i of What made Vv coarse ¢ Com D1} Sunlight Soap sa SUNLIG finens soap | s linen. re pee Iw 11s NL THEY REPRESENT ONTARIO'S BEST POLICY. Mr. Pense Has Been as Loyal to Kingston as Mr. Ross Has Been to Ontario--Both Should be Returned Again. Please Jet ue in--that is the Whitney policy. The people are satisfied with wdminis(ration. A polity "of slander will aot the win la H winter planted now dem tentinm, will openly Jegd to dest Before must have rheumatin ide; i 3 A display that we are justly spraul of. Every new desigh and color combination. | We would be |more than pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ing our prices are the lowest. $ also draw your attent- ion to our large stock { All the newest pat- 'terns in widths from one-half yard to eight yards wide. We can save you from 10 to 15 per cent. on these goods. Ra R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 2IQr When on a diamond 1, Siminster, Wiltons, ein Hrussels, ot Insh Point, ete Bitk, Tepestry, ete. few store, filled with the best efforts--direct Jmportations Austria, Germany, Switseriand oto. Tapestries. ete. We would § ¢ | voting from and an election in intelligent Ontario. When you arg well off miake no change. A change then is a change for thixgorse. M. 89 Madole, liberal candidate in Lennox says the goversmienly pros pects in the east are bright. The conservative ery that the hibe- rials have been in power long enough is a good deal like waiting for 5 dead man's 3 Premier Ross is of opinion that it is always time for a change change fron. the old methods to the new. He is i progressive premier. Abusing some person is not legiti inate arguments why ws government that hus managed the affairs of the province well, should be turned out. Has anyone got dny idea what My. Whitney would do if he were enfrusted with the reins ? He certainly has not taken the public into Kis confidence If Sir John Macdonald were living and had ruled for forty years, no eon servative wonld ery for a change They would ery, "0 king, live for y ert ie : A Mr. Whitney is still trying to. con' vince the province that it is suffering from ilfireatment and needing =o change. The suffering is purely theo retical. W. T. RB. Preston utterly denics ever sending out any telegram to est Plain with the words "Hug the ma chine for me." It looks like a tory concoction. A man without a policy would be tempted, if he had a chance, to make one. by endeavoring to undg the work of his predecessors. That would be a bad policy for Umtario. Mr. Pense and the Whig have in varinhly supported the liberal cause in Ontario. Both are now and have always been sapporters of Hon. G. W. Ross, the ablest public man in the province. J. L. Baycock was present at Dr (urrie's nomination, in Picton, on Saturday, and. as an independent poli tician heartily endorsed the position of the government on the main points at issue, Nearly all the conservative papers of the province are silent upon Mr. Whitney's declaration that he would | wipe out the taxes on corporations They realize that it is a most unto ward blunder. Mr. Whitney is advising the con servatives of every riding to organize a committee of bruisers, That was the plan gtopted in the days of open to prevent liberals reaching the polls, bet it will scare nobody now. The Toronto trafn loads of settlers gre rush to New Ontario. The «efforts of the Rost government to open our new northland have not betn wasted: T settlers are an efféctive answer t6 tory ambuse of the government's policy. Mr. Marter wos "hold enoujgh to be honest, and honest enough . to be hold --he dared. to be a Daniel, and to beard the lion in his den, and vote according to what he honestly con sidered" in the best interests of the country, and, therefore, he is now outside the pale of conservative pow- World narrates how ing in- or. The Hamilton Spectator, it is pleas ing to know, believes in the return of the Ross administration, Listen : "Now is the time when the 'independ ent' newspapers square themselves with the government for pap received, and make themselves solid for Mature pap." Straws show the way the wind blows ! 1t may be ungenétous of us to refer to the Mail's = past, but in view of that. paper's present attitude toward the Ross administration we can't help quoting the following from its vol wmps. of February 13th, 1890 : "The Ontario government's mt of the finances has been THRIFTY, JU- DICIOUS AND CLEAN." A conservative commercial traveller wrote to the Ontario, Tory as fol- jows : "I know the fesling of young conservatives in Ontario. As » commercial traveller | have been. all through this province, and 1 well you straight, that if Whitney dont cit loose from that old crowd of bar nacles who have fastened themselves on the party, he wou't have sit sup- behind him in the next use. Since ihe "passing" of the govern ments bill in 1598, placing an export duty on sawlogs, new mills, with a capacity of 212,250,000 feet a Year, have been erected, gt a cost of £349. 147,800,000 feet. have been started to and old mi der , with 5 capacity at a cost of $181,500. These i i 2,800 men. ran the | and THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 6. pe---- whose publisher, J. Ross Robertson, was sentative fox t phatic "ft would be good tactics or the conservatives to try lo prove East Toronto, is em: that they do as well, or better, than | i the grits have done in handling = the | public resources gr spending the pub fic money. But the opposition does not_strengthen itself by ite feeble and ineffectual gitempts to prove that the jiberals hove bandied the public re- sources unwisely, or bave spest the plglie mye either rashly or dis { honestly." This, from a conservative and unquestionably independent soured, ought: to husk some people vp and make them stop their croaking. A------ Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Richardsons' elevator : Sloop Gran ger from Picton, Craig's wharf: Bteamer Alexan- dria, from Charlotte. Most of the steamers lying in. the harbor will be i ed this week. The M. T. company barge Kildonan is in the government dry dock for re- pairs, The gloop Idlewild, from Howe Is- land, is pnloading sand for city pur- ges, Last eveming the steamer Pierrepont towed the cho r Suffel out be yond Nine Mile Point, ns there was no wind. Swift's wharf : Ring cleared for Sufiel glearad for coal for Hamilton. The schoones, Queen of the Lakes crossed to Garden Island to-day, to receive a mew foremast. The she s for Pelee island. he steamer. Bothnia, which came to the government dry dock for slight repairs, after going ashore on Carleton island, cleared to-day for Montreal, with a coal cargo. 3 The steamer New York, on the M.T. company ~ marine railway, is re ceiving thorough repairs, and when completed will be one of the sturdiest vessels in the harbor. Rideau schooner to load Steamer Ottawa Oswego -------- LORD STRATHCONA'S GIFT. ---- Contributes $500 Towards the New Grant Hall James Wallace and J. J. Harpell, of Queen's university, have received the following letter from lord Strath eona : "9% Grosvenor Square, W., London, April 26th, 1902, Dear Sir,--Your letter of the Sth April 1 heg to acknowledge. In it you inform me that it is intended, in connection with the buildings of Queen's college, to erect a convoeation hall, with the view of commemorating the quarter-century services of its principal. "All who know anything of Queen's college and of its principal, the Rev, Dr. George Grant, are aware of his eminent services throughout these many years, as well in the interests of the university as of ecucation in the dominion generally, and for one 1 am proud to count him as a friend. "It, therefore, gives me much plea- sure to hand you herewith my cheque, No. 4,153, on the bank of Hontrual, dated May 5th, to. your arder, for five hundred dollars, a® a contribution to the fund in question. "And with every good wish, believe me, dear sirs, very. truly yours, (sign- od) Stratheona." -------------------- IN A SERIOUS STATE. Principal Grant Has Had a Principal Grant passed a very bad night with alarming symptoms mani- festing 'themselves this morning, He also suffered gu heavy chill, a premoni- tion of dangerous complieations. The doctor remains in a semi-conscious Jeminn: he can be roused from it hen necessary. Dr. Garratt, this morning, deemed it wise to call in consultation' Drs. Cameron and e- Phedran, Toronto, who had attended the principal while he was in that city some time ggo. They were ex pected to arrive this afternoon. - To Supply Their Own Water. The Clarified milk company has de cided to give up the use of city water, being undglle to agree with the water works department, as to the cost of their supply. The company consider- od that it was being overcharged, ly decided to put in a pump Freeman, of Hartington, started work with his boring machine in the hopes of finding a flow of water on the com- pauy's premises. He expects to go down a distance of about ninety feet, and obiain an abundant supply of good, pure. water. A pump will then hed and the compavy will ter have no need of city water. ---------------- To Visit His Parents. luman, of San Frandis- he city yesterda, the Cape Vincent boat, and left for his boyhoud's , He is a son of i EE 7 BEE i 1 4 ! ih rmerly the commrvative repre. ---- i ' TORONTO COMMENTS ON KING? STON PLAYERS: Sullivan and Elliott Much Dis- cussed -- The All-Canada Rug: by Team For Tour of Britain Assured. The Montreal dog show entries num- ber over 1,100 and include some of the best New York kennels. Bean, of the Rochester Eastern base- ball league, was sold to the New York national Jeagae club for $1,500. The king hus presented the Munster yacht club with a 100 guinea cup, to ie competed for during the Cork ex- hibition. The American polo team, who hope to recover the international cup, won their first watch of the season at igh, Eng., defeating the Old Cantabs by four goals to nothing. The Fastern Ontario lacrosse league has organized with these teams: Young Capitals, Perth, Almonte, Brockville and Carleton Place. The first matebes will be played on May 24th, The replayed international associa- 'tion football match between Scotland and England at Birmingham resulted in a draw, but Scotland wins the in< ternational championship, having de feated Ireland and Wales. The Montreal Star is authority for the statement that the all-Canada football team for England is assured that dates have heen set and some men already secured. The first. game will be at Belfast on December 13th. From Belfast the team is billed to go to Dublin, thence to Edinburgh © and Glasgow. English and. Welsh matches will follow, A writer in the Toronto Telegram says : "Chancer" Elliott has heen re leased. and there isn't a baseball fan in town that doesn't feel sorry. It Jooks to me as if a Canadian had no chance on the Toronto team. The motto of the above-mentioned elub is 'Chuck the Cenadians' but hang on to the hired men from across the bor der, whether they are to the good or not, If Chaucer' Elliott had been dealt with fairly he would have heen given a chance to show what he could do in warm weather. During the cold spell half the Toronto ball team were eligible for the back woods of Michi- gan or the timber limits of Georgian Bay. Elliott is quite as good ax many of those whose names have graced the pay. roll of the Toronto baseball club and a good deal better. Since George Sullivan is doing = so well in. Providence, the Toronto Tele- gram bellows forth congratulations. It's funny that the Telegram sporting writer should place Sullivan as a fourth-rate whenshis official record in pitching, fielding and batting was so high. But then the Tin Horn man is a strange fellow anyway. He toots a player up to-day, and cries him down to-morrow. The Teronto sheet thus declares iteelf : "George Sullivan seems to be doing immensely well for Providence. Manager Murray thinks he has a second Mattbewson in Sulli- van, and so it may turn out, It in one of the peculiarities of bLaschall that a man be utterly useless in one town and be a top-notcher in anoth- er in the same league. That may be the case with Sullivan. He was a dis- mal failure here and gave absolutely no signs of ever being better than a fourth-rater. That he may do well is the wish of every fan in Toronto." rei s-- Y.M.C.A. Notes. The carum tournament was Arthar Smith, The prize was phant ink-well, The new janitor. E. F. Rell, entered upon his new duties yesterday morn won by an eles ing. . The orchestra music on Sunday was fine and a great help to the bible class. The team has composed of Regiopolis Y.M.C.A. beaseball joined a junior league, the Capitals, Crescents, and YMCA. A neat little silver cup will be the trophy, The first game was played at the exhibition afternoon, be grounds on Saturda tween the Y.M.C.A, Intermediates and the Capitals, resulting in a tie, 9 to 9, -- To Cute a Cold In One Day. Tho Laxative Krone Quinine Tab- lots. i mo; Ai SS ie BW, Groves sgnatove is on each box. 28d. ---------- All tobacco. stores keep Caramel. PUZZLED. Sometimes To Raise Children. Hard Work Children's tastes are oftimes more accurate in selecting the right kind of food do fit the hody than that of adults. Naturé works more accurate: ly through the children. A Brooklyn lady says: "Our fistle boy has long been troubled with weak digestion. We 'could never pers him to tave more thdn one taste of any kind of cereal food. He was o weak little chap and we wore puzzled 10 know what to feed him on. Ome Tucky day we tried Grape Nuts. Well, FOU never saw a child eat with such o ol it did me good 16 see him. From that oh it seemed as though we almost wee kim grow. He would est Grape-Nuts for breakfast and Supper 1 think be wai have liked the jvod for dinner. in je TOPICS OF SPORT. --------" A------------ . Hovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. M. Marks, Toronto, is spending few days in the city on business. Miss Rouse; Bath, 1 the guest Mrs. J. Fraser Macdonald, Toronto. Col. Montizambert, DOC. left yes- terday on an official visit to Brock: ville. J. BE. Joknston, Brodk street, rasticating for § week on Wolfe Tanel. Col Clyde, Witton, commanding thé 4th Hussars, was in the city wday on mihtary business. Charles Boyes, photographer, has returned from . spending a few days with bis parents in Napapee, The militia officers of Montreal are to tender 'a dinner w Lieut. Col. Gor don, D.0O.C., at the Place Viger hotel, on Thursday. Robest Glockling, in Toronto, said that he thought the Kingston ma: chinists would be back at work in Jocomotive works within » week. Mrs. and Miss Fenwick, who have been spending several weeks in Mon trea), are expected in Ottawa, to be the guests of Col. and Mrs. Macpher: a of is Is SOM. Mrs. PBalger, Secley's Bay, was brought -to the city yesterday aftor noon on the steamer Ridegn King, and taken to the general hospital in Reid's ganbnlance. Sister Beatrix, mother provincial for the Notre Dame convent, arrived in the city on Saturday, and left agnin_ yesterday for Brockville on her way to Mentreal. John Milne, London, managing dir ctor of the Northern life insurance company, Fein the city, len route to the maritime provinces to visit the company's agencies there, James Mooney, formerly bartender in the Hub hotel, is in the city re newing old sequaintances, and is we companied by his bride. Mr. Mooney is now employed at the White Ele- phant hotel at Niagara Falls, N.Y -------- -- What A Stationer Says. The practice of selling dime. novels to boys goes merrily on. Boys ten and twelve years old have no difficulty in buying the pernicious Jesse James novels in several 'places in Kingston, There are, oné iv pleased 10 know, stationers and hook sellers who refuse to handle such literature. One dealer said' I have never had one of these books in my store, nor do 1 intend to have, although I could easily well 500 copies a week. Such books will never find a place on my tables. When shipments of them eome in each week, I pack them up again, and send them back to' the publishers." If all the dealers did likewise they would be ren dering a great service to the youth of the city. A Butcher Explains. A local butcher states that the citi zon whe pointed out where cattle ware being sola at five and six cents a pound is quite right in his assertion, hut quite wrong in supposing that a hig profit ensues to the retail butcher. He, himself, pays from four and a half to five and a half cénts a pound for cattle, but that is for live weight. The great waste, the handling and the freight Bave to be added to that, and when thot is done, he says there is little profit on a sale at fifteen cents a pound. This butcher points out that if there i suth a big profit, as some people suppose, why is it that two local dealers have gone out of husiness yecently ? ------------ Canada's All Right, Mr. A. Mark, representing the Emp ress shoes for ladies, was in the city yesterday. The Empress shoe factory in the largest shoo factory in Canada; making exclusively, ladies' fine shoes, and they have proved a great success Yesterday Mr, Mark took a very large order from the Lockett show store; some for immediate delivery, and some for next August, ---- Died In Peterboro. Henry Denne, of Peterboro, father of Mrs. W. H. Graham, Clergy street, west, died this morning after an ill ness of some mouths. Mr. Denne had been long president. of Peterboro and was a member of the town couneil for years. was at one time latgely én- gaged in the flour and the milling business, Mrs. Graham left for Jeter. boro on the midnight teain, They Took His Horse. John Wehman, Colborne street, com plained to the polite last evening that some one had stolen his boree otk of the stable. This morning the animal was returned by two bovs, who had driven it to Cananoque last night, without asking the owner's per mission {0 do so. Fell Into The Lake. Patrick Meee is employed by Rev Pr. Macdonala, Portsmouth. + Yester day afternoon his seven-year-old son wandered down to the King street breakwater and managed to fall in. It was with aiffiesity that he was rescu- od. He hus not yet quite tecovered from the accident: An Officers' Opinion. Jt was reported that the fron work: ery' helpers' union charter had been annulled, but this is denied by an officer of the trades' council. The same individual stated that if the strike was to Inst much longer he be i in the works | PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF EY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, |The Spice of Every Day Life -- { What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention, All the leading stores keep Caramel chewing tobacco. ' Thete was no session of court this morning. Groat fitters in men's suits at $10. Grand Union, Find large cocoanuts, only Je. cach, at Ferguson's, King stroes. Children's blouse suits, $1.95, $1.50, £1.75, 8, 82.50. Livingston's. Workmen are engaged at Lake On- tavio park remodelling the pavilion. The tives in the parks ave prepariilg to leave. They have their trunks jacked, Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure bard or soft corms. In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug stere. The (iananoque baseball team has chartered the steamer America for the 36th, to run an excursion here. We're pleased to see you any time, but the day you purchase your new spring suit make it a point to visit our store. Grand Union. A regular monthly meeting board of education takes place Thursday night. The property nettea met last night Voting will take cipal rolls of 1902, those lately revised by the judge. See if your name is on, The lists are at the reform commitice room. wf : The bodies drowned in Sharbot Lake several weeks ago, Have mot yet been found, though diligent search has been con tmually made. Try Caramel tobacco, plugs. Union made. Peter Clark, engineer, on the steam: er Rideau King, bad one of his eyes soverdly injured yesterday. A piece of coal fell down from a skylight, and hounding back, struck the engineer's opt For children's blouse suits ston's. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rhemmatism, and lumbago. In bottles, 9c, ab Wade's drug store. An alderman complainy that bonged walk on King street west, pecially along by the breakwater, ie in a very had condition. Many of the planks are loose, anil spring Wp when one end is trod upon. the police on oom Sc. and 10e. Living the os HOW IT HAPPENED. : Capt. Dewitte Tells How He Paid a Fine. Capt. Dewitte admits having to pay 816 to the longshoremen's union, before he could have his vessel dis- charged here, bmi he holds that he has been made to pay a fine which be in nocently contracted, He has. never re fused to engage union labor, wherever possible, nnd he tried to do #0 in Ow wego. He tells the story "Last fall 1 loaded lumber st Trenton for the Standard oil company. On arrival at Oswego, N.Y., in the early mornin, 1 walked two miles to union headguar ters to notify the union men that would discharge. When the men are rived on the deck the Standard peo ple refused to allow the men to work! I interceded, but to no avail. The re sult was the cargo and 1 refused to further carey lumber for it. 1 heard nothing more about this matter until when on arrival here with conl, 1 was wid that the wmion men could discharge me until 1 paid $16.9: ihe imposed Ly the Oawego union, 1 p the amount, but 1 think it was wns fair to make me. Hf the union had told me before 1 reached Oswego that I could only be discharged "by non anion" then 1 would not have taken the cargo. . I had expected to have put my vessel in the dry dork bere and have paid $150 or $200 in Repeiny bot after the treatnwnit Hocord 14 will go elsewhere." ------ Threatened To Shoot Her. A woman who is well known in po fice circles, rushed into the station last pight, sod stated that a man had threatened to shoot her on (Ontario street. Where is he? inguired a policeman " Down on the wharf," she replied; " two men nie halding him." his revolver, he reached the wharf be offensive little Frenchman with sad eyes across the water, as be thought of his bovhood's home in far: away sunny Frasee. The constalile stated his mission, bat the man denied the charke, while tears eams into Ma eves. He had no revolver, so Mr. Timmerman returned to the station, having had a chase for nothing. -------------------- Kingston Politics. and rushed out, When found an' in- gazing Montreal Herald . N. OC. Polson, =, Kingston, is in the eity. Mr. Polson ix one the lending citizens of the limentonagc being afi ex-mayor and having up a large wholesale business. lene taken a de pirtorest tion and is partioularTggste the Ontario campaign waged. He considers the Mr, Ross' return exevedin his opinion the sheenor of citement throughout - the ing indicative of failure off t ol the b§ place on the muni: } of Martin and Babeodk, [ company discharged the this week nor} Constable Timmerman grabbed § the opposition to creaigy any hi woe. In Kingston Mr. Eo piost certain to be reels 1 -------------- Violated His Parole. Montreal ohn Sonny with a doven aliases, violated the conditions of his ticket: of-leave, and is now buck Last in the King ¥ remghes Rr 5 , imp toe So ter It Is 0 ®L it peaches you, apd bave no chance, if the We are very careiul.