3 THE DAILY W HIG, TUESLAY, APRIL 28. 2 "the THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR [sent In 1900 the price was doubled. Wis A CRAVE MISTAKE! LETTER FROM AFRICA. J th 5 ¢ Mr. W " , . . e xa hprey ae olS. g Soltis |! Wr Whitney thought gins centis Trooper Scott, of Kingston, Took el's eason a | pe ema. 3 your. Editions st 3.50 aad h ) enong pe shoud Part in a Boer Drive. clots, : - Jd fixed. the : Cgosk LY BRITISH WHC, 13 vez) -- Pn ane, hast Publication Of a Letter From| David Scott, warcaouseman for published every Thursday mondog at $1 a ce t he thought it ought to George Robertson & Sons, yesterday * * your. 2 ie ave of ahs bent lob Printing s knows that the compenies Lord B.resford received a very interesting lett? from ANA | Oficus in Cenade; rapid, stylish and chenp BT speculate on the concessions, ------ his son, trooper .D. 6G. Seo, second work; mime improved presses. , t . ; : Canadian mounted rifles. After des ' p: t spend cert m- anadia EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. oul Yop Sup _--- EE DEMANDING RESTRICTION cribing his experience in crossing the ED . 4s ney, 8 pean, dur hich t he suffercd y i", UCES HE DAILY WwW HIG of labour, and do a certain amount -- a hie i. es ere WwW hy pay regular prices for goods . i cortain ti -. INTERFERING WITH C NADA'S Ssive ross TRA PEPE SE Opiter per Orbem Dicor.! of work within a certain time, oF for A the heat oppressive in crossing the get 20c. On the dollar off regular prices N Orbem Dicor' | (iy (he privileges they have received. EMIGRATION PLANS. equator, the writer statcs thet the |B 7 . TESSONS OF A TRAGEDY. | Mr. Whitney and his friends Sieamer stopped at Cape Town mg |this store, and the regular prices are assaBa, ; : | Moreover, i : a : 2 enough to land four cases of =mall- : . The shooting affair of yesterday-- j know that the price of pulpwood can The Shipping Ring is Seeking to |pox and a number of cases of measles; lower than other's regular prices ? Ww ame. of 'the - most lamentable and re: | Le increased from time to time as the { Control the Rates for Passage thence the steamer proceeded to Dur 3 . . Ty grettable incidents that has ever oe | circumstances warrant. Not a stick to Canadg -- What May Fol- ban, where the reaps debarked. ment ' Why pay for friendship * 7 te Ang * i The writer saw Spion Kop, that fa . > curred in Kingston--sets one moraliz- | © ' given awa, " Tow. mous battle mountsin, the grave of goods on a value basis ? ing. What are the influences at work | Were the agreements secretly made? Loncon, April 29.--The Canadian {ihe sof of lord Roberts and many ' aud by which the boys and girls of | TP* first wos entered into yith the alicials huge ate highly excited over | other interesting sights. While at this period are more loss vi Sault Ste. rie company in 1394, | the Precis receit at tue emigration | Newcastle three Hoers entered the camp | - aliected ? - vitally and ratified by the house in April, 'omcs that the shipping combination land surrendered themselves; efter get- Th age h ' | 1596. The second, with the Nipegon [with two Canadian umes in ity W 8¢ ting a good meal they wanted to > " " » age has its advantage and dis . . ready ibteriering with the systema- |igave, but they were det iad. At the 3 advantage. The children of to-day company, was made in 1896, and the | tized operations of tbe highly success: | time of writing the Canadians wers ! A » ' fi : third with Sturgeon Falls company, ful bureau. Commissioner W. T. K. lo route for Klerksd here th \ on your house and you'll get satis- have privileges, amusements _ (inno, "| Preston confirmed, yesterday, the re Br ay ' £5 faction. cent . enough and numerous enough)'!'™ 1899. To all of these the opposi Lort that the two representatives of | xP to get into action without oe . and outings and educational facilities tion gave their consent. In 1900 three the shipping ring had threatened to sey lows of tie. Trooper BE I er Cent. Disc A ACES THE SHERWIN-WILLIANS PAINT | that were denied to their parents. The | AgTeements "were submitted to parlia- | divert emigration from Canada unless | 8 he ever saw, and was 2 Fisttieat \i a i i # is a pure lead, zine, and linseed oil |' average 1 ment. Two of them were new conces- the work of the sul-agents, appointed h s 3 ge father and mother do not de- ¢ 4 "lup with the gold mining operations paint. It covets more surface than | sire their families to sufier any pri- sions, those of the Spanish River throughout ihe whivat ingthom Yas he witnessed while on the march Means a Big Bargain an : : . : 5 h jade . . om 4 . any other painting material on the | vations, and they make sacrifices and Blanche River-fompanies. Last |; on al, I: Pre =F sous the Witte: Sesount te Cir Saving Time to You ok - market. Wears longest, looks best | that are costly, in any case, in order session the Montreal River com- {ton said that important correspond aly oh ie foi Bony the Con and is most economical. that the rising generations may en pany obtained its ComseREIOn. sue. a iis subject Souls sve a adians receive more money and glory Spring Purchase: Big line of shades. joy themselves. These are the ad The conservatives opposed all of Cor < than the old country soldiers. "7" ring is seeking to control the rates iat » o/ . ' rai : | them, and all of them were ratified in { 3p ' S Writing under date of March 2lst, I 1s 20% Ask for color cards, vantages. As against them there is | "1M i for passage to Uanada, and to imter- § 0 Qeott mentions having been his 207; Discount Sale is of the tendency to be fast, and it is sim the legislature, So that every agree jere with the wise policy wich has ons "Boer drive - with "Gen. French, won't last long now. Stock is bei hve 20 11D Smid : : ic o led to the enor is increase of in by ply = demoralizing. Boys will smoke | ment was publicly -efiecteéd, and of no 1 to the enormous in a wot. |when" on one day, after 'a night ride » : ; : quiries rtures of Britis : f . Corbett's Hardware. cigarettes, loal at street-cormers, list abail until publicly endorsed. But ] juiries gia Serpe thot hi Ser of forty-five miles, 400 Boers were to where we waat it, Don't put . ai thers. 3 5 en to indifferent stories, read dime no- mark this : The opposition, as Mr. | ference of the shipping ring with the captured, with convoy of stores and : . velo dnlkie in. she. zaugh shown, sun hom. has . pointed . out, supported { immigration business. would be fol § 10 head of cattle. Next day akout It will close one of these days and Wig 20 h | ions cite atm opr pai wi db ag i * orty WTS Were roun up, togethe 1 riot in the streets, play cards, and three of the concessionm--said of one; lowed inevitable hy the. sisation fa with Te ie} or diy and no discount. y keep late hours. These are the dis the Sault Ste. Marie, that it wan the emigrants and that the British gov following about 200 Botrs and horses n rn advantages of city life. They consti- | proper thing--and let Sw qxsension of ernment would assist in defence of im were Sapruted. On She ride twenty = I ARR & SUT tute an education that makes for three agreements, which were or serial commerce. The subject will ]l.8naC ians were injured ofr account of Pri < evil, and evil continually iginally opposed, go without a divi pe brought before Mr. Chamberlain their horses stambling. At the time 118 and 130 noess Street, h ! ol sion, though the terms of extension | 8% the conference of the colonial pre of writing the Canadians had lost 100 The home and the school are ex i g o a miers after the coronation. horses. not counting the twenty three pected to give direction and bent to were in all essentials respects similar A remarkable article on the mo that died ashoard ship in transit. the youthful character. In the one the to the terms of the original agree- | tives to imperial federation . is con y Fraoper Suots tells of having young -hildee t ments. tributed by Capt. Mahan to the forth- ameson in the same camp with him, children - {or ought a. got) the So that several things have been cuming number of the National Ite | attached to the army medical corps; training that contributes to true man- : view. 'Ihe writer compares the move the little fellow is well liked and get hood and true womanhood. The bear- made clear : ment in England and America, and ting along splendidly. ing of father and mother leave their No. 1. No pulpwood areas have been | argues that it was a sudden realiza- impress permanently upon the child- given away. tion of > jrossidy peri to Seitivag) VOTED AGAINST IT. re : : § po o t | wy that aroused both peoples. ven. As the parents are, in their do- y 2. There was not a sort afreeen Atbut a year ago when lord Couricil Would Not Give Tender mestie relations, in life and service, | 17 respect to any one of them. ; Charles Beresford, was second in com To Selby & Youlden At $1,150 in attitude and action, in their daily 3. The conservatives gave their con- | mand of the Mediterracan fleet a let Two by-laws were put throu 'h hy sant to six out of seven of them, and | ter was published from him disclosing 8 J 2 . {walk and conversation, so are child the wealnces 'of the British navy in the city council last night; one was 082 ua | y veri, generally. Of course there are ex- moved no amendment to the seventh ey. 'oy admirglty off the Selby & Youlden foundry exemp ceptions. Despite thes best of environ when it was under discussian. cials, when questionad, assert Son by law, the dye being a ~ 3 er Ww » p] . 9 ments, the best of training, the best Ekectors, please remember this. ed stoutly that this obvious al 1b ay Reman. ir tn { . : i ----------d---------- beach of the rules of the service must bh a lan ig recuoe the : sf example, wome boys will go as- hae Sen aittad without - the butchers' license fee from 850 to 85. ye SB YR 4 cot . ¢ r tray. The reflection on the home, how- EDITORIAL NOTES. E oaledie of Tord Per eslond, aad that It passed the first reading, and then Do you like to get shoes | ev" is not serious when it has not | The' return of the liberals with 8 la private letter must have been pub- the. council sot upon i the conser > | been faulty. large majority in the legislature be: | lished improperly, especially -as it 8 voting gainst it to a man. Ald N : ! , that ave. better than any What of the school ? It is the crea- | comes more and more apparent every contained evidence of confidendial man Uraham puinied out that his boys STANDS By IMSELP. GOOD other shoe at the rice? 4 f the time bic i da communications with the authorities. by-law was in conlormity with the neat ace of the earth from the Our o SH ES FOR jon of the times in which we live. y- Lord Beresford, meanwhile, has re petition presénted by the butchers. ' an out by hand, $3.5 lis tedchers represent a high type of fal to | the 'electric turned to parliament as the result of ; Then for an hour there was a warm We sormamed several Uspte bylore MEN have all the style and y®ho 'arship, and in the mental de Buffalo proposes ony | : ne a movement for strengthening the gaara ye: the Bully & Xeulden cAll Sf the deslerw are carclul . » i . eo 5 » oy onder, miroduee Fhe v wear that is to be had mn velopment of the young they are em- tower that made ns show amoun ar navy. started hy this letter. Lord i ll ET a Bo an etul. 3 : < i lv efficie i ¢ | run it as a memorial of the events of | Charles admits in to day's Times that | ' A. many higher priced ones. | igently hid nt. It Sug wats as i 1901 the publication of this letter was a 150 fot a boiler be accepted. Alder ee " a. bis s (f% moral instruction of the people is . n istake f hich he alone "man King wanted to refer it to the ; grave mistake for whe alone was 5 o | Search this broad land over not sufficiently cared for. The ques- te 2 ------------ y : responsible. fire and light committee, end have jks Jue the, same on ok | and you il not Mind shoes tion should not be, with parents or Whitney's. - psuches ars leGout if i ERE thew wiviliat util .ast upon by ul Griffiths' bo Jumbers uth 148 folete | No w ' by stale and unprofitable reading. The THE CHINESE WAR once, A discussion followed and ' . . Dy i a flammation. That's why it's so referendum and the pulpwood eonces- finally aldermen Craig and Farrell Good for GRANDMA'S RHEU- of literature, or mathematics, or his- moved that this be done. But, as it Menthol MATISM: pet her a bottle, she tory, in a given limit, but what "can sions should heve a rest. It's time }British Medal Commemorative of | came from the liberal side of the wilh appeseinte it 4 It wo We y : for a change. Recent Operations. council. the conservative od right in, soothes and heals and ® be done to mould and fashion the g : he : Ml, nservatives vot it will kill any pain of any kind. @ S------ Ottawa, April 2.--The militia de- down, after suggesting the action. Linimeat The best emergency remedy. Al Shiuaeter_s0 that one may oar free What do the teachers think about | partment is advised that a British me Alderman Mcleod declared it was ways keep it handy. Large bot- = as possible from taint, so that an dal is being struck for the recent op- time "we get through with this firm. gista individual may grow into correct i . 4 i" erations in China. It will have three | One time they ask for $1,100 and an- ------------------------------ I V ' idens of the meaning and end of life. anything 10 duet he evi] ouluncien clasps, entitled *Defenoé of legations," other time, ¥1,150." HENRY P. SMITH, PMO 8 08 Pe The school of the day should be a of the age. by ifierent teaching ? | "Relief of Pekin' and "Taku Forts. Ald. Sears, a member of the water | Architect, ote., Anchor Building a : It's worth thinking about real hard. Lieut.-Col. Boulanger, who commands works committee, in the course of a » o cher 0 p Market Square. 'Fhone 348 ta Princess Street. place where the impulses, as well as 8q 3 a akes out the ec . i { likes these for ---- teachers, how much can any one learn u t the soreness and in tles 25¢. and T8c., all drug the shooting anyway ? Can they do P one of the new regiments of Canadi- jlong speech, expressed his belief that a the mind, of the individual may be Have you read the speech which Mr. | an mounted rifles for African service, new boiler was not wanted at all. The FOR S, | 4 i as. pon 0 Bai G 4 oy disciplined The tragedy of yester- Ross delivered at Havelock on Fri- | #¢ to receive 3hin himor. : . present one, he said, had not been ex A BRICK HOUSE, SEVEN BEDROOMS, day, viewed from any side, is gq mor day? It was a masterly effort and The medal will be similar in pat- | aniined. and ail modern improvements. Apply oo MAILED F ® ify : . i defecti abits : mn y i tern to that of the China wars of Alderman Graham pointed out that premises, 180 Allred strost. v tilying instance o defective k hits, | stamped the premier as a man of} 1443 and 1860, excepting that the | the tender expired on the 30th inst., -- em---- LAN ORE ' y The carrying of revolvers is a sign of | thought, of energy, of plan, and ofc | obverse will bear 'the same effigy of | and that immediate action was requir Or. 0. W. Daly's Dertal Office "Guide to Investors" degeneracy which 'is incompatible worthy of the place he Geeupide: her late magisty as on the South Af- led" The discussion lasted till mid Wil be twopened in May whee be retarns quid to bo the mot detailed, compl ales vor with a progressive spirit. = The shoot- ---- a tigan medal. ; sation § be wt night. Aldegnan" Grahams motion trom abroad. . g A cure for loose living among the There is no foundation for the story | was lost, every conservative voti " Mar Iw and ogw--the . : i ¥ . ery C 0, a a ap vit awit gulch ingjul hiss fe pastime of bovs of to-day ie good associations, that premier Laurier intends to retire | against it. 8 REAL ESTATE. 3 large ov small. Every facility to salisfoctor the day with some bhoys--is the pre- y x y 3 . : They after the coronation ceremonies. Sir amo. LOT 18 OFFERING QREAT BAR ; business. gon are iniericd ts | lude to the weightier offence whoue | 800d reading, gor conversation. They | yiirid's health has not been as good} guimg Off Gold Like C -- dy special sinck, we sell, MILL Tunich may govoe [vocord in written in blood. he represent, in essense, the soundest ad- | oy usual during the present session off go, a: STOOD AS IN TRANCE. of service fo you. We Midintain, A Statistical cor ideal education is that which influ vice of one of the wisest men of the | parliament, but the fretnliv fends to th alem, ne, April BB A paw ie rim whose sole duly uw 5» 5 p » 0 or extracting gok roi Yoke . i x vere | take some rest at an early date. gg om ba . ; . : % . cnpule absolute fact, Lon ihe Saloni tov ences so that beyond the voice and day, good Dr. Everett Hale, of Bos The Catholic church has lost a dis- | ores has heen de veloped hy a resident Victim Remained With Hand" Up 3 ; dost quite tha fnlevesiad in heir stocks presence of the teacher there is the | ton: tingmished prelate, historian and man of this Sty. ; After Tia - coi Whe lifted ay N wa TH a natiral thought 20 devive the most favorable ves of letters, and Ottawa an old and | process has been periected and ately New York, pil & A peculiar fou want coal, 100 shat ™ + The St. John Telegra sh puts' it] honored resident. in the death of practical demonstrations of its suc | case of eatalepry occurred in Long trposs, that kesps the fire sober thought. The question of the a me legraph ; puts : Nuria fanguay. Supported | cess bave heen obtained by the usual] Island city, John Kergerson, of No advantage licre's coal = : . : quaintly What the compervatives | Mer. Cyprien Tanguay or y ** which will provide full bour, then is: Are the home in i and consoled by the sacraments of-his smelting process. Briefly, the process | 267 Front street, Brooklyn, while : ; . : : hia Ricncss and the | school influe need in the local elections in On churen, he passed peacefully away st separates the gold from the ore, |jassing through Ely avenue, bad THBUN Co * tario,' it says, "is evidently some one { his residence, 90 Church street, his | which is put through various solu- | raised his hand to bis face and re such as tend to character buildi 4 ; : : ¢ f : which the imran and the AA to cheer for. Aud the trouble is their | death marking the record of a life of | tions aiter crushing. After settling for | maimed stationary and wright. Poth C i j i | singular usefulness and unselfish de twelve hours the liquid is skimmed } fret were so arely planted on the Now should be constantly engaged ? party (riends. in other provinces have Ee --. For the past year ng Tan- | like cream. the gold being taken off | sidewalk, as if be was about to ad IC » { health. : i stthontie, 400 page, cloth bouod, restraint that is inseparable from no one suitable to Tend them." guay had been in failing due | the top. where it rises like a thick | vance but he remained perfectly rigid | THE TORIES GAVE CONSENT. ® Se -- 1 Fuay Bad ee of his advanced age. |scum. 10 is claimed by the discover [with his hand lo hin face. Aan) ; ¢ . A New Brunswick paper says that Ralph Smith, M.P., has been invited Jer that the process matures latent He wes seen by a woman living The charge, sepetedly made by the | oo. by the sea, irrespective of party | to address the Ottawa ministerial as- | gold, which Fenner, io secured by other | near by, but she paid no attention iven the public that conservative speakers and conserva- | ide: vad i ration. the subject of -- labor J processes. _1t 18 helieved, LY experts | to him until about half an hour later ? Hav. SECOND HAND GOODS tive press, is that the liberals, led by finte,_she ag Provvile Shak panes to ill do a "on Monday | that. the new process will greatly in- {she caw him in the same position | BI¥Pking it warm for all Bought and Sold. the government of this province have has un the ae Ro vernk pray "1 next, On Friday and Saturday Mr. jorease the amount saved, especially | still She then called the attention ¢ my coal next win. ink y in the dominion. Certainly," it is qu ith will be in Brockville to ad- | from. ores of low grade. of others tg him, and after watching --rder is solicited ane oo Noy for woond bewe | beem giving away huge puipwood added, "its legislation has heen | dress the trades and labor council of Rim for ten minutes a_man appros fF ah al card we will Drops pom | areas, and that the agreements in re- | copied by every other province, in the that town on labor topics. Goderich Notes. ed Vine cataleptic showed no signs The oll on wm, gard to them were secretly made. dominion." Capt. James Farquhar, George Beak Wiig Correpomdence of intelligence and the police wire 'Wa Ish What are the facts? --- and A. Crowe, Halifax, are here for | loxes have been placed in public of- |called, Kerger-on was sent to Mt : : a : 4 | the purpose of consulting in ard to | fices for contributions towaras pro John's hospital, where he revived ' s concession to the company does | It's a poor rule which permits, in| "ioral bonus on steel ships built in | posed marine hospital are ive it any right to a title in | parliament, the introduction of all | Canada. They express confidence that | Chief McLean, Sons of Scotland, is | : Barrack St, The only right the company | sorts of fads and fakes, by moving i the domi pion government wilt hood out, joyous a8. a boy after promsment i Latter Pay Baines i a onl 4 in Ca > Fe 3 i to their request, Messrs. 3t, | for cancer under rays. is illness condon, Ont. 3 29 er RK. - She puipuded ethic ie Se -- Xe Toten . hn Swan & Cou, New Castle, Eng.. will] lasted several months. Evans, of this olf pastor -of the DOSY sa for the use of its works, sippy. these things were kept in | Jo ily Steel shipbuilding yards in} Steamer Myles, 42.000 bushels | Latter Day Saints © arch, has been sell the pulpwood to much. Importance is given to them W. Smith, secretary and as- | vance, 45.000 bushels wheat, Port Ar: | phet Joseph Smith, the sorvivor of A oy y manager Chamberlain, of | (bur, arrived on 23rd and 24th re | ihe founder of Mormonism end head wibi . ag od the C.A.R.. has accepted the tion | spectively, for Mooers' elevator. of the church of Latter Day Saints. ject to settlement by | else is expected. of purchasing agent for the tland | Great regret is felt over the death | The Latter Day Saints have no iE be contiguous. * The com- their place they would not amount to | Halifax harbor. wheat, Fort William, and steamer Ad-{ appointed second counsellor to pro- Gf IT ' . or export it, because they occur when something sistant to o desirous of homesteuds, ; s SE ------ ! and Canada Atlantic railways, with | by accident, at Chatham, {i Ang i i Mormons, ion is limited to twenty- "The political history of Ontario, adauarters at Rutland, Vermont. Macdonald, of this ying volt of he a doparind A and is not subject to trans mys Tory, "indicates . that this | The former road, it may be stated, is | captain of the Kolfage. The young | the true faith, particularly in (heftriion for eveyass : province is not the chattel of any | controlled by Dr. Seward Webb, who | man had recently, with his father, | support of pologamy . lt id Rhe works referred to in the The conservatives must get completed the purchase of | bravely rescued lives of others in a ---------- ther. ee dod have been completed. Tot ide of : . lantie, and will retain | heavy sea. A.W. Thompson, vice-president Lot ws All your bin - i es outside their own party i |. t name. It is understood ---------- ' ili v \ reement, on the side of presen : the Ogilvie Milling company, has OTH'S is very bindi It involves they Bope to defeat the Ross govern | that arrangements are about com- | "Bibby's"' Oak Hall "Bibby's." | an order to Winnipeg. for the erect COAL. / 2 ng: : * | ment, and the empty glorification of | pleted for the remov Young men's suits, very dressy, in of twenty elevators along the line ue 188, Poot of West Sureet. flo investment of a sum, varying from a archasing t of the CAR. L550, 88 i : : it Tul a dt = rT party for the sake of party gives the | ¥ $ tweeds and worsteds, $7.50, 88 and ; the company = tions a quarter of & million in the case of i faa ta Rutland, and possibly some other gig The H. D. Bibby Co. Men. John T if, Momo Ce judicious cause to grieve Mees. This $ ES the smallest company to one snd a en m------ though not all of the offices. meee . disappeared from her home and =~ of hears out Dr. Webb's statement that The latest story from Lures. re found dead wnder a brush Of 3 heap it would hardly be necestufs FO Dave | ding the bandit Wussolino, who ia i Paris green by beousehold Furniture a packet on trial there: for murder, is that an The officers and men of the & HAVE "a American impresario bas made a States cruiser Chicago, convie fa ay ie contract with him to make a tour of { disorderly conduct at Venice, a AS hake cen he Cuited States in the event of his | ly will be court martinled. ay ining i i A boiler of the Hodd & Cum ing Co., Stratford, blew wp LADIES, THREE DOZEN FREE States secretary of i » demolished the bo at Lake Forest, H.. was seventy vears of