Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1902, p. 2

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Jot Oowtiven tad patterns pd designa; A display that ve are justly proud, of. fiver new ign ; and color combination, We would be more} than pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ¢ ing our prices are the lowest. We would also draw your attent- ion to our large stock of All the newest pat- { terns in widths from | one-half yard to eight yards wide. We can save you from 10 to 15 per cent. on these goods. ' n-- R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet War M BUITES «Our line of new up in uweoqualled, This one we Sil. ie have others from 100. Some exira flue stvids Just in wi $16. CARPETS. TAPESTRIES-Some new ami pristerns with righ color effeets, not encellgl by goods sold for mere money In Wearing oid! appearance, Ou and 80c vard Our #c. wd 408. Hues are fine nek. BRUSSFLS--God Hoe-Very handsome trom amd calotinge~Bowt wear---88e, 81, iy te. Asmiswtors; Wiltons, Velvots, whe, CURTAINS Xow wtoek, just tome this week, comprising alt passing cus the latest This 'eon- in Avstria for four Sowers, Sut .will be opened hers for Shitaday, ¥ Soufiel sos the sewesh ideas in locw cup it will pleuse you to see them, Sere wus eloliy Ru CHES no old Carpet building. Sge - F. HARKISON N Co., KING, ETC, VA 91.92 SEND TIDINGS FROM SEAT OF WAR. Famous Drive Terminated at Hart Metcalie Mak- And Will Relerence to the Which River--'*Colt" ing $2,000 a Year Remain. The following letter from trooper Pred. Sutherland iy made up from ex tracts from four letters received by members of his family, and friends. Ihey bear different dates and at dif ferent places. The conditions ander which the writing was done is pe culiar. In one case a stair rail serv. ed as a writing desk. Another letier was written 1p what he descrites thus "} am writing this in the front of a fret class compartment the govern: ment gives the South African Cana- dian soldier, viz, the front end of a flat car, so you tan tell by the writ vg that I did not have a fountain pen, and a roll top desk." Trooper Sutherland again refers glowing rms to the quality of the South African fruit. On the arrival of the Manhattan at Durban the ua- tives brought fruit out to the ship. The soldiers lowered the money in pails, and hauled up the fruit, The following® is the text of the letter dated : "Klerkadorp, March 19, 1902-Dear Jack :. Mysell gud two comrades, Jones find Trish, enclyge money order for £4 for three pairs of bools as per instructions on accompanying slip, Heod them in ~enve-of Lieut: 8.1; Clarkson, "E' squadron, 2nd treop, 2nd CMR. We are now in camp three miles from the above town and expent to 'move to-morrow to join Kitchener's big drive of seventy live mile wide with seventy- thousand troops. If this move proves 5 stare 8 the war will be about over as there are only about 15,000 Hoers in the fueid, : '1 am writing this in a bungalow made up by sewing three blankets to gether, the frame work being three rifles arranged on the pile arms principle, to give the stracture some lidity it ix walled to the earth with three butchor-knife looking bayonets Wouldn't our happy home be quickly broken up in case of an alurm ¥ These would be, as seen by the 'bonnie bairn' in the song 'little dogers pull ing it a-deon." "We are all in excelent health; dirt will keep out sickness we have nothing to Re for the remainder of the campaign. We are long enough in the field to. have formed a compan: ionship that sticketh closer than a Boer or brother. There are times when we do not like to call a spade a spade, but reference is here made to one of Egypt's plagues. It will be seen that we are thriving on bully beef and hard tack. My arms and face are now nearly as black as a Kaffir's. I 'am writing this in evening dress with shirt sleeves rolled up, and a pod handkecohisf tied neatly around my neck. " 'Save us from our friends,' is an old and in a'recent experience a true saying. Providence: did the saving. While out scouting with a small party we were fired on from a bloek house at 1,500 yards. Oné of our men was) wounded in the leg. We sought cover nnd gave the wsual signals, When the firing ceased. "Phere are 16,000. men ready to hove from this place. Fully 30.000 have left this port within the - last ten days, and still they are coming and getting ready to move with the big Jive already mentioned. It is amusing to watch some of the na: tives, some wear 5 little covering, and others 'are perfectly nude cannot understand how they ean live where it in scorching by day and freezing by night, Seouting is very trying work in this hilly country when vou have to pull your horse up the almost per: pendicular fall of a hill of mountain. Camp war ecritios - predict. the war will continue for four' months longer. This opinion is based on the recent ac hisscments of the Beers, I saw Dan Eby who was in charge of an Hospital conveyanes. I have glo seen Will Guy, of the same department, "HI am much longer in this coun: try. I will dorget all about decimal currency, having bhecoma ~ gecustomed to pounds, shillings, pence, Kiuger's crowns and bobs: I send you a print- ed poem on Kruger, composed by the divisional poet; 'wha spends much of is time with the main and quarter guards. Ho may enter parlipment when he retnens to England.' (The big drive which is referred to is no doubt the one which terminated at Little Hart River, where Lieut. Carruthers and the Canadians made stich a gallant neme for themselves. Editor). in if From Capt. ¥. Metcalfe. Yesterday's mail brought word from Capt. Fred Metcalia, V.8., who is with. Col. Ress' weorts in the Trans: vall. "Colt" says he has in the neighborhood of 600 horses Lo minbster to, and it keeps him pretty busy hunts ling about. He Mas two very fine horses for his own wee. Frod is met- tiny salary of $2.000 4 vear clear, THE | ! I Montgomery, § : ; the coronation ceremonies. THE DAILY WHIG, son PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--~What | They Are Saying And Doing. Mr. and Mrs. E. Edmund Starr, Montrenl, are the guests of D. Starr, Mack street. Chil Elmer, of the fire department, iv gradually regaining heslth, bus is not vet able so return to his post of duty. He was out for a walk to day. Op Tuesday, 220d inst., the casket contaimng the rémains of the late Mes, i. J. Campbell were interred in white marble burial vault in S¢ John 3 cemetery, Bath, Robert Montgomery, wife and son, Chicago, the gnests of his parents, R. Princess street, leit to- lay for London, Eng. They will see of In St. Andrew's hall on Tuesday evening, a farewell will be given Dr. 8. 0. Eshoo, the Persian who gradys- ated a few weeks ago from Queen's medical college. Dr, FEshoo leaves shortly for his native land, Received Glasgow Diploma. A. W. Chisholm, the wellknown Kingston mine owner, to-day recived a diploma for his. admirable exhiiyt ol Frontenac county. minerals at Glasgow international exhibition. The diploma is a rich piece of work, Mr. Chisholm For probably doge more than any other man in opesing up these northern counties, and it in pleasing to know that his veptures hove proved successful and that the minerals are of the richest, Frontenac," said Mr. Ehisholm. "will soon prove to be the richest min xpd. county in. North Americw, for. it has all the minerals of common use, lead, iron, gold, silver, molylidenite, zine, pbosphates,) mica, copper, bis- muth, arsenic. 1 predict a great fu ture for Froutenac us a mining re gion, The Cloging Events. The prograanmé for the closing ex. rreises at Uneen's university has been arranged, Rev. Prof. Clark, Toronto, will preach the TBacealaurate Sermon on Sunday next. The annual meeting of the sehool of mintug aml sciences lecture by Prof. Gill, on "Wireless Telegraphy," occurs Monday; students' day and uaveiling of portrait of late Dy. Mowat on Tuesday; laying corner stones of engineering building' and building for minerology, geology and physics, by Sir Bandiord Fleming and Hon. RB. Harcourt, dddresses by Mr, Harcourt and Dr. Douglass, and con vocation on Wednesday, Consider It Unfair. Since April Ist, "the employees of carpenter-contractors have been quit ting work on Saturday afteraoons at four o'clock, an hour earlier than on other days; and receiving nine hours' pay. This was the result of a former meeting of the carpenters' union. The contractors consider it unfair that they should be asked to give nine hours pay for eight hours work, and will ask the union to adjust the mat ter, by requiring only eight hours' pay to bo given on Saturdays, ords. Nurse's Good "JF am a professional urse,"" writes Mrs. Eisner, Halifax, N.S. "I was a great sufferer from rheumatism---al most constant association with best physicians. 1 had overy chance of a if i% were in their power--but they filed. South American Rheu- matic Cure was recommended--to-day my six years of pain seem as a dream. Two bottles cured me. For sale by Henry Wade and E. €. Mitchell. --106, Major Merritt™s Injuries, A letter written by Lieut. Bruce Carruthers from Kitchener's Kop, on March 9th, describes the injury which Maj. Merritt received as being very dight. The major collided with a mule train and fractured some of the small bones in his foot, At the time of writing Lieut. - Carruthers said he hoped' to see him all right in a day or 'two. Carpet Cleaning Should be done early before" the rush. At Carnovsky factory, Ontario strees, old, austy made to val almost new hy 4 a re pro- i C ts taken Good | Better ! ! Best ! !! Good ! Better |! Best! 11 It takes the superlative degree to describe our hats. Don't miss seeing our new American fedoras at $1.50, $2, $2.50 Campbell Bros. Held At Harrowsmith. At a meeting of the directors of the Frontenac county fair association, they decided to hold their fair on the 4th and 5th of September, 1002, at Harrowsmith. Oak Hall. Men's % pring suits, the finest varie, 8 in L Ringaan, shits at 88, %10 and D. Bibby eompany. Two Dollars. Buys an 'exact Dunlap style of hat. George Mills &Co., Wellirizton street. CURING - CONSUMPTION. 'Scott's Emulsion | INCIDENTS OF THE OA, | PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY | ¢.| OUR BUSY REPORTERS, {The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Pay water rate and save discount. A new electrie light has been placed over the entrance to the YMCA building. . W. Swaine, piano tuner. Ordérs Jeft at McAuley's book store. The will be posted" before Monday afternoon. H. Cunningham; piane tuner from | Chickering, New York. OUrders re ceived at MeAulev's book store. Lever's Y-Z{ Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- facts aud cleans at the same time. » The temperature went down to the freezing point last night, and icé was formed .in several places in the city The Victoria celebration commitiee meets in committee room, eity build- ings, at eight o'clock to-night. Where is there a brighter, warmer stot than in the sunchine we create for others? It the inglenook of happiness. Rummage sale 'on Saturday, April 26th, in Oddfellows block, corner Syd- enham and Princess streets. Yesterday J. P Gildersleeye, re turning officer, received the hallot hoxes and supplies for the provineial election on May 20th. Nusterday afternoon the fire hrig adé was called out fo estingnish a small blaze in a shed in rear of a Jew's junk shop, on Chatham strect The damage was trifling. Capt. Low, of the [4th regiment, took his company, No. 1, to the Ar my Life entertainment in the city hall last evening, His generosity was highly appreciated by the men. What are investments in bonds and stocks, in house znd lands, compare" with investment in an education, in a broad, deep culture which, will enrich the life and be 5 perpetual blessing, Ihe new practical education the education that is making our eleetri cal, civil enoineers, farmers, and skill ed artisans, --will be fully described Prof. Robert H., Thurston, of Cor- , in the June Success issue of "The Designe published by the Standard fashion company, New York, ix about as fine a publication as has yet heen issued. Ladies think it excels anything of its kind published. "The Evil Eye," wo a elock Is ny nell university The May the freaks of Nid and Nod, will visit us next Tuesday. y new costumes, new me cha nical effects and new faces The electric ballet, the revolving wind- mill, Victoria trofipe of Royal English singers and dancers Queen's will show her undenomina tional character in arts, science and medicine. Last year the baecalau- reste sermon was preached by bishop Mille, and this year the preacher will be Rev. Prof. Clark, of "Trinity uni versity, Toronto, another Anglican scholar. Come and see our wall papers. A large variety from which to select. Ingrains, embossed and all latest de- signs. Orders for kalsoming, painting and paper hanging receive prompt at- tention at W. N. Lemmon's, 78 Wil liam street, telephone 373; successor to Savage Bros, MARINE NOTES. . Getting Ready For Opening Of Navigation. The steamer Alexandria will make her -firsy trip down on Monday. The tug Alert cleared for Cape Vin cent after receiving repairs in Davis dry dock. Richardsons' elevator : Chub from Wellington; from Wolfe Island. M. T. company's elevator : 88. Ban pockburn with consort Melrose and Selkirk cleared for Fort William. The schooner Dunn arrived hers to day, and was towed hy the steamer Pierrepont to Davis' dry-dock where repairs will be made. Steambarge sloop Minnie Schooner Sprang Aleak. The schooner Eliza White, Fairhaven to Kingston, with coal for the Rath bun company, was caught in Wednes day's gale, and had to run down the United States channel, and come up the river. Yesterday it was discover ed that she was making water, and Capt. O'Hagan was forged to run his vessel ashore at Brakey's bay, twelve miles from the city, The 83rd Anniversary. The eighty-third anniversary of the founding of the Independent order of Oddfellows will be celebrated Satur day. The omer was organized April 6th, 1519, in Baltimore, Md., Thom: ut aie being its fonder. The first was Washington lodge, No. J. ltimore, and Mr. Wildey and four others wereithe first members of this lodge. Mr. Wikdey was giterward grand sire of the order, being ° the chief exéoutive officer of this ordér thronghout, the world. Nines the foundmg of the ordor, 2440194 mem- bers have been initiated into its mvs tories. During this period of time it has expended for aéliel of the sick and distress, harial of the dead, and § the tng S30 orbs a sum ag aregn present ng is about 1.250000, and the order aonually expends about £1.000,000 for the relief of its mem: ers. There are about 20,000 Todges, having been estaly 600 mew lodges his consump- {hd diving ihe present year. This has a great future belore it in § {the twentieth century. ¥ "baseball leagne wih five ; club, ! would examination reswits at Quesn"s } on | bones, What FRIDAY, APRIL 28. - SPORT IN GENERAL. ne tes About the Various Sport- ing Fields. English purses age too small atiract American pugilists, Pitsburg still leads the to National straight wines. Almopte has reorganized its tennis and will entér a league other Ottawa valley clubs. It does not look as though Cana- da's national summer game, lacrosse, ever die out. Already ninety teanis are entered in the big leagues. Everything Jooks the Av gents' Holey trip as the amount 10 finance the crew has bean pearly all sphecribed. The orem sing steadily Toronto Mail-Emmpire : England of { fers a refiige for the football players recently professionalized by the F.U., that is, if they can play the as sociation gam, which at its inception was the amateur's game, but his ser- vices are no longer reguired, "Beaatiful Dreamer,' the three year gooet for prac. ! ; Walken was { i with | 1 OR. | | counts old filly of the Séagram stable candi | dates for the king's plate, broke a leg at the Woodhine k on Thurs dav and bad to be killdl. SEP wes a half sister to John Ruskin, lest year's winner oi the queen's plate. I seems almost certain that "Chau eer' Elliott will be a fixture on the Toronto team. He bas showed up re markably well behind the plate and at the bat. The only point where he was a little off olor was in hs low throw to second, but wu little prac tice will pauily remedy that, The best catohers in the ing leagues are not always perfect in base throwing. Yesterday's Baseball Results. league. --At Washington, 3; Boston, 11. At Baltimore, 6; Phila deiphia, 2. At Chicago, U; Detroit, 5. At St, Louis, 4; Cleveland, 2. National league --At New York, 1; Boston, 8. At Philadelphia, 6; Brook lyn, 16. At Pittsburg, 3% Chicago, 5 At Cincinnati; 9; St 2 American Louis, 2. Lacrosse Again Revived. A meeting of those interested in la was held in the Whig hall lost evening. D. F. Armstrong prisidid, and there was a good attendances, a number of the old time handlers of the stick being present. It was decided to send away for a catalogue sticks and other requisites, and to got a team in shape for Victoria day, May 24th. A general meeting, to which arosse of ! complaint from the board of | of the refuse dumped into the 1 at the | all lovers of Canada's national game | are invited, will be held on Monday evening next, when officers will elected and other important business done. Brockville, Gananoque, Tweed and other towns will be communicated | with in the hope of forming a league. A CAROM CONTEST. At the Y M.C A --Inspected the Library--Some Notes. A carom tournament of the members, goes to the winner. The intenpediate baseball team practising three times a week, league will be formed with the schools, Loafers find less comfort on the steps wnder the glare of the new light. 'Kingston's Young Men," the sociation paper, crowded news this week, This mworsing the jupiors accompani ed the secretary. on a tramp to Fort Henry apd vicinity, Prof. Pike, John Melntyre, R. J Meghowall and others have called and inspected the new library, They were pleased with the good start made T0 DETECT POISONS. The Body Tries To Sweat Them Out. At a convention of medical men in 81. Louis the effects of coffee drinking were carefully considered. It was unanimously agreed that while colice dots not sem 1o IDJIre some persons, fo others it is 4 rank poison. The efiect on different persons is, of course, svory different. In some - the heart affected, in others the kidneys, dgunin the stomach or bowels the eves, and in nervous eases the prosiration is spread over the whole body. As an illustration, a man ir Hin ton, W. Va. expericned well define symptoms of poisoning from collec, He save: "1 used coffer a great many vears with no apparent iH of fects, but about nine years ago I be gan being sick. | became dull, lost wy ambition, had diziness, my eye sight was very had and kept getting worse, and at times 1 could hardly pavigate at all, I felt | war going to fall every minute, and finally became so bad 1 would have fo #it down gad rest three gr four times in a distands of twice that many blocks. I went from ene «physician to an other and faithiully . took their pres eriptions bat the case was so coniplex that they could not successfully dia gnose it. 1 finally went to New York City 10 the Vanderbilt Clinic for treat ment. There my case was diagnoted as neaurscthenia. Every, mornibg about nite, I would have a kind of spasm. The perspiration wonkd hots out all over the palms of my hands aud 'wy hair wo be wringing wet, every nerve in the body * Mond be pi fected, and my heart would jump and beat at a fearful rate. Thic condition would generally last for about two I sufipeed no gre can i$ exciting ten A carved ink-weil is A city are as is with mw or unilecstand. It finally came to me that these fer rible sweats and spaans were ust the Fame a in 0 where. people are and nature tries to throw ing monet act like pen and I it was it off AN na and Pain 5 ental heasinohe a a sure sign § war bet held up by a drug, so Shae eveping el boaght Poston the next be * se J 40 pod the shambles over, | they wosld not be destroyed. IT § TR al CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR WALKS AND CROSSINGS, Silas Grimshaw Was the Success- ful Tenderer--ClAims For Dam- ages Referred to the City So- licitor For His Opinion--Acs counts Passed. "Let's proveed to chairman Meleod at noon's meeting of the works, "There i5 not a guormn, Mr. man," Ald. Craig pointed out. Abd, present, but Alds. Me Farlane, McCammon and Dunlop were atwent from thew places "Well, we can put in a minority ve port," suggested the chaivman, Then the committee proceeded to business. The customary bunch of ae was considered and passed The pay roll amounted to $920 58. At this juncture Ald. MeFarlane joined the happy circle, of which Ald. Craig is the only hberal member. The city engineer reported on a health harbor foot of Queen street. It was the gas works sewer which dumped the tar and oil into the lip. The city solicitor will be asked to tell the vity what meats can be taken to prevent the nuisance. Some time ago Charles Attwood put in a claim for damages to his property on Victoria street, caused hy the street drains The city solicitor, asked to report on the matter, stated said alter of business," yesterday civic board Chair: that the land "had -swetained a dam] settlement, and appraised. Ae the ward into the meet age, suggested a cash advisad the damage be cordingly, the chairman of and the enginver will look matter amd report at the ing. A similar next laim of "878 for was made by Thomas Mills, banker, relative to his property Alfred street. The solicitor will look into the matter. At this made his mingtes before mn flooding on McCammon the scene. A Harkness had juncture Ald appearance on few Ald Com Lucretin M tion, the common 'sewer, street between streets, and for the «ame, was taken up. In connection with this, Thomas Mills, hatter, wrote, objecting to such a course. He and Mr. Kent had built the sewer, without any help from the city, and he would defend it as pri vate property, The city solicitor will also be asked to report on this ques Gildersleeve's appliea city to adopt, as & sower on Sydenham Princess and Queen permission to enter asking a tion. The petition and others, box at the of James McCullagh asking. for a parcel post corner of Montreal and Bay streets, was endorsed and for warded to the post office inspector Ivo Cobet"s request for twenty-four planks to make a walk at the vear-of his property Alfred street, was re ferred to the engineer and the chair man of the ward The tenders for walks crossings were then opened men. tendered for this work, vis, C. Kellar and Silas Grimshaw. The for mer's tender for crossings was not ac companied by the unecessary 830 cheque, and so could not be consider ed. His prices, anyway, wera much higher than Mr. Grimshaw's. The latter was accordingly awarded the contract The tenders for the walks showed a difference in cast of about 85, in favor My. Grimshaw, and he was there fore awarded the contract, The prices are considerably in advance of Inst vear's, lumber and labor 'having "gone up." The drivers of the watering carts will asked to keep them under cover of Sundays and other occasions on which they are not used This protection is necessary for the wel fare of 'the carts THE CITY SHAMBLES and street Only two of be Must Be Repaired Or Torn Down Which Will It Be ? city shambles at the south side of the north wing of the city build ings are in a dilapidated condition Fhe roof is full of holes and the sup poris are wenk. The engineer geuts that the property either repair the it altogether. The The sug commitiee structure or remove compsitte has look but has not arrived at a decidion. There wax some talk of replacing them by a grass plot, but some one suggested, that people attending "the market would trample all over the spot. The Whig suggested a few days ago that these unsightly shambles, which have outlived their weefulness {not their beauty, hecause there was none of that to Jose), should be removed and, their places given up to the rowing of grass, vines snd flowers Lis to be sincerely desired that, in stead of throwing money away to re pair them, the committee will tasr them down. The aldermen should have an eye for the beautiful, and certainly they have. They desire to see Kingston made one of the most beautifal of cities, as she could easily be. H is an opportunity for them to net, Will they do sa 7 If the space were v filled in with earth and planted with flowers and clingitg vines that would hide (he dond walls behind, Few people will destroy Bowers, Ho. pat ter how destractive they are jo other matters. The police wurily doald keep Lan eye on their own door-yard, There Iv a chance now for the city, at ao small expense, to make an ugly fol appear beautiful, not slone to citizens; but to the bondends of mmer visitors who will soon be! ae It will be & pity, indeed, H the «Te i not advantage | Fret bn br For 1902. can any Rt or contains any rgins aky © 1 Tek for the Octagon Bag. Pe om Scranton Coal Ask Cook! our Soa 1s 5 Bean 25 Th It Were Washed and Brushed. BACH LUMP STANDS BY I8E] ¥, GOOD solid conl-so much Ao a solid After coal i. Lhe su © Ree nuritien are lied wot by , Thereafter it is sersetod several times belore it reaches you, and dirt, slate, ete, really hive no chance, il the dealers ate careful, We wre very covelul, he Hearth from the Foot of Queen St.--'Phons 9 THINKING OF COAL It's & natural thought woe, that the fire * oon] ~ ide full Of courses you gre at any senson. You want doa servos the best purposs, that key going do the best advantage Hor ohian, clear chankeswiiiely will vale for what it coms. THE RATHBUN CO, NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my toal next wine. ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack St. A COSY BRIGHT 3% FIRE EE aS liractioh fot anefyone. dE BOOTH'S aL. Foor

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