ANT FAN! EzraKendalfs 2nd Book| ALL NEW "GooD GRAVY" 25¢. Per Plate. A Pure Tonic of Wit asd Husior 3 terigianl). Prepared and served by EZRA D0 author of "SPOTS." a Ia ood Graver We're Satisfied -- Aren't You ? EL pt RAMSAY'S. ONLY AT - MITCHELL'S HARDWAKE. DAVID HALL, § prices for the association which will form the basis of all traneactionsbetwesn Ogdens sud their sale denlers, whethor the letter gre members of the association or nob To Illustrate Wireless Telegraphy. The illustrated part of Prof. Gill's lecture at Oueen's on "Wireless Tole graphy," will be a feature. The pro- fessor will place a transmitter in the Hebrew classroom at one end of the building, and from it will receive the messages on the platform in convoca- tion hall, The transmission waves will ome through the wall as well as the air. These waves, the lecturer will make visible to the audience by me- Shatien) analogy, using for that pur 1, the the' platiorm, uch Emphasis. ie Without a single exception every Yashion report from New York and London states thay White will be very much worn for Waists and: Dresses. We are tully prepared. to fill your wants with the newest ; Mmportations in these DESIRABLE ( GOODS, vein, Baesint Jaluse at 12)e., FIAUES Fine Cords, Fully Warranted pms 1, 20¢., ey 0, Be. fF 5a TTA ™ ek FANCY MUSLINS WITH DROP STITOHING-3, 4 and 5 Rows of Tuckings, also Some With Valen- clennes Insertion Oec., 80¢., 75c. NE: TUCKED JAPANESE "1 from Montréal to Liverpool on o ers Murray, of Nota 4 Raeeedic, of New Brimswick, RECRUITS BEING STEADILY SWORN IN. - Fitty Secured so Far at Montreal ~The Advances and Drops on the Stace Exchange. Mont April 18. Thirty of the recruits, so selected in this city for the fourth contingent for South Africa, left for Halifax at noon by the Interco'onial train. They = were accompanied by. a small contingent of western recruits. The selection ol 3 ing on at the drill shed, and the thirty who have departed, eigh- den have been AwGID I he was 0 ceremony st ng 1 Jarture ot to-day's dint, the men marching to station, accompanied only by a few of their frie Coronation day will be celebrated in all the Anglican churches of Montreal by & special service Thursday, June 4 With. Prices of the Dominion steel issues were strong in the stock market to day, common from 69 to T1{. and reacting to 70 at the end of fore- noon. Preferred sold a5 hh as 100} and as Tow as 99} were steady at 921 to 93. Ends Seotia steel sold up to 114 from 110 nd then back to 113. Toronto rails were huoy- ant, selling up te 113, reacting a half aod Twin City reached the same price The government has closed a con trast with the Allan line to esrry the Canadian coronation Sontingre 1 Parisian, leaving here June 7th. There will be a notable party of passengers on that steamer, including bis excel: incy, lord Minto, lady Ruby Elliott, Scotia; and Peters, of Prince Edward Island The first cremation 'to ever take place in Canada is taking place this afternoon at Movat Royal cemetery, it having been decided to cremate the remains of the late exsenator A.W. Ogilvie. The new crematory presented to the cemetery hy Bir W. UC. McDon ald will be tested for the first time. A prominent financial authority states that the Ottawa, Northern & Western railway, purchased by the C.P.R., will be completed in a couple of days. The same authority states that the C.P.R. (ould now sell the property at a profit of 5 million dol- lars, as two other roads would now fike to get the property. What looks: like an effort on the part of the two big milling companies of Canada to maintain difierent levels for flour is an She carpet. The Ogilvie J a vise in pa: tents to sh 10 and strong bakers to 80 a harrel, while for the same goods the present price of the Lake of Woods company is 83.90 and $3.60 re- spectively, ONE RECRUIT SWORN IN. Peace Probabilities Put Dampener on Recruiting. bility of peace in South Alri evidently put a dampener on recruiting' for the third Canadian mounted rifles, at least as far as this city is concerned. Only three or four appleants were at the armouries, {o- day..and but one man passed the me- dical officer. This was Allan Ray, Norwood. Mady of the applicants come in pairs. They are chums, and if one of them is turned down the other will not apply for enlistment, but goes back home with his friend. This curi- ous circufstance has prevented some splendid young fellows from enlisting. following non-commissioned of- ficers of "B" battery, R.C.A., have sent in their applications, which hgve been forwarded to the militia depart ment at Ottawa: Sergts. Kruger, Pip- viett. Crockett, Taylor and Fowler. Corpl- Brown and Bomba: Hannah and Lamoureux. Married men of the perm- anent forces will be accepted, al though only single recruits can find a place in the contingent. Bonus For The Industry. Halifax, N.B.. Apel 15.= he Hali- fax boned of trade this aiternoon un- animously passed 4 resolution urging federal government of Canada to sacourage the building of Steel ships in the dominion by passing granting assiviance to the same, . which . shall be sufficient in amount to place Canada on a parity at least with ite chief competitors. The resolution asks that the bonus be granted se much per ton on the out- put of strictly Canadian yards. Emperor To Encourage Rowing. Berlin, Ail 18.In order to en courage rowing -Among the students of the A versty of Berlin, in the manner in which this sport is practis- el in American and English colleges. Emperor William will offer what is Such sa as the iv he prize for row: contests between undergradu- ates of the whiverst (irvmuhons the iy the (be prion er of the Whig. who happens to be a candidate, will not permit the opera: tors of typesetting' machines to work over eight hours a day, alleging that the men were thereby ill-used, There is not a grain of truth or 'sense in the Rory. Amanding to the rules of the 3 » typog unio the operators' "day shall be limited to eight hours. The manufacturers of the machines stipu- Inte that they shall not be run Jong: er thas eight hours per day. "A er time would be dangerous to heal The men' themselves are, and have al with The Soy. ject of infurving ir reform candidate, but a tale so lacking of the element of truth and fairplay can have none hut the ite effect. Tt would be to the publisher's interest to have a nine or von hour day for operators as he could get along with fewer of these expensive machines and their frequent repairs. Anothér report circulated is that the machine men had been worked ten bd but in view of the election were cut down to eight hours. = No change taken plate. / The men have ever been fairly and well treated. Newspapers outside of Kingston can judge of She style of campaign from these sample reports, Kingston, Apel 18.~(To the Edi tor) © The reports circulated that the proprietor of the Whig had refused to recognize the typographical union's uest for an increase in wages and nection of hours of labor are un- true. It did not take long for Nr. Pense to arrive at his decision; he gave the increase and was rtily in accord with a shorter working day. As to his fairness and liberality -- ward us we have never had cause to complain. He bas always been willing to treat ws with courtesy and we could net wish for a better "boss," ) 8. Reid, J. Hant, H. Craig, E. . A. Catheart, J. La- tarney, I. O'Brien--employees of news- room, PITH OF THE NEWS. Latest News Culled From Over The World. The Brussels strikers are receiving money and assistance from England and ermany. Dr. ult, M.P. for Yamaska, who has n very ill for some time is reported a little better. The Canadian nurses who went to South Africa with the 2nd mounted rifles are on duty in Ladysmith. "Wild Bill" Hanrahan, the Chicago prize-fighter, who became Wl with pneumonia two days ago, eannot live. Lieut.-Gov. McMillan returned yes- terday to Winnipeg, from Vancouver, where be been on private busi- The Vi ness, The main building of the National white lead compatly, Brooklyn, N.Y. Ly burned this morning. Loss $170,- Maj. Gen. Ewa P. Ewers, USA, formerly stationed at Sacket's Har bor, was married recently to Mrs. Mary O'Toole, at Owenton, Ky, A big vein of lead ore has been found on the Reid farm near Dan- ville, N.Y., and a company is now be ing formed to operate the find. he coronation force will be mobi lized at . Lieut.-Col. Turner, C.. DO, Quebec, will commana the cavalry section of the contingent. a bicycle riders of Winnipeg city are going to organize for the purpose of lodging a strong protest against the 1 bylaw compelling them to use amps Mes, Amelia Haberdunch , was burn- ed to death this morning in a fire that destroyed two three-storey frame houses on Palisade avenue, Jersey City, N.J. 0. 8. Kimbal, aged filtynine, a member of the Emerson piano com- pany, of Boston, died on Thursday night on a ranch near Phoenix, Ariz, of consumption. Jobn Arnott, who hailed from Chi- cago, has been found near Fort Chipe: wan, on the Hudson Bay, frozen to death. He lost his way in the storm about March 12th Eva Vinet, a nineteen-year-old do- wmestic, fell from the third storey win: dow of a St. Hubert street in Montreal, on Thursday, where she was employed, and was killed. Mrs. A. Myrick, born in ow seventy-eight years . Malooln: = Thompson, born in Seotland seventy-six years ago, died in Watertown on Wednes: iss Marie Josephine Eastwick, Philadelphia. sentenced to six months' dish Conspiracy te Foment Crime in Ireland." mien, April 15.~In the house of mons, yesterday, John Reduced, the Tab nationalist leader, spoke of eoercion of Ireland would be to. hard en their hearts, strengthen their or mond, was rejected by a vote of 253 to 148, Boys Go Into Baseball. Au intermediate athletic club has been formed. at the ¥. M. C. A, and for the time being the members will give attention to baseball. Fred. Car- son was appointed manager and ca tain, and Rose McRea, ar treasurer. Charles Low is the honor ary president. There are sixteen good players, from which to select a team. Many of them formerly belonged to the Limsetones, who, made such =o good showing in past years. The bovs have already themselves subscribed $4 for equipment. To-day thev made ar rangements to secure the exhibition grounds for a practice field. They have a good team, and will seek to enter the city league. . Sometimes Outwitted. Astute as he was, Mr. Rhodes was outwitted sometimes. There is a story of a young man who owned a paper in which he persistently denounced the Colossus. r: Rhodes sent for him, the story goes, and suggested a sub- sidy, The Fo man refused. "You are beseiged by a gang of blackmail- ers," he told Mr. Rhodes, "but I'am not one of them. You can't buy me up." "I ean ruin you and your rag." he shouted. "Oh, no, you can't," the young editor retorted; "it's, my reg, and I shall write what I like in it. If you have nothing else to tell me, good day." Will Soon Be Divided. Chicago, April 18.-~The $450,000 which remains in the treasury of the world's Columbian exposition com- | pany, probably will be divided next week among the 2,000 shareholders. The funds have been tied up by the litigation = against the world's fair company. Brothers To Be Married Ernest Ely, of Now York, will be married on April 23rd to Miss Rey- nolds, of Westport. Oa April 30th his brother, Dr. E. M. Ely, of Drayton, N.D., will be married to Miss Gertie Mills, of this city. ' Both young men are sons of Samuel Ely, Alfred street. Formerly Of England. John Wright, who met such 5 tragic death on Wolfe Island, was formerly a steamboat engineer in England. The family with whori be boarded on the island lived beside his parents in Eng- land years ago. Auditing ly Over. Auditors J. C. n and D. A Givens have finished auditing the city books, and to-day began work on the books of the Soretrey of the board of education. ' Neatly All Interred. ly Nearly all the bodies in the vanlt at Cataraqui cemetery during the win- ter have been removed, and interred by their friends. $1. Campbell's Hats $1. The neatest and best 81 hats in Kingston, are to be found st Camp- bell Bros. Prices Are Lower. And every Saturday will be a bar goin day on bananas at Carnoveky's. George Mills & Co. For the Marslond hats. TARA ASAT pane ! To-night We Will Sell The The Following 35C. pair. 100 Met's Be taowass Full sizes 15, 15} and 16 ivch. neok band, made #8, of Montreal. and each shirt stamped by this firm, This in a antes a8 to fit and ma. serial regular value of this quality is 75e. E05 Sale Price To-night, 40c.leach. ALSO 78 "oii cotian Mgnigewas, Made by Tooke, of Montreal, and each shire breuvded by this well known firm. Bises, 15 and 164 inch neck. The regular value of this quality is $1. Sale Price To-night _ 060c. * SALE AT 7 O'CLOCK. F LAIDLAW, & SON. MA AS ASRS ALS Pt This Is How We Do "_At_The Lockett Shoe Store We put on extra help on Saturday to meet the extra rush. We take only balfeat-hour for refresh ments in the middle of the day and eat just enough to keep us cheerful and smiling till supper time. We carefully sort up the stock all over the store from the wholesale department on Friday. We load up the bargain tables and get everything in real good shape ready for the big day of the week. BUSINESS IS USINESS at J. {THE L! LOCKETT SHOE STORE