Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1902, p. 2

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; : THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 28 ; SPORT IN GENERAL. ip \ OF > THE DAY. tere About CK Sport- ; BY | ing i Pittsburg leads in the 'ball league. : The Toronto Inerosse team's share of ! ® LIFE INTHE BRIISH ARMY] _™=r === i Tovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. ITER i PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP MeAvity Stewart, of St. John, N.B., OUR BUSY REPORTERS is in the city on a business trip. { A Mrs, K. M. Fenwick will receive on | t SHOW ONCE MORE WHAT ¥! SPLENDID MOVING PICTURES | CAN DO. SHOWN LAST NIGHT. national base | 4 Hours Sale Of ee BURTAINS, Cdem---- At the beginning of the season we received "for. our wholesale depart- § ment several thousand pairs of Nouingham Face Curtains in a ver } pretty paitern. They so DH VVVBB LV BBL VLLV LTV VLBLTVLLL HL TRL VAL RVVVRVCRVBAY $about joo pairs left. These we propose {0 use as an advertisement They arethree yards long, finished with' Colbert edges instead of the old- fashioned tape. They p are guaranteed to wash well and stand lots of wear. Worth wholesale 6c. a pair. 'A limit of 3 pairs to a customer at 48. A PAIR To-morrow, 8 fo 12 O'clock ¢ -- {R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse, «nase | Ee lh hh hh hh hd This mattress has 1,000 small springs, cov: ered' both silos with hair, fisted with ven- tlators, very comioftable, $16 to $18 each. fitirmoor Mattrasses $14 w $16. rome bets for, 7 Pariols Mattresses, made of healthivst and fliset Bbrea $7, ae good as others sold for $10. Our $2.50 and 83 matiress is pure and pool" Valis, Hone better for the mary. Wo mmovate and cesn mattresses. Wo re ptr wed -petish old furnitare: - Wo upholster and vover old parlor suites, sie. Carpets AND Curtains very large stock. patterns and designe are extra prwtly and taking this senson. oor effects in our Axminators, Brussels and Tapesiries ard vot exoulled. Wo have Tapestries that oafi sonr- ely bo todd trons Brussels, at 0c. and 600, por var. They are taking well Cretormes an?! Donims, mowest English and French importations, very rich shades. Shiwden, poles, fringes, ofc. ete, T. F. HARKISON CO., : UNDERTAKING, ETC. P HONES-- Riu eas, 91.92 Some i Tait ma Are like some sell-hinde men, and then there are others. We only 'ask one trial. No fit and satis- faction, no pay. R. Be In pew premises, Oe Sg P10.000 1 adte: + Tween : tures, which are as clear and steady {94 any seen herve, good. As the pictures of "Our Navy' -very-rapidly and we have 4. The Attendance Was Small, But All Were Delighted--The Life of a British Soldier Realistic- ally Portrayed. There was 8 very small attendance in Ontario ball last evening to wit- néss the moving pictures of "Ary Life." The first of a four days' en- gogement it was, and it must have a little discouraging. The pic are remarkably fast year showed life in that branch of the servies, so do these pictures pre sent it in another branch. The pictures cover a multitude of phases. of military life, from the row recruit to the thoroughly trained sol dicr in an active engagement. They served to show what a hard training the British Tommy is put through, and what wonderful skill and dexter ty he displays. The scenes of gymnas tie exercises, pyramid building, etc. elicited hearty applanse from the au- dience. Included in the long list werd illustrations of reserves at Alder shot, kit inspection, City Imperial volunteers at breakfast, dinner in camp, physical drill, cavalry train ing, with sword exercise, lancers driib ing, officers and men of the various dragoon and lance corps, musical ride, medical corps at work, Royal horse artillery at Woolwich, artillery drills, army service corps and its work, transports and. cruisers, oll and new guns and methods of using them, heliographing, training of in- fantry, cyele corps, Royal engineers at work, bridge building, exploding mines, ete. ete. Every loyal subject of his majesty would find a great delight in these splendid pictures, which represent the British soldier as he is in every dav life. After witnessing these realistic illustrations one can almost exclaim with Kipling : "Y hve eats your bread and salt, 1 have drunk your water sad wine, The deaths ve died 1 have watched be'de Ard the lives that ve lod were amine.' The 14th regimental band was pre sent. and contributed a mimber of well-rendered selections, The pictures, given under the auspices of Col. Skin ner and the officers of the 14th regi ment, will' be' shown to-night and the two evenings following. A Pleasant Assembly. A pleasant assembly was held in the A.O.H. hall, Brock sstrect, last even ing, nuder the able management of KE. J. Gormley and Joseph Brennan. Be tween thirty-five and forty couples were present. Music ior dancing was furnished by Staley's orchestra. The assembly broke up gbout 2 am., af ter a very pleasant evening. Messrs. Gormley and Brennan gre to Le coh gratulated on its success. TO TENDER FOR UNIFORMS According to Sample at City En- gineer's Office. The civic fire and light comipittee met yesterday afternoon the asking for "tenders uniforms. Present : Ald. Bell man); Alds. King, Harkness, and Craig. The chairman submitted a long sanf- ple of clothing secured by himself and the city engineer. The goods, he said, were much dearer than they were a year ago. The city engineer suggested that the men turh in their brass buttons and get them silver-plated; the whole job could be done for £1.90. They could save about 9e. g suit on the buttons, by using the old ones, instead of pur chasing new ones. The firemen desir- ed to do this. The sample submitted was a splen did piece of blue goods, worth about $1.75 a yard Ald. Craig moved that the commit: tec call for tenders for ifteem suits, the specifications to be propared Ly the engineor; the cloth rot to be mn ferior to the sample submitted; ten ders to be in by Friday, at 1 pom. Carried. Ald. Farrell stated that at the pre vioos meeting he was given t, under stand that the cap submitted could only be purchased from ga United Sta- tes firm. He had since learned that a Canadian firm manufactured these caps, and he wished the tender to read, that "they shall be equal te the sample in the city engineer's of fice." This was tacked on to Ald Craig's motion. ---------- Fops Are His Specialty. Robert = V. Perguson, who plays Sparklish in Kathryn Ridder's revival of "The Country Girl," which will he seen in this city at the Grand opera house, Wednesday, April 23rd, is con- sidered to bey one of 'the best actors in his particular line in this couniry. Mr. Ferguson's dality is fops. In "The Country Girl" Mr. Ferguson has an excellent opportunity to displa his ability as an airy coxcomb. | Miss Kidkler's supporting company are several other actors of national voputation, such as Louis Masson, Marion Ashworth, Seymour Stratton and T. C. O'Brien. : -------- When Baby Had Scald Head -- When Mother had Salt Rheum When Father Had Piles. De. Agrew's Ointment gave the quickest relief and surest cure. These are gems of truth picked from testi: mony which y n is given every day to this April 2rd ard th, at 377 Metcalie avenue, Westmount, Archbisnop Gauthier will administer the sacrament of confirmation at Brockville, on June 15th. J. D. G. Shaw, Sarnia, formerly of the Kingston branch of the bax Montreal, was in the city to-day. Gus. Thompson, Portsmouth, lately with the street railway: company, ins gone to Toromte to Bil a position. Archdeacon Worrell will preach next Sunday in Morrisburg, in connection with the reopening of St. James church. Calman John Burns has been made temporary fireman at the Brock street fire station, to so remain during chief Elmer's jliness. Chief Elmer, of the fire brigade, who injured his ankle last week, is able to he around the fire stations, but is hardly able to vet resume active work, Lady Cartwright has sent out cards for a reception on Wednesday evenimg for cabinet ministers, senators and members of parliament with their wives and daughters. Allred Pannell, employed by J. BE. Wilmot, jeweler, Ottawa, has enlisted for serviee in South Africa with the third mounted rifles. He is an old Kingston boy, and friends here will watch his career with interest. Next week, M. Ferguson, P. Wilgar, B. Tett, Hugo Craig, A. McNeil and R. Squires, of the school of mining, will leave for Deseronto to join the survey of the extension to be built in connection with the Bay of Quinte railway Mr. and Mrs. J. S. R. McCann and Dr. and Mrs. Herald loft yesterday for Toronto, en route to Los Angeles, (falifornia, where the two gentlemen will attend the sapreme court meeting of the LO.F. They will be absent five or six weeks Miss L. Bullis, chief operator in the local C. P. R. telegraph company's office for the past year and a half, loft this morning for Ushawa, to take the position of stenographer in the office of R. J. Wilson. manager of the slectric eompany, of that place. lev. Neil MePherson, St. Paul's Presbyterian church. Hamilton, and wife, have left for a three months' trip to" Europe. Before leaving the congregation sent the clergyman £300 to meet some necessary expenses. Mr. McPherson iz a. Queen's graduate During his absence the pulpit. will be filled by Mr. McLaren, of Queen's. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of " Vessels. Crawford's wharf : Schooner cia cleared for Oswego. Sowards' wharf : Schooner wing cleared for Oswego. Rathbun's Grove Inn Schooner Eliza White cleared wego. The steamyacht Alert, of Cape Vin- gent, is in Davis' dry dock for re pairs. Folgers deny that they purpose in augurating a line from Toronto to Montreal. The Calvin company's steamer Bo thnia leaves next Monday for upper fake ports. Richardsons' elevator : Schooner Jamieson arrived from Whitby with 10,000. bushels of barley; steambarge Chuly, from Wellington, with barley. The steamer Ellen, of Rockport, has commenced Saturday trips to Brock- ville, which she will continue until the eamer Victoria comes out, about June Ist. The 'steamer Monteagle, of Ogdens burg, N.Y., waiting here for the past few weoks for entrance tothe govern ment dey dock, could stay no longer, and cleared across the lake. Architect. Smith is preparing plans of the salon of the steamer America, with a view to the purchase of new arpets. The company will also re sover the seats with plush, supply new chairs, and otherwise make the ap- artments of the popular steamer first-class in covery respect. Aca Fleet wharf : for Os Dullman's Denial. The recent story that Dullman was Luke Dillon, a brother of John Dil: .on's, is denied by the conviet, who has heard the news. According to the Times he claims it is a scheme to block his (riends securing him a par- don. He said: ** 1 trust before long f will be a free man. | understand that peace negotiations are being en- tered into and just as soon as war between Britain and the South African republics is over I will then look for my release." He is perfectly satisfied with his tréatment in the penitentiary. To Beautify Thy Wharf. Folge' whari will be made bright and attractive this summer. The ware house will be painfed, and a hew pa vilion, twice the sige of the present covering, emected at the whari' en: trance. This pavilion will contain long seats. Flower beds will also be mage alongside. The Folgers will make a good Start in beautifying the harbor portion of the city. Insanity Is Increasing. Statistics show that asviems are overcrowded with patients suffering from despondency amd mental col lapse, due to low vitality and impov- erished blood, which cannot keep the Iron Tonic Pills stim- rich of i The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At-|yisit Canada nest winter imake a tour of all the leading cities | These are the days you'll appreci- a8 far as British Columbia. ate the comfort of Liviagstons rain- | tention. i proof coats. {The Portsmouth peparate school board was to have met last evening, [ but there was no guorvm: | HH. Cenaninghaw, | Chickering, New York. Urders re ceived at MoAuley's book store. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- | fects and cleans at the same time, » | The total Easter collection at Su. { Mary's cathedral was $1,519.50, nearly double of that in former years. A ship carpenter, residing on Corri- gan street, was sent to jail this morn- ing on g judge's summons, for failure to pay a debt of about $20. New folding pocket kodaks and Brownie cameras, at E. C. Mitchell's, The bicycle club, for the time Ueing, has abandoned the proposal to, erect a club house of its own. The question wmy be takes up at a later day. The commercial travellers oi Brock ville will urge the G.T.R. company to put on a mixed train from Kingston wo Brockville in the morning, as form erly. A young man named White, of Gan anoque, who was accepted for South Africa, had to resign and return home Fowing tothe serious illness of hisy-mo- ther, , Miller's Headache Powdefs. cure headache in five minutes. In boxes 10¢ and 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Hamilton Spectator : Hero Carru thers has cabled to his wife the cheer ing words, "Never better." The whole dominion will rejoice with the happy wife, The Oswego Palladium has it that a Kingston woman slept almost coun stantly for six years; she never really aroused from her drowsy state, but occasionallys conversed incoherently Daily nourishment was given her. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return, Carter's Little Liver Pills. This not talk, but truth. One pill a dose, See advertise ment. Small pill. Small Small price. 8. 0. E. grand assembly, city hall, Wednesday, April 23nd, Crosby & Thornton's orchestra. Dancing, nine till two. A pair of game breeding birds valved at $50 were stolen from William By mons, Belleville. He suspected sever al Kingstonians, came here and had search warrants issued. He found nothing. We have 4 now the equal of any = done camera at $8 that is $10 instrument on the market, bas all the latest im provements. See it in our photogra- phic window. KE. C. Mitchell. Queen's university senate will confer the honorary degree of DD. on Rev Thomas Hart, icoturer in Hebrew, in Manitoba university, and the honor ary degree of LL.D. on John Seath, Toronto, inspector of high schools in Ontario. Try * Caramel," its the purest and most toothsome chewing tobacco on the market. It contains no drugs, nor does it cause heart burn. Union-made. Belleville wants the 14th P. W. 0 rifles**the dandy Kingston boys"' to visit that town on coronation day. The Intelligencer says "they drill well, shape well, and, barring a clight friskiness a¢ weal times, be have well." Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will be a pleasant ise. They give positive relief. yelists and drivers of delivery wagons would be greatly pleased if the board of works would repair the street crossing fronting Col. Dufi's sidence on Princess stroct. Tts sides are so abrupt that it is difficult for a wheel to get over it Don't forget 8.0.E. grand assembly, City hall, Wednesday, April 23nd, Good musical programme; cloak rooms free. The painters met last evening anc considered an application for member ship, to which there was some objec tion. A committee of three was ap pointed to enquire as to whether the applicant is eligible for membership or not. Have nothing but a "Tailored to Fit Suit," their appearance equals that of the best merchant 'tailos. Grand Union. The Wednesday night prayer service in Queen street Methodist church is to be 5 lively temparance rally with ad dresses by Mre. McCallum (Congrega tional, Rev. Eber Crammy (Metho dist), and Dr. Lake (Baptist), who will consider the subject from ite re ligions, political and social aspects. Granting Of Licenses. The board of license commissioners met last night to consider applica tions for licenses for 19023. A depm tation of members of W.CT.U. and of the local branch of the evangelical alliance waited on them to express themselves on some features of the li- conse laws and their enforcement and to get information thereon. After their departure the inspector's report was read and partially condidered; but the bodrd desiring to give oor tain matters periaimng to the ise of licenses a careful consideration ad- journed to meet on Monday evening next. At present Kingston has thirty-three botel bars and taverns, and ten Heguor cloves. The St. Lawrence lon at the foot of Johnston street has made ap plication for a license, and it is this that the W. C. T. U. is opposing, by means of a petition, Bell, representing the su COLF., will leave to morrow for Toronto to attend the congress of fraternal socicties to. meet in the Confederation life building on FThursday. Ay, Pe J. HK preme lodge, "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. *Bibby's." Every suit we well talks for ws. and $12 lines. The H. OD. i piano tuner from | | | | i "the gate receipts nt Lord's, England, whitney on Saturday, sieanted to $750, Two rinks of Seotch curlers will They will The final game for the, "English cups," contested. is London, resulted in a draw and will be replayed next Saturday. Over 100,000 people saw the game *Chageer"' base throwing. The Globe says: "El liott's throwing to bases was clean and accurate, nipping runners at second." Winnipeg will have @ ball team the new professional league, first ganized for . North Dakota. The league will be Buown as the Northern. The other teams are: Grand Forks Cavalier, Fargo, Devil's Lake and Crookston, prinecss mn The prince of Wales, the Louise, the duke of Argyll, the mar: quis of Lansdowne, the earl of Aber deen, and lord Strathcona, will attead the lacrosse match between Toronto and the duke of Argyle's teams at Lord's, on the ith. Caffery, of Hamilton, was with craraps before the start for Marathron road race at Beston, was not a competitor. was Mellor, of Yonkers, his - time was then the record year. seized the The winner N.Y, and last Caffery made Baseball On Monday. National league ~At Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 3. At New York, 6; Ros ton, 3. At Philadelphia, %; Brooklyn, 2 AT THE POLICE COURT. Fined For Aunoying Chinaman-- Sent To Mercer) There was an interesting docket the police court this morning well-known men, guilty which at young of breaking the by-law ball games shall streets, were fined 82 and costs, paid up and departed. Four young boys were accused throwing stones .at the Ning's laundry, corner of Bagot amd Clarenee The Chinsanan has wen obliged to spend about $7 for says no They door streets wire netting to cover hig windows and | transom. On Friday boys fusiladed the place and ran They were vaught, and made their appearance in the court room this morning. Two of them pleaded not guilty and wore discharged. The oth two: were fined 35 and costs. "We this business," said the door night the er must stop wagistrate. Florence Vair, or Young, remanded from last Tuesday, appeared to ans wer the charge of vagrancy laid against her. The magistrate had writ ten her relatives, but had received no answer. He had heard, however, that she had been leading a very bad life, and consequently he would send her to Mercer reformatory for one year and 350 days William Bates, a fourteen year-old boy, wi charged with stealing two woodenhlocks off the schooner Fleet wing, ih Mareh last. The magistrate did mot ask him to plead, but re manded him until the 25th inst., when his mother will be present, The Orphans' Hpme. The annual meeting of the orphans' home was held on Monday afternoon. These officers were elected : Biree tresses, Miss (Gildersiecve, Mrs. Brit ton, Mis. Duffs tressurer, Mrs. Wad dell; © corresponding secretary, Miss Muckleston; recording secretary, Mrs W. Skinner; assistant recording secre tary, Mss. C. Livingston, General committee, Mrs. Birch, Mrs Calvin, Mrs. Cappon, Mrs. Carr thers, Mrs, Cunningham, Mrs. Dalton Mrs, Hendry, Mes. Noel Kent, Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. MéRossie, Mrs, Richard gon, Mrs. B. Robertson, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. Strachan, Mrs. Van Stranbenzee, Mrs. Waldron, Mrs. Machar, Mrs. R. V. Rogers, Mix Smythe, Miss Robertson, Miss Spang enberg, Good Work Rewarded. L. H. Clarke, of the Canadas malt ing "company, has written to the Kingston fire department, enclosing a cheque for a substantial amount, and adding ¢ "We apgweciate very much the prompt and good work done by your brigade in saving therchy a very large amount of property." The bri gude at the malt house fire wae di rected by assistant chief Sands, who had the fire confined to a remarkably small space, thereby saving the valu able malt stored beyond. In chief El mer and assistant chief Sands, the Kingston fire department has two cap able men snd ander them are a hard working lot of firemen. These Thieves Were Hungry. On Bumday evening James Hunt, Raglan Road, locked up his house and took his family to church, as he was wont to do cach Sundny. While he was in the house of prayer, his own house wasefor the time being a den of thieves. They gnined admit nee through a hack window, awn! hen Mr. Hunt retired his home was turned upwide down. Everything edible had been stolen-bread, pre serves, pickled, chkes, ete. A few other small articles wars taken, but ooth ing of importance. The matter has been reported to the police Injured At The Works. Samuel Costello, and employes of the locamotive works who resides on Stephen street, met with an accident yesterday. He was working at a steam hoist, when it broke and fell, damaging one of his bands severely. One of the fingers were broken, and the whole hand badly cot wp. Ready To Wear, Rain-proof costs, $12, 815 and 315. Livingstons'. Elliott is doing better | two ambitious or: and | fifteen mingtes slower! Two | be played in the | 1 of | of Kam | Intentions; Acts And Quit a Offers Good Ross Offers Good i Measures--Why Marter The Tory Party. | It will be three strikes and out for Mr. Whithey on May 20th. a3 It is the politicians who will be ine to the Maypole dance this time. Boys got into the game aad show them once more what yon can da. Not an acre of land had bow given away to a pulp concessiogaire in this country 5 Just five weoks and two. days to the dlertions. Remember Ross and shout for Pense! Get in the game and have a shure in the glorious liberal victory which is coming. | Ross says "We will build wp On- tario" ; Whitney says, 'We offer you ' nothing." Liberals, if you do as well as in the Harty clection everybody will be satis fied. Buckle in! | No charge has éver been ! against the goversment of this vince that has not been refuted. May 20th will be a moving time in Kingston. The liberals will remain as tenants in the Ontario legislature. Whitney offers the country good in: teations: Ross has given good laws and deeds. Which arc the most sab. stantial ? } Toronto university is going to aflix the letters LL.D. to the name of Me Whitney. They stand, no doubt, for life Tong deapair--potitiontty. = Sen "Party first," is the cry of the op position=""let us get into power' #8 the first consideration; the intervs the country are a secondary matte A lone writer in the News want convention called to re-nominate Ponse. Sorry that it can't be de but if the editor will vote for Pense, we'll forgive him There is enough pulp woot Ontario to supply mills for 900 p88 5 fil never replaced Pulpwood rv { duces itself every twenty years so 188 made prey » ply is inexhaustible Whit pet offer you? eulogium : "What we We offer you nothing but the good intentions of honest wer who are. honest enough . to he bold and bold enough to be honest." | Mr. Whitney has one speech. Ha hos { pocited it four times already: the Mal and Empire having given it once 18 saved telegraph tolls by cutting it at each of the thre other points, Was there ever a time when it wogs Ss be wiser for Ontario to retain in p& ler a party which had shown its at pacity in retaining and developing § own territory and providing a bg market? Whitngg says to the workingimen you nothing but good in 3 tions"! Rese saya "The beuelite the' good ptentions 1 have for arc crystailized in the laws in statute books." ! The St. Thomas Journal recalls © fact that at his Stony Creek mec #08 Mr. Whitney was introduced i maw "who dares to be a Daniel," hintg that he may "stand alone the elestion The young Pense. The party he represents the franchise The young ors, also see prosperity and progress he the Ross government The buildast up of Ontario means much to voung men who hope to abide in fF provines and aid in its developmegd' ts Mr, Whitney pretends now to HAY favored the devklopment of New Yo tario. That clains, is unreasonahiP' the fact that in 1508 he voted agal"® spending a dollar to even survey townships in the new districts 1504 he repeated the operation alweve -jenrad at New Ontario til friends saw ite development wa success; now he is flopping right in face of his record The Brocksille Times got a half plate ov 8 offer a al shud Boo sn gir men will support them ne by an wn 3. through ery column of truth into its issue on Saturday, + garding premier Rode ang! his admin tration. The shock when the discovel made was awful apd the feeli} the editorial room vhapn the m tnke was learned was wn@esfully pl The paper IX a apolog declares that the truth as published it, "did not represent 11} sentiment of the Brockville Times Mr. Clark, M.P.P., Northamberisl save as a result of his ohssfvation in the legislature, be could say that i the premier was surronndéd mand fort Lied by & cabinet of capable, honcat { experienced men. Mr, Whitney elaimed the opposition to be a eolistmictiy party He thought they ware a de | structive party, as Mr. Whithey wi always finding fault and talking { deals" and sicals Fis attitug Thad led Mr. Marter, former lewd, fof the opposition, to say; *'§ am »i,. and tired of hearing public men cali robbers and thieves." in boils was m Lurescue calmly 3 the n Addressed By Former Canadiar Stanford university, Califorsia, 4 Thursday evening, April 7:8 prosertod Bophoelen' + Antigone © a Greek tragedy of consiglerable be ity and On the preview & day evesing Dr. Murray, of the #* + | department, and De. Fairclough T° fessor of classical erature, of thrk lege, gave entertaining and isste 2 Jeetures on the presentation, De clough isa Canndian, upd has Jirdends in Kingston. In his clea BP {dross be stated that *"'Sephosle © Loresents the Mighwatér mark o 38" jdramatiste, He harmomizes th ys and dramatic chments with SPD0 art. The chorus is an actor, the deamatis poreonse, in t gone The Geeek horas poetry, music and dence, ne Lup, hut ali blended: into {dancing de very differcat dancing. It is rather Lion of poetey in bodily | "much by gestures and at movements of the fests {have the wonderiol | Mondelssohn, which wp power Carpets cleaned on the Soor or oughly with Enterprise Renovator; it renews the colore, and is smple to nse. expially as good for fine fabrics, in tins. Me. and Se, only gt E.G Mitchell's,

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