DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 17. oth, non _ gth-and Toth. pr ramp oth, deals $8. 20 return heaving Mon 13th, 1902. The ticket to bors ¥ $5 Ratt 5 ro EH Ld LBrd May 1h May "| Shilon8 ; Consumption Cure 233 ots ms tropy 'We guar antes a eure or refund money, and we send you free trial bottle if you write for it. SHILOH'S caste 25 cents, and will cure Con: and all 'Long Troubles. Will cure a Cough or Cold in» day, and thus prevent serious results. It bas beet doing these things for oyears. B.C. Wuas & Co., Toronto, Can. § 4.32 ; Don't Neglect A Backache! .. Backache is the first symptom of kidney trouble, Don't neglect it ! Hivos do ous kidney troubles areare to follow. "No remedy of modern times can give such proof of merit as DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. "They "eure. when: all others: ful Price Sc. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, The Doan Kidaey Pil Co, Toronto, Ont, FHT Free We have left only a very limited umber of that excellant line, THE XEED FED SHOR, OF ROCHESTER. | Prces, $4 $4.5, $5.|% Made in Patent Kid and Velvet ta Kid. SH entlomens Tt you are in need of 8 dressy Shoo at a price that cal reach all eb %ee ous Hus of TOPROUND 4 the wb | 4 cush, At Carnoveky factory, Omtario i look almost: new by & J. . HANEY 4S RETIRED dade AwD 7. W'RORERTS 1s Now Iv TEMPORARY CHARGE. = Citiens Are Hoping That He Will Be Appointed -- A Come cert That Was Well Attended. Napanee, "April" 17.--J. L.Boyes has secured "the ageney of the Canadian express and takes charge of 8° to day, J, P, Hanley, for over twenty: five years: G. T./R. tisket "agent here said bis good-bye 10 the bovs at the stativn vesterdsy, and will sesame the duties of His new office to-day, Mat of landing waiter in thé customs ol FW. Roberts, of the freight ro partment has been appointed sgen ad the Grand Trunk station to poh She: Jacancy caused by the resignation of J.P. Hanley. The "appointment is tem, bat Frank © popular and ia permanent appeintment will meet i omer approval. ia concert in the opera "Half a Million Pounds Will Be Raised for the London, April 17.--The Boyal col dogo of physicians amd the Roya! col lege of surgeons together have sanc: tioned a for the systematic in- vestigation of pancer, If is proposed to raise $500.000 for a special labor: story to work uhder the direction of the most distinguished medical "seien- tists. It is feared that the scheme in too laboratorichl, Tossmach as one vital discovery, namely, how td pre- vent or stay the course of canoer, is miore probably to be sought in a min ute und patient study of the living or: ganism and 8 environment 'than in the investigations in a laboratory. That study must include investiga tion of the action of infinitesimal Quantities and' various elements and their cumulative effects. Received Gold Medal. Last season the Grand Trupk rail. way inangursted a System of lighting several of its trains by cleetrier ¥. al so 'supplying the dining ears and "ente hae Tate enifig was well attended ahd a grand stccess. The programme | Sonata] of Scotch ballads and bont- pipes, tl all being encorad. Seldom hus a better quartette - od in our opera house than the art istd, Mrs. A. D. Sturrock, Mis v Walker, C. Waller AB. Stuirack and piper Maj. Anges M. Eraser, General Cox and his army are féel ing more comforiable each day in the Wigwam. and * jodging from the pla cards displays outside of the day' amusements, they are enjoving then: selves, Lieut. Bustin is winning honors os a sharpshooter, and will he eminently | fited to go to South Arica, contingent is called for: The ladies also have a most delight ful situation groong the cavaliers, but life is not all pleasure either at the | Wigwany; ed last night behind closed doors anil | the parity who dubbed' their present comfortable quarters "'McCarney's bug house," will be fearfully and terribly dealt with if discovered--. A ward to the wise is sufficient. Bovs don't monkey with the band waggon. How They Failed. Belleville Tutetlizencer. Messrs, Austin and Black, who went to Kingston to volunteer for the fourth contingent, medical 'men; the former becatise he had three filled teeth, and the latter because he lacked an inch of the ne cessary chest measurement. Inasmuch as Austin had already served a year in Both Africa, teeth now he had then, he thinks he : was refused for a rather peculine reason. Mis teeth were good emouvh then to: chew all the havd "tack he conld get hold of, and he conld easily have saten more could he have got it Both the boys feel disappointed. A Clergyman's Opinion. Rev, $ir. Rainsford is fio friend of prohibition. The other day in a ser toon he dealt with a number of pre- sent vay evils, deink among the rest, Of peohibition he said : I is a mistake to think you ean make people good by law. A lot of hysterical people want to remedy nh evil and they clamor for law, Every body pets cragy, The newspapers ia- vor it. the law 'is passed and there it ends. 'We kick the devil out of the door, Wut we leave the door open and back coies the devil with seven other devils with hin. Carpet . Cleaning Should be doue early. before the strees, - old, austy Ee io to ate prices. Caypets talon cess, © Moder. ap and relaid of desired, and never in- jured. - Phone eT i Livingston's-for Rainproof Counts, Pils. adds, acotte ohn ty to who have s Kidney-Liv- who are $ medi ROWR 1er- er Filta, a - now, 'enthusiasts o this gy well Like many others, Xe. Gilroy | now did not use Dr. Kine Lite' Pills in the first S Sresier Si and "no doubt about the excep- of Dr. Chasd's Kiduey- when | wap amt the "stew ite serious side, was discuss} were refused by the | and has the same | . | Caldwell, yesterday, in Sestifyi parlor cars with electric Tans, the cur vent used for both the lighting and { an being generated from the axle / of | the wh Ned an' innovation very much appreciated by the travelling public. ape Consolidated electrie lighting and wipment company, which installed i thin system, was awarded the gold t medal at the Pall- American exposition by a "jury composed of railway and electrical experts, after a critical ix {emination of the various ear light. {ing squipme nis. Re-building The Tannery. {Alderman John Weléol's. tannery, burned down about a year ago, is be- ing rebuilt. When sompleted it. will be larger and hig cher than before, and { its eapacit will be considerably in { 'eronsrd. McLeod "will 'not give wp coMtracting. 10 go back ay manager, } but will secure outside capitalists to | put their money into the business and manage it. The work of reconstruc. tion has been gding on for some time, and it ix expected the new billing will be ready to start operations for July 1st. The equipment, machinery, ete, will be new and up-to-date. { * To Present A Portrail. A portrait of the late Rev. Prof. Mowat, DD. will be presented to Queen's university on the afternoon of student's. day, Tuesday, the 20th inst. by his old' students, Rev. Dr, Car michael, of Strange, Ont., will presént the portrait, and H. M. Mowat, To roto, eldest son of the déccased rever- ed professor, will acknowledge the i gift. This is but another proof of the { attachment of Queen's students, old and young, to their professors. Too Many People Daily With Catarrh. It strikes one like a thunder-clap, develops with a rapidity that no other disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the radieal, quick, safe and $iisaning oure that the disease do Use the means, provent iis Aaa p-seating and years of distress, Don't t dally with eatarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten minutes. 50c." For sale "by Henry Wade and E. C. Mit chell. 97. 'Side Tracked." Willie Demley, who assumes the part of the tramp, is a capital actor and a clover singer and dancer. Heo is ably assisted by a strong company, among whom may be mentioned, Kittie Har: vison, Marie FEmwar, Margaret May- field, Jessie Shoeger, Carrie Stilwell, and a Ball sdore of clever comedians. Here: on Saturday afternoon' and night. The Matter Likely Settled. Belleville Ontario. It % about as good as setiled that archdeacon Worrell, of Kingston, will sucosed to the rectory of Belleville, as such is the wish. of bishop Mills, and w¢ understand 'the nomination. meets with the approval of a majority of the congtegation. A meeting of the eotigregation of St. Thomas" church will be beld on. Monday next, when the matter will be settled. ------------------ Would Be A Serious Loss. Beockvitle Redorder, In three years the hig ogrporations have contributed about $700,000 to the revenue of the province. Yet Mr. Whit ney has doclared twice Tast 'week that if returned to power he would relieve the corporations of thix taxation. The people cannot afford to sacrifice aun income Tike that for such a myth as the Whitney government. Was Warmly Thanked. At the vestry meeting of Christ church, Avimer, Que., the rector, Rev. RF. Tavior, {son of Jonathan Taylor of this city), was warmly thanked and those who spoke in eongratulatory terms of his able and faithiul labors in behalf of the church expressed the singere wish that he might long be spared to them, Sempation That Muss be Resisted "THe, spanked we wit withgn pancak id Corio . 'orione Ditchen to judge in -- divorce proceedis band, Philip Faint ber ht was marvied July Tth, 1900. Hs Caldwell gave her a divoree, ~Notes From All Over--Little of Bverythizg Easily Read and Remembered. Some Russian railways employ onlv members of the orthodox Geek church. : i Wilham Ramson, of East Rundolph. R.Y., who never wore as overcoat, | dropped: dead on Tuesday. A number ot Japanese officers, ac ensed of looting duri the operations in Ching, Bave Deel § The Hungarian Hose hay' now 781 menthees: parliament bas only 670 bers. v the 'death of Mes Carrie Nor | wan, of Gloversville, NOY. her three: vest-oll daughter is Beings to $160, | aod. William Waldrof Astor has domated | L000 to endow the existing woen- | dowed ofessorships at = Umiversity | college, J oudon, William Haunt, heen: appointed greenhouses ay gollege, Guelph. | At a convention of Algoma lilerals i Nr. Brodie, Masscy Station, was the! unanfmons choice to cimtest the con- | stitweney for the legislature. Cape Colony will erect, on the hill | adjacent to Cape Town, a huge sta | tue of Cecil Rhodes; with = arms | stretched out to the north. i At Newcastle, Eng., assizes lately | jndge Ridley imposed a fine of £30 on the court = attendant for failure to have the room sufficiently lighted. 3 King Vietor Emmanuel, while hunt: | ing near his castle at PRriiano, Wednesday, was = thrown from his | horse, amd braised Nis leg, He confined to his bed. Sites are being inspected in the Blackiey, Eng., district, on behalf of | American syndicate, owning eotton | plantations in South Carolina, with | & view to erecting two huge dotion | mills, Ma). Williams, R.C.D., Maj. Hen derson, 45th Highlanders; Capt. Van Strashenzee, RU; and Lieut. King fod, QO.R., havo left. Toromto for Halifax, to report for duty in con nection with the new contingent, Rosenstein has diagnosed the iilness | from which gen Wilhelmina is suffer ing as peritonitis. A fatal termina- tion is not assumed, but it is feared that the hopes of an heir to the thrones must again be postponed. Signor Marconi anived at Queens | town on Wednesday, on board the Majestic, much: improved. in health, after hix Atlantic trip. He said wire less telegraph between Canada and England would be ready for working within fout months: The following nominations made yesterday for the legislative as sembly : Liberals. A. Pattullo, North Oxford: W. J. McKee, North Essex; Joba Lee, East Kent: D. NM. Brodie, Algoma. Conservatives, Thomas Crawlord, West Toronto. New York men amd women interest od in the study of colonial and reve hutionary Ristory abe preparing to make a pilgrimage to the historic plantations and towns on the James river, One hundred persons will go on the pilgrimage. They will ledve New York on May 17th. The command of the regiment of | Canadian mounted rifles to be raised in Manitoba and the north-west will | be given to Col. MacDonnell, D.S.0., now in charge *of the north-west mounted police. at Regina. Col. Mac Donnell was in Africa with the second Canadian mounted rifles. Work has been commenced on public | school "No. 188, at Fast Third and | Manhattan streets, New York. The school. will gecommodate 3.915 chil | dren, every one of whom will have a separate desk and plenty of room. There will be 156 tenchors, 16 will be | built. in the shape of oa hollow sGuare, { It will be covered with a glass roof. of Marnates The British | Hamilton, Ont, has} superintendent of the Ontario agricultural | i | wore "Bibby's" Stylish raiu coats, 50, $7.50, 8 and $10, hy Co Oak Hall "Bibby's." English, $5, 86, The H. D. Bil Brickiayer's Backache. TA requires 8 good strong | sturdy man to stand the strain of the hard work A that fallstothislot of' a muson; Exposuré to ] i the hot sun and the cut- g over, inhal- ing the fine dust of the lime, Brick ar ston, all these things are bound sooner or later to tell on the kidneys and put them out of working order. The poor old back begius to ache pd on | ONSET would be surprised fike Frerything if you knew hoW fidny women use Omega Oil, the wonderful lini nient that stops pain.. Some of these women are away up in society, too, and have their maids rub the oil on them. Poor peo. ple, who can't afford maids, either rub themselves with Omega Oil, or get some one in the family todoit, = You see, it is so very good for tired shoulders, lame backs, stiff joints, sore throat, cold in the chest and rheumatism. that i you can't blame people for using Nit: Why, ina good many fami lies, they get out. a bottls of Omega Oil 'every night before they go to bed, because some ono is sure to have a pain somewhere or other. This weath- er seems to. make an awful lotof pains, and Omega Oil is just as necessary to health as an 'overs goat ora hedvy wraps "It is good for every. thing a Jiniment ought to be good far. Your fy sells Omega Of, © nt of any whi wilh modi & Mpetse = po A gp Png t DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. { hlorodyne is admitted By the prolessivh w be the thon wonderland vohable reds (hlorpdyne Sm palin (h lorodyne Chi rhdyne Clilorodyne Chlorodyme iaseussy dats Meningitis, eto. Proan W. Vesallis,' Pettigrew, M.D, effectually checks and arrests those tos often fatal disonses : Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Agus acts like g charm in Diarrhoea and i» the only specific in Cholera and Dysens tery. effectually cuts short all attacks of Epil epey, Hystacia, Pulpitation and Spestm. Nouralciay , Toothache formerly Lecturer at 8%. George's Hos pital, London--~"1 bave no hesitation ja stating that | have never met with any adi in so efficacious ax an' Anthapaanodic and a Sedative J have asad it in con stiption, Asthma, Disrrhoes, and other dissases; and 1 am perfectly satisfied with the result." : Sewer] Risuell oommomicated to the Collage of Physicians thet he received » dekpetah from, Her Majesty's Council st Manila to the effct that Cholers han been raging fearfully, and that the only REMEDY of any servic was CHLORODYNE. See Lavcet, lst December, 1864 CAUTION-BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. CAUTION Vics Cluncelior Sir W. Page Wood uted hit BIL & COLLIS BROWNE was uhdonifaiiy ibe investor of -CHLORODY NN - that the whole story of the defendset Frevcumn was de libaritely Vintrue, which be Tegrutiad wu ay Lad heen sworn to Ses Tines, July 1th, 18504 Boll fr bottle of 10 133. 25 od, du 8d, and Fhe sash Note iF" Jenaine withobt the wards "The J Collie Browne's ChBrnlyne™ rn the Govern ment Starp, Overwhaliing Wedha! Te thuomy aciompanies och wow SOLE MANUFACTURER J. T DAVENPORT, 33 Great Ruseol] strony Worebnry, Lndan, Fag ------ This Week We will continue to offer your choice of the MENS ZH TINE BOOTS in our window $2.50.