THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 2 B. TGLOW & 00, FINE STATIONZRA, 141 PRINCESS STREET. ------------------------------ C100 18 WY YOU WAN TACKS, Bee i ee ges iii mn "© HAMMERS, © KALSOMINE, FURNITURE STAIN VARNISH, FLOOR PAINT AND % SCREEN WIRE. Mitchell has them all znd the nicest assortment in town and the Jowest prices. MITCHELL'S HARDWAKE. sotesor GANDY Fe Ta and sve * in the eity. JERYAS, 220 Princess St. ain nade his aps ice court to-day, Concession To Locality. "No!" explained the Dakota lady ; "we do not store in ping-pong as you do in the east." "Indeed !"" wurmured the gentleman from New York, who had just arrived in pursuit of health and happiness, if the. court would see in that way. "No; instead of saying "'thirty- love," and so on, we say 'thirty-spat SRN ONY Re ee COMMERCIAL MATTERS, -------- ' What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News. Potatoes are now selling at $1 a bushel at Chicago. In the past four days Sour bas advanced thirty-five cents o barrel John Wannmmnoker fod made a contract to pay $100,000 for a pags in the New York Journal. The president of the grain dealers' associa don in Kansas predicts only a 30,000,000 wheat crop in that state. The Dominion iron and steel company has decided to increase {ts capital bv the issue of 85,000,004, common work, at 60. Negotiations are under "way for the erec tion of & S600LC00 beat sugar plant in Brantford on condition that the local capi talists invest 3100000 in the scheme. It is officially awnounced - that forty = per cent. of the new issue of $19,500,000 Cana dian Pacific railway, common stock, was taken in New York: forty per cent. in Lon don and twenty per cent. in Capada. OF the procewds of the new issue the road will, at onte, spend 81 000.000 on new locomotives and additional equipment. A director of the Dominion fron amd steel company is quoted as stating that in two vosrs the conl company" will probubly be producing 5.000,000 tons a year, in the place of 3,000,000 toos srticipwied this year. The shareholders of the eoml com: pony will thus have a chance of getting more than the ohbt per owt) guaranteed by the steel company, as the atrangement ix that a rvalty of 740. per ton will be paid on all ool produced over 3,000,000 tons, which, if .; | expeogutions are realized, ought to bring the * | dividend up to shout mive per cent. in time, In finemcial clecles considerable interest in snifested jn the special meeting of the stookhokiers of the Pittsburg cecal company at Joroy city. The purpose ol the meting is to vote on a proposition to jnsue $6,000, 000 worih of gold bonds bearing five per | cent. interest (or twet the cows of aditional lands purchased recently. The Union trist company, Pittsburg, has aureed to take the entire issun in bonds of $25,000 units, The explanation given for the issue is that it be cme necessary to purchase hwwe tracts of land at enhancid Values and that the wink: ing fund of the company waa not equal to the excessive and unexpected strain. "CHAUCER"" RELEASED. Not Fairly Treat- ed, A despatch to the Whig from Toron: to says : * 'Chaucer' Elliott, the King- ston catcher with Toronto baseball team, under trial, was released last night. Elliott feels that he was not treated fairly by the management. Manager Barrow wanted to farm him but to some one of the minor leagues, but Elliott refused. He will return to the Kingston university and will con fine his work to the intercollegiate series," Feels He Was House Cleaners. Use furniture restorer and save money and time, at James Reid's. Jenkins The place for stylish hats for men. All shades and styles. New Pearl Fedoras. The largest stock of new styles at Campbell Bros. Men's ready to wear suits, 8, $7, & and $10. Livingston's. PEASANTS BURN ESTATES SERIOUS SITUATION EXISTS IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA. Riot, Arson and Ruin--A Relative of the Czar's Sister Victim of the Mob's Fury--The Authori- ties Taking Action. St. Petersburg, May 2.--Duke Aléx- ander, of Oldenbourg's celebrated cha tenu of Romone, in the government of Voronej, has been. burned by revolted peasants, who practically ruined the estate. The duke is the father-in-law of the czar's sister Olga, who married his son, Luke Peter, last year. The seriousness of the situation in south Russia is apparent from the fact that Dragomirofi, governor-general of South Kiefi, Pocarcofi, vicedirector of the department of police, and other of- ficials, have joined Von Plehwe, the minister of the interior, at Kharkoff. The Veronej sugar refineries have es pecially suffered from the outbreak, daring which the duke of Oldenbourg's estate was dismantiod MORE SMALL-POX. Reported From Various Ontario Points. Toronto May 2.--A new outbreak of small-pox was reported to-day from Halliwell township, Prince Edward county, two cases having appeared. Cases have also developed in. several families at Plantagenet, Preseott county; two eases have appeared in Ferris township, Nipissing, and one at Copper Cliff. 1. McMillan, -a graduate of the On tario agricultural college, Guelph, who has been employed lately at that institution, has been appointed sup erintendent of farmers' institutes for Prince Edward Island. He will also manage the government farm and lec ture on agriculture in the Prince of Wales college. It is° announced to-day that the copyright case of Henry Graves & Co., London vs, George T. Gorrie, Toronto, is to be carried direct' to the privy council without passing through the supreme court. The case concerns the picture "What We Have We'll Hold," which Messrs, Graves & Co.- got out and which the defendant has been publishing here. Messrs. Graves & Co. sued for infringement of copyright, and the late justice Rose decided against the plaintifis. The di visional court and the court of appeal both upheld judge Rose's decision and the matter will now be taken to the highest authority. WON BY LITTLE GIRL. Cases Markham Piano Drawn by Mary Barnett. N.Y., May gift piano, 2~The Ogdensburg, which drawing of the has occasioned considerable interest here, took place yesterday in front of the drug store of F. Howard Mark- ham. A erowd almost blocked traflic in Ford street while the drawing was in progress. Twenty-six thousand tickets were placed in' a large box and 100 drawn. These were placed in a smaller one and drawn one by one. The last ticket drawn entitled the hokder to the prize. It proved to he held by Mary Barnett, a ten-year-old girl from the Fourth Ward. What Some Names Mean, Liverpool Post. The following table gives the meaning of the names of the principal Highland clans in Scotland * Mclntosh--The son of the First. McDonald-The son of Brown Eyes. McDougall--The son of Black Eyes" McOnnechy, or Duncan--The son of Brown Head. McGregor--The son of a Greek Man. McCuthbert--The son of the Arch- Druid, McKay--The son of the Prophet, Mc¢Taggart--The son of the Priest, McLean~The son of the Lion. McCleod--The adn of the Friendly one. McIntyre--The son of the Carpenter, Campbell---Crooked Mouth. Cameron--Urooked Nose. Stewart--High Stay, or Support. One On Hubby. Seri 81 rd. ne of Piro: loving husbands, who bad exhausted all explanations for his late hours, and who had no apology ready, silently slipped into the house at about one o'clock, quietly undress ed himsell, and began rocking - the cradle by the bedside, as if he had been awakened by the infant's eries. He had rocked the cradle for aboat five minutes, when his wife, who had witnessed the whole manoeuvre, said i to bed, John, here's the ba- ot v1 May Be Released On Bail. The matter of fixing the bail for the release of Eric Sharp will be heard before judge Price morning: Bail will likely be granted, but the sum will be a large one. The assizes at which the boy will appear will not be hel®until next autumn. The exact date has not yet been fixed, as the pssizes gre a sort of "movable . occurring sometimes in Oe tober, sometimes in December, and at athe times in Septerhber or Novem: to-morrow W.C.T. U. MEETING. Twenty Prohibition Candidates in the Field Already. The wgular moothly meeting of the WC TU, was held Thursday af termoon. Mrs. T. X. Rogers reported favorably in regard to the finances, also that in response to a request for aid von behalf of W.C.T.U. mission work iu New Ontario, $16.65 had been sent, with a promise of more later, having been subscribed by members and friends of the union. It has been found frequently that children, when asked to sign the pledge; have objected because they bad an idea that home-made wine and cider contained no alechol and there fore ought not to be included. "To prove the fallacy of this idea by sin.- ple experiments it has been decided that the umion obtain the necessary The ex-conservative leader who refused bulldozed by the Dariy. soucus, and is now shut ous. apparatus and 'at suitable time and places show the children how very easy it is to ascertain the presence of aleghol or not. Several of the members of the union since last meeting tried to get signa- tures to a petition to prevent a sum- mer hotel being opened at the corner of Johnstom and Ontario streets. They did pot mitet with the success they would have liked, but, however, the license was not granted by the com- missioners, The president read an interdsting letter from Mrs. Thornley referring to the outlook for prohibition. She said that today there were over twenty candidites in the field that have de- clared for prohibition, promising to put it before all party issues. They may not all. be elected, but if the temperance men are true to their principles some of them will be, and it may be a sufficient number to hold the balance of power in the house and to insist on some advanced legisla- tion. The topic of the educational half hour was "The History of the Temp erance Question at the Present Time," from extracts of cirenlar let- ter. This included the history of pro hibition in Ontario. WOULD MEAN DISCHARGE If Graham Was Reduced -- Ma- chinists Still Out. The striking machinists are still out, and there is no change in the situation. A Whig reporter called at the labor hall this afternoon, and was told there that there was nothing new to give out. Both Mr. Glocking and Mr. Holmes, here as mediators, are at present out of the city, the latter having gone to Carleton Place. They are expected back to-morrow. Mr. Bermingham, managing direc tor of the locomotive works, when asked this atternoon, if there was any change in the situation, said: "Phere are no new developments. We have not brought in any outsiders to take the places | strifiers, as we hope a few days' re i flection will convince our old hands of { the unjust nature of their demands { against laborers and handy men, and how impossible it is for us to grant them. "I notice Mr. Homes, in an inter: view yesterday. Inys some stress on the fact that the machinists did not use the word 'discharge' in their de: { mand as to Graham. | "Well, the words they did use meant { discharge, and nothing else, for Gra- | ham could not with any self-respect, remain at work undér a man who | bad procured his degredation, and { was less competent on his work than | Graham himself. Tf we consented to { take Graham off this job he would be | in these works would become intoler: able. This was pointed out to the ma- chinists' committee at the time thev made their demand. and they said that they knew it, but replied that they were not worrying what became of Graham. so long as they got him off the job.. This shows clearly enough that, although they did not say 'dis- | charge,' they meant it." Death Of Shirley Going. Death came very suddenly to Shirley Going, Brock street. He retired last night in fairly good health, and was found dead in bed at eight o'clock this morning. Yesterday he complained of feeling a little unwell, but went about a« usual. Heart disease was the cause of "Bis demise. was born in vacated by the | | Bertha Mills was called to her i | ! i | acquaintances. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Queen Wilhelmina slept quietly last night. , Her condition continues to be satisfactory. The 8.8. Anatolia, Leyland line, from Antwerp, passed Father Point, inward, at 12.530 pm. to-day. The U.S. battleship Minois has left for Naples and will proceed thence to British waters for the coronation cere monies. . The schooner Van Stranbenzie was badly wrecked in a squall on lake On- ario, west of Fairhaven, on Wednes- day. * W. D. Ross has been appointed su- perintendent of motive power ol the Grand Trunk railway, to succeed H. W. Morse. C. P. R. surveyors are locating a change in the main line from Caron, N.W.T., to a point about sixty-five miles west. The fund for the Monchamp family at St. Norbert, Man., is now over $1,200. The survivors are recovering but slowly. General Sir William Olpherts, V.C,, who gainéd the sobriquet of "Hellfire Jack," at Lucknow, is dead. He was born in 1822 The engagement is announced in Montreal of Mrs. Mulholland, daugh ter of Mrs. Stanley Bagg, to arch Ldeacon Norton, rector of Montreal. At Vanwert, Iowa, on Thursday, 'a funnel-shaped cloud aropped down up- on the town. Then a high wind blew down houses and barns and uprooted trees, Dr. Keyes, archbishop Corrigan's physician, said to-day that the arch- bishop had passed a good night, bad slept well and was steadily gaining strength. At the Newmarket, Eng., races to- day, Sceptre, the winner of the 2,000 guineas stakes on Wednesday, woh the 1,000 guineas stakes. St. Windeline was second, Black Fancy third, Four- teen horses ran. Because the time has placing fenders on the N.Y., street card, demanded common council, the traction com- pany has stopped running the ears, and will enter an action against the city. John Clovon, an old Hudson Bay employee, who came to, the Red Riv- er district in 1846, is dead at Rat Portage, Ont. In the early days he was a contractor and among other buildings he put up the St. John's cathedral, at Winnipeg. expired for Watertown, by the A Lively Runaway. De. €. L. Curtis' fine chestnut team ran away on Alfrea street yesterday afternoon. After leaving the vehicle in a somewhat demolished condition, they took a spin through the trees in Victoria park, where. they separated. One animal dashed up Nelson street, and was finally caught on Clergy street, near Frontenac park. The other ren into the fence surrounding D. E. Starr's residence on Mack street and knocked it down. Then, aiter "do- ing" the park again, it ran into Thomas Howland"s cab team, on Al fred street. From there it turned into Brock street, and ran to the ferry wharf, where it was caught. This horse was badly cut up. It was ope of the most sensational runaways of the season. A Young Lady's Sad Death. Another bright voung life was ex tinguished last night, when, in the very promise of happy womanhood, home beyond the skies. Thé deceased was the daughter of John Mills, Ports mouth, late keeper in the penitentiary. She had just reached her nineteenth year, and was a young lady beloved and esteemed by all her friends and Her death, of Bright's diséase, was. very unexpected, as she was ill but a short time. The funeral takes place to-morrow afternoon. Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved fam { ily, whol mourn the death of so bright {and prdmising a member. Refuse To Accept It. The city baseball league met last night at Congress hall, and aecided | the butt of the shop, and his position | not. to accept the generous doaation of 825 ofieredi by the celebration com- mittee," as one of the: officers express ea it. The schedule of games his not yet been arranged. The frst league game, however, will be played on the cricket field at 2 p.m., on May 10th, between the Oddfellows wnd the Long shotemen. Games will bp playea on the cricket field both morning and afternoon of the 26th inst. May Elect Prince Henry. Lubeck, Germany, Mav 2.-At a general meeting of the Lubeck hranch of the Freisinnige (People's party) a proposal was made and widely ap proved that prince Henry of Prussia should be appointed gs 4 joint candi- date at The next election of members of the reichstag, by all the various parties rejresenting the middle class. nk : Stole Valuable Furs. Lewis A. Levin, esenti B. Le vin & Co., fur dea of Monteeal, ne that three mink furs, hd Japanese Floor Matting. For & big Carpet Barssiv sry 7 SPECIAL SALE TO-MORROW Some time ago we mentioned we were after a large lot of English Goods that might be sold at a great deal lass than their value. We succeded in buying the entire lot and the first part has arrived and we will sell it TO-MORROW. Naxt week we will tell you of other goods that will be sold at Special Sales. © Tomornow Wo Will Sell Yards English 525 Worsted Serge All Pure Wool ; a good shade of Navy; 56 inches wide ; heavy firm make. This fine quality of Worsted Serge is made on purpose for Boys" Suits and Ladies" Skirts, This quality has never been sold less than $i yard and very often is sold at $1.20. Sale Price To-morrow 63c. yard..} Sale opens at 9 o'clock and lasts all day. Sale also in the Evening. J. LAIDLAW & SON. AAPA par A DECISION. After again carefully inspecting most of the sam- ples of leading makers of GENTS' SHOES in Canada and parts of the United States, we are more firm than ever in our belief that the genuine SLATER SHOES Are the best all round both as to actual wear and solid comfort. = The genuine Slater Shoes sell at $3.50 and $5 And can only be had at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE i bk ail Carpets, Carpets, ~ At Greatly Reduced Prices. We are positively giving up the carpet end of our business and much desire. to clear the entire stock this spring, so have marked for cash buyers at a reduction of 20 cents off each dollar. Tapestry Carpsts, 85. to 65¢ s yard, now 30 per cent, off. Wool Onrpets. 85. to $1 » yard, now 20 per eens off. Hemp Carpeta, 184e. fo 800. yard, now 20 per evot. of. Remonuts Tapestry, § to 16 yards, now 36 per cect. ff. Elegant New Patterns in Wool sod Tapestcy Art Floor 2}x8,8x8, 8x84. 8x4,8x4}, 4x4 from §8.56t0 $18 each, also go at the big reduction of 80 per cent. . ; 24d 4 yards wide Bootoh Lineleums, S0e., 00, sad 76. & yard. While they last at one-S%th off each dollar, ¥ Special value ia New Laos Ourtains, Art Blinds, Onrtein Pelesscd Y ROS. \ 4