1 Surrendering of A FROM A KINGSTON- IAN IN AFRICA. : Burghbers Who Said They Were Bick of the War<A Talk With Gen: Baden Powell. The following letter was received on Wednesday by Robert hawler, of this visy. from Pres 8. Robinson, 20 troop CE division, South Africa constali lary, Boith Afries : * Wonder 27th, 1902. Youre uip *@# These durable easily $ swept Tapestry Carpets are the most praciical 'sort for economy seek- gers. We have about roo ps of the best 10-wire apestries,. no better made. Sold regularly at 75¢. a yard. We offer at 80. A YARD. MADE AND LAID ON They ate ina good 'variety of patterns with tairs tomaich. Bn i wivels, ote. Betyg: - Bor "effects, the vilire see ered, wath Hwiw pelt + Thin solid quarter Cut Ouk Sideboard, ; or yo exaetly ae diown, only $40, a : ¥ i. = abi, but 3 0 nor dues : . wo Pave the chniice. : Dining Chairs (1 arm, 5 sonll) solid ask, { Jonther upholssired weats $18; regw ms Table 40. snitch Loewe sire. $15. Phen throw serps for Frivhey only: many saps for persons who ead A Sy om dein J : ily fo We are Wow ding 1 dommunigation between Vet river sta- tion amd HoopStadi:" The British for: of 'has nis been in Hoopetadt very long. The night. they. went in they captured two Boars who were on look. out. on church spire. Yesterday they came in under the white flag and surrendersd to. Ne: 25 troop, hey said they were wick of the wir dnd they clann that the Hogr commanders ate starting te talk fo the men of swrrender. During the pmst month the Hricish hag had gent success, They got Dewet blocked. Up the railroud track they capruged about 200 of his men, but Dewel excaped hy driving atthe over the Tine, oy he with sixty wen escaping with them, "fi fookx just at present that the wir will be over before Jong. 1 think it will be obi hw daly first. © You can't wet as 'much serap. as you wang vow, bat gbous six months ago yon did mos have to lok for it.' You couhd get it Cady oid time, During (Wrietmas week we captured 100 Boers and a voek later thirty-five. The British's new method of hlockhouses isu great sugcess. They don't bave tov send men when they want convoys escorted. «That werk falls on the Gloakhooies, the convoys passing elose fo them. The British "have alio taken in all Boers and Kaffir refuges off the farms they come to. They also take all stock mad destroy any- thing they can't take. The Britich capturéd last month a man by the rome of Page. He is secused of seve val murders and alo of blowing wp en hospital train. He was thken pris oner twice and escaped both times. | think he will be shot. Maj.-Gen, Ba Aden-Powell went through bere yéstor: day. "1 will tell you of an incident that happened the = other might.: I was awgkened aut of my penceful stumbery shout midnight by the sentry = whe sail there were mowited men ap: proaching. I got up seping the ob jects whe were suppesed to be mount ofl mem. 1 wid to him fire one shot over thelr heads and see what = they will do. He did so and they started at once but wy extended order. | then wave the grder volley firing ready. Af tor we Bad fired six volleys. 1 érept outside the wire entanglement ani saw same one running up the © road, We went down and found it was a wmiitle 'hot outright and three. more wero wounded which had to be shot in the morning. They were six in: all and out of the kix four were killed, Gen. Baden Powell asked me ghout the shooting and he said we wer good shots. He only wished they were Boers. "Remember me to all the Kingston hove. 1 have saved 8300 this year and hope to de better next. The rea son 1 have not saved more is on ac count. of foodstuff being so high' i Death Of Peter Milne. Poter Milne, som of J Main streot, died in the i Dieu at half past five o'clock Wednesday afternoon, after a long illness, peti- ently borne. For the past fifteen years the deceased was connected with the composing room of the Ca nadian Freeman, but latterly had to wetive from wu long and faithful wer vice on account of failing health. He is survived by his parents, three wis: ots and two, brothers, The late Mr. Ine was for some years treasurer of the young Irish 'Catholic benevolent association, and a past officer in St. Mary's Court, C. 0. F. On the build ing of the former associption, the flag floats at half mast in memory of one of its mont onergetic-and faithful members. Mr. Milne was n young man of honor, steaightiorward in his op: inions and actions, and his memory is povered. He was. om of the young liberals' foremost workers. The deep- est sympathy is fly for the bereaved family. : : ; twin, Fob, plas enbled pow. camped at a { fine of Milne, "Man To Man." Of the attraction to be presented 'at the Grand tonight, the Syracuse 'Standard ways: "The large audience at the Grand, liked 'Man to Man' 'and had no hesithncy in making that fact known by generous applause. The gal- levy hi the villain roundly in the last two note applauded the Juro's sligrts to restore justice to her OMe; % "A ing comedy 'vein runs all thro he pay revolving about the amusing actions of a trio compos- od of a country. constable who as pives to be a real detective of tha | 'Old. Sleuth' * variety, work, ant the pretiy o TBOCES [h CHURCH SPIRE 1a LETTER Jent on the obeasion. a -- _ SAVED FOUR LIVES. t Young Men Rescued. From a Wa tery Grave, Rockport had a warrow escape from | finding a watery grave om Saturday ! night, One of then, Clarense Root, of Gromadier Island in well known in Kingston, having left here only & few , o after a course at the busi. ness eol On the day mentioned, he, ih company with bis two brothers, Delbert and Charles, and another you man named Herman Hogaboon, | eft Ask island in a skiff to sail for their home at the head of Grenadior | island. The wind was blowing pretty | fresh, and when in the Canadien | channel, about a mile above Reock-+ port. the spar broke sed the boast | capsized. Three of them got clear of | the boat, but Clarence Rout who had heen sitting in the bottom of the skifi came up vader it. He dived and came to the surfade shout ten feet away, and caught boat, where companions were. The seas were~very large, and tossed the small craft just as they plessed, every little 'while' sucking the air out from under it. Then the boat would sink, and the young men were obliged to get into the water again and fam it over to admit mote air, Phis they did several times, until fin: ally they became so chilled and ex- hated that they could catorly crawl 'back upon the up-turned boat. They had decided to lash themselves to the «kif by means = ofthe shoot rope, when assistance came. William Fdgely who resided near by, and Gor don Tharret, a young lad of about Wien years, each braved the heavy sods, and went to theif rescue from different pointe. Both arrived at "the same tide, and pulled the exhausted voting men into their skiffs. oy sere then taken to Rockport, where they soon recovered." The rescuers . ré- fuse to take any pecuniary gilt for their wofk of saving the four Wives Had it not been for Edgely and Thar ret the young men would undoubtedly have soon perished in the cold waters of the £1. Lawrence. Surely these men who. refrise a monetary consideration, are entitled to a medal, for going out into » heavy sea, each alons, and rescuing four lwves. No doubt their claims will be brought. to the atfen- tion of the Canadian humane society of Toronto. A KINGSTONIAN MARRIED. A Pleasing Evefit at the Unitarian Parsonage, Somerville; Moss. Journal, April 4th At the parsonige the First Uni- tarian church, 29 Central steeet, on Wednesday evening 'was solemized the marriage of Miss Ruth Pierson, datighter of Rev. and Mrs. William H. Pierson, and Rev. Fraderi¢ Gill. of the First Parish (Unitarian) church, Ard ington. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock, the hridal eouple stand ing beneath a heguliful foral arch. The bride's father performed the cere mony in the presence of a small com- pany. The bride was attired in white crepe de chine, Both bride and groom were unattended. The reception which lasted from eight until ten o'clock, was largely attended, the commodious parsonage being taxed to its utmost capacity. The couple were assisted in receiving hy the bride's parents. The first hour of the reception was designated for friends from the Arlington parish, those of Somerville being received during the second hotir. The floral decorations by' How: were profuse and tasteful. The mantels, chandaliers, and tables werg almost concealed beneath choice cut flowers, One. room was decorated entirely in pink, with pinks and tul- ips, and another in white pinks and tulips. Music was Hrnished by Towne's orchestra. Mr. and Men. Gill received a store of valuable afd useful presents, nota- hla among 'whioh wee 8 zift to the groom of $500 in gold, from members of the Arlington parish, and a gift to the bride from a friend of a cheque for $300. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gill will be "At Home!" on Wednesdays in June. PERSONAL MENTION, a a---- Movements of The People--~What They Are Saying And Doing. Canon Burks leaves Bellville | for Carleton . Place, to. reside with his daughter, wile of the Rev. A. KE. El hott, B.A... - Mies Lillie Reyner, Union Street, has seturned" home after having spent the past twa months with friends im Syra- cuse, N.Y, Sergt. J. §. Robinson, of the 14th regimental band, expeots to be one of he represeitations of the regiment at the coronation. Rev. J. Li. Holah, curate of = St, Thomas church, Belleville, resigned, his resignation to take éffect on the snd dete as that of Rev, Mr. Burke. | Rev. ©. A. Sykes, Conticook. Que. has been invited to the associate pas- torate of St. James Methodist church in Montreal The remains | of the late Mrs. Luke Doney werd yesterday removed | from she vault 'and laid to rest' in St. Mary's eerhotory. © A number 'of the deceased's Botlovil Je friends were pres Misa Jennie Rogers, Portland, who hes heen, visiting her sister, Mrs. T. oy lo ic Do on Beata or J on py mnie 1 ber He ioe, 23 mn eg Several voung men who reside pear § ---- Firemen at W Damage Will Amount to About $20,000 --~ Night Watchman Holland Burned and Injured. About twenty minutes after two o'clock this morning an slur of fire wus sounded from box 36, and the fire brigade were quickly on their way towards Portsmouth. Fise had ben discoversd by night watchman George Holasd in the storebouse of Clarke's matt buiidings. thd started in the drying kils, and wis making its way through the roof when the firemin ar rived on the wens. Word was imme diately sent baek to Noi 1 station for the Chatham engine, which was soon brought out put into operation. Severn] streams played into the bun img buflding, the firemen working hard to get the flames under control. The task was difficult, however, and it wax hot UI Ball past seven o'clock that the brigade left the. place, after a weary five hours' work. : In the drying kiln were ghout 800 Liushels of damaged wheat; in which the fire started. The kiln, which - ix in the second stovey, was destroyed, as also was the roof of that portion of the long stone building. ~~ There were 50.000 bushels of walt and 15. 000 bushels of barely stored, and probally nequarter of this was dam: aged by water, Mow the fire started wo one knows, it is suspected that the drying hecanie over' sated. Clarke's malt buildings have been very' 'wn lucky, Seven years ago this same building was damaged by fire, and just two years ago the tower of tho larger 'building was wirack by light: ning and burned. The loss has not yet heen estima- ted, tmt will "not fall far short of £20,000. Mr. Clarke is expected from Toronto today. George Holland, the night watch mén, was burned about the face and hands, © and vecrived other" injuries while ailing the firemen, A piece of fin struck him on the head, rendering him unconscious. A physician attend ed to him, A penitientiary guard, while watch- ini the engine at work on the 'wharf, fell inte the whiter, but was fished out by those nearby. . Chairman Bell, of the fire yl light eommitios, was present at the fire, anid was well pleased with the way the origade was handled. The fire war will confined to the kiln, where it started. Assistant chief Sands was in charge of the brigade, in the ab sence of the chidf, who was confined to his house with a sprained 'ankle. FOUND THE BODY. SE------------ 4 Remains of John Wright Discov- ered in a Field. The body of John Wright, missing from Wolfe Island since March 18, was found oa Thursday by William Card, on (Brien's farm, two miles below the village of , Marysville. Jt was lying close to the gorner of the fener, the hands stretched across the breast, oné mit being on and, the other lying a short, distance away. Mr. Card leit some islanders in charge of the body, and cline over on the steamer Pierre pont to the city and notified eoromer Mundell, who went to the island at hall-pest eleven o'clock to view the remains. It is hardly likely an in- quest will be necessary as there are understood to be no marks of injury on the body. The deccased was last seem on the afternoon of March 18th: Hg was in the city that day, and walked across the ice to 'the island fo veturm home. Arriving there, he was spoken to by several islanders. Tt is surmised that he walked down the road in the even ing, and lost his way. Then he must have lain cown in the corner of the field exhausted, and | the. night boing cold, bi perished. The general suppo- sition was. that he had been drowges. The depd men was about thirty-five vears of age, and had boarded om the island for some yeprs past. He was an Faglishman, and had no relatives herve: Sailing was his ogoupation, and last vear he was second engineer on the MT. company steamer Glengarry. "Bibby's" Oak Hall. 'Bibby's." Stylish spring suits, mastorpisees of tailors' are, 88, $10, $12 and $14. The H. D. Bibby Co. Real seal Chufelaines from: 81 up, full Jenther lined and with a pretty frame, best vale vet." EK. C. Mitchell, AST TTI II TIE ET ITE. EVER GET "FULL?" On Other Things Liquor. It is profitable for suycue to study food in owler fo rigulate the health, not with medicine but by building up healthy nerve centres with good food. A man who has made something of a study on this line writes from Towa City + "When first tried Grape- Nuts it was at the tible of a prom: finent. state official and the remark- ghia taste attracted me T after wards itvestizated the subject care Linlly and discovered that Grape-Nats | contains destéose sugar. The starchy pars 'of the food is teanaformad fave starch' sugar or dextrose. Those same restiltn are produced by the digestive inn by shecaetion of ths salivy and the pancreatioe jeices on stare Lo These facta tonvinesd sas that owering fron "Fe" fed n generally more or i ov this trowhie Jeit cuit hite besad, worn ork for Five Hours-- ; Newsy Paragraphs Wp By |» Reporters On Their Rounds. W, Swaine, pisno tuner. Orders leit at Meduley's hook store. The Ddgieilows' baseball club will probably "open club rooms on Syden- han street." ' Miss Ferguson, corper of King and Cote sreets. hne given sixty books 10 the Y.M.0.A's new Jibrasy. H. Cunnioghaw, 'piso tuber from Chickering, New + York, Orders re ceived at MeAwulev's book store. Limestone enonmoent and the Odd fellows" baseball team have decided to hold a hig pienig, at Leake Ontario park om coronation. day, June 6th. SVhen washing gressy. dishes cr pots sod pari, Lover's Dry Soap (& powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. o5 At the Y.M.UA. bove' social on Friday- evening: Charles will out- line the scheme concerning the boys' camp to be held the latter part of July. vr Fhe fret disuse of the YMCA, bul- letinr will appear on Saturday. It will be, a typewritten: paper posted in the rooms, where it can be read by 'mem- here. office is ot of respeet man of that office years. Every young 'man, who was net twenty-one vears of age, was obdered out' of the spectators' pit st the po- fice cotirt this morping--a wise pro. cedurg. r A nomber' of diembers of "the Jith rephment have made application for places on "the eoronation contingent. Many of the 4th' Hussars have also sent in their names, Two of the leading plambing firms af the city have wot signed either the plumbers' or tinsitiiths" agrée: ments. There may be some trouble be: fore the agrestients really become such, There were only a few rigs on the market square this morning, but but: ter and eggs were plentiful. The lat ter sold at lle. a dosen. and nice prints of butter were obtainable "at 18¢. a ©. During the next two weeks, while the alterations are going on in the store, we will give twenty per cent. off the following goods ! Toilet paper, sponges, tooth brushes, Bair brushes and trusses, at Wade's drug store, The Tlinstrated Tecture hy Prof. Gill, of Queen's beiemoe départment, on "Wireless Telography," 'will he in con nection with the university convoea tion procecnings. Tt will be given on Monday evening, the 28th, in convo cation hall, and will be open to the public. fiving to-daw at hallawast to Peter Milne, fore for over fifteen Laat tdi COULD LICK THE FORCE. John Gunn Does Not Love Police- men--Got $20 and Costs. "You suns charged with being drunk and swearing on the street," said the magistrate this morning, as John Gunn stood up in the police cours. "What do you say?" "Not guilty, your Gunn, Police constable Diamond, who made the arrest, gave evidence against him, showing that Gunn had not only imbibed too freely of the wet article that "'worketh itself aright." but that he had used very profane language on the street, and declared his ability to lick the whole police force, : "You lie, Diamond, vou 'lie, and I'11 show you a thing or two," shouted Gunn from his seat on the back bench. "1s the man sober?" inquired the magistrate, "Yes, sir," answered the sergeant The magistrate fined Guha $20 and costs. or two wonths in jail. "Will' you give me time to pay 7" asked the prisoper, '"No,*> replied his honor. "Then UH appeal," Guan anounced a8 he followed the blueweated police man out of the cotirt room "This is a pice court of justice; this ie. Won't give a poor fellow any chance ai all." ¥ver since April 168, the carson the Williamsville branch of the street rail way line has been pelied' with stones and eggs, whose birth was in the we mote past. Boys have jumped 'on when they pleased and off when the motorman pleased; they have pulled the trolley off the wire, and, in fact about broke the motorthan's heart and 'ruined the car. The police were usked to do sométhing to stop the practice, so last Wight constable Gra- ham 'arrested Edward Roscallion as he alighted from a car. The young man was charged, at the police court this mdrning, with acting dfsordecly on the street. Motorman Clark swore to the truth of the charge. Roscallion pleaded "partly guilty and partly not guilty, your honor." He was asked io come back to-moffow morning, while the by-law is looked up. A Weakness For Saturday Nights. "Side Tracked" semis to have un wealiness for playing in Kingston on Saturday nights. There are a great many olerks and business men who would like to sée this popular conte dy, 'bot heretofore it has always ap- ared on Saturdav night. When thoy ard it was comi a third time, they were happy. thinking that sare. Iv, this time, it would not fall on thiéir busy night. But when the date wos announced their hopes | wore crushed, To Cure a Cold In One Day. ative Bromo Quin rein money honor,' - replied | agnasare i "Bibby Youth's suits, 8S tweets and worsteds, The H. D. Bibby Co. Bw A € 'se' Oak Hall "Bibby's." : pial," in fae #10 and $12, ; INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 4 | 4 The flag over the Canadian Freeman g Foowrse; oft' the River Lee, is the best § NEWS IN SPO ia wy , CIERGYMEN TO TAKE » ! ON. THE DIAMOND. "Chaucer" Elliott is Now an Out-and-Out Professional -- A Catcher Secured for the Ponies, Ottawa university will take up la crosses this year at ohce to arrange exhibition panes, ' Uobourg will hold a Baseball tous nament on August ith and Mh Thee prises, $60, 85, and 825 will be given. i » whe with Bll "Chawest" EE lott's position behind the bat with the: Ponies, was catcher of the Tor onto Cadets' team, last peason; in the city league up there The C. L. A. senior series will pro- bably he reconstructed to include Te ecvisehs, Brantford, Orangeville, Sy Catherines, London and possibly Par { is. Only one of the other clubs wants London and mone wants Paris. In Breland it is hoped that che Tor onto Argonauts may 'femain to take part in the race for lord O'Heien's inf teratiobal trophy, which is st for the third "week in July, at Cork. The ip Irelanil The Mcleod Parr wrestling match, in 'which the Canadian undertakes w § throw the Englimman three times in San hour, will be decided at Bufianlo, LY., on Friday sight. The men Bave o $2000 side stake in addition to a pefcontage of the gate mony to ab tract them. A challenge from Dr. Barton to M Santos-Dumont, for the Pearson price of $20,000, for going from' London to Birmingham, a distance of a hundred miles, in an airship, has been issuxd Mr. Barton also challenges M. Santos Pumiont to race from London to Fd- inburgh for any sum up to $50,000, The offer of the Toronto Argonauts to give up their Henley trip and give a 5200 trophy to their conquerors if any eight-oared crew in America could beat them may bring shout a rac with the Vespers of Philadelphia, whom the Argonauts and Winnipegs defeated last year, Rev, William Torrence Stachel, of the Claremont . Preshytesian church, and Rev. James Stoffiet, of the Free Reformed church, hoth of Jersey City, N.J., have surprised their congrega tions © hy announcing thet they will appear on the lmseball dismend this season and play with the teams re presenting their respective churches. The Toronto lacrosse playess fol towed their grand display against Kent, on Monday, by trouncing the Essex county team, on Wednesday, by fourteen goals to three, JU is now re Sofnized that it will take a very good {erm indeed to stop the Canadians in the of victory on which they have started, and which is likely to extend to the énd of their tout of the Aritish isles, The Toronto Telegram gays "Chaucer" Elliott is now an owt-and out 'pro.' and nothing can save him, for has he mot participated in a game in which an adfission fee Was charged ? Elliott is making himself strong with the fans, who are wow addressing the ex:Kingston 'player by hig christian name." According to the O.R.F.U. executive, "Chaucer" long ago became a professional. A scheme id on foot to form an in tercolloginte lacrosse union, and' the various colleges in Ontario and Que bec are being asked to give their op ipions. It is hardly likely that either McGill or Queens will join, as Ia erosse is not played in either univer. sity. At Queen's any suminer pame camnot be entered into, ad the college practically closes on May Ist. Adter that date there ix only a small medi eal class in attendance. Therefore" fo have a. good baseball or lacrosse tenm | connected with Queen's would wean the introduction of semi-profeskional: jem, snd the university woulda' countenance that, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CRE ---- ¥ " Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. The M. T. company SB, Roswsmooit will clesr up the lakes on Satarday. The stemner Donnelly 12 on the ma rine railway at Portsmouth ior alight repairs MT. company wharf! Tog Thom soft and two barges clear to-night for Fairhaven and Chatlotte, Richardson' elevator: Steaisbarge Club from Consecon; woops Monitor from Bath, Minnie from Wolfe Inland, Laura D. and Ballon from pay ports The steamer D. D. Calvi arrived at Garden Island with timber from Top onto and soft coal from Charlotte, The schooner Two Brothers, Oswego to Gananogtie with coal, passed down this moeuing, | career M.T. Captains Arrive. The following eaptains of M. T, company boots have arrived in the gity to take charge of their vessels : Capt. RB. Gillies, St. Catharines, mas: tor. of the schooner Dunmore; Capt A. Willigns, 8t. Catharines, master of the steamer Romemonnt; Capt. Hi Galvin, Port Dalhousic, master of the schooner Hamilton; Capt. Johs Wobds, Port Dalhousie, master of tHe steamer Glengarry. Capt Torael Doust and grew have argived fpam Wonireal to hn the harge Gaia, and Capt. Ernest Sicotia and eréw, Wordreal, have aldo dgrvivel to BH out theie Bags, the Regios. [CRIbbY'E" Oak Hall | Bibhy's.' That 810 bill will hot mst an your pocket after you have seen our $10 suits. The H.'D. Bibly Co. and time, at James Reid's. LACES | Use Fotnilore restorer * and I ton several times before are i you, and dirt, slits, ete, veally 80 a ifthe dealery are carelul, are " nprelel. THINKING OF COAL 7 Of dbase your ane J4% a natural thonghs fh any wepson. You went cost too, hal the beet pinpose, that keeps the fire goluy So the best advantage. Here's woal ~~ cho, ober - chunke--which will provide lull Bor what i cose FHE ~ RATHBUN CO. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using any coal next wil. ter. Your order is solicited P. Walsh, 55.57 Barrack St. A COSY HT £3 BRIG er 2 a4 FIRE