WEDNBSDAY, APRIL 16. THE DAILY WHIG, SDA " . -- - ee --------------s - o yr * nr ® trapped Dr. Purslow, the genial bead THE STOCK A A HERD OF HART'S pit | ca---- and this the way of The I -- 4 . m-trees of a neighbor extended ! CHARACTER SKETCH OF PTE. hae. over" the. school gence | 2: Bi STARR HAS SECURED i » ; ' : si CHARLES NAPIER EVANS. and as the fmit was within reach it BUSINESS IN NAPANEE. & ry - ; was not allowed to become over ripe Jes. Coton. of Montreal, Cured 'of and wes distributed among the boys | o Enjoyment at the Wigwam-- d ' 1 ood Ride: ch igali > ym- : Rbcumatiom of Tan Years' Stand { Fond of Athletics, a G T {with prodigality. = The owner. com The Occupants Think They are | ing. Not by the Use of Drugs, ; and a Good Shot, a Successful plained and the doctor, aflee address: . al But Through Powley's Liguis School Teacher and a Chris. ng the Joys. of Ee gashed. howe Suite an Acquisition to Tow Het Uname: tian--Esgaged to a Port Hope | ,orent hough stand up. Evans Napanee April 16. ~The stock of | plosstize 1 give you wy testi Young Lady. Pe ope of four who jumped to their} 1 bey as gr Bw pag Ey rea he feet, and, though there had bean alGarr of the firm of Starr & Sutclifie. | ..FROM, ize. an Jou Those . who. know Pie. Charles Nai. op on si, who bad dospoiled he io ' : pr py re ; pi i ism rarel ' y el Kingston. The new proprietor will be | 0 ef i er xa rig To ot branches, yet the quarict bore all the ese for business Py course of a} «RE-SLLIENT ; Klein, Hart's River on March 3ist, ai- blame, Dr. Pursiow has a pretty flow! jo "days. Mrs. Dr. Ming and son, | ter being wortally wounded and who, of Janguage and ha did'nt spare thel] onic, are spending a day or fwo i after exhausting his supply of cart: fam. aonfess sulprits. A the oe with her sister, Mrs. Robert English, | wie Rh Th Shan per clusion of the Jecture, Frans Sud Deseronto. J mit it to fall ipto the hands of the permission $0 put sg on od Harry Hunier hag begun operations i y an Meal Cana- principal xk on the request being | op his recently acquired property on . ed. the enduring Ee poi hed _ in i that John street. Sr modern winds are A SPRINGY AND BX- . ; . ; Bot. 42 , doctor, that | (5 phe put in and some ins tera- ; convgie aod Ea Pod the receiver is as bad as jhe thief *" | ions ie before W. A. Daly moves PANDING SOLE. ngdian," was ne sarprise to those who Thete ho daast Silence or & ld in in May. » ia timate with him, for cool § Sob nla A 1} Gen. Cox and his axmy are now poss, intrepidity and the aterming- 1 aT courage {9 uk 5 dostur nicely settled in the. "Wigwam" on VENTILATES THE tion fo remain ste to his eon sternly eummances. CHADS, 8 is | Roblin's Hill, and have begun to en- 3 vietions, were ever characteristics that ren adversity to Jeave | joy their days of say smongst us. | | SHOR AT EVERY STEP. Vitiohe) wens OVE She tn high | eho Mironhin. win oaetad. | her en notice displayed yesterday V$ ad, fa torily a dt wa mane that a. = sugar Jocal ee woul be a "» rat | sy thy will be sed ¥ ps 9 . in of their stiractions ast might, No be bes Htovmotaes that hee 20 | of \wuchts:ox push the estimation | doubt, the vening would be ope of | | PREVENTS JAR TO pupils. Tore ' ing : yon. generally known. . dust. before | "1, athletics Evans w.s proficient. a Te ne ht! | NERVES AND SPINE. sulted, Syans heuaitie Engaged He was an expert. canosist and could | in." For aiternoon. amusements. they | ou ; ougof Port Hope's most ing bandle & sail boat with more than or- | have laws tennis, base ball, rifle prac- 2 wy 7 ak ented, Jonghiern, Misa ora a dinary shill any and hard fought | tice. basket hall, and golf, Some of AN hi rat ¥ © Ww ormer schoo were the rugby battles on the campus . 4 showi i VER = : : . |and who has Leen taking 8 course at lof Trinity college school, in EE he She company are alse aly 8 owing heir SPREADS WEAR O Aa , Montreal. Toronto, university. participated. That was in the palmy | gisements along the road front. Shey | | SHOR SOLES--PRESSURE i tid." tho slr e was born in Port, twenty: | days of rugby history at the college i i i den" aptaded , % rented " hoetle years ago and In days of wagby hilory ut A held Me loud in their praises of the camp | | OVER THE FOOT SOLE. was 4 et ai : ; + menu, but complain dreadfully of the oki 1% an to ao better; the a the \ntter schools. grodust: on the gr iron und elsewhere by Joe | siretchers they have to lie upon at 2 Pains an 40 jeave me k a i o 2 and Ed. Seagram, of Waterloo, Fd. | night, but . then perfection i only } V tao! teacher's certificate | Senkler, of Brockville, Davis, the In- ne 4 bu jc Mhet perfection in every- i south cure T up tn ot Jail ang ear Oe an Donte Rayer: He och we they are ors. to" submis | | FOR WOMEN 9 T ery = awa, Pergo ss = hk ¥ ora 3 win v for Sacks my fort wee J wep spent a year at the Owen Sound col- Stairs, later Ee auth Africa. Reyes, Xo for their COMRLY 8 wake, - y 1 coukl mn ks jegiate institute, passing the senior | {kon Ogilvy, Ballantyns and others. He Fought The Lynx. would swell up oot of : : A 4 le vy Tardly eodure the pein lenving ee all He sat to ihe _ Evans joined the Methodist church | he school teacher at Millerto mv bowl. al 1 ormal college, Hamilton, and on ob- }in his native town Bome years ago and | Newfoundland Er ab Nil eriawn, ey footer ho lo | taining a first-class professional GT | became a most cohsistent christian, | , ewfoundland, has. distinguished him- ron rheumatism Signed tificate, accepted a position on the | He had almost made up his ind a ie hid debpatching _a hyn with a Se. Antoine street, Mom | Chatham public school stafl and sul | few months since to become. an evan- | a wit end of his gun. A | , | sequently removed to Amherstburg to oli i ¥ ew evenings ago, with his rifle on js attested by A. P similar dities: in the sebool i gelist and was studying to that end. | kis shoulder, he started for the woods i 1 emeloss vou test assume similar ddties in the sobool in | He felt that he owed it ta his country | i g I ; avon, AS St. Autolne St | ihat town. In his profession he | to bear arms on its behall and when i in pursuit of game, and bad just 'en. To A sufemed for On re achieved success. and was rapidly | was seen by his family that a B tered a lonely path when be found had he had to avit werk for qualifying himself to occupy higher | actuated by a high sense of duty. himgel oe to face with a wildreyed lien Jott ld Hos positions, when = the summons came | objection was offered. As he expressed it t 1 Mgt an mas. the , " oe dL - ¢ " first fo fake in the i i ) mie 58 eer" ame" ing, 1a lh Ta co i or | bre fhe agg coud, wk ny Xow @ am y 'ice in 8 ; . 1 Pag 3 © = ag v & Shir Contri says Iw snmot sow too much | ouree in Toronto, in one of his veca: vies in South {isin as he was a good | if he wasn't too early for school * » ot, a capital horseman and, of sound | made a spring for the teacher's botiles, and my o in fat of Orome, and will ever recommend ; CP Red, wal, P.O tions, and had become imbued with a i Pith : ort od) AP, omy have | love for soldiering. ~ He coubl vot re physique, Within a little more than | throat. The latter was, equal to the py Y he nl » | a month from the time he landed hel occasio 1 not hav y - gn attack Po n Behan Re suller ike | Bist the call to arms and enlisted with | nog the opportunity. that hb h ed Bis Efi ving tiwe, te fire, pod] $ yrs Your rheumatism fs ¢sumed by one the Mounted Rifles at London. Squad: | and laid i ; e sought | clubbed his rifle and met the beast en ting ny ~ wo own his life for his flag for | half way with a blow that laid him Ts wy egrie noid. There's "von E, of whi i i Blog bao the way this ecil kein the od oh rr which: hio_wa3 & mambet which thousands have died but none low. The gun was badly damaged, but and destroys the Ivbricating of : * with more honor, the teacher came through unscathed, in your wo that even the bones be: | arrived at Durban on February 19th. \ re "oho . od ata. Whenever sou pel With the same squadron went his : C. A. H. and is now the hero of Millertown. $F It in a remarkabl brother, Will, who had also enlisted A healthy |in London. . They were the only sons Lucky All Round. Pig For Marriage Fee. Crys fheumatism in a bod ohitdren of harbormaster James New Ontario is the luckiest thing "A Lutheran minister in a western _ igadions-ol Evans, of Port Hope, that ever happened to the Ontario | Maryland town told me an amusing ; F. G. LOCKETT, Sole Local Agents for the SLA TER SHOE. 4 When vou fl |. Hoth were fine specimens of hardy grit government. --Hamilton Specta- | story the other day," said a gentle will know (ts 2UO 'or | Canadian manhood. They stood weil | Toy . 3 man to a reporter. "Some time ago | mm-- = - - -- Tr --------T Ne Orone Co. of | over six. feet in hei ht, were strong To which the Hamilton Times re | as this minister was walking along a SHOT BY HIS FRIEND | Toronto. The Liouid § and well aroportiones in frames, and marks : New Untario was lucky for | street of the town an old German ad . Kinslu stroet, Chicago. straight as pines, Handsome 's ab the grit goverment, because the grit | vanced toward him with extended a y handsome does". is an adage that has fovetument, true to its trast, fougnt | hand. The minister shook hands, "but | Tragic Accident at Quebee That FREE CUR lost: none. of its truth for all its age, the dominion and Ontario tories and | remarked that he could not recall his May Lead to Death. . and it could not be mare fittingly ap prevented them from wresting the | name. 'Oh, ves,' said the old German, Guebee, April 15.~A sad accident A FRE : than 'in the 'ease of Charlie territory from the province; made | 'you remember me ! I am the man | gecurred yesterday, on the Cove fields them pay for the goods stolen during who gave you a pig when you marri- | when Alexande: Cunningham, foreman 4 the struggle; gameetied he enormous | ed me.' in this city for the Leyland com 3 grants tories had in anticipation of "The minister smiled as be recalled | pany, was accidentally shot by Fired his blue eybe Shs. She soul 042 hoy success: made to their heslers for less | the incident, and as he was about to ith, another employee of ithe to stand by his couvictions. As & than a cent an acre, and laid plans | ask about the: wife the old German | company. Both young men went | to school bey, - Charlie was ular foc. the development of the country. said : 'Now I tell you what 1'l do. | the cove fields for target practice, and amongst his companions for was Now the: libera policy is being crown When you married me, I gave you a | while Mr. Cunningham was placing 8 always ready for apy harm) sie ed with success, in spite of tory | pig, so I'll give you two pigs if you | target in position, the charge ex ny, Joa y ess . piece | aneers, detraction and opposition, and | now unmarry me." " ploded: from a rifle in Jacques' hand of mischief; Was quite as ready | 10 | the evidences of that sucess are so ---------- and who was standing a short dix confess his part in it to the teachers plain: that even the Spectator thus Looking Out For Papa. tance off. The vietim was conveyed when the inevitable disclowires came | makes open acknowledgment thereof, A sweet, little maid of four years to the Jefirey Hale hospital, where 4 Tae] t . ' ' and: to. take his punishment. gamely Yes, New Ontario is a. lu ky thing | os distressed the other eveming be- Drs. George Parke and Ross probed and what was more important in the | for. the grit government, amd - it] 0 her father did not come home for + the ball, which had pagsed juvenile eyes he never peached. He | ought. to be; for you see, bad it not} 4, dinner on: time. Her grown-up sis throngh the spinal cord and embedded been, for. the grit government. there | oo Lid To her: » itsell in one of the vertebrae. Owing 3 : 3 : A would have keen no New Untatio, "Pai is naughty, and when he} to the weak condition of the victim % A MAN Is Not I his and the wealth that will supply the ---- won't pte him any ten." the operation had to be postponed Rhenmatism and. walk Suns Soules tor. vans. Straight 'he was in appear- ance and straight in his life. Through provincial coffers for vo many years When he did come, the sister sent S-------------------- Josisive ng 'Why pav for that which ers -* to come would have heen given over] po faq : : ' 4 y . . pot out to the kitchen for Episcopal Bishops Meet. I WILL A SEN Stealin ? to tory heelers. to pay them {or party | gro tea. The baby looked on with 8 Cincinnati, 0., April 16.--Sixty | of ; L ALSO § subservieney. The luck is of a rec nc hots, beautifully Ilinstrated , New -- Th ¥ en. buyiag shoe: troubled face and. stole sofily to. her : i i 5 thor yt - - : the eighty or more bishops of ithe fie l with one or total hind, at Jest yo Ir as Ol om, Shortly she returned With ¥piscopel che pelading nearly oH : Are oat ation Wh : on New Ontario, . thanks to the grits something squeezed, up . in her rd the foreign missionary bishops, are Se h : { the of the Article | is a lucky thing for all Ontario. ) et ome up to her sister, she whis, attending the special meting of ihe : itate ves : i use of bishops, whi ve ore FO hy Rs t ie Spree They im ' Preshyteri Alliance Meeti "Annie, i give you all my penmies day. The sched is one of consid life. x "Variety's the very Se - A a, Sebing. if i. I give pore pis re display crable importance aon sh thureh The top i ; Leas Half Dozen 1 urg, . Pa., Apo ot eon nd, opening and, she display: | oiincipal business before the meting § of our shoe stock. : sol Bs aw of yontion, of She Presbyterian alliance | od all her carefully hoarded pennies. Pn ion of Missionary Pishops spice AY 3 A the United States and Canada has ---------- oat Kansas, the Howniian is Every new and populal| pro gma Terpeatise 8B attracted for. western , as : i as More | attr a Jazge number of promin- | McKinley And Hobart Window lands and Porto Rico. Interest een Debilitating Troubles. od eansot Three Times Bale ini A . 3 ; i asking. Lav me hear from you. yle of shoe has a place in| pen ent ministers and elders of the church « es nd Paste he selection of au ls now to be bad for the " or yr gol ¢." Pe and bk r gh of from all pe . of ies. The gath. Jang. Beach, NL Pel 1 fl PhD Homolulu, where ~ bishop DR. J- A. MACDONALD ELECTRIC CO. sulis y I contd nally h y and | Con, to-day, of the magnificent new Nichols, af California, is now acting 8 Ho 2239 St, Catherine SC. Montreal, Que. en Re. on through . 10°} poop Reformed cliurch was the un: | pending the selection of a sisonteos 4 Fm Foie most. considering Sal Aon rch veiling of a fyiendship window in we: Setbishop Wille. oho, re ot ] & : eat i t 1 vice | protest after r mie had ak O Have Jou pens impose} upon what government. ra among tie gory of the thy [ited States, Me the control of the British church. io adlg po 3 hd off : Black bo i." the Re Dr Kinley and Hobart. The window is a American hands, Another matter x. imitation ¥ M ve 8 "and David. J. aregll. iy n York, the pandsome work of art and occupies & importance before the fase = bis a ne a o) 3 ad g y_of New. York, § conspicuous place in the new edifice. hops is a memorial from the Mexican hele os wha have Rev. Dr, J. T. NeCrory, of Pittsburg, frp, dedicatory, sermon. was preached Episcopal - church, asking permission safe deal ro : ie. Hy . he, Rav. De Same Sexiinger, Sf by the Rev. Charles J. Young D.D., | to enter the American church. jo - I SEEEEE Whe ol . i r. David MH. | oF he Church of the Puritans, New -------------- fers imitations and substitutes. An | MacViear, Montreal, the Rev. lr. wil | ¢ EE honest g will not Safed his | liam 8. Plumer an, of oe. York, ;Henets esinjey s Memory. untomens such = questi me fineipal Cavan, of Toronto. and oo Discourage Travellers. distinguished audiences ever gsscmbled The use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of eretary and treasurer of the alliance | Halifax, A wil 16.--The colony "of | in Paris filled the treats Comidue, Linseed and Turpentine has become | and stated clerk of the Presbyterian Demerara, ritish Guinea, has im | 10-day. on the occasion of the benefit so universal that on all sides ave | general assembly posed a tax of $50 on commercial tra: | performance for the McKinles memor spring! up tions of turpen- ne vellers from abroad, so reports W. § ial fond. Although organized by the u inseed, - put ; D. Taunton, news editor of the Echo, } American colony of Paris the French Chase's wi 0 Those Twenty-Cent Pieces. who has just returned from 5 trip to people and the French government y Hamilton Herald. § that colony. He says the legislature § sided the affair with their sanction Canadian tweniy-cent pieces are of § passed the bill imposing the tax at § and premier Waldeck- Rousseau and A : : the request of half a dozen wholesale | other eminent representatives of the firms, but. that the retail merchants } government shared the boxes with §* i and commission men condemn it. The | Cen. Porier and others - from the keg) of our TWESTIETH CENTURY SHOES. The '48x is imposed on every. visit of the | American embassy. More than - a ® our, New hoes are all pleased with our prises SX ai te soore of the most prominent players _ be. Come and see. spon. and. singers of Paris contributed their @® Ad fo Sm fe. wet + 9 J HL SUTHERLANDG& BR er -- ©Pe0E GOT00EO80 100 preventative against sore feet seal thing to equal Kelpion. es On The Jersey Cen . had New, York, Apeil 16,-- Charles H. Warren, for the past five years Vice Qresident of the Central ralrond of Jersey, practically ended: bis connect ion. with the road 10 dny when his ] re ---- for Europe. Mr. Es "in ok oi well as ; ry (Ea eough and wh he