Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1902, p. 8

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Ee Rb THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 BE REFUSED THE DECREE IT IS A PAYING BUSINESS STUMBLING BLOCK TO PAS- WILL SOON CONTROL PULP AND TOR IN HIS WORK. PAPER TRADE. THEATRICAL TIT-BITS. -- Lulu = Glaser Presented With a . Lion Cub. "The dividing lind between comic opera and musical comedy," says ihe } Demasic Mirror, "is hecoming more A Steamer Going to Sault Ste. indistinct each season. Ihe terms have { come to be accepted ux almost syno- i a of Se- | Marie--Eighty-nine Resorts { aymous. Properly, a comic opera is THE 5 PAL. EDITION 4ECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. Every Facility is Here--Some COMMERCIAL MATTERS, PE -- Facts About the 'Atlantic Pulp dvan- end & FLOOR on in eht hours. t. Ask for color card andr A RAMSEY'S i» MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. wsrecsesl "The Country Girl" Or City Girl dressed. Wo take pleasure in dressing Gentlemen well Call and Inspect our stock. J. J, CRAWFORD, What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News, Cuneda's output of chess last your was 180,000,000 pounds Argentine cables bring unfavorable weather for the sora crop, wo much Yuin bavity in terrupled work Out of every 100 pounds of paper manufrs sared in the world only six "pounds are made into books Out trop prospects wn the United Seater are reported as deterioration daily, with con tinned drouth im the south-west Snow makes Kansas condition five to ten points lower then April lst, aod says drouth in doing damage in Town amd Nebraska Shares in the Cunard steamship company rose fifteen shillings on Mowday und twenty on Tooedey, as the result of the eurrent rumors. The decrease at Liverpool last week in im ports of meat from the United States, a~ compared to the preceding week, was 3.300 eattle, 6,000 sheep, 11,000 sheep carcasses, ane 14,000 fewer quarters of beef American ginseng is worth, wholesale, $" to 86 a pound' in Hong Kove "Sany' is considered a necessity by the well-to-do Chi- pose who use it for a stimutent, aed avtri bute to it many medical virtues. Ko woits tw China® about $350,000 worth of iv teach year. The Minneapolis Market Record, an ohd time authority, says: "The present outlook seems (0 be for a wmaller winter wheat crop than was indicated by the goverment ne port. The situation wheat seeding is not improvig The wen ther is still too cold and wei in the north to do any work." Although the Anchor hilli 4 ICs» warning that are wrong. E tot guaranteed, No fear They act first on (as undigested 1 upsets GW the other or » then on the kidnevs and and finally the bowels ' refore cure ail kidney Hver, stomach and bowel dis aoben by a scientific, vet com mon sense treatment, Try them, that's the best test. Large bos i. postpaid, from The Grif the & Macpherson Co., Limit wd, Toronto, win Burnd, Froven Limbs, Cuts, Salt Breasts, Ci Nipples, s + Heads, Boils and Bealing PRICE. 25c. All Healing hy kiduey Dr. Cowan's Pills, No. nochex Ointment wot Tn the ew -wtenmuhip combine; -- thew. ar. pessimistic view of the situation. If the com bination has the effect of establisking uni form rates it will be regarded oe an advan tage. In anv event the Clyde lines fool competent of their ability to hold their own ------ Two Divisions. Ottawa, April 22. --Two divisions were taken in the housé to-day, one on the motion to refer back to the railway committee the hill extending the charter of the Red Deer Valley rnilway company, tue other on the amendment to the motion to go into supply by Hon. John Haggart, which was defeated by & majority of forty. eight. ---------- The Newfoundland legislature pro- vogued on Tuesday. The province is in good shape. THAT CARPET. A You will soon" be making room for it. Now is the time to have them made up whilst stocks are lorge and everything in running order, 'New Tapestry Carpets; 37¢., 40¢., 50¢., 6oc., 75¢. Balmoral Carpets, 75¢., 8oc., 85c¢. yard. Brussels Carpets, All new ideas. Velvet Squares, ; Various sizes. Tapestry Squares, $6 to $12 50 each. Squares, in| regard to spring and Allan lines are not uniriendly towards it and do wot take a cured So Far in Montreal. Montreal, Apri) King Fdward, a large boat, bound from New York, to Sanit Ste. Mafie, for the Algoma Uentral railway, has arrived here 50 ber way up the river. In order to yet her through the canal her side projections will have to be remnoved. At the annual convention of the Congregational college, last Kev. Dr. E. Munson Hill, the princi pal, announced the senate had offered the degree of D.D. to Rev Hugh Ped ley, B.A. 4 graduate of the college, and one of the most respected clergy men of the Congregational church in Canada, but he had refused it from the conviction that the degree often acted as a stumbling block to the pastor in his work. . Twenty-two more recruits from this city left by the L.C.R. at noon to day for Halifax to join the fourth contin gent, under Lieut. Littlewood. Seve ral of the men who left to-day have already seen service in Africa and wear medals. The total number of re- cruits js eighty-nine and recruiting is stil going on. The easy feeling in the stock war ket of the past couple of days and the first portion of to-day gave way to a better fecling before noon. Cana- dian Pacific, which had declined to 1244, recovered a point and formed the feature of trading. Dominion steel sold down to 67}, bat recovered a hall. Traction issues were steady. Dominion steel, preferred, sold off one point to 98. ; _A_eonlerenc? between mayor _Coch- rane. superintendent Gossler, of ihe Montreal power company, and the striking electrical workers. had heen arranged for this afternoon and the prospects are that before tue day is over the difficulties will be settled and strike ended. a pr-- d---- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Patagonian Welsh advance party bas veached Winnipeg, Mrs. Caroline Alexander, London, Ont., was run over by a yard engine and fatally inuured, A. M. Featherston has retired from the management of the Royal Temp- lars' insurance department. The Decring harvester company, Chi cago, will establish works at Hamil ton if the city grants a bonus of $50,- 000, One of the promised results of the new steamship combine is a daily mail service between New York and Fog land. ° The United States naval appropria tion bill provides jor two battleships, two armored cruisers and two boats. vator, Fort William, Ont., on Tues day the steamer Donnaconsa loaded 50,000 bushels in an hour and a quar ter. This is about record time. The cruiser Belliona will leave the Thames in Allen liner Huronian, which is nearly two months over due at St. Johns, N.B. Two regiments and a hali, or about 1,250 men, have been recruited for South Africa. It seems probable that recruiting in Ontario and the eastern provinces will be continued until the third regiment has been raised. Eleven hundred dyers helpers in Pa terson, N.J., silk mills went on strike on Tuesday. The men have been re ceiving 89 a week and ask 811. Those working by the hour demand twenty cents instead of sixteen and one-half. Ex-tepresentative Charles 8S. Baker, Rochester, N.Y., died at the. residence of his son in Washington, aged 63 years. His ceath was due to exhaus- tion consequent to a stroke of para lysis which occurred last September The authorities have come to the conclusion thatthe Join i Marietta Odell, the comely Paterson, N.J., mill girl, was not due to "knock-out" drops. but to either ptomaine or ar: senical poisoning, perhaps self-ad minigtered, The tomb at Philadelphia, in which the body of bishop John N. Neumann was placed forty-two vears ago was opened by a special ecclesiastical court, the proceeding being one of the final acts preliminary to the bea- tification of the prelate. The disin terment was made in secret and was for the purpose of identifying the re- mains of bishop Nenmann and to as- certain their state of preservation. WHAT CHARLTON WILL MOVE, He Wants Universal 23.--The steamer | padile-whee) | i | i { i i | | tie lines, ' that need have no plot. night, | | a couple of French actresses because {and so a work in which the story is carried forward by the musical numbers as well as by the dialogse Thus in Gil bert and Sullivan's works every work that is sung has gs muca beanng on the plot as the words that are spok- en. A musical comedy, properly speak- ing, is work constructed upon drama- with songs and choruses, A Paris publisher has been sued by he dered to print their ages. The dramatization of stories and no vels although carried on to such great lengths now, is by no means a new itlea, To go no further back than Sir Walter Scott, all but six of his books were made into plays, as were two of his poems. "The Bride of Law- mermoor'"' was adapted into an 'opera were "Ivanhoe," "Kenil worth," and "The Hearu of Midlothi an. Rensselaer Wheeler, who played the lover role in "Dolly Varden,' is al- leged to have got out of the company because he objected to the way Lulu Glaser kissed him. Previous to stepping on the stage Paderewski puis his hands in a basin of hot water and keeps them there for some little time. It is rumored that king Edward will knight several actors and dramatic authors on the occasion of his coron- ation, The French opera comique venture in New York has become quite popu lar. This week those prime favorites "La Fille de Madame Angot," "La Girande Duchesse,", and "La Mas- cotte,"" are the programmes. 2 It is Julia Arthar's opinion that the stage is no more dangerous to a girl's morals than typewriting. Last week Lulu Glaser attended the Forpaugh-Sells circus in Madison square garden, New York, and W. W. Cole, proprietor of the show, present- ed her with a seven days' old lion cub. The pretty artiste accepted the gift most graciously. She named it Dolly Varden, and gave the keeper a ribbon th put around its neck, It is now a little smaller than a regular house cat. Miss Glaser says that as soon as the baby lion is--weaned she will take it to her house and train it The lion keeper informed her that up to two years old they make fine house pets, but after that time they gun | At the new Canadian Northern ela- | Clyde on Thursday fo join the cruiser | searching for the missing | are disposed to become dangerously | rough. Sarah Bernhardt has a beauti | fully trained leopard. Madame Theo has { a tiger and history records that Mare | Antony presented to Cleopatra, his | love, a pair of royal Bengal tigers, dnd now Miss Glaser has a lion. Meeting At St. James'. Last evening the annual meeting of the junior 'branch of St. James' wo man's auxiliary was held in the paro chial school room, for the election of officers for the coming year, with the | following results : Superintendent, Mise Kirkpatrick; president, Miss M. Macmorine; secretary, Miss Corbett; treasurer, Miss C. Comer. Reports given by the secretary and the treasurer were most favorable, showing the society to be in good standing financially, with the member- ship and average attendance increased. After the business meeting a large bale was packed to be sent to the mis- gionary at Lesser Slave Lake. Starved To Death. Memphis, Tenn., April 23. The death of five negro children from star vation is reported from Haywood county, about forty miles north of Memphis. They were the children of Jim Mills, who left them several weeks ago ostensibly to find work. The family lived in an isolated spot and their condition was not discover- ed-until they were beyond help. Stricken With Paralysis. Mrs. Cooke, wife of one of the oldest residents of Cataraqui suffered a stroke of paralysis on Saturday, and has since been seriously ill. She has been a familiar figure on the Kingston mar- ket for a good many years, ---- "Bibby's.'" Oak Hall. "Bibby's."" New spring suits. Every detail. in out, ing and trimming shows plainly the excellence of our spring suits. 88, $10, $12 and $14. The H. D. Bibhy Co. I Will Cure You of RHEUMATISM. No Pay Until You Know It. A Wardrobe, and Paper Company's tages. If there is one business more than another which Canada may reason- ably hope to obtain a world's mono- poly of, that business is the making of pulp and paper. The pulp-wood forests of every other country except Scandinavia are depleted, and those of Scandinavia are not nearly so large as Canada's, while it is common knowledge that the pulp procured from the Norwegian forests is mv inferior to that made in Canada. A number of business men have re cognized Canada's position of advan: tage in this regard, and have organiz- ed the Atlantic pulp and paper com- pany, limited, with an authorized ca- pital of £3,000,000. At the present time $950,000 of seven per cent. cum ulative preference stock is offered to the public for sale at par, payments to be made in the usual instalments, The board of directorate contains such well-known names in the business world as W. C. Edwards, M.P., the Ottawa lunberman, R. ¥. Ellis, vice president of P. W. Ellis & Co., Toroh- to: Charles H. Waterous, president of the Waterous engine works, Brant ford: BR. H. Thompson, paper merch- ant, Bufialo; A, J. H. Eckhardt, Tor- onto; Charles Lyman, president the Lyman & Knox Co., Montreal; J. W. lomberman, Montreal ; Wm. M. Mcintyre, paper manufactur- er, late mechanical superintendent of the Laurentide pulp company; and W. R. P. Parker, barrister, Toronto. Those interested in the company are already congratulating themselves he- cause of the fact that since the pros pectus of the company was issued a few weeks ago, two offers for the pur- chase of the company's entire output of paper have been made. The offers are responsibly backed, and were not solicited. Either offer, if accepted, would pay preferred stock dividend, fixed charges, and leave a balance sufficient to pay a large dividend on the common stock. barring unforeseen contingencies, which can well be taken care of by the saw mill and sulphute pulp. neither of which are included in the foregoing offer. The advantages possessed by the company are: 1. An unlimited wood supply, near New Richmond, on the Baie des Chaleurs, wherf the mills are to be located; the limits contain ab out 193,200 acves, and the wood is mainly spruce, the king of pulp- woods, Enough pulpwood stands on the limit, it is estimated, to last six ty-five years, and spruce will repro duce itself in from twenuy-five to thir ty years. 2. The water-power on the Little Cascapedia river is adequate and cheaply obtainable, 3. Clear and pure water may be obtained with ease for the cleansing processes. The cost of living in the vicinity is low and wages will not be high. 5. The shipping facilities are unsurpassed. 6. And the manager, Mr. McIntyre. has had over twenty years' experience as a practical pulp man. It is predicted 4bat pulp and paper can be made more economically at New Richmond than anywhere else in America. Sutherland and Cameron, brokers, Ottawa, or the National trust company will furnish forms of application for stock. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. New Brazil nuts at Carnovsky's. Queen's arts and science examina- tions concluded to-day. The waterworks department did not open the trench near the opera house. Hon. William Harty, M.P., King ston, is in Toronto on private busi ness. The Nelgon street water main bas been completed. Services are now be ing put in. Mrs. (Capt.) Miller, Colborne street, is visiting Mrs, Robert Winbourne, Pittsferry Coronation ? No ! Can' get away in time, but am going later with tickets purchased from Gildersiceve & Kirk- patrick. * F. V. Mea bag been taking a three weeks' course in the horological in- stitute, Toronto, and has returned to Kingston. R. Flynn, J.P., Mountain Grove, is in the city to-day, to appeal again a decision of R. B. Newton, J.P., in the assault case of Godfrey ve. Flynn. Mrs. Wilson, Quebec, wintering in Toronto, leaves next week for home, and will visit in Kingston, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Black. Signs of the times. The new and artistic ones of "'Gildersieeve & Kirk- Gildersleeve'" at NTA fortron 7 A Special SHIRT BARGAIN To-morrow, Thersday. We have just secured a pasticularly good thing in en's Fine White Unlaun- dried Shirts and will have them ready for TO-MOR- ROW MPRNING. { 350 MEN'S FINE WHITE UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, Made by TOOKE, of the best shirt. maker in Oanada shirts are made from XX Whise Cotton, fronts, full sizes, all numbers : are considered extra value ot Thc. each - lsundried. Salg Price To-morrow For This lof, = = 9 | 39c. each. MEN'S FINE i 75 + UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, Made and stasped by TOOER of Montreal. The collar used is extra good and intended for bard wear. The fronts are Pure Linen snd p reinforced. All sizes, These shirts are eunsi exirs value at $1 when lanndried, Sale Price For This Lot To-morrow i 50cC. each. Sale opens at 8 o'clock and lasts all day. Positively no telephone orders taken for these two lots. J. LAIDLAW &- SON. J ALAA As ARAL AIALIN SP APP ---- THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. CHEAP SALE OF CARPETS. 20 Per Cent. Off. We are giving up keeping carpets, and 4-yards All-Wool No Everlasting for wear, to fit any room. wide Floor Oil Cloths. We have jabout 75 rolls, some in large pieces and some in remnants of 5 to 20 These we want to clean out as quickly as possible. are in All Wool, Union, Hemp and Tapestry. we have Union and Tapestry Stair Carpets and about 25 New Art Squares all in one piece, with a border all around in Union, Wool, Tapestry and Brussels. House cleaning is novr the song in many a heme, and here is r chance to have a clean new t at a genuine {areain. Every Carpet and Wide Oil Cloth at a Cash Reduction of 20 Per Cent. NEW ARRIVALS. Lace Curtains from 25c¢. to $7.50 a pair. Amnesty In patrick' and "J. P. 42 Clarence sireet, insurances, tickets and marriage licenses. There was battalion parade at the armouries last night, when Lieut.-Col. Skinner took over the command of the ever, 14th regiment. He briefly "addressed "1 dk for no money. Simply write | the men, ahd complimented them up- me a postal and I will send you an | on their smart appearance. ofder om your nearest gist for Alderman J. B. Walkem returned six bottles of Dr. Shoop's tic | this afternoon from Schenectady, N.. Cure, for av druggies keeps it. Use | Y., where he attended the funeral of ath. if it does what I | his niece, the late Mrs. McMullen. The i i remains of the young mother and her babe were buried side by side, South Africa. Ottawa, April 23.-Myr. Charlton gave notice that he would move the following resolution to-day on mo- tion to go into committee of sup- ply : "This house is of the opinion that British supremacy should be maintained and firmly established in South Africa, to which end Canada has cheerfully contributed men and money. Having in view the wfoct of a policy of magnanimity and mercy at the cession of Canada snd at the close of the civil war in the United States, and for other reaso this house is also of the opinion that a like policy of magnanimity and mercy may be extended to a brave people mounted rifles were sworn in at the for mow opposing British arms, and y armourifs to-day. They were: that in the interest of peace, gd that : lood W. FE. Connolly, Cataraqui. Alter 2,000 experiments © have learn- ed how to cure rheumatism. Not to turn bomy joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage and for- Curtains Point, Si Irish Three More Men Enlisted. Fora Three more recruits for the third ~ Swiss Net, Mathewson Tomkins, (Gananoque. George H. Cane, Gananoque. " i <--1in the interest of harmony, and homo- | russels Lace, is. imi. ww 3 : 3 $ | sal amnesty a condition of peace and submission to British wonuol, te all persons in arms against British authorise, in Cape Colony, Natal the Orange River Colony, the Transvaal, and all other portions of the British dominions in South Africa, and upon ri small. Altogether. twenty-three men New Patterns in Floor Oilcloth at 25¢. yard. have been enlisted in Kingston. No- -- S525577 CRUTILEY BROS. ications of the non- 132-134 PRINCESS STREET. regarding the commissioned and men of "A" and "B" field batteries. Mill Haven Items. Soi Mill Haven, | 28. Masons are | N.Y. after laying the or James | i8 seriously Franklin's a prin Edward Shite "pring. ames the misfortune {0 fall dislocate bis shoulder beside wus- i Charles Cartain Nets and Dotted Musiins ffom c. a yarf A The number of applicants was very Art Blinas and Curtain Poles, all widths. #4 J fa A Fierce Windstorm. It was a fierce windstorm that morning. From a clock, the Stunphors Chinnery has returned to Watertown, iting his brother, who uh. ------ Frederick Wyld, Toronto, has been elooked vi b of the

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