Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1902, p. 5

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STE $e i To of Pople Have | noes Impure and Poisoned Blood Goarsing Through the Body In Speingtine. Paine's Célery Compound Is the Fountain of Health from Which the Disense Latch May Draw a Freyh Bupply of Vitality avd # Health, 0 our blood impure, poisoned or sh ? It aust be il you have eruptions, boils, pimples, blotches, ps sorew, sezema or salt rhewn With wich troubles and ailments the is. fast onrrying disease and er to the body. a oe fet, Dd vigorous, hes! le haps. Gu ns, 18 Painw's ry LCompotn fore the mivent of the hot summer days. At this time the vitalizing and health giving work of ; Paine's 'elery Cémpound shows icklyy upon Jhe blood, which is pari- TH Th With butriment that builds up the ah tint, a Tiduher that i ' that cures: At all times refuse the iar just ax good offered by Arthur, Chelmsford] Ont., tes ai ily y_rogurding his rescue from bir gat Pranare' 1 while sbioul ith grea ure & 'abot your youdrous wedicine, Paine's Cel: ory C I was laid up with scars all over face and neck, the * meeult of blood poisoning. While in that condition I 'could not sleep at night, I had no appetite, and gould not RAR my work. | tésted the ill of the doctors in the distriet sed their medicines, but was not dn I think 1 was miraculously saved ap M at advised mete uso. Pai I odid rid vind that 1 could go out, weeks 1 was. ally to Son goin, 1 ie? the day I come with Panes Célery Com: re" T pannot sufficient in ine of the: great ling medicine, Exe ; ? ial i were oh : rs a bottle for ig be. Th Mo wWoeks 1 Vis I SLACK, ATHENS. ve His Description of Village Life is Original and True to Nature A. Few Quotations -- Some- thing of Merit. If poetyy, as Shells pa.) fila hail i he: world, makes fansiling Ea aa if they 'were aot fo produces all that it represents, then it can be said that Crawl. C. Black, ol Athens, has produced poetry in the frum meaning of that word. In his Verse Stories Fy issued shemn Report- of village hi Dry and purit vi i s oud oy of infocent village a "and Svs joke' and wr JH ad aplad-iv alt the the . be tend re oe i work. fies CORP 4 lenient crite wii fe ink ixhin, Hadi book «of TS -- Hvnd Err n fo fiwwt:-poean.2 ; You kin + boaxt of city Tivin® Wik ie splen- an' d ta ghow 'Druthec live or in the village where = the the Where. Abe Wook. adown the hillside mr. mrs ok with sweat refrain That a borne upon the breeves (ar awe. again Wikre: . ow fy-maakia', 'on the vil: 0 gran , Booms ter gladkien the surroundin's an' ter at. pari doy Where the olden swimmer sonset gills the villase church's There among - the fe shadows, 1 would deuthpr have wy If fan't every man who could grow poetic. over. * The Old Cow Bell." And in the very fiest verse he touches a M- sponsive cord deep dowp in our hearts and it vibrates, aghie to the emoty of happy hovhood days. This appeals to the soul of man and is indeed trie postty, One verse can only be quoted here : "You may boast of classic music with its Wkuen Bate and ite ells, i Boast out your grad i and wour Bight jovad shiming oe oF your iid, hi horpy and organs tuped ut to ighest ©, Bat Yhe Bld-lime. me vial cowbell somehow has It restores fo me Sea memories, cheers my wal is 0 an' fro, Takes won and mother, to the Toa ite rustic cottone, to the meadows mw boy just for a moment, listening #0 Mr. Slack bas bit off "Ihe District Fair," in a ety happy strain : that old cowbell." "It's the 'same id fair Iu the same old place, The same grey horse In. the same csorub race © nie' HPO ir ee arent The dy. Stentin'e} Pe Bar Py gy The oid farmer With "the. some old. bage, Vi Bmr Jw" ate, Thera sare over hall a hundred of these poems of Mr. Sack' 8, but space wi not permit refevenice to more of thi * his op Dr. Dpummond, ita bitat bret. are paca clever. fo home habitam stories in verse and t he eo Slack hm and ond he is to be congratulated upon the excellence of his work. . Fer one who has erented his poems during hin hows of teil, be Ras indeed done well, No doubt the hook will com: mand the ready sale it deserves --G, 7 Death OF & Lady. "ir. god dobnd, Mit di Bemidii, lie or twenty She. hat returned from EE bed deaih. o aici. a. present at hind was § LS Her nhwiian the "and wu sister, 'Mrs. ohn 8 Yived in Hope of of Securing Su- .preme Command. "J oromta World. thi 5 most mgmifican ing was pub- lished in the papers Nontarduy of Jed Jtalerts' ly to. jon ue when he was asked! to take command is" Bouth Afries in 1000, His reply ~was to this gfieet :' "For nineteen years | have led an abate ous life in the hope of this day." Lord Roberts over 'twenty yedrs sg had male up 'Bis pind that, 3 he was | to rise 40" bis highest, and do best that was 'in sary for him. to Jesd the sbstemions fife. And be fod it, and be waited his ime, and the time cane. And this ° IeRson ford Roberts applies mot only 10 men in similar positions, but to wien In every walk of life. HH thery + auvibing i theo, # they aspire to | are anything they have to wait till their time comes, there is nothing else fo db other than 10 do what lord Roberts did,' letid * the abstemiouy life apd Rrosctye Al their forces. In politics it ig only the abstemions man who sueeoeds jodex. In war, the sume thing a "nothing is more out of a the public man who hak Siftendered in any wo¥ to hik dppetites, or a general, or a colonel or a ey Of even 'a corporal who i¥ not ahealutely fit at any Momeni for whatever he may be ealiod' upon to perform. And so it is with the doctor. and 'the lawyet, and the sup géon, and the man who works on the ridlway; and the man who is Tn any kind of busitiess: no one has any use for him_upless Be ix fit and up to the mark and in'lending the abstemious life and is prepared to do so. If nat, hiv brain Toses ifs best adtivities, his hand "its sunning; ahd everyone now is: suspicions ol - the man who falls away an the least d And it is because of the growth of public opin jon Tn this direction that true reform in in pegrd, to the use of intoxicants aif inde on aiactions will be mel Legislation will not. do but every boy and every man and nay woman must come ig see. that the only rule for them in. this world of competition iz the sbstemious hile, as lord Roberts puts it. We. have o. great A of late, of the strenuous. life, bui the abstemious life is still. more to the point, and ap- plies to 'every man and to every wo- man. With the two together, so much the better. ¥ DETACHMENT OF FIFTY. Sent to Halifax From Toronto and .Peterboro. Toronto, 'April 17.~The wholesale produce dealérs of the city have form: od an nshdtighion, styled the Toronto produce "exchan to regulate the trade and attend 0 matters of of interest to the members. hose who huve entered it incluce almost afl of the loeal wholesale produce firins. officers are: President, J. T. Madden, the William Ryan Co. vice president, A drew Gunn! secre sate Seetibures; A. J. Kin directors, Marshall, Robert ° Thompuon, J: x er J.%d. Fee and the executive officers. Committees have been formed to attend to transpartation, finance ahd trade, complaints © and arbitra: tion, collections and credits. 2 Three additional men were sworn in ot the armories this morning, having passed all the tests, and a number wore. examinéd by the doctors. : Five additional. men who have passed the ricing and shooting - tests, will be sworn in this aft and this even ing: A party of twenty-five men will he sent: to Halifax. Asother party of taniy: five. o recruited at Peterboro, will be added =o that the detachment will, number: fifty, Lhe ' Ontario -attorney-genersl's de. partment, yesterday, received the judgment of the court of appeal in the stated vase respecting the constitution: ality of the Ontario: :act respecting the. profanation of the: Lord's day, ar- gument in which-took- place several months agdl The decision," chief jus. tice Armone Sisseiting. which is of great importance in regulation of Sabbath, observance, sustains the law in several: impertant particulars nanioly, the prohibition of Sunday sales; of Sunday labor; of Bunday ex: ourxions, anc Sunday street care, but i is made clear that the proviseial act: doen. mol apply to corporations operating exclusively under the lofi Intive authority of the dominion gov- erndent, no the individual employees of gorporations. A --------------. Freemasonary In Italy. reemasonry was carried to Italy by lord. Charles 8 Sackville in 1733, Ww Jeompany of the trowel, hve Franbis "was that date the We Inter on re rough papal opposi- Unvler Trench rule if received a i LS rand lodge . was ftes Napoleon x ations were renewed. the BS WAS TecRs" | The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- ot W. Ads, Renfrew, visiting in the i eity, returnsd home today. Have your mattresses, odd chairs or parlor setts, made over, at James Reid's. Have you looked into the terme' of pr Health Policy ¥ Gildersleeve & Kirkpatrie --i Patrick daltiven; sick for the past { "week, is recovering. His many friends pleased to bear il: T 0-morrow evening: at Shr higa house nley' 8. - Je four 'Scottish aft; Seats' reserved af The Clatified milk cotipaty churn every day. Try a pound their: but- ter and a quart "of butter-milk, «The Frontenac meet a week from today; when an ef fort will again be made to have the place of meeting changed 10 some more convenient location down town. Miss Booth, Alfred street, and her friend, Miss Jacksou, will leave shorts ly for a visit in Lowdown, Eng. They will be there during the coronation ceremonies The sidewalk on 'Alfred street, - be: tween Earl and Johnston streets, is in a bad condition. - The residents think the board of works should give ated in a prominent residential sec tion of the city. Save our coupons and get your choice of any piece of farniture or silverware in our store. A guarantee with every pinde of silverware. A cou- pon given with every ten cent pug chase and redeemisble at any time at our store, Call sind see the goods and start saving at once. Mullin's groc- ory, corner Johnston and Division streets. p------------ Didn't Know His Own Reflection, Philadelphia Evening Ti In a town not far from this city are twin brothers eng in business "ogether, who so closely resemble cach other that those who meet them every day are not able fo fell which one they have conversed with, Each has a family, and on piore than one occa sion their own childron have address ed them as "uncle" when they should have said "papa," and "papa" when should have said. "uncle, One ek not long ago a customer went into the store and asked one of the brothers for an article which unfor- tunately could not be found on the first floor. Th ond floor was ih darkness, so, taking a lamp in hand, he wearily climbed the stairs.' Hardly had ho reached the top, however, be: fore he saw what he supposed to be his brother, also walking around the room with a lighted Tap in his hand. "I didn't know that von were wait ing on that customer, James," he re marked, "or 1 certainly would not have climbed all the way up those stairs." There was no reply, even though the figure ahead glanced up and look od directly at him. The twin could not understand the silence and began to. think that his brother was walk ing around in his sleep, and with a hghted lamp, too. "James!" he said again. Still no reply, and as he advancédd to investigate the truth dawned upon him. At one end of the room was an immense mirror. The 'twin had sim- ply seen his own reflection and accus- ed it of being his brother. ---------- Talking Of Weeds. "When | considér weeds," savs a weiter, "I feel like paraphrasing Ab raha Lincoln's terse phrase: 'How God must love common people, for he made so many of them." " The sane with the weeds, of which a prominert botanist says : "From a botanist's standpoint the most saccessful plants are weeds, for they can adapt themselves to all situ ations and 'work out their own mis don in "the plant-world. Weed was originally 4 good old ward and meant only a covering or clothing for the ground. But we have given it a differ cnt meaning wheft it comes ax an wi hidden guest white we want some thing &lsc to grow. The dintionsey calls it 'plant out of place." which + a cool assumption when we rp that we have . cut down trees and grubbed up what grew on the ground to plant something else there, and when the orignal plant. comes back and claims what belonged to it, we call it & weedh and grith it up again." i -------------- Modern Peter The Hermit. Rome has a man who calls himseli the successor of Peter, the hermit, and is now attracting much attention, for he is not an every-day figure. His name is RB. J , dnd Be is a na tive 'of Frankfort. the spot some attention, as it is loc. hd y - BETRAYED BY HIS WIFE, Guilty of a Murder Committed Thirty-three Years .Ago. Ava." Mo: April 17.~James Wilson, charged with killing 'Orville' Lyons in 1869, was found guilty of murder in the second degree and his Runishment. fixed at ten wears in the pesitentiary, Notice of an appeal was fyled. Wilson went to Lyons' baouse in Arno on August 2nd, 1869, and shot and killes him, = Before leaving the Ozark country be kitled another man, whom he mistook for ay officer. Wilton went to Oklahoma, where he whe joined by his wife and children. He betame a prosperous farmer in Logan county, * but ill- treated his wile, who procured a oivoree. He married 'again, and his first wile betrayed him to the officers. He was arrested last December; His defence was that he was pot the Wilson want: ed. JAPAN'S ROBINSON CRUSOE. Man Rescued After Seventeen . Years Solitary Life. Honolulp, April 8, via San Francis co, April 16~The steamer China brings in Nagasaki 4 story of a rescued Japanese Robinson Crusoe al ter seventeen years solitary life on a deserted island - near = Gemson, off Coren The Japanese master of a fishing mer first discovered the mah on ib was supposed to be an unin babited island, hut he was afraid to take him ofl, as he looked like some wild monster, with shaggy hair. He repor the gase to the Jabancse government and a torpedo boat was sent to the island man wes brought back to Gagasaki, but it was some days before he cofild speak. a word, and his mind appeared nearly gone. He had lived entirely on sea Seed and fish and he had no tools or iron implements of any Kind. STOCK DEALING PASTOR. ---- Women Voted to Retain Him in Their Church. Waterbury, Conn, April 17.--As = result of the church fight in St, Paul's Universalist chart; of Meri: den, Conn., which maghificent stric- ture nay the gift practically of the late I. Coe, the memthérs who were sal to the reténtion of Rev, W. 8. Perkins on aceount of his determi nation' fo_pursué stock gambling as his rogative, and who were beaten in their attempt to remove him, ave to organide another chiirel on the same lines in' Meriden, and Buve al ready 'taken steps to have & divinity student ole to town 'and preach every two weeks. Women rallied to the support of the pastor in the tecont erield and were the means of carrying the day for him in opén meeting when the issue came before the house. National League Ball Begins. New York, April 17.-The race' for the national Jeague penoant begins to-day and from vow until the autumn winds begin to whistle about the bleachers the. fans will have a plenty to keep them guessing. While the ionditions surrounding the open ing of the season for the old and honored organization might be of a rosier hae, still, all things considered, there has been a lifting of the cloud during he last few weoks and the magnates affect to see a bright. hori zon. At the polo grounds the Cliants lined in afternoon against the Philade To-morrow 4 réturn game a the two clubs will he played in the quaker city, and the following day the third of the series Brooklyn opens the sonson at home, todey, in a game with the Bostons. Pittshiurg plays at St. Louis and Chicago at Cincinnati. takes place here, Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those sullecing f id dyspep sin, and diver vouplyint. hore han seventy-five per cent. of 4 le inh the United States are afiicied | with theéb two diseases and their #ffects, sich 'us sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart-biirs, water-hrach, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, cont pd tongue and isagrecal le taste in the mouth; coming up of food alter eati low spicits, ete. Goto. your di st and get a bottle of August Flower for Hee mts. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. For sais at Wade's drug store. Great Crowds At Charleston. Chineleston, * 8.0. April: 1 Te From wesent indications thie will prove the Danner week in the gttendance at the Charleston exposition. Not 'since the opening of the big fair have mwh farye crowds passéd through the torn ati as were witnesand during the past few days. The large attendance is die to the many spéeinl days cvle twated this week. Virginians have beens hore in forew for Vi irginia day, and Pennysivania has Tikewice celehrn ted, Jn addii om there have been large delegation irom Savannah, wil mington, Aug a Chattanooes and other Tending cvs of the south, Sullivan And Rice To Meet. New York, April 17.--Dave Sullivan, of whom Iiitle Bas been beard since his (defeat at the hands of Terry Me Govern, if to reenter ihe ring au Wa terbury. Conn. «His oppou- vat will be Austin , wad the two ary slated for a toenty: rosinid. bout Sullivan is reported mn. excellent con dition. ®ooceevoe sae ssaqeses A---------- il LJ a) the Invitation The Remarkat io" Statement ot sane Toronto--Curéd of a Peculiar Skis Disease by. Powley's Liquified Ozone. REV. @. L POWELL, B. A, CORROBORATES HIS STORY. «I am prompted from a deep:sense of 'gratitade to give hlicity to the fats, so that others who are enfering from the lr may be able to avail theinselves of the remedy which has made we a well man again. "For ease that seemed to their 1 Dut got ho reliet. 1 was troubled with an itching and a rast that sppedred ; & MR. JAMES BUSHBY C three or four times every week. The more of sometimes. Alinost Dots | insape,. It w 3 i poy fp ly: 1could not ih 1 became 'weak a a oh iy wii%eral T'was told that Twas in na know, howey) of, T Was ® sick nian, "Nome thoe i Pehrhary" last my pastor, 4 "ew G1 advised meth try OFone, saying that he belie tit ae had revetitly hen at Sutton West" (where he wos patho net before hs catne to Toronto) and had seen and talked with Mf. Wm. Me Kay, the biggptnen who attributed Wi remarkable cure to Ozone, Lactéd on hid ad¥iee, pigehinsed 8 bottle of O¥one; and ia few days | began to feel better. . I have Aakingr it ever sinog inst March, sud am now in excellent physic al eandition, Toeltch ing and rash have disappeared Jong ago, and 1 Nave betarataork for the two months Since taking Ozone I have gained 16 pounds; I now Fr] Fount E attribute my restoration of healt ih § and Bd Siren to Oza) yr Pleased to answer - inquiries' that JAY be gardifig Wm! either before ar after fog Osonel All who ms Ly Wii 1 fort please re- fer to me. Sigued) Jauks Brsiny, a' King St, East, Toronto" Rev. Mr. Pewell's Statemdnt. "1 have seen Mr..James Bushby's statement of his case and as far as [ know he has giyen a yery honest and sccurate statement of ail the facts, "I may say that} am personally acquainted with others who ace Ozone and they all Jeslify to 844 one erful curati ve propeties, " "Gi. L. Power, BB. A, 157 Sumach S 'oronte." Toronto, Ae WoL, . : ho . Your blood is the principal function of your body. I it is pure, if it coritains its normal requirement of oxygen, the organs of your body receive nourishment, they perform their operations thoroughly, arid you have health, If, on the other hand, your blood lacks its food, oxygen, in: place of carrying nourishment through your body, it be- comes the vehicle for disease, and spreads poison to the remotest of your system: instead of it being a stream of life, it becomes a foul gathering sewer, breathing disease and death. Vou become constipa~ ted, stifler headaches, your skin gets pimply and blotchy, your breath is bad, you have an evil faste in your mouth } can't sleep at night; and you are altogether in a bad way. The cure is simple; all you have to doi is to increase the oxygen carrying power of your blond by taking Powley's Liguified Ozone, and you will remove évery trace of your trouble, just as Mr, Bashby did. By taking Ozone your blood is rendered antiseptic, the poison driven off through the proper channels, the bowels and kidveys and every tissue in your body made sound and healthy, Skin diseases or system weakness- of any kind are readily bencfited by taking Powley's Liquified Ozorie. x. id af all Bruggists. The Ozone Co. of Toronto, Limited, Toronto & Chicago e0000000000000 . @ cither 10 carn her owa living of to implement # I the inclination of the pew woman is towards independence and free ® dom fromm restraint, it is equally ih the diveetion of Improvenel of ® bide bebe Ah ed dbo doit sanemaenees ee re 00 90080005 000000080088 One Phase we New Woman vis tite the thing jurt now to make sport of the aggressivenses of the new women, but there is one thing thet the new woman is fit ting hersell to do; fof which she must be commended, and that Is, Ber. ordinary income. her condrtion and betterment of her surroundings. In various honors able ways she carns money with out resorting to drudgery. The Song of the Shirt has no place in her vovabulary, She may work with ind pen or her brush, or her voice or her miisieal touch may be mads t6 contribute to her creature comforts; but a far the largér nutaber of women of all re. hy and in various walks Jide carn their ivlibad, in part or in whole, from (he skilful employment of their Knowing" how te do it is the great secret, and every lady of or diary intelligence con leabh how to do the . wiost . artistie and elaborate crochet knitting and embroidéry by following up the simple lessons in Corticelli Home Ne redlew ark Magazine, spring ntpber of this atliirable quarterly is. now ready for delivery, and like its predecessors, ix 8 marvel of usefulness and beauty, and fueninlics_valughe instructions in the art of French lace mwodérn lode making, gmbroidersd shirt waists, new centergrisos sight, crocheted frees and Bags, ete The mnguaitie iw profusdly illustrated in colored dnd blak prints and iu soll Yor 10, a humbled ov A0¢. per annum. Address. CORTICELLI SILK CO., Limited, Publishers, Bt. Johns, Que. Saaameacet sensor en castro anernaentanashe strlght Font Corse, This new approved corset is ua- surpassed. It gives the upright poise, sloping bust, extecded waist line and graceful round hips so much sought after, D & A Corsets are approved Dandy. Moat

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