# VARNISH IT Is it a Door? is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL ~ Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. /t wears. SOLD BY Corbett's Hardware Only. When buying shoes isn't satisfied with one or two styles. Variety is the spice of ilife. Variety's the very spice of our shoe stock. Every new and popular style of shoe has a place in our store, Every neat and stylish dresser can find his choice among them and the more vou pay the more shoe quality you get, but correct style goes with 'every pair. . MeDermott's Shoe Sture Princess Street. SECOND HAND GOODS - Bought and Sold. a stove Rr Ji" SD I. ZACKS. 271 and 273 Princess Street. ; s door below Corbett's endertalinn nde ey' haw Slothing. gont's fap Be {OUR STOCK Is In Good Order. "@ Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak i and other Woods. +S. ANGLIN & CO, . . . . . * * * . * . * . . + . WITH KOPAL | ~ 7 THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, ab 305-310 ed Street, wt 5 year vhoms at 390 wad 4 WEEKLY 'BRITISH Wino, 12 3 Published every Thursday morvisg st $1 » Attached ia bet inting Offcns in Co 3 3 Je bat deb Printing work; mine improved press. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' i ------ -- a ------ A POLITICAL PROFLIGATE. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, of Toronto, ha heen anxious for yemrs to get into parliament. In 1594, when Mr. White, the sittifig member, was made collec tor of in Montreal, Dr. Nesbitt desired to represent Cardwell. The loval nomination, however, went to W. It. Willoughby, of Toronto. Dr. Nesbitt began operations on him at once, and in a carefully written docu: ment, in Wilioughby's hand writing, undertook 10 buy him off. Presum- jug that Mr. Willoughby had to be disposed of in some way he ggreed to pay $350 on his (Neshitt's) noming- tion, to appoint Mr. Willoughby his election agent, and his wsolicifor, should a protest follow: to use his influence towards the settlement of a claim of Jennie Bolton against Wil foughby, and procure her a public ap- pointment; to secure the elevation of Mr. Willoughby to the bench, as county court judge, and in the event of Tnilure to pay him 84,000; to get him made 8 Queen's counsel, and his lirother a second class clerk) in the public serviee--and within two years of the time he entered parlia- ment | And he did not get there after all, He may not get into the legislature now, He is up against a hard proposition when he undertakes of Mr. Martér in North paies, cartoms 10 dispose Toronto, A BREEZE AT OTTAWA. For the first time this scasion the opposition in the Commons seemed to be really alive on Tuesday, when the question of a new preferential tariff Ietween Canada and the mother coun try came up for discussion. It was strangely introduced. Mr. Maclean called attention to the fact that the British government had been putting a tax on bread-stufis. Opportunities, in- his opinion, occurred in which Canada could bave recipro- ¢ity in trade with Great Britain, and the last one came when the imperial tariff was lately revised. Canada eovld have had the reciprocity he ad- voeated had it been asked for. He found fuult with the premier for not accepting the programme to be dis cussed at the Colonial Conference in ite entirety. The questions of defence and commerce were inseparably con- nected, and if Canada were ready for the one she coula surely have the other. Sir Wilivid Laurier held that an im- portant issue like this should have received different treatment from the conservative party. The proper course, under the circumstances, was to em- body one's views in a motion, to give notice of it, and so secure a satisiac- tory discussion of it. Two points were made clear by him : J. The government has accepted the invitation to join in the Colonial Con- ference in June. It has been agreed to aiscuss the commercial situation only. Jt bas been felt that there will be lit tle advantage in discussing the poli: tical and military questions, The re- Intions between Canada ana the me- ther country were quite satisfactory, and he hoped they would remain wo. If they could be improved he did not know of ft, and he bad not heard any offer in that direction. £ Until now there has not been an ofiportunity in which to disouss the ineiff with a View to any preference being shown to Canada o# the kind Mr. Maclean referred' to. The new tax on bread stufls opened the way, how: ever, for negotiations at the London fore next "1 do not," said he, 'despair of be ng able to then bring down the basis of a svstem which will improve the trade relations between Great Britain and berscolon-- jes, and establish freer trade relations between all sections of the British em- pire.'" He added that when the min isters came from d, after the conference, it would be time enough THE DAILY W HIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 18. THE REPEATING ELECTOR. Justice Britton hus jast given a de vision in the ease of Tolmie vs. Camp bell which i¢ of more than passing importance. The plaintiff, a candidate for a municipal office in Aldsbhorough, County of Elgin, was defeated by six votes, and he moved to have the elec- tion led on the ground that sey- eral electors had voted twice, having property in different polling divisions, und that by the elimination of their votes he would be the winner of the sent, The judge held that the double vot- ing did not invalidate the election, and that the only recourse was to pro- secute those who were guilty of repeat- ing. These might not be deliberate of fenders, They might have thoughtless Iv voted for the candidate of their choice, in each without knowing that they were doing wrong, though generally the elector is fami lint with his rights and privileges. In any event the individual is not go ing in pursuit of the repeatpr. The ex- periment is doubtful 'and expensive, Ih is difficult to find out who voted, in a city for instance, more than one, for the mayoralty eandidate. It can be done, because at each polling divi- sion there is the record of all who obtained ballots, and the number he received, A safer check on duplicating, whe. ther done innocently or otherwise, would be the indication of each voter who has property in different wards by stars or osterisks opposite the names. This would suggest to the deputy returning officer the question as to whether the elector bad voted al y, and only on the declaration that he had not should he be given the mayvoralty ballot. The man who does wrong, when the attempt has thus been made to check him, is de serving of prosecution, and it should division Le carried on by public officials at the public interest. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Ross' thirty-nine articles are giving the conservatives a lot of trouble, They had no idea that they were #30 obstructive as Mr. Ross as serts. The beef cater is having his troubles now. There is no occasion to look for a market in England for -beef, when it is #0 scarce and so dear at home. A juicy joints now is a raw article. ---- Mr. Whitney says the Ross party had a cool time of it, in New Ontario. He ang his iriends are going to see if they cannot have as good, and as dry, o time. The Mail will, of course, wateh that canteen car as it leaves Toronto. si Has Mr. Carseallen iailed to please the Hamilton people by his parlia- mentary service. Dr. Montague is spoken of as the conservative candi date in his division. Has Cass fallen off the pedestal to which some people raised him four years ago? -- Some Chinamen have been detained in San Francisco, the steamship com- panics making no offer to take them back to China. The government now proposes to test its deportation law by the prosecution of the steamship companies. Will their law stand the test ? n-- The mayor of Montreal, and a mem- ber of the legislature, advocates an ex port duty on pulpwood. If Quebec resoris to that the business will boom. The Americans are now car rying our pulpwood off from Quebec and waking it into paper in their mills. The political ery has been amended "i Meet the season. It is no long: of, "It's time for a chungs," in On tario, and with the opposition, bat "We have been too long in opposi- tion." Too long in the cold, eh? Too long living on the husks. They want pie. In a late speech Mr, Whitney said the conservative party had been al ways constructive, But it is not long wince The Tory said that Mr. Whitney was lacking in constructive gemius. He had a mania for tearing things down, but he couldn't build anything. And it's true. The grievance of Mr. Carseallen-- that which throses all others into the shade--consists in the fact that Am- ericans own the nickle mines at Sud- bury. Didn't they buy these? Didn't honestly ? nmi THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. ---- Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Serious differences between the Boer lemders are reported. W. H. Dean, Hamilton, has donated $1000 10 the Stratford hospital _ There is no hope for the recovery of jwdge Fitagerald, of Welland, Ont. The late David MacLaren, of Galet- ta. leit an estate valued at £70,000, The Belgian chamber will vote, to- day, on the question of franchise re form. Twenty seven reeruits for the fourth contingent left Toronto on Thursday might for Halifax. ; The Allan liner Corinthian has been chartered as a transport for the fourth contingent. An eleven year-old boy, of Hamilton, named Roy Williams, had both legs broken in a waggon wheel. At St. John, NB. eight soldiers were enlisted on Thursday for the 4th coptingent, The total pow is forty: one, The presbytery of New York. at its meeting on Monday, condemned the production of the passion play and "Nazareth," in New York. ' The following aduaitional nomina- tion for the legislature are reported: West Toronto, liberals, alderman Far- quhart: Fast Toronto, conservatives, Dr. Pyne, ox-M.P.P, George M. Maver, postmaster of Oth, N.Y, has patenicd a machine forveancelling postage stamps. It is reported to Be superior to anything of the kind ever devised. : The teachers for South Africa are gathered at St. John, N.B., and will sail on the steamer Lake Ontario on Saturday morning. First class pass- age is provided for them. Marconi arrived at - Liverpool on Thursday, on the steamship Majestic, and proceeded to London. He believes that Pierpont Morgan is connected with the RFuropean interests of the Marconi company. Representatives a meeting at and passed of forty cities held Fulda, on Thursda® resolutions aemandin that if the government's --_ trill hill became law, all oetroi charges (eity duties) must he abolished. Notices have been posted in the windows of the ground floor of an im- posing building, in Pishop's Gate street, London, Eng., stating that the International banking company of the United States will shortly commence operationd there, E. Walker, Hamilton, Ont., sigh- ty-two years, who had lived there since 1860, died ion Thursday. Byron EB. Walker, general manager of the Canadian bank of Commerce, Toron- to and H. B. Walker, treasurer of the Canada life, of the same city, are sons. In the Pritish house of commons, Jobn Redmond vigorously condemned the action of the government in put ting the crimes' act in fgree in cor tain districts in 1 / He after warcs cabled to "Col" Finnerty, at Chicago, appealing' for the sympathy and support of the Irish in America to enable the Trish at home ta de fend personal liberty and constitution- al rights, London butchers' petition for the rem: al of restrictions on the impor tation of Canadian and Argentine cattle into Great Britain. Butchers of 120 other cities will present similar petitions. Right Hon. R. W. Hanbury said last night in the British com- mons that the restrictions could not be removed. - PRICE OF MEAT. ------ Makes a Big Jump in the Queen City. Toronto, April 18.~The price of meat in Toronto has gone up, not in tiny fluctuations, but a jump that places the juicy roast of beed on a par in lexury with New York counts and half lobsters. Not long ago, sir- loin steak of the tenderest kind could be purchased for fifteen cents, and round steak for twelve cents. To-day sirloin was advapeed to twenty cents, and round steak to seventeen sents. Prime ribs are no Jonger prime Wado sixteen cents, while shoulder cuts will not be buvable under ten to eleven cents, a sympathetic advance of from one to two cents. This scale of prices in the result of a meeting of the but chers' section of the retail merchants' association. The session includes ab- out ninety per cent; of the butchers' in the city. Will Set Heather On Fire. Publin, April 18-~Commenting on the action of the government in ap plying sections two, three and four of crimes' act to eleven specified die tricts in Deland, where disturbances have occurred, the Freeman's Journal says: "Sa ends the farcial efforts of killing home rule with Kind: and landlordism with sham i, proclamation will act 88 & breeze that fans the mountain "" are glad to Jet the Trish in Americy and Great Britain note it that the castle people have declared war on our fights, Let there be war." Talk Of Assassination. . April I8.A Pelgrade to the Cologne Gazette C don LEFT HIS OWN ORATION, - -- Read at Eccentric Nebraskan's Grave by Mr. Meiklejohn. Fullerton, Eeb., Apal 18-Former assistant weeretary of war Meiklejohn stood at the head of an open grave, and delivered one of the mow re- maurkable orations ever given im Ne braska. The speech, for it could aot be called a sermion, was written by Mr. Hogden several days before his death, amd Mr. Meiklejohn was made to promise to deliver it at the grave. Mr. Hogden was eighty-two years old. and was the oldest Mason and oge of the hest known men in the state, After an illness of three days he died, after making his friends pro mise that no hearse and no mister should be employed. The coffin was taken to the grave in an ordinary waggon. The speech was partially as follows : "Dear Friends : This should be a day of joy rather than one of sorrow; cheerinl and bright as a beide adorn od for a wedding. 1 ignored the hearse on account of its dark and gloomy appearance, and for the same reason 1 dispensed with the services of a minister. 1 have concluded to preach my own funeral sermon. Hy profession 1 am a spiritualist. | believe there is no death--that spirit when it has' no further use for the body simply leaves it. In time, spiritualism will succeed all present orthodox creeds. Then people will no. longer worship a gol den calf, but will bow down before the true God. "1 believe it is only a question of time until a new era dawns upon mankind; when capital and labor will work together for the good of man | kind-and- the rudes-of -socialisnr with replace the present system.' The speech then went into a discus sion of social questions and altogeth er was more on the order of a politi cal apecch than a funeral serinon. GEMS GIVEN TO EDNA MAY. -------- Wealthy Indian Prince Fascinated With American Actress. London, " April 18. ~Edna May, the fascinating New York actress, who is still appearing in "Ritty Grey at the Apollo theatre, lately made a great conquest, that oi rajah Kum ar, the son and beir of the mahara- jah of Kuch Behar, one of the weal thiest of the Indian princes and a well-known figure in London society Kumar has become absolutely Ed pa"s shadow. He is to be seen ahout het everywhere, shopping in the west end, motoring in the park, lanching and dining at various gestaurants while every evening he ils admiring her from stalls, He has loaded Edna May with splendid presents. The other night che made a decided sensation at the Sa voy hotel, appearing in a very smart frock blazing with all the Kuch Behar crown jewels, valued at nearly $2. 000,000 which were presented to her hy the rajah. This came to the ears of the mahar ajah, who forthwith visited Edna and demanded that she restore the gems, which, besides being of immense value are crown property, and it is not in the power of any one, not excepting himself, to give them away. Kuch Behar is a state of Bengal, In dia, a trifle larger than Rhode Is Jand, and, like' most Indian states, very rich. It has a population of ab- cut 600,000 persons. a WHITECAPS WHIP A WOMAN. -- Because She Condoned Her Way- ward Daughter's Conduct. Nashville, Tenn, April 18.-~Twies within "the last three weeks Mrs. fhomas D. Cummings, a respectable woman residing near McMinnville, in Warren commiy, has been taken from her honte by a bana of Whitecaps and severely whipped, after which she was warned to quit the community, all be cause she condones the conduct of a wayward daughter Three weeks ago a band visited the woman's house and after whipping the mother and daughter, warned them to leave or the drubbing would be ao ministered again in fifteen days. The daughter, who is charged with having leit home about a year ago, spending several aave with a physician and other men of the community, took the original Whitecaps at their word, and deft the county with -- the physi cian, but the mother insists that she has committed no offence and refuses to leave. She charges that the Whitecaps are instigated in their attacks by her hos band, Thomas D. Commings, a farm er, who is defendant in a divoree suit she instituted against him, and who, she alleges. is provoking these at tacks: upon her for the purpose of bringing her into dwrepute -------------- CHINESE EXCLUSION. The Drastic Measure Proposed, Re- jected by Senate. Washington, April 18.~The drastic Chinese exclusion bill, originally fram- ed by the senators and represents tives from the Pacific coast states, met defeat in the senate, and in its ince was substitoted a measure of red hy Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, ex tending the provisions of the present exclusion law and applying that .ex- elusion to all insular territory under the jurisdiction of the United States. The vote by which the sub took the place of the original hill was yeas forty-eight' to nays thirty three. Once the substituion had been sade ments which suceeded in preventing any material in its features. Some minor were made, admitting Chinese ox THIS - Regular the point necessary to carry information later. chance slip past you. In the mean IS A STRAIGHT Ww 'Business Proposit WHICH WE PLACE BEFORE YOU To accomplish a certain object which we have in view we propose to sell you what DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, Etc, you need row at a Discount of 20%, Uff Market Price The bare announcement of this fact that you & BUY NOW AT THIS SAVING should crowd the store with buyers and enable us to reduce our stock to out our intentions, Mcre time don't let this STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street. Kingston. Hint, ~~ The Only Pure And Wholesome Porter -- Si Labatt's Prescribed by the Leading Physicians For all Convalescents. JAS. McPARLAND, TTT, -- LO AGENT. Heart Rired List dispell that Weak, ¥ feel full of Life and make you Grippe, Shortness o down system. The T. Milbum Co.. Limited, . BAKE WOK NART Srna. They build up the Vitality, give Nerve and Brain Power, ime They are a sure cure for Nervousness, ervous Prostration, Palpitation of the Heart, Brain Fag, Faint or Dizzy Spells, Angmia, Sleeplesmens, After Effects of La ; f Breath, General De- bility or all troubles arising from a run Price 50c. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, all dealers or Toronto, Ont, Milburn's and Nerve Pills. , renew Lost te, make Rich Red Blood No Ambition feeling a Energy. GOLD-FILLED TEETH AT BIRTH Peculiar Manner in Which Baby is Marked. Wasoster, 0., April 1% br. HB, J Sullivan, member of the hoard of pen sion examiners of Wavne county, tells of a peenliar case of birthmark, and as it is in his own family, he does not believe be can be ceriticed by profes sional brethren for wishing to woe the matier mentioned Dr. Sullivan snd wife were wedded eight vears, and the stork pever pani a visit until a than a year age, when Agnes was born. About months before was born the mother went to a dentist and had two front teeth filed with" gold: Now that Agnes has cut her frong teeth © it is disguvered that two of the teeth identical with those of the mother have all the appearances of being ill od with gold. While Dr. Sullivan does aot say thet what seems to be gold ws really the yellow metal, it foroke tike it, and that it extends clea throngh the oatride to the inside of the teeth. Dr. Sullivan says that he has ent into the bore and found that it ie apparently of the yellow stance all the way through Br. Sullivan said that he had pever beard of a birthmark of this charac ter, and for that reason was willing | to have newspaper nation of the | matter. bi gsneis SMOKE NUISANCE. httde more i% Agnes sub Railway Company Adopts a Smoke Consuming Device. Chicago. April Is Officials of the Lake Shove railway have determined to do away with the smoke nuisance oa Abe intive. svetem by the use of a pew smoke consuming devies, x Testy have recently hen made by thé mangement of the Nev York Central, which have been highly satin futtore, and it ix said that with cure: ful firing there js no wal snoke from the engines. An official of the rond says © "By ihe ise of the 'don werd' the comfort of the trasvifing public will be greatly incvensed. a8 it will be possibile for passengers to open ear windows without being dlaged with cinders and smoke, We have Looming thict soft foal can be ned, as the attachment not only consumes Che smoke hut shows a saviog of at leas one ton of coal on an ordinary Pm" II! With Nervous Prostration. own, April 18 Floren Brooklyn gi THIS SPACE LONGS TO J, CRAWFORD Merchant Tailor, BE- Céomsion carbonated. wa tors sre displaced in the private house and ¢ ub by the MAGI CALEDONIA; a clean, safe always. Sold everywhere water LADIES, THREE DOZEN FREE, PR. CHARCOT'S ANTIGEN PASTILLES positionly dailies fu troubles petviiar to che sox. Monthly remedy Vanppoiot, Harm lens; nie, Clonvendent, Particulars with ing) Sox, Di. JULIA PINAUD, Wood Bid. Naw mn Btrowt, Now Verk Ow Naver DR. C. E. O'CONNOR Jan rusident Burgeon, Now York, Eye aol Kar Lofruary Specialise, Eww far, Nowe and Throat, Office, 279 King Be. and ¥ - b REE! x ; » or o PENNYROYAL s Fomry srr and lady Shand vee 11 Und of dies wow Sag sue hy wl © THE 7. A. SLOCHM CHEMICAL Co, T . "REAL ESTATE. CLIVY 18 OFFERING GUHEAT BAR nine in this Bes AA Bewwk He EXPELLED FROM AUSTRIA. pend ann.- Jesuit Priest Punished for Glori- lying Association. Yieona, April 1% Father Colleoni, & wellknown Jeanil prior, has bien expellad fram Alivia for glorifying the aBassimation of king Hombwrt, of Lialy. aid | : A fi) *Liod ariaed the sismiin to strike down u monarch whe dared pole the ope x capital." Father Crlleoni shoo weird & weak, heel} Ving JE