Yoi Aro In Boi A Third of the Time. wis? teed thas tat Dag You'll. Enjoy Your Sleep Aud be by It il you select a som fortable bed sasy, long wear mattress. Robt. J. Reid, The Undertaker and Furniture Deal: or, § Doors Above the Opers ard Vil » Algxandra yin i ceived. Edition limited CALL AND SEE THEM. _ KIRKPATRICK'S AR STORE mich _slosty to suable vou to rest is provided by having CATHEDRAL, A i SILK, ill any. SEVEN - BED ROOMS, pe ile. Apply on Ub BRICK HOUSE, NEW, oi whoever; moflurn by" OR pretsise, Mrs. Monch. ok sn dian, , BRICK DETACHED nace, modern A "BRICK JRE, NO.'27 NELSON HOSE, WF 38 SF HE Jovse SANTLY SITUATED i. ST Sts. containing also Bouse mest door ocofi- i whd with a modern im- ww Dr. Fowler, Broek FTE ROIS : LAD OF TWELVE, Sy #8 LAD, Whig of A" GO BRAL SERVANT, WITH RE a tI, anrciiter Ton Oo Pe ty avesite pr » very + fo WITH HAT YOU CAN GET of hed Menta at Wenstoce {md break hams and - oth bag ry DAILY BRITISH WHIG. LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Notd Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Moving pictures of British army lifes, «ity The high premium on bowesty way be dee to the fact thet it is the bes: policy. It sommes quite natural thet kuights should bave fourished during the dark ages This day in the world's history: Desiel Defer, author of "Robioson Crusoe," died, 1781; Kiel defeated at the battle of , Irish Creek, 1985; Mokke died, 1891; Washiog ton burmed by the British, 1814; Spanish Apwrichn war begun, 1808; CGrecks aben don ail their 'positions on the Themalian frontier, 1897. Coronation mien. The Latest, Just Out. ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA AEA ONDAY. APRIL 28th AL W. Martin's 'Mammoth $30,000 Produc: tion of the minal Dean, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 60 PEOPLE 60 A CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY. 10 Horses Ponies Ozen GRAND STREET PARADE. Prices, 25e.. 38¢c.. 80c Seats on sale, 10 am; Thursday, at Haw lev's. - Tuesday, Apsil 29th Chas. H. Yale and Sidney R. Ellis' Big Trick Spectacle. "THE EVIL EYE" The beautiful Fleciric Ballet, tlw SEE Vietoris Trowipe of Daswess, and 1X) new sgveltios. A Big Company" of 50 ARTISTS 50 Prices 25¢., 50c., 7Bc., $1. one oft sate FRIDAY, 10 ., at Han: * Friday and Saturday aod Saterday Moti nee, May 2nd and 3rd, BERT MANTELL Garrison Night Under the Patromage Lt.-Col. Mosutizambert and Officers. - - Ontario Hall To-night How soldiers are made in the British army. Marvellous moving pictures: Every branch of the services. Seats 25c., 35¢. and 50c. Plan st Uglow's. THREE BUILDINGS BURNED ---------- In Marysville, Wolfe Island, Wed- nesday Afternoon. The village of Marysville, Wolfe Is- land, was visi on Wednesday aflt- ernoon By a disastrous fire, three buildings being burned to the ground. The blaze ocourred at hall past two o'clock, and originated, no doubt, from chimney sparks, spread abroad by the furious wind. It started in the house occupied by John Abbott in the eastern end of the village, and fanned by the gale, soon enveloped the whole dwelling which the viHag- ers, fighting only with buckets, could not prevail against. In a very short time the house was reduced to ashes, with nearly: all its contents. Quite he house of Richard Arm- strong, and it. was alse doomed. The fire swept to it, and had wi it out inside an hour. Continuing in its KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1902. THE SHIPPING TRUST it Is Now The Concera Of Eng- glish Folk, INFORMATION _ IS - MEAGRE NEW LINES LIKELY TO JOIN COMBINATION. Wanting to Know the Status of British Vessels in Time of War ~Questions to be Asked in the House of Commons. London, April 24.--The shippiog trust continues to draw diffused and contradictory despatches from Ame rica, but the information obtainable from the press here is meagre. The Shipping Gazette, which is about the only paper with trustworthy details, announces definitely that the Holland Aruerican line has agreed to join the combine. It stated that a meeting of the Cunard shareholders will be call- ed shortly to consider the question of joining the combination. : Several questions will be asked in the house, to-day, with reference to the scheme. People in this country are particularly anxious to know what would be the status of British vessels, controtled by the-eonbine-in- time of war, and whether the admir- alty is taking any action in the mat- ter. The Daily News says there is hardly any doubt that the next link to be acquired by the shipping combination willl he certain selected English trunk lines. Tuesday's reports indicated that the London and Southwestern railway company has already receiv- ed everturbs, though this is officially denied. The News revives. the rumor that Americans are buying the Great Cengral railway. Tha Chronicle says: "Though we are reluctant to see the government interfere with ordinary commercial transactions it seems to ws that so many national interests are involved in the steamship merger that the government intervention is not only justifiable, but an almost imperative necessity.' To Be British Manager. Southampton, April, 24.--1t is sta ted that Mr. Wilding, who succeeded Mr. Ellerman, as manager of the Ley- land line, will be the British manager of the steamship combination. Dr. Griscon, of the International naviga- tion company (the American and Red Star lines), will look after the Ame rican end. e---------- ? A NEW DIVORCE BILL. ---- Reasons That Will Allow Dissolu- tion of Marriage. London, April 24.--Earl Russell's di- voroe bill was introduced in the house of lords vesterday.' The first clause provides that either a man or wife mar petition for a dissolution of their marriage. unless connivance is proved, on the grounds of either adultery, cruelty, penal servitude for not less than three years, unsound mind, for a year preceding the filing of the petition, living apart for the preceding three years, and not intend- ing to resume co-habitation, or living apart for the preceding year when the other party concurs in the petition. Clause seven provides that alter the commencement of the act ne for a judicial separation tian of conjugal rights, op jacitation of marriage =shall he ro ceived. Clause sixteen provides that as soon aw dissolution of marriage is effected the parties may marry again. Clause sixteen provides that marriage with a deceased wife's sister, or a deceased husband's brother, shall not be invalid by reason of affinity A DISASTROUS FIRE. A Small Village Wiped Out--Many . Are Homeless. . Chatham, Ont., April 24.---Cooper- ville, twelve miles north of Chatham, a thriving village of twelve houses and a store, bailt up around the John Cooper saw-mills, has been wip- ed out hy fire. The county is very dry and the drought was taken advant- age of to burn out a slashing. The fire carried by a strong south wind swept down on the village at-sun- down and obliterated it despite all efforts" to fight the flames. There were no fatalities fortunately. The farmers in the vicinity are taking care of the home! and supplies of food have been forwarded from Chatham. Mr. Cooper, the heaviest loser, puts his loss at over $400,000. NEW BISHOP'S CONSECRATION Will Take Place on Friday in Montreal. Ottawa, April 3.~The consecration of dean Carmichael a8 co-adjutor bis hap. of Montreal, 'will take place on Friday, St. Mark's day, in ; iwhop St. 4 MARRIED BY TELEPHONE. ------ A Widow find a Merchant Wedded Telephone. Cincinnati, ., April 24.--A Dayton, Ky., widow and a Hopkinsville man met vesterday for the first time, after having been married over the long distance telephone, in the drug store of A. BE. Goetz, Dayton. They = have never seen each other before. The tele phone cherges were $23. The contract ing parties were Mg Gertrude Galla gher, a young widow of Dayton, and Theodore Coben, a merchant of Hop kinsville, Ky. The bride accompanied by her father, a sister and many guests entered the store and request ed the use of the telephone. The par ty took seats around the telephone 00000000000 00000000000 ® ® Good Advice. ® * Judge the government ® on its record, and decide "' ® is the very sound advice of- eo fered the electors by the @ Peterborough Review, con- ® servative. That is what @ the electors have done in @ successive gemeral elections @ 'for some years past. They. @ are going to do so again. e ® The result can Be anticipat- Pd eo ed : * ; 0000000000000000000000 booth and the Rev. Dr: Harding took. the 'receiver from the hook and asked for Hopkinsville, Ky. The bridegroom answered. The minister propounded the usual questions to the bride groom who evidently gave satisfac tory answers. The ceremony oceupi- od fifteen minutes. The bride was ush- ered into the booth and answered the usual questions propounded by the minister ac the other end of the wire. The courtship has been carried on by correspondence. p---- MAY LOSE HIS EYESIGHT. Boy Found a Bottle of Gunpowder And Ignited It. Lindsay, April 24.--Blake Cullen, the ten year-old son of "Thomas Cullen, of Bridgenorth, is suffering from the of fect of an accident which befell him, and as the result of which he may possibly lose his eyesight. It appears that the boy was playing about in Miss M. Mann's yard and came across a bottle of gunpowder which she had thrown out. He poured a little of the powder out on the ground and put a match to it, but neglected to place the bottle at a safe distance, and con- sequently the entire amount of the powder exploded in a blinding flash, singeing off the lad's eyebrows, lashes and hair, and it is feared injuring his eyesight. ---------- THE THIRD TO GO. Suicide Without Doubt Ran in the Family. Stratford, Ont., April 36=MWiss Bare ah Ferguson, of Wellesley township, eommitied suicide by hanging in the epllar. Miss Ferguson, who kept house for her brother, David, was subject to fits of mental aberration. Some twen ty-cight years ago, a sister, and @ few years ago a brother committed suicide. Army Of Rats Invade Texas. Carrizo, Texas, April 24.--An army of gigantic Mexican field rats hos in vaded this portion of the dountry near the Rio Grande border, and the Mexi cans of the lower class who live in hamlets and villages on the neighbour ing ranches, and in the valley of the Rio Grande below here, are in a state of error. The rats are believed to have crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico. Many reports of children having been attacked and injured have been receiv: od here. Millions of rats have fed on the prickly pear and mesquite trees dur ing their migration, and thousands of acres which are covered with this vege tation now have the appearance of having been stricken with a deadly blight. A Remarkable Operation. Saginaw, April 2.--Physicians of the college hospital have performed a remarkable operation, that of graft. ing a piece of a dog's skull upon a human bead. The patient is John Ol berg, of Kenton, Houghton county He is now recovering from an old af fiction. Olberg's skull was fractured four years ago. Over the hole, which was an inch and a half in diameter, there formed a foreign growth. This firessed on the brain and caused con- valsions. When it was decided to op- erate on Olberg the doctors chloro formed a dog and removed a ¥ of the skull The piece taken out was then implanted in the opening in Ol berg's head. , 3 Murray A. Kerr Dead. Hamilton, April 2. Murray A. Kerr, president of the Hamilton steamboat company, died Wednesday morning of dropsy, with which he had been confined to the house since the first of the year. Hid sister, Mrs, 8 Frank Wilson, of Toronto, died 5 few days ave, and his mother, with whom be lived, in prostrated by the double beregvement. . Kerr was fifty-five vers of age. and spent the greater part of bis hile in this city. A Thousand On Hand. Halifax, N.S. April the fourth C i (CANADA'S ADVANTAGE To Have a Strong British Navy Is N-cegsary $00,000,000 OF HER TRADE IS CARRIED ON THE SEA AND AT RISK OF WAR. Socialists Put Candidates in the Field in Toronto--A Woman to Run in North Toronto-- Recruiting is Over. Toronto, April 24.--The annual din ner of St. George's society last even ing was a most sufcessful event, the attendance being large, and the en thusiasm unbounded. H. J. Wickam, responding to the toast, "The Army, Navy and Active Militia," said it was to Canada's advantage to have a strong British navy as $200,000,000 of her trade was carried on the sea and at risk of war. He disagreed with Sir Wilirid Laurier"s contention that com- merce and defence could not be eon- sidered together. The colonies, he de: clared, should organize their local for' ces, that they might co-operate with the imperial forces and Canada should form a naval reserve and subsidize her merchant murine. ptm At a convention of Toronto social- ists, hel®@ last night, candidates were nominated for East, West agd North Toronto, some difference of opinion prevailing as to the wisdom of plac ing a candidate in the field for South Toronto. The nominees are as fol lows : For East Toronto, James Simp- son; for West Toronto, John A. Kel ly; for North Toronto, Mrs. May Darwin/ Yesterday was the final day for re cruiting here for the fourth 'conting ent, instructions to that effect hav ing heen received by Col. Otter, from Ottawa. The total number sworn in for service here was 138. Dr. Duncan Andbrson, Carleton street, will go with the contingent as surgeon-cap tain, instructions to that effect hav ing been received yesterday. It is ex- pected that the next squad of about twenty men will leave on Saturday night. " ' NOT READY TO LEARN. Were of the Most Insular Charae- ter Ever Known. London, April 24.--~Acthur Balfour, the government leader, in the Rouse of commons, speaking at the Mansion House, yestertlay afternoon, before a large gathering of city men, the oc casion being the distribution of priz- 4 in® connection. with the commercial education scheme of the Londoncham ber of commerce, stated that. al although English people prided thein selves with, being the architects of an ompiryy world-wide in extent. syd cos: mopolitan mm character, t oF, among the nations, were of the most insular character ever known. They bad taught others many lessons in gov- etnment, liberty, toleration, freedom, enterprise, initiative, and great mor al and intellectual qualities, but they had not themselves been ready to learn. WILL MAKE SPEECHES. Col. Denison In England And Full Of Energy. New York, April 24.---The Tribune's London cable says Col. Denison arrived yesterday from Toronto, bring ing with him the propaganda of the British empire league in Canada, and energy enough for a dozen men. He said at the national liberal club that he was ready to address all sorts and condition of men on the suiject of imperial federation. A series of im portant addresses will be delivered by him in England, and he will exert much imfluence indirectly on Mr. Cham berlain's conferences, To Invite Coercion. London, April 24. --Speaking at Shannonbridge, King's county, says a telegram from Dublin to the Times, (O'Sullivan, the official organizer of the United Trish league declared that as fighting in the counties of Muns- ter amd Connaught was being pro claimed, Leinster would have to take up the burden of the work. The peo ple of Leinster, said O'Sullivan, would be forever disgraced if in a few months they did not compel the exer cise of evercion in that provinee, Recruits Left Ottawa. Ottawa, April 24. Another contin gent of twelve recruits left Ottawa this morning for Halifax. The Cen tral station was crowded when the train pulled out. The boys were giv en many rousing cheers. Out of 700 who offered for enlistment 250 wers accepted. Col. Hurdman, the enlist ing officer, went as far as Montres! with the recruits. Want Dr. Jameson. Buluwayo, Rhodesia, April 20. -The chamber of mines has adopted a reso lution declaring that it is of the ut most importance that the successor of the late Cecil Rhodes have the con the southern Rhodesians. The resolution suggests that Dr. Jameson would be the most suitable man to succeed Mr. Rhodes. Baseball On Wednesday. "American league--At Washington. 7; Boston, 3. Ar Baltimore, 1: Philadel phia. 8. At Chieago, 12: Detroit, 2 At St. Louis, & Cleveland, 2. National league---At New York, 5 Boston, 4. At Philadelphia, & Brook: hn & At Pittsburg, I; Cincinnati, 3. The Allan line steamer Corinthean, from St. John, NB. and Halifax. for , arrived at Moville at 8.00 vn Wednesday, * ; E. Hicks, Perth, becomes u tra for the wholesale § grocery rm & Co. He will travel in } pon, R wa « unsurpassed. Kingston Steam Laundry THE BULLETS FLEW. | i i Strikers Attacked Various Estab- | lishments. { Paterson, N.J., April 34.Striking | dye helpers yesterday stormed the es- | tablishments ere which were still run- | ning and forcibly compelled a sus | pension of business in their trade. | hey engaged in a series of running | ghts with the police and plant man agers, and in one of the = severest | clashes exchanged a volley of pistol shot with them i It was believed for a time that it} would be necessary to ask the state | for troops to restore ovder and insure | protection to life and property, but | the police expressed confidence in their | ability to . handle the situation and | no request for outside aid was made Judge Dixon called the grand jury before him and charged them to in dict the persons guilty of rioting THE SOLDIERS DESERTED. Venezuelan Government Troops Attack Revolutionists. Port of Spain, Trinided, April 26 On Tuesday worning the Venezuelan government troops, numbering 2,200 men, under Gen. Ramon Castillo, at t 1 the revolutionists between San Antonio and Guan na, distant about thirty leagues from Cumana. Gen. Castillo was wounded and died immediately afterwards All of the recently récewier Vene- suelan soldiers dishanded, deserting in all directions and eventoalls reach ing San Anton'v. The government of ficers tried to rally their troops, but their efforts were in vain amd ended in a complete retreat of the Venezuel an soldiers. The situation is eriti- cal. ------------ TWO VESSELS COLLIDE. Scores of Passengers Were Saved, Malaga, Spain, April 2H. The steamer Bride, of Fiume, collided with the steamer Adriadne, of Rotterdam, off Cape Galt today. The Bride sank. The crew of the Bride, twenty nine in number, and her 118 passen gers, were saved Ly the British steam er Murillo, from Hull for Alexandria erste -- SUNK OFF THE TYNE. And the Norwegian Coaster Struck By Steamer--Seven Drowmed. Washington, April 24.-Capt. Ches. E. Clark has declined the appoint- ment of special naval representative at the coronation of king Edward and the president has name admiral Watson for that mission. A G.T.R. Inspector Killed. Cayuga, Ont, April 24 William Hare, car inspector for the G.T.R., "was run over by g freight train, and killed, in Stanley, about five o'clock this morning. It is supposed that he jumped for the front part of ithe van of the feight. a» the tmin was loav: ing, and missed bis footing. The van of the train passed over his ab domen. Hare leaves a widow and one daughter, seven years old Town Of Marienville Destroyed. Oil City, Pa., April 24.-The town of Marienville on the Pittsburg & Western railroad in Forest county was practically wiped out of existence yesterday by fire, Thirty-five business places andl over fifty residences were consumed. The loss will aggregate over $200,000. The citizens are al most entirely homeless - Admiral Watson. Newcastle, Eng., April 24 Tyne yesterday a new steamer, the Ditkera, of Adelaide, South Australia was on her speed trial trip when she ran-down the Norwegian coaster Hee kia, which immediately sank, drown ing several of her crew. Ten men were rescued by the Dilkera A Bachelor Drowned. Edmonton, N.W.T., April 24 A bachelor farmer named Vader, left his house, on April Hh, tv come to town and bas nof been seen or heard of since. It supposed he wes drowned while crossing the river. He was well-to-do Watchman Killed. New York, NY., Aprii M.--The boiler of the tug boat Thomas Per cival, ving at her dock at Green Point, blew up early this morning Fadward Moran, the watchman, killed. The tug was destroyed Adopted Penny Postage. Melbourne, April 24. -The Austra lian commonwealth, to-day. adopted a, penny [ostage for all places within the British empire Fletcher Music Method. Miss Bradshaw will take 8 limited pumber of pupils next year. Those wishing to avail themselves of vacan cio in her classes should apply at once. Sealing A Failure. Vancowver, B.C. April 3H.~The sealing season on the coast has been rough weather. During Moving Days Send the family wash. ing to us, and save yourself 'all the worry and labor. Our rates are reasonable, and the quality of our work Off the | was | practically a total failure, owing to | LAST EDIT1OX WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ont, (10 sm). April 34 ~Frek Wibeds, Boe Friday, fair, with Wate tempera un Toromte, westerly nestly the Spring and Summer DRESS C00DS. A luxury of color in our dress goods section ! The spring. snd stunner fancies are re In all their delicate shadings and deli- cious - veauty. Robust worth ix the marked characteristic of each "one. Not even a hint of the past to be gleaned from a single weave every yard boasts the let- est stamp of fashion's approval. Something delightivily daring ahout certain designs and nn ex: pression of marked modesty up- on others. Enough of all lines to sit exacting tastes, limited pur sos and halting opinions. "Tis easy to make up one's wind where the range is so splendidly comprehensive San Toy Silk and Wool; a fing soft clinging fabric; a correct ma- terial for stylish costumes; col ors pear], French grey, sky, tur guoise, mauve, fawn, brown, my. rte, wedgewond blue and navy; 46 inches wide; $1 an per yard. $1.28, Color Brilliantine Lustre; bright witky finish; very speed value; all the leading shades; 44 inches wide; per yard . : French and German Broad: cloth; light and heavy weights; superior finish; excellent quali: ties; will not spot when shrunk ; choice selections ol ng shades; 52 inches wide; si.30te per yd, $1, $1.25 and $2.80. Crepe de Chene; black silk ) and wool: a soft, clinging, light- weight dress fabric: one of the leading materials; 46 inches wide, per yard $l $1.50, $1.25 and French Voile Black; fine and coarse weaves; makos a hand some costume; 45 inhes wide: por yard 75 cents, and a s Trimmings to match all. Dress Goods our specialty. Avril 28d, to 148 Nelson 15 Kingston, a dnug liter. * MARRIED. O'BRIEN -MoUCARTNEY ln Kingston, on W April 218, HH. O'Brien, -to Miss Mags Met artery, both of Whis city DIED. Kingston, April 23rd. Joseph awl sly vears venience, 385 Queen ai 9:90 o'elogk, WATHEM x. and "rock, a on Wathem, Hiv WHITE-In White, Funeral fromm his late street, Friday morning toa § Mury's catbodrsd, whore a solemn requiem mass will be oelebrated Frise aml acquaintances are respeovlully juvid attend COOK E~At har home 23rd, Flira El Falward Cooke Funeral from 20th, at 10.30 x on April wile of in Catornagui awd 72 years ute residemon Friday. April aw yy Gladitone And Irving: | Chambers' Journal | Mr. Gladstone and never was a great admirer an opportunity © seeing lrving in one of his great hatacters. It chanced that afier ing present at the first night of "Ra vin-woo I," presented in September, 1540, | had occasion to post off Lo Fdinbursh to chronicle the proceed. ngs the penultimate Midlothian campaign. At disner ah the night of my arrival 1 had the good fortune to End myviel seated next to Meo Glads stone. It was a time of great storm and stress in the political world. Mr. Gladstone was leading the attack up- oy the government which resulted in their defeat the general election | two vears later. When he heard that 11 had been at the firm night of | "Ravenswood all other topics were { wot aside. He overwhelmed me with a [ torrent of questions ax to bow lrving ad worked ont particular episodes, 1 remember he was particularly gn¥ious to know how the final wsoene, where | the hat of the drowned Ravenswood {iz found forlorn on the sends, was staged He told that f all Seott's novels he most admired "The Bride of Lammermoor." missed ae in at me James Rooney, living with his par | ontx in Perth during the winter has | left to visit in Cobourg before enter ing on his duties on the R. & 0. com peny's steamer Kingston FE. Chaplean, Ottawa, chil engineer in charge of the government survey, was in the city to-day superintending the fitting out of the government dredges at the dey dock. Srrrseeverraeed Sterling Silver ' BON-BON DISHES. ' ! Some are in handsome designs of pierced work, while others are dainty French grey finish, : | i fIONTON 920 "-