Booming Has Failed-- M Kingston A Residential City For The Wealthy---A Sum. tel to Attra et Wealthy y & Beautiful City to Permanent Resi. roa Tat Saturdori) 10 Kingston apple to 1 money, op ofvich our merchants and ; Ldiveetle or ine i live question with | We have bwen tyes for ele] leave more money with us than: score' of families of the laboring " We appreciate the latter, and have no wish to them to the slight. est extent, but merely to call atten tion to the fact that a city also needs the wealthy clase. Who ean estimate what u benefit it would be to have with us, even - for done wonders in other places--to edu: cate the public in good taste and to cooperate with the parks committee and others in suggesting how ta get the best results from a limited expen diture. Good places, being. achioved by agitating this question in the time ago, published a series of ar i which have since appeared i es From field," which modi - 10 suit . Here are hosts of witnesses who bear testimony to the extraordinary curative powers of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Th y are not people from foreign countries or distant provinces, but your own friends and neighbors right here at home, in the city of King= ston, people whom you rub shoulders with in the cars or on the street. They are constituted much as you are, have the same joys and sorrows, and suffer the same ills. : . They don't speak from hearsay regarding Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, but relate in simple, plain language actual facts from their own. experience. They : Dr. Chase. Mo.t of theni - cure them. Can you wonder at their willin rior to all ordinary treatment ? earnest, grateful people who have been sick and found relief and cure in this great prescription of ve been disappointed with medicines in the past, many of them have given physicians every chance to gness to give evidence in favor of a medicine which has proven itself so decidedly supe= The choice of a medical treatment is a serious matter to you, It isa matter of health, vigor and happiness, or sickness, v eakness and misery. ease than to Judge from the ex ple personally, i WELLINGTON STREET. Mrs. Corkey, 272 Wellington Street, Kingston, Ont., States: "I suffered a great deal with = ner vous headaches. In fact I was so bad that at times 1 took weak dizey spells and my nervous system seemed quite undermined and exhausted. Some time ago, 1 heard of the good results ae complished by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and began to use it. Since 1 have been taking this medicine a great change has come over me. the head aches "have disappeared, my nerves have been strengthened, and | do not have any more of the dizzv spells. | have nothing to thank but Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for this change." DIVISION STREET. Miss S IL. Hipson, School Kingston, Ont., States : "For some time I have been trou bled with indigestion and nervous dyspepsia accompanied with very se vere attacks of headache. I procured a box of Dr. Chase's Nerve rood, and can say thai I am more than pleased with the results accomplished by this remedy. It ds now some time since | have had a headache at all, and my digestion has gradually become norm- al. | can fully decommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as an excellent medi ORDINANCE STREET. Mrs, John Liston, 43 Ordinance Street, Kingston, Ont., States: "T have been troubled a great deal with indigestion or nervous dyspep- sin, and subject to severe attacks of headache. Hearing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food highly recommended 1 be gania treatment with this remedy. I ean say now that my nerves are steadier, the headaches gone and my digestion very much improved. 1 can speak very highly of this medicine for the above ailments, hecause it has proves wonderfully beneficial in my case." rience of others ? CHARLES STRE T. Mrs. T. Daizell, 21 Charles St., Teacher, 136 Division Street, Kingston, Ont. States : "One of my children suffered very much with headaches, caused no doubt from overstudy and a run down condition of the nervots svs tem. These attacks of headaches were very trying on her and | noticed that she was graduslly growing weaker and more nervous. About two months ago I got her a hox of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and wines she has heen uving this p reparation we are move than pleased with the improvement which has been made in her health, She looks one hundred per cent. bet ter, her gerves are steadier, she is not bothered with headaches and is gra dually increasing in flesh and weight.' SIXTH STREET. Mrs. Thomas Hall, 3 Sixth St., Kingston, Ont., and Whose Hus- band is Employed in the Locomo- tive Works, States : "¥ have suffered a great deal dizwiness. These spells came quite froquently and I think the trea ble arose from indigestion. After a with on me course of treatment with De. Chase's Nerve Food | have been entirely free from this distressing symptom and ! feel better and stronger than 1 have for years. I can heartily recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ay it has wn- doubtedly been a great hoon to me." PATRICK STREET. Mrs. L. Whalen, 60 Patrick St, Kingston, Ont., and Whose Hus- band is an Engineer, States : "As a remedy for nervous, sick headache and indigestion arising from exhausted npetves, 1 consider Dr Chase's Nerve Food an excellent treatment. 1 have used this treatment myself for the above ailments, and judging from the benefits which 1 bave derived from it | can recom- mend this remedy very highly for any one effected gs I was.' Study these letters. BARRIE STREET. T. J. Maloney, Foreman in the Broom Factory and Who Lives at 368 Barrie Street, Kingston, Ont, was all run down in heal EV. WAR Very. nerve sonsideral began using Pr. Chas and bave found it the bL that I éver came acre up wonderfully so th the present time is up my pervous system and made feel hike a new man. 1 can fully commend Dr, Chase's Norve Food." PINE STREET. Mrs. James Hurst, Grocer, 159 Pine Street, Kingston, Oat., Sta- tes : "I frequently had distressing dives feelings in' my head in the worning and suffered a great deal with pains in my back. About two months ago I began a treatment with Dr @ hase's Nerve Food, and it wae not long lie fore I noticed 5 great change in my condition. I rest and sleep well now, and get up refreshed in the The pains in my head and Tack not bother me any more. 1 em figm!y convinced that this preparation thoroughly and permanently me, and that my systom is much bos fited by its use." mornin RIDEAU STREET. Mrs. J. Page, 51 Rideau Street, Kingston, Ont., and Whose Hus- band is a Fireman, States : "1 was all run down in health and as consequence 1 was very necsous and subject to dismey epell began using Dr. Chase's Nerve ix weeks ago fc beneficial nr ase. MH tonod up my nervous u bale up my health generally and entirely freed me of those distressing © digzy spells. 1 can recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as a very superior medi cine." It may be a case of life or death. How can you better aecide on the remedy best suited to your particular Investigate the cases most like yours. possible. Ask them how they fe't, what their symptoms were, aud how Dr. Chase's Nerve Food benefited them. E>" We Will Forfeit $500.00 If These Testimonials Are Not Genuine, Call on these peo- JOHNSTON STREET, J. W. Groves, a Soldier, Living at 288 Johnston Street, Kingse ton, Qnt., States: "I have suffered a great deal with pain in the small of my hack and my nerves have been very unsteady. Since used several bLoxes. of Dr Chase s Nerve Food I can sav that I found thisemedy most helplul to je, My nervous system. has. been toned up, the pains in my back have entirely disappeared and I fool better 5 every way. | hope tust others who wee this statoment of my case will be equally benefitted by the use of this . baving excellent medicine," ------------------ VICTORIA STREET. Mrs. T. Harrison, 734 Victoria Street, Kingston, Ont., and Whose, Husband is a Fireman, States : time 1 have heen trogs pled with pains in my back which bathersd me a great deal. At thames 1 bard dizzy fellings in my head and wonld suffer from severe headaches. 5 Chase's Nerte Food because it has entirely freed me of these distrossifie Ryne tors afd so huilt up my system that 1 now feel peal well¥ "Yor some enn heartily. endorse LANSDOWNE STREET. John MeKegg, Carter, 19 Lanse downe Street, Kingston, Ont. States : 'I an pervous that 1 would start up without any cause gid seems have no control over my mers wd from a weak back which came doubt, from my bring kinds of weather and my kidneys being od to x I also suffer exposed in consequently m oud of order, Chase's Nerve Food my system seems to be much strengthoned, the sudden startings have ceased to trouble me and | am relieved of thé distressing pains in my back." DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD For eve Chase's Nerve Fo -d, is a positive, thorough and reliable cure. the digestive organs and building up the system by instilling new richne pleted nerve cells. 50c. a box, 6 boxes for $2 50. At all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To rewedy. all | that is Improvement that has results have, in other press. The Republican some > oy, form entitled © "Let us Beautiful - City of Spring this many of the ideas low have been 'taken, and 1 past. There is still too much ugly, too much that is shan and pretence, hut the standards © of both among archi tects amd with the public. The differ ence between beauty and ugliness is 'appreciated, even by the people who have to live in ugly houses. In our own city there gre many in dications of an increased feeling of civie pride, of desire to have things beautiful. Biewcling, gol and out. door amussments im general, have increased enormously of late years, have awakened an intevest in patare new to most urban Canadians, and taught ws how the natural advant wasted. of a generation ago was perhaps too near 0 the soil to appriciate the value of publig rebervations, but in taste are rising, quite built Doseronto Tribune plates an That which development of of the city have typical Canadian | iro furnace at which, it is LOOKING TO THE NORTH. The Bay Of Quinte Railway Ex- tension. Bay of Quinte railway conten hos » ain eommenced Tiehborne Bouse, this time with tied intention of bs modus operandi at the Pergu northwesterly from Tweed. Preliminary surveys are being made to determine the route He bas sold tiventy feet North Hastings which the milway is intended to enter is rich in minerals and timber, ealew Inted to support the industries at Le seronto and elsewhere along the toute: | he to open the way to further industrial existing enterprises, and encourage new ones as well. The enlargement of the charcoal Desstomto ean only come through the proposed extension, saderstood, will bring within reach rich deposits of suitable iron 'and charcoal timber: ThE k { to Deseronta of the extension portion of On Site of Napance; John Apri 19 of the lol Wo Wi the old frame st a ol back On John erected on the enrner. now stands. Workaen were terdliy moving the huilding, ten feet was accomplished He has who had the Lisivesd oon for will ke srectad. ---------- -- House in Napanee. Mithgan work on th being Freel sixty and a brick of modern architecture where hurded sholeton of the old Tichborne buy yee ened moi It ie sabd he will envlose the frame and convers it ino go shop and that it is glrency ns wood as rented for 8 carriage shop offers {rian one the wick that BR. J. Wales is exeavating for the | st remy and | the ol OU the Old Tichhorne | house. The re | ! ! A JOLLY BATH. The grass, flowers children a symptom and every ailment w hich is the result or accompaniment of exhausied nerves or thin, watery blood, Dr. ymp ) Ap $ ; g ; \ Itisa Rigs and is gently laxative, regulating perfectly the action of $¥ into the blood and new vigor into the wasted and de~ _-- TO REAR NEW STRUCTURE. {conta of bis now blogk, apposite the furniterd company's ware dente of Mill street drilling a well for ter convenience on the pros uM 5. Mills Mill street. y df the Brisco house, the brick house on cently veoupied by J, Gibbara hive comment Nab br visiting hie sister, s Gurrett, for gu day or two Charles Stevens shipped & fertilizer nnd fonki to (ewe: per schooner Mery, this ---------- Cerpet Cleaning . Bhould be. dose early before the bh. At Carnovsky factory, Ontario strews, old, nusty carpets made to look wiwiet sew by a thorough pro- cons, Moderate prices, Cuspeta. taken up and relaid if desired, never ine jared. "Phoms HH and love a bath, Use Since having used De, =