- ; ° TRB DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 5. me -------------- SUNDAY I TRE. CHURCHES. TRE END OF TEE PRISONER. REV. FR. HANLEY PREACHED GEORGE PARE DIED IN KING- JIN ST. MARY'S. STON PENITENTIARY While confined in the Napanee jail his log was a source of miuch trouble bite Bim. but the jail surgeon had. it BER ROSS MD PENSE : a---- nearly cured, but duriag his seasoR of $ x out-door Tile it again bevame trouble THEY REPRESENT ONTARIO'S BEST POLICY, some, and after his recapture 1b (Wes § very had and he suffered greatly from | the tronble, which was a form of bone suberculosis Mr. Peuse Has Been as Loyal to W. H. Holden, his accomplice, is Kingston as Mr. Ross Has serving his sentence for complicity in | Been to Ontario--Both Should the bank robbery, as is also Robert be Returned Again. Roach, another accomplice, | oo pulpwood Tax big estates Tax the corporations The Ontariv govergairat does so. Put 'Whithey does not velinve in it The 29th of May is a good date tod aoubt in time will make his mark in the pulpit. At the offertory FB. Koen sang "Queen Im maculate" with much taste and feel: ing. On, Tharsday next the joyous festival of the ascension of our. Loed will be cbeerved as & day of obliga ton in the Catholic werkd, speaker, and no 3 NINE YEARS OF SUFFERING o-- | Ef Mrs. Elion Smith, of Montreal, Sufe forer From Eczema Unut Sue Was Cured Vy the New Oseme Treatment 'What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon? You used common Soap. } On Saturday Afternoon of Gan-! grene--Would Have Been Lib- erated Thursday -- Story of His Last Robbery. George Pare, the leader of the Napa- nee hank robbery, who caused such a, stir thronghout Canada and the Unit od States about four years ago, died in Kingston penitentiary on Saturday alternoon, sear the end of his impris onment. Had he « lived until Thurs: day, he would have been a free man, | 88 and come forth from within the prison | wood, He is a Young Kingston Priest Bev. H. Kitson, Ottawa, in St. George's and St. Paul's-- Various Church Notes. Rev, Henry Kitson, of Chriet chuech cathedral, Otiaws, in preaching at St. George's last evening took his text from the epistles lor the day, St. James 1, v., 27 > "True religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless = and widows in their aflliction, and 0 keep himself unspotied from the world." The preacher hegan by saying that it was no longer trie that one hall of the world did ngt know how the oth er hall lived. The press, public mest- ings, societies, parlivment, all hear witness to the great interest taken in social qoestions - at the present day. But there was a disposition in some quarters to sever these questions from religion, or rather to make a religion of them, as though the second table of the ten eommandments included man's whole duty, as thorough man could do his duty to his neighbor and himself. apart from his duty to God. His text was sometimes quoted as proving this, but does it? Impossible to read it without ut once having questions 'raised "which bring we inte relationship with God. For this visiting the affiicted is to be done as 'hefore God." Who. is this God ? aud in what sense is He "The Fath- or?" Whose Father ? Has He a Son? Are we His children ? It was in fact the real belief in God as our Father and His Son as onr brother that was {says it was most unjust of the O.R the: secret. of the: true interest in the £4 to take away his_amatenr stand. relioviag and elevating of ow fellow- Ling without giving him a chance or men. 4 a hearing. Rev. Mr. Kitson preached in St. | The Toronto Telegram says : "Chan- Paul's church at morning service, cer" Elliott might just as well take up lodgings in a graveyard as live in Kin ton." Now does me dear Loy "Cally" mean to tell us that Toronto i* a graveyard. Belleville will protest against having its pet name stolen. Picton association football club el- ected these officers : Hon. president, E. A. Bog; Hon. vice-president, W. J. Cater; president, Frith Fraser; vice president, 8. C. Woodsworth; secre- tary, A. P. Call; manager, ©. W. Mor- den. 'The club enters - the Quinte league. The Montreal Herald declares that the artistic gentleman who mvented baseball and decided to put a ninth innings into it should he sentenced to four years with bard labor, gich as working a ireadmill * or breaking stones. Montreal lost its first mate with Rochester in the ninth. George Sullivan wasn't good enough for manager Barrow, of Toronto base- ball team, yet he wins his first match with Providence. The Kingston pitcher has more spesd than any other twirler in the whole Eastern league, but was seldom given a chance last season to show what he could do. The 0. RF. U. up has become much deformed. When lately in the Rough Riders possession the top fi- gure was lost, and while Toronto ni versity guarded it, one of the four balls disappeared. The Toronto Tele ram wants the Ottawa team refused admittance to the league until it re places the lgst portion. The Beets memorial fund, which was started last year in honor of the me- mory of the late Dr. Beers, the father ol lacrosse, will receive its first bene- fit match on May 24th next, when the' Nationals and the Montrealers will play. All lacrosse teams in Canada are expected" to play a benefit match for the fund this summer, 'The fund at present amounts to 81,500. The Shamrock lacrosse club has de- cided to go and pay a visit to New York in Jude. For quite a while the Crescent lnerosse--- ¢lub- has been ai them for the purpose of getting them to give an exhibition game in the me tropolis ~~ of the United States; but they have not seen their way clear to do #6. At last, however, they have decided, and: they will play there on Saturday, June 21st, which is an open date. All the 'Toronto sporting writers have spoken well of "Chaucer" Flli- ott, and wdvocated his being placed on the team. The Toronto Star says : "The limestone city cotoher naturally felt aggrieved at being let but at this juncture. He thought he should have heen held till warm weather set in, when his throwing arm would have hecome good. * Elliott should Rave no difienlty in securing a position with some good club. He is a clever back- stop and a good hitter, which is an uncommon combination these days." Toronto Telegram ; One more tablet in the necropolis of the Toronto base. bal] club marks the spot where all that is left of poor "Chaucer" Elliott, who was whip-sawed and backed into & siding in order to make room for some more hired men: from across the border. There are only a few graves Joft, so if there are any Canadian bal players who are tired of life and who yearn to sleep the long sleep, lot (hem apply to the Taronto ball cleb for & position on the team, who will see that they aré properly snuffed out SPORT IN GENERAL. Wotes About the Various Sport- ivg Fields. Smith's Falls, Brockville and Carle ton Place seek entrance to the East ern Ontario lacrosse leigue this sea son, The Bay of Quinte association foot- ball league bas been formed for this | season. Deseronto play in Sydenham on June 6th. English pagers say the Toronto la- crosse players, besides having a be wildering combination, are mn mach bepter phyeieal condition than the English players. , The first races for the Canadian eir- cuit will be held on the half-mile track at Guelph on June 3rd, 4th and Sth, when over $1,500 in prizes will be hung up for the different events, Belleville Intelligencer: A lacrosse club; has been organized in dear old Kingston, and 1 Belleville lacrosse club may expect a challenge up by freight most any day. Get in the game. Toronto Mail- Empire : Manager Bar- vow should go into seclusion until the Kingston papers get through with hive. Pitcher Sullivan's clever per formance for. Providence will furnish the ammunition for the attack on Barrow. "Billy" Hamilton, the Kingston footballer, writing to 'a friend from 'Pittsburg, Pa., where he is at prosent, ) Mackie, is dead After the recapture of Pare and Hol: den. the old Jocks on the Napanee jail : were all veplaced by Yale locks of the ! most modern make, and Pare vas ob- | served several times ying te sake refemiber Ross with gratitode. impression on a piece of cedar. pPragier goss is the most progressive i A Wa Shaved Shin, and Jnmerted 2 he { premier fod provines has er had. walls, ot death released him earlier | Jock, but which ewently would no What has Kjugeton to gan by . than the law of the land. | work, When interviewed about the huhge in dither he veri or ia re Subs mons dine A year ago, gangrene _atiscked ; futility of his design, he sail # he qyvsentafive ¥ A fo or Pare's left log. and it was finally had the tool he could make a dupli- ¢ "A 'man of real ability" is the wav] well. Our found necessary to amjutaie the limb | cate all right. the Toronte Teligram, a combervative above the knee. Almost ever since orgéin, speaks of Hon. G. Wo Ross. | the prisoner was confined to hospital, Hon. (3 'W. 'Ross prudicts that the and his term was lengthened in conse ! liberals wil ~ be ¥tedhger in the nox quence. During the past few months pariinment than iw the lost. Kingston his other leg gave him trouble, having ought to hein Hine. : : become slightly affected with the same Ontario is the "only 'provivies in the deadly disease, which completely un- donfiriion free fromi debt. This is due dermiged the prisonér"s health, and to the 'wise and honest scministra finally caused death. tion of the liberal party. It was at shout one o'clock that Just think of a party that 'weeps the dominion trades and labor cole} gress, who came 10 the city on Satur | day morning . to endeavor to settle 3 the prisoner breathed his lost. A sie the strike of the machinists at the + because Omtario text books required ter lives in Manchester, N.H. The deo} locomotive works, eft again on Sa. . in ten years of schooling cost the sta eepsed also leaves a son. It is said | turday night. He: was not. suceessful { rendous stm of five aollars 3 that Pare owned consicerable money. | in his mission. He bad no powers to | At no time during the thirty years The penitentiary anthoritice notified | act as arbiteator, though both sides has the relatives of Pare's death, and it ix | bad asked for his kindly offices in the understood they will he here to-day to {hope that he wight bring about an tak: gway the remains. wanderstanding. He had a conference | Phe. a In sight of the eternal . tribunal, | with the men in the morning and + The government of Ontario is in the Pare's life may not appear any worse | with the company in the afternoon. hands of the electorate. And the elec than that of many a man who was | Neither were willing to grant. any con torate are a preity sensible, right never confined within penitentiary and so the interes partios | thinking lot, when you come to think walls. His crimes were against the | ave as far apart as ever. 4 the al- it. : state, robbery seeming to he his | ternoon, Mr -Sehith addressed =the A government ought rather to im: weakness, But like the penitent thief | union men at labor hall on jabor | Prove than deteriorate The Toner it rer who was forgiven. in his last mo- | questions -in general. mains in office. Is a man the worse ments upon the cross, this man, too;| Mr. Smith stated his beliel that par for increased knowledge and expert: may have repented of his sins. Pare | liament would provogue early in May. | T"C8" ; may have oittimes performed a deed | "I would like nothing better,' he _Mr. Pense is in every sense ole of of kindness: - he may bave relieved | said, "that to be able to go on the | Kingston's best citizens; his aim hae those in want and distress, And this | stamp in Ontario for a couple of always been for the city's welfare. He shall have its reward of blessing, just | weeks. 1 dm very fond of campaign is ready to stand or fall by that re as much as his wrong-doings on earth ' had their punishment. monte fccled LOUK bamis bee Ree. Whey © wears swolion weveral tite noggin shee. "Many el she andefwen contin i & o beret Bopelly © iodur erie bow Shelton Bf her life wa Lost ¥ af Umone, and teadav 3 o reprrsiative ob Tatlowing statement from her and nad. Remand who is Bossonally ow v with her came since wlineeption Mrss i teeovery ui the advanced pee of warty, is so remarkablo--i voushet for Ld such nwpopsible authoricy, that the facts. ame msec STILL SETTLED. -------- Ralph Smith, M.P., Unable to Settle Machinists' Strike. Ralph Smith, MP. for the Van couver district and the prosident Of Draperies A display that we are justly proud of. Every n:w design and fcolor combination, ¢ We would be more § than pleased to show ¢ you. Truthfully speak- ing our prices are the lowest. We would % also draw your attent- ion to our large stock 1 | of reform government in Ontario i the personnel and policy of the minis | try wen more popular with the peo 4 1 ol e MRS. BLLEN SMITH. Mentreal, "Having jwen greatly benefited by Fowler's Orose, | feel it mv duty to allow it 0 be known to the public at large. 1 had been a fearful sufferer from ectows for many years. The disses centered in both limbs below the kuees. The left ewnecially, was swollen to alarming disebsions, while te inflammation, irritation aml hard, wwiy eosdition, induced a degree of suffering wideh only the Mercy of God prevemiod me from ending in swivide I spony the test of (hres years on my tinok, beside different periods in three bows pitals. When at home | could net go es lar as the next room without de aid of eretch os. aod altogether Wy twee was consider past bolp, for | hed had the beet shill in the country, tO DO purpose 1 have now used five wiles of Ozone, and I rejoice to suy that both limbs are redwosd to their normal size; the burning ix entirely ave ated 1 walk slone with perfect ease, al though | am now sixty vers of ape, The Drone also cured an advanced stage of liver Heorder, and | am willine at all times tell my oxperienes to other wuflevers." LLEN SMITH, 31 8s, 1901. Church Paragraphs. The cope for Dr. Moule, Anglican bishop of Durham, has cost $850. 8. (. McGill, Kingston, has been ¢l ected synod delegate for St. John's church, Belleville Under the will of the late T. A. Kidd, $100 has been given to the church of England, Burritt's Rapids Lord Halifax, Anglican high church leader, has aroused feeling by-erecting a wayside crucifix at Lancaster, Eng. Rev. R. W. Samwell, St. Matthew's church, Ottawa, has heen appointed general secretary to the 'Anglican board of missions. It is understood that Rev. William Timberlake, Ottawa, will accept the in- vitation to become pastor of Ash- bury Methodist church, Perth, in June next. Rev. BE. M. Rowland, of Clarendon mission, North Froutenac, which he served faithfully for many years, has been appointed to Newboro. Miss Fannie Stringer is church war- den at Shuttleworth, Eng. She is the only lady in the vast Anglican com: munion having that honor, Among the invitations to remain for a' fourth year as pastors of their charges in the Pembroke Methodist district, are Rev, Mr. Osborne, Cob- den, and Rev. Mr. Miller, Eganville, The spring exodus is by no means light; seven families have gone oh from one Tweed congregation to, the west; five have left Olden and Oso for Alberta, belonging to one mission. The 'Indian families of Tyendinaga have subscribed $1,546 to sugment- ation fund of Ontarig diocese. The or gonista of the two churches have re: signed, on the other hand, because voted only $20 a year salary each. Rev. F. T. Dibb, to forward his scheme of diocesan self-insurance, has gathered statistics, and finds that the thirty parishes first responding have within fifteen years paid $9,000 in premiums; fire claims received BOOS. This is an eye opener. The "interior of Zion Presbyterian church, Pine street, ix being thorough- ly renovated. The decorative painting was done by Anthony McGuire, and is a credit to any artist. The interior is now very beautiful. Rev. T. W. Savory, curate of St James' church, preached an eloquent sermon last night on the nostle Peter, the man and saint, He wed that he possessed more of the quali- ties of a man than any of the other apostles. 1 will' be midsummer before the work of improving the interior of Sydenham street Methodist church will be undertaken. The design will be on an elaborate scale, and the services of a man well versed in color schemes, ete., will be secured. Rev. E. P. Crawford, of St. Luke's church, Halifax, has been given three months' leave of absence and a pura of 8200. He has sailed for England with Mrs. Crawford. Last year the cong tion contributed $12.49, of which $800 was for parish objects. The synod of Ontario will meet Kingston, June 17th. The } will 'be "bishop Carmichael. yearly committee meetings in Kingston occur next week. The an- aunl session of diocesan woman's aux- iliary will: be held in Belleville, June i | cord. ing. But 1 will not be able to this ) time. as 1! intend leaving ob Satur Remember Ross when you go ta day for a tour through England, mark your ballot. = The conservatives Mrs. Smith will accompany me." are nat ashamed to proclaim his abil Mi. Holmes, who has been here ity His candidate in Kingston is some time in the interests of the Mr. Pense. ; strikers, returned to his home in To Denudiciation, abuse and - vitupera- eto on Saturday night. He will he tion of liberals is not likely to com: back in Kifigaton in a few days He mend itself to the public. Citizens can expressed his regret thet Mr, Smith | idee the merits of candidates with helt beens umible 10 settle the difh- ont loud-lunged advice, culty. 'We are prepared to Boll out Four conservative members last ses for an indefinite period," he observed sioh voted for subsidies for railways, A great many of the strikers have while the leader of the paryy vaiyd left the city to accept positions else against them. Does the ail wag the where. Several of them: are at pre ! i br my sos wag. fe vob in BE sent employed at the Kingston foun- J 28 BER WETS on Power ih nS 8 : jand for nearly fifty years of the dry. vighteenth century, and the tory par: ty ruled without break for about the same length of time, beginning in 1783, ».. OntArvio has a surplus, but Quebec has a debt of £22,000,000. Quebec han hac the disadvantage of nearly thirty years of conservative rule, while On- tario has hac the advantage of thirty years of liberal rule. Mr. Fraser, conservative candidate in West Kent, declared himself in lg vor of taxing corporations. Mr Whit ney, speaking from the same platioroy, declared he was opposed to it. Whe is who, and what is what? Marter was obliged to leave his par: tv because he found his party had no development policy. He wanted de velopment. aud New Ontario advané od, and he leit his party. That is a clear case of desertion . because the jarly was unprogressive. The Bftlevifle Intelligencer has it that "'the gamblers are betting 100 to 75" that 'the conservatives willy win in Kingston. Of course that is conservative betting, and is not ex ireniely demonstrative. © Why, don't they the bets in Kingston ? They taken as fast as hed offer, For the benefit of 'foolish conserva: tive papers in nearby towns we might sav that Mr. Pense is quite effectively pursing his canvass, He bas confi dence in the liberal cause, and confi: dence that the policy, and progressive ness of the Ross. afiministration com: mends it to the great mass of citizens who for ten wears past: have been | sending a representative to Toronto support -it, and who will do =o again In 1883. out of 184 'hooks used "in the public and high schools, 49 were Pare's Last Robbery. It will be remembered that Pare and his gang hung about Napanee from the early spring of 1898, principally at night, from their own account, and on July 2nd, 1898, chief Adams arrested a couple of suspicious characters who were in the driving perk during the annual race meet. However, nothing was proven against them, and they were told to get out of tow On July 14th the Dominion bank was burglarized, and some $32,000 stolen. During the fall of 1898, Pare and Hol den were arrested for the. theit, as some of the unsigned bank bills were found in 'their possession. They were brought from Botton, where they were arrested, and in September, 1898, tried, but not sentenced. On May 2nd, 1899, Pare and Holden escaped from the Napanee jail, prin cipally through Pare's mechanical ideas. He picked the Jock on the empty cell next his own, and blocked it with a little piece of wood so that the lover would not work when the jail 'attendant tried the coll door on his rounds. He had made an open ing in the brick wall between the emp- ty cell and his own, and, when night came, crawled through and came out through the empty one. Then he proceeded to pick 'the lock of Holden's cell, liberating him. The {two then proceeded to the yard, going through a Scandanavian lock on their way, and when in the jail yard they made a ladder or scaffold from the wood pile to reach the top of the ten foot wall. Their way then was easy, as they had brought their blankets along, and si lently and swiftly let themselves to terra firma. Purther than the jail yard no track of them could be found, although every effort was made at the time, s But on July 14th, 1809, they were re-arrested in the state of Maine, and brought back. fried, and convieted on September 23rd, 1899, at Cobourg. Pare's sentence was for three years, While in the jail here, he gave as his occupation that of a wood worker, and his age would be at the present sixty-two vears. He was of French descent, born near Montreal. He was fairly well educated, and while in the jail was very fond of reading literature of any kind He was not addicted to the use of liguor in any form. . i ERR wo (Signed) MES. K Andre Street, Montreal 82 St. Habwry Se, Ta Whom It May Convemn I bog to state that 1 have known Flow Smith lor over twenty years, amd for the Post Bine years she has suffered from a rus ping sore, but was uasble to obtain anv Per mt relief - until i Liguife « fo the whith shé Bears most gratelul (Signed) REV ¥ FRED NAUD, 82 Su Hubert St Powlev's Liquified Orone drug stores. Two slres--50e Jan. 27th, -------------------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. James Cullen, Rochester, N.Y, is visiting friends in the city H. Lyons and family have left Aults ville for their new home in Kingston. Dr. R. 8. Minnes; Ottawa, was in the city yesterday, on a flyiog visit to relatives. Ernest Bryant, street railway mo- torman, is spending the week with his brother in Toronto. Gibson Morgan and ville, aré removing to Kingston. has secured a position here Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Rideau gireet, returned on Saturday, after a month's visit with friends in Ottawa. Reid & Reid, dry goods merchants, Arnprior, have disposed of their stock, to Mr. Johnston, Kingston Harry Wilton, a popular voung em ployee of McKelvey & Birch, succeeds M. 'H. Claxton gs foreman of the tin sniith department. The death is annbunced at Totten ham, Ont.. on April 22nd, of John Woodhouse, aged twenty-six years. De ceased was known here Mrs, Fraser and her daughter, Miss Fraser, Ottawa, are the guests of Col and Mrs. Duff, with whom they ex; pect to spend a few weeks. Miss Meta Newton, B.A., Deseronto, presented examination papers of such unusual merit that she has been no- minated for a Queen's university tut orship Miss Ethel Galt, daughter of the Jate chief justice Sir Thomas Galt, was married, Friday, at Rathdrom, Idaho, to Austin Edward Shaw, -& well-known Business man of Spokane, Wash. She is a major in the Salva tion army. One of her fast addresses was made in Kingston. ---------- Decrease Of Licenses. According to the late dominion cen sus the population of Kingston decreased, and, in keeping with ibe statutes, there must be a correspond- ing decrease im the nwmber of liquor licenses anted in the city. Just what applications to refuse has been a dificult matter for the commission- ers to decide. They have beld several meetings, and so far twenty-nine ap plications have been granted. It is ubderstood that five licenses will not . the | 0 renewed this year. tm mony ERICK Montreal s for sie at sd BLOO. Feber For Even Heat Swift's $ Scranton Coal Ask Cook! JAMES SWIFT & 50. "Phone 135. S000 00 00 A COSY BRIGHT {3 FIRE BOOTH'S COAL. Phone 108. Foor ~All the pewest pat- Sterns in widths « from oae-hall yard to eight yards wide. We can save you from 10 (0 15 $ per cent. on these .$goods R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse, ® fas amaasansars LES (PETS In Axsinster, Wiltoms, ete, Carpets--Iin Brussels, Tapestries, ete. Curtodas=Nottingham, Irish Point, ete, apestry, wie Curtain Silk, iy." 3 Al with the best de. See our new store, Fo efforis--direet importations from L Awwiria, Germany, Switserlond amd United States. family, Aults He he offer will be to written by Canadians, and 135 by outside authors; 87 of them were hn- ported. To 1901, every text book used in Ontario public and hi schools, save the high school Fuehd and Greek, is the work of a Canadian author, and all 'the books, without any exception, are made in Canadas "Canada for the Canadians' is the motto of the liberal party in thie province ¥ AN HONEST FRIEND Cleared Away the Family Trouble. There is not one thing on earth that could enter a family and do as' much honest good and bring as much hap piness as in certain cases where cof- fee drinking is left off and Postum Food Coffee used in its place, E A family in Towa Park, Texas, furn- ishes a good illustration. The mother says, "I want to tell you what hap- pened in our family wi we left off coffee and took up Postum. About Linoleum, immense display, all widths, de Bloat ot Geil B05. 0, vet ose uae 4 ip to $40. > Dates Of Registration. Young men, register, and have your gay in the government of this coun try. The correct dates for registra- tion are May 12th, 13th, 16th and 17th; supplementary, May 19th and 29d. The date for the ring of in 6th and Tth. The bishop _of Ontario . will visit and embalmed. Sine eight cha , for quite & while, rheumatism in my Fine Shakespearean Productions appeals has been fixed for May 24th. If you know of a young man who should register, send his name to the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. For The Library. ("Po abe Editor), I have hota a subscribe $0 the publie library for a number of years, and each year T have 'beeti "éXpetting to eldetric light placed ju. » sof an ih AN public position that it might entrance fo the library are _patranized ted, and why Electric Light secretary of the réform association, at Kingston; May the commities rooms, Princess strest CHILD WEAKNESS. |! Mantell's three Shakespearean pro: ductions in the Grand opera house were the best ever witnessed in King ston. There was a big bouse at Sa tarday afternoon's "matinee, "Romeo and Juliet," aid the evening attend ance, when "Othello" was produced, was quite large. The dramas are well ered and invested with real ness. company DOW ins. 8 Jthree weeks' engagement in Toronto. metres 3 A Faithtil Employes Rewarded. A pleasant, event took place at Me Rae's Store on Saturday and Milford, Saturday. 5 Baseball On Saturday. : | [ght hi or, ¥imming of he , and fluttering of the heart National At Pittsburg, 9; | eo 1 41 bad heart hy ; nd" longug J rg, 9; though trouble. Bouin 5. At Chicago, 9; Cincin- | Sometimes in walking ro head American lek t Boston, 10; Baltimore, 1. Kt. Philadelphia, 0; 3. At Detroit, 6 Clev would swim so that I would be obliy- disa Washington, v Ph land, 3. At St. Eastern ¢ You can worry. for months about your weak child and not succeed in doing it a fraction of the good that comes from little 'daily doses of Scott's Emulsion. +] The cure of child weakness bs many} is not the matter of a day. but AE ; Chicago, 3. -A¢ Bufialo, 10; Tor. 6; Jersey City 3A indtitutiond, that night, are well h should the public the same privilege > heard camplsints abou of that sion of Mon SUBSCRIBER. POACHED; Weis, Tour : tion ta be a lar ies dangerdus ------------ House Cleaners, Use furniture restorer money and lime, at Jaton AH, 1 ah et at Makuiey's, hook lore wh