Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1902, p. 5

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HARD TO BE CONVINCED. ---- That the Present is a Time for A CORONATION DOCUMENT. Pal Rie p-- 4 by PESCRIRES. FULLY THE 1N-1. yi, 'Wades Nagebos ia' alors $ vi 2 4 taying : Herald {Tell "TERESTING CEREMONY. if with her aunt, Migs Corbett, Clergy Hosilioh goveriithant was weaker in \ street. . ability, enetgy abd public spirit, or Conuched in Quaint Biblical Ldn- Mrs. Jackson, North Bay, has moved "Water Will Cease to Flow Ower [the opposition were stranger in thesd guage--Their Majesties Will be | to Kingston, and will reside on Uni- SPeCts P "It's ti ] Horseshoe Falls When Tur. | pects, this ery, "It's time for a Received at Westminster With' versity avenue. sos : : " change," would probably he potent Anthem "Peace Be Within Thy] It is possible that Farrier Sergt. bines Absorb it All enough of itself to put "Mr: Whitney Waits s Prape, "A" battery, may go to South Rochester, NY., Mey 3.1 ard fin Mr. Ross' place. But it. is i alls. : ; Africa with the mounted rifles, Niagara Falls as the greatest roan for the keenest erities of the Ross London, May 3.-As interesting of} William Harris, caterer for the of | in America f0F scientists 10 solve." gaverpiment to sonvince the people ficial document has been issued de- | ficers' mess, Will, on Monday, assume | said lord Kelvin on his arrival here [ihai the province is suffering . from setibyng the actual "coroustion rere | the position as wine clerk nt the Con. | from Bufialo. "The time is coming | mispovernunt, or that a change mony in Westminster Abbey, entitled, | cross Hall. when coal and oil will be too scarce would be sure to bring happy re, Fhe form and order of wervice and!" Aldirman K p's many (riends were | and (oo expinsive to be used for the | silts. And, further, the influence of | ceremonies 5t the coronation of their | pleased "io see oe out jor a drive | manufacture. of power. There is at]the ery is weéakened by the fact that majesties, Edward VIL.,v ahd_gugen yesterday, after recoyering from a Niagara Falls an inexhaustible supply although Ontario has Deen under libs Alexandra, in the abbey chu 9 serious Hines. He of power that in fifty or a hundred | ral rule for. more than thirty years, #8. Petar, Westminster June 2th. J. 8. Going, Petpoles; and H, W. | Years is bound to be utilised to its the record of that rule has been, up "The document, w i. very long, | Going, Brockyille, -soms of. the late | fullest extent. x an the whole, free from scandal and is divided into numerous sections, Shirley Going, are in. the ¢ity sttend- 1 predict the time will come whed marked by good statesmanship, econ thus © Beption 1, preparation; sec | ; their father's' funeral. the water will no ¢ flow over the {omy and public spirit. It would = be Ho % entrance into the church; sec- o H. Claxton, foreman tinsmith | £7e8t Horseshoe 4s, but that the| time for a change if if were certain Hoh 3, the recognition: section' 4, | ip McKelvey & Birch for many | *8me water will find ite way down {o | that 'change woukl mean Improvement the litany, communion, and sermon; years, has resigned 'to accept a part- | he river below through countless tur-{but there are good many nen-par- section. 7, the oath; section 8, the lo. hls with Lemmon & Lawrenson. bines, spreading light and power for | tizane who will Ye hard to convince oy eesicn he ee > C. Wesley Walker has. returned from the ust £ Alone of persoms in ali} on this paint. * f ord section" 1 [nding of thel vio rin university, Taronte he | *cHons of ihe country. : -- : nes J | "Word; section 10, investing with] oo cr gn Bu whete he "This world must depend on its wa-' Revel [#rmilla and imperial mantle, and de- adi : : ter for power in the future. . Americy' Fas livery of the orb; section 11, "invest afinations. He will spend the sum- bas millions upon millions of Sore Tat CS . prog HE. " A in Kingston. : ! . ure per annulum et baculum; section » niga Whoeles, 177 Colling- | PO™er in connection with her rivers k, pervous 12, cxowning: sect fon 13, prese / i i > ud h i 3, ating : >. { that are utterly neglected. Th r the holy bible; I wood street, entertained thirty of her is hound to. bw develoged in 1" Pome : pe section 14, the bene |. . i : ohh a9 v ml | diction and Te Deum; section 15," the | friends. last tin a delightinl mas-1 jour "The start that has been made atsol § snthronization. Ba Be. Attos dainty refreshments were | at Niagara Falls will be only. the be The docu throughout is couchid rs b A ny spent the evening Rimming of a new era in the manufac' Eh: Dying io RY appointment to the rare Pmt ¥ the morning of coronation da , vare] ¥ yan theological col: MARRIAGE NAMES MEN. |" bd be taken that the. pupils Te hege, Re ia ute Blliots. has an- zw : ithia lai i unced on of retiring | wh Takes the 2h Apoon aid | hon pon shortly from the pastorate of Cen- y ide - Hus. {bi , being already vested with nary t church." Point St. ie dha their copes, will form , procession | Charies. His mucessor will be appoint | The question is often asked, Why do otitside the west door of the Abbey | *d iy She annus sonferenos $o'he held vheix. fain age: Hop nd wait notice. of | oatly in. June... 1 Fixed wiz be moaly. na ; : ; thelr maieeioe. fore: sioesnel of [*edloh Smith, ~ MP. of Ned? Wert] Who nen they wait SHROPS shat of the church. Their majosties will be | Minster, B.C., came into Kingston 1o- | one of the oldest relics of a barbar- recived with the 'anthem, " Peace || d8Y 8nd wes soon among friends, | ous epoch, when a woman was a mere Within Thy Walls," Their majastios though it was his first visit to the appenda, She was an integral por: f will . the throne and | limestone city. Mr. Smith is a leader | tion of the gens br family, now of her Straight Front Corse! adoration, kneel- | in labor circles, the president of the | father, now of her brother, now of ' ing at the faldstools, and then sit in| d0minion congress. He is a genial, | her husband. She has no dependent chairs bolow the thrones. The doe. | well-poised Econ daa good form | entity of her own. Hence she took This new approved corset is une ument continues to describe the puri. | and just the smooth, Save; clever per- | over the surname of. her legal. protec ed . : ous. cotsmony of recognition and (he | Sonage his addresses "Would indicate. | 0F, giving up that of or father. g R surpassed. It gives the upright Names were a label indicating owner NORWAY PINE SYRUP. fz RSL Bn, ween Bear River, N.8., with hoarseness it Out. 3d for all Throat, Price 25c. and 800. & bottle. All me's teremonies. Those ghove men J tioned oecur before the coronation proper. ---------------- Stuffing Children's Minds. In a small pamphlet entitled "'Eng- lish As She is Taught," Mark' Twain makes protest against the at- tempt to cram the memories of sehool childrens | with information far = be yond their power of assimilation, The result often is thay the poor little minds. have a sort of indigestion which 8 to the true pedagogué move pathetic than it is amusing. Twain gives some of the answers in Physio- ogy by upils in public schools : ysillogigy is to study about your bones, stummick and vertebry, Ucoupations which are injurious fo health are carbolic acid gas whieh iy impure blood. We have an upper and lower skin. The lowér skin moves all the time, and the bpper skin moves when we do The body is mostly composed of he stomps IE pear-shppad § if a small pear-s bone situnted in the body. j The gastric juice keeps the hones from eracking. The Chyle flows up the middle of the ne and reaches the where it, thasts the ox mad is Putifpd: salivary are ul to salivate the Tour. In the stomach starch is changed to cane sugar, and cane sugar to sugar cane, The oliactory nerve enters the ¢avi- ¥ of the orbit and is developed inte the deel sense of - hearing. The growth of a tooth begins in the back of the mouth and extends to the stomach. Ii we were on a railroad track: and a train was coming, the train would deafen our ears so that we couldn't see to get off the track, . John Bright is noted for an incur 'able disease. Praise For A Kingstonian. The Vistoria university college gleo Jub, ingstonian, a a Aha Conversions tof. the Dulas water and about one-half is avari |. der the forests than are the In labor circles, as well &¥ in business circles, his advent to Kingston is ap- preciated and it is hoped he will carry pleasant recollections sway with him, GOT AROUND THE DIFFICULTY Dilemma of a Minister at a Double Wedding. Gen of sions pi tions, ly. thaw who come more in eon- tact with the world. An elderly mem- ber of hs. Juralesion is fond of telling of a "' he once made at a don ble wedding of . two sisters. It way arranged that whe two couples should be marred with one ceremony, the two brides: respopding at the same time and the two rn , doing the same. had not been any previous thearsal, as the minister come a long distance and veached church but a. few. minutes before the time for the coremony. All went well until it came time for the minister to say : "And now | pro nounce you man.an@ wife." It suddenly becamd obvious to the minister that the usual . formuly would not do in the case of two men and two wives, and he could not think of any way of making "man" and "wife" plural 'in the sentence. In his [Jenfierntion and confusions he lift. ed hin ds ond said solemnly : y now 1 pronounce you, one and all, Rusband and wife!" To Teach Forestry. Monreal Star. The proposal of Hon. Mr. Harcourt, the Ontario minister of education; to lend 'the 'assistance of the government to the establishment of a department of forestry at Queen's college, Kings tan, is a timely recognition of a. most important. subjedt. We will make a great - mistake in this new country, with its lavish abundance of timber, if we imagine that we are any less un ligation of preserving our worn lands of Europe. Nuch as we have, it will be only a miatier of 'time until we shall have wasted it all, if we go on in ship. and changed accordingly, This is so true that w Ver woman's fqn, trikes her "Tis now, the wisid "a-fishing goes, With rod and reel apd tine ; moat effective pose Fights were acknowledged--as was the | She kaows if is divine case among many wild tribos--the | For matdess, when they go to fish, Kuow' that each lake or brook child reeeived 'the mother's RAINE, OF | wilj find sgme man to sdly wish the appelation of her gens, not that of the male pareat, and, consequently in war time, when the two peoples were laying waste each other's tersi- That be were ou their hook. Each woman is a fshopmaid, Her bait ix downomst eyws And dim blashes apily played. tory, fathers. and sons were generbiiy| With g of sururise. fighting in opposite camps. Then the What wonder, then. that men ave fish, And make the piost distmich, head of the family has always be-| Whene'or they hear & dlken swish, stowed. his name on the members, and the first outward sign of female em- ancipation, when it does come will be the maintenace by young wives of their maiden names, with or without the patropymiie of their husbands. Why should. it not be so even ? A wife be «the cath ? Fa uve SW. D. NESBIT. -------- HAD A WARM TIME. Seeking the Capture of Various Philippine Party. is said to be her husband's half, very | Manila, May. 5.<en, Davis, in often his better half, It is not mest that this relation should appear in the family name? There is more in a name than is dreamed of by the mass- es. In older times it was believed to be to a large extent identical with the personality. of the bearer, It was not to be taken in vain. To mention the name of Lohengrin, for example, was to deprive him of his iife among mortals. , @ virtue, a. spirit went out of . him, and he ceased to be what he had been. It js fair that a witl should .on taking to herself a hus- band abandon the personality 'which command' of the Américan forces, on the island of Mindanao, cables that his ultimatuni has not been answered, that his messenger bas not returned and that American outposts were fired per on Saturday morning. The troops 'advanced and captured Mro fort. This fort: wae strong and well defended by 300 men. Fort Panda Padto 'was then surrounded. Heavy firing continued as the despatch was sent. Gen. 'Davis also reports that Lieut, Henry 8. Wagner, of the J4th infantry, has been seriously "wounded, that two = othér officers are slightly is embodied in a name for the sake of | wounded and that twenty enlisted men one who possibly would not ent off | were wounded. his mustachios or give wp smoking for her pleasure. "Join names as you join hands," says a society. formed with this object if southern Hungary. -- Rise Of The Moustache. The custom of wearing moustaches did wot prevail in France wntil the reign of Louis Philippe, when it be came obligatory in the whole French army. Ip England the moustache was L worn hy hussdres after the peace of 1815, and it was not unti} the close of the Criméan war that English civi- lians as well as English soldiers in general wore hair on the lip. Shortly alter the moustache came inte fuver among gentlemen Horace Mayhew was passing through an Eaglish country town and was immediately noted and followed by a small army of children, who pointed to bis lip and' called out -------------- Thherited A Million. Chicago, May 5.-Adrian Britt, once editor and publigher of the Jackson ville (Fla.} Union, died at the Dun- ning poor house on Tuesday. His hody will be busied in Pottér's field. Britt, who was born in '1844, inherit ed an estate of 81,000,000 when his father died. He seciired control, of the Jacksonville Union in 1874, and when the Hayes Tiiden campaign was at ity height . Britt's paper was the most powerful organ in Florida. Its influ ence led to the delivery of the vote of Florida to Hayes From that time Britt's course was . downward. One month ago he was arrested here for almshouse, where he died a pauper Mill Men To Carry Own Risks. ELLIOTT BROS. 75 PRINCESS STREET. poise, sloping bust, extended waist line and graceful round hips so much sought after, D & A Corsets are approved by "society." Most merchants sell them, if your dealer does not, send to us. Price $1.00 to '$3.00 per pair---made in White, Grey and Black, : DOMINION CORSET Mig, CO. ------------ REFRIGERATORS! We have the finest assortment in the city, ranging from $7.50 to $25. "We "have 'the following lines to pick from : TELEPHONE CITY, BRANFORD, NORSEMAN, MICHIGAN, NORTHERN, drankenness and - later sent to the ladies' sollgge. Whithy, and the col-{ recklessness and ignorance to eut and lege organ, Vox Collegii of it | burn and never plant or preserve. We as follows : "We trust that the mem- may be long in feeling the pinch, bers of the Victoria uhivetsity we have no right to squander the na- club will visit u ol tural heritage of generations of Can- of May with the - | adians to come. letie union, Scientific forestry is a most valuable derisively : Atlante, Ga., May 5.--A number of "He's 'got whiskers under his snout! | promment catton mill official are He's got whiskers under his snout !" gathered in Atlanta to consider the For a long time the moustache was | advisability of organizing a mutun the subject of raillery, even after it] insurance company. The cotton mi ition ric i becomi 4 owners gre dissatisfied with 'their in Sd 2. 3he ou im of any uai- hows a opt inte i surance en and hope by co-opera yersity. Young men will go out from . ES 3 i mills at un mini- wich & schoo Knowing with. precision | Pech a picture of two old-fashioned: i hoh the tale: on cotton hw ie omea whos Te eihey were fhoken to mills has decreased greatly in the p- their knees and cried out: past fifteen years the owners vii of / ) J 5 "Fake all we "have, gent) but | the opinion that the figures su ; ke a . 1 4 spare lives ¥* : main too high. The projectors of t o ood a, new mutual concern plan to extend ite opprptions throughout the witon | Sickles, Grass Knives, Rakes, Trowels and all other Gardening Tools. SETTER EER MOKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock. Street. . By coming to us for Labor. Saving Implements. y trained dudtor, C. We welf co every movement rg ey 1 Wi A OL © students. | : HELE Springs and Mattresses lo ao pnd 2 he For Comfort and Ease, day we 'should wear the clothes Restorer. Have your repairioz snd wpbolsteriae dose Aika JAMES REID'S, ™ tease, TINSMITHS DON'T STRIKE

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