Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WHI, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16. MRS. IDA L ROSER Grand-Nieee of Ex-President James E. Polk, Writes to Mrs. Pinkham Saying: "Dran Mus. Prams ; =] have been married for nearly two years, and so {ur have not been blessed with o child. 1 have, however, suffered with a com- plication of female troubles aad psin- ful menstruation, until very recenily. MES. 1UA 1. ROSER. "The value of Lydia E. Pink- _ham's Vegetable Compound was called to my attention by an intimate friend, whose life had simply been a torture with faflammation and ulcers ation, and a few bottles of your Com- pound cured her: she can hardly lieve it 'herself to-day, she enjoys such health, | took four bottles of your Compound and consider myself cured. 1am once more in fine health and spirits; my domestic and official duties sll seem easy now, for I feel so strong 1 can do three times what L used ta do. You have a host of friends in Denver, and among the best count, Yours very gratefully -- Mus. Iva EL. Rosen, 326 18th Ave., Denver, CoL."--~B5000 forfeit If aboes testimonial Ia not ne. If you are 111, don't hesitate to go abottleof Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound at once, and write to Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice-- itis free. - HOW TO GAIN FLESH. -- Golden Rules for the Too Ethereal Women. ] According to a writer 10 the New York Post, the two ethereal may increase her avoirdupois Jowi thege suggestigns To gain flesh, eat a hearty break fast and dinner and a light luncheon. Bread, butter and stewed frat and milk are necessary articles of diot. Let the bread be brown, or gluten loaf, and have the milk hot, but not fay, take some often. durin il woman by fol day, bt eat no solids belwee Olive on fresh green cream with baked bananas ar ing foods. lore retiring take a warm bath to induce sleep, which aids in increasing flesh. Devote ten hours to sicep and if possible rest ten minutes every af ternoon, Spend one whole day in bed each month, sleeping as mach of the day as sible, @ only true way to rest is to lie down in a darkened room with closed eyes and think of nothing Even five minutes. of giuch rest is valu able; Jmuscles' of the face relax, and ome does not Jook, which. adds many years to the appearance, Take time to oat your meals ou have not time to eat a eisurely, go without it; as it will not injure you a guerter.as much it will toreat it in a hurry. Archbishop Gauthier administers the sacrament of confirmation to the chil dren of Kingston parisk, on May 11th Thomas T. Renton, left to day for a trip. to England. He willl Be abamnt and fatten: Ii us get a hard, set! meal } THE RUSH OF COLONISTS. STANDS FTROVIDED TO VIEW THE CORONATION, Canada and Other Large Colonies Will Have Four or Five Hun- dred Seats Allotted -- Extra- ordinary Claims to Share Co- lonial Privileges. London, April 16.=The D ays that the ised to provide thousands of seats for the to view the procession invitation of Jord Strathcona, the , various sgents-gem ru] met at the Canadian office & was announced that each of i eK is to have four i hundred seats allotted to it, uned that the guentsgeneral will have the privi lege of portioning them The smaller will have .seaty 0 proportion. 1 he allotting of the seats will be deferred until the whereabouts of the stands is made known by the government » Already shoals of applications uring in upon the agenis-general, winl many of these are remarkabl mainly for their unblushing a "ity People whose great grandfathers lived a few vears in one or other of the colonieg are trying to make claims to Dats én the seore of anchetry. One has a claim tant ancesgor a conside period in Australia many ily Mai government has prom colonists coroaation of it far ol vy colonies out. colonies are ones out col ial Irth or German thinks } place beeguse a i side pent mgen to Lin mother's able ago 11 is estimated that the visitors from Canada and Australasia alone will number no fewer than 6000 and when those from India, Sou Africa and other colonies be the number with probably reach 12,000. Cars are am ----n LIKELY A CANDIDATE. -- The Dominion Alliance Wants Can- didates to Obey It. Shelburne, Ont, Apr 16. ~The tem perance of the of Dufferin convened here ye and appointed a permanent county exe " tive with A. 0. McKittrick, Orange ville, as president. John A. Nichols organizer of the Dominion al oe, was present and addgessed the con vention. The question of bringing out fn teniperancs electors county terday candidate came up and after much discussion it deeded that the county executive shonld in the ular party and endeavor to procure a written pledge from them to support such legislation for the restriction or pro hibition of the liquor traflie as shall have the approval of the Dominion patliance. In the cvent s eandi dates' refusal to give dge the executive is seriously the advisability of bringing the temperance was terview nominees consider out candidate avail to strongest able, -------- Croyden Chronicles. Croydin, April 15M. A, paving obtained a license, is Fumning a first-class village hotel, as of old J. W. Clancy has made an assign went of his stock of groceries and leit The whe the mill which was woken a few Ago, 8 AgAIN in TRRRIAC order. Mi dna Davy is at Newbury, learning dress-making. Miss Grace Davy is per sister's, near Odessa, where will spend tse summer J. Dowling i moving into: F. Myle's house, Jobn Hannah having « purchased the owned by Mr. Dowling Miss Edna MeKeon visiting friends al Cataraqui. A large n imhber of Orangemen from here attended the funeral of the late Henry Harten, Cen treville. Mrs. J. Charke and dangh tor have returned to their home in 'Kingston. Villiams, the village water of at she on farm is e-------------- Centreville Gleanings. Centreville, April 16.-Owing to the disagreeable weather of the past week very little somding has yet bedn done for: 5 couple of months. COMMERCIAL, LINERI'OOL MARKETS, Liverpool, (13:30 "a.m ); April 16.-Wheat sad, No 1, dorthern, us ruil wastes none; Neo ob, Cabibuisia, did . Muouy: Bow, 08 tal ol, oO; Pea Jord, dW. Od pork, Jak eu jou, © Mgt, 4%. bsoum, foug, . Oth Bacon, shoes, clear, avs. od; licens, colored, aga Us. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARMETS 16. Fiour. roonipts, E60 Montreal, JA . blake; pu Winter, LTO 0 $d.u, 3 080 w $4.05, ruth Toller; $4.40 The remains of thosé pla ed in the vault e during the winter have con interred. The cheese factory will gin operations for the season on wiav mest Mra. James Perey 1s t removiog from here. John Ly y as returned to Coldwater, Ont Some of the young men have gore to Avive the tiver. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid, Napance; Mise TT. bil ton. Enterprise; William = As ine Roblin; BH. Donnelly, Camden East Has Been Promoted. £. J, Morrison, Plattsburg, N.Y. recontly married fo Miss Frank 8 Kelly, daughter of William A. Kelly, of this city, has been promoted to a lucrative position with the telephone bakers, $d. 0 to 81.60; dy 78, 10. ¥ 1ownsbipe, 218 0 17g; omen ido MONTREAL STOCKS . Amil 16th uve i¥sese 58 wedding trip ang company, at Albany, NY. Me NMorx- risou's promotion came while on his prevented him re turning to Kingston with his bri fe, as {he was obliged to report at once for duty. To leave For California. On Monday J. 8. I. McCann and wile and De. Herald, wile and dangh- ter will leave for California. Messrs. McCann and Herald go as deleontes to the meeting of tue supreme court of the Independent order of Foresters, which i* to be held in San Francisco. The destor aed Ky famidy will after wards take n holiday, and will be gb sent a couple of months. -------------- First Movable Scenery. Moveable scenery was- first used in Haly in the year 1508. Ii was the in: vention of an Italian architect named Perri, a v # : Beeland, Wale iand. j* em ployed as painter on 00 sum mer residence of Mr: Hickory Island, situated in St Law choked to death in Rochester, N.Y., a STRUCK OFF THE PAPER. Landry's Motion Sy e Speaker. Senator pressed by t A i 16 wade es of a moti 1 nave 3 Bani r Beaus sion in the peaker was member R. W n was n the char 2 upon Hon in lower house que « Ons ON author would There was snion tion. acter of a en aAspersion dare to 2 general expres ar of the speak In reply to a Landry as to sald oar, a sicle of « m fa s a tion by her the fof trajmng senator militia this s and non Scott sala ration on Tues n of bill contirm between the Rath t Bay of Quinte Inting the in of the railway opposition. It was - amended, limiting the capital stock to B1.500.0040, ' 5) G00, que x wih or gimg eommissionea offire the 1 In day the provi the agrecigent mpany and npany re apital stock elicited crease oO ampany SOME th instead of £2 roposed to the aml across Picton. W indefinite The compe Jive of ra the be along ) ¥ ay ol YQ Pr Edward county F. Maclean to pees of the bill, and insisted that the point of erossing the bay of Quinte Ix pected. Mr. Aeéorn Prince Edward county, sported Mr. Mack an's con wi the bill stood for fur tento ther consideration We ohieeted A VAGABONDS' INN. Novelist to Found a Resting Place for Tramps April 16 Maxim Gorki who has tra to nd a vagn Niini-Novgorod, wher tot Maw great himself bonds' inn ot "Ww, novelist, brew n a 1s gong ory ited time worthy of charity tired wayiarer matter may whether § In fa Le pst tor no or not, "shirkers as persons but he dmnkards save will coms temporarily will hor card-cheats. The inn will be ed taftian pmnciples. will be the great te brewery. The teuy elect their house look after such regulation as the jority will decide Gorki has sueceeded in interesting several rich in his scheme, will put up the buildings, a antee f government has ollered no oppdsition to the vagabonds' inn so far, but when <tarted 'put it under control, funds, and mana own committee to ma on men who s now | eing trict police A STARVATION STRIKE. Students Confined in Prison fuse Food and Drink. Arbeiter Zei which states fined in the Ru prisons are carrying on a starva strike. They refuse absolutely to take any nourishment, enduring "the agonies of hunger and thirst with the greatest fortitude. Many of the dents are ill, and have been removed to the hospitals. The authorities are helpless and are greatly perplexed to what course to pursue Re- Vie tung that an tion sta- as SMALL-POX AT A WEDDING. Groont With the Disease Exposes 200. Guests. Salle, I April 16 mistake in diagnosis by Dr the Edward of alcermian Denny, wi ermitten to take place while he we victim of smallpox. Two hundred THOstR the wedding were uncor i to the malady. and virtually quarantineq, La suit : As a wn of a Cole, Peru, Penny,san wedding of the the cy Man rib Missouri St. J of (0 A Second Job. . Mo.. April 16.--A pecu liar train of misfortunes has followed John Kirch, until a wealthy stockman and farmer, resiging near Marysville, Kan., "Monday his only son was fatally hurt by the breaking of a eable on a stump p Rirch, in the last few months, has lost his father and mother, his wife, his x ther-in-law two. children, besides the destruction of his farm v by fire and the loss of live ¢ disease. He in himself be lieved to be stricken with a fatal ili aml with his death will be faced every member of a family of ten. No bloed relatives will be living 2 3 recently 10 and prope stock ness, ef A Clergyman Dead. Pssex, Ont, April 16 --~Rev. N. E Scott. a superannbated Methodist minister, seventy-seven years old, died Inst evening at his home, here, of pural¥sis. 7 -------------- Save our coupons and get Your wchoie of any picce of furgiture or silverware in our store. A rants with every piece of silverware. A cow pots given with every tem Gent "pm chase and redeemable at any time at our store. Call and see the goods and start saving af once. Mullin's groe- ery, ' ecrner Johnston and Division straete. ' Go to Taylor & Hamilton's for Bur rows, Stewart and Milnes Jowel stoves and ranges. Wo have the castings for them, 153 Wellington street. Mrs. Edward Tanver. living noar Athens, died of Jung trouble on Sa- : She leaves a husband, five daughters and two sons. neer MeCallom tour, He will | Those Selected at WOVING TOWARD HALIFAX. RECRUITS FOR THE FOURTH CONTINGENT. Quebec--Lieut. Basil White Accepts Commis- sion--To Erect Buildings For Rifle Manufacture. Quebwe, April 16. --Five recruits have cocepted so far Quebec r the berm fo th bh I volunteered to Africa with the loarth Capt. Roy. of the 9th Ww th Royal i wil Lue go to South contingent re titles, am Jeave this Among the non commissioned offiears «ho will leave this afternoon for Halifax join the contingent are ot. Small, REA, and Corpls. Ss. Lyndon and Getty, R.C.4 Lieut. Basil White, son of Col. White, commandant of cond ial regiment of Canadian volunte stationed at Halifax, bas heen oliered a commission in the regi ment, he commanded Lieut Col. Boulanger, in connection with the fourth contingent of Canadian volun f Couth Africa. Lieut. White ceopted and will leave to-day jor gine fe, Dr after oti on for to Lieut the we sp to by teers for Las a Halifax. Charles the Ros Rose, the inventor of +. has heen awarded rpace storical battle grounds of . for the 'erection of build the manufacture of small Charles. accompanied hy Parent, some visited the Covefields to le site to build on Nir arms. Sir his eng days incer, and mayer ago, choose pg suita No Surrender. Marek 31, 19 B., awe thet, "Us uot v Hare River heroes that have marche sickly wer jorees of the Upper Nik ot in the storm, but it sealed cried Carruth ra yx wete lessening and and hastly conguest for our sous that wounded in the batt s immortal on the na ¢ story while the ages for some hearts d one that will return s carnage, lor they would garland on the battle Trading Stamp. holding filled and partly books "will preserve' carefully the till the law permits the pany to rigleem Don't and think useless They guarantee everyone--in the meantime k customers who foi merly saved the stamps, to ask ior our cash coupons. On ever purchase of ten cents you get a coupon good for one cent. As a special RED LET FER INDUCEMENT we offer to presenting 860 worth of any article formerly g and for which This is a most wl stamp eollectors will Colles filled same Lor com them worry Yirrin book to redesin we a cls cash ven toners coupons by the stamp comj you had to spend lineral offer ¢ do well to it. Crumley Bros ny gph v take advantage o -- Should Use Minnow Bait. jon Nuwiure Notes ont are capnibals, and it 15 a got question whether in some waters e trot not he systematic destroved. Many Dartmoor fisher are in favor of killing them. say that fish in their sireams oi nd to two pound weight ever caughts by . and live enfiraly on thei ar A two-pouand Deven trout is y responsible for the death of wight his own should ally nen They one' p haraly are ordinary own veral stones' of kind. Early Agricultural Exhibition. The first agricultnral exhibition held within the limits of the United States is said to have been organized and carried to a successful Georgetown, in the distriet of bia, in 1310 This claim ed, various towns and countiis in England asserting that agr cultural aml expositions were held in them at an earlier date. 15 conclagion at Colum disput Ne w 8 fawrs . ---- Have They Struck Oil? Winnipeg. April 16.--A Calgary com- pany has struck oil on Cameron creek, in Alberta. It is thought the oil ex ists in paying quantities at a depth of 1.000 fect. The well is now 620 feet deep, At Medicine Hat, yesterday, a strong flow of gas was stn ok, which developed a pressure of 240 pounds within thirty mitntes. The well is perfectly dry. Was Quite Well. New York, April 16~Bourke Coch- ran, New York, who has just been re ceived in audi hy the pope, says he found the podtiff amazingly strong or than af the last audience five yoars ago, cables a Rome correspondent. The pope showed a wonderful memory. ---------- Was Badly Hurt. Greenwood, B.A, April 16. George Johnson was istally hurt while load ing « blast in & quarry at Mother Lode mine. The blast exploded pre: matarely. The Irish-American Boer ambulance association bas been , or 8 new ome founded. With some sense of a reviving conscience members of the old Sssomiation think sow of raising Great Britain in PRODUCE AND PRICES, The Standard Rates - Governing The Local Markets. it 15.--The pro e undergone prac during the past bt perhaps a at the same time iocal ball pick uozen ib; oe a loc. a lb; pike Go. a white fish, a 1b; halibut a dozen; him ite. a ib salmon trout, 1Zc. Seattle salmon, Mc. a'lb; salt sel salt trout, salt mackerel and a ib; salt cod Ib.; hippered her a tb; smelts, 124¢. bloaters 2k ciscoes, lc. to 15c. a I Hie. a dozen, Meat--DBeel, forequarters, 4ic. to Be. a lb; whoice cuts, 12§¢c. a Ii; western beef. Se. to 12ic wn Ib; yearling lamb, 3 arcase, Sc, to lc. a ib.; fore quarters, 10. a lb; hindquarters, Ile. to 13. a lb; bogs, live weight, 5c. a lh.; dressed, Te. to Se. a lb.; veal, by the carcase, © a lb; tongues, 35¢. each: mutton, 6c. to Tc. a ib. Flour and feed. --Farmers' flour and bakers' strong, $2 to $2.10 a owt; Hungarian patent, $2.20 to $2.30 a ewt.; oat meal and rollegemats, £5.30 to $5.75 a bbl; corn-meal, $1.50 to $1.60 a ewt.; bi £0 to 82 a tom; horts, $28 a ton; bay, ¥10 to $12 a ton: straw, 37 to 8 a ton Grain--Wheat, white winter and Can adian spring, 63c. to 72. a bushel ; local soft wheat, 6c. a bushel; North: ern No. |, 77¢. a bushel; Mani toba No. 1, hard, 80c. a bushel; buck- wheat, 80c. a bushel; barley, 40e. to 50c. a bushel; peas, 72. a bushel; oats, 40¢. a bushel; rye, 52¢c. a bushel. Fruit -- California "naval oranges, : 40c. a doz.; Florida oranges, 30c, a doz.; Jamacia orang 30¢. d r are to a dozen; atrawherries, 15c. a box; cranberries, 12%e. to 100 a quart; lemons, "Je; te Mie. a dozen; bananas, Je. to fc. a dozen; apples, %5 a bb! Vegetables- Potatoes 0c. to $1, a bag: onions, $1J0 a bag; car rots, 40c. to 55c. a bag, turnips, 40c. Sic ». a bag; beets, 50c. a bush.; cel to 10c. bunch; cabbage, 3. to | a hea a bun i ishes, 3¢. a bunch i Poultry-- Turkeys, '$1 to $1.50 each: ! checkens, 4c. to pair; fowl, | fic. to Tic. a palr { Hides--These prices are given by! John McKay, Brock street: Dekin skins, B0e. to 6c. each; deer skins, 10c. lb.; heei hides, No i beef | hides, No. hides, £2 to 8 each; | rendered tallow, Bc. a lb; unwashed wool, 8c. a 1b.; washed wool, 13c. a th, Fur, mink £2 10 82.50; fox, 82 to | 283. coon, 25 to skunk, 25¢ 25¢., to The. 75. =A 150.3 Dairy Wholesale. 2%. to 18. to 20¢. lb; in a lb; baking but Butter farmers', in prints, rolls; 17¢. to ter, 144e. a lb. a lb. Cheese 10c¢ Creamery, Ide. to 104c. a 1b Dairy Retail. Butter--Creamery, 23¢. ers', th prints, 22¢. a 18. to 2uc. a lb. Cheese--124¢c, a Ibi Eggs. Wholesale~Fresh, 1lc. a 'dozen Fresh, 124c. a dozen. Markets Elsewhere. April . 14, Wheat le. to Tie wheat," red, Tle 6% Retail Toronto, white, | per bush, per bush., per bush, wheat, spring, | 65 ile peas, | Me. tod to Tic wheat, sw bush, [1 a goose, wo 8de.; rye, per bush iwheat, per bush., ha 812 wo Bld £0; dressed hogs 15; butter, ih 1% butter, ery, to per pair, 750. to ; turkeve, ; to 16¢ per = to n, straw OX 56 in rolls, creas hickens ib., 1 io per ducks, jer pair, new laid, 124e to 1, $3.50 to $4.50 to 30e The; tur Carrots, omons {0 At) per tor Dik bag r bag, Je. to ile ; cau to Tk cab to Bik Bike; be f, hindquarters, carcas & 5 celery of, fore iedimm, co, $7.50 to mutton, $7 to to 8 April 14 to-day, 1 in large numbers trade fair with a little prices paid for common Stock choier cattle were sold prime at 5 pratiy At the the butchers Montreal East § Fad abattoir Present and lower A at 6ic. per Ih to Ole goodt irom and wh half-fat ted beasts at sm Jel t je. per Ib froin $1.50 to 87 each old sheep sold at from 34 fe th, anc the yearlings at from $ic Be. per ib. Spring lambs 22.50 to 85 each Fas from 86 to $6.60 per M0 lbs. off the cars were was few beeves per ih. fe. to i } BAL the Calves sold at to | sold weighed Push, But Don't Shove. The advertising merchant does the business these days of push and enter: prise. There are more newspaper read- erd than ever before. The newspaper places business under the eye of the buyer. He sees what be wants, and, knowing where to find it, looks ap the wife-awake merchant who asked him to buy, Success in these days of sharp competition ealls for push. You can't keep a hustler down. 4 Talk to your customers in your ads as you would talk to them in your store; see that your clerks talk to your customers ss you talk in your ads. -- Society Wedding In New York. New York, April 16.~The mariage of Miss Bertha Gillet, daughter of Mr. ard Mrs. Emslie M. Gillet, to Lieut. William Paterson, U.B.A., took place 'this afternoon in Trisity chapel. Dri William HH. Vilbert, asnsled by br Alired Baks:, of Princeton, N.J , per formed the ceremony. Fhe sroom Sead a namber of his brother officers for ushers and as they were arrayed in ful! uniform the wedding had guile a military aspect. After a southern trip, Lieut. Paterson will take his bride to San Fransisco, where ho is stationed. fd at Pos barge Beauport was | mouth this WOrRIDY. a -- . per | : to} i at irom at i | PE your Vital force, shrunken par fering from Lost Vitality ; 1 remain id ignorance while you are the canse may be, whether early the ture REECT MANFC you don't oare what men & down by this disease ; BO matter exomss, or orerwork and business cares, the Lmpoteney, « engl em TL) CURB YOU. conditions. Rend the following sworn afidavit. 38 ELVES SWOLN par asl wm. A 8 THE LATEST METHOD TREATMENT GUARK Varlcacele and Stricture without Cut! Riretching or loss of Chronic, Nervous, Private. Iu \ Rectal Troubles. CONSULTA treatment. Perfect Ryton of time ney ney, 14 Bladder, PREB. If you cannot call write for home treatisent for those who cannot call. All Medicines for Paticats Shipped from Windser. All Duty oR Prepaid. 208 WOODWARD AvVE,, Con. WiLcox ST., DETROIT, MICH Wisi Perfect health and strength denote the absence of d ease. When you are weak it means that you lack that which is the foundation of strength---of thedife itseli--Electrieily. How many men are suffering miseries for the want of simple remedy! They do not live, they simply exist. Tn t 2 Ligh of thousands can be read the story of a wasted life ax 3 blighted hopes. Joys and pleasures are unknown to then because their vitality is being sapped. Varicocele and wai ing drains have exhausted natures electrical forces and lel them wrecks. Many have sought rélief in drugs and pate: remedies for their mental and physical suffering. Thi are soothed for a day or perhaps a week, falsely bras pg - * . up until the effects of the drugs wearing off, like th momentary bracing of whiskey, they sink still lower in vitality, and, with hope exhausted, lose confidence in them- selves and their fellow-men and decided to abandon all | efforts to recover their power, feeling that there is no hope t for them. I have known for twenty years that drugs could not 2 h estore strength. My knowledge was obtained from actual') contact with thousands of people who had tried drugs in every form, and they were worse off than before they started Why don't drugs eure? 1 will tell you why I They will stimulate the nerves, not strengthen them, in fac! € they are in a weaker condition after using drugs. Eleetrici! 9 can and does. It pours that grand life-giving current into your entire system at night while you sleep. i } DR. McLAUCHLIN'S ELECTRIC BELT has a wonderful influence upon tired and weak nerves. | 4 braces and invigorates them and stirs up a great force © p in a man. It is the product of years of study, the of the fondest dreams of the weak and wor belt, but a powerful, life-giving Ei: € tric appliance, which isggow recognized by the highest ai best in the medical profssion as the only certain means restoring power to weak and vital organs. The strength X quickly restored and losses corrected. Rheumatic pains @ ¥ quickly dispelled and all functions of the body develo] € and made strong. It sends the blood with a gladsome boun 9 through the veins, carrying health to the body and hap ness to the heart of the despondent sufferer. I wonder how people can be skeptical as to the pov of my Belt to cure them. I know no better way prove my confidence in the wonderful curative power my Belt than to cure you before I ask my pay. My cor dence in my method enables me to offer the Belt on trial o any one who can offer me reasonable security can use Belt at my risk and - PAY WHEN CURED. CAUTION" are many old style Belix on the market today, whose is their ability to burn and scar the fie bh These old-«tyle tering woorchers are using 8 © heap imitation of my Cushion Fiectrode. My offios cor hundreds of these old-«iyie belts, joarded ax useless, Many of them after the pation! only had them one week. Iwan every Mas and woman who is suffering from any p or weakness Lo call at my office and T MY BELT FREE OF CHA FREE BOOK I havea book which will inspire a man or woman wants health and strength. will send it free, » upon request if you will incose tals ad. | would like to have you call for froo advice consultation, : ¢ p yori drugging. . energy t realization invalid. It is not a toy DR. M. . MoLAUGHLIN, 130 Yonge Street, Toronto. J OFFICE HOURS-9 AM. TOA® P.M Fh. Pia Pi Se rain Pipes, Flue Linings and Chimney Tops. We are Agents for the Capadian Sc Pipe Company and can furnish these any quantity desired. We carry a lar; and well assorted stock. and make a spec al discount to contractors and those in tie ~ McKELVEY & 69 and 71 Brock BIRCH

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