BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR ---- : The Matter Left $0 . the Minister of Militia --To Raise Militia Force to 100,000 Men--The Military Spirit of the Country « Much Parliamentary Work Leit Over. ¢ Special 0 the Whir, y s i Ottaws, April 14.+Last week's his cudions in the house of commons were | highly, military in character, 5 couple of Hours on Wednesday being devoted to Mr. Bennett's motion in favor ol swnding in the coronation contingent only those officers and men why had worved in South Africa. The general opigion of the house seemed less ex- clusive, though it inclined to & pre ference for t who in times pest had seen active service in defence of Canada or the empire. Probably the wisest course is to ieave the person nol of the contingent to the minister of militia, who, after all, is yespon- sible for ite efficiency and representa tive character, and whether the ques tion comes up again or not, this pro- cedure will, no doubt, be followed. The debmte on the militia estimates was spirited and interesting, aml oc- cupied the whole of Thursday; The minister announced several radical changes in the force, bused on the re cent recommendations of she depari- ing general officer. Future legislation will increase the permanent force to a strength of about 1.500 and next ses sion an elaborate militin hill will be introduced and no one will say this reform is premature. The total force of setive militie, including trained reserve, will mmount to some: thing like 100000 of all ranks, Ap nusl drills will probably last twenty- one days every third year, and most of the district cers commanding will be made full colonels. It was Jointed out that we bave already a iberal supply of lieutenant colonels, but in many cases this rank is only brevet and the result of a pleasant combination of good condust and longevity. In reasonable time the famous Ross rifle will he the Cana- dian arm as the result of a close ex: pert enquiry into 'its merits. Can teens; though recommend hy Gen. O'Grody-Haley, will as heretofore: be omitted from camps of instruction. This step to have been taken in deference to 4 feminine sentiment, the wisdom of which may well be doubted, for the reason that a light grade of beer and lager might be sold in camp, to advantage, without af fecting' the morality of N, C. officers and men. As regards the retailing of spirits, there is but one of inion which is in favor of their absolute exclus- ion, dd (01 Tisdale, M.P., spoke in elo- SAP SECIS | 8 at Cie oe dune 21s ; pel 3rd Basan avin wosve drapes 3 Mae sia seis per hn April BOW the BR win aie ot, aBenn. Cambroman, May 21st lighs, quent and patriotic terms of the mili- tary spirit of the country and was listened to with well-deserved atten tion throughout a speech of nearly an hour. He instanced in vivid language the condition of the militia forty vears ago during the Mason and Sti dell affair, whon a hundred thousand men answered the roll call. There was Jots of enthusiasm then end no ri with which to arm those willing hands, but to-day all this had chang: ed and we had arms and men in like profusion, while the martial: spirit of the country glowed with as fierce a fire as of yore, The Bell telephone bill had a nar row squeak for ita life in private hill committee of the semate, 5 motion its postponement until next session being negatived by the vote of the chairman. There is a growing fecling here that the company is earning what Mr. Foster would call "ab somal" profits and that the charge for telephones is in the neighborhood of shout fifty per cent. toe much. e gravest fears are now enter: for the safety of Arthur Lind: of the post office ment, who on the 21st ulto,, and in of the closest inquiry all over nada, has "hot since seen, OF heard of. If alive at the present tain DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 14. mre y he-- The Chronology of the Many Pro- time, it id a marvel that be Bas re mained so long undiscovered. Her excellency, lady Minto, and lady Alix Beauclerk, were given » send off on Thursday from the Cana da Atlantic station en route to Eng fond, Many gentlemen and ladiis, among the Jatter being the wives of several of the ministers, throm the platiorm, snd there were costly flow - ers galore, ail poetry, and many kind wishes and heogrty farewells, Lady Minto is pleasant and gentle, and con sequently much liked, while her young and pretty eompanion bas gained hots" of friends fines her arrival - in Ottawa, two months ago. Among the gay butgerflies of fashion the new game of ping pong bas found much popularity antl old and young play it with a fervenéy worthy of a more ser: joug pursuit. I have been permitted to watch the game, which 1s simply lawn tennis in mihiature, and huve witnessed with furtive amusement the antics of varivas old gentlemen, dowa on the floor. or under the piano in active pursuit of the ever elusive little balls, which seem to have a fiendish tendency 10 go where they are least expected. ; y. Tarte hog returned from New York and Baflalo and will resume business to-day at the old stand and Jater will tackle those everlasting rs timates which wslways = peovoke the keenest attention and closest criticism. The minister of public works is mest at home when he iw fighting and jmsie: tent oppodition seems only to spur him to more earnest éfforts. So much parliamentary work is be- ing postponed until next year that it is safe to say that the spssion of 1903 will be of excessive length, with greatly increasing i Four months is a modest estimate for the length of any session, and as regards that now in progress, | may ventars the bold prophecy thay the 2d = J next month will be the date of our farewell to Ottawa, The story of the parole of lieutenant Bruce Carruthers comes from King ston, and not Pretoria. Little is known here as to the survivors of that gallant squadron, who so bravely - up- held the honour of their country, hey- ond the fact that an officer and about fifteen non commissioned officers and meni were taken prisoners, after an in- trepid defence of an exposed position, The suggestion of parole sdems ab- surd, as it hes not been a feature of the present war, and it is difficult to believe that so brave a soldier as Lieut. Carruthers would accept a condition which would render him harmless. Later, when the official report of bis services reaches us, we shall probably learn that be © to receive the: dis tinguished service order or the much coveted Vietoris cross. His evolloney, the governor-géneral, wil arrive: here from New York this afternoon, accompani J Banoo panied by Capt. Lieut,-Col, J. 8. Skinner was order ed to wejoin the 4th regiment, on April lst, but may be granted a month's leave of absence from that ate. TRAGEDY AT MONTREAL. A---- Son Shoots His Father, Who May Die From Wounds. Montreal, April 14. Albert Lussier, ex*M.LA., for Varennes, one of the woalthiéht men in the province has an only son, Amie Lussier, who is about twenty years of age, and who has the tation of possessing an uncontrol- lable temper. Duri Friday Might Joune Lussier alle that he was be ing pursued by his mother, and grasp- ing a revolver, he attempted to drive the lady wi ¢ daughter, from the house. Here. Lussier. sr., interfer- red, and received one ball in his head and another in his hod The wound- 4 men i8 in a very pr rious condi- tion and his son has been arrested and brought. to the city. Transferred To Tweed. Erinsville, April 11.--<R. E. Thomp- son, B. of Q. agent at this place for the past year, leit Friday for - Twesd, where he been advanced as an tant to. Weir. Mr. Vaness, Yarkey, has taken his place. The many np" of Mr. Thompfon regret his on n hap been ™ - care A. iss aggie M. Murphy, We. own, infhome to assist hh wedding of her sister, Katie, to Mv. Marragaine, Montreal, Miss Mary MeMullen fs home on a visit. Miss Maggie E. Murphy has gone to Enter rite, where she will take charge of iss Dermandy's branch millinery Miss Cecily Murphy has gone Dermandy, Tamworth. Mise Beatrice Konber roturned to Napanee after vis iting with Mise Emma McMullen and W. B. Vanal gy bo 3 v y, C.P.R. ent, ng vigited his home on Wednes: Macedonia Called To Rise. Vienna, I 14.~The Neue Freie from Seo a-- 1A MAN'S DOUBLE LIFE AT RIDGEWOOD, N.J. ---- Burglar Was Respected Citisen-- Lived an Apparently Exem- plary Life With His Wife and Child. New York, April M.--ln the resi dence ocoupied by & man named George T. Howard, at Ridgewood, i J.. the police have made a siartling discovery. Yor: two wears," Howard aud bis wile and a ten-yeur-oid son wave dived at Ridgewood, sacie the man was highly rebpocted. He was known as & tea and coffee werchant, duing business in New York, Seon after. bis coming, thefts began to oc eur in sll - the country surrounding. Horses and carriages were missed, freight depots were looted, and farm- houses and barns were burglarized promisenously. Finally two horses and carriages were stolen from Munzy, N.Y. Ove of the horses wore a peculiarly shaped shoe, by which it was tracked for twenty miles, the trail ending in How- ard's barn, where the property was jound. Bearch warrants were at once issued. The house was entered, and found to be filled with all sorts of plunder. Omly Mrs. Howard was ot bom. Mr. Howard had disappeared, as also the boy, who fled to Jersey City, where he was found and arrest ol: but, in the meantime, he had communicated with his father, and took his arrest with the greatest de gree of composure, even smiling con temptuously at the police when they tried to make him tell where his da ther had gone. ? Then the exploration of the house began. On the back porch was n nearly new road waggon. In the hall way was a new double sleigh. How it was put inside the door, the police cannot explain. The house has four teen rooms, and each room was strewn with goods. res waggon loads of property were taken to the village lock-up in Ridgewood, and, a+ "the valuable space in 'the lock-up wax filled, officers were put in charge of the remainder of the stuff. Think He Was Frozen To Death. Wolfe Island, April 14.--John Wrigit reported missing since March 18th, is supposed to have been frozen to death. A searching party has been or ganized and has been searching = fo: the past few days, The remains of the late Capt. Robert Croshy, King ston, who died last fall, were inter: od here last week. Miss Anna Davis was married last week to Clarence Londraville, a prominent voung; citi zen of Cape Vipcent. Miss Emme Dawson, trained nugse, is visiting her parents. Miss Laflout, New York, is also enjoying a few holidays among friends. Miss Gertie McLaren, aftes an extended visit with friends in Bui falo, N.Y., has arrived home, Miss Nettie Horne has been engaged to teach in No. 7 public school, George Morgan, late of the island, has se ou a good position in the Calvin company's store, Garden Island, We extend our sympathy to the rela tives of the late William Rogney, of the above place, whose death occur ed last week. Deceased was held in high esteem hy the residents of the island, Morey Spoor, sr., seriously ill is convalescing. John Keys is also recovering. ---------- Kidney Search Lights. Have you backache? Do you feel drowsy ? Do your limbs feel heavy ? Have you pains in the loing ? Have you dizziness ? Have you a tired drag: ging feeling in the regions of the kid. neys ? Any and all of these indicate kidney - troubles. South American Kidney Cure is o liquid kidney specific and works wonderful cures in most complicated 'cases. For sale by Henry Wade and. E. C. Mitchell.--94. Ainslee's Magazine for April con tains a siriking article, 'Divorce and the Family," by Rev. Percy Stickney Grunt, one of the most influential Anglican clergymen in New York. "Along the Mississippi," by John Swain, is an attractive description of the ways of the river and the people that live on and beside it. Current History and Modern Cultwie, Boston, is one of the most umique ana valuable monthlies. It combines articles of general interest and value with impartial record of contemporary ovents, The illustrations are nanerous and instructive. The bravery of Dr. James Robb Church, of the Rough Riders, at San: tiago, has been commemorated by many writers. Dr. Church will appear in a new role in May Scribner's as writer of a short story. Richard Harding Davis' hero," Cap- tain Macklin" (published serially 'in Reribner's), was suggested by a man who Bandtd him a business cara on which was inscribed, "Promoter of Revolutions." The American is a four-page Japan ése paper at Portland, Oregon, pub- lished by a clever oriental, who runs an employment office. The Hook-On manufacturing com- New York, is a sew advertiser, SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. minent Events. 3 1599, Oct. 10--Kruger's ultimatum to Brit: inh inh. Oct. 12--Boers invade Natal. Oct. 13--British Tall bask on Lady sath. Oct. 15--Baller. despatched to seat of war. Oct, 20-Siege of Kimberley begen Oct. 20--Biepe of Ladysmith begun. Oct. W-Poers capture. sortie party of 870 at Ladysmith. Nov. G--Hoers "hell Mafeking. Nov. 26--Hattle of Modder River. Pee. 1E-Gataere lost. 1,000 men at Stormburg. Dee. H--Gen. Wauchope killed Spylontein, 15---Battle of Tugela. Buller defeated with loss of 1,000 men and eleven guns, Dec. 15--lovd Roberts ordered at Dee. to Africa. Dec. 31--Lovd Roberts takes com. mand of 250,000 men. 1900. Feb. 15--French relieves Kimberley. Fels. 27 Cronje surrenders 4,600 men and six guns. Feb. 28%--Buller relieves March ' 13--Bloemiontein to Roberts. March 2T---Joubery dies. June 5 -Pretoria surrenders, July 20--Gen. Prinsloo surrenders 3.345 men. Sept. 1-Transvaal annexed. : Sept. 12-Ex-president Kruger starts for Furope. a Nov. 12-Kitchener takes command. Dee, 12---Lord Roberts starts for England. Ladysmith. survenders 190%. Feb, 3-Modderfontein captured by é Oers. Feb, 630,000 re-enforcements leave Botha. May 25--Plumer's supply train cap- tured by Boers. May 29-De la Rey destroys Seventh Yeomanry. : June 12-200 Victoria rifles cap tured. June 20--Schalkburger and Steyn issue proclamation. Aug. T--Kitchener issues proclama- tion of banishment. Sept. 17=~Gough's three companies captured. Oct. 9--Martial law in Cape Colony. Nov. 1--Benson loses twenty-five of: ders and 214 men. 1904 March 8-De thuen and mand. March 31--Canadians repulse attack by De la Rey's forces. 3 April 11--Peace torms reported ac- cepted by Boers. RESPITE CAME TOO LATE. la Rey captures Me- destroys his com- Extraordinary Story About a Southern Governor. St. Louis, Mo., April M.--Henry Flutcher, colored, was hanged Satur day dor the murder of Louis Roth, on August 27th, 1900. . At eleven o'clock on Friday Mr. Folk, circnit attorney, telegraphed governor Dockery, re commending a 'ten days' reprieve in order to investigate more fully some testimony to effect that Flutcher deted in self-defence when he killed Roth. A message from Jefferson City said that the governor, when aroused by the messenger, refused to open the door to receive the message, but or dered it elipped under. No amswer was received by Mr. Folk before the hanging, but at 6:45 a.m., just thir- ty-five minutes after the fatal drop fell, a telegram was received vy the sherifi from governor Dockery grant ing a respite of fifteen days. Lr -------- i -- First Criminal Case From Hawaii Washington, D.C; April 1. ~The first criminal case from the territory of Hawaii eame up for hearing, to day, in the supreme court of the Uni ted States. The case is that of Osaki Mankichi, a Japanese resident of - the Hawaiian islands, found guilty of manslaughter by a majority vote of the jury by which he was tried. This meocesling occurred in the interim be- tween the surrender of Hawaiian sovereignty and the act of congress providing a government for the terri- tory. The convicted man secured his release on 4 writ of habeas corpus, sn the ground that the Hawaiian islands were United States territory and that conviction by a malority vote of the jury was invalid. The case was then appealed to the supreme court by the territory. ---------------- Dr. Pearsons' Birthday. Chicago, 1. April 4.Pbr. D. K. Pearsons, who in the last forty years has given millions to cherity and education, today, celebrated his eighty first birthday anniversary. For a week messages and congratulations have been poming to the dostor from all parts of the country, for colleges and schools, north -- south, east and west, are the beneficiaries of his generosity. Br. Pearsons has given eway about $2.500,000, and intends to give away the remainder of his wealth, amounting io nearly $2,000, 000, before he dies. - Prepares To Hit England. Christisnia, April 14. -- Writing anon: og ly is erdens Gang. a dis: tingui military au h oX- Bunions. he says, will go no further the destruction of English institn joni than is necessary 16 make = the § tism; . 3 April 10---Negotiations for peace hy Desperaely Mid. dos Coron. of Mentresl, Cured of "'Rbcumatiom of Ton Years' Stand. ing. Not By the Use of Drugs, But Through Powley's Liquis fied Ozone. fr is with please give vou my rend monial as 10 the curative powees of Pow bey's i Less. For over, fwo wears past 1 have seflored. very mosh with chev | sometimes #0 bast 1 coukl not sheep at mights, msl 1 hae 10 uit work. Twe years ugo | was laid up nearly two months, aad shaw February lass § bave Lavan very bend. 30S. CORON, Montreal. 1 saw your Osone advertised, Abe sno-drag fide appealed to the, wo I prooesal a butte J wind begun takiog it { had not come pleted the bottle When I began to get better; my rheumatic pains began te foave we Bave taken oaly thre bottes and mv rheumatism 14° compieiely cured, 1 amr in bot ter bealih now than} Dave been for the het ten years Sometined lor weeks my feet were #3 swol fon wind pained so badly | could not walk, sud my hands would swell up out of all | shape. hadly pnchure the pain | and sould hot wee mv hades I attribute my regvery entirly fo the | use of Urote pod gindly recommend it 10 all sufferers Irom rheumatism. Bighnd Antoine street, Mon Joseph Coron, 45 St teal. ¥ testimonial attested by A FP who widtes close you | test 45 Su. Amoine Bt suffered for over We Jou. Coron, gentleman has | About two vears vears with rhetima lism ogo be was so bad bw had fo dwil work for two months, and since fast February he has bien so had thal sometimes he eonld net use his bands, they were so badly wwal fo cole is much mrnemd "no have is in on. Mr. Corom says ha cmmoi say too in favor of Orone, and will ever rec it. (Signet) AP. Rell Montreal, Most people fancy Unt when they an attack of rheumatism thelr ese ¥ curable and resign thesnselves to suffer like martyrs. Your rheumatism is cated hy one | thing only--urie acid. There's nothing my sterious mboart the way this ackl kero nerves raw and destrovs the lotwicating in your fois so that even the bums { come sore und Painful Whenever vou fel the pain, ramember that Powlev's Liguifed Orotw van retieve vou of it in a rn mark-Sly short timo perwhoently and in 6 healily manner, Drone ' io a healthy manner Decavise re Arace to orente false stimmlations--give 3 oeptive wens of recovery. When vou fel the pain going you will know its going for govd: you're becoming cured. 50¢. wd $1 a Yale wt V1 drmogint The Oona Ce ol Toronto, Hmited, Toronto The Liquid | Ozone Co., 229 Kinzie street, Chicago ---------- ------------------------ ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of Soe FTordl See Fae-Stmfle Wrapper Below, rhewmatiom it oo taing cures Very small cud as coy CURE $IoK HEADACHE. The Toronte General Trusts Corporation Ofttce and Sate Deposit Vaults. 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Capital, $1.C0000 + Reserve Pund 880,000. BRICK RESIDENCE, 244 Al copdiv ¥ rooms, modern conveniences throwebout. Apply to ii, BD. bbe, 301 Brook strech ist NAY, wire, ee INDRED THOUSAND yg mm sa Forth Meh Cries Olio Machit Bate. i -- Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. In widision AND CITY PROPERTY insured ob lawagt possible rates. Before rebewing ol or giving sew busiess get rates trom STRANGE & STRANGE. Apwnte, UNDERTAKERS. _ 8. 8. CORBETT, NERAL PIRECTOR, 881 FINCH Te. Kingston, Successor #0 W. Prrennan. -- Cbs JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDRRTAKER, 284-3048 Princess Street. Telephose 147A. Opn day and wight T. ¥. HARRISON CO., | Undertakeors, 238-235 Princess 9%, i] Aalisssand elictessy ih best Priom the AEE CR TT rer RTOREY. ANCTITECT, OFVIUE 178 Wellington street. A) plane, desiges, wt to Uelaouion guAres! tnd ----- AWER & BON, KCITROTS, Enon, ants' Rark Bef Avera Brook Wellington streets, Phone $12. ----------------------------" JRTHUR FLLIS, A TROT, didi site of New Dvill , Bear Sonar aed Wonton! GET © IN THE SWIM. There is no argument half as convincing as the evidenee of your eyes. If we were to use pounds of Printers' Ink trying to tell you about our hoes We could not 'explain half as well as if you were to see the goods. We want you to 'see and to learn what little money it takes to buy good shoes here and have that satisfied feeling of being well shod. McDermott's Shoe Store Princess Street. Provincial Election, FOR MEMBER FOR Tiberal oan EOW. J. B PENSE." ¥'= Good Government, Building Ontario of y and Kingston's