a TU emAvELLING Kingston is r J Haifweys. ¢ March 1st and Until Apri] y 120th, 1902. oh SPECIAL 'COLONIST RATES ss e--"T0 NORTH PACIPIC COAST and KOOTH. NAY POINTS. Y BR $46.05, | $43.55 $43.05, ud~Class URSIONS THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY 2, J Sho LINE FOR ST song mmiginer ob. $8.20 2.5 RImne | a lei ee aden Arse Rt rage $08 June Tth FROM MONTREAL. one ae pe wk wk ww May 17h _ 3 4 w. June 2st an NEW SERVICE Sewiga esse Cambroman, Mav 21st Cambroman, July 20d, aledirio light, 17 May. 7 pm ay, 7 pm. 24 Mav, 7 pm. 31 Mev, 7 p.m. Lomdon, $1.50 rom - ne ow dirvot, Ed anhin with wee of entire deck | single rate, $06.50 re- / New York to Glasgow, Mav 21st Second ca Sat. "Altha Pembroke & Canadian Ttatandsat the , tations are harmful for delicate skins, ---- Baby's Own Soap is made only by the ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrs, MONTREAL. Joo our name on every box, 2 . Ott How Good Fi Our 3.50 Shoes Are 1s To Wear Them, We Know They're Good and Want You To Know it Too. - SE > ik Our Coal Is as Clean as Though It Were Washed and Brushed. UMP STANDS EACH. LUMP STA MoDermolt's Shot Store «DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY MAY a' THE CAPITAL TIDINGS from Sharhot Lake to Ottawa will - CONG J » PARLIAMENTARY SESSION 3 NEARING A CLOSE. Bill---Shortéfiing "the Time Be- tween Ottawa and Kingston-- A Story of the Drama. Ottawa, May 5.~A good deal of private logislevion has been disposcd of during the pest week, besides a number of government balls, as well av early the whole of the main resiway estimated, the latier having oocupied a little wiore than three daye, Despite the incessant talk prorogation, the work' of parfiament drags wearily along and the lower house is beginning to assume that Jaded look which comes from prolong ed might sittings. Ministers, members and the press gailéty all show signs of weariness, while the incréasing warmth of the weather wakes the commons chiswber abything but a healthy place to ooeupy. Something has been said lately tha press asx to the fuiling health of the prime minister. As a matter of fact he is much ax usual, bright, keen und alert, and strangely encugh be is the only man in parfialnent who re calls the traits of the late Sir John A. Macdonald, who, in many ways he resembles both personally andl in ver: tain genial habits. Sir John had a Pleakunt way of moving abour the house during 4 tedious debate, halt- ing here amd there to chat cheerily with some supporter or perhaps an opponent. Sir Wilfrid 'does this Prog aoly more than any other minister and a¢ in the old days it is not with: of in Mr: Mulock's bill to amend the post office get used up Friday after noon. While the principle of the act met with general 'approval, the de tails were sharply criticized and seve- ral of the clauses amended in favor of messengers, letter carriers, "porters, ete, the subordinate classes being exclusively dealt with by the amend ing law. The postmaster-gencral pointed out that an effort of giving sick leave frequently prolonged illness and that the docking of pay durin absence from alleged ill-health acto like 5 powerful tonic. There were nu merous. cases of rapid recovery when the absentees understood that longer absence would be accompanied by loss of pay, One paturally hopes that people of this kind are scarce in the publie service, because the offence of malingering is 4 mean gnd econtem ptible one and the man who will feign sickness to avoid doing , duty he is well paid for, should be promptly dis- missed. There are probably applications enough before 'the department of militia from officers to fill comfort ably fodr cordnstion contingents. So far only the commandant and a se- cond in command have been gppoint- ed, the végimental staff is Hmited 10 these officers and an adjutant by or dets from the war office and there will #lso' be one captain and two lieutenants, to each hundred N. CC. officers and men. The minor gppoint- meats will hot be filled by the minis ter of militia until after prorogation. It is stated that the session will end on Saturday, the 10th inst, but there is really little chance of x, early a closing. It is, however, qitite prob- able that bis excellency will pay his {inal visit to the senate 6h or about the 47th of this month; though some of the older members state that we will drift on until near the end of the following week. Morning sittings commence to-day. Last session there were eleven such days and during the previous year the house sat morning, afternoon and evening for three weary weeks. Yesterday's cable messages from London told out strong hopes of peace in South Afvica before. the close of this month and even the indomit- 'able Dewet appears to be" weakehing In the face of this welcome news one wanders that wo are sending four re- giments to assist in 4 fnale already nearly. necomplished; but in the pre sent. disturbed state of the country the situation meabs that Encland will have, for yg long period, to main tain an army of ocewpation, number ing something like "one hundred thou- sand men, 4 large proportion of which eds be cavalry, or mounted infantry. Next month the time table of the Kingston and Pembroke railway will he revised 'and the journey to and from Ottawa shortened by an hour: Later it is expected that the route prs Sigus of Weariness--Mr. Mulock's | out ite #feet upon the Tank and [ie altered. 50. that the entive journey from Kingston will only oeeupy i lit- tie over three hours. | am also in formed that a certain oledtric railway company. proposes to make this jour ney via Brockville jn about the same oy bot wt owill be two or three years before (he proposed line is com- pleted, Ever since the theatrical season op- ened play hotses ve been in full blast. The Russell theatre is one of the mest in America, and is a mods! of symmetrical beauty and acoustis perfection. Fhe Grand opera house comes next, and is the scene of much blood shed and thunder during six nights in the week and a matinee on Saturday. Here all the plays are highly sensational and one gets a lot of excitement at. a very modest cost. It ix the peoples' theatre and not much patronized hy the four hundred, There is something healthy in a wild lv exciting 'drama, where the hero al- ways succeeds and the villain becomes a mangled corpse at the close of the fourth act, amidst the rancorous yells of a virtue-lovi gallery. The writer recalls such a scene years ago in a New York theatre perform: ance, being tersely styled "The Down Express.' The hero wasegood, brave and fair to spe, but bad men had bound him securely to the steel rails of a brand new road, The heroine, who loves him dearly, arrives just as the faint whistle of the fast train is heard in the far-off distance. Vaiply with frantic efforts she strives to re lease his bonds, but he seems to he rivetted to the track and her strenu- ous struggles are of no avail. The clash and elatter of the iron horse is now near at hand. The audience is tense 'and breathless and in despair, wines "with her love, "the woinan, beautiful and rigid, kneels over the body of her lover, her cheek pressing her dear one's face. Amidst a velvet silence the fearful e¢rash comes and the stage becomes a mass of iron, aplintery anid debris. The house yells in wide approval as 'the hero and heroine emerge unharmed from the surrounding chaos. Virtue is again trivsnphant, for the good woman had wrecked 'the train. KINGSTONIANS ABROAD. Plenty of Them in The Prairie Province. Napinka, Man., April 28.--(To the Editor). The recent call "To Arms' has affected Napinka quite a little, The town is already represented in Africa by two young men, Messrs. Dandy, one of whom was shot there. This time there were three young men taken, while the fourth did not meet the requirements in the examination. F. W. Armstrong, acting as clerk in R. M. Binney's road office of the C. P. R. all winter, was the first to speak of it. In 1901 he tanght school in Sharbot Lake, Ont., and. came to Manitoba in August of last year. He was made corporal in Deloraine, the nearest recruiting station, and is in charge of the men until they reach Halifax. Evan Davies was another recruit. He is an Englishman by birth. Charles Williams, another man from *Ontario, last fall coming from near Stirling, enlisted. "Kip" Cates, attending college in Winnipeg for some time, has also been accepted. It seems, from the above, that "Old Ontario" is a deal more loyal than Manitoba yet. In fact, to be here only strengthens this, as one meets'a great 'many pro-Boers among the dif ferent classes of people. In this coun try one meets with men of every na tion under the sun, enjoying the liberty and freedom their own country refused them, and which can be found only under the British flag, and yet they take it all as 4 matter of course, and speak against the flag that protects them, = Gratitude is not part of their nature, or they forget, Canada is British, Frank Grass, formerly of Maple Grove dairy, Kingston, passed through here last woek in search for land. He lefy for Crystal City. Willie R. Nesbit, Pine street, King $ton, is clerking in a store at Hart ney, With those who are here and those coming from Kingston, a King stonian. club could be organized with quite a large membership. There is some talk of it, as they all like King ston still, although it is not enterpris- ing enough for themt to earn a living there. . The prairies are rapidly becoming green, and the water is going down very quickly. KA great deal of wheat land was sown last. week, and this week promises to be still better for working 'the land --0. halt dma NEW TERRITORY. ---- Washington Lands Open For Set- tlement. Spokane, Wash., May 5.-Parts of four . townships, embracing 41,798.76 acres of surveyed lands in eastern Ste- Vens colinty were thrown open to set tlement to-day. The new lands bord er on the Pend d'Oreille river and are about thirty miles north of the town of Newport by severa 5. wl i THEY ARE PROMINENT ILES FROM AMERICA. Citizens Who Have Decided to Settle in Europe Because of Grievances at Home. New York, May 5.---Two weil known vewidents of New York have annoum ed their purpose of shaking the dust of America from their feet," and of beroafter making their home over the seas. Ope will change his dollars into pounds, and become a British sul ject; the other will convert his wealth into francs apd kris d'or, and settle in a villa of Provence, Charles W. Lynde, whose ancestry dates back to the early Puritans, and whose wealth amounts to more than £306,000 will leave America becatise he does not like its law courts. Nine vears ago he obtained a divorce from a frst wife, and later married again. After he thought that the matters re lating to the former incident had been settled his divorced wife secured the re-opening of the case, and the courts awarded her £10,000, Mr. Lyn de hag just paid the money, and now, fearing that should 'be die, his will might be 'made a subject of similar disastrous litigation, bas sold his property near this city and will short ly start for England, "American juctice," Me. ynde, "is not to be compared to the English, and I consider that an Fng lish pettifogger knows move than jthe supretue court justices in America!' J. Palmer Gil-Martin, artist, curio collector, and = millionaire, is another prominent American who has decided | to leave his native land. My TIF Martin also divorced his wife some years ago, but later adopted her back into his family. as a ward, he acting as her guardian. Mr. Gil-Martin's neighbors have not been very sociable. it appears, and he says he has no fur ther use for this country. He will make his home in France. EX- said "What did story :"" "Thought it was a pightmare." you; think of his horse -------------- Brain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities, They have dispelled the silly notron that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, bus it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspep- sia. You must prepare for their ap- pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's Au- gost Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aid digestion, stimulates the liver to heal thy action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Wade's drug store. Get Green's Spe cial Almanae, A Smugglers' Paradise. London, May 5.--~The excisemen in Rosshire, Scotland, have discovered an extefisive illicit distillery, At the mouth of Loch Broom there ie gogroup of idands. One of these 5 called Priest iceland. It is five miles from the mainland, and its shores are honey-combed with caves. There = is oftimes a heavy swell which makes Loating datgerons. A surprise visit was paid st night- time, by the gaugers, and a seizure made of wash, grains, spirits and other concamitants of a goud-going whiskey factory. y Distilling bas been going on for a long-time and though the excisemen knew that smwpgléd whiskey was he- ing old in the county they vould not tree' the soiree, Prinee Edward county liberals nomi nated De, Morley Carrie, for the legis Mative assembly, in place of Juuies A. Klay, competled by serious iflness to ref hy 10 AMTEER TF & fitting and hurtful shoes ? made to fit, : ® i ® (a FEET. Oxfords, every pair. ® 0) ® ® Our Queen Quality Sho es are A BOON TO $3; High Shoes, $3.75. -- ada OC RODCOOCOIODOOROOO ASK YOUR FEET If you ask your feet what kind of a shoe they will beg for our Queen Quality Shoe. fortable shoe made for tender feet. Every pain from a corn or bunion is but the foot's ery for mercy. Why not listen? Why crowd 'your feet into ill- It will shoe you. Patent Kid, Patent Leather, and Viei Kid shoes they want, The most com. not be necessary if we TENDER Price stamped on Come here with your m uch-abused feet. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ® The Popular Shoe Store. ©0899 ®0000eE@N»® EE ---- CONFIRMATION SHOES, OUR Ce0wa® If the children "are to be cone firmed this Spring, you will cer- tainly waut them to appear at their best. FOR THE GIRLS. We have all the dainty Spring Styles -- Oxfords, Sandals and Slippers, very pretty, new Spring Ideas. Patent Leather and Fa- tent Kid. Some are handsomely trimmed... en FOR THE BOYS. High and Low cut Shapes, Some in Patent Leather and Dongola Kid. We have the Shoes that the boys like, and the shoes that look neat on them. We wish every mother would call and see our Spring Shoes. J Backaches of Women. Not one woman in twenty has a strong back Backache is the cry of Weak Kidneys for help. Backache is the warning note of much more serious trouble to come, if not attended to immediately. Bachache can be cured quickly and permanently by using DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. The great and well known Kid- ney remedy. They have cured thousands of women. They will eure you. Mes. IL Srxzves, Edgett's Landing, N.B., writes on Jan. 18th, 1901: "In fall of 1500 I was troubled with a severe pain in the back. T could scarcely get up out of & chair and it gave me great pain to move about. I took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was letely cured. 1 wwe not been troubled with it since." WE LEA : OTHERS FOLLOW. We gonitrol the agency in King- stoxf for the most elegant shoe for Ladies, made in America--Reed"s, of Rochester, NY. Worn with great satisfaction by the first Ladies of this city. Your oppor. tunities for securing a pair of these are being lessened every pair we sell-made in Patent and Velvetta kid, in tuin and welted Prices, $4. $4.25, $5. 'We also carry McPherson's _Pa- tent Chromis Call and Dongola Kid--welted soles. Prices, $4, $4.56 For men's footwear we are head- quayters. See our window display. Inspection invited. 10 per cent. off to Students. ARMSTHONG S, vz It is really owing to the benefits imparted while so delicious a drink that the MAGI CALEDONIA WATER is such a success. All best dealers sell it. A. ABERNETHY. mama FERRETTI TT GOULD FURNISHED ROOMS, without bowd, 101 Queen WITH sirens. OR FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, with un conveniences, V1 University Avenues THAT DESIRABLE Rusibe 185 KING street, lately occupied jor Katos. Possession at once. For terms apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Niele. 1st MAY, ERICK RESIDENCE, 204 street, condition 100s, modern convenisness throughout, Apple to Hl. D. Bibby. 201 Brock street. RC A LS A Ems a A NEW BUICK HOUSE, NO. 37 NELSON street, between Brock and Jobaston sirests, § roves and good cellar, rend fe. Apply 45 William stowet, near King street. THE SHOP WITH PLATE GLANS by Hascle orks, of BL VE & Kl ATRICK, strat. ON THE la OF MAY, THAT VERY sirable house, 117 MA, anpsup Gore, sear the Park. we Tassy all modern conveniences, i water furnace. Apply to x Shaw, 1 Bagot Bureet.. MONEY AND BUSINESS. IN LARGE OR SNA soma, st mies of Interest on and farm property. Loss city' and county debentures. C. McGILL, manager of ond Investment Soclety, the Post Office. MONEY TO LOAN Ld ransed Frantenae 7 WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1H sume from ous thousand 10 wa thous INSURANCE a PORTuM Liverpeol, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets, $61,187.215. la addition which the pulley bolders have for for 'the wnltumited ility of all the sos FARM AND CITY PROPERTY inewred fowest possible rates. Before resewing or giving sew busioess get roles from STRANGE & STRANGE, Agests. UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, DIRECTOR, %81 Kingston, Sussss.or aoe Soller, GODWIN.S over Eupress Hirest. Drensas. to NW. Se. JAMES REID, K LEADING UNDERTAKER, 254-858 TL ma Sweet. Tolghons 1474. Op day and night, ¢ TT. ¥. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 233-285 Princess 98, Quality and efficiency the best. Prices te he Warsi 00me, $0, j ¥ HARRISON, "" T. hE ARCHITECTS. X. STOREY, ARCHITROT, on 178 ingion street. plana, attended to. Setiedanion Pmt Telephone, 808. SOWER #& BON, ARCHITROTS, Puildior * Bank y sutnat Se neton siravts. Phone 313, He at Woo ten Wel a se Queen and Montfeal Sires. -- Kingston Business College, KINGSTON. TORONTO