Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1902, p. 4

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] VARNISH iT WITH KOPAL ESE Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Isita iage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? 'Is it inside? 1s it outside? : "1s it dull and dingy? | VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as as a varnish 2s goed It's or general use, Corbett's : 3 Hardware Get Rid of Them at Once. ~FACETT CREA King Edward Vil ~AND-- ~ Queen Alexandra Their latest portraits after "Snowman" R.A, just re ceived. Edition limited CALL AND SEE THEM. ) TRICK'S ART STORE ees; sosesesesnssesses OUR STOCK: Is In Good Order. : i a 1T COMPRISES Pine, liemlock, Maple, Oak .o 4 +S. ANGLIN & CO, : Foot of Wellington Street. : PEEPS 90000008000008000 1 tively hn THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH published WHIG, onsh oveving, at 306-310 King Strest, st 0 Ediniods 8% 2.90 spd 4 BRITISH . WHIG, 12 pages, Thursday moraing st $1 & 1 in of the best Job Printing Offons in Comma: rapid, wiylish and chenp work; vine feproved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. 1 HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' THE DATE IS FIXED. The information which some people were so anxious to hdve has been given out by. the government of On- 1ario, namely, that the provincial election will take place on May 20th, the nominations a week earlier. Mr. Whitney may not have been consulted about the date. Tt is vot that he was. In the palmy days of conservatism it was not asual for the the government to call in the opposition leader for x conference, the men in power bowing humbly to the individual called the "enemy." There is not much ground for the grievance that Mr. Whitney has not been sum- moned to the liberal counsels. Both sides have been contemplating this meeting at the polls, and the time between now and election day is wafficient, at least with the liberals, for the culmination of the campaign. There will be more or less skirmish- ing, of course, all along the line, is a preliminary to the grand parsde. and general engagement. The government will be sustained by a large majority. That is certain, be- yomd question. Anything to the con- trary can be regarded as the frantic yawps of a disgruntled party, which is defeated before it enters the battle, RIOTING IN BELGIUM, The Belgian riots are the result of political troubles long continued, and they are bound to exist until one side or the other becomes clearly domin- ant, in the direction of national af fairs. The antagonism, strangely enough, is the result of clerical ag: gression which, in 4 country where re- figion is wo conspicoous, is all the mors motable. But this clericalism has been resisted for many years, and bas been even defeated by the rapid increase, and activity of the opposi- tion. In Belgium, as in contiguous countries of Europe, socialism 'has heen coming to the front. It is tak- ing the place of those other phases of thought which commanded attention for a while and which confronted the clerical in their pabny days. The movement was helped by proportion: al representation, that new pringiple of political selection by which every vote is caloulnted to tell for some ode, in some way, end in. which the elect are said to represent the wiole. The opposition was not, Bowever, united as it is to-day, and in their unity now they are demanding reforms, and chief of them the 'adoption of man- hood franchise, the plan of one man one vole, as the cure for an alleged manipulation of the plural votes by the clevieals, The rioting is the ex- Pression of that public feeling which is inclined to become turbulent and disorderly. It may subside, but there is, apparently, the assurance of it only a the king brings about a re conciliation, or the adoption of = ex pedients to meet the demands of the people. « THE PEOPLE SUFFERING. Ald. Craig can afford to laugh at the ravings of his political opponents. As a member of the council he simp ly. listened 10 the representations that were wade to him, and had the Jocal boiler-makers subscribe to their own proposition that they would do the work as cheaply as the Toronto firm if it were given to them. The letter which was given to him was in pro tection of himself, and the surety that what he did in council would have There was, as a matter but Jor the insinuation that Selby & Youlden might not make the boiler, when it was ordered from them at the figures referred to in the Craig re- solution, : The talk about caucuses is absurd. From the conservative sice of the council 1 al any rate it is uninviting. I The finance committee can, on appeal, recommend a refund of a portion of the fee, and this j« the eourse that should have been followed in the op era house case. But queer things are being done because there is too nich | polities in the council. People will have occasion to lament these political exploits, in connection with committees. Once they were formed there has been heard nothing more about them. But this year they have heen in evidence right along, the deliberate choice and desire of the conservative party, The result is apparent. In doing public business it is not a question of what is best Tor the city, but what is best for the party, and the electors are, in cbnsequence, getting a grinding they should never forget. a---- MEAT IS EXPENSIVE. Al kinds of meats are commanding high prices, and the worry of many people is as to the cause of it. There i a trust on. the American side, a huge concern involving millions of capital, and said to be so well organ: ized that it aims at the perfect econ: trol of the meat trade in America. This syndicate, whose mewbership is unknown,~and purposely so, in order to evade the annoyance of the attor- ney general and his minions--has, it is alleged, divided the country, or continent, inte sections, and made such assignments of it as will guaran- tee the heef contractors all the profits of the trade. % Trusts, in the United States, when they represent combinations of capital which injuriously affect the people, can be dealt with--if they can be got at. But the heel trust is o secret or- ganization, whose influence ix only evidenced by the general increase of prices, and to figures which lift meat from the plane of a common necessity to that of a luxury. The increase in prices meanwhile is burdensome, and it is driving some restaursnt-keepers in the United States out of business. But what about Canada ! What of the rates in Ontario ? They are high all over it. Enquiry establishes the fact that the supply of beef is limited, and that the farmer is getting fancy figures fop the live stock he has to soll. One explanation is that Ameri- cans last fall took out of Ontario a lot of cattle, which they purchased cheaply, the owners preferring that to holding them for winter feed. What. ever the reason there is a scarcity of beef, spd those who like it choice must pay handsomely for it. There is no likelihood of a drop for some time to come. The high prices will send a good many persons into stock raising, and with the result that the business will be outdone. EDITORIAL NOTES. So far there gre just four independ- ent candidates in the field, for legis lative honours, and Mr. Marter is one of them. It's dollars to doughnuts that he will be elected. There can be no peace in South Af rics without the complete surrender of the Boers. To give the Boers what they want would be to admit that the tremendous sacrifices of the nation have been for naught. ¢ in It would have been better for Bul- er if the Spion Kop dispatches had not been published. They seal the man's fall. They furnish the evidence of the awful failure at a critic cal point in the campaign. The conservatives are trimming on the New Ontario question. They want it to be distinctly known that they are as willing as the liberaly to de velop the territory. They may be, but they have a bad way of showing it. ---- What difference does it make how the council found out that a boiler can be made as cheap in Kingston as in' Toronto, so long as it is satisfac: tory ¥ The' acceptance of Selby & Youlden's offer is in the interest of economy. -- There was great fun in North Tor: onto when Mr. Flavelle waved the flag indeed they have occasion for it now. The only | , politieal jugglings heretolore have been THE DAILY W S10, SATURDAY, APRIL 19. TT en EE £9 559664 455590 wor SES IDIENE § OVER THE Teh COPS. Mrs. Arthur Matheson, who has been a guest at Huzelaell since March, re | turned to-day to ber home at Games bridge. s * Miss Reckis left for Montreal om Thursday and will go over to Eng and next month for the coronation ceremonies. Miss Jessie Reckie, who hax been vigith Mrs. Ward at West: mount, return to Mrs. Maenangh- ton's on Thursday. Miss Anna Lesslic leaves on Monday for a six weeks" visit with cousin, Mrs. Reuban Leonard, at Cape Bre ton. Miss Wright and Miss Durie, who were Mrs. Carr-Harry' te, return ea to Ottawa on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kent returned from Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Ed. Moore Thursday night for Winnipeg, after spending three weeks at Mrs. Wal dron's. Mes. Arthur 8. Evans sailed from n, Burma, on Wednesday, and ber arviyal in hingston, to vat her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nash, is a pleasure that is eagerly anticipated by her large circle of friends here. "I'he long journey will take somewhere about six weeks, so it will in all pro- habitity be the end of May belore Mrs. Evans reaches Canada. Miss Holiday, of Winnipeg, who was staying at Mrs. Scary', left for Mon. treal on Thursday. to spend a week there before peturning to her home in the west. Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Rogers returned \from Bermudg last Saturday night. Miss Constance Tandy leaves for To- roto early next week. : 3 Liewt.-Col. and Mrs. Reade returned from the Toronto horse show on Mon- av. Miss Thompson, who has been with Mrs. Butler at Barriefield, left for St. John on Thursday and sails to-day for her home in England. Mr. and Mrs. Butler and Miss May Butler are going over to England in Jane. Mise Ovisp left on Thursday to spend the summer at St. John, NB, Mrs. O'Hara left on, Tuesday for London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham have removed to their house on Bev- erly street, formerly ocenpied by the Rev. O. Crisp. Mr. Almon has rented the house lately vacated by Mr. Cunningham on Barrie street. Mrs. F. W. Kirkpatrick has taken the house formerly occupied by Prof, Glover, on King street, next Col. Mec: Gill's, and will remove there next month left on » » . . The Singleton Whist club met at Miss Macaulay's on Wednesday night. The prize was won hy Miss Clements. Mise Swift and Mise Loretto Swift entertained - at lunch at "Elmeroft," on Thursday, in honor of Mrs. Henry Joseph, of Montreal. Covers were laid for twelve, the other guests being : Mrs. Walkem, Mrs. Drary, Mrs. Len nox Mille, Mrs. Lindsay (Montreal), Mrs. RB. E. Kent, Mrs. Reade, Mra. Leslie, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Albree, Next Saturday afternoon there is to be be a Badminton tournament (mixed doubles) at the armouries. This towrnament will close the club meetings for the season, as & cement floor is about to be laid at the ar mouries and the work is to be com: menced early the following week. Mry. Drury gave a young people's supper after Dr. Baldwin's organ re cital on Tuesday night, in honor of Miss Edith Drury's birthday. There were twelve guests. The birthday cake was a conspicuons feature on the sup- per table and the ceremony of blowing out the lighted candles caused a great deal of merriment. Master Alex. Mach. Kirkpatrick celebrated his birthday last night Ot with a boys' ping-pong party. Miss Bea Monrpe returned to tawd yesterday, after ending =» fortnight with the Misses Stoughten. Mrs. Lesslie, George street, was 'At Home" at the tea hour on Thursday. Miss. Lesslie received with her moth- er, and the tea table was in charge of Miss Frances Macaulay and Miss Eth- el Herchier, ass sted by Miss Irene Kent and Miss Marion Calvin. Pr. Minor C. Baldwin, of New York, was the guest of Captain and Mrs. Cochrane during the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson entertained at progressive euchre last Er Eh ter twelve » n play the score gy wore counted and six prizes awarded. Mrs. Waddell and Mrs, Almon cut for the first prize, a hand some silver chatelaine bag, which was won by Mre. Almon, Mrs. Waddell took second prize, a silver ink eraser, and Mrs. Garrett captured the conso- lation prize, a fancy tape line. Mr. H. H. _Gildersleeve won eleven out of the Twelve games and deserv: edly carvied off the first prize among the men, the trophy being a silver backed clothes brush. The second prize i covered hottie was won by the consolation prize © the lot of Mr. Almon, suests included Mrs. Britton, Mr. and . Cappon, Mr. and Mrs, Pense, ¥r rma Swangs, Me, an Mr. and the Bishop of Ontario, who ix to as sims at the consecration of Dean Car » ¥ *. » Congratulations are extedded to Cadets Tett and Patterson. who have been pinted second lieutenants in the Mounted Rifles, for service in South Africa. The news was received Ly Colonel Reade, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Patterson left that night for Roches ter, where his mother ix visiting, and Mr. Tett left the next day for Bed- ford Mills. Both young are to report on Tuesday at Halifax, where they are to be stationed for a month before sailing. Mex, Hemming, of Knowlton, Que. arrived yesterday to spend a few days with her som, Lieut.-Col. Hemming. There was a special mess dinner at Tete de Pont barracks last night, as a farewell to Major D. I, V. Eston, who has i in command of one of the troops for service in South Africa. Major Eaton leaves to-might for Halifax. Mrs, Eat. on will follow next week and will re main at Halifax until the troops sail for South Africa. Lieut. -Col. Skinner is staying over for two or three dave in Montheal {en route from Halifax), and is ex: pected in Kingston on Monday. The workers for the Y.C.C.A. gym: nasium fund are disappointed in the financial results of last might's con: cert, only ten or fifteen dollars hav- L % ' receive on Thursday afternoon, and Friday after noon and evening, April 24th aml 25th, at 217 Bagot street. Richardsons' elevator ; Schooners Magee L. and Echo, from bay ports. The M. T. company steamer Glen: garry will likely be rebuilt next win- ter. The schooner New Dominion, from Oswego, with coal, arrived at So ward's wharf. The yteambarge John Milne called at Swift's whatf, ea route from Smith's Falls to Oswego. The steamér New York of the "White Squadron," is the voungest of the fleet, She was built only in 1587, The steamer Monteagle, of Ogdens burg, N.Y.. still lies at Mooers' ele vator awaiting entry to the govern ment dry dock, which the dredges are now occupying. M. T. company elevator : 88. Rose mount and steamer Glengarry, with their consorts, cleared to-dav for Fort William; tug Thomson and two bar- ges, coal laden, arrive to-morrow from Charlotte. The early opening of navigation ix bad for a drydock as carrying vessels which may require repairing to last the whole season, will take advantage of the early opeming to get cargoes, and continue in service until a lull comes, before docking. Sydenham Sayings. Sydenham, April 18.~The pulpit in the Methodist church here was oven pied on the 13th ult. by the Rev. Dr. Philp, Kingston. His appeal in be half of the educational fund was re sponded to liberally. On Thursday evening Miss Ethel Moore, on a some- what lengthened visit to southern California, Kansas, and other points, returned home. She was accompanied by Ber widowed sister, Mrs. Anderson, and her children. Parties are at work putting a new fence around the grave yard. W. Shiblev, the liberal candidate for the Toeal house, was in this place yesterday, canvassing some of the electors. Election matters seem very quiet here. «1 Believe It To Be The Most Ei- fective Remedy for the Sto- mach and Nerves in the Mar- Ret." Is what Annie Patterson, of Sack- ville, N.B., says of South American Nervine, for, she says, La Grippe and the complications which followed it left her next to dead with indigestion, dyspepsia and al nervous shat- tering. It cured her. For sale by Hen- ry Wade and E. C. Mitohell.--100. "Army Life," Monday. One of the best features in "Army Life' which is to be given in Ontario hall, on Monday evening next. is the gymnastic exercises of the Aldershot squad, which took the gold medals at the military tournament in. London last year. This picture was cheered to the echo in Massey Hall, in Toronto, this week, and will be of peculiar in- terest to Kingstonians. The pictures depict all branches of the service and are very fine. ni-------- Ax Extended Popularity. Brown's Bronchial Troches bave been before the public many years. They are pronounced universally sup- arior 10 all other articles used for i . Por relieving conehs, mings. | 20 PER CENT, DISCOUNT, |sTARR A MOTED PHYSICIAN, Doctor Wanata, of Lansing, Mich, Says There is Nothing in the Materia Medica that Equals Lydia BE. Pinkham's' Vegetable Com- pound for the Cure of Woman's Ills. «Drar Mrs. Prasmas: -- The honest, intellizent physician is above the * School' Whatever is bestin each ease should be used, no matier to what school a physician belongs. I, as a matier of conscience, can only prescribe the best, and as I kuow and have proven that there is ing in Materia Medica which equals Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege ie Beam in severe enses of female disorders, I unhesitatingly preseribe it, and have nover yet been sorry. "[ know of nothing better for ovarian troubles and for falling of the womb or ulcerations; it absolutely restores the affected parts to their normai condition quicker and better than anything else. I have nown it to cure barrenness ia women, who to-day are happy mothers of children, and while the medical profession looks down upon ' patent; : I have learned, instead, to look-up to the healing potion, by whate name it be known. If my fellow physicians dared tell the truth, hundred® of them would voice my sentiments." -- Dr. Wanata, Lansing, Mich. % Y 7 4 b We DR. WANATA. As Dr. Wanata says, if physicians dared to be frank and open, hun- dreds of them would acknowledge that they constantly prescribe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in severe cases of female ills, as they know by experience that it can be relied upon to effect a curt Women who are troubled with painful or irregular menstruation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), lencorrheea, falling, inflammation er nleeration of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that "bearing-down" feeling, dizziness, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues should take immediate action 10 ward off the gerious consequences, and be "restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then write to Mums. Pinkham Lynn, Mass, for farther free advice. No living"person has had such a vast and successful experience in treating female ills. She bas guided thousands to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice. Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound has carried hundreds of women through the periods of child' bearing and change of life in perfect comfort and safety, A medicine that das #0 many women to health and ean produce of the fact must be with respect. This isthe record of Lydia E, nkham's Vegetable Compound, which cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever produced. It is well to remember these facts when some druggist tries to get you to bay something which he says is *' just as good." That is impossible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege~ table Compound ; so do not experiment with untried medicines. REWARD, -- We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $5000, which will be 10 any person who can find that the above testimonial letter is not genuine, or was pu before obtaining the writer's special pee mission Lydis E. Plakbham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa. EE -- a ----l = Saving Money Is' Making Money. You can make money by doing your shopping here. You can get the advantage of our Discount A STRAIGHT Sale SAVING OF 20% 'Off all goods in stock (except Cottons and Sheets ings). When you get that discount off our usual low prices it is something worth considering. Pattern Hats. ready-to-wear Hale lin Trimmed Hats, Hat Shapes and Sail ore. Children's Headwear, Millinery Trimmings, Flowers and folinge. 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. | Mu Ginghan in ihe 1 i ¥ "20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 190 pair i * 20 PER CENT, DISCOUNT. Breve Goods, Silks, Waist Materials Suitiigs,: Dress Lining and Trim M0 Quilts 10 cle 20 PER CEN I. GISCOUNT. Small Wares, Notions, Toilet Arti- pedi cles, Ribbons, Laces, ¥. "20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. Whi te Cation » Undersh ite, Dress Skirts, Tatlor Made Suits, Silk and Sateen Waists, Corwen, Jackets, oe. 5 Collars, Cults, + PER CENT. DISCOUNT. | 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. & SUTCLIFFE'S, Princesa Street. Kinaston. Ont. wt came Ey PENNYROYAL TEA. |EEER : Don't Buy Boots Jong the prices and styles Beis, Cha tedmind Bags 20 PER CEN". DISCOUNT, Pursis, = rage, Men's Furnes Howe, Braves pi ---- t ear, nt--

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