HOW C= + Take a ugh RNISH IT Ex i TH KOPAL hich are kest a Door? a Carriage? a Bath-room? a Store front? sods way iusidel, away labric outside: has I dull and dingy? NISH IT H KOPAL difference b soap and a neut: it is strange { any but a pu mariet, p r general use. t wears. Follow the Resoio sy ¢ Millious of : t's Diamorydware wl sale to 1 5 oan Only. made the Diamond and only dyes for faith of all is » the exceilends of that they would nd wake, even if the common "dnd inits cost. Valuable should not be untried dyes; Ru and bad tem in Mes. R. Sw 8¢, Vahouvi, have' used & great' mend Dyes and hav satisfactory. results. silks, dressed, mons' and any quantity o my eptire satisfuctio "ast Food Interesting to the Big obs Simp alitios That Perfectly of Malt s the resalt of the wire health giving Malt and gluten of the ndering them sobuble and ig" them into forms to be quick Y absorbed hy the {QR Mba into the blood to enrich stomach, then it and build up the nerves, the tissnes of the body and brain. Malt Breakfast Food being quite free from starchy ingredients, ro quires no digestive effort or loss of bodily energy; it in delicious, comforting and soothing adult; Reapn the strong in Malt Breakfast to the stomach of child or 1 makes the weak strong and perfect hoalth. ood is recommended by ysicians everywhere, Sold by all Sila Baker's Steam Lannry, ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE. 1 BEG-TO ANNOUNCE TO MY PATRONS the citizens of Kiugeton romrells that | os sokd my business known KERN'S LATRDEY to RJ. Gaskin, the re a UNDRY. J be AM LAUNDRY that [ have ean X ER'S STEAM me, acd I will in connect fon J BAKER Kingston, April - 14th, 1002. KINGSTON STEAM LAUNDRY fom wi : : 3S In commer . THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR DAILY BRITISH aoe glibiut such evening, wt 306 King Street, at bes your. Editions ot 2.30 gad 4 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, iolished every Thursday morsing st §1 a your. Attached is one of the best Job Pristine Offices in Cansds; rapid, stylish and chenp work; cite improved presses. WOW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. THE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Ortem Dicor.' A RAKING DOWN, A year dgo The Tory Bad oceakion to state some very plain things about ite party. "The rank aad file," it said, "have certain rights, and we de sire to assert them right here. The renk and file, be it known, are the gallant boys end true who pull off their coats on election "day and do the fighting for the party. Of course they do this purely for the love of the party, for they are a lovable lot of boys tie rank gad filb-Tmt it is not every one they love. They don't Jove a panty that betrays them. They don't Jove a leader that forgets them." 1s Mr. Whitney any better now than be was g year ago? What has there been of reformation in his life, his manner, his practice! He hax been demanding a consultative committee fos the seinieater. of educa tion. What 'is wanted more is a con siltative committee for his leader of the opposition, A WOMAN IN POLITICS. A woman, Mrs. Mary Derwin, sister of R. Gloeking, the labour leader, has offered herself gx o candidate for the local house in North Toronto. She is raping as a socialist, and she is giv- ing the people something to talk about. Women ean vote in municipal elections, 'and they claim that they have done something towards good government within the sphere of their influence. They have been pining for the right to. vote in political elections awl have been refused it. Now ~ the question is, Can one who is not eligible to act as g voter becomes a candidate and for the represemtation of a constituensy in the assembly ? The depuiy attorney general, Mr. Cartwright, was asked about it and candidly admitted that he did . not know what to think. He would not, at any rate, offer any off-hand opin ion. North Toronto is the faverite stamping ground for all classes and conditions of people. candidates in the field the liberal onservative, independent consery Mr. Marter), socialist and tho list may not be co g USES. Hamilton people rebel against idea of bonusing the Deerings, who contemplate the erection in Ca- nade of a branch of their great agri- cultural works. They send a lot of machinery into Canada, but they have to run up against a competition which would be less seriously felt if they had a Canadian factory. So they have looked over Canada, +<have had agents in the east and west and centre--and have selected Fiamilton for geographical and other reasons. They proposed that the city give them exemption in taxation; but some one suggested a bonus of $50, 000, and now the fiom, wealthy though it is, seems to have its eye upon the money. The Spectator reflects public opin ion when it says that the people are sick and tifed of adding to the pub- lic debt, the interest in which con supers so much of the annual incon that there is not enough to keep the streets in repair, and make the neces. sary improvements. They will not vote any more bonuses no matter what the result may be. has suffered on account of the fever. Kingston has loaded itself debs, on account of schemes some which 'are doing absolutely no! for the public good. , EL -------- A Bi) FOR BRIBES. Daylight at last falls upon Mr. Whitney's plan of campaign so far as the great corporations are concerned. He has announced that these--the life banking and financial institutions, the telegraph, * telephone, electric light, railway and steamship compan- jos--advanced the money to the gov: ernment with which they carried the 'have accepted the tax agreeably since | they have not made shaky affair, Hamilton is not the only place that THE DAILY W H1G, SATURDAY, APRIL 26. -- ONE MAN IN MANY. Mr. Tansden, of Ottawa, awd one of its representatives in the last legisla | railway bill received The jact was no Temiskaming its final reading. 'ticed, and the report sent out Mr. Lumsden had 'broken with the government. Mr. Lumsden has taken his own time in which to deal with this statement, but he disposed of it eliectually at the public meeting which be and Mr. Ross addressed in Ottawa on Thursday evening. It was quite true, he said, that at one time be had urged the starting of the railway from Mattawa rather than from North Bay, but the surveys had satisfied him that North Bay was the only possible routs, that it would open up a splen did country on both sides of the line, and be gave it his support. He did this at a personal sacrifice. He had large interests in the Temiskaming district, and the railway would aficey them very much, It would reduce their value from $100,000 to $10,000, but though he would be a sufferer the province as a whole would be a gainer and no one had heard him say that the railway should not be built. That is the sort of representative for a city to have. He is not a time or seli-merrer;- and somo Stents pd to his prophecy, that ®be Ross government will be sustained in the election by a large majority. EDITORIAL NOTES, Dinna ye hear the slogan? Aye, and we're ready. Every liberal is in line. The Tory says that Mr. Whitney is under the influence of tions. It looks very much that way. the corpora "Thirty>three years in the cold shades. Don't you think that's long enough ?" The daily wail of Mr. Whitney. Mr. Carscallen, of Hamilton, advo- cates an export duty or embargo on un- refined nickle ore, and Mr. Whitney op poses such a duty. Who is leading the party and responsible for its plat form ? Sloss asd HH the suggestion of their awe? about that vigilance cahmitiee is to materialize the Joghl conservatives must start a boring school, How are they goin of dovelop pug-uglies with- out ig" ¢ fn > -- : It has now mpl Sasi of waiting for Mr. Whitney ¢ y do something "the Brantford Courier makes a platform for the party, And it is just such as an amatewr car: penter would build. It's a pretty -- The Ross government is the = first government that ever undertook te prosedute the election offenders, And the opposition leaders, on invitation, flatly refused to countenance the pro- ceedings. -- Every conservative is advised to buy a copy of the Globe of April Sth, and read the thirty-nine articles of Mr. Ross" speech. Who recommends this ? Mr. Whitney. He is getting gritty. " 8ir Charles Tupper, in London! is evedited with the declaration that in exchange for a trade preference Can ada would be willing to contribute to an imperial defence fund. Is he speak® ing for himself or his party ? The American people are after the meat trust hot-footed. They propose to deal with it in two ways: (I) By legislation, and (2) by prosecution. Meanwhile the high price movement has broken in Philadelphia and other business centres. There are too many people affected to make iv a success "The rising generation in Ontario will prefer an aggressive liberalism to a stagnant conservatism. The conser vative party must rest on its ours uo longer. 1t Is time to move abead. It is time to wake-up.' And - all this shouting from The Tory is to no pur pose. The party sleeps on. -- Mr. Whitney has been challenged to explain where he was going to get the money with which to ervet hall a dozen agricultural colleges in On tario. What is his reply ¥ Germany has three hundred such schools, and Ontario can surely take care of five or six. Sensible isn's it? A power- ful argument ! -- = BE. A. Colquhoun, 'who represen West Hamilton in the legislature, does not propose to be cast aside. If de feated in the convention he will run that | willed | TELEGRAMS FROX THE FOUR ture, was not in the house when the | QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From Al Over--Littls of Everything Easily Read And Remembered by the Dear Public. Since June of last vear the Boers have destroyed farms in twenty-one distriets of Cape Colony and Natal The empress dowager of Ching will return 10 the palace at Pekin fiom her visit to the eastern tombs on Tuesday. The effect of the combine on British shipping "will certainly receive the careful attention of the British hoard of trade. Plans are under way in London for a coronation picnic for 45.000 chil dren. Filty schools of large size will participate, Paint pot into a carbuncle on the bond of Mamie Mitchell, Hamikon, Ont, and death ensimd from blood poisoning. The workingmen of St. Petershurg have decided to inaugurate a general ------------ em el SOPEGOLPISPOTIOPIPEE BO ® ® Glad It's An Issue. The tax on corporations » is popular; it is pronounc- & "ed just and scientific by re-' cognized authorities on tax- ation; it prevails in nearly every state of the Union; it has come to stay in this province. Mr. Whitney has made it an issue. The gov- ernment could wish for no- strike 'on May Ist. They demand a ten-hour day. The German foreign office categori cally denies sensational news from Pekin ghout the probability of further trouble in China The labor disorders in Moscow have resulted in many incendiary fires. Factories have been placarded with Boxer like placards. The casualty department cable that the members of the C.M.R. wounded at Harts River are at Johannesburg and Elandsfontein. Hon. G. %. Ross spoke gt Havelock of Friday night te a large gwlience in the interests of Wiliam Anderson, tie liberal candidate. Hon. J. R Stratton also spoke. A dog hoeribly mutilated the three year-old son 6f J. M. Hunter, North Monaghan. The boy's face was ter ribly torn, particularly ahout the jugular vein, in the neck. The British e¢rniser Terrible bas heaten the conling recond of warships having placed 2,500 tons in her hunk ers in nine hours and ten minutes. She averaged 300 toms an hour for 2.450 tons Arthur Balfour, in the house of commons, declined to state whether the government's frish land purchase will be referred to a joint committes of Irish peers and Jrish members of the house of commons. Admisal prins Henry, of Prussia, put to sea on Friday from Kiel with the most powerful squadron ever com manded by a German admiral for a training cruise of five weoeks' duration around the British islands. a A tornado swept over a portion:of Missouri on Friday. Ati Joplin four istalitics are reported gnd manv per sons were injured. Houses were blown away and the city strewn with the wreckage of the storm. Speaking in London, on Friday night, Mr. Brodrick, secretary for war, said : "We gre perhaps in sight of peace, but in the interval we are sending ont wien and material to carry on the war for another year two, if necessary." Commanders in China have been asked by their respective diplomatic representatives to state what military stipulations it would he desirable to make with China, when acceding to the latter's request for a dissolution of the provisional government at Tien Tsin. BABY CONSTIPATION Can Be Cured Without Resorting To Harsh Purgatives. Constipation is a very common trouble among infeuts and small obit dren--it is also one of the most distress ing. The cause is some = derangement of the digestive organs, and if. not promptly treated is liable to lead to serious results. The little victim suf fers from beadache, fever, pain in the stomach and sometimes vomiting. While in this condition neither baby not baby's cans obtain restiul sleep. If proper care is taken in fend ing the child and Baby's Own Tablets are used, there will be no trouble wound in curing and keeping the baby from this disorder. Mrs. T. Guy mer, London, : "My bab was a tion, _- MIXING HISTORY. ber Sales. Toronto Siar. T KRmgston News in tones of stage © indignation, calls readers to remember Ross, the man who gave away property of the people of Ontario. Ax a matter of fact, the present Ontario government has been doing pretty well with the provincial timber limits, Duting the thirty years preceding IST], limits umounting to 13100 square wiles were sold, realizing an average price of. $21 a mile. The Blake administration in 1872 sold 5, 031 square miles, and obtained an average price of $117 a mile. Since 1572 only 3.1524 square miles have been sold, realizing on an average no less than $1.34 a mile. In the last four years there have been only two sales of timber limits, one in Septem ber glJdast year, when 399} square miles were sold, at an average price of $1.55 per mile, and the other in Becember of 180, when 350 square miles were sold, at an average price of 3010 1 a wile. These figures don't look as though anything was being given away. The News is just a little mixed in its history. When it says that Mr Ross is the man who gave away tim ber limits it is confusing him with gentlemen who were in office at Of tawa along about the years 1583 and IS84. At that time the provincial government of Sir Oliver Mowat was fighting the dominion for the pos session of what 18. now New Ontario. So confident were the Ottawa minis ters of their position that they pass ed over 100 orders -in-eounetl, practi eally presenting sections of valuable timber limits in the district to their friends. Each block contained about 32.000 acres, for which a nominal sum of 8250 as an annual ground rent was to be paid. The statement made by ston contemporary simply illustrates the character of the charges the op position is making in an eflort to de feat a business-like administration our King THINK OVER THIS. And Let It Determine You To Support Pense. St. Thomas Journal How much of the prosperity which has been enjoyed by the people of old Ontario during the past few vears is directly attributable to the policy of the government ? That is a ques tion that all classes should endeavor to answér for themselves. It is esti mated that nearly nine million del: lars has been expended in northern Ontario during the vear 1901. There is more to be expended in 1902, At the Soo alone six thousand men are on the pay roll of various industries, and the vast sum of twenty million dol lars has been invested at that point by the Clergue syndicate alone Surely -d policy which produces Sich results should command the support of the people of the province Spring Importation For 1902. Prevost has received all his spring importations, consisting of Scot and English tweeds; also a fine selec tion of worsteds, cheviots and serges for suitings and spring overcoatings. In pantings, he is showing a great variety of patterns. A first-class fit guaranteed. "Trousers." Fine English worsted trousers, sure fitters, $3, $3.50 and #4. The H. Db. Bibby Co. Lever's Y-Z(Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is & boon to any home, It disin. facts and cleans at the same time. Pay water rate and save discount; Dr. Seymour Hadwen, of Duncans, British Columbia, has been appointed veterinary surgeon of the 6th regi ment of the fourth contingent Ocean tickets, Gildersleeve & Kirk patrick, 42 Clarence street For Piles. Sample Mailed Free. One Application Gives Reils! The continued use of Hum. phreys' Witch Hagel Oil perman- ently cures Piles or Hemorrhoids ~External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fis- sures and Fistulas. Relief immedi ate-~cure certain. Thee Siges, 250, 50¢, amd 81, Sold bv Druguists, or sent prepoid on receipt of price. Jlomphrevs' Medicine Co., Cor. Wik fan and Joba Sts, Now York | We Have Every Facility For the careful estimation and correction of any error of vision, whether the defecti ve ight of the young, or the a natural failing of the eyes noticeable after niid- dle life. Results Guarasteed. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and 350 Kin, " upon ity timber limits, the! a SA MRS. HULDA JAKEMAN, o> Another Case Of It Over the Tim- s ad ' Wife of the President of the Elders of the Mormon Surely the great volam men made strofg aad weil No, indeed ! no mor ASA er MRS. HULDA JAKEMAN, of Salt Lake City. . 4Dear Mus, Prowgw : -- Before I knew of Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound 'T dreaded the nienstrual period, as it would mean a couple of'dayd in bed with intense I was under the physicians care for over a year without any relief, when my attention was called to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound by several of our Mormon women who had been cured through its use, 1 began its systematic use and improved gradaally in health, and after the use of six bottles my health was com. pletely restored, and for over two years I have had neither ache or pain, You have a truly wonderful remed Mes. Hutpa Jakeuax, Salt Lake City, Utah." ©, my sisters, 1 do pray you to profit by Mrs. Jakeman's exper- fences; just as surely as she was cured of the troubles enumer- ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E#PPinkham's Vegetable Compound cure every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration; remember that it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and don't allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place. pain and suffering. Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable pound for Woma Com- n's Periodic Pains. o of letters we are constantly publishing from woe by Lydia E. Plukbam"s Vegetable Come pound wust convince all women of the vale of tis famous wed wine Does anyone suppose that the young wife of Pred portrait we are permitted to publish, would & i § she had not been so over-joyed at her wn recovery that fhe now wants ta be of service to her suffering sisters ? d Ve 3 testimony, only a grateful heart full of 3 desire to help other sufferers could induce a young woman of such high social pusition to al used in connection with any remedy. How is it possible for us to make it plainer that Lydia E. Pinkh Vegetable Compound will positively help all sick wes are constituted alike, rickrand poor, high apd low. -- organic troubles, Surely, no one can with to remain eon with life and no hope for the future when proof that Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will cure monthly suffering---cll womb and ovarian troubles and all the ills If there is anything in Jakemgp whose privilege if How us ti n purchase such 3 Ww her name © on? All wom for from the sa k and sickly, s so unmistakable peculiar to women, our ease about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkbam. She can surely help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience in treating female ills as she has had, Address is Lynn, } 3 he advice is free and always helpful. proach of the time for my for women, Very sincerely yours, $5000 REWARD. -- We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $8000, which will be paid to any person who ean find that tie above testimonial letters are uot genuine, or were published before obtainiog the writer's special pers Eydia Bn Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyun, Mass. others. With Pattern Hats, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Shapes, Flowers, Foliage and Milli; ery Trin AT 20 PER CENT.DISCOUNT, Why should there not be a rush, e<peci. it is an established fact that our Millirery won't last much longer. buying now while you can effect this savirg. STARR & SUTCLIFFE' 18 and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont A RUSH FOR MILLINERY! Hat NES. lly when leads all Women's Jackets, Cloth Capes, Shawl Capes, Chiffon Capes, Taibor-Made Suits, Dress Skirts, Undeiskirts, Silk and Sateen Waits TEN PER. CENT. DISCOUNT. Stock is lessening. Goods are going out. It Better get in ani do your House Cleaners, Attention ! For the balance of this month we are selling a line of Solid Golden Oak Bedroom Setts, White Faarmel, Dressers and Stands, with Jron Beds to match, Hercules Springs, Banitary Mattresses, at Actually Half-Price. 4 Send in your Parior Setts and Couches to be recovered. Big std