Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1902, p. 6

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FUN! FON! 'Ezra Kendalf's 20d Book ALL NEW "GOOD - GRAVY" 25. Per Plats. "A Pure Tonle of Wit and Hun.or (original). Prepared and served by EZRA KENDALL, author of "SPOTS." a pan of "Good Gravey"' Pow foo enjoy 100 laughs. B. UGLOW & (0., We're Satisfied Aren't You? t that oan be anv ™ a oan, "RAMSAY'S. © ONLY AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. 20X83 0 x CANDY BOXES OF INFECTIG INERY NEW MONTHEAL stom next door nes Hou every dav. Call and see Fay orn 4 in the dty n in 220 Princess St. "STORES TO-LET. - 34 i Moinpte, BOO / Winter, WU 0 gd.ey; Patent PU.U V0 PAO; BAGIUNG FONNE, $0.4 ' bakers, $0.50 to 94.08; i a i iM COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News. Wall paper was first vented in Cermesy in 1560. The Olive oil product of the year in Aods Hsia moounts to about 8.500.000 pounds. The cheiric street suflway sywiem of Vien: no, Ausirahis, has been taken ver by the oty. France imported from Envisud during the first two mlbilis of shiv wear 213.000 tous of ual The pew oevator to Wid will cost $600, Buflalo, wilt build ir, A new factory will be point company, of Resdolph, N.Y. the eapueity of the "lust © Motor parcel vias will begis redding a night service between the Livercbol and Manchester post offices this moni. The largest copper refining works In the workl is that at Perth Amboy. NJ. Filieen to eighteen million pounds of copper are rv be oveernd af Mon FP. J. Weds, ol bulls by the Elke 10 double flood by electrolysis every meomth. The gross value of the products of the f United States mmanlaciouring wind mechanienl {industries for 1000 ix $13,040.013,638, ao {increase of $3,607.576,355 or 39.1 par cent. {over the gross value shown is 1890 which Pwas $9.372,497.289. The Grand Trunk reilway mport for the Tatter half of 1901 shows un increase in re: ceipts of about SU75.000 over the same ouriod of 1900, The sumer of possongers Carried Wad 360421 i TheYSRNE of 199.105 Freight carried was 5,406,424 tons, an in creme of 195,488 tons. The working expen ww were 67.06 per ent. of thePrecsiprs, about one per cent. more than in 1900. The Ogdens Limited, the representatives of the Anwricun tobacco company, in Britain will shortly conclude an agreement with the wholesale tobacconists assorviation wherdiy Oiplens agree to a misimum schedule of prices for the asssovistion which wll} form the basis of all trensactionsbetwoen Ogdens and their sale dealers, whether the latter are meinbers of the assodintion or not. To Illustrate Wireless Telegraphy. The illustrated part of Prof. Gill's lecture at Queen's on "Wireless Tele graphy," will be a feature. The pro fesmor will place a transmitter in the Hebrew elass-room at one end of the building, and from it will receive the messages on the platform in convoca tion hall. The transmission waves will ome throhigh the wall as well as the air, These waves, the lecturer will make visible to the aundiénce by me- shanical analogy, using for that pur- pose an elastic band stretched over the platiorm. Regarded With Superstition. A certain steam yacht is regarded by the malt house employees with superstition. When the place was afire two years ago, it had just arrived at the wharf, and narrowly escaped burning. Then only a day or so ago it tied wp to the wharf, and its arri val was soon followed by Thursday's fire, - Excuse Our Persistence. In again reminding you that Car noveky's is the place to buy radishes, lettuen, parsley, mint, celery, cucum- hers, aspiragus, tomatoes, rhubarb, spinal, ete. To Spend Vacation. Rev. Prof. McComb, of Queen's. left this afternoon for New York, whence he sails to-morrow for Ireland, his na- tive land. He will not return to King ston until next fall. The Coronation Hat Is the newest style in men's hate. Tt in being sold by Campbell Bros, 84 Princess street. Christy's Hats. Nills & Co, Wellington George street, % ------------------ Our seed cake will please the most delicate tastes, and if you gre looking for mice, flaky pastry, or lady fingers or a sweat) juicy, seedless orange, we con supply you with the best in the market: W: J. Crothers. Do not be afraid to try a package of our "Special Blend" tea, because the price is only ies. five cents per pound. James Redden & Co. Miss Ela Walker, famous soprano ; Alfred Sturroch, eminent baritone. and Cathcart Wallace, distinguished violinist, opera house to-night. Remember to pay your gas and el ectrie accounts on or before Monday next amd get the benefit of the dis count. The price of our "Special Blend" tea is 35 cents per pound. James Red- tien & Co. Have your mattresses, odd chairs or * setts, made over, at James Hedpiadamd -- your' pe --." THE _DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 18 PROCEEDING 10 HALIFAX. RECRUITS BEING STEADILY SWORN IN. Fiity Secure@f so Far at Montreal ~The Advances and Drops on the Stock Exchange. Montreal, April IB. --Thirty of the recruits, so far ted in this city for the fourth comdugent for South Africa, left for Halifax at noon 'hy the Intercolonial train. They were accompanied by a small contingent of western recruits. The selection is go- ivg on at the drill shed, and besides the thirt# who have departed, eigh- teens have been sworn in There was ro ceremony attending the departure of today's dinft, the men marching to station, sccompanied only by a few of their friends. Coronation day will he celebrated in all the Anglican churches of Montreal by a special service Thursday, June Prices of the Dominion steel issues were strong in the stock market to- day, common rising from 69 to 71}, apd reacting to 70 ot the end of fore noon. Preferred sold as high as 100} and as low as 993. Bonds were steady at 93 to 92 Nov, Scotia sthel sold up to 114 from 116 and then back to 113. Toronto rails were huoy- ant, sefling up to 113, reacting a hal snd Twin City reached the same price level. The government has closed a con tract wiih the Allan line to carry the Canadian 'coronation contingent from Montreal to Liverpool on the Parisian, leaving here June 7th. There will be a notable party of passengers on that steamer, meluding bis excel iency, lord Minto, lady Ruby Elliott, premiers Murray, of Nova Scotia; Tweedie, of New Brunswick, and Peters, The first cremation to ever take place in Canada is taking places this afternoon at Mount Royal remetery, it having been decided to cremate the remains of the late ex-senator A. Ogilvie. The new crematory presented to the cemetery by Sir W. C. MeDon- ald will be tested for the first time. A prominent financial authority states that the Ottaga, Northern & Western railway, purchased by the C.P.R., will be completed in a couple of days. The same authority - states that. the C.P.R. could now sell the property at a profit of a million dol lars, as two other roads would now like to get the property. What looks like an effort on the part of the two big milling companies of Canada to maintain different levels for flour is on the carpet., The Ogilvie company hax announced 4 rise in pa tents to $4.10 and strong bakers to $3.80 a barrel, while for the same goods the present price of the Lake of Woods company is $3.90 and $3.60 Pe spectively. ONE RECRUIT SWORN IN. Peace Probabilities Put Dampener on Recruiting. The probability of 'peace in South Africa has evidently put a dampener on recruiting for the third Canadian mounted rifles, at least as far as this city is concerned, Only three or four applicants were at the armiouries, to- day, and but one man passed the me- dical officer.' Thiss was Allan Ray, Norwood Many of the applicants come in pairs. They are chums, and if one of them is turned down the other will not apply for enlistment, but goes back home with his friend. This curi- ous circumstance has prevented some splendid young fellows from enlisting. The following non-commissioned of- ficers of "B" battery, R.C.A., have sent in their applications, which have been forwarded to the militia depart: ment at Ottawa: Sergts. Kruger, Pip- niett, Crockett, Taylor and Fowler, Corpl. Brown and Bombs. Hannah and Lamoureux. Married men of the perm: ancnt forces will be accepted, al though only single recruits can find a 'place in 'the contingent, Bonus For The Industry. Halifax, N.8., April 15.<The Hali: fax hoard of rade this afternoon un: animously passed go resolution urging the federal government of Canada to encourage the building of medern steel ships in the dominion by passing a measure granting assistance to the same, which shall * bé sufficient in amount to place Canada on a parity at least with its chief competitors. The resolution asks that the bonus be granted £5 much per ton on the out. put of strictly Canadian yards. Emperor To Encourage Rowing. Berlin, April 18.<In order to on courage rowing among the students of the university of Berlin, in the manner in which this hott og practis ed in. American and English colleges. Emperor William will offer what is known as the emperor's prize for row- ing contests bet the undergradu- ates of the ani ty. An Important Decision. "Springfield, Sar decision w of Prince Edward Island. - NO TRUTH IN YARNS. Some Persons Busy Circulating False Reports. Conservatives, in an unfair cam paign, have cicemlated a report throughout the city that the publish. er of the Whig, who happens to be a candidate, will not permit the opera tors of typesetting machines to work over wight hours b day, alleging that the wen were therchy ill-used. There is not a grain of truth or sense in the story. According to the rules of / the International typographical employees! union the machine operators' day shall be limited to eight hours. The wanifacturers of the machines stipu- inte that they shall not be run long or than eight hows per day. A long er time would be dangerous to health, The men themselves are. and have al ways been, perfectly satisfied with an vight-hour day, and if the paper could be set up in a shorter day it would please them better. Machine operatars in the. Whig office make be tween $2 and 83 a day. The story, of course, was circulated with the ob- ject of injurving the reform candidate, hut a tale sg lacking of the clement of truth and fairplay can have none but the opposite effect. It would be to the lisher's interest to have a nine or ten-hour day for operators as he could get along with fewer of these expensive machines and their frequent repairs; Another report circulated is that the machine men had been worked ten hours, but in view of the election were cut down to eight hours. No change bes taken place. 'The men have ever been fairly and well treated. Newspapers oufside of Kingston ean judge of the style of campaign from "these sample reports : Kingston, April IR. ~({To the Edi- tor} : The reports circulated that the proprietor of the Whig had refused to recognize the typographical union's request for an increase in wages and reduction of howrs of labor are un true. It did not take long for Mr. Pense to arrive at his decision; he gave the increase and was heartily in accord with a shorter working day. As to his fairness and liberality to ward us we have never had cause to complain. He has always heen willing to treat us with courtesy and we cobld not wish for a better "boss." (Rigned) N. Bmith, 8. Reid, J. Hunt, H. Craig, KE. Ball, A. Cathcart, J. lLa- torney, 1. O'Brien--employees of news room, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Brussbls strikers are receiving money and assistance from England and Germany. Dr. Mignault, M.P. for Yamaska, who has been very ill for some time is reported a little better. The Canacian nurses who went to South Africa with the 2nd mounted rifles are on duty in Ladysmith. "Wad Bill" Hanrahan, the Chicago prizg-fighter, who became ill with pneumonia two days ago, cannot live. Lieut.-Gov, McMillan returned yes terday to Winnipeg, from Vancouver, where he had: been on pFivate busi- ness, The main building of the National white lead company, Brooklyn, N.Y, was burned this morning. Loss $170, Maj. Gen. Ema P. Ewers, US.A., formerly stationed at Sacket's Har- bor, was married recently to Mrs. Mary O'Toole, at Owenton, Ky. A big vein of lead ore has been found 28 the Reid farm near Dan- ville, and a company is now be- ing ond to operate the find, The coronation force will be mobi- lined at Québec. Lieut.-Col. Turner, D.8.0., Quebec, will commana ho cavalfp ation of the contingent. The hieyele riders of Winnipeg city are going to organize for the purpose of lodging a strong protest against the bylaw compelling thein to wse lamps. Mrs. Amelia Haberdunch was burn- od to death this morning in a fire that destroyed iwo three-storey frame houses on Palisade avenue, Jersey City, ol. 0. 5. Kinibal, aged filty-nine, a member of the Emerson piano com: pany, of Boston, died on Thirsday night on a ranch near Phoenix, Ariz., ol Sonssmption. JohnWAmatt, who hailed from Chi- cago; Ras been found near Fort Chipe- wan, ob the Hudson Bay, frozen to death. He lost his way in the storm about Mach 19h. Eva Vifet, a nineteen-vear-old do. mestic, fell from the third storey win dow of a St. Hubert street residence, in Montreal, on Thursday, where she was employed, and was killed. Mrs. Margart A. Myrick, Clayton, N.Y., seventy-ight years ago, and Mrs. Malcolm Thumpson, born in Scotland seventy-six years ago, died in Watertown on Wednes- day. Miss Marie Josephine Eastwick, Philadelphia. sentenced to ix months' imprisonment if England, for fofgery, born in "the newspaper Slowo Polskie stat wo & a that as a ht ne of a revalutionney. me have CRIMES' ACT DISCUSSED JOHN REDMOND IN A SPEECH THREATENS RETALIATION, Irish Nationalist Leader Says There is an "Infamous Eng- lish Conspiracy to Foment + Crime in Ireland." London, April 15.--In the house of commons, yesterday, John Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, spoke of the crimes got jnaclamation issued by the lord lieutenant of Treland, earl Cadogan. He said that an infamous conspiracy was on foot in England to foment evime in Ireland, where no crime existed. The stories of outrage and violenee in Ireland were infamous calumnies. The nationalists in Ire land were only governed hy a con temptible minority. This stitement was cheered by the Irish members. A hundred men, Mr. Redmond contin ned, stood ready to replace every man sent to prison in this struggle. They gntreated Mr. Wyndham, the chief secretary for Ireland, to change his policy; but if he continued it they would meet him face to face, and give blow for blow. Their answer to his coercion of Ireland would be to hard: en their hearts, strengthen their or ganization and compel redress. Mr. Wyndham replied, that while it was true that there war 4 compara- tive absence in Ireland of crime against the person, the lives of peo- ple were made miserable by intimida- tion and boycotting. The govern ment was hot acting from political motives, hut as the result of a mass of information laboriously . collegted and carefully examined, A motion for adjournment to dis cuss coercion, made by Mr. Red mond. was rejected by a vole of 253 to 148. Boys Go Into Baseball. An intermediate athletic club has been formed at the Y. M. C. A, and for the time being the members will give attention to baseball. Fred, Car- pon was appointed manager and cap tain, and Ross MeRea, secretary treasurer, Charles Low is the honor ary president. There are sixteen good players, from which to select a team. Man® of them formerly belonged to the Limsetones, who made such a good showing in past years. The boys have already themselves subseribed $4 for equipment. To-day they made ar rangements to secure the exhibition grounds for a practice field. They have a good team, and will seek to enter the city league. Sometimes Outwitted. Astute as he was, Mr. Rhodes was outwitted sometimes, There is a story of a young man who owned a paper in which he persistently denounced the Colossus. Mr. Rhodes sent for him, the story goes, and suggested a sinh sidy. The young man refused. "You are beseiged by a gang of blackmail ers," he told Mr. Rhodes, "but I am not one of them. You can't buy me up." "I can ruin you and your reg." he shouted. "Oh, no, you can't," the young editor retorted; "it's my rag, and I shall write what I like in it. If you have nothing else to tell me, good day." Will Soon Be Divided. Chicago, April 18.--~The $450,000 which remains in the treasury of the world's Columbian exposition eom- pany, probably will be divided next week ameng . the 2,000 shareholders. The funds have been tied up by the litigation against the world's fair ~| company. Brothers To Be Married Ernest Ely, of New York, will be married on April 23rd to Miss Rey- nolds, of Westport. On April 30th his brother. Pr. E. M. Ely, of Drayton, N.D., will be married to Miss Gertie Mills, of this city, Both voung men are sons of Samuel Ely, Alfred street. 5 Formerly Of England. John Wright, who met such 5 tragic death on Wolfe Island, was formerly a steamboat engineer in England. The family with whom he hoarded on the island lived beside his tens in Eng. land years ago. Auditing Nearly Over. Auditors J. C. Paterson and D. A. Yivens have finished auditing the city books, and to-day began work on the books of the secretary of the board of education. Nearly All Interred. Nearly all the bodies in the vault at Cataraqui cemetery during the win. ter have been removed, and interred by their friends. -------------- $1. Campbell's Hats $1. The neatest ald best $1 hate in Kingston, are to be found st Camp: Prices Are Lower. And every Saturday will be a bar gain day on bananas at Carnoveky's. George Mills & Co. For the Marsland hats. Who woul the substance of he a BL Bl QovErIment ns iven by Mr. OE ERE it nev. The tea is low. ty arey actor, 'who will deamati "The Sky Pilot." it ont wha he remained silent. i A -------------------------------- nL en -- aa SPECIAL 4 | ~ This Is How We Do At The BARGAIN T0-MORROW, Lockett Shoe Store SATURDAY. We have secured another lot of those famous Black Sateens at a price much below their value, and will offer them To-morrow Morning, Afternoon and Evening. extra rush. We take only half-an-hour for refresh- ments in the middle of the day and eat just enough to keep us cheerful and smiling till supper time. We carefully sort up the stock all over the store from the wholesale department on Friday. We load up the bargain tables and get everything in real good shape ready for the big day of the week. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS at THE sat no >THE Yards Fine Black Sateens. These are what is known as English Sa- tana. It is 30 inches wide ; of good weight, and has a very high finish ; the color is absolutely Fast Black ; it is made on purpose for Dresses, Waists and Skirts. This quality is always sold at 20c. and over. Sale Price To-morrow Morning, Alter- noon and Evening at 14C. yard. Sale at 9 and 1G o'clock a.m. and 2 in the afternoon. Also at 7 o'clock in the evening. J. LAIDLAW & SON. We e wil continue to offer your ¢hoice of the MEN'S FINE BOOTS in our window

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