Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1902, p. 5

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es THE DAILY WHG, TUESDAY, APRIL 15. eying th THE NURSES' GRADUATION Norgan' Stan An intbresting Part of INCIDENTS OF THE DAY: Your grocer may tell you that he has something "just as good" as. MON- ---- * | = Fioremes Nightingale pede; which ps Ly SOON. ' What'is His object is telling you this > A larger profit is the only ve; class J Ng is ane # A aS SE} 3 Mies Flaws. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY explanation. Insist on getfing AAP AEAR SH c : CEREMONY IN CONVOCATION | ha: i : BUSY REPORTERS, Wer WEATHER | HALL LAST WIGHT. fhintot She graduating claus were: i OUR HH : De. - es the € 1 . Miss Joyner, Kingston. A Lite ; Be he Goldy Sat cass Fourtesn. Diplomas Awarded -- | Mink Moag, Smith's Falls The Spice of Every Day >» ; . Prot shall's The Miss Grace Chalpers, Adolphus What the People Are Zalking tion, » . May 4. Remarks town ¥ out---Nothing Esca; Graduates Addressed by Rev. Miss Chown (Mrs. Instant), Stella. Pes . . 0 ! i 5 § ipeor. IoC eh tention. ' Ty ee G omb, ims: Ashion, Radnersyille, The fale grounds track is now ready lo # p Every seat in convocation hall at Maps Howden, Peterborough. fur speeding horses. Consu ti (oen's university was filled Tat night | = Mom Crosby, Bxbridge. Di. Abhoit's Babalene has begun . mp on by friends of the Kingston geperal Mise Mackpy, New Glasgow. training for the coming season's races. 4 ot hospital, who hgd come to see the Miss Owen, Toronto. fave your piativesses, odd chairs or re graduating exerciees of the nurses in Mime ' Pakingham, parlor setts, made over, at James a ; training. Prof. Marshalls. chairman Mire Ellis, Gananoque. Reid's. of 'the hoard of governs: occupied | | Miss Paul, Lennoxville, + |" Roderick McColl, RM.C., has been the chair, and called pon . X Miss Duly; Belleville. _{ aptointed 'assistant provincial engi ables : atchdescon Catytorhapen 'the | This aftemoon Ms. (Rev.) Mackio | (ole of Nova Seotla. a Ee ---- exercises. with prayers gst th will entertain the graduating class of |" phé dleamer Ramona will be towed WAITING THEIR ACTION, on the platiorm were ind HH, | nurses at afternoon tea at St. An 1450 @lavton, N.Y., tomorrow evening . Ai Calvin, Mrs. Morgan Sha ing | drew's' mente. 2 by 'the steamer Pierrepont. Extradition Depends Upon - Rev. J i Wa ean show you the best values in ernment's Action. Mrs. : re ~t 'hatelaine bags, that has ever bee wo : Dee and' Mrw. Herald,' Mi, PLEADED FOF HES nOX. Chatelaing bef Wichelr. | Today, T. J. Bigney, esting for . wi here, : shows he Robert Vair, whose horse was "stolen Mise Melver, 'Me, and Mrs. B. , Ti id that "Leo™ will be repro- |' ' i ad Mother Did Not Want To Give acid on Apl 25th for the benef of | in this city a couple of months ago, i Skinner, W Bian, i i THe : . ; ' y Miss Free Bt Wa ied Him Up--A Bad Record. the "wenieral hokpital 'and "Hotel Dieu. reevived a warrant from- Joseph Pope, | > ig Sas 3 Ed ¥ : Pe. and Wie. Haig, A very: sad case was. witnessed. ab | "piiride cultivated pineapples that | uider socretary, of SEE Ottawa, : TISM--The only T¥ Shaw. Dx, Kilborn, Mrs, Marshall, the pelice eoart this. morning. A are ripe at Carnovskd's. directed to police constable raig, of thing that goes is. where the Rev. and Mrs. Carey, I mother: pleaded at the bar of just For a pound of choite butter or a this city, Albert Gallagher, the young roots of Rheumatism are locate tawe, Hev. Dr. Philly, Rev. Prof. Me for her little five-year-old son, Fran- i uart of fresh butter milk ring wp | man who stole 'the horse, is now in 'ed is O ~ Oil. The little Comb, W. F. Nickle, D. M.- McIntyre, | kie, whom the children's aid #ociety'| (he Clarified milk. company, "Phone custody at Auburn, N. ¥., and the 13 Omega LL. ie GQ. Y. Chown. VTE ahvough Gi M. Macdonnell and Mies | 5am United States authorities have notified y Swiss green herb that th t The platiorns and walls were drap>d Chowny "sought to take away from R. J. Reid, fornitore dealer, last Mr. Riguey that they will deliver the { into this iniment ff th with rod jand 'white, the hospital col- hen and placed in the orphans' home. | eck disposed of five Nordheimer sisoner to constable Craig at Cape : oh that does the w Tha doo urs the front of the platform wag The woman was Mrs. Clark, of 28.Up- | jianos, for which he is the local Vincent, N. ¥., when instructed, in ex . ; hanked with potted plants and above | POF Willits teeet." Her daughter: a Mt. change for the warrant aLove referred the plattorm were the Jefters young: woman of tender years, Was Yor the past twenty-two vears, R. |to. SB. Go HH To the most unobsery- | present and both. cried hysterically 11 Tove has been a retail confection: Sone time ago the Ontario gov- ant eve it was "hospital night', at the | when asked if they would give ap the ot in Kingston, and built up a splen- | ernment made a request upon the college even before the 'nuryes foled in- | emi Thee charge: uid Ly the soviety Fan hayness. mtg NV United. States government for the sur: 10 «thes three rows of seats reserved stated: that | the mother was addicted | Tho creamer New York will be haul- | render of Gallagher. The Washington for thent af the front of 'the hall, and | to morphine using, that she and her | od Gut on the mdriné railway at authorities acceded to the request for when they had taken their places they daughter were 'women. of ill-teport, P'porysnauth on Thirsddy, and receive | extradition papers, and police con Jormed a very bright, attractive-lovk- and that the father was a convict. In hore 'vepairs. stable Crdig was named as the officer ing company, in their white and rod | view oft facts the society wanted Brie ite Liniment ia the most | who would go after Gallagher. uniforiie] Pleven of (he nurses wore |to take child from her. ating liniment Known, snd a] But a hitch has arisen in the pro black. hands around: their white caps, {+ The mother pleaded pitgously. for | hositive cute" for "sprdins ceedings. Mr. Vair went to considera the distinction that marks the gradu ihe return of her boy. She: would amfiistion, neuralgia, ¢ ble trouble and expense in securing ; i tlie clude, hut the actual number of | Work her fibger: nails off, she, said, if {and lombsgo. Ia bottles, 2o., ot] possession of. his horse, Alto wther ' i : graduates this vesr is fourteen, als | the magistrate would only let ber Wat's drug 'store. he has expendod about $130 over shel B | : CM though but eleven were prosent - to | keep' her child. She would send him to | Wh are selling stacks of these Moth | trouble, and he does' not. feel lik 5 * yourself thoroughly dry slgivy their diplomas. . Good reasons school and look after him, bags, for the reason that they are su | ing out niore... He i. of 'he Sa 4 "swith a towel. 'Then pour werd given shy. Prof, Marshall; for the |? She was givem the choice of sending | perior to anything yet niade, for pre: | shat the government sh i ton ' "a little Omega Oil in your absence of three, viz. :. Miss Chal: the boy to live with its aunt at En- | venting these pests from destroying | the sont of gy di Ag : hand and Ee the a. ers i wesing a chse in California terprise or havin it placed in the }iur NHoed coats ani ladies fur gar ings. The attow hy hea , on Pe 4 i" h ik and 'eowly ot conveniently return for |orphans' home. She chose the former | ments. KE. C. Mitchell, IR : hi rhey BONE, whe 3» that hurts like a good ber diploma; Miss Chown. as she used | alternative, and the little fellow will Come and see our wall papers Al ape . Ee Ha math Ts 48 ROL in Po: fellow. - Keap up the rub. jto be known. but who mow.prefers to [go into dhe country to-morrow. large variety from which to select. | ch hi Prassnts md it is understoud N bing yatil all the oil in . we kown a8 Mistress Instank, bas The father is serving two years in Fingrains, embossed and all latest de- bef. | Lap y i a aap his PatiEn into the pores of the Ve Fen marriod and cannot leave Her | the penitentiary for. theft, snd two |signs. Orders for Kalsoming, painting Va are. giving a Celine answer to Mr. If the pain is stubborn, Bhrehanis, aid Mish. Howden ia in |wons ave in Central prison. and paper hanging receive prompt at A % rogues. Q 4 . put some Omega Oil on Petorborough nursing: her' 'mother, | A dissolute character, named Flor tention at W. N. Lemmon's, 78 Wil | oy ited States' officials acted i a piece of cotton and who is ill. ' } pice Vall, was arrested tear the bat: | liam strect, telephone 378; successor In hd th h apprehending Gal " bind it on the sore spot Prof. Marshall's aie war full of | tery last night: In the police court | to Savage Bros. agher, and they have been most cour over night. In some cases teresting poiuis. He said ho was {this morning she was@ichoxged with | Bermuda onions at Carnoveky's, teous in. the matter, going so far os a cure will come in one Dot ging to treat his audience with | vagraney, She explained to the meg-| Save our goupons and get your ta, offer. 10 couvey: Gallagher; from treatment, but in real bad sugardd. water, beenuse' everyone | istrate that her mother and step-fath: lshoice of 'any piece of furniture or Auburn pod ope Vincent, whenever the cases you have to kee foie pure water is much more jer were living near Brighton. She had | silverware in our store. A guarantee | oo 0 authorities give the instruc on doing this way qvite a hy. He was not going to say [Meen: in Belleville for a while, and | with every piece of silverware. A. cou tions, the Kingston school for nurses had | came here two weeks ago. Since then | pon given with every tem cent plr- EE Se § listle while. Omega Of is no equal.in the civilizedsworld, nor [she "had heen wandering about the | chase and redeemable at any time at END OF FIGHT. good for everything a lini oh in ; nor even in Ontatio, § city: Yesterday she went down 10 Lour store, Call and see the goods and : ment ought to be good for. There. were many things our school J'Gananoque, but, not Jikimr the place; Estar. saving at once. Mullins groo- Litigation Has Cost $1,000,000 ; had vot to learn, but he could truth: Frame back last evening. The wagis- Lery corner Johnston and Division And Lasted Seven Years. 40ers OH a . fally' say that there was a marked [arate remanded ber for a week until Fotronts. . Ban Francisco, Cal, April 15. Liti: & sippy of bis w gmprovement dnd that the lady sn: Fhe could communicate with her I Richard Pigeon, plumber, has left | pation over the Fair estate cate to deafercoes Sot ks on dent. had, goad The wv id friends. : or Nw nor' west to engage at his ho nt to-day, after seven years of " York, wil mals Tel Adate pis ing out. He was 'glad to see th «fe . Oot : Pres: : ang in, court, and the heirs may " sy uhdet oF SSmpS, (2 doati ' to ie gra RECR "LECING, ev. Robert Nairn, a retired Pres: [now receive their millions. Thus ends pa. it HuRHLE oapt chan eld in convoeation Lin hyterian minister, was standing - on | the longest and most invoived case ne Zepranul a lope that the Lol my gsed ninations This [the railway track at Norman, and did | that ever cauie before the courts in De: ail ool for nurses might soon Titing Slow not totic: the approach of a west- | Cal. 'ornia. It has settled principles in 4 ated with Queen's university, Forenoon--Recruiting or bound freight. He was strock on the | state law; it has cost a million of t Was Dot #0. many years since.con | Recruiting for thie, seednd contingent | choulder and pitched head foremost dollars in legal expense alone, "hesides taeation hall" would ve been too fof Canadian mounted rifles. began al | jor 5 considefable distance, He'is bad- | $800,000 in sattling the claims of re ange 8. place for the friends who f the' armouries at fen pelock thik | iy injured, baf Will vecover. He is a ['latives mentioned in the ihvaliddted gathored together 'to see the purses funorning, under the direction of Lol. graduate of Queen's, will, R i graduate. Fhe operating room at the | Wontizambert, DO.C.: Surg-Lieut. pp ---------- The Fair property which is to he hospital ned 15.1n large enough to Rows conducted the medical pov Dr. Baldwin's Recital. divided among the Fair children am: jatcommodate Aho _ghests, bug the § tion; assisted by Hosp.-Sergt The musical service and organ reo | ounted originally to $14,000,000. With grown ger and' the pO'Hagan cital in St. George's cathedval lust | the bequests to relatives mentioned th «Pion oF toa otal es mers | Tem foun young te ofr KCC ning wapsenjoved vy lass andi [AE original document paid he : ue have been held at convocation "halt, many of hom were from outside the | €oce. sonsidaring the any otha Pat ooh i ify ed 1 ites ahout. $17,000 is ¥ ¥One ~ 5 WN ea ~ § tractions. Coats of Ww. Jaldwin's J O00. Is is understood thit the Fairs I Great Spring Medicine, One Riise and ain hurts have GLY, these ty doe Hast, the mumhirs cafied forth praise Bram one will ig out the declaration made y ah . and ) aniica {office x ? or other those present. very | from the beginning of the case and in : orm the nurses alumnae who are ig- Jin shooting. They were Robert H. lansing featare of the wervice was Jivest most of the money in permanent ye i, WA is Hygienic. ~Whsle It Deives: Out The Seeds. Aerating. themselves in ihe fuich-noed hice * Nenjamin R, Danpaelly Willian sani Hahn's playing of Tramnersd, by improvements in San Franeisco : {Schaman: He is alway«< a favorite : ! urged the needs of the home upon the jmarried: man: aldo passed: these. exami I Co "ao ion qudiences and it waka Death Of A' Child ey : It does not strain the : ih A 7 abdomen nor compress the atidionics. Ten thousand dollars from | nations, but as. married nen and . ; ba ¢ one (may or one family would. huild fwidowers ave debarved, bis name will hig OF Sagem Anat. wight that _ Be Sympathy is extended to Mr, and _ Dine, Ad hat q monument ch phe, struek from. she tists. The foor though cousiderably "ander strength, Mes. 3 i, Porter, Bagot street, ove 3 bust, CL -- value far exceeding the most costly in Hing ; die goog ork in the hyiune bul Hh Eda I her infant daughter, ANN The lungs and digestive* A Mirvelous Restoration "ie: Wood also spoke strongly, b Piva ye it is Come," by F. U. Maker, Altogeth sight manths, Hs ilinces was. of only wd ¥ ; organs have full play. Vouched For by a Promi- favor oF the nirees' Rome, He drow "4 view the medical officer, beyond whom a ac a il rich Ee a few haupe duration, cent h resting \ Pressure of lacing is all ra 3 e. ; vivid werd. piggure of the cabbingd, great many of them never got. Thu fr hianiaa" whe A place to a se a 3 \ ' se hi nat Clergyman, Sonat ahh oi youn. mows Sing 2 [12 SARE he Mra | meee eee hour] i os radi y 1 8, 10TCi j- the nurses are now. consigned; woke asigood as on former occapions, al | igi "in the Mountains," a most & . J chee COMMERCIAL, ders erect. -------- an Z { their t THe 4 oh : o THB QURED MAN BAYS: [iui arvice: at the beck wn call" of havi those sccepted wre 9x Rect | nerfully realise Compodsion. "l Feel Like o New. Man, Which | patients from. seven in the: manging | Rediord Rie hardson apd. Charles Ed Raided A Baker: 1 A Bakery LIVERPOOL MARKETS Price $1.00 to $2.00 per pair) 'Condition I Owe to the Blessing till seven at micht. 'No whion day | wards, two husky young . men. from : : Livirpool, © {12:30 path, April 15 «Wheat AG aM LY there I" he ssid. After such 3 Picton down this morning, and § One night last week two tramps en: P'stcady, No. 1, Northern, wh 1d; red al, of God snd on ve sion (hin, afters bakery of William Poitier, uous Ma. i. ~Calidoruing ou: ts sen -- a © of God and Paive's Oelery bth. sieves hovild, Nave a Tibcary. fo | were ab: the. amiouries. (his aftetnoon ¢lerud. the bakery illigm Polliet, puone: Ne. 1. Caliormiay we: dai oor. : i refresh their minds, a cheerful rocren- | seeking to. got a Jae on ihe. contin: | Collingwood street, and demanded that | 16; iar, tou. od. is Ba, bid. pene, 04 sii . By -- eS-- tiop. ropm. for social converse, and} gent, We in &. Kerr, of Warburton, | the baker give then bine and bread. | long, clear, light, 45s. bucom, long, ows, comfortable, airy Merping rooms for | north of Lansdowne, was another ap He rofused and the men proceeded vo hy din Sosun, shun. clear, Jk. fodies. Tat y 29%. Ud, \msow, 'Phousands of families todlay mown | their tired under the cir. fplicant. help themselves. ~The baker whistled | Ausirativn, #14. 8: choc, polored, 54 3 Jose of near and dear ones who, | enmstances is it fair to expoct them | Though recruiting fo-diy | wits. nol as | far the dog, which soon Wad one Of the | dass, white, 58s. a ke 73 pes hen Siknoss first, "pon them, | to go wpomisheir work i Hast us bb past oocguione, it is. ex- | inteuders hy the oR The tramp 'got wore forced y oth igines in- | Ww i CH ick Lpected that matters will he Tivelier to- fout in a hurry. "he other strange MONTREAL PRODUCE stead of banisher, | lis 2 after Than Fr EE is ; then h nitacked the baker, and a serap gilomeeal, Aprit jn nag on Bux : "Celery Compound. ; ai a---- ons came back to be i i paminL wuier, $3.70 Wh. Waa 4 : Go. 1s reais | a hoy te beth: Beh Bown he Rives som. The dog came back to, BS Lorn. 'sais 0 ad ah hi i | Flue Linings and Chimney Tops. Gr ng of mei ay Saving' emphatically' "We | wy ieand Toland Park, Apel 14, Ny a A A oe the | ionic sa, Too. 10 bs wt SOe to aE We are Agents for the Canadian Sewer jon, in order that | Prof. McComb addressed the gradu disagreeable | weathét is} jor and the dog gave him a parting Bie pods 0 Sis oie di wdc. § Bs gent: have a surer | ating 'dlass ead for Half 'wn hour held | ty ag work The ong salute, ne a a re To es A, mn | running on q a new BE his. aa ess attention. a com . tele med [He hare nt of route on Tuiestian' Jost, ad The Street Needs Hepairing. to 1%. a o carey he L , | rownships, Ze ; os Sompatutively "Menking, ox bd er th post qua ol | FN : . sompléted placing | 3 Ain J | i and well assorted stock and make a special of 'barge Hinckley has' years been trying to have the hoard the buoys on the shoals in the river. | of works mike som repairs to the ; | . : : ihe. (Slumbian, w aig nberg; of find. bud 46 Ahn nat horn | Craton Enis i: Lr Ta : E discount to contractors and those in the el. A of Bath rooms to heeded. The street is indeed. in a Carthage, has ul condition, trade. MCKELVEY, & BIRCH, a rr RESH ET)HUBARB

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