Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1902, p. 2

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TAPESTRY | ARPES Under Price. These durable easily swept Tapestry Carpets are the most practical ¢ sort for economy seek- ¢ ers. We have about 100 | pieces of the best 10-wire Fapestries, no better made. Sold regularly at 75¢c. a yard. We offer them: at 60c. A YARD, MADE AND LAID ON * YOUR FLOOR. They are in a good variety of patterns with stairs to match. Kingston Carpet Warehouse. This mattress hax F000 small springs, cov: ered Doth sides with hair, fisted with ven tilators, very comforiable, $16 to $18 each. Oxtrmoor Maturesses 314 10 $16. rose bel ter. Pariols Mattresses, made of hoalthist aud fuest fibres $7, as good as others sold for $10. * Our $2.50 and 83 mattress is pure wood value, nome better for the money. We renovate and clenn mattresses We re Pair apd polih old furniture. We upholster and cover Ol purdor selves, ote Carpets "AND # Curtains bo 10 Hew premises, very lariw widok. Our Patterns dnd dosigus Ate exten dretiy snd fuking this season. The odior effects in our 'Axminsters, Brussels aod. Tupeswios are not extnlled. We Mave Tapestries that can war: ly bo toil from Brussels, at 0c. amd O00 por yard, Thay are taking woll. Crotonims atl Doulthe, wivest. Piglish and French importation, very rich Shades, poles, trinaxs, ate: T. F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKING, ETC. 'PHONES --R85 Ps, orm THE FINEST PIPE MADE PERFECT SHAPES. shales ele. 'Sold in Vulcanite, Horn GtAmberby 'WM. BAKER. E VERY EFFORT Is put forth to please our cus tomers, we have the very newest affects in imported tweeds, worst: wds, and serges for spring suits. Best trimmings are used and latest cut assured. R. Johnston, & a LOR. 5 J TA er eer re EE ---- i THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INSURANCE RISKS DISCUSSED AT LENGTH. J A Number in Favor of Non-Tariff Companies Carrying the Risks ~Communications Considered and Accounts Passed. A special meeting of the hoard of education for general purposes, was held last evening. There was a quor om this time, those present being chairman Sears, J. G. Eliott, H. Richardson, Robert Meek, John Me- Intyre, Thomas Lambert, William Kelly, W. H. Wonmwith, J. 8. R. Mec Cann, W. H. Godwin, B. J. McKel- vey, D. A. Show, Edward Benneit, James Laturney, Iva Martin, Dr. Fee and Dr. Morrison. ---- Communications Considered From Mrs. Joseph Wilson and oth- ers asking that the half time class at Cataraqui school be continued.--Re- ferred to management counmittee. From W.'G. Hamilton, secretary of the Kingston building trades council, requesting the board to employ union labor on all work in connection with the school buildings. --Property com mittee. Fromi' E. Depot school, asking for of salary Property committee From Fred. A. Folger, stating that a new line fence would have to be built between the carworks property and the depot school ~--Property com mittee, ; From R. W. Doan, relating to an overcharge for the 0. E. A. book of proceedings. --~Library committee, From Miss Myrtle Norris, applying for a position as teacher ~Manage ment committee, From James Cruse, asking for re muneration for extra work at the col egiate "nistitate for forty four nights during the past winter. --Management comsnitiee, 5 Prom L. R. Staples, asking for lave of absence on the Ith inst, as he is a member of the board examiners for normal schools, at Tor onto, He was willing to provide a substitite. Also for leave on June 2th to With, to act as examiner at Sydenham From ©. A. Black, Cleveland, O.. introducing a new ink powder. --Man sgement commitee, From (. Patterson, representing th* Equity fire insurance company, Tor onto, asking for patronage~ Finance committee. Derbyshire, caretaker of of -- The Finance Report. Mr. Lambert presented the report of the finance committee, recommending avment of the following aecounts : ingston fight, heat and power com any, $2065; Preck & Halliday, alance on contract, $67.60; Heming- ton typewriter company, repairs 3c. Selby "& Co., kindergarten goods, 21.80; Dominion express company, 21:10: Oram & Carter, printing, §i F. Tracey, iton pokey. $1.75; A. H. Miller, cabinet work, 8: R. J. Reid, chairs, $1.65; D" McKenzie, mould, £14.50: J. Pollie, report, 85 Worm with & Co., material for technical de partment, £30.97; G. El Lee, teaching drawing, 852.50; Fred Pavne, labor, 2.2% W. R Sills teaching night class, 855; McKelvey & Birch, sup- plies, 812.75; Edw. J. B. Pense, print wg, 89; Kingston "Coal Ca, $175.95; Macnee & Minnes, $3.56; map ard school supply company, 838.55; N. Lemmon, glazing, $2.10. The committee further recommended that Victoria school building be re- insured in the same companies as fol: lows : Norwich, $4,000; Union Assur: ance, $1.000; Caledonia, $2,000; Lan cashive, $2,000. That the insurance on the collegiate institute be ee from $26,000 to $22.000, and that a £4,000 risk be placed in each of the following companies : Queen City, Quebec, North British and Mercantile. That Mise Bateman and Miss Gilbert receive $3.25 each as extra remunera- tion for looking after the board's ex- hibit at last year's fair. Thai the committee be empowered to advertise for tenders for fuel for 1902-3, : The report was taken np clause hy clause. . in referonce to. the insurance, Mr, Elliott moved, seconded by Mr. Mc: Kelvey, that the accounts for insur ance be struck out. ahd that the fin shoe committee be instructed to hdve the insurance effected in companies whose rates are not so hi as those to which it has reported that preminms shall be paid. In speaking to the motion, Mr. Kiiott said he believed the hoard's inanrance could be effected on' the tmildings much more cheaply and: just as effectively. 1 are other com names than the tariff companies. w hich ave just as good. asd by insiring in these the bowed could save from ten fo twenty-five per cent, Corporations i t the country were inwuring in aan companies, and it would be safe for the board to de x0. Mr. Lambert said committee had gone thoroughly into the matter. It whe a question Ww he the non tar ies wore safe. \ Godwia stated that an insur an increase. wns ance company, started at the same time as the Equity, was being closed up, and it had as much business on its looks as the Equity, the local agent of which bad adked for a por tion of the hosrd's imsarance. . Meeck-- Practically this is a re newal of the insurance = placed three venrs.ago under the most careful con sideration. Prof. Martin advogated the total rick being taken by the public: The dominion of Canada bad not one of its buildings insured; neither had the fell telephone company. The speaker advocated the carrying of the board's own risks. Mr, MeKelvey favored municipal in surance, but not at present. Mean- while he would not insure for over fifty per cent. of the value of the buildings. He would like to see the collegiate institute's value cut in two; the boanl wanted to fave money, Rusiness men of the city are more and more insuting in the non-tarifi companies. These latter take into consideration the charaéter of the men whose places ther insure. Mr. McCann's experience was that non-tariff companies would take aty insurance they could get, and would cut 'rates to get it. While he would be in favor of patronizing some non. tariff companies, he would consider it unwise to place all the insurance in their 'hands. My. Plliott said this was hie first Spportunity in years in discussing the matter, the result of his constant qgi- tation. H's non-tariff company failed the government deposit would enable the re-insuring of risks in gvothier com. pany. The Gore insurance company was established in 1536; surely a tompany that Has existed so long is safe. There were others--the London, Perth, Ottawa, Wand-in-Hand, 'ire Exchange, the Waterloo, Queen City, Equity and = Anglo-American, and others---doing a large business in the city, and they were safe enough for any. corporation. To insure in these companies would save much money for other purposes. Mr. Godwin denied that the gaovern- ment re-ingured when one concern fail ed, in auother company. Mr. Elliott's amendment was lost. Mr. McKelvey then moved that one third of the insurance on Victoria school be placed with a non-tarifi company, other than the one already carrying insurance for the board, and that the finance committee be given A poser to act. This amendment was also lost. Mr. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that $4,000 of the insur- ance on the collegiate institute be given to the Equity company at six- ty cents for three vears, the commit- tee having the privilege to reduce the other policies. . Mr. Godwin moved, in amenament, that the sum be divided up, $2.000 going to the Equity and $2,000 to the Queen City companies. Both amendments were lost, and the report was then adopted. Property Report. Mr, Godwin presented the report of the property committee, recommend- ing that the salaries of the following carctakers be increased : Joseph Gould, $325 to $350; 8. Ludlow, $325 to $350; N. McCaig, $25 to $350; A. Langdon, $135 to $150; Mrs. Tren: bailie, $135 to 8150; F. Gates, $50 tw #00. The committee also recommend- oi that the caretakers of Central, Victoria, and Frontenac schools be available as messengers during school hours, and that the by-law be amend- ed accordingly; that the K. & P. rail- way company be requested to build a line fence between the Depot school and the car works, the board to pay hali. The committee asked permis- sion to ask for tenders for authorized repairs, r." Bennett wanted the board to build the fence at the depot school, instead of letting the company do-it. He introdiucen a motion to this ef- fect, but could not find a seconder. The report, as amended, was adopt . d. Mr, Lambert moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the management committee enquire into the present system of promotion of plpils, and report as to ité success. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Lambert, that the finance com- mittee ascertain the time spent by collegiate imstitute Adncpors in -- nection with the honor class, and the cost of condueting the same. Carried. Mr, Elliott asked if thé board sup- plied all the articles the school chil- dren required exeept the text hooks. Some 'of the teachers, he said, were working on the feelings of the little ones, and suggesting the expenditure of five and' tem cents for this thing and that. He declared that the teach ers should be prohibited from doing thie, and the hoard agreed. Then, too, the monthly reports of pupils' work was not being properly issued. Months were occasionally omitted. The board looked upon this us a seri- ous matter; and some enquiries will made, SPORT IN GENERAL. Notes About the Various Sport Puval, the Ottawa hockey and la vrosse player. is moving to Montreal. Two. hundred sports witussaed a fight in a ur i i on, BR rocently, The TM wa man ret THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 19. MILITARY TOURNAMENT. A | IT WILL BE ONE OF THE UNI- QUE FEATURES Of Victoria Day Demonstration -- Canadian and United States Regiments to be Invited--Pro- posal to Unveil Kirkpatrick Memorial Fountain. : The programme fur Victoria day is bein gradually outlined, but nothing definite can be decided upon until the ! military part of the demonstration i» | gottlec. The question at issue 1 ther this will take place in the {ing or early in the afternoon. h I Cole. Montizambert and Drury decide that question then the rest of the day's events will easily be fixed, Last night, members of the celebra- tion committees met in the council chamber, A. Chadwick presiding. Capt. Lafierty, Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan, Sergi. Instructor Gimblett and Sergt. Cunningham, of | the batteries, were added to the sports' conumittee, | Messrs. Chadwick, McParland and Ab- "hott were appointed to interview Col. Drury to-day, and have the military end of the demonstration . definitely fixed A partial outline of the sports wg presented by Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagoen. it | included @ number of ordinary events, but the main" items will be in the line ! of u military tournament, consisting t of gunwheel race, mounting end dis. mounting, tug-of-war mounted, bare back wrestling, Victoria cross rate, Ralaclava charge, musical ride and Maypole. These events will he unique and attractive, and should prove of great inteyest. It will be necessary to get- Col. Dhrury's consent to their taking place; so that Sergt.-Instruetor Gimblett can prepare the horses and men ior the nusical ride. Horse races and baseball match will also be in cluded in the sports. ; A communication 'was received from the trades and labor council, stating that the unions would not hold a pa rade. but would assist the committee in every way to make the demopstra- tion g success. The secretary was in structed to thank the trades and la bor gouneil for the promised co-opera tion. 5 The question of inviting outside corps to take part in the military proceedings was fully discussed, ana it was decided that the secretary should write the various regiments at Brockville, Picton Belleville, Ogdens- burg, Oswego, Watertown, and Ro chester, to find out which of them could come. It is intended to have at least one Canadian and one United States vegiment here. The latter would bring a large erowd of people from across the border. As soon as a programme is out lined, posters must be got out and spread thronghout the district. Mes sre. Starr. 0 Hagan, Godwin and Ab ernothy were appointed to take this in hand, and also to look after the printing generally. A committee con sisting of the mayor and Mesers. Chadwick, Abernethy and Abbott was named to interview Mr. Pense regard ing the proposition to have the Kirk patrick memorial fountain unveiled on Victoria day. Good Advice, The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep sin and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent. of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart-burn, water-brach, gnawing and burning pains at the pit. of the stomach, yellow skin, coat- ed tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, ete. Go to. your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. For sae at Wade's drug 'store. A Farewell Party. Mr. and Mrs. George Menary, a party last evening, at their on Pine street, in honor of Miss Gert. rude Denning, who leaves soon for Burlington, Vermont. A very sociable evening was passed in games, music, ete, Refreshments were served at mid- pight. Her young friends wished Miss Denning a happy life in her new home. gave home Larchmont. That's the hat with the three but tons on the side, two shades of grey and black, raw edge, high crown, §2.. 3, Jeunkins'. "Suits" Oak Hall Swellest stock in town vouths' -and boyy' clothing b. Bibby Co. "Suits." of men's The H. House Cleaners. Use furniture restorer and save money and timé, at James Reid's. "YOU MEAT EATERS." Vna---- The Baltimore Man Says Things. "You meat eaters who gre ailing in any sori of way might take a valu Phe nt trom the following : "at McAuley's is whe- | worn. ; When | 4 -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By On Their Rounds. Liberals, "buckle in ! To see our hats is to buy. Jenkins, W. Swaine, pi tuner. Orders left store. A united liberal party is ready for the contest. i Yote for Ross' and Pense apd con } tinue the era of progress in Ontario. Napance will invite the Rathbun | company to build their additional car works in that town. Rummiage sale on Saturday, Apel | Mth, in Oddfellows block, corner Syd enkam and Princess street. } "The Country Girl," = appearing Here on Wednesday next, will be a fine attraction. Miss Kathryn Kidder, as an actress, 4% regarded with high fa vor. Jenkins them. The Oddfellows' baseball team has | socured the exhibition groumdis for practice purposes, and will have their | first practice game on Monday ev | 2. & Advertising is the electrical power | which raises the elevator of business up from the collar of stagnation into | the sunlight of growth, expansion, and fruivon. ' Jt wax suggested at the hoard of education that the finance commitize advertise out of town for tenders for the coal supply. The committee will consider the matter, Remember to pay your gas and el- ectric accounts on or before Monday next and get the benefit of the dis count. During April eighty -nive new pupils have "so far been wdmitted to the public schools of the city. Most of these were born in the city, few being new arrivals in Kingston. ' Thirty-five cents for a pound of good tea, sounds almost like a fairy tale~yet that is what we sell our "Special Blend" jor and we guaran tee it good, Your money back if not | satisfied. James Redden & Co { "Side Tracked" opened its engage ! ment this afternoon to -a large sudi- ence, and judging by the frequent ap plause and enthusiasm the play has | not lost any of its popularity. The comedy will be repeated to night, when it will surely have a crowded house. The tinsmiths of the city are baying difficulty in getting - their agréement signed. hy the bosses, and there is a probability that trouble may arise within a few days. The plumbers' agreement still lacks the signature of two of the largest firms in the city, During the next two weeks, while the alterations are going on in the store, we will give twenty per cent. off the following goods : Toilet paper, sponges, tooth brushes, hair brushes | and trusscs, nt Wade's drug stove. There is a possibility that the 14th P. W.; 0. rifles will spend coronation day, June 26th, in Montreal, where | there will likely be a military de monstration. The last time the Kime ston regiment visited the metropolis was in June, 1808, on the occasion of queen Victoria's diamond jubilee. ! Come and see our wall papers. A large variety from which to select. Ingrains, embossed and all latest de- signe, Orders for kalsoming, painting and paper hanging receive prompt at- tention aj} W. N. Lemmons, 8 Wil liath street, telephone 373; successor to- Savage Bros. The Trusts and Guarantee Com- pany, Limited, 14 King street west, Toronto, accepts all classes of trusts funds, whether under will, marriage settlement or agreement. As the com- pany has perpetual existence, ite eli- ents have the assurance that the terms of the trust will be carried out, no matter what period they cover, without changing the trustee, which so often occurs when a private indi vidual has been appointed in that ea pacity. don't keep Bats, he sells I ---- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. Minerva = Asselstine, Alfred street, is seriously ill Principal Grant is fast regaimbg his former vigor. He looks brighter every day. Miss Carrie visiting her Bath Road. Alderman Knapp, Johnston street, ia still very ill, mich to the regret of his many friends. be. J. TT. MeKellop;, Woodstock, Ont... who died recently, was a gra duate of Queen's of 1859, Mrs. A. McDonald, Pine street, has purchased a residence on that street, owned by Miss Godwin, for 81.400 All the Methodist choirs in Montregl have combined and will give concerts on May 15th and 16th. Horsee W Revoir is to be the conductor. Alderman and Mfs. Walkem take up residence «at "Calderwood Porte mouth, "on Monday. They have been hoarding in the city oll winter T. FT. Renton sailed today on the 88. Ontario from St. John, NB, for Liverpool. Me goes out - with the | hunch of school teachers for South Africa Mrs. (Rev.) Rollins and daughter, of Elmvale, have arrived in the atv to spend a few weeks with the form er's sister, Mrs J. 8S. R. MeCann, Queen street. Harry Perry, of the Bell telephone compuny, had his right hand severely | injured 3 y by a battery falling upon it. He is emyrying the arm to in a sling. iss © Alice CUallaghen, Kingston, took part in a eoncert at Napaoer on Tharsday. The Beaver say« she is a promising Jong slocutionisl. and her selections were iy encored, 3 A very enjoyable time Was dpent wt the residence of James Younger, 1 x t cyening, w Stella, is Asseldtine . Fleming, sister, Mrs ! tory. | miscionaries are dechning, { evangelical - faith or | had jes st 245 p.m. * Motives: [{ THE RELICIOUS WORLD PRIEST TAKES VACATION AF- TER 45 YEARS SERVICE. « Methodist Church Calls For More Ministers--Christianity in In- dia--Number of Boman Catho- lies in America, Leamington Baptist church has ex: tended a call to Rev. J. Boob, of London. Christianity in India is increasing more than four tiwes as fast as the population The christian church in Japan i cheerfully feeling the effects of politi- cal prosperity. Rev. 11. D. McDonald, Caledonia, has been given a call to the Presbyterian church, Keene, Ont. It is likely that the North street Methodist congregation, Goderich, will erect a new chure Rev. F. D. Woodcock has decided to remain in his present parish, Camden East, though offered a charge with quite gn advance of salary. Rev. F. W. Thompson, B.A., late of Kemjworth, who supplying Perth MetBodist church, was married a is ! days ago to Miss Lillie Cox, of Mary boro township, There are 10976757 Roman Ca thalice in America, an increase of 201,768 in 1901, 45 given hy the direc New York has 1.200.000; Bos ton, 630,000; Chicago, 800.000. A two weeks' meeting (evangelistic) will commence in the Newburgh Me. thodist = church. Special } prominence will be given (0 the doctrines and riley of the chireh as taugat by oF Wesley Dr. Campbell, Perth, has recovered fo a large extent, and was able to walk' to and from the station on Wed nesday afternoon to see Dr. Crombie, of Smith's Falls, who paid him 5 fiy- ing wisit. It is not believed' that Rev. C. RB Lee, of St. Andrew's church, Grims by, will resign. It is claimed by his friends that the meeting at which a resolution, asking him to resign, was passed, has no legal status Roman Catholic bishops and priests in Ching are acoepting 'the honors and titles conferred upon them by the eis press dowager for their services in settling the indemnities; Protestant preferring to be under vo obligations A letter received from Rev. H. H Coates, Canadian Methodist mission ary in Japan, states : "The time has come when the church in Japan must decide wheter it will stand for an not. do not mysell fear the issue." The Methodist transfer committee refused a transfer to Rev. W. Bridoe man, of the Manitoba conference, who been invited to Dawson City, Rev. E. BE. Seott, formerly of Toron to, may be sent to the northern capi tal. He is now located at Vancouver. Rev. Fr. Barry, of St. Paul's church Oswego, N.Y., leaves for Rome on July 6th. This is his fist. vacation cince he was - raised to priesthood forty-five years ago. He will vepre- sent Right Rev. Hishop Ludden, of Syracuse, N.Y., at Rome and with him 212,000, the Peter's Pence contribution of the Hiocese of Syra- ouse, A call has been issued to the pre sidents of Methodist conferences, an nouneing that owing to the develop. ment of New Ontario and the western provitices of the dominion, there iw now a shortage of ministers for the different circuits. The conference offic cers addressed are treed to encourage candidates to enter the ministry. This is the precisely opposite condition of afinire to that which exifted at the last meeting of the gensral conference, when it was comffained that the over plus of voung men entering the minis trv should be discouraged, as it was crowding vigorous ministers out of the active work. Sunday Services. Bathe! Congregational church Morning, eleven o'cloc k. Rev. D. N. Morden; evening, seven o'clock, Rev Prof. Nicholson To-morfow in St will be celebrated the festival of the patronage of St. Joseph. H is also the anniversary of the consecration of the late bishop (FBrien, whose memory is warmly cherished by the Catholics of Kingston. First Congregational church, eorner Wellington and Johnston streets. Morning, W. C. Melntyre, B.A, of Queen's college; evening, PD. M. Bol andt, B.A. Members will please bear in mind the eollection for foreign mis sions, by special envelope Brock street Methodist church Rev, Fher Crummev will preach morning anil evening. Services at 11 pm. and 7 pm. Morning, Mr Davies, 0 Shining Light." DP. Couper will sing a solo at the evening servies Runday school at 215 am. Pastor's bible class at $15 pm street Methodist church, Ap pil 20th. 1902 . Rev. J. Cooper Antlifi. MA. DD. will preach at 11 cm. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school and bikle clnse On Wednesday even: ing a temperance prayer meeting will be held at 8 o'clock All weleome. Morning, music, "There ix a Land of Pure Delight'; evening, "Hear Me When | Call"; solo, "Come Unto Me," Mary's oathedral illustrious Mise Sydenham, street church, Rev. Dr. Philp, pastor, Sunday, April 20th. The pastor will preach at both sere vices; 11 a.m. theme, "A. Study of 7 pin, theme, "Christian Heroism." a model for today. All miade welcome 10 these services Sap day ethool and bible dase, 2230 pan. Monday, % pm. Epworth Ieache Wednesday, ® pm, prayer and praise wervien. 3 Sydenham wires church Morning sothem, 'Pear Refoge oH Ny Weary Soul": deet. "TF te ng Lend, Wis Perey and Mr. Oriig Evening rothem, "Oh, For a Closer Walk God; solo, Mr. Craig. So "Bbby's" Osk Hall 'Bithy's JE clothing is ai correct, aE oman H. D. Bibby Overcoats. i rr Even Heat Swift's Scranton a take] EACH LUND STANDS BY, ITSELF. GOOD Lond LN SONG re er ea solic arias of the earth from the inca, impurities are picked out by Thereafter it is servencd several Umes before ft renches vou, and dirt, slate, eto, really bave nO aoe, if the dealers are carehul. We ame very earchul -- Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 6 TS i--------------------------_-------------------- ol THINKING OF GOAL? soit are. Jt's a natural thom . You went coal, leo, thab that keeps the fire Here's oon] «= will provide full Of course AL any season serves the best purpose, going to the bet advaniag clean, oclowr chunke--wiich value for what it omis NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wine ter. Your order is sc leited, P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack St. *. OSES Of, .%. CHASE'S ne diseased fie al CURE... 4 Blower, cars the sie

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