Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1902, p. 6

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hy book Wks Go do Tur tw Oat what y Beauty for the Hors ad Benuti- pi RR Tie indroduection wrivien by Mre. Pussy Meow 4 , New York, MITCHELL'S HARDWAKE. . DAVID HALL, ctic Plumber. ii fo wide cirele of friends ; Over two months ago Mrs. McMullen » ase. 0 si FEEEsty SESECRIEIEL: RenEEiali esas $32subiaz asst £%3 - ~F faa¥iadngd tit $s3frsgrseyisses] tt gedgziy 2 * What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News, Ts is reporied CPR. shiechoiiers may wot Yo bos this year out of the land sale pro coeds. Potatoes. form ibe world's gveatest single grep, A,000,000,000 bashels being produced snneally, ecusl in bulk to the entire wheat parts of Alrien. It is seid thot Swit & Co. s big United States concern, not satisfied with enormous profits on beel, desire to corner the market in ees. They hold 43,200.000 eres im cold storage od Jereey City, to dole out in small amounts. An jncrease of three cents per doves would ner $108,000 profit on the lot. 3 1% Sharp frrogularities . are likely to oscur in the stock amd money market, decaide the situs: Ftivn jo not as. sntislactory. an. a VEAL ARD amt realizations mast follow: yet thers are | prewent all the elements necessary (0 active speculation, in which dhe railroads are en titled to & decided preference. The industrials chould be lols severvly alone. A ken owt look must be kept tpos the crop situation A wood horvest would insure another year of gener] prosperity. A partial failure would prodoce swwelcome results. ---------------- Died At A Ripe Old Age. A sad death took place this mom: ing at five o'clock, when the wife of ex-giderman Joseph Jamieson, John: ston street, passed away after a long illness. She had been ailing for a couple of years of general debility and about two weeks ago took a turn for the worse. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Robinson, wand she was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, sev- enty years ago. She came out to Ca nada when a child, and was married to Mr. Jamieson in Montreal, in 1850. Ten children blessed the union, of whom nine survive. They are | David, jn Calgary, NWT: Thomas, John L William and Alexander, in this city : Mrs. O. Linton, Division street, and Maggie, Annie and Flizabeth at home. The deceased was a member of St. Andrew's church, and was of a qudet, kindly disposition. Death Of Mrs. McMullen. The death of Mrs. McMullen, = of Schinectady, N.Y., brought sorrow to in Kingston. was taken with a serious illness, but rallied, cad ber recovery was slmost But the illness returned, and on Saturday the patient suilorer en tered into rest, The deveasad wav a der of Dr. Bartlett, R.N., Eng fand, and a niece of Yr. WF. and alderman J. B. Walkem, of this city. She was wedded to Dr. Charles CG. MeMullen, Sche NY in Oe tober, 1000. During long stay in Kingston she made many warm friend- whips, and her carly death is deeply lamented. Made A Presentation. The Burks and Hawthorn clubs met on Saturday night at the home of Mise Florence Hubbard, Rideau street, to bid her goodbye, ere she Jeft for Toronto to accept a position. Miss Hubbard was presented with a ladies' companion by the cli 'mem- bers. The night was pleasantly spent, all remaining to escort the young bostess to the early morning train for the west. ---------- Smoker To-morrow Night. To-morrow evening a smoker will be given in the reform committee rooms, Princess street, one door east of Sawyer"s boot and shoe lors. A good musical programme wi giv. en. Come along and smoke good union made cigars, The registration of manhood #ufi- faffes voulre for the coming elections will take place in Toronto on May 7th, Sth, 9th and 10th. Alderman J.B. Walkem left for Schenectady, N.Y, of his niece, this to oe i | George street, TO AID IN PUTTING STOP TO UNWONTON SLAUGHTER. a mse. Poachers From Ontario And New Brunswick Actually Clubbed |. Game to Death--Big Order Re- ceived For Flour. : Montreal, April 21.The Lake of the Woods milling company have reccived brders for Canadian Hour aggregating 43,536 bajels. One ord x from Australia sad the other from South Africa. 1. Z. Jonas, provincial inspector of fish and game, is in the city. He says that during the past few months there has been a great slaughter of moose, earibon snd deer in the pro- vince, mostly from Om tario and New Brunswick, who cross od inte Quebec, and drove the game into valleys, where the snow was deer] and simply clubbed them to death. Mr. Joncas states that he has had great difficultien in obtaining war rants for the arrest of these and it will be necessary to appeal to "1 the atiorney-generals of theses pro- vinees for assistance to put a step to the=e raids and the uswonton destruc. tion of me. Mrs. William Hargraves, 130 St. sick for the last two months, jumped gut of the window of the third storev of her home yester- day. She was picked up by constable Mugiord, who carried her into her Fome. Dr. Finnie was summoned, and after an examination he stated that Mrs. Hargraves sustained no injuries beyond 'a few "bruises. Mrs. Har graves is forty-five years of age, and wei, about 200 pounds. dis- tance she jumped is thirty feet, and her sscape from serious injury is re: markable. 3 A "Thurs was great "setivity- in Can adian Pacific on the stock exchange this morning. Over 6,000 shares be- ing sold. That stock opened at 12% and advanced on large buying owders to 1282, but finally receded selling at the close to 1364, compared with 1263 at the close on Saturday. It is said Webb interests are buying freely in New York. There was consi le ac tivity in Twin City which opened at 1234. and advanced to 123. Toromio rails were slow opening at 123}, and selling off at the close to 121}. Nova Scotia indusirials were dull, but firm. RECRUITS HAVE LEFT. Were in Charge of Maj. Eaton-- "One New Man To-day. On Subday morning the Kingston and Port Hope recruits for the third mounted rifles left for Halifax on the 2:30 o'clock train. There' were thirty one men in the force, and. they were in charge of Maj. Eaton, late of "A" battery, R.CIA. The iollowing composed the squad of enlisted men : Acting Sergt. T. J. Turpin, Acting Corpl. T. W. Ross, Pres, E. Bull, J. Pillig, J. Rolland, J.T, Jones, E. Worden, E. German, J. Lewis, G. Read, C. W. Cooper, J. Steveps, 8. H. Grimason, F. Artless, C. Cockburn, A. T. Smith, enlisted at Port Hope: W. J. Daniels, E. T. Kelly, C. Edwards, G. E. Doxsee, J. H. Winiord, A. G. Ray, J. M. Rollans, T. Mulady, B. H. Campsall, A, Lewis, E. B. Howard, J. B. Hatton, J. Ma- jor, W. 8B. Roberts, Tptr. Lamonia- gue, enlisted at Kingston. Recruiting 'was again very: slow to. day. This forenoon one man was en- listod--8. Edwin Aiken. The young man is a son of police constable Ai- ken, and a lieutenant in the 4th Hus: sars. Recruiting will be continued here until orders to cease have been received from the militia department. KING'S THIRD LEVEE. His Majesty Went From Bucking- ham Palace. London, April 21.-Ki Edward held his third levee at Bt -- palace. To whieh he proceeded for the first: time from Puck face: The public took full adv antage of the greater possibilities of viewing the procession which is afforded by the longer rote. The levee was moderate ly attended. The United States am- bassador, Joseph H. Choate, and the other members of the United States bassy Jove g dipl + ng. Othere " Ampricans were QUEEN WILHELMINA Is Progressing Well-Everything Satisfactory. The Hague, April 21.-The following bulletin was posted this morning at 3 "The queen slept part of rince . Henry went for a ride this morning for the first time since ber majesty's illness. This. was taken to be a favorable and was Killed. Deceased two venrs of age. A widow and three children survive. The 'vholers relarne at Manile show no improvement. There has been a on Friday night, is still at large. It in fered bes mow in Con ; K at Hong Kong from Wu Chow eontindics he of the king's colonials, were presented at the king's levee this af: ternoon at St. James palace. the Quebec labor unions are on strike since this morn ing. They bave uit working for the of the buildin struction. They insist on being paid $1.50 per day instead of $1.25, The Pittsburg, Pa., Despatch says the United States steel corporation intends to: start. work on the great est bridge plant in the world this summer and to push it rapidly to completion. The work will extend for three-fourths of 4 mile along the Ohio river. Open violence, reaching possibly to the extent of insurrection, is expected in Ireland by Irish leaders in the Yo- ited States, a= a result of the enforce- ment of the crimes act, and the ex- pected proclamation against the Unit- ed Irish league as a seditions and un- lawiyl society. Money is being for- warded. from America to aid in the fighting. AFTER EIGHTY-SIX YEARS, London. Merchants Get Klaim From Chancery Court. London, April 21.--In- 1818, the year after the battle of Waterloo, an aristocratic customer of the i{amous firm of wine merchants, H & Butler, ran up sh account of £20. This year the firm was surprised to receive from the court of chanowy a cheglie for £96 12s. 8d. in settlement of the account with the accumulated interest, The customer became bankrupt in 1816. 8 uently he sot nside for the bansfit of his creditors' £2,000 in the then newly issed econsols, the value of which with' the acenmulated interest is mow gredtly enhanced. comparativel speedy settle: ment by the court of chancery of the account of Hedges & Butler was as sisted by the fnet that the firm's trade ledgers go back in com! form tot yedr 1667, rendering proof of debt easy. ---------- ALLOTMENTS OF STOCK. In New Shipping Corporatiop-All Taken Up. / London, April 2F--The allotments of stock in the new shipping corporation were all taken up by British members of the syndicate at noon to-day. What proportion was given to Europe the gahs declined 40 but evidently it was not so large as desir ed by the British interests. Regarding the defection of the Cun- ard, Allan, Anchor and French steam- ship lines, the Morgan views ae as "It remains to be seen whe- not to get ever beginning." The idea is, that the pres tnt combine is quite big esough to start with, and it is hetter to get iv down to a practical working basis be- fore being too anxious to make a clean sweep. e Lashing By Police. ' New York, April 21 ~Commissioner of immigration - Fitehie has received om Washington to investi gate published stories that immi- nts wha land id this cp A the ory are brutally trea by the police on duty there. Sonmizsionee Fitchie is out with /a en in hand bv ardent local work tion Presided Over By Mr. Ross. Toronto Glebe. The Globe publishes despatches from its th 4 the polis. There is every indication that the opposition intends to make & suprewd effort to ge control of the government, and the campaign will be & vigoroks and strenuous one. The H- , however, appear to be, as a rule, excellent] organized and to have utmost in their brilli- ant and successful Rose, and policy for the development of Ontario, Where the i is at all in complete it in being energetically tak- ers, On the other hand, it is only fair to the opposition to state that be claims to feel the utmost comfid: ence in the result of the elections. His claim should serve, as a spur to yet keener exertions on the part of all who have at heart the interests of the clean, enterprising. and progres. sive administration presided over by Mr. Ross. Neo Doubt About Kingston. Ki * ¥ April 20 Special)--T is not the shghtest doubt but that Kingston will as she hos done for the past decade, return a liberal as her party representative, The liberal party here was neyer more strongly united, and Mr. Pense has at his back pai; , for he was the imovs choice of the party at its convention last January to sonfest both the bye and the general elections. No other name was mentioned and the nomin- ating meeting was the largest held for years. It is fully recognized that the conservatives have a strong standard bearer in mayor Shaw, but Mr Pense's public-spiritedness, his enter: prise, his liberality and the great ser- vice he has re to the city will stand him well and gain him many conservative votes. Frontenac was long a conservative stronghold, and the record of eonser- vative victories was only = broken when Mr. Haycock. the liberal-patron, won the seat in 1504. Then in 1898, J. 8. Gallagher, brought it back to the conservatives. Mr. Gallagher is again the opposition candidate while W. J. Shibley carries the liberal banner. Both candidates reside in Harrow- smith. The meetings in Mr. Shibley's interests have been uncommonly well attended and enthusiastic. A change of feeling has been gradually growing throughout the country, and the lib- eral candidate represents the progres. sive, awakeni spirit. His prospects of success are brightening daily and in the coming election there is rpason to hope that Frontenac will be re deemed and numbered henceforth as a liberal constituency. Mr. Shibley de- tlares he will oust Mr. Gallagher and that spirit of determination is half the victory. Honors A Chicago Woman. Chicago, April 21.~The Interna tional society of La Savatewr of Paris, France, has awarded Emma C. Sickles, a Chicago woman, a gold medal "for exceptional bravery in checking the Indian war of 1890." Miss Sickles was the first to learn of the plan of attack, the real cause of the outbreak, and, af the risk of her life went to chief Little Wound's camp and persuaded him to come in- to a conference and throw his in: fluence on the side of peace. Miss Sickles' previous position 8s puperintendent of a large hoarding school at Pine Ride gave her a knowl edge and friendship of ihe Indians, which made this polisible, and she went from Washington to hakota, authorized by secretary Proctor, Gen. Schofield and Gen. Mi to use her offices among the disafiected redskins for the restoration of peace, Her sue cess lod to the bestows! of the badge of honor, i Servant Girls' Rule. Hamilton Meraid. Who are the rulers of the earth? Not the erowned heads, nor the may ors orf magistrates. In this city they ave the servant girls, This morning someone expressed surprise that the magistrate was offering his residence or sale. "Oh, our girl wanted us to sell," he | ined explained. "And you move about for the ae commodation of your servant?" "Have, to or have my wile do all the work," answered his worship. "Tras girls refuse to go so far, al though any a: ount of them may be bad in the centre of the city." Sadly Received, The word of the death of Warren F. Burton, of Hamilton, by shodking ac ident, was received in Kingston with great by his members of St. George's union. He was their at conventions and leader. premier his vigorous and patriotic -g regular-battalion of influential cam. LN is selected from the very highest grades grown. It is HIGH GRADE PURITY--its fragrance proclaims its excellence. CHASE & SANBORN, ALL GOOD LaceCurtains Now Ready For Your Inspection, CURTAINS FOR BED ROOMS, $1, $1.95, $1.60, $2.60, $3.25, $3 and up. CURTAINS FOR DINING ROOMS, $32, $1.50, $1.75, 82.95, $3 and wp. CURTAINS FOR PARLOR, $5, $4.50, $5.50, $6.76, 87.80 and yp. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS From Sbe. & pair up to $4.50. SASH NETS. Very od new designs for this spring, Prices-- 200; 80s , 880., 800., 400. different woods. CURTAIN POLE TRIMMINGS and ENDS, In Brass or wood. CURTAIN MUSLINS, Spowend fancy designs, 10s, 13je., 1be., 18s, 3. CURTAIN POLES, All lengths, FLOOR OILCLOTHS As 860. per square yard, A lot of new pattervs, ENGLISH OILCLOTHS, 2 yards wide, 266., 800., 405. pet rquare yord. ENGLISH LINOLEUM, 405. and 80c. por square yard. These are except. ionally good values. J. LAIDLAW & SON. JAS NIS Pp OPNg ONT NPSOSAIN Pp? SS SNIP ee Tr THE LOCKETT

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