se 69TH "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. YEAR. NO. 89. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WiDNESDAY, LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. STRUCK VIAL PONT. How New Grain Dutics Affect BOERS AGREED. To Loss of Independence and Gen- eral Surrender. London, April 17.~1he cabinet met, APRIL 16, 190%, {5 NOW A LONDSTGNE Fortune Hunters Crowd The FOUR-YEAR-OLD DRUNKARD SRN Brought Up Om Whiskey--Already a Confirmed Toper. Chicago, April 16. --~Debanched to entertainment for be LAST EDITION ------ 15, on {10 am. i=Fair Thurminy April liey and Toronto, and very Dut, mild tox « NEW Baseball smcative meets at Congrgss Hall | this evening There will be a rebuarsal of "Lev" tonight in she Whig Halk expect the will never happen. make hideous sotted beings, the biting of yesterday," for the purpose of consid- ering the Boer reply to the British { communication which was sent to South Africa in answer to the Boer note of Saturday. The latest Boer his. *veits husky from | alcohol before his lips would = frame the simple words that make a baby's prattle dear to the Cobdcnis . Mississippi Section Learn to unexpected sod i You'll Find Much that in well unlimited the bels, 1746; Gen. Sir Tw dramatic critic says i's & rare play done. The principal objection to the spring poet is thet be is all write Exeentive committees of fair and horticul- tural societies, 5 pm See Fraser Chompion, Scorch dancer with Caledonie Concert Coo, auspices of Y. W.CA, It dees not follow that to become a suc comiul advertiser & man must start in with This day in the morid's history : Culloden, when Cumberland defeated the re Benjamin Franklin died, John Fed Eugenia arrives in Africa and Mexico Friday night, under Battle of 1790; 1809; emprows 1862; died, No Are eo #0. uh to form a perfect Otumg gor Comfort a wearing PIT-REFORM tailor made d ri les no no curling detail in wrourht DAVID HALL, Practical Plumber. Steam and Gas Fitting. basine and rangs boil Baths, closets, sash , fitted op at tended to: 66 Brock St. PROF. T. W. lowest prices; » specialty. All jobs promptly at sanitary in 'Phone 338. CLAIRVOYANT. 10 business No. 7 room und parlor 'FOR A QUANTITY OF HOUS new, "by Privgle sale. * stowet. sl ] 66sl32. stable and deve ¢ Hotel, BALE. Apply CONROY, JUST ARRIVED Indie. Each 94 ti fur ladies for y ithinis. and ant 3 i eek wv or ourmer © HOLD GOODS AL. 802 © ------------------ P-- WiLL BUY AAT COMFORTABLE yooared dwelling, No. § Redan St, , 28 fruit tross, Apply on premises RUBBER TYRE months, go ows, 101 Lower style y AT HACK, JUST RUN THREE 8 Jou, wil soll cheap, two Enquire STREET. IN Drow ALFRED STREET, BUICK DETACHED rooms, fuenace, modern . piber dwellings, #tores LR. MeOsnn, 51 Broek, HOUSE, Hiro ok and and good cellar, 1° NO. 27 NELSON Johnston rent William fireet, BANTLY &IT ATED Clargy Sta. containing room, furnace, electric ones next door cone sll modern im wi to Dr. Fowler, Brock EMrLoy FOR A LAD OF TWELVE, Jory ine Addbess LAD, Whig of he ER ROOMS, hod at WITH 24 Staart POSITION WANTED Vi of BY of electricity, A YOUNG MAN Salary Address ELECTRIC, gg to J. opposite 720 FTES WI0 WANTS good wages. Apply A ® CO.. Smith sireet, street, ' un ArT ENJOY EVEN. ming 'waive dollars 3 gr with two amis stamp $0 Loudon, Ontario. ---------- ade NO Avan, 2 EE ? Ril ederatony tx 0 avery RES "London, ssi, TEAM, TO DELIVER per ah deposit ro 016), OURS EARNED avérywhere, Don't SoG Marana THE BARBER TRADE. ME TO aa Swonthe «revived Time saved by expert instructions. thirty dave. Sotions talovee COL BARBER opening of international copyright congress st -rosults Paris, twenty-nine nations being reprewnted, 1496. a INNER SETS We have hundreds for you to select from. Bat we offer you a special set of a best English maker. 97 pieces. Regular price $7.50, THE WAY 1S NOW OPENED FOR REVISION OF THE ENTIRE TARIFF SYSTEM. Prevailing Opinion In Britain -- Colonial Questions To Be Dis- cussed -- The New Tax Has Opened Up the Way For Pre- ferential Discussion. New York, April 16.--A Tribune cable from: London says "Despite all efforts to minimize the importance of the revival of registration duties on gran and flour, it is ev ident that a new deperture has been made if the direction of a revenue tariff. The duties may be small and bakers may be unalile to raise the price of the leaf, but Cohdenism has heen struck at a most vital point. H small du- ties can be placed on food stuffs, they eon also be levied on many commaonli- ties for revenue purposes. Sir Michael Hicks Beach has reluctantly opened the way for the transformation of the ciitive tariff system: "Mr. Chamberlain has not obtained as much leverage as he desired, but he has secured ground for discussing commercial and tariff questions at the conference of the colonial premiers and ministers after the coronation. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Messrs. Fielding, Mu- lock, Paterson and Borden are ex pected to he present from (Canada and Mr. Barton, Mr. Sedden and many other influential men will represent For $5 50. ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA HOUSE and Manager. THURSDAY, April 17th AT LAST SOMETHING NEW AND NOVEL THE GREAT. MELO-DRAMA "HAN T0 MAN Vv, TOW AOPNeTY, PEW en, new sitnations, & wrestling bear, an electrical 'ex- plosion. Priv, Be, 38¢c., 80c., The Beats now on sale at HANLEY'S. Friday, April $Sth, Caledonia Comeert Co Saturday, April 19th Matinee 2:30. Evening at 8. A. Q. SCAMMON'S CO. In the deliciously droll Comedy«Drama "SIDE TRACKED" Full of mirth and metrimept, strong situs tions sud sensations] effeoys, embracing & company of Clever C i proserting the latest songs and dmnocs o> PRICES--Evening, 260., #5. and 30c ; matines, 15e. and 28¢ Seuts on Baie at Hanlév's, BY JOHN H. MILLS SALES AT PRIVATE RESI- DENCES. { HAVE BOOKED SEVERAL SALES FOR April sel have several booked for May. 1 would request an early mtimation from those who fiend to favor me with their pa tromage. : Strict charges. moderate possible attention, returns. persons! Prompt THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER, JOHN I. MILLS. "JORN H. MILLS, Auctionger, Sells at the Resi- dence of W. E. Mann, 399 Brock Street, THURSDAY, April (7th, The Fine Effects, Viz: Stevenson & Co's. Upsight. Mattresses, Brusse 7 kers, Fine Chenille sud other Couch, Onk wird other at i --------. -------------------- FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. GOOD LOCALITY, SANITARY | White defeated Australia, New Zealand and the | other self governing colonies Cab- i les, shipping subsidies and postal ser vice will come up, but the main top- jes will be imperial defence and trade. While the colonies will be reluctant to surrender their self-governing rights it is probable that some basis for fmancial contribution to imperial de fence may be reached il some forin of preferential tariff be adapted by the home government, "Some colonies may be willing to agree upon a commerce increase of five per cent. to tem per cent. in tariff dnties and set apart the sum thus raised for defensive rmurposes, if the mother country be disposed to adopt thé preferential system in dealing with the colonies. Mr. Chamberlain bas little margin for negotiations in the mew corn duties, but a revennve tariff based on a similar principle will enable him to take up imperial federa- tion on the business side." Products To Be Taxed. London, April 16.~The custom house officials say that. the following products fall under the three penny tax >. All cereals, including maize, buckwheat, peas, dholl beans, haricot beans, locust beans, lentils and rice. The following products fall ander the five penny tax : All the four and meals from the above mentioned pro: ducts, as well as macarom, vermieelli, starch, farina, arrow root, mandioca flour, semolina, cassava powder, man- nacroup, potato flour, tapioca, sago meal, rice meal and rice dust, shredded wheat, and preparations containing any of the foregoing products. a The Standard anhounces in a fipan- cial article that only = £16,000,000 of the new budget loan of £32,000.000 will be issued publicly, the remaining hali of the lsan having already been placed privately. The Standard be lieves that £5.000000 of the latter hali of the loan has heen taken by leading financial houses in New York. The Daily Chronicle says it was ru mored that the Morgan syndicate had secured a substantial slice of the loan at a price | elow 93. The Times, in its financial articl:, confirms the statement that the new loan is to be raised by an issue of consols, and says they will be issued immediately at 934. CAN MAKE GOOD HIS CLAIM. Conscientious But' Foxy Fisher- man at Chaumont. Watertown, N.Y., April 16--~When Frank James, a fisherman of Chau- mont, went to haul his net yesterday, he found that there were two large maskinonge in the net, in addition to the fish that may be legally netted, Mr. James moved back to shore, se cured a tape line and a photographer and then took the fich from the net, weighed and measured them and had them photographed in the presence of several witnesses, One of the fish weighed thirty-eight pounds and mea- sured fifty-one and one-half inches in length and twenty-three inches in girth. The other weighed twenty-six pounds and measured forty-five inches After the fish had been weighed, mea- sured and photographed they were re turned to the water, Will Attend Ceremonies. ~ Paris; April 16. --At 5 cabinet meet ing held at the Elysee palace, the foreign minister, M. Deleasse, com- municated to his colleagues the text of "a letter from president Roosevelt in viting president Loubet in the most cordial terms to send representatives to attend the inauguration of the R u monument at Washing ton, May 24th. He said the Fre ambassador wt Washington, M. Jules Cambon, had been instructed to in form the president, that a mission, consisting of a general an admiral end other officers, will he sent to the Ynited States on board French war St. John Mayoralty. Sg. Jon, NB, Arril 16-Col. W. ted Fnoch B. Colwell for The vote was: in length and sixteen inches in girth. 'qommupication was revived on Mon day, Secretary of war Brodrick, who was reported, on Monday, as suffering from a chill, was present. The only ahscutees were earl Cadogan, Jord lieutenant of Ireland, and lord Ash- bourne, lord chancellor of Ireland. The cabinet dispersed at 1:30, alter a session' of an hour and a half. The varions ministers proceeded to their respective offices before attending the afternoon session of parliament. The Mail says it learns that the Boers have alredcy agreed to a gene ral surrender and the loss of their in lependence. Difficulties ; Said To Have Arisen. Cologne, April 15.~The Gazette pub- lishes a London telegréwm which states that difficultios hage gcisen in the Couth Africa peace pefoiiations over the question of amuesty, with which is tounled a demand For guarantees in regard to the genedgd laying down of arms in case rebels gre not willing to quit unless they receive certain assur ances. The British government, the telegram adds, is not confident of the finality of {he present Begotiations: a Sale Of Horses To British. Washington, © April 36 The demo erats of the west are acknowledging that they have made g& great tactical mistake in making an ste of the ex- rortation of horses and mules to South Africa. The weitern farmers of Missouri, Kansas and that section generally are up in arms against at- tacks on a good customer. British purchases have lifted notably the prives of their animals. Representa tive Dougherty (Dem., Mo.), says that he will not be able to come back un less the democrats cease their attack upon what is a most profitable trade for his state. Cannot Agree. London, April 16.-The Daily Mail in its issue of this morning says that it undérstands that a serious hitch has occurred in the peace negotiations in South Africa. . The cnbinet council hax decided to refuse a strongly worded request from the Boer leaders at Pretoria for an armistice pending the negutiations This alone is not likely to cause the Boers to withdraw from the confer- ence, gays the Daily Mail, hut what threatens to stop the negotiations is the fact that the government de clings to place the later Cape rebels upon the same footing as the burghers with respect to amnesty, and is not inclined to withdraw the banishment proclamation. 9 These features are Bokrs as two cardinal points in: the irteducible minimum of terms which Jord Milner (the British high commis sioner in South Africa) went to Pre toria to ascertain, and in return for which the Beers agree to the loss of independence and a general swren der. Their other demands, continues the Daily Mail, are that Great Britai shall rebuild and restock the farms, take over the legal claims and liabili ties of the two republics, and grant a representative government within a shorter . period than is now contem plated. megarded by the ------------------ CHRISTIANS MASSACRED. The Result of Conflict Between Kurds and Turks. Constantinople, April 16.--News has reached here of serious troubles at Niadekir, in. Kurdistan. A band of roving Armenians re ently appeared wear the town and the authorities sent Ibrakam Pasha, at the bead of the Kurdish irregulars, to chase them The troops pursued the Armenians for some distance, attacking Armenian villages en route. Finally thraham and his party were forced back, just as "they reached Diabekir. Seeking rein forcements, the Armenians opened fixe. Heavy fighting lasted for some time, then the Kurds, enragea at not being able to force the Armenians back, turned into the christian quarters "of the town and slew unmercifully. It is estimated that thirty Christians were mugsacred. Many of the Turks were also killed. GAS FUMES FATAL. Tragedy in Apartments of a Wi. dow in New York. New York, April 16.--Four persons were found dead last might in the Hiv: ing apartments of Esther Kohen, & widow living on Third avenve. They had been asphyxiated by the fumes of illuminating gas. The Kohens gave a betrothal party 'last Monday night. The dancihg was kept up until 2 a. m. After an investigation the coroner debited that the deaths were acciden- tal. . A Shocking Crime. Boston, Apel 16=In a rage of jealousy, and with such force that the weapon broke under the fierceness of his stroke, James T. Elisha, a west end negro, almost eut off the head of his white wife, Jennie, with a razor, The woman was found dead on Janding of a stairway, was arrested he was : ing a dripping razor in hes | Bes, will 'certainly fortnight, PAVED WITH COLD QUARTZ RESIDENTS DID NOT KNOW VALUE OF ROCK. Discovery of Gold Mine -- May Rival the Famous Black Hills Finds -- Vein of the Precious Metal Traced for Miles. La Crosse, Wis, April 16.--Resi- dents of the strip of territory south of hege, bordering on the Mississippi river, and especially in the vicinity of Prairie du Chien, are just awakening to the fact that they have been pav ing roads and building houses with gold bearing quartz, not dreaming of its true value. This discovery follows the location of & goid mine on the farm of Mrs E. S. Dousman that promises to rival in output the famous Bis Hill finds. The vein of precious metal has been traced for miles in the lower magnesium limestonem and takes in geveral quarries. where rock hus leon taken for purely road and building purposes. for many years. But for Miss Violet Dousman this stone, would not now he attracting so much interest. Believing from the discoveries of zinc and lead in adjoin: ing counties that her mother's farm contained valuable migerals, she was strengthened in hing by the fact that lightning seem: 0 strike in the place during almost every electrical storm, Her personal investigations hrought gold to light, raised the prices of farm lands and made the oldest town on the Mississippi a loadstone for for tune hunters. VISITOR FROM HAWAII Bubonic Plague Confined to Na- tives and Chinese. Toronto, April 16-D. € Little, once headmaster of the high school at Trenton, later a teacher at the Harbord street collegiate institute, now a sugar planter in the Hawaiian islands, is in town. Speaking of Hon olulu, he says the bubonic plague still there, though it is almost whol ly ' confined to natives and Chinese and the destruetion of the Chinese quarter by fire last year has made the work of cleaning out the plague much easier. The mosquito plague is the worst discomfort in; Honolulu, 1s "DOWN WITH ABSOLUTISM. " Henry Watterson Sounds Demo- cratic Battle Cry for 1904. Louigville, April 16.~ Henry Watter son, in an editorial, declares that the democrats are surely uniting for the presidential battle of 1904. The bat tle-cry, Mr. Watterson says, will be " Pown with absolutism! Down with arbitrary power ! The covenant and the law--one constitution and one God--for all men, wherever the flag flies and" the eagle screams, both at home and abroad, and cach in its or der and its power supreme.' She Slapped Hotel-Keeper. Sherbrooke, Que., April 16.~A pecu liar incident at Kast Angus resulted in a case in the magistrate's court on Saturday. It appears from the evi Aonice that one evening, a few day apo, Madame Crondin went to Ber nard's hotel in search of her hushand who she thought was staving out ra ther late, She found him at a card table with several other men. She pro coded to give mine host Bernard a of her mind, and then slapped his face and snatched the pipe from hig. mouth. The latter put the en aged woman out and later laid a complaint against ber. In the magis trate's court Madame Grondin we fined 81 and. costs. Cannot Get Consent. Toronto, April 16.--Jn reference to the rate of postage on newspapers be tween Canada and Great Britainm which matier was taken up Ly the board of trade, the secretary has re ceived a letter from Hon. Mr. Muloek, stating that the British postal autho rities Wuaintain that no change can be made in the existing rates without the consent of the postal "usion and although representations have on several occasions been made asking for a reduction ip rates they have not up to the present seen their way 5 giving such consent. Tug Sunk By Her Tow. Buffalo, N.¥.. April 16.-The tug Acme, of the Great lakes towing com- pany's fleet was sunk in forty feet of water five miles from port last even ing. Her etew was tencied after be ing in the water for an hour The Acme was towing a barge, when she yon into a field of ive. The tug stuck fast in the ice fow, the big Large in tow striking her with great force. The tug sank immediately. Horses For Folie. Torontd. Opt, April h. Robert Beith, M.P., Bowmanville," appointed by the dominion government to pur- chase horses for the fourth Canadian contingent to South Africa, is in the city. Mr. Beith said that probably there would be some difficulty in ob taining horses just now. because in the spring of the year. all the horses were doing dety on the farms. ---------- Favored Universal Suffrage. London, April 16.~Jt is understood, says the ds correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, thet st the last conned King Leopold insisted ¥ upon i the necessity of grantisg aniverss! The triple alliance; somewhat modi be signed within o Ey i a dni ns mother, George Alphons Tyrell is a confirmed drumkard at the age of four vears. The facts in the case have been brought out in a hearing in the juve nile courts Ivappears that the child never knew a mother's care The people into whose hands he fell found a horrible pusement in giving the baby liquor because he "was funny when drunk." His face hears alvendy the impress of the ewmbroiteq- scondition of the sot When he was found in the home of Fia Lewis, to whoss care he had been entrusted, be had just had his whis Ley and wos washing it down with a bottle of beer. It is stated as a mat ter of fact that awakens morning and demands an "eye-open he in the or The child was turned over to a neighbor pending final disposition fis father and mother, who are em ployed in a local hotel, separated soon after his birth. -------- UNION THEOLOGY CRITICISED. Its Teaching Regarding Adam Not Acceptable. New York, Apel 16=Fhe theology taught at Union seminary receiy ed on other black eve at the hands of the New York preshytery. Vincent Noll, who has just been graduated from Union, applied for examination for a license to preach. He was asked if he believed Adem was a historical person. Noll said "1 cannot accept the belief Adam was a creature of blood, as a historical person have to be." Several ministers feet. One said "If vou cannot accept Adam as a person of flésh "and blood then it means that you practically say that St. Paul did not know what he was talking about." It was voted to refuse 5 license to | Noll. that flesh and would sprang to their | -------- MARRIAGE UPHELD. Court Awards Estate to Son of St. Louis Doctor. Louis, Mo., April 16.~The Uni ed States circuit court of appeals, in deciding that Alfred W. Fleming the legitimate son of the late Dr. Al fred W. Fleming, and as such is en titled to his share in the Fleming es tate, heid that there is no inconsis timey in a religions or civil marriage following a contract that has existed in common law. When his son was born Dr. Fleming was living with his-common-law wife, to whom he was afterward joined hy a civil marriage Philadelphia tela tives tried to seeure control of the eo tate after the' death of the parent, | claiming that the doctor had no | hildren { St in i SUFFOCATED BY GAS. the Sufferers. Marv's, Langford end 13. O'Connell, two hotel } i Two Servant Girls in St. Mary's | { ! St Ont., April 16.~Emma servants, were asphyxiated by coal | gas in their rooms during the might r carly morning. The stovepipe, pass ing through their rooms, came apart ith the result mentioned. Miss Lang ford whs dead when foufd, but Mis Ll Connell likely to wegover Mis ancford's parents are both dead Her former home at Milburn, is West where Mrs. Sager, a still resides mn Was Nissouri, arried sister, sprm-------- All-Ameridhn Route To Klondyke Seattle, Wash, April 16.--1t is ected that the work on a railroa Valdes to Eagle City will begin hortly and | be rushed to pletion without delay The any, which, it is ex from wil com or will construct | the road, is an English and American | oncern and is capitalized at 31,000 Wi, The distance to be coveged by the railway 400 miles. It will pro vide up all-American . th Klondyke through the rivet OUTY said 1% rete 10 Coppet A Veteran Dead. i Hamilton, Ont, April. 16.~John Malcolmson, shipbuilder, who had Hy ed in Haoulton forsover hall a con wry, died suddenly, yesterday, i v-nine, Mr. Maleolmson assiste in the building of the steamers Myles Wickigan, Arabian, Acadia, and other { vessels, He was a brother of the lat Capt. James Maléolmson, ana one the oldest Oddfellows of the Canadian order in the city, awed of Accepted The Offer. Brampton, Ont., April 16.--~Mayor Thoburn received a letter from An drew Carnegie, offering $10,000 for the | erection of a free library building | here. The town covinwil, at a special | meeting, accepted the offer i "If you want your plumbing over | fisted go to Tavior & Hamilton T8271 Wellington street. FOR | CAREFUL | WORK Send your parcel te BAKER'S STEAM LAUNDRY, 'Phone 22. Princess St. | will make up in' any | ota | navy; | yard, LAND | MTHFR HEADY | dangerously | fs | hefore | noon DRESS £0008 | Like an Italian Sunset in their wealth of color are our modish weaves of dress stuffs for Summer wear. Mar: velously pretty in the tout ensemble and equally stunning as individual studies. The product of many minds and widely different manufacturing dis- tricts, they represent the most superb fafries that money and master-buying can command We want you 10 see them, to scrutinize the values and ; vices, to make comparisons and con. trasts, and then to arrive ab a vers dict, honest to yoursell and honest to Tiplicitly confident in our goods, we do not fear the voice of opinion, Here are a few makes DRESS GOODS. French Crepenette; 'all wool: soft fin- ish: fancy weave; colors blue grey, vent], silver, pink, light navy, a, fawn. csstor, brown and na vy; 44 inches wide; per yard, He. Wool Crepe de Chine medium weight; spring fabric; soft and pliable; style of inncy costume; colors tan, castor, navy, re sedan, medinm grey, corn flower; 46 inches wide; per yard, UU FRENCH SUITINGS. French Redfern Suiting: a light weight material, with a fine pirle fin- ish twill: bright silk finish; very spe: quality for spring Lostume; col fawn, grey, myrtle, red, hluette, resods and inches wide; per cial wre brown rose, 47 yard, Broadcloth; all pure wool; heavy and medium weight; superior qualities and finish; perfect dve; will not spot; the best French and German a good 'assortment of col ir whes wide; per $1.50. ' from makers 62 ors - this moshing, from AUCHINVOLE~Suddeniy J. SN. Auchinvole, 41 a paralytic Cotorne #ivent Funeral private LAVERY ~ka Kingston, Apsil 154, trick Lavery, aged tharty years Putt] at 10 @eloek, Jhuraias teotring, from his sister's pos, down Mrs win Carr, 44 Bagot stron st Mary's wh a solemn Meyain ase ovlebra ww Friends and acgunine wily invited to attend, siroke, 1902, Pa wil » a AUCTION SALE nites (Hf ne High-Grade Jewelry. INSTRUCTED BY THE CONSIGN Sell at 288 Proves treet, W Ho. AY 1 AM ere to 1, without the least pe TO-MORKON AETERNOON and Iotlowing dave witil viz. gold, miver and otier watches wey i . oan ha ox, } hodns, lookets thi i ar oons, fo soup and Carson's ol commencing FN ENT the whole is sold Ipnliew Auctionser THE ANNUAL SALE Of The Kingston and Bath Road Toll Gates BE HELD WEDNESDAY at two the 2%: hoe AFTER. ut Ox winl Mr Jr. Auctioneer All Healing Ointment will Cure Burns, Fromen TAmbe, Cuts. Salt hea, Broken Breasts, Crgeled = Tdpplos, rider's Nore Heads, Holle and Besliog "PRICE. 25¢c. REMOVED J MILLAN HAS REMOVED His BUT bor shop 10 the cwrok: of Privecss and Oatario sirecis, opposite John Gaskin's residency ~ Attacked By Paralysis. Carleton Plas Herald Rev. Dr. Campbell, Perth, is lying ill waffering from a pars which ovenrred shortly six o'clock Thursday after The reverend gentleman moved to Perth some time sgo from Ken- frew with his family and has bean ene gaged ax agent of the century fund of the Preshvterian church, He was busy writing almost all day until he was wired with the stroke ss stated tie stroke Tight bive and = 7 Argentala Silver Polish . ; . + Will clean your Silver ¢ easier and betier than § any polish made Sold in Glass 25¢, each. } ! Jars at 1, © JOASTON 5 830.4 4