Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1902, p. 3

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DAILY BRITISH wHIG, HIG, TEURSDAY, a. - aA APRIL 24. . Pacific Railways. SHRMSAGAY Morin Intane Until April | SPECIAL 'GoiDNiST RATES Nomrn PACIFIC Co COAST and KOOTE- v AY POINTS. |84s. 03. 1$43,55. 1$43.05. ------r ve. BUTLER Mone. ane SETTLERS © Ones Way Se Second-Class Gah busivess offers. . s . PR _ , JR Sapt. THE GAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Bessronto and all loss) MONTREAL 6th, 7th, 8th, oth and 10th. $6.15. Tickets good going May a, th, 9th, or Hah, + $8. 20 eg Sahat for return leaving Mon ove Mav 12th, 1902. The am oie Include wd to horse 'J. P, BANLEY,; Agent, City Passr. Depot DOMINION LINE. Mail Steamships, Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND, MA Tickets good solng aid Sth, . May 8rd v 10th ith and and ST tar AaSac 3 A ACE Salo, Eke FROM PRONTREAL. $05 Sor bg to steamer and ser May 11h June 21s ior "won BOSTON. ta bi -- NEW "SERVIC Moditercanean Vianeouver; May 1:6; Cambromom, May 21st wildehin salovn, eleotrie light. spadious J. P, Hanley, J. P. Gilderslesve, oR TO au, {2.0 Montreal fou Portland s Liverpool and Allan Lire (5225.2. Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebic. Avril 80h Mav Tih Reston to the Pre torian, 17 May. % wn "Mav $m: a1 May, @ am RATES OF PASSAGE. First cabin, $65 and Jrownrte Re bin, $37.50 to $42 » Third clacs, $23 nix they, Belinst, Sur tiniin, 21 Mae Second cubin nooomuedint fon, turn. Towia, io w Montreal Glamgow of rite, 4 to only, with use $98 singly entire des $06.5 New Vork to Glasgow. Latavnt on, Apel] anh 2st. : Fira vali, Js on Carthagivion, May and wpa Second 2 s ty Rasttnger idmeiog wd Dataris" ets) Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Kingston - Picton Belleville Str, "Aletha" Commencing Movdayv, April 7th, will leave Swift's wharf, week dns for Picton and in terwrilinte Quinte 'porta. at 3 op On Joendavs, Thuralovs $3 Ea dav the steamer will Ballovilig, rihpart and ~ By and i 4 Kingston: Rockester "North King" May 1, will - ing on Sue of Rochester. N.Y. ALA 1 +» any to ATI Agen ames Swilt & Co. y Freieht Agents a be Fr ris; wv HORSE SHOW { | L his NT TE IITARY GOULEE A TORONTO WHITER VISITS HOME OF THE CADETS. | Is Greatly Pleased With What Saw--Lite in This Famous Training School--A Suitahle Location--The Attractive Work | is Well Arranged. } I. 4G. Burk in Torowse News Magazine f briving along the smooth, shaded avenue that leads. away from out Koyal military college, after spend: ing 1 a couple of very ipteresting hours within its stone walled enclosure, the freling uppermost within ong "isc "Why was not | sent to this place 1" and as the carriage bumps over the rough wooden structiwe that for near: ly 4 century has served as a crossing of the Caturagui viver to the city of Kingston, he determines that when hix son arrives at the college age, there shall be no doulit as to what institution he shall attend fruly, the cadets seem to live in a paradise | What situation would be more beautiful than this long, grassy peninsula jutting out into fhe great St. Lawrense, just! where the © first dots of the Thousand Islands appear? One canbot conceive a more suitable location for such an educational in stitution, for nature's sographical arrangemenis has ruin very little assistance, in the for of g stone Lar: rier gerose the 'neck, to #fivct that de roe of restraint, which seems to go ad in hand with discipline in mili tary affairs, The . cadets work, "however, vr, : their at themsdlves, and; furnish the most tractive feature of the college, and there can be po question that the cacdet's study is work--no matter Low it is arranged, 30 as to be agreeable. The standard for admission ig about the same as that for matriculation to any of our purely academical colleges, although there gre some one or two subjects in addition, and some in which less advanced work is required This entrance examination is appar ently arranged without completa re: gard for the college coyrse. Stress is laid, for example, on Latin, which forms. no part of the alter work, whereas, physics and chemistry, which are not in the watriculation syllabus, must be entirely learn-d after sion to the institute. The course as a happy combination of the | practical and the theoretical, The cadet not only develops a fine physique, but also acquires a wide knowledge of wb jects of 4 military and scientific na ture and has every advantage for a tually constructing the bridges he plans, and using the explosives that he is taught to manufactures. He is saturated with mathematics, he speaks French, be can make a map of any country vou put him in, he can men: sare time and space from the stars, he 'an Juild a raiiway- and demolish it, he can fortify 'a city amd aim its guns, he can move his troops and ar range to feed them. And with all he knows how to 'shoulder arms," gnd march, - ride and shoot, What more ean one demand | a college should teach? The organization of the atademy is naturally on a military basis; The commandant is an imperial army of ficer, who is recommended By the Brit h government. The professors cons stitote his stall. Those of the mili tary departments are also army offi- corse, while the civil professors are for the most pact men chose with great care from Cunadian universities" In each of "the departments there are n= sistant instructors, who- are, in the case of military subjects, noncommis stoned officers of the army. For instructive purposes the cadets are divided™nio theese cladseor accord: ing to their year in the college, asia our universities, and for drills and | discipline they are orgamized as an infantry battalion. Unlike the Ame- rican military academy, there are no calet officers, but our system, 'where. by a man cen become no. more. than a non-commissioned officer, has the great advantage of permitting a so- cial intercourse among cadets of all ranks ofi-parade;" that dows not ex- ist at West Point. Promotion is bas ol on the endet's efficiency, both in class and "on parade." amd the au thority and extra gold lace, not to mention the privileges gramted to N, CO's, ender the competition for rank very keen. The senior cadet js the battalion sergeant-major, who is [ays a man of the final year, and who is directly responsible to the commandant for everything. connected with the cadets. Each of the four companies. is in charge of a company sergeant-major, who is assisted by two sergéints and two eorporpls, while . the pemainder are gentlemen The N.C.O's are held responsible for the discipline and ean award mishment, in the form of extea drills, for minor of fewes, such as carelessness in "eloaning up," ote, subject to the ap proyal of the nt. ing to the city in plain beirg absent from larly heinous crime, prit is "ven in' before an officer one of the cadet N.C.O's, il dealt ishments wil them a Rorkeithre. of marks nts carey with adn is whole is a most { junior classes . parade éont 'takes 'place and huge Samiti, ot bread and chéese and "extras" consumed, till the process is Ee IFUL ed at iwenty minutes past the hour, when another class parade is announc. ed by the aggravating bugle. (The ca- dets use another adjective.) After this lecture, which ia finished | at k:15, there is a breathing spell, { when boots must be cleaned and clothes 'brushed for dinner parade et | hali-past one. The tailor and boot- maker are in their offices after dinner to issue new uniforms and redeive | clothing for repair. At two fiiteen the ' for another hour's drill, while the seniors are sent to the riding school for an hour and a half. And then the ouly respite of the day arrives, from about three o'clock until five. Another lecture from five to seven, then sapper, a short recres: tion Hime, and finally the "gym" from nine to ten, complvie a fairly busy day, witich has its only exception in the Wodnesday and Saturday half holidays; Of course the lectures frequently take the form of vut-of-door work, wuch a8 sketching or surveying, hut this serves ta. enhance tno eontent ment of the weary cadet when, at half-past ten, he rolls into bed and the bugle sounds "Lights out." SMOKER'S STRANGE DEATH.' I M-- Pipe Fell From Lips And Set Fire To Dress. Newville, Pa. April & Mrs, Mary Reeder 'was burned io a ath yester- day. Her clothing is supposed to have caught fire from her pipe, which fell from har mouth. She was sitting up in her chair, and there HERE ho Bgn of an Hert being made to control the fire, it is believed that she suffered a stroke of pacalysis, when the pipe fell from ho mouth. Molineux"s Friend Marries. White Plains, N.Y., April 24. In St. John's Episcopal church, Larchmont, today, Miss Jessie Flint, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Flint, was married to Albert J. Morgan, a young millionaire of New York and Laren mont, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Richard Cabden, and was fol fowed by a reception and banquet: at the bride's home The honeymoon will be spent abroad. The bride and bridegroom of to-day are both fond of outdoor sports, Mrs Morgan hemg an expert golfer and equestrienne and a lover of yachting Mr. Morgan is the youngest son of the late Enoch Morgan He has a city residence in West Seventy-sccond street, New York, and is a wellknown clubman, being a member of the Rac quet, St. Nicholas, Colonial, Atlantic vacht and other organizations. He was an important witness in the trial of Roland B. Molineux. He was a friend of Molineux and, it is said, was engaged to marry Blanche Chese broagh, who afterward married Mo- | lineux. Racing Begins At Nashville. Nashville, Tenn,, April 2{.«AH the indications are that the spring meet ing of the Tennessee breeders' associa tion, which opens at Cumberland track this aiternogn, will be the largest meet in the history of that populer track. There are oVer 3500 well known horses now stabled at the track, and the demand for accommodations hes keen so great that the eo apacity of the inclosure hus been put to the test The city is rapidly filling up with the "sporty boys" who follow the ponies, and the stewards are counting on the best mesting the club ever ex perienced. As usual the evegt of the apeninz day ix 'the Cumberland Derby. for three vear-olds, ane * and "one-cighth . miles, 82.000 added. Abe Frank goes to the post favorite The other on- | tries --inolnde--a--number of wrth knowr | horses and the race is like ely to be an | exciting one. In addition to the Der by other features of the meeting will Fe the Avondale and Belle Mende stakes. | Horse Show In Brooklyn. New. York, April 24.--The tenth an nual horse show of the Brooklyn rid ing and driv ing club opens (o night | and it promises to be the most not- | able event ever held in the city. Thir i ty-nive classes ure provided for, cover i ing every department in riding, } ing, mmping and special events. popular feature of, the show this Year will ba the jumping contests. All of | the former blue ribbon winners as well | as many new ones are entered for com- petition. The polo ponies are Swed much in evidence. The other classcs well represented include trotting, roads Story, carfinge horses, tandems, four = | driv A in-hands and saddle horses. The hibition will continue through the re mainder of the weok. At North Augusta. Augtsta, April 27-4 Toate! fire the narth side of the village commeped in Galbeaith's house at | twelve o'clock to-day and quickly frend from there, to Geotte Davis" use, From it rapidly sprea to the houses of -- x ome Dr. Waddell and Warren's ho and store destroying all of them. mg force as it burned ( the fire swept on to Dr. Dunn's house, Wm. Steaey" rats and Mes Davis' hotel, with i the stables and barns belonging. té ho of these houses. The five wits cans: Maite iVe Stove pipe in Gal Its Fame Has Spread. Wartenbnrg Bros.. of London, Eng have written. to D. P. mien "THE NEWS OF 1 OF THE WORLD. y Lion ia TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little | of Everything Easily Bead | And Remembered by the Bear Public. Every day 200,000 cigars are smok- ed in London. In Franee it frogs at nights There are as many different dialects spoken in China as in Europe. Of London's policemen 3.33 per} cent; are daily on the sick list 1 A lion in a jungle will jump twenty five or thirty feet from a standing | start, The average wag France are only abou of the men, London's tax levy amounts to only | $35,000,000 a year. It has doubled in ten vears Amsterdam diamond cutters are re moving to Antwerp, in consequence of | the labor troubles Vickers, Sons & Maxim, the British | shipbuilders, have decided to erect a wanufactory. The hot wave still prevails in Phil adelphia, where the thermometer no gistered eighty-five degrees. The City of Mexico, with of nearly 370,000, still has an } death rate of 52.2 per 1.06 Dr. J. M. Jory, St. Cltharines, Jad | Dr. J. M. Anderson, Toronto, have «} been aprointed medical office fonsth- contingent... The Mighest of all vigable rivers is the Vsang-Po, which flows for near- ly 1,000 miles at an elevation of from | 11,000 to 14, 000 feet. Accidents due to the of wire fences have danse a decline in the fox himting in vid When. the British association meets at Belfast, lreland, the delegates will be allowed to travel free of charge ! over the local street railway system Justice Armour, chiel justice of the Ontario court of appeal. it is under stood has obtained. leave of --- noe! from the dominion government for ix months Nicaragua's latest purchase for her | navy is the obsolete German war ves sol Arminus, which, being twenty vears old; was about to he broken up ot Hamburg It expected that the socialists will carry 100 sents dt the German el ections, poling over 1.000.000 vote and securing the strongest position in the reichstag, Five victims of the Tuesday, were huried Hull. The funeral was Ottawa, in which an were buried at the sympathizers attended wv. Frank Albert Cassidy, Guelph, and Miss Mary B. Haanel, daughter of Dr. Haanel, Ottawa, were macried en Wednesday, hy Dr Rose. Hoary flaanel, the bride's brother; was hest mun and Miss Rath Haanel was bridesmaid. They left for the west gn their wedding tour, and will | livedin Guelph The Grand is illegal to eapture s of women in one-third tho ¢ | mplor car annual increasing use done much to popularity of is fire in Hull, on Thursday the first in | entire family time. Many on in same tev hae HE tracking | Tronk railway cided 10 complete the double between Jordan and St. David on the | Niagara Falls division, and has | awarded contracts, 'The masoncy | for the bridges and culverts is al- ready completed. The earth work will be heavy, amounting to 25,000 cubic | vards 4 mile 'LOOK WELL AT THE TONGUE. | EE If Furred and Coated, the Liver Needs Attention. Paine's Celery Compound . THE POPULAR SPRING MED!- CINE CURES EVERY FORM OF | IVER TROUB:E. Afier the Failures of Poy- cians, The liver is the great housekeeper of our health. On its right and proper | action depends our enjoyment of life One of the commonest indications of disordered and diseased liver ia al nasty tongue--fwred and coated. Such a condition is positive proof that the liver is not working well. Other symptoms are folloWs' nauseous | taste in mouth, pams under the | shoulder blades and in the region of the kidneys. Frequently the mental ; Symptoms of liver trouble are more dangerous than the bodily ills. Suf- fevers experience mental anguich, gloomy forebodings, melancholy, and a geperal feeling of disgiiet with life. When these bodily and mental troubles are experienced, yomr liver tells you it needs immediate help. Tf proper medicine is hot weed at once, sickness and death follow. Paine's Co Compound is the one great specific for the cave of liver troubles. It always aéts gently and tively on the 3 of * the evils, driving from the systems accummia- tins of morbid poisons that give rise to yolir ing. Soon évery organ is infused with new Jife, the skin is fresh and' clear, and you enjoy "perfect health. Mys. CG. Durant, of Fima, Ont. eure ol by Peine's Celery Compound after suffering for vests from severe liver ! troubles, writes thus: "For as | depleted nerve cells. | went | | terday { nothing 1 recive | number A Victory Over an Insidious Diseas: | { are { South Rogers, Mich., i & Mackinaw | by Nervous Dyspepsia Can Never be Cured by Mere Temporary Aids to Digestion--The Nerves Must be Restored and Filled With Vitalizing Nerve Force, You know that certain drugs, such as pepsin and bismuth, bring about arti- | ficial digestion, and if you have dyspepsia or indigestion itis passiblethnt, like {hosts of others, you have tiken these into the stomach hoping that they! will take the place of gastric juice and other diges stive food and by resting the stomach effect a cure. flutds, digest the Did you ever hear of a bodily organ bing strengthened by inactivity ? new, rich blood { waste i by the functicns of that is given rest does not gut stronger, but the in order to re-tore that organ, and It is to the organ th at is exercised that the is conveyed the tissues so the stomach ga: tric juice | gradually ceases to flow and you are finally compelled to resort to the e ontinual use of artificial digestants. If instead of the:e temporary aids you seek permanent {cure you must treat the nerves, because, as you will under- {stand by a study of the accompanying cut, it 1s the nerves that + popute- | cONtrol the glands of the stomach ; and only when the supply tof nerve force is. liberal 1s digestion rightly: performed and the {body properly nourished. = OR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Is no experiment. lactually eured this letters from people you may know. cure : INDIGESTION. Miss S. L. Hipson, school teach- | 136 Division Ont., states : I have and St., Kings- er, ton, "For some time bled with indigestion lvapepsia accompanied with very vere attacks of headache. 1 procured v box of Pr. Chase's Nerve Food and can say that | am more than pleased with the remedy. Tt have had a figestion has mal. 1 can Chase's N been trou nervous we time since 1 at all and my gradually become nor fully recommend Di Food as an excellent is now some headache rve | medicine." This treatment will son, Bates & Co, Toronto. HE IS VERY LOW. The Marks Bros. Are Playing To Good Business. April 24.+Dr. A. F ner, Toronto, wag in town: for or two this week. Dr. Burton, west to Phoenix, Arizona, Shibley, arrived in towh He reports Mr. Shibley being is and that his dee may be looked for any day disband to-night at and it is safe to say enjoved their stay ' at and the citizens have good to say the gon recruits brothers, hooked the week at the opera house, an drawing large crowds cach evening to their yrinances, all. expross emselves in praise at the War a day who with ves Napanee, J. A. as low, sith Cox's army velve o'clock,' they have wigwam, faut duet of the The Ma the of for peri and terms of plays put on each night so far Mrs. A has been confined the past -- week Alexander house for Ero sugrh itiness and Mrs. W. 1 lebrated the ity first anniver their marriage yesterday, and i the congratidations of a large of friends on the happy ox Both Mr. and Mrs. Bennett best of health. Bennett, Piety of on in the VILLAGE LAID WASTE. Devastated By Fire And Blotted Out. Alpena; Mich. April 22The vit luge of South Rogers, on the Detroit ratiroad, thirty miles of Alpena, was wiped out by Tuesday night. Nothing remains the depot, the railway several months ago and the station moved to Metz. The loss is complolé; no insurance. The village will now cease fo exist, trains will not stop, and nothing will be re built; map. There were seversl capes but no fatalities. north fire but narrow oy Latimer Lispings. Latimer, Apkil 22.-The beawtifu! fragrance of the May flower is everywhere, and even the creeping | myrtle in the cemetery is showing | forth ite tiny blossom. Mr. and Mis, John Taylor spent a equple of "days | visiting relatives. . John Bruce, L the Kingston hospital, i= bow odbthe | fair way to meovery. Master John; Sterh fpent a da Tuet week at | PL ard's, J. Taylor and Mas ter Sam, spent a few days at Reth Hughson's, Opinicon. Mrs. L. Guess, Sydenham, is at James Sherman's: Miss Emma Caverly visiting a the ity, Bas veinvned. Mra J. in staying 'at Mes. JW. N, Hettasns city. Spring Importation For 1902. Prevost has received all bis spring Te consisting of Booch: a acieh Spar aie » fu selow Rion of worsieds chevib! te and serps | By or repens Magic Furnivure | bed bug results aceomplikhed by this | which was abandoned | South Rogers is wiped off the | cast | DYSPEPSIA. John 43 Ordnance street, Ont., states I have been deal | { Mrs. | | with tion | t { | | Liston, Kingston, troubled reat indiges or ne sia and subject to wey headache. Hearing Food highly recomn ent with th now that my { headaches gone and my d much improved. [I can highly of this medicing ail i it has derfully beneficial in my case treatm nerve for the alse proven prove equally effective BEET ROOT SUGAR. Experimental Stations At Ontario Points. April 2M.-<The Ontario de of agficulture bas arrang Toronto, partment ed for sugar heet senson at St. Catharines, and Markham. Ne 5 in regard to experis experiments Bruss: gotintions are progr Renfrew, not yet definitely ments this year, carried out the applications were re fast year, will he under the sion of Prod bert Has chennist at the Ontario agri tural eoliege About thirty farmers will raise beets at cach point Orangevill in cases at points which vived too late apervi court or H. Murray tendent of the x Uiirus Ww home had nt was ¢ Mercur Murray, of the yond ile DH superin orchards i effort was m it was without as to ' BA VOY would prove bene that time the seriousness of hix teon ble was not known and he was treat {ed for malariae and ordinary stomech weakness. After refurn the true was discovered 'and from that ¢ ideved practi weakened he {made a {rip his was Alre "eine cally hopeless i declined rapidly Mr. Nurray, orchard, from Lit was plante the credit for i eesn. He was a flor Can., before ny hotanist of high standing thoroughly at home in the jahe wmursery amd the garden, : life was spent in close touch inature. Here be held i | exteemn Me. Murray was fort venre of age. and leaves 5 wik several children the f after superintendent about one Year d to much of financial eotr Ws i A Good Thing. Oerman Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is selnowledg { ad $0 be one of the most fortunate dis coveries in medicine. Te quickly cures { Soughe. calds and all lung troubles of sayermt halite, removing, af it oh the cause of the aflection and [ERving "the pdrts in a strong aud { hemlthy condition. Jt is vot an ex: { perimental medicine, but har stood the [twt of years, piving satisfaction in fi eane, which its rapidly increas - ing 'sul every season tonfitps. Two *" milion 'bottles sold annually. Boe | chews German Ryrup war introduced bn the Unitsd-States in 1998, and is "now sold in every Yown and village in the civilized wird. Three doses will Lrobinwve amy ordinary eich. Price For anle at Wade's drug store JIesyyed For $17,000. Ag#il 24-It Ww darned ») heii , that: the i on the life of Quirk smounts a A : § 10c Pilhce ab Wiwiil] grownd. in your cas, bec | contains the most powerful restoratives known to the medical profession iby building up th: system and instilling new vital nerve force info the wasted and 50 cents a box ; 6 boxes tor $2 50; at all deale rs, or Edman- Operatec a his | ! | on Tuesday, from | We recommend it for nervous dyspepsia, bicause it has s ailment in scores and hundreds of cases, Ask them what they think of this great food Here are some earnest INDIGESTION. Mrs. Thomas Hall, 3 Sixth Kingston, Ont., and whose husband is employed in the Locomotive Works, states ! at deal with cone On ine I think the tras tion. After a Dr. Chase's 1 entirely free m wd 1 I have oavendd un- me." street, uffered a gre wntly, snd from indgigy pit wr thisn fy recor wl ax it has eat hoon to Als it actaally It cures NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS. Brewer's Mills Musings. M April 3H A hing been done factor good Leo operations a fair am has come bn Welih for Buf W. Me 191 week sailory Brewer's leal of we has | Lake chease began and re of mux ¢ boy ndlden the poof de st week Cam unt od from the past yoons is Frank thre Fh MeKinn on Godkin's Mrs. b jury To A Bey. eley & Apel J It Serious In wrohed Aue] bury fuins of the roof nt, it ww val of the i. work was bie on the young son the hoy's ley aight vears ne near by Attend to. He wdo ng as well as bw expected. The work on the srection of Stacey Bros'. new brick block ix being pushed rap idly by the contractor, A. Fherman, New Dublin. The walls of the first siorey are already completed Severs! of our residents improving. their residences by puiting up wire smd pic ket fences. G. BR Hawbine is erecting a drive house apd stabile, and also geiting ready for the erection of =» now brick residence A: Neal hag got his new brick machine placed in po- sition and will comments manulse- turing bricks next week the FU PORen va : frame work before fully dey. A Taesday eo! of J. Bigfor badiv old, was and his injuries ve ling esr y od ter § Can are Colonial Troops Ar Coronation. London, April 24. Colonial troops to the number of 2.500 wifl visit Lon don for the sorrwinteon; wduding Au sralians, © Canadians: Cypriots illyaks, Wabayu, Multis, mol Fouth: Afrben: «, Then wecomindaty mete meatier of vane cone 1 the. Autho¥ities, nu the bars. Phone acto i in Low Hoh Tx Harely wofirient for the smmber of Hiowar Froops who will + desis in io to he men we. Neyitintions hae born ntered into with sin, Ven utilizing the WG ey ur 8 enmping

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