» ILY BRITISH WHIG. E DA KINGSTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1902, LAST EDITiOX money on | their to do this with the quality and stvie ss hart problem. "FIT - REFORM THURSDAY, ' Aptil 24th, at Grimason Hotel Yard. Cl RED WESTERN TOKSES, with Foul Upwi . Howe | P ade at | ololock WM. MURRAY, Jr. Austionesr Readers to Post Themselves By. St. George's day. Rewd Miss Branifl's musica! article on page "a Sous of Eugland assembly, city all, 8 pm "The Cosntry GirlX Grand oper house, this evening. : It n't always the polished people who vast reflections. Temperance rully, Queen street Methodist church, 8 pm. Movieg pictures of British army life, aity Any firevcloes watchmaker can deliver se loctions from his own works. In order 10 dog & man's footsteps the de wetive should be gives s pointer. No, Maud, doar, the crosscowuiry rider is not alwavs as cross as be sounds. This day in the bistory of the world : Pole Carew drives Boers from Kraatz Kral Gridge, 1000; Ghadetons anointed premier, 1850: president Buchanan born. 1791: 305 of De. Jameson's troopers arrive in Fogland for "trial, 1896; domsimion paslisment pro- round, 1896. DINNER SETS We have hundreds for you to sclect from. Bat we offer you # special set of a best English maker. 97 pieces. Regular price $7.50, For $5 50. ROBERTSON BROS. aw Thi POUL AL ALT "31 "SEVEN BEDROOM, te. Eads i 2 RAT Ee UE Ty | T 28th | My dvd | Fewermn on my la hich I gave voli on @ Apply i 10th | mowiat of, fv dist and | work and. | peared wines. GRAND OPERA HOUSE | DOR TOF SVeTh. A INAAR we publ | statement lately recived from Mr. Su { which wpeiiks eloquently for the perm | character of bis curs. ¥ : Frbmary 2%, Lid, Téronta, Dot ' You have seed je Ww we Ozone Co, Desr Sirs g eurcd a yar heo I pm hl to state wr aipenpanns of this OF | during hye pest year, Youre excellent pr | tion whieh curt me of the awfal tor I md for over thirty vears, di eo well that the disense has ne Tth | uppeared sain. 4h | 1 have ol disp 1 am slo pleased to state to vou, {mv woneral health has twon splendid op | showing what u good blood-biikler yoy {in Powley's Liguifk Owone a | You have my best wishin for stores 19th. | your grand remedy, (Shed) JAMES. ty 21m | ENS, Fre po f ¥ BITUAT] 28m | Florist, Lansdowne Ave. 301k | Mr, Stevens' Former Stater wi. | The Oseme Co, Torom - + . 21m collar, acl - ve. iriland, eed "mE and 112 Bloor Sehwt, Weel, or J. H# Jubm 1.1 ad Bloor St [lop's Greenhouses, with o> Dear Sirs ~Having tuder Diyine + | dunce, hy the uss of vuur Quon? ber ou | of Gnd log, that has bated the sf the Best medical men in three Jwospita one infiemary, beuides loesl 1 0 England amd hore; after thirty-five ~¢ less or more sullering, the last which hove been the worst Sn my exp having through constans discharge me very low, awd suffering from we the benrt's notion, which--it -- hus 40 ound 1 foek #t my duty sixl priv St. TA oT SOMK OWLEDG AD Apply at eo" oF ' ~ EMPLOY! FOR A LAD OF TWELVE, oa Ce AT ONCE, TWO TINSNITHS' HELPERS. ® Law King wh JLUMBERS, ' STEAM AND GAS FITTERS to stay 'away from Dayton, Ohio. ET Ta A ropa pin a RE IN » « | return shanks. 0 the, Eons. PY Oxon Mules | Horwes . Burros GRAND STREET PARADE. Prices, 1 80. ae on sale, 10 son, Thursday, of Hao- ys. - A NEW YORK OFFER ---- For the Construction of a British Columbia Railway. T to, April 23--A Victoria, B. U., special to the Globe, rring to the new proposition for the sonstruc- tion of the Coast-Kootendy railway, made to the government by go firm of New York capitalists, says t it is understood the firm agrées to build for. $4,000 a mile, provided the dom- inion gives $6,000, construction to commence in three months after the the road dominion aid is ted, and to be co within five . The firm will 000 i £100 also to pay sidy at the rate of two per cent. the gross i after ten years ancl to accept rates, but io be exempt till the subsidy is repaid. Thase 'men, the despatch adds, are entirely inde- pendent. of any other. road. Three candidates are now in the field rio legielntare in North Herbert. Adams, 10 AVE BIG BANOUET At The Colonial Iastitutc-Cham~ periain Presiding IT WILL BE HELD ON DOMIN- ION DAY. Sir Charles Tupper Said to Be in Favor of the Corn Tax--Col. Denison is Expected to Make Many Converts to the British Empire League Propaganda. New York, April 23.--The Tribune's London cable says : Sir Charles Tup- per, who leads the way for a large number of influential Canadian guists at the coronation, hes heartily ap- oved of the corn tax. Sir Wilfrid urier is expected by the high com- ine about June , with four or" five mfnisters and premiers of Ontario and Manitoba. Preparations are being made for a great banquet at the colonial insti tute with Mr. Chamberlain, as master of ceremonies, and the Canadian din ner.on. July. let, will be the most bril- Jiant of a long series of colonial en- tertainments. i Col. George T. Denison, Toronto, is expected to make many converts to the propaganda of the Hritish empire league in Canada for a differential tari and an increase of the dominion tariff for purposes of imperial fence. Corn Tax Adopted. London, April 23. The debate on the tax on corn was con- duéte' in a petfunctory way in the commons, yesterday, without a sign of animation, The discussion was up- on whom the tax would really fall. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, chancellor of the exchequer, argued that the tax was not really a violation of free trade doctrines, while it was aheurd to maintain that the working classes were unable to pay the slight in- creases, consider their increased consumption of aleohol. Sir Michael announced that the tax on offal, for feeding stufis, would be three pence per bundred weight. Mr. Baliour, gov- ernment leader in the house, moved the closure whith was carried by a majority of ninety. The corn duty was earricd by a vote of 283 to 197. The majorities aroused considerable opposition cheers, they being in strik- ing contrast tothe vote on the ih: come tax resolfftion, which was car ried by a vote of 207 to 67. There is no evidence yet that a pop ular agitation against the corn duty will be organized. The meeting of the chamber of commerce, was mainly concerned with the effect of the new duties upon various trades and with the-unfairness of the pin grain and flour. The foreign office has issued the xorrespondence regarding the recent sugar conference at Brussels. It seems that the conference was frequently in d ol ending until the marquis of Lansdowne, British foreign secre- tary, intimated, on February 25th, that if the conference should fail Brit- ain would withdraw her delegates and submit to parliament the proposals for sugar taxation in 1902 and 1903. Lord Lansdowne, on February 25th, elegraphed to. the British delegates as foHows : "Though the convention precludes the giving of bounties in eur market to British and colonial r, yet in their own markets the colonies are at liberty to protect home grown sugar. Make it clear that we are not prevented from -sub- sidizing our colonies until the conven- tion becomes operative.'. On March 3rd lord Lansdowne again telegraph- ed: "It is clearly understood that we are at liberty to give preference to colonial sugar until September Ist, 1903." Both provisions were secured. ---------------- KILLED IN EARTHQUAKE, Details of Disaster in Guatemala to Arrive. Gutemala City, April 21.-The de tails 'which are being received here of the result of the earthquake shocks which were general throughout Guate- mala Friday, Satu and Sway, show that Solola, Nahuala, Amatit- lan, Sgnta Lucia and San Juan were badly damaged, and that Quezalten- ango was partly obliterated. Fire added to the horrors there. Two hun- dred persons were killed, mostly wo' men, anl many people were injured. At the capital three churches were slightly damaged. The government is relieving the sufferers. AT A DEADLOCK. BRITISH KILLED London, April 28.--A despatch to the war office states that in an agement at Oliver's Ficksburg . officers and three men were killed Spion Kop Debate. London, April 23.--In the house commons Swift McNeill, Irish nation alist member for South Donegal, ask ed secretary of war Brodrick, to ex plain the army orders issued on return that Roberts' opinion of the Spion fight. He under these circumstances, Mr. Marter Is Right. Mr. Marter disagreed with Mr. Whitney upon the development 'of the pro- vince. Mr. Marter said in the house, 'I have got sick and tired of listening to innuendoes that every- body is a thief and a ro ber, ete."' Mr. Marter is an- xious for the development of the country. He could not support his leader. He withdrew his support. . Marter says, 'Any pet of men can pull down and de- stroy, but it takes wise men to build up," and Mr. Marter is Might. Aldershot. Secretary Brodrick declin would answer the question if challeng Dilke"s Views. New York, April 23. --8ir best-informed members of the that peace will be restored in Africa before the coronation, replied London, as follows : the subject. it has not been done virtually already the result since the conference wi the Boer leaders began. Their parture to' confer confirms m: opinion. Sir Charl eo added that not believe that the Eu agents had been 'dealt wit government, been* consulted by the delegates tending the conference in Africa. Charles Diltke, without doubt, the opinion ef members of the which is more informed thay opinion outside. he 8i Canadian Casualties. of casualties among the South constabulary and the casualty department : "Cape Town--Corporal F. Howard, 2nd C.M.R., dangerously March 31st. His father, lives at Montreal. Frederick Kraus (BE) division, S.A.C. at Klerksdorp, March 27th. The T. Kraus, Palmerston, Ont. Joseph Cairne is dangerously ill enteric at Bloemfontein. listed at Maple Creek, N.W.T." BRITTON NOMINATED. He Asked For Ten Days For Con sideration. of the liberals of South Leeds held here yesterday. There was large the riding. Among the prominent per sons present were: W. A. Lewis, Ath commons E. Britton, Gananoque: J. Webster Westport. The election of sulted : President, Alex. Stevens ; se cretary, H. 8. Davidson, Elgin; treas In a Fight at Ficksburg on April 20th en Farm, near on April 20th, two British of the of Gen. Sir Redvers Buller from South Africa, notwithetanding the fact the government knew of lord Kop alto asked why Gen. Buller, was placed in command oi the first army corps at 5996030000080 000490000 ed to reply, but said the government Charles Dilke, one of the most laborious and house of commons, asked whether he thinks South according to a Tribune despatch from - "I have not the slightest doubt on Peace will be made, if I have not had any doubt respecting de- with the burghers did Boer by the but that they might have at- reflects louse: optimistic, and better Ottawa, April 23.--~The following list a e 2nd battalion, C. M.R., was received by losd Minto from 8. MeL. ill at Klerksdorp from gunshot wound re ceived in action at Kleinhardt river, 8S. Howard, P. McClinchy and are reported missing from their corps fa- thers mre P. McClinchy, Montreal, and Samuel of Next of kin Louise Cairns, Ottawa. Joseph Drury, 2nd C.M.R., dangerously ill of enteric fever at Klerksdorp on Avril 2ist, en Delta, Ont., April 23.~A convention was a representation from all parts of be in time, reach headquarters not ens, who contested the riding for the against George Taylor; C. re- CREAT TRIUNPH THEN , {Lord Kelvin Looks Fer Dry Niagara Three officers and ten men were wound- THE SPEECH or A SCIENTIST -- ed and four men are missing. HIS REPLY TO WELCOME AT NEW YORK. Water Will Be Turned From Preci- pice and Sent Through Tun bines to Furnish Light and Power. New York, April 23.--A reception was given in honor of lord and lady Kelvin, in the hall oi the Columbia gymnasium, by the university of Co- humbia, the American institute of electrical engineers, and other scien tific bodies. Addresses of welcome were made by president Nicholas Mur- ray Butler, Dr. Francis Bacon Crocker, Prof. Elihu Thompson, Dr. Robt. Simpson Woodward. Among those present were Thomas A. Edison, Nikola Tesla, Prof. Chand- ler, and H. D. Pupin. Lord Kelvin's reply was delivered in low tones, owing to the feebloness of age, and with much feeling. Speak- mir of -the-developmenst -of the. Lrans- mission of electrical power, which has taken place, he said: = "It. has been so great, so marvel lous, that 1 hope to live to' see the day when a dream I have had may come true. 1 fervently hope to see the day when we shall have the transmission of electric power over 300 miles, with a voltage of 40,000. When I first talked of that, fifteen years ago, 1 was laughed at, but with the wonderful transmission of power at Niagara Falls, my dream looks, to be - | near fulfilment. "And let me tell the American - | people," said be, " there may he a time when the water will flow no more over that great horseshoe, but instead there _ will be a beautiful growth of vegetation far more superb than any water flowing in torrents, over the precipice, and the water will und its way aown countless turbines, spreading light * and power for hund- reds of miles in all directions." ENGLISHMEN CELEBRATING. A Labor Man Had a Meeting . With Roosevelt. Ottawa, April 23. St. George's day in Ottawa is being celebrated by the Sons of England, who are wearing roses and to-night they will hold their annual banquet. Flags are flying on all public buildings and the officers of Bt. George's society are exchanging greetings with other soeicties in Can ada and England. The banquet to- night promises to be a great success. ¥ Forty-two more reornits for South Africa: were sworn in here yesterday and recruiting. is going . on steadily and hundreds are offering. The men accepted yesterday will eave for Hali jax on Thursday. P. M. Draper, secretary of the To- minion trades and labor congress, has peturned to the city from Washington where he attended a meeting of the executive council of the federation of labor and where he met president Roosevelt. The president showed quite an interest in Canadien trade unionism and spoke shout the regent delegation from the trades congress from the premier, Sir Wilirid Laurier Président Roosevelt said he was a s |friend of organized labor. The exe cutive council, at Mr. Draper's sug gestiori, decided to send an organizer to New Brunswick. Robert Chalmers, of the geological survey, is to be granted the honorary degree of doctor of science by the uni- convention. Mr. Chalmers has had a great deal to do with the survey work on the surface geology of New Bruns- wick. Militia orders state for -the inform ation of intending applicants, that ~ | applications to undergo the examine- tion for entrance to the Roval mili- tary college, to be held at the head- quarters of military districts, com- mencing May 14th, ust, in order to later than 30th inst. Will Not Use Trolley Lines. Watertown, N.Y., April 23. General agent G. C. Gridley, New York Cen- tral passenger department, denies the report that the New York Central in tends to run its Thovsand land versity of New Brunswick at ite next | arer, Omer Brwon, warden of the un- ited counties, Delta. Resolutions of confidéhice in the policies of Sir Wil frid Laurier and Hon. G. W. Ross were passed with much enthusiasm. Several gentlemen were nominated to sleopers from Redwood to Alexandria Bay over ithe trolley line that is now building to connect those towns. Mr. Gridley says the New York company is thoroughly satisfied with The Directors of the New Concern Selected. Toronto, April 28-At the meeting of the shareholders of Sovereign bank, held today, H. Polt, Montreal; A. A. Allan, ° to; Arch Campbell, MP, Junction: James Carcuthers, Mon tral; Randolph Macdonald, Toronto; senator Pater Mclaren, Pecth; John ruguley, Toronto; Henry R. Wilson, Alexandria, rene DR. RUTHERFORD'S BROTHER. Stabbed to Death By Burglars in Singapore. London, April 23.--A despatch from Singapore reports the death of George Rutherford, managing director of a dry-dock company. Mr. Rutherford was twice stabbed by burglars in his own house, whom he attempted to arrest. George Rutherford was about forty-five years of age, and was the son of a Scotch Presbyterian minis ter. He had twp brothers, one iv Rutherford, beifg until) recently head master of Westminster ' college, and the other Dr. Rutherford, Canadian veterinary inspector. ------ A DELIBERATE SUICIDE: ---- : Lay Down in Shallow Water And Was Drowned. London, Ont., April 23 Thomas Dart, an attendant at the London in- sone asylum, sergeant-major of the fst Hussars, disrobed and walked in- to the Thames at a shallow place four miles from this city on Monday night. He was [ound drowned short ly afterwards. Deceased, twenty three vears of age, suffered from melancholy induced, it is thought, by a love af- fair. His suicide was very deliberate, as he had to lie down in the water in order to be submerged. ---------------- A VERY FIERCE STORM. Anxious to Have Recount of Re- ferendum Vote. Winnipeg, April 23.--A bad blizzard raged throu North ta and northern Minnesota Tele graph and telephone i were greatly hampered in vices. Trains wers delayed and plssongers coming north say there were almost two feet of snow on the ground before they got throuch the storm belt Manitoba escaped the storm. Strong represdntations will be made to the provincial attorney-general to hold a recount of the referendum vote. ---- Trusts In Britain: London, Avril 23.--In the house of commons, Thursday, Mr MacVeagh will call the attention of Mr. Balfour, the government leader, to the growth of trusts in E i, end, in view of the evil effects he clnims they have produced in the United States, he will ask the government to appoint - a commission to inquire into. the sub Jeot, @ Princess Saves Her Brother. Seville, April 23.~The queen of Por tugal, Marie Amelie; her brother, the duke of Orleans; the duchess of Or jeans and the princesse Louise of Or lane were taking part in a boar hunt at Villamanrigue, yesterday, when the boar attacked the duke and wounded his horse. Princess Louise saved her brother's Jife by a well-directed which killed the boar. w-------------- Fined For Cruelty To Daughter. Chatham, April 2.--For chastising his daughter so severely that she was confined to bed for several days, Da vid Weir, a farmer, living near Kent Bridge, was fined $10 and costs, $30 in all. He claimed that he had a right to use violence to his own daughter. ---------- State Of Her Health. The Hague, April 23--The following bolletin was issued this morning from Castle Loo : "Queen Wilhelmina had a quiet night. The fall in the morn ing temperature continues and the feeling of illness lessened The patient is taking sufficient nourish ment.' -------------- Fletcher Music Method. Miss Bradshaw will take a limited number of pupils wvext year. Those wishing to avail themselves of vacan cies in her classes should apply at once. ---------------- Her Rudder Broken. Plymouth, April 23.--The steamcr Deutschland, which left New York on April 17th, has been sighted eighteen fast | Toronto | New York, and senator D. McMillan, i shot, : WEATHER PROBABILITIES, 1 Toremto | Strong showers 1o-n'ght winds and Ont (16 am), April 28. south westerly winds and gales; Thursday, strong westerly cooker again, Spring and pring and JRESS GOODS, A luxury of color in our dress {| § goods section! The spring and i sununer fancies are here in all their delicate shadings and deli- cious vpeauty. Robust worth is the marked characteristic of each one. Nog even a hint of the past to be gleaned from a single weave every vard boasts the lat est stamp of fashion's approval. Something delightiully daring about certain designs and nngex- pression of marked modesty wp- on others. Enough of all lines to suit exacting tastes, limited pur ses and halting opinions, 'lis easy to make up one's wind where the range is so splenlidly comprehensive : San Tov Silk and Wool; a fine soft clinging fabric; a cofrect ma terial for stylish costumes; cob ors pearl, French grey, sky, tur quoise, mauve, fawn, brown, ny Ee I i and navy; 48 inches wide; $1 and per yard. . wi wT She Be Color... Brilliantine dastre bright silky finish; very spe is value; all the leading shades; #4 inches wide, per yard ... . French and German Broad: cloth; light and heavy weights ; superior finish; excellent quali- ties: will not spot when shrunk ; choice selections « To's shades: 52 inches wide, $1.80 te per yd, 81, $1.25 and $2.80« Crope de Chane; black silk and wool; a soft, clinging, light- weight dress fabric: one of the Yong materiale; a inches yids; Rue $1.50. $1.25 and French Voile Black; fine and COATSE WORVEN; makes a hand: some costume; 45 in dp wide per yard Tb cenls, and Trimmings to match all. Press Goods our specialty. yard DIED, SANDS---In Kingston, on April 22nd, Jobu Miller, aged wo ad the, in fat, oom of John and Jessie Sands. Fupersl _ peivete. Wig An Toewlay, doit A the louse ~of Proviience, Mrs, MN , to ley of the late I Mellor Funeral private : WHITP- la Kingwige, Ail Wrd, as Bhite, sowl wixiy years Fanernl from bis late residence wirteet, Friday morning, at 2.90 o'elock, 10 Bi. Mary's cathedral, where a solemn rectbom mass will be eeldrated Friends aml soqesintances are respootinlly invited te mttend Jumeph U «der the Patronage of the Commands ersinsChiel and Under the Auspices of Lt, «Col. Skigner and Officers of the XIVih P. W. 0, RR. In ONTARID HALL, "Fo" marrow [ARMY LIFE i ---------- et-- i ---------- -- in the British army How woldiers are made eds Marvellous moving Pictures Every the service ' Plan wt Uslow's. performance on To-morrow. Gare 28¢.. BSc. amd Ge Npecial srhool children's Thursday afternoon, 415 rison wight ------ - Ornamental Fencing. All Styles of Ornas mental Fencing Very Cheap. Viower Sunde, Trek lin for oligahing phenis, wx, Wire Gaards, Railings and Wire work of stl Sols mnniactused by ¥ PARTRIDGE, Vanes Pots, sil in wtodk Crescent Wire Works, 7% %'¢ Ee ece-------------- FANCY CANDY BOXES OF NEW MONTREAL CONFECTIONERY store maxt door to Opera louse. All css masufaotured by ourseives. Frosh every dav Fancy boses a specinht Call avd we' our great display. Prices lowest in the sity fl. E. JERVAS, 220 Princess St. the steamer service between Clayton the riding, but all retired in ' and river points. fa of C. E. Britten, who requested that he be given ten days to consider his acceptance and in event of his de clining the nomination and selection of a candidate to contest the riding be left in the hands of a committee. Althoygh the riding is strongly fon servative," the election is not going to be allowed to go by default. ---------------- Accused Of Crooked Work. Winnipeg, April 23. Despatches from Selkirk the arrest of a man A been guilty of inducing treaty Indians to vote against the liguor act. No few: or than twelve informations, the des patch adds. have been sworn out as a result of crooked work. alleged to have been done jn connection with the taking of the vote in Selkirk. miles south of the Scilly islands with her rudder broken. A Little Nest-Egg. Word has been received that a war gratuity of £100 has n grant ed to Capt. Panet, of the Roysl mili tary college. ---------- TO LET. THAT DESTRABLY. RESIDENCE, 168 KING swoes, lately occupied hy sjor Vator Losamdon at owes. For terms apply 9 Kirkpnonok, Howere § Nickle Over Works of Fiction For Carne- gie Library. treal, April 23.--loere is a veri: Camegie library James I. Rockwell, Sioux City, lo wa, bas asked the court for a divores from his second wife. More than twen- ty years ago he separated from his first wife, and, bearing that she was dead, married again. Now she has written Mm from Auburn, N.¥., ask- ing him to come and see her. The transport Buford which sailed from Manila for San Franci on Tuesday, having completed ber detén- tion period in' quarantine, retorned later. Ome case of cholera appeared on the vessel six hours | after she sailed, and she is again in quarantioe. Russian minister of he the his The assassin of M. Sipiaguine, Russian minister of the interior, committed suicide Sterling Silver BONBON DISHES, Some are in h.in !some designs of 'pierce.i work, ¢ while otners are dainty : French grey finish. £1 £. JOHNSTON & 330. | @ Fresh rhubarb Thursday morning si Carnovsky's fruit store. During Moving Days . Send the amily wash ing to wus, and save yourself 'all the worry and labor. Our rater a/WBreasonable, and the quality of our work - oi oss $ '