CORBETT'S HARDWARE, Cor. Princess 'Y Er wil * WORTH LOOKING AT, properties thet are worth your sMontin sa en investment. It Pays A thei am low fhe it be T inereare. in valu wilt a or D. A. CAYS, loonie and well improved. 346 King Street, The Freshness and De- liciousness of MALT BREAKFAST F000 , Quickly Captivate Young and Old, "The large majority of bieaklast ce- renle are simply made to sell. Malt Breakfast Food with its many health giving virtues is 'made to keep the well strong and vigorous and to re store health and digestive vigor to suffering from impaired diges stomach ts. angements. and delicious ¥ : and indigestible . graie , such as common oatmeal, wheat, wheat grits and homi- one kage of Malt Preak- il you hawe not yet used it; I prove a delightinl treat at the Anorning meal. Your Grocer sells it. iH 7 ' £ : * i ET Hams rs i y with ntelligenee and Apr Es ows oth Wound, HinsAraied, 400 page : "Galde to Investors," git Afr hag Rs 1 : # Dally Market Lotter," ¢ iy ove. 'markets nnd Hs S. ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street. : ' i "ey a A Rid sy brs maou ne . THE DAILY W H)G, TUESDAY, APRIL ee and Wellington Sts. THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR Y BRITIS WHIG, published sod vei »t Sos.310 Rio Sir. at he . your, Ediions ot 230 and 4 eke BRITISH WHIG, 12 : Juilished y Thurslay morsog st re Offens Oe a nd \DW, J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. THE DAILY WHIG. Opiter por Orbem Dicor.' over ------------ -------- ---------------------------- ADMIRATION OF MARTER. The leader of the opposition, whis- pering lovingly and confidentially to a representative of the party from Kingston, who hailed him in the train, told that be 'was going to car ty four of the six seats in New On tario, The Bracebridge Gazette, which ought to reflect local feeling pretty well, quotes the statement that a conservative in Hunteville is a Mart orite because he is against Whitney and his policy, and remarks : Mr. Whitney may think that his solicy will help him in Old Ontario, t he is mistaken. What benefits the north directly, indirectly benefits the south, The Huntsville conservative is not alone by any means. Marterites are to be found sll over Muskoka. When conservatives in North Toron: to, in Huntsville, and in Bracebridge are professing an admiration for Mr. Marter, and repudiating Mr. Whitney, it is time for the party to call a halt and ask where are we at ? A TWO-FOLD POLICY. At Hastings the conservatives had a meeting, and Mr. Whitney let out on the prohibition: question. He made it cleat that he has no use for the pet or the referendum. He was a liquor and license man, and he want- ol all and sundry people to know it, We quote from the Globe : At the conclusion of Mr. Whitney's address, James Welsh asked him how he conld reconcile his attitude on the Jiquor question with that of Dr. Ford, who was a pronounced prohibitionist. Mr. Whitnep'-You must J Ford himself, : Mr. Welsh--Are you not trying to catch the two votes--Dr. Ford the temperance party, and yourself the Hoar mrty ? Mr. Whitney answered that his po sition had been frankly and. freely stated on the platform and in the press, and he could not hope to con vitice Mr. Welsh as to his views. The gathering then dispersed after cheers for the king, Mr. Whitney and the candidate. "That was not a very bright retort, was it? Nr. Whitney had evidently run against & sag; and he knew it. THE PARMERS' INTERESTS. Hon. Mr. Fisher is. represented by a ennservative print as having obstruct ed the passage of his own estimates, those pertaining to the agricultural department. The obstruction consisted -of full and explicit statements as to why be wanted pn large sum of money this year. For cold storage the in crease would be 821,400, and the total £210,000. Me. Fisher pointed out that the Jde- mand in England now is for a softer and & moister cheese, and that for lack of it the Canadian cheesemakers, last year, lost, in quality, shout two millions of dollars. The agricultural department had af once arranged, {the money being voied), for the erec- tion of four curing stations, twe. in Ontario and two in Quebec, ab a cost Tg adh of wn ment. There was no excuse for refer ence to commities except that of de lay, to give time for those fertile in expedients to take new ground, if possible. The city watering carts now | parading the streets with conspicuous signs of London makers upon them, are such provocation of -unfavorable comment that the lesson of loyalty to home institutions should mot be difficult to impress. Again, when alderman Graham rose to present on by-law to repeal the $50 butchers' fee he was met by cries of ad- jowrnment by the conservative alder men, one of whom pressed s motion to adjourn, while his colleagues rose and broke up the session. The late hour is cited as an excuse, but the council bas sat later many a time on less important questions, not nearly wo much the subject of people's dis- cussion, Hf thers is good [ground for the policy of the majority, why is the question mot faced manfully ? It would be a general benefit to have it threshed out. ------------------ FITNESS AND PROMOTION. . * The Hamilton Times, commenting on the gppointment of George Ross, the assistant postmaster of Toronto, as superintendent of the eity offices, and the remark of Hon. Mr. Mulock that he has not his superior in the post-office service, remarks : "Mr. Ross was appointed to a clerk: ship in the Hamilton post-office by the Mackensie government in 1875; graduating from a printing office, and he went to work with the deter mination to understand his new busi- ness from bottom to top. He did not grade the amount of work he would do by the amount of salary he re esived, but worked away asx if the success of the whole institution de- pended upon him alone. The result was that when a man was needed to show other post-office officials how a post-office ought to be managed, George Ross was chosen for the place, It was a promotion for merit." Mr. Ross' rise and success is, there- fore, the legitimate result of active, honest, and ambitious service. He isa rare one who does not profit by a devotion to duty. In every sphere of life there is a chance for promotion, and usually the one who is faithful and industrious makes his mark. Men sometimes fail to get their reward, for all employers are not discriminat- ing, and not gifted in their apprecis- tion of employees. But fidelity and usefulness generally win notice or fa- four sooner or later, Few men have riven in any service except upon their merits. Those, who, by accident or de- ception, climb to places of responsi: bility, have their own anxieties, while those who have done well in lower po- sitions carry themselves creditably and show that the training in the one has made the qualification for the other. There is, too, a very general belief in"the divine plan that a door is opened to one after another ac cording de they fit themselves for the trusts which lie beyond them. ---------------- EDITORIAL VIEWS, La Patrie insivta upon the use of French in the Ottawa police court, What nonsense ! : % -- The Mail insinuates that the Globe was interested in a book momopoly. The Globe says the statement is a de- liberate le. Does the Mail retract? Watch and see. M. C. Cameron, who is a son of the late Hon. M. C. Cameron, and now mayor of Goderich, will be she liber al candidate in West Huron, His clec- tion is a foregone conclusion. Mr. Walter, of the London Times, is Ottawa. He thinks the British a they get an idea they know to use it. } local contemporary atlmits that years ago Mr. Whitney went up and down the country telling the peo ple that be was going to carry the province, And he is at it again, and it will have a similar ending. A PURSUED FOR YEARS. A Faithless Husband Was Fin- ally Round: d Up. HAD ELOPED WITH NURSE FROM HIS HOME IN BRADFORD ONTARIO. Divorced From Dr. Lansing--Wife of Former Buffalo Physician Gets a Decree and $9,000 Ali- mony. Sioux City; ls, April After pursuing her faithless husband for two years amd at Inst journeying 2, 000 miles to serve through a ruse a summons upon him at Emerson, Neb., Mrs. Sarah R. Lansing, of Buf falo, N.Y., yesterday secured 5 divorce and $9,000 alimouy from Dr. L. A. Lending, her husband. Two years ago Dr. Lansing became infatuated with bis wiln's purse, Mrs. Daisy Rubridge. She deserted her hwband in Bradiord, Ont., to elope with Dr. Lansing. Five months later Mrs. Lansing found them at Grand Rapids, Mich., living gs Mr. and Mrs. Abram. She caused her husband's ar- rest, but released him when he paid $2,000, and promised to be faithful. He sgon disa , and onlv a few days ago Mrs. Lansing found he bad gone to 'Omaha and later to the little town of Emerson, Neb., where he had become a Village physician wo that he might live with Mrs. Rubridge as his housekeeper, oma aie Dr. Lansing expects an inheritance of $50,000 from an awnt in Buffalo, out of which he will pay his wife 39. 000 and $10 a month for the two children, : Divorce Action Against Criminal. New York, April 15.--Mrs. Fayne Moore, whose husband is in Sing Sing prison serving a nineteen years' sentence. for working the "badger game' on Martin Mahon, late pro prietor of the New Amsterdam hotel, has brought suit for absolute divoree. The action has been commenced in South Dakota, where the woman has been living for six months. The papers were served on William A, E. Moore, in Sing Sing. Mrs. Moore, in her complaint, charges her husband with being a eonvieted felon and with hav- ing failed to contribute to her sup port. GERMAN EXTENSION, Efforts to Open Up New Colonies a Financial Failure. New York, April 16.~A special ca- ble to the Tribune from London says: Germany's efforts to extend and open up colonies are not very successful from a financial point of view. The total annual revenue of the eight pro- tectorates which are under the rule of the emperor William is only $2,000,000 and the reichstag has to vote $7,500, 000 to support them. Kisochau's re venue is 1000, and a subsidy of SA00.000 is required to make both ends meet. Again, the revepue of the protectorate in South-west Africa am- ounts of $160,000, while the sum | re- aired for government is $2,600,000, ut even these yearly subsidies do not always represent the full amount that have to be provided owt of the imperial funds. The estimates for the present year include the sum of $800, 000 to cover deficits that occurred in 1808 and 1800 in the budgets of the protectorates of East Africa, the Ca- meroons and South-west Africa, ---------- New Home For French Embassy Washinton, D.C., April 15~The French embassy to-day gave up its quarters in the old Porter house, one of the historical mansions of Wash ington, and took possession of the handsome house of the United States minister to Spain, Bellamy Stor er, Seventeenth wireet and 1s: land avenue. This splendidly appoint od dwelling formerly was oceupied by Richard Olney, and it was leased by Mr. Roosevelt, when he became vice- president. The French embassy = will remain in this house until it takes possession of the splendid new home that is to be built by its government on the heights. Texas Quarartine In Effect. Austin, Texas, April 15.~The gov- ernor's proclamation = declaring a quarantine on the gulf const and at all Rio Grande border points against all vessels, persons and thin eom- laces infected with yellow arid bubonic plague and cholera, went into effect to-day. While the rule remains in effect all vessels arriving at gulf pofts from such places must be detained at quar antine five days unless a spaciat par mit to enter in t state health Sheer, Fruit, eatt crude petroleum vessels may enter at once upon permission of the health Wedded In W MADE A LANDING WAITER. Of For The West--Improving Their Res! Zences. Napeswee, April 15-J. P. was sworn in yesterday as landing waiter, in place of C. B. Perry, mo signed. Arnold Wolle left yesterday for Winnipeg, where he expects to locate. W. J. MeKihn leaves to-day for Tacoma, Wash... where he hopes to meke a home. Mr, Lineau leaves to: day for Edmonton, Alberta, to take a look aver the prairie with a view to locating. at some later date in that growing country. Mrs. Robert McCay is guite poorly at the home of her daughter-in-law, East street. The Oronhyatekha "Wig: wam" on Roblin's hill has been turn ed into a summer resort, "some resort and some don't." The steamer Rein deer has been fitted up during the winter and Capt. Collier expects to be making regular trips between Na- pance and Pieton before many days. During the fine weather last week some of the farmers in the Morven neighborhoed got some seeding dome, the earliest in a gresi many years. Irvine Vanalstine is putting a hand. some bay window into his residence in South Napanee. John Pollard, of the Express, is erecting a verandah about fis neat home on Dundas street, George Chiff is also making some repairs to his home on Uentre street, Hanley DISTRICT DASHES, Neww of the District Oondensed From The Whig's Exchanges. Premier Rows and Hon, J. R, Strat: ton will address a weeting at Have: lock, on. April 25th. Charles: O'Hara, an Ont., boy, has n elected mayor of Superior City, Mich. rs. Michael O'Donoghue, Belleville, afflicted = with ralysis for nineteen years, died on Sunday, aged fifty four years. Mrs. Redick, Belleville, has secured a divorce in Fargo, N.D., from her husband, John A. Redick. She will live at Fargo, N.D. Alfred Edgar, Bobcaygeon, was jolt ed from a seat in a waggon and fell on a sharp end of a log. His internal injuries caused death, William Kendrick an old and high ly respected resident of New Dublin, died on Sunday, aged sixty-five years. Mr. Kendrick was a sturdy and progressive farmer. Alfred White, Elizabeth township, died an Monday, aged 100 years and ont month. He was born in that township on March 15th, 1802. A wi- dow and four children survive. Two Gananoque lads, for theft, were before judge Macdonald in Brockville They were discharged upon suspended sentence, upon their undertaking to leave the section for two years. RHODES' GIFT RESENTED. A German Paper Considers it an Insult. Berlin, April 14. --Everybody is so accustomed to reviling Mr. Rhodes that the provision in his will provid- ing scholarships for Germany at first simply caused amazement, and later was resented as a covert insult. The Cologne Volks Zeitung, a leading ¢en trist paper, for ingtance, doubts if any German student can be found "who will secept the bounty of such a per- son as Be. Rhbsodes," and says that many persous hold the acceptance of the scholarships to be morally impos- sible for any German. The paper fears, however, that some few Germans will be enticed by filthy luere. Bome : of the periodicals speak condescendingly of Oxford as being behind the times, and Dr. Trojan covers a half page. of the Kladderadatsch with a poem &sc- ribing to Mr. Rhodes the malicious desire to, after death, torment the emperor, by burdening him with an ungracious task. "Side Tracked." A. F. Seammon's company of come dians, presenting the famously suc cessful tomedy, "Side Tracked," will be the attraction st the Grand, on Saturday next, matinee and evening, and theapregoers are assured that in the performances they will enjoy one of the most amusin® plays ever seen on a local stage. Especial praise has been bestowed by the press of other cities heeause of the eollective array of handsome and talented girls, clever comedians, and the excellence of the numerous novel specialties introduced during the nection of the play. Stella Vestry Meeting. Stella, Amherst Island, April 12. -- The annual business vestry meetings of this parish was held April Sth, Rev. F. T. D siding. The churches have been pro- gressing well, and the churchwardens wore able 40 show a substantial bal ance on hand; after all debts were paid. W. H. Moutray and J.T Neilson were appointed churhward ns of St. Albans, Stella, and Gi. Mor row and AW. Hitchink, of Christ old' Belleville, |. {0 the women most admire ness. do. 'We think it the equal Pattern Hats, THERE IS MISTAKING The fact tha we HAVE THE MILLINERY Styles are anything but common place, and the variety is ample for all sorts of real wants. Busy as bees trimming hats to order. Clever milliners will adapt your own ideas and produce hats that will give perfect satisfaction. This is a great millinery store. Comparisons will magnify its great- We're proud of the work" our awa milliners The. of the best anywhere. stock is unusually bright and attractive in Ready-to-Wear Hats, Flowers and Foilage, Laces. Buckles, Novelties. SPECIAL LOT OF NEW BONNETS AND HATS for children's wear in to-day. Our prices wont WOITY you. Stoves We will take down, remove and store your stove for the season at a reasonable price. All our customers ELLIOTT BROS. _ - EE ---- si WARN WEATHER COMFOR IN UNDERWEAR. stoves are insured and all orders promptly attended to, Beh va 77 PRINCESS STREET. sess------------ COMBINATION SUITS In light weight are now for ey they are Kaoit-to fit. women and children. Ask to cottons, merinos, silks and silk mixtures all dealers. Made in all styles and sizes for men, Fit the body perfectly, as see them. Manufactured by The Knit-to-Fit Mig. Co, 613 Lagauchetiere Street, Montreal, Que. ----_-- " A little rain lays much dust." A little finish covers much shoddy, in shoes. "As inside the Zr the Makers' price on the sole ol-- "The Slater Shoe" Goodyear Welted, J . . G. LOCKETT, SOLE LOCAL AGENTS FOR Sod" Common carbonated wa ters are displaced in the private house and club by | the MAGI CALEDONIA: = clean, safe water always. Sold everywhere. : EC If Your Living Is Earngd By constant application to close work you may find your eyes give ing out after a few minutes work, In nine cases out of ten, glasses properly fitted will remedy this trouble. There is no charge for our advise. SMITH BROS, 350 King Street, THIS SPACE BE- LONGS TO J, |, CRAWFORD Merchant Tailor, Hingston Basiness KINGSTON. Dominion Business College, TORONTO STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, TINS and 130 Princess Btreet. Kingston. Ont, Stored VY We Have Good Accomodation For Storing Stoves. VLAN