own, with a suprane court gui with practically an American consti tution. : Mt. Joseph Kerr, who represented Stor mont county in the legislature, in the conseevitive | interests, from 1879 to 15886, died at Wales, Ont., on Friday, aged sixtféur. Mr, Kerr established the fiom of Kerr Bros, which for many- years had an extensive I' business at ~~ Aulteville, Far ran's Point and Wales. See Abernethy's Window somasrow APRIL 126 We offer a window full of Men's High Price Fine Boots. ANY PAIR FOR Ti weeds, worstede and serges double breasted vests, am to $7.50.