wm -- KINGSTUN, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1902, LAST EDITiON A POLITICAL CANARD OPENING AT EROCKVILLE. | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, WHAT THE BILL MEANT # | Large Make of Cheese in May | Toronto ; asterly winds, fino 7 Predicted. fw + Saturday Practically The Abolition Of Issucd By Agitators Ia South gs Murriage Russia REGRET WAS EXPRESSED BROUGHT INTO COLLISION THAT EARL RUSSELL HAD IN. | THE FORMER SERFS AND THE TRODUCED THE BILL, LANDOWNEHNS. LOCAL MEMORANDA, PITH OF THE NEWS, nian The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkine my hatter. A 25¢. has leash with 'every Bat st Camp bell Bros. § Robert Masudl at the opers' house ww night. and matinee to-morrons, 3 There may be no rose without a thorn, but there wre shad without roes. There's a pair of wings waitior for every mad who really loves bis enemies. The firt gol tea of the season will be] vivin by the committes on Saturday. It's a pity that the fellow who is slwavs shooting off his mouth ever blows cut his brains. This day is the world's history: Lond Roberts' request to Maleking to hold out til May 15h published, 1900; Internation el metallic gonlerence opens at London, 1894: Bir George Carter died, 1879: Buttle of Laren, 1813, boronation ~ Hmblers. The Latest, Just Out, ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND °™ HOUSE snd Manager. Fe a taresy Rosines "¢ Moy2 and 3 THE BMINEST ACTOR' Robert B. Mantell AND A SELECT COMPANY. Friday Night, « "HAMLET. SATURDAY TNMATINEE, "ROMEO and JUL.ET." The Very Latest News Culled F.om All Over The Would. There are 150 cases of smuilpox in Valleyfield, Que., and the surrounding parish. The Elder Dempster 8.8. Manitoba arrived at Halilax, at 10.30 am. to- day. it is stated here that dowager queen Margareta, of Italy, bas decided to take the veil, The new house of Providence at Dundas was dedicamed by bishop Dow- ling on Thursday. Alfred Neville, Hamilton, took =a drink of carbolic acid, by mistake; but was saved from death. In Puslinch township seven sheep of John Swatzenberger were poisoned by Paris green, spread by some esemy. Yesterday s nominations : Liberals, South Renfrew, Hon. Frank R. Latch- ford; Ottawa, Alexander Lumsden and D'Arey Soott Mr. Carnegie has consented to give Thorold 810,000 ior a free library and n Brocktilie, Nay 2.-My pursuing a Ci waiting policy the factorymen in the |; Brockville district bave averaged at least one-half cent per pound more for their first offerings of cheese this ses son than those in other districts in castern Ontario. In the Cornwall, Morrisburg ana other sections east of here the salesmen some weeks ago contracted what little April output they had at lie. and 103e. The Brockville factorymen did mot do so, but hela on their first sales of a few hundred odd being made privately last { week at 10jc. Thursday the board was | New Summer ! opening out daily, opened for regular business and 1.410 | cheese were ofiered, 368 white and S41 | colored. The first bid made was 104e., . » " ~ Ladies Kid Gloves. and the buyers stood at this price un til they found that the factorymen Our . Steacys' special. at $1.00 is wonderful value, any would not accept. Finally, just before the last cull, Wie. was offered. and color you want--every pair guaranteed. New Shirt-Waist and ready- to-wear Hats in the latest ew York Styles. Peasants Distributed the Land, New ¥ ¥ Leaving the Noblemen a Small Portion--Then Occurred Riot and Devastation. St. Petersburg, May 2.11 develops that the agitators who are chiefly re sponsible for the spread of the révo- lutionary movement among the hun- gry peasants in south Russi used a curious political canard to bring the former serfs and the land owners into collision. A rumor was industriously circulated that the czar had ordered the lands of the nobles to Be divided among the emancipated serfs. The peasants thereupon formed commit teeg under the commune officials, which waitea on the land ownérk, and ordered them to vacate the land with: held. { The peasants chose théir own agents { ana proceeded to distribute the land and moveables, leaving the noblemen from fifteen to twenty acres each. The proceedings, which were orderly, were conducted with the utmost gravity, { until the authorities interfered. There alter there was riot, arson, and devas tation, In military circles it is be liver that the army manoeuvres, which have been planned to take place in Crel and Koursk éannot oe cur, owing to the disturbed state of | those governments. | { THE AIR SHIP. It Was Rejected by the House of Lords--Edison's Invention Will be Used in Norway and Will Greatly Help England's Iron Supply. London, May 2.--In the house of lords yesterday the lord chancellor, in behalf of the government, said he regretted the' introduction of earl Rus- seil's divorce bill. The bill practically meant the abolition of marriage. It was an outrage on the house that such a bill should be introduced, and he should be sorry to think that any one) would wish to debate the question, whether gthe institution of marriage should" continue in this country. He movetl that the bill be rejected, and this motion was agreed to Millinery by the time the session elosed 320 | white and 58 colored were sold. | After the board the remainder accept | ed the board price, and about 300 that were not offered also changed bands at the same figure, making 1,700 odd boxes in all. Aver & Co. and Hodgson & OF THE SPECIAL LINE OF Men's Navy Suits a wars. Ratany Serge, regular $15 __S10a Suit. ofr afeefesfedeode de deseo afode deo obo dba ob feo Would Lise Heavily. Mr. Whitney says : he would repeal the tax on big . corporations, yet from that source in three years On- tario has received nearly three-quarters of a million in cash to help pay school grants, etc. During the last three years it would bave made a difference to Ontario ratepayers of $683,345.87 if Mr, Whitney had been premier, for that is the exact amount collect- ed from these big compan- ies which he and his party opposed in the house, and he declares he would have the law repealed at once if put in power. Bros. wot the bulk of the offerings, but A.W. Grant. hovel) & Christmas and James * Alexander were also considerable buyers. The factorymen present reported the grass was a little earlier than last vear, but hardly as far advanced as it was Statea to be in other sections, With weather conditions as thev were now, however, a large May make was pret ty certain. They were naturally all in a good humor on gocount of the strong opening, the price being two and a quarter cents per pound higher than last spring's, remarking that it would help them to recoup on the ex tra monev they had been compelled to pay out last winter on gecount of the exceptionally high price of feed. Herman Dick, Chicago, representing Thomas Edison, has succeeded in for- ming a company to utilize Mr. Edi- son's patent for extracting iron ore and profitably working the vast de posits on the west coast of Norway. The company has a capital of £] 000,000. Its stockholders include ail the principle British iron masters. Mr. Dick says the application of Mr. Edi son's discovery will be one of the greatest booms possible to Great Britain. Eighty milion tons of crude ore are already available for quarry- rying. This will render Great Britain practically independent of American pplies and will not affect the Unit- ed States, which is unable to supply its own. requirements in this _ direc tion. Z May day was conspicuously cele brated here yesterday. The horses were covered with ribbons and the nation al colors. There was a great trade in roses for house decorations. The shipping combination continues to absorb public interest. even when pence is in process of adjustment in South Africa. Mr. Morgan's opera- . tions arp on #0 vast a scale that the Saturday Night, "OTHELLO" | public is at once confused and alarm: Appropriate Scenery. ed. Ministers were again closely ques- Superb Costumes. tioned, yesterday, and admitted that ploy the best--you'll be more sa- JFrioce-28e., 600, 73¢c,. $1: vox sats | they had received confidential dis 'tisfied when your sale is over. Matinee--All Open Work Hose, 25¢., Ladies' Fast Black, 15¢., 20¢., 3be. Boys' and Gixls' Stockings, extra value, 10c., 15¢c., 20e. New Separate Skirts and Tailor-Made Suits. ofuole ole ole ole of, ole ole o2e ole ols ole ole ode ale ole ole Le o2e of Shirt Waists, 50 dosen just r-------------- COMMON! S DEBATE, in, 75¢c., $1.00, $1.85 up. NTN ERR TET TTP TTe TY | ---- ' Describing the New Wonder Built | in Paris. Paris, May 2.---8enhor Severe, the | Brazilian aeronaut, has completely in flated his air ship, which is now ready to be launched. The air ship has a capacity of 2,314 metres, four times gs great as the air ship of Dantos-Du mot. A third car is built into the | balloon, giving it the appearance of a Thursday. The mavors of Dublin, Bel hig cigar with » thin wedge cit out of fast, Derry, Limerick, Waterford and |it. The frame fits 'into the wedge Kilkinney were present. shaped opening. The air ship is driv The Advanced thresher en by three screws, two attached to Battle Creek, Mich., have the ¢entral axis of the balloon, and the John Abel works in Toronto the third to the axis of the cai It will carry on the business. has (wo petroleim motors, one of A Rat Portage merchant .nsmed W. | twenty-four horse power at the stern, A. McLeod, was atrested in Winnipeg | and snother of sixteen horse power at on the charge of having defrauded the | the how. loth have four eyvlinders bank of Ottawa of the sum of 87.000. | and are cooled with water. There are While returning from the fishing | electric batteries for ignition pur- grounds at Centreville, N.8., late | poses. The ar ship will carry, besides sole, at the Adelphi theatre, last Thursday, Egbert Robins, aged twen- Renhor Bevere, two engineers, whose : ht, was. too® strong meat for judi- | ty-one, was drowned by the capsizing | sole duty will be to attend to the mo Fowler and a Superb Company ins | cious critics, even with modifications | of his boat. tors. Maguiticent Production of Charles Coghlan's Masters; i The trans-Canada railway company, tm i i REVISION OF SENTENCES. M . Bernier's North Pole Scheme Un- der Discussion. Ottawa, May 1.--The proceedings in the house of commons to-day were of A quiet natare, and although there was considerable business done, there was not much discussion. One of the | subjects that came up for considera tion was the pyoposal by John Charl top that the Canadian government ought to give some substantial aid to Capt. Bernier, who proposes to find the North Pole, and when be has found it to attach thereto the Britis flag. Mr. Charlton thought that (a nada should aid a Canadian in this worthy expedition, which would do much scientifically, and perhaps Be ole ole oe ode 3 Come in and see if only to see. W. J. McCartney, of Thorold, will give a free site. 2 Plans have been made for a new cable between Germany and Ameries. No route terminal or other details have been decided upon. The Cork exhibition was opened on John H. Mill : i company, 4 0 n , » Ay 1 S purchased and Are you selling out ? if so om- ma terially, for the country, Sir Wilfrid { closures from the White Star officials { chairs, B0c; balance, 0c. 5 box seats, 78c. | Laurier and Mr. Borden took a part | i! and other sources. There will be har Seats now on sale at HANLEY'S. rassing tactics from both sides of the Next attraction, Tuesday i 3 Gib, il definite inf, st atiractio Kh, & the | house until definite information is supplied. WEDNESDAY. MAY 7TH "Sappho," produced by Olga Nether Le Roy Pelletier Presents Nod. Howard in the 'discussion which followed, und both sides agreed that if there was a man in Canada, and perhape out of Canada, who could get to the Nort! Pole, that that is if count for would not DIED. MILLS At Portsmouth, on May 1st 1902, Mins Hertha Mills, damehter of Mr. and | Mri John Mills, auwd 19 years | Fuocral will take place at 2:90 Saturday, from | her residence 10 the Mevhodist church Portsmouth, Fumes! private Belleville, Ont., awd Rochester, N.Y, papers Mav lut, apd 50 . : ER g : JOHN H. MILLS, Ee x TED man was Capt. Bernier : pluck and determination anything. The premier say 'that help would he given by the government, but thev | would take the sxpression of both | sides of the house into serious consid | A8 JANITOR APPLY AT f or i g oF ies A [SENBUAL RAL SuyANT. APPLY 182 UNI- SECOND Hany BICYCLE. APPLY TO a ma. A BB ITT A PL IIA JY 0 --------------------------------------. ; ES ; ER ntions ToT LESS TAN | or INJURED, ONE FATALLY. Trains Runs Into Crowded Car in . Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wis, Mpy 2.-<Six per- sons webe injured in a collision last night between a street car-on the Vi Bit street line and a switch engine at the Clinton street crossing of the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road. The most seriovsly injured are: Fred. Rosche, right arm and . right og broken; Miss Cora Cox, "left leg an internal injuries; Frank Berg, loft arm and back injured. Rosche is likely to ple cor) Fa tered t rest on Alired street, 1 9 months Saterday moraing 10 STEACY J ohm Funeral private, on am INC Will Be Considered Every Twenty Years. Ottawa, May 2.-The government may shortly introduce an important change with respect to prisoners who are committed for long terms or for life. In England the practice i# to re- vise the sentences - of such prisoners after they have served twenty Sears. The same procedure may be adopted here. Some sixty odd convicts would be affected if a svstem of revision were to be adopted in Canada. Justice Lount, who conducted an in quiry last fall into the damages sus tained by Messrs. Noble, Collingwood, for the seizure of their tug and fishing apparatus under the late government, fixed the gmount at $15,563. It will be paid. Biesoy of the original scheme. The acting A € ) was excellent, but the success of the | DoW in course of _ construction, will unsavory play will depend upon the {carry wheat at nine cents a bushel. judgment of the censor who was pre- The present charge is sixteen to seven sent last night. teen cents a bushel, 3 2 ngmificently acted, The "Allan line stemwer Pretorian Beautifully staged, Elaborately costumed. Prices 25¢., 50ec., 75¢.; $1. ts on dale, SATURDAY. 10 smi: at REASONABLE AND GENEROUS. | sailed, on Thursday afternoon, from Liverpool, for the St. Lawrence, with So Gen. Dewet Speaks of! the Sea HANLEY'S. Next attraction, Thureda twenty-three cabin passengers, forty- British Terms. . May Mann & Livan, iy "ALL ON ACLOUNT OF ELIZA" eration, When the members got back from their polar expedition Mr, Bourassy | read a resolution against the embar. | go on Canadian cattle in Great Bri. | tain, and the house expressed svi | pathy with the purpose of his resol. | tion. In a discussion en judges Mr Casgrain protestéd that | those officials were not sufficientls paid. Mr. Fitzpatrick's bill to am: i the act respecting judges of provineial courts was given a third reading The house further considered (he ea nal estimates of the minister of rai ways and canals King« Shir- at 811 Brock street Ruddeul ' May 20a, 3 Friday morning one Jatermediats snd 300 stossage, y Fu n hin o88 reakdenc Far Bi i ® funeral of the eminen statisty- nip, I ld 3 TEE PIANO BARGAINS the Boer leaders are certainly placing , . the issue before the burghers plainly n ' very simple according to the rite 3 2 or prescribed for the burial of a member and without reservation. Gen. Dewet ; is moving everywhere among his peo- of "Le Seminaire des missions etran- geres."' ple setting forth the facts most hon: | © Senor Rodriganez, the Spanish min- orably. He has frankly stated that in ister of finance, introduced the budget his. opinion the struggle is now hope | jor the coming vear in the chambers, less, 'and that the British terms are on Thursday. The total revenue is reasonable and generous. eatimated at 95] 1788000 pests In the house of commons yesterday | (8100,000.000), and the expenditure at A. J. Balfour gaid there was no infor- | 94% 662.000 pestas, mation in posession of the govern The town of Dusseldorf was enfete ment in regard to the prospects of peace in South Africa that he could on Thursday, on: the opening of the international exhibition. The imperial impart to the house. - The -eabinet will meet to-morrow. chaneelior, "count Von ~ Buelow, five Shaping Towards Peace. the salarics of | SS ------------------" WILL TAKE NO STOCK. TORNADO HITS IOWA TOWN, To Offer At the Great Centres. Denver; Colo., May 2.--Not a single | head of eattle was sold on the Denver | Two Elevators and Dwellings Are Packing Destroyed. sent, Des Moines, Towa, May 2A torna- early last die. Three others were hurt, but' not SE -------------------- CARDINAL MARTINELLI. Announces That he Has Been Re- called To Roms. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2.--Cardinal apostolic delégate to the United States, said yesterday that he had been recalled - to Ro Leo XIII. While declining Martinelli said he to leave this city and for Rome as soon as he could adjust the affairs of the delegation. The ca this city since Tuesday. rdinal has been members of the cabinet, and many distinguished invited guests, wers pre- London, May 2~Distinet confirma- tion is given, this morning, to the he lief that events in South Africa are shaping themselves towards an early . The Standard correspondent in retoria says the predominant feeling among the bu re, who have been confulted, is mm favor of peace but, at the same time, he anticipates that an_intractible and irreconcilable min- ority may declare itself at the Veren iging conference. A There is a general belief among members of \patlisment that the' con- fevence at Vereniging will be followed by a cessation of hostilities early in June, but the basis of the negotia- tions is pot understood. All well in- formed men in parliament admit that affairs have gone so in the direc tion of peace that the negotiations Cure to be Tried. ean hardly fail in the final stage. Vice-president Vasquez, of Santo Domingo, leader of the revolution afninkt president Jeminez, of that re- public, has arrived at Guerra, near Santo Domingo, the capital. The fall of the Jiminez government is expected to take place to-day or to-morrow. It is understood that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be accompanied by Mr. and Mee. L. O. David, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Pope, and Mr. Boudreau, pri: vate secretary; that they will make a somewhat lengthy stay in Europe and that, with his school-mate, C. A. Dan sereau, and Hon. T. Berthisume, the premier will visit the pope. The lanosthing, in secret session on Thursday, at Copenhagen, discussed the question of the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United States. A vote taken at the close of the sitting showed that 5 majority is determined to postpone 5 definite decision until 4 vote of the colonial council electorate do struck Bayvatd, Towa, wight: Two elevators, the Chicago, Milwankee & St. Paul railroad sta tion and a number of dwelling houses were destroyed. The agent of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad is missing. and is supposed to have been killed or injured. Telegraphic communication with Bayard was para lyzed by the storm. Details of the dis- aster are difficult to obtain. MURDERED IN CHINA. Catholic Priest Was Slain--Head Put on Pole. : Pekin, May 1.--A French Roman Ca: tholic: priest, belonging to the Jesuit mission at Kaie Chau, China, 100 miles south-west of Tien Tein, was murdered on April 27th. Wis head was afterwards displayed on a pole. The priests fled from this district 8 mbnth ©, as they feared - something like market yesterday and the commission their enstomers in all parts of the west not to ship gay cattle or hogs or sheep to the markets in this city or Kansas City or Omaha or Chicago, Commission men in the other citios are understood to have taken similar ae tion. Many thousands of head are an the way to market and three or four days will pase before the effect of. the order is felt but at the beginging of next week little or no stock will be offered at the packing centres. Com: mission men say thay have taken this radical action because of the raid made by the "cattle trust" on prices of stock. ------------ Headquarters For Men's Hats. George Mills & Co. Wellington St. The New American Fedoras men almost without exception wired to | A few Pianos, slightly used, will be sold at great bargains to quick Tuyers. Amongst Lhem ; some Nordheimer's Enquire fof particulars at ROBERT J. REID'S, 222 PRINCESS STREET, TINSMITHS Don't Strike Who see our solder. Is seh o plowire to work Hall sod ball, refined, wits, any Guality or form. THE CANADA METAL Co. William Street + Toronto. Or. 0.W. Daly's Dental Office . Canadians Located. Ottawa, Ont, May 2-Lord Minto has received the following is taken on the question of sale. " ---------------- A TERRIBLE HOLOCAUST. Seventy-Five Persons Reported Burned To Death. Yokohama, Japan, May 2A disas- trons fire swept over Lakayena: Washi 0. b ashington, D.C. this would happen. They returned » short time afterward, however, having apparently become reassured ay to their safety. 3 Amprichn Boston, 6. At 6. leveland, | underwear, Hs. A TCL Class hs, 1 Daring { Cut Glass ai Movin . Of Sparkling Brilli- 0! jo + V. 8 & Eastern league At Buffalo, 0: To ancy. ronto, 4. At Rochester, 3 Montreal, q2 At Woesuise, 3; ' Days : Send the ramily 'wash. ing to us, and save , yourself 'all the worry and labor. Our rate: dre reasonable, and the All prices at Campbell Bros ---------------- At the supreme court, 1.0F. af Los Angeles. John A. McGillivray was elected supreme secretary: Thom ax Milman, supreme physician. and E G. Stevensdn, supreme cevneillor, Livingston's for fine natural wool Will be reopened in Mey whee he 'retorne tres abrrmd Buckley & Sons' Famous Hats At Campbell Bros, 8 Princess St. ---- * , 5 Brook. it. Louis, 6. Weshow some exception. al values in BOWLS from $2.50 a $20. They make appropriate