Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1902, p. 6

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v Z| SHE PATIENTLY re ; ask to see our line of TOPROUND BALS in Enamel, Box and Patent Baby enjoys his bath © ail the more; and Nis sleep is the Sweeter whea you use BABYS OWN SOAP Tt softens and soothes all skin irvits- tions. keeping it healthy and fresh. Dor't use imitations on Baby. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrs. MONTREAL. »s - BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter From a Lady Whose Husband Was Dissipated. How She Cured Him With a Secret | Little Liver Pills ¥ WHAT OUR : HAVE TO TELL The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What Peo- pls Are Doing and What They Are Saying, Had His Ribs Broken. Snow Road, April 13.~Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gemmill' met with a serious accident on Sunday while returning from church. The horse took fright and ran away, throwing them owt of the rig. Mire. Gemmiil was badly bruised, but her husband had four or five ribs broken, and these are press ing on his lungs. He id in a procari- ous condition. , Church and school have re-opened again. Mrs. Lyons bas moved to McLaren's Mills. Home From The West. Sunbury, April 15--Local cheese factories are now all running, and a fair t of milk is being received. William Garrett, wife and child are bome from the west, and will remain fol time. Pall grain and new seeding is in good condition, and promises a fair crop. R, Hunter, contractor, has finished repairing the parsonage fence and now a mach finer appearance is presented. Ritchie Bros. are preparing to erect a basement"barn. Violet Views. Yiolet, April 15.~The ladies have about finished housecléaning. R. Spi der is very ill of pneumonia, T. Cam- eron, Odessa, spent Sunday with bis daughter, Miss L. Cameron. The Ep- worth league of christian. « Or will hold a missionary meeting "here next Tuesday. Miss L. Wood is with friends in Strathcona. Mrs. C. A. Robertson is visiting her parents in Napanee. Miss Edna Vanluven, Na- panee, has returned home after visit ing her grand parents here. A Quiet Wedding. Ompah, April 14.--A quiet wedding took place at the Union hotel on Ap- ril - Oth, when - Miss Maud Jackson, daughter of the proprietor, and Mar- shal Moor were made one. Miss Hat- tie Moor was bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Bennie officiated. Mr. Moor intends moving onto bis farm near Folger Station. Trodt lake is clear of ice. Joseph Laundry has gone into trap- ping extensively. Visitors : T. F. ilson at James Moor's; Gordon Moor at H. Leben's; James F. John- ston at home. -- Purchasing Young Cattle. Bolingbroke, April 15.~Sugar-mak- ing is over and farmers have com- menced seeding. A. Watson's sale was well attended ang everything sold well. Vincent Deacon has been engag- ed 'as cheesemaker in Althorpe fac: tory. John Ritchie is going to make an extension to his barn. J. Moodie and George Fournier were through here yesterday buying yearlings. A. Watson sold eleven to the buyers Mrs. A. Wateon spent a few days 'in Smith's Falls with her brother, who is seriously ill Fellows Fancies: Fellows, April 13.--Sowing has com- menced. Thos, N. Denyes is very low with i A play seems to have vibited this neighborhood, as many as four in one family are all un- der the doctors care. Mrs. Marshall Parrott and Miss Keithar are guests at J. M. Parrott's, Napanee. Denyes was in Sydenham last Satur day on business. Elgin Parrott and bride were in Kingston on Saturday. Miss Pear, Hogle, Odessa, was t guest of her friend, Miss K. Parrott on Sunday. George Bridon, King- ston, is spending a few days in this vicinity. Bongard's Notes, Boogard's, April 14.--The cheese factory started on the 15th. W, Bris coe gnd George Brooks went to Dese- roto last week to work this summer. A little girl has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bon gard. Mrs. W. IL. Minaker has re turnod to her home in Cherry Valley, alter 3 ing a week with friends bere. Visitors : Miss Annie Ackerman at James Bradley's; Mrs. W. H. King- sley at Thomas Bongard's; Mrs. D. F. McCormack, Woupoose; Mr. and Mrs, 8. A. Toby to South Bay; Miss 8. Av Beith has returned home after Mending the winter with her sister, rs. J. D. Bongard. Cole Lake Locals. Cole Lake, April 15.~Our school is progressing rapidly under the able management of Miss Mills, W, Shell- ington, after spending the winter at Parham, is back to his farm again, Rumor says a wedding soon. A van load from Parham attended the party at J. E Compbell's and report as good time. Many are looking forward for hy meeting. W. wa has moved back here, and is black: i Mrs. G. W. Killing +h Shellington's at J. i "8; itser, at Geo. io Sunic at her parents. ---- tiful fence pul around the school nd. '6. Grev hav the contract of ulting it up. The eldest som of TT. ngar had the misfortune to badly out his head on a nail. Mrs. T. Wagar: ix ill with quinsey. Mr. and Mrs. B. Vaavelkinburg spent Sunday at W. A. Wagers -- Cheesemakers Engaged. Tnverary, April 15. The auction sale of W. Liston's stock and imple ments was well attended. The cows averagea about $30 apiece. Rev. G. Wood pecupied = the pulpit here on Sunday might. A convention, under the auspices of the Holiness Move ment took place on ihe 16th. The two cheese fattories hers have begun oper ations. Thompson & Ferguson have engaged W. Craig, whilst Duff Bros. have Downey and Murphy ctuployed. L. Patterson has given up cheese making and gone to join his father in the states. Were Nearly Drowned. Rockport, April 14.--Services were held 'in the Methodist, Catholic and English churches on Sunday mormag. Charles Cirtwell and family have mov- ed back to their bome on Larue isl- and. D. Thomson and Willian Me- Neill, Alexandria Bay, paid this place a visit on Sunday. A suger social was held in the school housy last Pri- day evening. Delbert Megh>. Ganano- que, was the guest of E. Slate on Sun- aay: While out sailing Saturday afternoon, - Delbert, Char'es and Clar ence Root and Herman Hogaboom had a narrow escape from drowning. The mast broke, upsetting the hoat. After & hard struggle in the water, they were rescued bv William Edgiey. Miss Mella Murphy, Brockville, spent Easter holidays at her home here. woof Successful Operation.' .. Holleford, April 15.--John Carslake teft for Adams yesterday, where he has a situation for the summer. T. Taggart, Westport, while driving thr Bere last week, was thrown from his buggy and received peveral injuries. James Coulter, Bedford, was through here last week buying cattle for shipping: The Walker Bros., Wil- ton, have leased G. Elderbeck's mica mine and have begun work Mr. and Mrs. Deline have returned to their home here after spending the winter in Harrowsmith. John O'Rielly is telking of selling his form. Mrs James Babeock has returned from Kingston where she underwent an operation on her eyes, which pro mises 10 be a success. Visitors : Wil liam Quinn, Picton, and Sadie Quinn; Picadilly, at D. Walker's; Miss Rey nolds, Lataraqui, at James Walker's; G. Redmond, Harrowsmith, at J, Redmond's; Mamie Babcock at Perth Read; D. Walker at Bedford. Desmond Doings. Desmond, April 14.--Measles are pre- valent in this section. James Lowe is not improving as speedily as his many friends hoped for. Mise Edith MeGall, Centreville, has returned after spending a week with her. aunt, Mrs P. J. Switzer. John Carscallen had a bee last week drawing wood. William Cranston, Switzerville, spent Sunday at A. P. Bell's. A number from here attended the funeral of the Inte Mrs, Lockwood, Enterprise. Fraser Bell, Edith Bell and Emma Carscallen spent Sunday evening at E, D. Shan- graw's, Colebrook." Mrs. Mary Swit zer had a quilting bee on Monday. Frank Switzer, Ross Bell, and Edna Carscallen spent Sunday with friends in Yorker. Miss Emma Salsbury, Watertown, N.Y., and Mrs. A. Snider, Odessa, spent Thursday and Friday at Jo N, Switser's. Mrs. J. W. Bell is W: a few days with her daugh- tex, Mrs. Paul, Newburgh. A Cheese Meeting Held. Sangster, April 16.--Farmers have began seeding. School reopened on the 7th, with a very large attendance, The patrons of the Glenvale cheese fac held their annual meeting on the 5th. After the reading of last year's accounts, which proved satis factory to all, business for the pres- ent year was gome through with. No change from that of last year, ex- cept allowing their salesman $20 sal- . The funeral of the lafe Miss An- geline Rielly, which was a very large one, through here last Sun- day to the Sacred Heart cemetery. Mrs. Hoban and Mrs. Daley are slow- ly recovering. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. er's, Mrs. Brennan; Hugh and Joseph Hastings at J. Goodheart's; Mr. and Mrs, Egan, at J. Hickey's; Mr. Snider, Burridge, at G. Hamilton's; 1. Craig end family, Verona, at T Young's. -- Did Not Recognize Him. Mississippi, April 15.--Easter visit- ors: Miss A. Campbell, Sharbot Lake, at Hugh McKionon's; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Renton, Kingston, .at Isaac Allan's. Hugh McKinnon re ecived a visit lately from a brother who resides in Southern Minnesota, did whom he had not seén for thirty years. Duncan McKinnon has left to seek his fortune in Kingston. John Allan, who Jeft = his home in Perth when a boy; twenty-eight years ago, returned Just week, but his brot failed to recognize him. He was pass- J service in the O'Connor, Verona, at her moth- } J So TER DAILY "WHIG, WADNBSDAY. APRIL 18, NEWS FROM OUR NEICHBORS| :2: SUNLI GHT cn So REDUCES EXPENSE Two washings with Sunlight Soap entail less cost for the same result than one washing with impure soap. Ask for the Octagon Bar. #f your Grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his name and. address, and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of cost. witk drawing =~ thémselves, with Her bert Murray ak superintendent, and Mr. Wood as driver. Agricultural Society Meets. Parham, April 15. Farm laborers are hard to get this spring on account of the several lead and iron mipes run- ning at Long Lake and the Depot wa- ters, The Hinchinbrook agricultural society met in Parham last Tuesday for the purpose of deciding on build: ing a race track, palace sheds, ete., on Wm. Black's farm. Nothing was decided upon. They intend holding a public meeting next weelt. It is hoped some arrangements can be made, as it will be much better to have more room. The Mclean and Wagarville mail route has started again after be ing closed for a couple of weeks on account of smallpox. is still sawing lumber. Visitors : Wiss Frankie Killins, Cole Lake, at W. D. Bertrim's; Mise Edith Hartan at John Bhellington's, st.; Mr. and Mrs G. Drew, at D. Goodiellow's. The Oddieliows intend holding their annual ) " Methodist church April 27th. "Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Good- fellow spent Saturday and Sunday in Parham. sini. Black River Bridge Briefs. Black River Bridge, April 14.--Mi- cheel Keogh has purchased a new Massey Harris seeder. Capt, G. J. Jarvis is building an addition to his house. Miss Cassie Kelly is spending her vacation at her parental home Rev. Dr. Metzler, Point Traverse gir: cuit, occupied the pulpit in the Me fthodist church here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, Bloom- field, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Helfer, on Sunday. Jacob Dan- ard wears a smile; it's a girl. The new cheese factory will commence op erations next Monday. Our cheese- maker, Frank Goodman, has arrived and is busy getting things in readi- ness. Contractor Cole completed' his contract on Saturday, where he fin- ished the whey tank, Messrs. Earle and Welsh were here last week, plac- ing the - boiler in position. Edward and the Misses Jane and Nettie Grimmon spent Sunday at South Bay. William Hughes has gone sail- ing on the schooner Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Farrington spent Sunday. here. Harry Grimmon is ar ound again. Changes At Cement Works. Strathcona, April April H.-R. Shellet and W. Lasher have purchased new seeders. J. Walker has rented the Neely homestead. Dogs have been dos ing ecomsiderable damage among sheep through this section. It seems strange there is no manner of getting rid of the dangerdus curs, that are allowed to run at large, Mr. Finley, whe pur chased the paper mill here, is repair ing 'the mill tenements for his own workmen, which is causing consider able moving. Mr, Finley's family are expected here shortly, Confirmation service will be held here Wednesday evening, l4th inst. in St. Jude's church, Mrs. Galuea is spending a few days at Trenton. Miss Allison, form erly of this place, now of Brighton, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Lott re ceived a telegram on Thursday last from her son-in-law, H. W. Wood, of Chester,. N.Y, that their little son was dead. Ray Lott left that evening, accompanied by Mrs. Alired Knight, Napanee, for the home of his sister. Mrs. Roney, another sister, of Lake field, Ont., attended the funeral also The cement company is fetching the machinery from their mill at Mont. real, to their works. J. Kehoe left last week with men to make the re moval. Bloomfield Breezes. Bloomfield, April 14.--A heavy rain fall, the largest in years, visited here last week, flooding the land and stop ping seeding for some time. On March 26th Miss Nona Vamdérvort and Walter Hubbs were married at the residence of the bride's father, vid Vandervort, in the presence of a large number of guests. Miss Lena Blakely acted as bridesmaid and Donald Brown assisted the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbs spent their honeymoon in Toronto, and on their return a reception was held at Havi jand Hubbs', father of the groom, where they will make their home. T, H. Morgan returned home after visit- ing in New York state. D. B. Bower man left last week for his ranch at Pincher's Cresk, Alberta, with several car loads of stock. John Christy and these sons "started for Indian Head, last week, where they have a farm of 640 goves waiting them. Byron Bowerman went with them. T. Owens was in Toronto last week attending a cainers' mesting. On Good Friday night a concert was given by local talent in aid of the Methodist church. college, Belleville, J. Skellington P on} eee ee eS TRADING STAMP Articles once more. We have purchased much below the regular value the entire stock in Kingston of the Domin« ion Trading Stamp Company, consistiog of Onyx and Clo ver Leaf Centre Tables, Rockers, Chairs, Secretaries, Mir rors, Pictures, Lamps, Chenille Curtains, Mats, Carpet Sweepers, Hammocks and Silverware, These well-known beautiful and useful articles we intend to present to cash cus» tomers free of cost, as follows :. When purchasing goods for cash we give you a Silverware Cash Coupon, the value of which is ten per cent. on the amount purchased, redeemable at any time here in silverware or with any article given by the Trading Stamp Company. Pay cash for your Dry Goods and Millinery, save your cash coupons and secure one of the many elegant articles offered. We guarantee reliable goods, a quick service, polite and courteous attention, close cash prices, sixteen ounces to the pound, and thirty-six good inches to the yard every time. CRUTILEY BROS. 132-134 PRINCESS STREET. A Corset that Cannot Break at the Waist line. 1t matters not what the style of a corset is, or what it ismade of, if it breaks at the Waist line, it is rendered uncomfor- table and useless. The Crest Corset is disconnected in front at' the Waist line, and has elastic es at each side, soit cannot

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