a d KINGSTON, ON1AMIO, MONDAY, APRIL 31, 1902. DAILY BRITISH WH I -------- = SIT LAST EDITIOX "HORSE SALE Ta or rt. WESTERN HOKSES Mares with Foul «= |ROBERTSON BROS. --=|GRAND Upwirrds. Halo ay 1 o'clock SH DOUBLE MAIL CART, FOR COLLEGE STREET, . garden. Lowes Uuion street. at Whig Offies. - INEXPERIENCED Laundry, SMITHS" HELPERS. Lawroswon; King MRIS, STEAM. AND GAS FITTERS = a. from Daviom, Ohio. STING Roy 10 WORK IN 40 bi J. Wilieaw, RM. RAE REE Is No: Satisfied With Govera- meat's Action IN CONNECTION WITH THE SPION KOPF DISASTER. There Are More Despatches, He Says, Which Will Relieve Him From the Reflections Now Cast Upon His And Others' Reputa- tions. , April 21. Gen. Sir Charles has written to the newspapers a a TS in A hn ens 14 to scl ct from. $7.59 For $5.50. We have hundreds for you Bat we offer you a special set of a best English maker. 97 pieces. Regular price ive a totally in- correct, if consider. ed by themselves reflect injurigus- the mili oputation of himself and those who served so well under him. He trusts that the govern: ment will publish the complete docu: ments. Meanwhile he says be will re frain from making any further state "Draw Your Conclusions. respondent concludes a despatch to that Papel, saying: "As most of the Boer gates have ordered clothing and groe- erica bere, for pearly delivery, you may draw your own conclusions." A despatch to the Standard from Pretoria, dated Saturday, says there is i le reason for believing that a tentative mt regards peace has been arrived at, which, unless something unforeseen to vitiate it, will prove mutually cor- dial. The correspondent adds that he understands that a basis of assured ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! The Seasea's Most Notable Event! THRYN KIDDER Mansgoment of George I. Brennan. Cast of Star PRICES--260.. 0c, 78e, Aaa Corrisges amy be ordered ele of seats 10 sm, Seturday of Haw 81.50. Under orein of BA, A. J. SMALL, Losses snd Masager, Wed'y, April 23rd "THE COUNTRY GIRL, Magnitude. Patronage of the Command. ARMY LIFE] peace on the initiation of the Roers themselves has at length been reach: od. The opinions of the continental ress on the peace tiations is less Hvotable shan Shas a had by . ish journals. It Agen n faa are asserting that the con: ference has been broken off and will not be resumed. Their pessimism may be a sign of irritation over the minor part. which they are playing in Bringing the war to a close, while they have been secretly consulted by the" Boer leaders in the field, their work passes without observation. Gen. Dewet has gone to Heilbron, Botha to Vrvheide, Delarey and Steyn To Klerkstlorp and Myers and Reitz to Cape Colony. The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Utrecht says it is recognized there that the Boer delegates at Pretoria have full power to negotiate without Me the Boer im reference to peace otiations. 14 is belived the Transvaalors will everywhere accept the terms, ae they an in ho' wl enmioue ioe ae e ign. only difficulty likely to occur will, it is thought, be with the Orange Free Staters. In the meantime, there will be no cessation of hostilities. The delegates d beck in Pretoria th How soldiers are minds in 4 of the service. Uglow's. 3S BY?Y British arm; Veanth pie Te a, ud tog. imi, wd JOIN H. MILLS Jucion Sal of Planes, Fania, one! sands of are expec : | middle of May. CONSIDERING CONDITIONS. A Meeting of a Secret Nature at : Winnipeg. Winnipeg, April 21.--A meeting of all el railroads was held hete last night, which lasted till after raidnight. t took place was not divulged, but it is stated, on high authority, that matters concerning the conditions of labor on the Cana- dian Northern railway and Canadian Pacific railway were discussed. J. T. Wilson, president of the track. men's union, is expected in town with: Disastrous prairie fires visited the Medicine Hat district last week. Thou: miles were burned N mately the country is very settled, but the in path of flames will lose = heavily. Rev. J. M. Florell, Mi is, has peen called to the First Scandinavian A 5 + It is said that the Roblin govern BY JOR B. MILLIE =v 25 incy ! ! linte the big minority which SALES AT PRIVATE RESI. A DENCES, : voted for the liquor act by introduc i tion restricting the liquor k ok . ASKS FOR ALL Ah Gs RIVER SAEAMER BURNS. | City of Pittsburgh is Destroyed on the Ohio River. Cairo, IN, I 21.--The sidewheel steamer Cit: Pittsburg, from Cin: cinnati to is, was bu early reports stated that six- ty ive lives were Jost, and that many were burned and otherwise in- i y were burned or in- i of the steamer het can be given, eith- or survivors, 10 complete lists. Captain Phillips dis that the death list aay qeach Most of the wre still in bed when second clerk Oliver Phillips gave the alarm. The engineers at once all the pumping engines while brought ail the hose in id the streams of water on the Sames from the lower anything for themselves. The smoke was stifling. Great clouds floated through the blazing sitamer, choking the rs and. adding to the terror. evied pitdfully, begging that they be saved. La ts were and every effort was made to save the passen- gers, Boats were seat from hore to help in the work of rescue and passen- gers were landed at the river banks. As fast as thé boats could be emptied returned to the ill-fated steamer. T pushing logimer, was quickly ed » but passengers try he to jump from the stern, and to swim ashore through the swift cultvent, many were drowned. Many also perished in the flames. Help, except from people living nearby, did not arrive until the after noon, and mgers, with only night Slothes without food, suffered ter- ribly. Among the first bodies recovered were those of Capt. Wesley Doss, of Cincinnati, and ae Mare Tissim, of Cannelton, 1. captain and clerk claim in all eighty persons have been accounted for, leaving sixty people jost or unaccounted for. The Pittsburg was built at Mariet- ta, in 1699, and was valued at $80, - 000. She was 300 feet long and eighty fect wide, and was owned by John M. Phillips, and Abraham of Pitts burg, and Dunna Scott, of Zanes- ville. Mrs. Phillips, wife of the com' meander of the steamer, and her son remained hove this trip. She received bé was not weriowsiy hurt during the fire. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. The Belgian labor party has order- od the strikers to return to work. The London trades' union congress are opposing the taxes recently im- posed by' the British government. Alice Smith, a young school teach er of Richmond Hill, L.1., nearly died from taking complexion tablets. The Allan line steamer Peruvia from Halifax, fot Liverpool, arriv at St. John's, Nfid., at 9:30 a.m., on Sunday. An order-in-council has been passed prohibiting the use of dynamite or other explosive for the purpose of catching fish. The Allan steamer Siberian, from Liverpool, for Philadelphia, via St. John's, Nid, and Halifax, arrived at Bt. John's, at 5 am., on Monday. Thomas Robertson, speaker of the Nova Scotia legislature, died at South Dakota; on Sunday, where he Bad gone for the benefit of his health. On Wednesday, the eighteen mouths fold child of Andrew Muir, East An gus, Que., fell into a barrel of water and when discovered life was ox: tinct. One man was shot dead and two were probably fatally wounded in a melee of Halians in front of the Whitesboro botuse, Rome, N.Y., Sun aay night. t is reported from St. Paul, Minn. that the city is bringing action inst the Twin City railway com. for damages to the amount 000 for alleged electrolysis water mains. David Torrance Fraser, one of the oldest chartered accountants, in Mon- a telegram from here hupband, that | MEETING OF Heid Ia Ouawa Os Sanday Aflicrsoon CONDENN THE COVERNMENT FOR PUTTING THE CRIMES' ACT INTO FORCE. Addresses By Leading Men At the Capital--A French-Canadian tion Will Promote the Interests Of Its Countrymes. Ottawa, April 21.-At a mass meet: ing of Irishmen, held in Ottawa, yes terday, a resolution" was unanimously adopted condemning the British gov- ernment for allowing the Crimes act to be put into force in Ireland. The resolution characterized the action as unparalleled folly and tyranny in pre- venting the Irish people from using legitimate means to secure the redress of their admitted grievances. The speakers were Hon. John Costigan, senators Sullivan and McHugh and Mr. Hughes, MP. A Prench Canadian organization, to promote the interests of the Frinch- Canadians in society, politics, religion and eduentive, was organised re; yesterday, with E. Tasse as chairman, Delegates were present from Nipissing, Elgin county and the Ottawa district, Other delegates will arrive to-day and then a statement will be issued givin the lines along which the society will work. DAVIS MAY BE MISSING. Despatch, Says State Electrician Has Disappeared. Corni N.Y. April 21.--State glec- trician E. F. Davis, Caton, his been missing since a short time after the exeoution of Leon Crolgoss at Au burn prison, in October last, for the assassination of president William Me Kinley at Buffalo. Davis' uncle, L. A. Davis, has be come alarmed at the absence of his nephew on account of threatening Jet: ters received by the latter shortly be fore the execution of Czolgoss. At that time the state electrician received a dozen letters stating that he was he carried into execution the order by killing the assassin. To a few of bis close friends, he declared that he would pay no attention of the state. habit of writing to his relatives here, notifying them of his whereabouts. Mr. Davis stated that after he acted in his official capacity at the execution in Auburn prisop. " SLUMBER ENDS IN DEATH. Miss Ida Hennessey, of Oswego, Asleep 175 Hours. Oswego, N.Y., Hennessey, fifteen years old, whe re tired at ten o'clock on the night of the 12th inst., went to sleep and bal fled the skill of physicians to awaken hor, died at - five o'clock on Saturday morning. For 115 hours she slept, while cold baths and electrical appli- ances were used on her and medicines administered to awaken her without avail. Twice she opened her eyes, but only for an instant, and again lapsed into unconsciousness. She died not showing any signs of illness excopt a weak heart. . Escaped In Night Clothes. Brockville, April 19.--At an early hour this morning the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newman, living on the outskirts of Brockville, were awakened by a crackling noise ip the kitchen, which was found to be in flames. The family were aroused, but the flames spread so rapidly that the inmates barely escaped in their night clothes. There were no available means of fighting the fire, and the building, one of the oldest landmarks, was allowed to burn to the ground. A portion of the contents was saved. The fire started in an old five place, i boarded up, sparks from the pipes dropping into the ae cumulation of soot which fell into it from the chimney. Fruits Of The Traffic. Comberssere, Ont. April 21.--A sad event occurred bere the other day. Two young' men, J. Mabon and Rob ert Mahon, had been drinking all day, and in the eveni started (0 ei oifs princes shall arrive on May }4th, and a marked man and would be removed if state's to them, but would carry out the opders L. A. Davis states that his nephew was oftentimes away from home for weeks, but was always in the no word had been received from him since shortly April 21 <-Miss Ide A FRIGHTFUL DEATH. Two Halifax Men Killed By An Electric Car. Halifax, April 21,-A frightful tric cor accident happened (dgpt. even: ing at the corner of North and Wind sor streets. Two men, Petey 8, Gilioy, a well known sthiete and baseballist, and John Shortall, were killed, and an- other named J. Scott, a blacksmith, had his arm out off. The men had been out driving and were returning to the city when the accident hap wened. At the junction of the streets named, the horse shied gt an eletric car, and turning quickly) overturned the waggon, and threw ihe occupants on the car track. Gilroy's head was crushed by a wheel, and Shortall's body was terribly lacerated. Jt was thirty minutes before the bodies were removed from underneath the car. About forty spectators thes managed to overturs iL Scoit's arm was practically tors from the socket. He was removed to the hospital. THE LAST HONOR. Remains of Spain's Former King to Be Laid in the Escurial. New York, April 21.--The death of Don Francisco De Assisi, former king of Spain, will not affect the gocession festivities, says a Madrid despaich to the Herald. 4 ib of ministers Lhe foreign that a grand moeption shall be given instend of a ball. The former hing's body will be brought to Spain and interred in the Eseurial. It will be re ceived at the frontier by the Duque De Sotomayor at Jrun. Several for eign sovereigns have sent messages of condolence. : THE POPE'S CHOICE. Designates Cardinal Sarto as His Successor. Rome, April 21. Considerable portance is attached to a recent re mark of the pope, who, in conversa tion with Father Lorenro Perosi, the Italian composer, asked him for news of his friend, cardinal Guiseppe Sarto, the patriarch of Vemice. "Hold him very dear, Perosi," said his holiness, "as in the future he 'will be able to do much" for you. We Srmly believe he will pur sucoeseor."" Cardinal Sario is an Hakan. He was born in 1835, avd was created a cardinal in 1893 GREAT SECTION LAID WASTE. Fire Visits South-western District of Kansas City. Kansas City, Mo., April 21.--A de structive fire visited the south-west ern part of this city on Sunday, lay ing waste a section of dwelling houses almost a quarter of a mile long and a block wide, and doing damage to the amount of $75,000. John Stiune, of Quincy, Il., a spectator, was seri ously injured by a falling piece of iron. To Honor Lord Kelvin. Now York, April 21.-The American institute of electrical engineers and other scientific societies of New York will unite this evening in giving a reception in honor of lord Kelvin, past president of the Royal society and one of the foremost of England's men of science, who came to this country to attend the installation of presi dent: Nicholas Mwrray Butler, of Col- umbia university. The affair will be in the nature of a farewell demonstration as it is hardly probable that Jord Kelvin will ever visit Aibéries aguin. He is now more than seventy-six yoors old and quite feeble. Lord Kelvin, when twen ty-four, was elected professor of phy sics in 3 university of Glasgow, a chair which he ocenpies still. He was knighted in 1866, at the laying of the first eable, with which he was identi fied, and was created lord Kelvin in 1802. His chiel inventions have been the mirror galvanometer, the siphon recorder, and the improved mariner's compass. He has elaborated the work of Joule, his life-long friend. Canadian Casualties. Ottawa April 91 Farrier Williaer Hunter, of the 2nd battery, Cana dian mounted rifles, is dangerously ill at Flandsfontein, of a gun shot wound, received in the eng with the Boers at Kleinhart's on March 31st. Hunter enlisted Winnipeg. Williams Blanchard, of the same corps, is seriously fil at Elandsion win, with enteric jever. He enlisted at Peterboro, Ont. _ Result Of Arbitration. Rat Portage, Ont," April 2].-This town will poy 855,129 jor the plant of the Citizens telephone and electric com pany as & result of a Safhation by two 5, obe representing town and the company. The town sould ol have bought the plant for 855,000 some weeks age, but the thought amount two high. y Rioting by coolies place on Jamaica island. Many Jock injured, The Nowest Eels Candle Shades ok WEATHER PROBABILITIES, (10 amy, April 3) loeal showers at wivhi. Jt cg Toronto, Out, Iv clouds wowily fgir WASH 600DS Blameléss work of printer and wearer. Designs no where winning, fwices no where more business like, and not one good kind missing from dainty dimi- ties to the sturdier ginghams. Bat, of cowse, it won't take long to make deep invonds, for with each day's svn your mind turns more and more 10 sheer SEMMETY WOAVeS, French Organdies, English Cambrics, Swiss Muslias, American Lawas, Arish Dimities, you will -andorstand why ORGANDIES AND MUSLINS. Fancy Embroidered Swiss Muslin; for summer of evening won: in black, whit, pink, sky, mauve and bios; with black and white fancy weroll: stripe and figured design; will make a very attractive waist or dress, 44 inches wide; yard, $1, $1.25 $1.35 Fine French Organdies; light, medium and dark grounds; with spots and fancy figured de- sign: very sheer guality; 2 inches wide; per yard 45¢ Ae, to A fall range of American Mus ling, including Organdies, Dimi: ties, and Batiste; in all the very latest colorings for summer and evening wear; 28 inches wide, 10g, NY a Steaey & Stoacy, BORN. NOOERS---At Goderich, on Mr amd Mes, MF. Noo bora) We advise early choosing and Colored Apeil 156k, to TE, 6 won a MARRIED. MLAREN HOUSTON<AL Levark, on Apel) ik, Jom Bebann wr See Bora Hous wan, boul iy NOOKE-RATSON AL Uspeb, on Apel 9th Marshail Moors, #08 of James Noor, of Ompah, to Mow Neoud Watson DIED. Walballa, North Dalote, 18th MoFarimd, beloved wile of Shewron Housing, aged birty four volte, Foparal ivewiay, from K. & F. stasion, on arrival of train from Renlnw, 4 ps JAMIESON~In Kiogeton, April 2Mw, 1903, ary Ann Robbson, beloved w ol Joseph Jumiveon, 43 Jubneton steel Fitueral private. No Sowers Montreal amd Torosto papers please 3} M MULLEN --Entawd mio ret, To 2, Freda BE Harti, Charles UG MoMullen, aged years, snl on the ih bw, daughter, Feoda months The servies HORNING<At tet, Bells iwenty five bor inka for the burial of the dod will be said ber late residence. No Sate street, Behenectmly, N. XY. Toesday, Apel i, at 3 pm Relatives and fricmds are respectfully invited to alt= Niogstoni, on April 200s Olas Alexsndor, Infant son of W. EK Awe nie Ada, of Reafrew, Ost on Apel Tork Wianiteed ohild of Wiliam Glenn, Arther Km sped | ten April Tek Ele Inte Feromed Mow Famers! private GLESN In Plotom, T Ghon, only aved six vents nu Sisto, Appell 11th wn of Walter Seth, mo the WEVOY Ja Pitan, o Melovey., relict of the Evy, aged sighiy twe vears LOUCKS At Napier, on Avril 1805, the RON ¢ wou of Jove Lenihe TO CLOSE OUT AN ESTATE THE HAND. soifie trek restience No. 53 Ontario wirwd, somtaining ten rooms. bot walter healer large Jub, will be sold shen This wonbd make two mediom gherd dwellings. J 8S. R. McCANN, 51 Breck $t.. Cor. King St. . Tro, NCANDESCENT : + Belleville April 21 = 8.4 For wth Africa, snd Wis rather. Dr. Au : SH. Farvell, j + i will juin the sefical pt