: DAILY ITIS KINGSTON; ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1902 H WHI TES LAST EDITION UNDERTAKER : Opers House, DNE 577, WESTERN HOKSES, Foul Some wish Jpwasde. ? _---- % AY, Jr. BETS, GAS _HANGE, PUG WET articles, will soll Privately at Be DOUBLE MAIL CART, FOR bo pearly mew. Apply 432 , COLLEGE STREET, ooLLE0 A Draamond, 101 Lower Union street. wrder. THAD ATI i Ho mors oven : pour vob RR iuply on" promdses, Mrs. Mouch. ooo | In An Eiaberate Revival of David Readers to Post Themselves By. Many a blessing fn disguise offcctuslly eo capes detection. Moving pictures of British army life, city bail, this evening. A business neods advertising quite en wich as plants need oir and sunshine. Women are umiurally winder bearied No womian , ever deliberately stopped on» mouse. A women will forgive & man almost wny- thing--esorpt the fact that be boat ber af ber own game. Smoking concert at reform rooms, Prin ectn miveet, this evening. OGood mumic. Everyone welcome. We have never done spasmivdic advertisiow ~always kept ab it steadily, and therefore have never experienced revalsions --Murrsy Kerrig, Verris Bros. Co., New York. Sale of household furniture at the resi dence of Mew. Browest, Union street, at 1080 am. tomorrow. Plas will be sod eleven o'clock. Jobs HH. Mills, auctioneer. This day in the world's history: Strath; cona's horse and Canadion °° mounted rifles wo to help Rundle, 1906; © Kossuth bown, 1802; Brisa Bore, king of Frelaid, killed, 1044; bottle of Camden, 1781; blockade of Coban procieimed, 1896; first Sanday art ex hibition opened in London, England, 1594. DINNER DINNER We have hundreds for you to stl:ct from, But we offer you 'a special set of a best English maker. 97 pieces. Regular price $7.50, ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND °™% | WEDNESDAY, "APRIL 23RD ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY 1 The Season's Most Notable Event ! KATHRYN KIDDER. areick's Immertal Co «THE COUNTRY GIRL." Management of George I, Bronaan. Cast of Star Magnitude. PRICES-<250., S0c., 78, $1. $1.50. Free list positively suspended wn b Carel may 10:48. Sa " Under the P, ange of ersineChiot and Under the Ansplces of Lt. «Col. Skinner and Officers of the XIVih P. W. 0. R., In For $550. HOUSE this en for Sale of seats 10 am., Saturday at Hane attractions, Monday, April 28th, iy A TOWN'S AB 20h, "EVIL EYE." I ---- A I MS pr | hgh ONTARIO HALL, 1." times ARMY LIFE i wee oe ve we CANNOT PUBLISH THEN The Daily Note Book For Whig . The Goverament Will Not Permit Anythisg More , A BEING CIVEN T0 TE PUBLIC BEGARDING BULLER AND WARREN AT SPION KOP. Four Steamers at the Service of the King During the Naval Review in Connection With the Coronation~The New Ship- ping Combination. London, April 22.--A despatch from Pretoria ways ex-president Steyn and commandant Del arrived at Klerksdorp, on Saturday, on the way to join their commandoes. case of Sir Charles Warren, who complains that the publication of Gen. Buller's Spion Kop despatches did him injustice, was raised in the house of commons, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Brodrick, secretary-for-war, stated that Sir Charles Warren would not be permitted to publish any documents reflecting on any officers engaged in the campaign. The government was not red to publish further state- ments from either Sir Charles or Sir Redvers Buller... i ming. ..each other's actions or justifying their own conduct. King Edward has accepted the ser- vices, for his porsonal and national guests at the paval review, on Jiine 2th, in connection with the corona- tion, of the steamers Teutonic, Kin fauns Castle, Akabo and Araba, which will be loaned to his majesty by their owners. Shipping circles in Liverpool ridi- cule the idea that that port will be superseded by Southampton as a passenger port, under the shipning combination. - Officials of the. White Star company deny the reports to this effect. They also assert that Mr. Pirtie is simply a shareholder in the company, and is not authorized to negotiate in its behalf. The general feeling in Liverpoo] is that the gov- ernment should intervene to prevent the amalgamation process from being carried further. It is confidently believed in South: ampton that one of the first acts of the new directorate will be to make Southampton the only port for pas- senger traffic, The Graphic thinks that nothing so far disclosed warrants extreme views in connection with the new shipping combination. The new trust, doubt- Jess, will keep up rates; and perhaps will check the growing speed of new steamers and their luxury, but any other marked results are unlikely. The Chronicle bewails the forming of the steamship trust, saving that the supremacy of the Dritivh mercan- tile marine is not merely threatened, but is practically annihilated. It be lieves that Mr, Morgan ang the ather railwa goates were lor@&d into the <hipping business in order to save their other undertakings from their over-capitalization. This, is declares, may produce a commercial collapse some day, involving a large portion of the Englisch trade. The paper then disciisses the effect of the merger in the event of war with the United States, and calls upon the govern ment to safegward its rights over the beidized White Star line nm A Goon Blige. Apply to L. J. "aa VANT, wi . A GOOD" GENERAL SERVANT, WITH RY Rin ni ofan, 1% Thus ¥ Sutcliffe, 298 Uni: | good Programitie, How soldiers are made is British army. of the service. nood at 800 4:18. Children. 10c. at ve 8. a Thursday aliernoon, 4:15. ENSE, ot OGRESS, ROSPERIT Young Libera Bally Smoking Conserl To-night IN THE REFORM ROOMS, BLOCK. OPERA HOUSE Pretty Speeches. All Liberals Welcome. 3 BY 3 branch Seats 28c., 83¢. snd SOc. Wocknendu v after "mt nal below " | Special -sthool children's performance m Lord Ebury ded, vesterday, at a meeting of Henry Clay, Beck & Co. He said that, as the result of ne- gotiations with the American syndi- cate; sn hath been made by which tha position of the shafeholders was ssleguarded for at least two years. Ninety per eent. of the ordin- ary shares had been sold to the syn- dicate, whose intention, he had no doubt, was to reconstitute the Ha- vang commercial company awl to place it in the charge of the Bock company. If =o it seemed civar that the Bock company would 1ractically control the Havana cigar trade. Rear admiral Jord Beresford ix the conservative candidate for the house of commons in the bye-election in fhat he wilt be elected. the B in correspondent of the Sun learns that on the best authoritv that the German emperor's yacht, Meteor, will begin her racing 20th; when she will take part in the Elbe regatta. Prince Henry will be aboard the Meteor in her race and it in ble that the kaiser also may sail on his host on that ocrasion. After the levee at St. James' pa- lace, yesterday, the lord chancellor's only ter was married to - Ed- ward W Giffard at All Saints' the archbishop of Canter career on June 000 . capital of the commons Sir is 00 parks with £15,000,000 orkes systom. Wolwich and it is practicglly certain SIX BURNED TO DEATH, The Building Caught Fire While They Slept. Ottawa. April 22-8ix people were: burned to death in Full this morn: ing. Thomas Hill, thirty-five years of age, liveryman, his wife and three children, Pearl, aged eleven years old, Kobbif, nine years old, Maggie, five years old, and John Watson. Shixty rs old, were the victims. The Hill amily lived at the corner of Bridge and Wellington streets, and were asleep when the fire broke out. It is supposed that the fire was causéd by lightning. The Hills were found in the ruins of their home, and Watson was picked up ik the stable, where four horses were also burned. An in- guest will be held. Hill was a native ol Poutise county, Que., and had lived for some years in Ottawa before he moved to Hull last fall. He bad a narrow escape from being burned out in the big fire on April 26th, 1900. How It Is Viewed. London News. ? The liberal administra- tion of the affairs of On- tario has been as honest and careful as that of any government in the world to-day. It is not to owr credit as Canadians to teach ourselves te believe that our public men are thieves. Such talk is mere- ly the ranting of irrespon- sible men. : 2000000900600 00000 laster cast by John Sharpe, formerly of Toronto, of the bust ' of the late Nicholas Flood Davin, for the memorial to be erected in Ottawa, is regarded with general approval. One hundred and twenty-six Ottawa men marched to the Central station this' morning on their way to Halifax and South Africa. There was no mar tial music, but all along the streets, from the drill hall to the railway sta- tion, were ¢rowds of people, while at the station were thousands. There was almost as much enthusiam as when the first contingent left here. The boys were cheered again and again and all were happy when the train pulled out of the station. Re- cruiting is still going on and other young soldiers will be sent forward in a few days. An effort is to be made to rush through the business of the session as speedily as possible. The government has decided to hold morning sessions next week, Prorogation is therefore ex- pected about the middle of May. Some are of the opinion that the work of the session cannot be got through be- fore May 2ith, while a very few think that the local elections will in- terfere and keep the house sitting un- til they are over, The HERE'S A FUNNY THING. American Merchants Get The Bet- ter Of British Mails. New York, April 22.--It seems hard- ly creditable that business cirenlars of firms in the United States should be sent to England to be mailed here to addresses in the United States for the purpose of saving postage, yet this is the actual fact according to the Herald correspondent in London. This curious state of affairs ix said to have been revealed at Liverpool by the treasury instructions to the customs officers located there. These officers have been ordered to seize large consignments of circulars in bulk which are then addressed, have a hall-penny stamp put on each and are dumped into the Liverpool post office to be carried back to Am- erica in the mails. The postage rate under the laws of Great Britain for such circulars is a half penny for two ounces to all coun- tries in the postal union, but in the United States the postage is two cents, equivalent to ome peany. It is therefore obvious that business firms who sent out thousands of ciroulars each week, can save money by ship ping them in bulk at & low rate of freight to Liverpool, and then having them sent back to the United States. The attention of the treasury offici- als was called to this matter by an official in the Liverpool post office, who noticed that several large con- wgnments of American trade circulars addressed to. parties in the United States had been posted in Liverpool 'He investigated the matter, and found that the practice has been in vogue for some little time. The result of his investigations is that immediate steps have been taken to stop the business. Death Of Faith Curist. Columbia, 8.C., April 22. Because who for two weeks had tion, . of belief in cure by faith, the Rev. R.' Barbican, E.C., The Scene of a Destructive Fire MANY FIRNS_BURRED Oot LONDON FIREMEN WERE EAR- LY CALLED OUT And They Kept the Fire From Spreading ~-- Aldersgate Sta- tion in Danger--Firemen Hurt. London, April 22--Loudon firemen, under cc of commander Wells, are ¢ in fighting a conflagra- tion at jean, %.C. The fire was ono of the biggest since the famous Cripple Gate fire of Nov- ember, 1897; It began in MacQueen's hat manufactory, and rapidly spread to the opposite side of street. The wind fanned the flames, and burn ing embers fell in all directions. Three hundred firemen and forty engines were engaged in preventing the fur ther spread of the flames. Owing to the danger that the Aldersgate station might catch, traffic was temporarily suspended on the Metropolitan rail way. The flames were visible for many niles. The guests of the Manchester hotel, adjacent to the Aldersgate sta- i tiedly _quitted the building. Altogether, three large warehouses on the south side of Austrglian ave nue, two on the north side, and buildings on both sides of New Zea: land avenue were gutted. Twenty firms and shops were burned out. Two firemen were injured. A LIVELY TIME, ---- Troops Charged on a Crowd of Opponents. Helsingfors, April 22.-A majority of the communes of Finland have refused to elect members for the conscript on board as a protest against a recent army edict. Friday was the day for the levy for the Helsingfors conserip- tion district. Only. fifty-six represent- atives out of 857 offered to amend the levy. A crowd hissed these and the senators and the Cossacks were call: ed out. The latter charged the crowd, injuring meny women, children, and aged persons. Gen." Kaigorodofi final ly withdrew the troops at the request of the burgomaster. Such a scene was never before witnessed in the streets of Helsingfors. ENDED HIS LIFE, Leaving a Note Saying He Had Been Going Crazy. New York, April 22.--Joseph Holden Sutton, employed as managing clerk for a firm of lawyers, commitied sui- cide at the hotel Manhattan yvester- day. He left a note for his employers im which he said everything would be found in good shape. The note closed as follows : "I have heen going crazy for some time." Sutton was thirty-two years of age. He was a graduate of Princeton uni versity and of Columbia law school. KAPPELLE'S CASE, Judgment Rendered in Case of Buffalo Insurance Man. Lockport, N.Y., April 22.--Justice W. W. White, over-ruled the demurrer to the indictment against Edward Kappelle, the insurance man, charg ing bigamy antl filing false papers, but reserved decision on the demurrer, charging him with grand larceny. He also reserved decision on the motion Ao allow defendants to examine the minutes of the grand jury. Bail was fixed at $3,500. Wounded Canadians. Ottawa, April 22.-The governor: general received the following cable from the casualty department at Cape Town : Dangerously ill at Johannes burg, with gunshbt wounds, Pies. John Millen and Michael Murphy, of the 2nd Canadian mounted rifles; hoth these men. were wounded in the en fogement with the force under Gen. Jolaréy, at Kleinhart River, Millen enlisted at London, Ont., and his fa ther, John Millen, lives at Wingham Centre, Ont. He was wounded in the jow and leg. Murphy enlisted at Peterboro, and his"father, C. Murphy, resides at 32 Lewis street. ia that city. He was wounded in the scalp. The following cable dated Sunday last was given out hy government hotse to the press to-day: "Cape Town, Kpfil 20 Dangerously ill, enteric fover, April 19th, John Ar thur Wilson; Robert Deasd' and Wil liam Robinson, 2nd CMR. Elands fontein."" . Wilson is from London, Robinson from Haliiax, and Dease from Mon treal. Issues Manifesto Against Them. - London. April 22. The Cobden club has issued a manifesto signed by Jord Welby, vigorously protesting agsinst the _ imposition of corn duties. The manifesto' seth forth that so to do would inaugurate 5 policy of great work of Peel tion and undo the ad Gladstone, Jt that the DR. TALMAGE'S WILL, Deceased Divine Left 'a Large Es- tate To Family. Washington, D.C., April 22 The will of the late Dr. T. DeWitt Tal mage was filed ybsterday. It leaves an estate valued at more than $300,000, of which about $250,000 is im 'personal property consisting of scoured notes, United States four per cent. bonds, stocks and cesh in bank; furniture, pictures and household effects, The real estate is worth about $50,000, comprising his house in this city, and property in East Hampton, L.l., and in his former home, Brooklyn. The will gives "the widow' third" to Mrs. Talmage, and the remainder share and share alike equally, to all of his chil dren and their lineal descendants, SMOKE AT WORSHIP. ---- Workingmen Obtain Extraordin- ary Privilege. London, April 22--The odor 100 ill-smelling tobacco pipes. now pervades the sacred simosphore of Westminster abbey every day instead of the sweet incense one might expect to find there. This is the resalt~of an innovation started the other day, when archdeacon Wilberforee invited the workmen who are making the ab- bey ready for the coronation to spare twenty minjites from their dinmer bour for religious worhsip. He gave them an ounce of tobacco each, telling them from the service and. make themselves happy. So 'each day at moon'the men sit on the stone benches and smoke while the services proceed. CITY OF PITTSBURG. Death Rate Has Not Been Re- duced From First Reports. Cairo, His., April 22. -~After a search of two days, the death roll of the burned steamer City of Pittsburg has pot been reduced at All from the first reports. Of the 145 persons on the boat when it burned, about one hali aro still missing, and no farther hope for them is expressed. The books and valuables of the boat, crew and pas sengers are still in the ruins, The wreck is above water and still smould- ering. Owing to the heated condition of the hull search fog those cremated in it has not been begun, And very few of those drowned have beeli' recovered, owing' to thg swift cirtent #t the scene of the disaster. THE KING'S REPLY. He Points Out the Duty of the Government. Brussels, April 2.--The chamber of commerce to-day addressed the king asking for royal intervention in the interest of trade. King Leopold mm plied that it is the duty of the gov ernment of the king, with its eves fixed on fature and present loyalty and observant of constitutional rules, to follow the policy which it deems most usefe! for the well-being and tranquility of the country. To Visit Canada. London, April 22.~An important de putation of English Congregation alists, representing the Congregational churches of England and Wales, has been appointed to visit the churches of the same order in Canada. The depu tation, which will leave Fngland in August next, will consist of Halley Stewart, J.P. (ex-M.P, for the Spald ing division), Edward Smith, J.P., Bewdley, and Rev. J. D. Jones, M.A, B.A., Bournemouth. The fourth mem ber of the deputation will probably be Rev. Alfred Rowland, Ln, as ex chairman of the Congregational union It is expected the return will be made towards the end of October. A Veteran's Death. Windsor, Ont. April 22. ---Jowsph Marentstte, seventy-eight years oid, one of the pldest and best known citi eens of Windsor, died at Hotel Dieu hospital last night, Mr. Marentette was forty-six years connected with the customs department ut this place. He was superannunted two years ago Mr. Marentette was a lever minician ond voralist and with his six broth ess was well-known in Winlewor and Detroit musieal circles. Three chil dren survive him, Assistant Commissioner, Ottawa, April 22. Sir Willrid Laar fer has given votice of "the followisg revolution : "That it i® expedient to movide for the appointment of an assistant commissioner of the north west mounted police for the Yukon territory, at & salary of 31.70 a year," © A Plot Discovered. Vienna, April '22. --Mittags Zeitong, foday, states that a plot has been discovered at St. Petersbiirg to as sassinate gil the czar's reactionist ad visers: Fletcher Music Method. Miss Bradshaw will take a limited vmber of pupils next year. we wishing to avail themselves of vacan cies in her classes should apply at ance, During Moving Send the family wash ing to us, and save yourself 'all the worry and labor. Our rates are reasonable, and the quality of our work they: could sit still aod smoke during | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Oi, Copudy and ool coming Warm WASH 6000S 16 am) Apel Be Wednesday felt aod bee £4 Blameless work of printer wearer. Designs no where winning, jwices no where more business like, and not one kind missing from dainty is ties to the sturdier But, of course, it won't take long to make deep inroads, for with each day's sim your mind turns more and more (0 sheer and sSTmmery weaves. Freach Organdies, English Cambrics, Swiss Muslias, American Lawns, Irish Dimities, We advise early choosing and you will understand why. ORGANDIES AND MUSLINS. Fancy Embroidered Swiss Muslin; for evening wear; in pink, sky, mauve and blue; with black and white fancy scroll; stripe and figured design; will make a very attractive waist or dross, 44 inches wide; yard, 81, $1.25, $1.35 $1.50. and Fine French Organdies; light, medium and dark grounds; with | spots and fency figared de- sign: very sheer quality; 32 inches wide; per yard 20e. to . A full range of American Mus: line, including Ozgandies, Dimi tios, and Batiste; in all the very latest colorings for sum and evening wear; 28 inches Nn. 100. per yard; 3 inches wide, 124¢c., 18, 200. Steacy & Steasy, BORN. : DUSLOP-On April 22nd, to Mr. and Mes, A, Wallges Dunlop, et 150 Clerey steel, § duuch tor DIED. LOUCKS At Nupones, April 16th, she uland wins of Jacoh Loucks, aged one mouth. CRAWFORD. Marth, on April Toth, Laws reno ! of Jouses Crawlondy ago thre M'DOUGALL: James A in McDougall, sswl saty-one pons HAMILTON-AL Stafla, Ost, oi M thy Jomn Moliraith, wile of James tong in hor seventefourth vear, STEAD At Turile Wiver, North Dakote, on April 13h, Ehiegbeth Hemd vson, wile ok the late George Sted, formerly of Dale bousie, apd sixty-nine vears TENDERS WILL BE RECKIVED up to 12 o'clock mmm of the S5th day of April inst. addressed to the Chy Engineer for 15 Suits Blue Serge, 14 Cups, sl he netesnary quantity of M4 meh colton liaed Howe, with occaplings complete, es Fire Depmritent Samphs of Caps, Uloth, ote, to be soon at the ofbee of the undersigned, where aif wilwr information pmy be obteimd Graraotens and Humples of Howe 0 by submitted by Torslerer Thee Jowest or any tender sot seussmrily neceptod ALEX, K. KIRKPATHICK, City Emghmmety SEALED Kingston, April 2nd, 1902 AUCTION SALE | Of Autigue Walnut and Other Pursiy ture WEDNESDAY, April 23nd, at 188 Ordnance Street. HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY Jaws Gardiner to sell without reserve Pollowing farpitare © Walout Couches € oy Mockers, Dedstonds, Comire seul Tables, Burcass, Book Case and Screlars combing, Lace and Damask Cortaios, Cie toards, Bian, Toilets Ware, Palace Alle din Heatsr, Com! and Wood Cook Stoves, (3 and Box Stoves, Croker Glad wd The ware, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools. Sewing 7 anh Machine, oto. Sale at 10.30. Terme ALLEN & BROWN Asctioneere. WE TO CONIRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE worders uw 10 4 pm. of & 23d inh. for work veeieed bn bulldiog sed Beating em houses for C. Follest. {Lowest or any Sender oot necessarily aoe coped Plans and specifestions may be sees ut of POWER & SON, Architesta Chamdwrs. Morchants" Bank Miss Conwtance Tandy, Kingston, i# expected in Toronto this week to stay with friends Thp Newest Efets w-- Candle Have Arrived. Pink, Light Green, in artistic