ONTARIO. TUESDAY, MAY, 6, 1902. ie-- LAST EDITION § winter a. planted in now demand Sonia will opénly lead 10 ob Before joints, ! paing in face r in Back and ar Take warni another day; on your rt ne Hyon if the' "ad the Time. muscles or ' tor ads loinee and Furniture Deal- 'J Abore the Opers slog 877 A. ee may hay fe ) orts joy banish use of trust in that 3 ever inher, Paive's Colary™ Snlel, and the use for a nok you that you have {fetaeot new existenes; you the health ment of true Bt. Hymecinthe, bows : 1 desire to ther m ment of physicians = fuiled, we counge] Pe of our sults. 11 vou corshully and intelli sos the superior work et woods. You wet large per in wear sad or it wi you \* lifes ) *ohnston, say. heen for Paine's ColdILOR. + would not be FS SALE in the Rideau THOMAS DAWSON, Sherifl of Fron -- dpe ilo. £% HOUSEMAID, APPLY IN h King street. LOCAL MEN iis, The Daily Note Book Readers to Post . P council meets Ever well water hos people wick. Juror beseball bull this evening. Kaskoln tablets are to be extensively ad- vertised from Kelamaroo, Michigan, Erapeot's soup company is the newsst Chi- cago company 10 be lfresly advertised. The Spevosr mwdicine sompany Chattasoo an, Tonneuscs, in to speed $250,000 in wertising Nubian tes Hes sem to be a little backward shout laying this spwing, but aa S008 a8 the Bower bud season opens they will probably cvs up to the" sthwich. The somi-onnual meeting of the rurs] dean ery of Frontimse willbe opmed at o'clock his evening by divine service in St Janes' church and a sermon bv Rey. J. 0. Crisp. of Portsmouth. : This day in the world's history: Winbrre surrenders and Boers retreat, 1900: Frederick defented the nilies at Prague, 1767. Rabert Browning born, 1812: battle of Oswego, 1814: sloge of Quebee raiend, | 1776; Dublin. mur der, 1982; triple alliance renewed for six yours, 1997. Coronation umblers, The Latest. Just Out. ssm---- ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA GRAND mouse TUESDAY, MAY 6th Transcontinental Tour Under the Persons! Direction of W. SPENCER JONES, of the Bminent English Basso atkin = Mills, The Popular Eatertaines . OWEN A. SMILY, | andthe waned Polish Pianist Reno EDUARD PARLOVITZ. PRICES-280., BOs, 73. $1. Seats wow on sale ot Hanlev's. WEDNESDAY, 7th Le Rey Pelletier Presents Nod. Howard Fowler and a Superb Company ina Magpifticent Production of faries Coghlan's Master-plece "THE ROYAL BOX" Mogmificently acted, or ately econtumed. : Prices 25¢., BOc.; The. $l. Sepia now on wale at Hanley's. THURSDAY, May Sth First Appearance Here of the Celebrated Artists For to make league mets at Congres | Louis MAKN Clara LIPMAN "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZ" By Leo Ditrichateln, awthor of "ARE YOU A Ae. 80, "18s... 3a, #180 "Hale at Heoley's. © 3 HELP WITH HOUSE 1) = Hunger Ogilvie, 154 ON GALVANIZED work, C. A. Joes, Of Wisdom. 1¢ is foolish to west glasies if you do not them. 14 is worse than foolish not. io wear them it" you do. Tatter in The Furnalest of All Their THE REPORT DENIED That Cesard Lise Controlicd by Combination. STRIKING ILLUSTRATION. SALES HAVE BEEN VERY QUIETLY GOING ON For a Long Time-=Greater Sub- sidies Advocated--Said That White Star Line Will be Trans ferred to American Control. London, May 6. Replying to a question in the house of commons which met at two o'clock yesterday, under the new rules of procedure, A J. Balfour, the government or, said he thought it would be far bet- ter to allow the select committee on steamship subsidies vO confine itsell to that particular matter, rather than 10 enlarge the scope of the enquiry so a8 to include the larger guestions raised by the steamship combine. The government was now investigating the Llptier subject. The Cunard line officials" deny the report that a controlling interest of the company has been aoyuired by the steamship combination. Some disappointment has been caused by Mr. Balfour's refusal, in the commons, to appoint, a committee 10 consider all matters affecting British mercantile marine as well as the ques tion of subsidies. Naval experts like Sir John Colomb say en entire = ve- vision of the nation's policy is requir ed in regard to the preparation of the mercantile marine for war and the government should see how the posi- tion could be strengthened by means of reasonable subsidies on imperial lines. The question, it is urged, is one" affecting 'the afiairs of the whole empire and an imperial council should be formed to deal with it. ---------- Sales Gone Quietly On. Liverpool, May 7.--Mr. Beasely, chairman of the steamship owners' a8 sociation, in speaking at a meeting of the association, said that the latest sales were only a striking jllustration of what bad been happening in a mors quiet manner for a jong time. In 1592 the total tonnage of the British sail ing ships was 2,400,000. It is now 1,600,000, mostly owing to sales since 1800; 2.006 steamships of a tonnage of 1.506,000 had been sold. Mr. Bease- ly advocated greater subsidies or the renioval of the harrassing regulations from the shipping trades. The correspondent has learned de- finitely that the vessels of the White Star line, employed in the Australian trade; will be transferred to American control 'if the North Atlantic vessels are secured by the combination. This fact is strongly commented upon here in wiew of Australia being a British colony. The rumor that shipping com- bination will select Holy Head as its port of departure and arrival instead of Liverpool is regarded as ridiculous. Another Scheme. Liverpool, May 6.--It is stated that an American financier has been making approaches to Manchester West Afri can merchants with a view to form- {hg a combination for trade interests. Should the proposition be favorably entertained Liverpool houses will , approached on the same subject. The scheme will probably be of benefit to the Manchester ship canal and for this reason will find favor. ---------- GRASS CURE METHOD. Alleged Device For Converting Re- bellious Filipinos. Chicago, 1, May. 6.--The "grass cure" was the early method of con verting rebellious Filipinos. according to Lient.-Col. Rodman. of the Twen: tieth infentry, who told about it at a Marquette club dinner. "It was simple; yet effective," he said in explanation. "We had to have some means of forcing the natives to confession, | never heard of the water cure until I enme here. Whenever na- divulge information they were formed in line and told that they must die. Then they had to draw lots, and the pative who got the hlack ball was taken out into the tall grass and told to prepare for death. The soldiers were drawn up in regular squad, with their, pointing at victim, and at hi Jed in the tall grass there was a soldier jay on his face so that he was not seen. "The order to fire was given. soldier shot over the head of the na- tive and at the same instant the hid- don soldier pulled at his legs and down he tumbled. It impressed the natives, for they thought that the dan was dead, "After three or four sacrifices had pen made in this manner the natives generally fell on their knees and told | they knew." DAUGHTERS OF TEE EMPIRE. om A Meeting Was Held In Toronto By Them. Toronto, May 6. Word has been ro ceived irom Ottawa to the effect that the British war ofiive has consented to the Queen's Uwn bugle band accom: panying coronation contingent. Lieut. -Col, Pellatt, who will com the eOntingent, personally will he at the expense of taking the band to England and hack. The band likely will leave 8% the same time as the contingent, ou the steamer Parisian, on Jupe 7th. It will conmist of Bity men, twenty-six boglers, sixteen side drums, one tenor drum and two base drums. Delegates from various parts of Can ada were present at the first annual meeting of the 'Davighters of the Em- pire, held here yesterday afternoon. Eneouraging ~Téports were I by the secretary, treasurer, and the presi dent of - the Children of the Empire, the junior branch of the organization, and of the, Shuth African heroes' grave fund. After considerable discus sion a resolution was adopted express ing regret at the great increase in the importation of United States and 0000000000000000000 ® 1 Pulpiood Policy. taken ides that by oppos- Be govern- ment underta they can somehow gain political cap- ital could have induced a party which formerly made the development of home industry the leading plank in their platform to offer the violent and 'unreason- 'able . objections to the pulpwood agreement made tives who were rounded up refused to f- by Mr. Whitney and his fol- lowers. Ld ccooseccenccRssssssRtee ® 00000000000000080 e---- neti other foreign goods and pledging the association's members individually to purchase, wherever possible, goods of Pritish manufacture. Rev. A. P. Leddingham, a Preshy- {erian missionary of Indore, India, ar: rived in the city after an absence of six years in the Orient, reports that while {amine conditions are much im- proved, India has 'been suffering more or loss weverely from famine since 1506. When he loft about three thou sand © people were on relief works in bis distgiet, provided by the British sovernmént. The famine, accoraing to Rev. Mr. Leddingham, is really one of work rather than of food supplies. There is food in the country hut work stops, and peoflle are not able to buy. pen PRINSLOO IN "BRITISH LINES, a Captured by Boers From Whom He Escapes. London, -May 6.-=A despatch from Pretoria says ex-commander Prinsloo, who surrendered to the British and was afterwards captured by the Boers, has escaped. He arrived at Brakfon- tein yesterday. A despatch from Aliwal North, Cape Colony, says the treason court in ses- sion there has sentenced Dav id Dewet to pay a fine of £500 or serve a year's imprisonment. Pieter Dewet has been found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of £1,000 or serve two years in prison. Lord Milner left Cape Town on Mon- day morning for Johannesburg. The following official despatch was received at the war office from Pre toria, to-day : "During the week the Boers lost tem killed, hs taken prisoners and four teen surrendered. A quantity of arms and ammunition was also captured Col. Copper has driven the Boers from a strong position at Stenkop, Cape Colony, on the road to Ookiep. Col. Bruce Hamilton hes captured vighty-seven Boers near the Heilliron, Orange River Colony, line. ee -------- DROWNED IN CLOUDBURST. ---- 1+ 1s Said the Number Will Reach Twenty. Oklakama City, 0... May 6A clondburst at Foss, 100 miles west of this city, drowned nine pecsons of Sunday night aid left many families homeless. Four beodies have been re: covered. Three have Yeon identified, as 3. H. Rodman, C. T. Reeves and R. L. Nalen Tagpile of the Choctaw railway track was washed out and the loss of the town property will amount | fo" $200,000, Reports from (iearey nre that the death list from the' storm will reach twenly persons. -------------- BURIED BY FALLING WALLS. -------- Tragedy at Buffalo May Cost Lile of a Pipeman. Buffalo, N. Y., May 6. Yesterday, while the firemen were still 'working on the burning Wells elevator, the entire Ohio street front fell into the Lieut. Jobn Hoelele Kennel, When - HOST OF ACCONPLIES Were His Heipers In The Ase sassination SAD THE CZAR WAS SAFE FOR HE WAS NOT ENDOWED AS AN AUTOCRAT. Royalty at the Drury Lane Thea- tre -- American Coal Has Reached Switzerland--It is Said jt Monopolizes the Mar- Fet. { London, May 6. The Odessa cor: respon dent of the Daily Mail has in terviewed go barrister, who was pre sent at the trial of Balabascheff, the wan who assassinated M. Sipagune, Russign minister of the interior. The barrister stated that the prisoner de clared that be had - a host of goeom: lifes but said it was impossible to name thew. He added voluntarily that the czar was safe from the re formers' bands, he being 5 well-mean- jug, noble-hearted young man, who was not_endowed with. the capacities nocessary to an autocrat. ar against the ministers would he ear ried on until liberties were conceded. Queen Alexandra aml princess Charles, of Denmark, visited the Drury Lane theatre, last night, and witnessed 'Ben Hur" from the royal box in the pit, which was especially constructed on the occasion of the king's visit to the theatre a short time ago, in ovder to give his ma jesty a good view of the chariot race. The royal party remained through the performance. A despatch to the Geneva, Switzerland, says tbat the first consignment of American coal will arrive there about the middle of May. Until mow Switzerland obtain ed ner coal Trom Germany. In 1901, the German collieries formed a trast and raised prices two shillings a ton A Liverpool colliery forwarded coal which was sold a shilling cheaver than the German product, causing large orders to be placed in Eng land, These orders Sere badly execu ted andthe Americans seized the op tortunity. They erected shads at Rouen and Havre, France, for stock- ing purposes and now practically monopolize the Swiss market. Various telegrams published this morning, tend to show that the state of afifirs in Russia is serious. I'he peasant population, in the province of Tobolsk, is reported to Le in open revoll, Although hundreds of people are dying of hunger, the au thotities have refused an application to grant an advance of corn from the state granary on the ground that neither famine nor want exists. The pedsants in desperation broke open the depot and carried off the con tents, murdering every policeman in their way. A despatch from Moscow points out that the extension of edu cation and industtial enterprise in Russin adds to the forces of discon tent, Arnoki Forster's statement that the admiralty anderstood that lord Charles Beresford's letter was a pri vate one, written without any 'inten- tion of being published, is not re- garded as satisfactory hy the Daily Mail, and Arnold White says the statement is contrary to the facts The telegram from Hetloo, an nouncing the critical condition of the yueen of Holland, have counsel the deepest sorrow here. Ever since the day that gueen Whilmenia ascencled the Dutch throne, English people have watched, her career with the utmost interest, aml the hope is universal that ihe eare with which she is tend ed nia atill preserve her life. A despatch | to the News agency, trom Madrid, says thai advices re ceived there from Portugal indicate that there is danger of an actual re volution in that country. Consider able apprehension ia felt in offieinl circles as to the attitude of the Por tugmese troops. The Bth infantry, sta tioned gt Oporto, has heen disbanded in consequen-e of fear that the sol diets would join the rioters. The military and naval officers are nel vorating that king Charles establish a dictatorship, Chronicle, from ------------ American Woman Beards Cesar. 81. Petersburg, May 6.--Baris Lar dner. an American student; has been saved from a long term of imprison ment and ipnominions expulsion from the university by his mother's cour age. She wrote to the czar, personad- iv, demanding a re-investigation of the charges against her son io the of fect that he helped organize a street riot. directed against the heir appar ent, grand duke Michael, brother of the cxar. The reinvestigation proved the charge to ie ounded, and and young Gardner was released, with the right to re-enter: the umiversity. © ---------- To Spend Summer In Europe. New York, May 6--Among the pas sengers sailing for to-day was the countess Cassini, tod yr eo ter of the Russian ambassador at Washi . The countess will sped the swimmer in Paris, and will be joined Ner father souie time in July. The Cussinis handsome on jevard St. Germain, spends at least three { country, the house MUCH WORK DISPOSED OF. Supplementary Estimates Up -- Adjourn Over Ascension Day. Ottaws, May 3.~The morfing sit tn to-day amd it was a successtul ven ture. The 'members got right aown (0 work ana the result was that oon siderable business 'was done. Mr. Charlton opened the proceedings by stating that he was not in favor of the present system of divorce. He thought these caves ought to be tried before a legal tribunal, which would act on a fixed principle After the mewbers had agreed to grant the GRance minister an additional $15. 000,000 borrowing power in order to pay the floating indebtedness of the went into commit tee to consider the supplementary es timates. The interest in these contred around the Yukon telegraph line. The minister promised to do what he conld do to have the telegraph tolls joweren from Asheroit to Dawson, the rate now being $4.50 for ten words, so that a despatch of this length from Montreal would cost $5.50. In the evening the supplementary estimates of the marine department were passed. Sir Wilirid Laurier has gives notioe; that when the house adjournpd Wed nesday it stands adjourned umeil Fri day at eleven o'clock. There will also he u sitting on Saturday WONG. ---------- MAY HAVE A COMBINE. The Salmon Packers of the West Coming Together. Vancouver, May 6-H, Fortman, president, and D Dinsdale, general manager of the Alaska packing com Line, are here conferring with A. Jar vis, Toronto. and H. Doyle, Vancou ver. who, on behalf of Toronto capi talists, are closing & deal by which their principals will buy out the se venty-five canners in British Columbia It is reported that the Alaska packing company and the Canadian amalgamation have cone together to arrange a deal whereby a combine, or company, of interests, will he established, which will control the salmon markets of the world. The world's markets are now supplied al most entirely with salmon from Puget Sound. Alaska and British Columbia -------------- NAMED AS DESPATCH AGENT. Joseph H. Gilder, a Relative Richard Watson Gilder. Washington, May 6.-It was an nounced ut the ziate dypariment that Joseph H. Gilder, a relative of Rich ard Watson Gilder, New York, had been appointed United States dis patch agent at London, filling the va- cancy caused by the death ol B. F. Stevens, Craig Wadsworth, Now York, has heen appointed succeed William Corcoran Eustis as third secretary of the United States einbassy at London Mr. Fustis' resignation takes effect July Ist. of to PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. The Rumors Are All of a Reas- suring Nature, London, May 6.-1t is understood, in political circles, that the prospects for peace in South Afric continue to sv bright. This understanding re ceives strength from a rumor, current to-day; to the effect that reassuring news regarding the peace situation has been received at the war from lord Kitchener, and the fact that private letters from high officers in the field express the expectation that thoy will setwn home at an early date otlice ---------- Interest In Germany. Berlin, May. 6.--The illness of queen Wilhelmina is watched with erpecial interest in Germany, because both the heir-apparent and the heir-presunip tive to the Dutch throne are mans Ger the duchy of Saxe Weimer, Wiliam En queen Wilhehnina dying without is wue. It is regarded as certain would renounce it, however, preferr ing to remain the reigning duke of the grand duchy, which is in timately associated with Germany's great historieal past Next to come to the Dutch throne i prince Henry XXXI1,, of the young or branch of the Reuss family twenty-four years of age, and a lisut stationed at Kiel, -------- Boers For Prince Edward Island. London, . May 6.--The Daily Mail says : Despite the prospects of peace a eamp for the reception of 16,000 rrisoners is heing prepared at Domini en, and sites are being got ready ai Jamaica and Prince Edward Island, off Nova Seotia, should further camps be required. -------------- For The Next Thirty Days. We will sell preserving pineapples st $1.50 per roren. Carnovsky's. The 88. Lakonia, Donaldson line, from Glasgow, passed Father Point, jnward, at 6.10 a.m., to-day. promoters of the | A. J Under the law of suocession in | Holland, which was adopted in 1584, | ruling grand duke of 'the grand ost, inherits the crown in the event of | that he | V/ grand | He i» | enant in the German army. He is now i { | Hoek fre | inde i WEATHER PROBASILITIES, Toreavto, { oh vs Of the session were inaagurated | SPECIAL FOR Tuesday and i Wednesday $12 - FOR $9.50. $1.50 $0. The late delivery of hose goods by the manufacturer enables us to offer these spe cial prices. They are made in up-to- date styles of nice material. Sizes 32, 34, 86, 38 and 40, Inspection invited, Be LEHEUPOn May Sth, at 28 University Aves wie, the wife of Jobs Ac Lalivup of 8 dnoihter, stilbborn. DIED. HALL-In Kingstos, on May Tih, Asron W Hall, aged seventy years Funeral Private. Pincapples. Pineapy sre A, T rn REX Princess Street. 'Phor i" JAPANESE CATARR Catarrh | cures Here weve 8 ¥i Toros, Ce ye ured Hope J ua . Untarrh Mra. Jomes Wig Caters 8 _¥ Try tt voursd, & wet, Bend Bu sue, at Deugyists postpaid from The Grits Mocrherson Uo. Limited, Porto, ---------------------- FOR SALE. PTs, Buin fais, # LE anchors, calvke, Wie "il de 1 NEW BUTCHER SHOP. ments amd smoked ments oMMORIoOUs CRUISING hn, foot Jomy, Sab bis, wha Rowi. owtebde batinnt, fade or ferbrs, Laat wil = it. FRED LALONE JIAS OPENED OUT Ax A shard of the pablic Geis wipansl, shaplig soomisodationg ei Apwly wo NASH Bent clade Dutcher shop st 276 Ontario rely armestly soligited, Orders will be Lo aay part of the siivy, | i | four whip clive gvratof, ftuart street next to Melesn's peocery, sed will hi FOR SALE. oh A BRICK HOUSE, BEVEN andl all moderns a =i prempeen, 1R0 Allred wtrant. ral: Gen. O'Grady aly, comms Canadian militia, arrived. at an Monday svuging from OF inmpeat the contingent, ------ -------------- satisfaction is the testi § and adjusting 'we gi before th