am ---- -- THs DAILY W HIG, TUISOAY, MAY © nbn _-- -- THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. BL ren, Mp » oar Editions st 2.30 WEEKLY BRITISH Ww pages, publiched svery Thuredey Ir Is Attached in 4 rinting Dalat in tm of ad th mproved work; moe © Presser EDW. J. B. PENSE, PRUPRIETOF, ifHE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicer,' CARES IN CONTRAST. Mr. Koss made a good point against Mr. Whitney when he intima ted that the leader of the opposition was hypoeritical in bix references to the election frauds. Mr. Ross had fot ighored them so far as the libe ral side was concerned, He had de plored them, He had done what be could, ae 4 member of the govern ment, to correct the evils by proseen- ting the offenders. He had strength ensl the law agdinst politieal offen at and 4 |r ; Surprising what improvments can be made "about the "house by the use of 2 little paint here and there, Old chairs, old cupboards, old tables and dingy woodwork painted with THE 4, . SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS can change the whole tone of the house. 5 A different paint for each pur- pose. Tell us what you want to paint and we'll tell you the right paint to use. COLOR CARDS AT sms Corbett's hardware. ces. What had Mr. Whitney dons ? He has ranted away and maguified the sims of the grits. He had vot dared to mention nor denounce the wicked devices of his own party. He acted like a grented man who is no longer on the scene, and whom Grip immor- talizod. When accused of corruption, wholesale, direct and conacionlésy, he slit: "1 admit 1 took / the money and bribed the electors with it. Is thete anvthing wrong about that » And the spesker put his hands down deep into his pocket, and winked one eye in an irritating fashion. The Mail hes a way of ite' own of making the worst 'of a case appear apparent; Jt cites that in one elec tion case there were one hundred and dighty eight charges. They were not approved. Mr. MeNish, of West Fi gin, saw that thers was enough to void the election, and to escape the heavy expenses' of an election trial acknowledged the: wrong doing in general terms and abandoned the seat, fhe personal charges were nob press ed because they were not supportable with evidence, Of the one hundred and eighty-eight accusations there were prabably not more than eight that would have amounted to any thing. In another case there were four hundred charges. How many were sub- stantiated 7 The Mail does not say, Wechuse that would spoil the argu ment. E Kingston has had three remarkable election trials. In two cases the con: sorvative candidate was on the defence, ix connection with one the revelation was of a most scandalous character. In connection with the other the ex posure was limited by the consent of {the candidate to "the avoiding of the section after evidence had been offered of a nature which wes bound to bring that result about. = As against this experience there was the trial of a case in Kingston, in which o liberal was the defendant, in which the charges were numbered © by the score, and in which failure followed be cause there was no evidence. -------------- Ta Eamon bn Wall Boga od Homes, In well rezuluted homes in ety and country there are many avenies Open for the practice of economy, hat pune wo wiinple and satisfactory as the use ol the Diamond Dyes in renewing for wear old and faded dresses, skirts, blouses, = capes, ckets, ibijons; shawls, yarns and feathers. The Kus- C hand$ or boys sii now off color "und apparently worthhic can be dyed a rich and fast black, savy blue' or dark seal brown, practically making wew andl wtylish garments, The Diamond Dyes are the easivat "to use; a child can dye ruocessiully "with them. No failures or di pointments when the very simple dic rections are followed. Thowsaiids of ladies are now mak: ing up pretty mats and rugs from the hammond Dye mat anid rug patterns. These patterne gre favorites ofl over Canada. Sheets of designs showing : the various . sizes m may be ok. tained from The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain street, Montreal, P.. Send your address. THEY GET A HECKLING. The first experience of the Whitney combination, in its' trip northward, was had at Huntsville, the people of which have a habit, according to the chairman, of "rolling up a big liberal majority." Mr. Mahafly, the conservative candi: date, mate great fun when he an- nounced; that in the lauguage of the Huntsville Forrester, "he was run ning for exercise," "Hear, hoor," and laughter followed the statement, and when, a little later, be intimated that he would retire and make way for an- other speaker an elderly gentlentan, over the front, uid in a tone of in: tense relief, says the Globe, responded "good enough." : Next came Mr. Crawford, the chap who has denied that he is interested in the Dakota ranch though one of its proj rs, a sul iber 'to its wtock, ane Khe viee-pres whose name adorns the prospectus and the min: utes of the company's meetings. His pléa was shat Mr. Ross was the friend of the corporations. Strasae, int it, that he should masifest this friendliness by taking taxes which the Whitney party will remit il' they get into power. Mr. Foy bad a Be got up to > iF 1 5 | ton ready to let him go with that. Mr Whitney wants to disevas probitition and the people insisted that he should say just what be thonght shout it. What was his answer 7 He had put bimisell on record, he said, and refer visl "the electors to the Globe for ex tracts. of his speeches and comments on the same. So much for the Gres of the up north midi Ross meetings, Tt will be r beted by the tory leaders, aid on election night it will be in order to ask what happened to Mahatly. MEDITATION A LA MAIL. } Suppose his majesty the king had. in his service, a party which had been faithivl to him for over thirty years; Suppose it had displayed great abil: ity in management, and improved his stare very much; = : Suppose that one chief steward afte enother had risen, had performed his part, sand earned the "Well done" of his master; Suppose the last one, and manifest ing great public spirit and energy, came to render an account of his Ia bours; Suppose the record was a really good one, that the estate bad been cared for and honestly administered, that the people on it were contentea and happy. that there was prosperity everywhebe, but that the stewards were: getting old; What would he do? ] | Kuppose there came before him, craving his favour, a band whose ap- pearance was exceedingly forlorn and faded; Suppose they said to him : We be clever people, skilled in all manner of artifice and cunning; we be able to do better for you than the people you have trusted so long and are now So old; Suppose his majesty called for the chronicles and had them read to him after the ways of his ancient predeces- BOTY } Suppose he heard about the attempt that had been made, in the long and misty past, to do him out of his estate Suppose he discovered that the men before him were the lineal descendants of the invaders who dared dislodge him and misappropriate his land ; Suppose he had the scribe read on, and learned about the mendacious attempt to bribe his stewards, within the portals of his own house, and about a devilish machine, which only the desperadoes knew how to work | Suppose he had these lean and ill favoured petsons brought a little near er, and he saw that each carried a flask and a bowie knife'; Suppose he heard them say they aimed 66 stab some one under the fifth rib every day, and didn't believe in the referendum ; Suppose he realized that in their presence his peace of mind was. gone and his lile was at stake: What would he do? Have the servants and faithful ones of the estate ** fall upon them," (to use a well-known scriptural reference), and make an end of them. ------ EDITORIAL BRIEFS. Col. Leys is having opposition in London, As be had a majority of 2. 000 in the last election he must be very much troubled about the matter, Arey Scott has retired from the political field in Ottawa, and the lib- eral candidate, with a solid party. be: hind them, ave Bingham and Lums- den, ---- The peace proposals are going through in South Africa. And the of fect is seen in diplomatic circles gen erally. The release of Britain's army means peach for the world. Shemini. f Oh, The Tory is a fake publication, i it? Well it has had the courage to give its politieal friends good ad vice, srw they have not seen fit ta take it. A little Mater and they will be sotry for their obstinacy. The conservative 'party' also voted against the enfranchisement of the far mers' sons. So says the record. The candidate who follows "Mr. Whitrey bas fio -elaim upon the support © of the young men on the fam. % Asis : is out as an inde in West Hamil Mayor Hendrie and the conservative associa: not be posing asa Jeader of the peo: ple in England. My. McGarry was the man who was heralded as the opponent of Hon Mr. Latchiord in South Renfrew, But Mr. McGarry wis not willing te sacrifice himself on the alter of bis party. The sacrifiwe 8 to be made by Mr. Moss who is somewhat green in politics a= fis name would signify. a---- "let us grab the pole," saws the Toronto Star, diseissing the Bernier exploration scheme. What would the Sine do with the pole if it were grab bed this minute ? The sacrifice of vioney and hfe in these perilous un: Jertakings has been move than chongh, -- ------ KILLS THREE AND HIMSELF. ------ Gunsmith Resentq Wife's Effort to Get Divorce. Madrid, May 6.--In the to cala La the centre of Andalusign brigand district, : Lugué, a gunsmith, heard that his wife contemplated proceedings for a divoree, gnd forthwith killed her. Thea be went to the house of his iather-in- town of Al the old Julian | Note [he Results. Mitchell Recorder. «"There has never yet been a conservative administra- tion in Ontario." =Strat- ford Herald. And mark the Hatural consequences ! A prosper ous province ; without a debt; with a happy and well-to-do people; t pride of the confederation; the envy of all the other pro- vinces. Enough said. C000000000900090 | 00000000000 0000 law, and shot him dead. Lugue went home and tured his house into a fortress, which he held against all at: taiks for several days. A large force of gendarmes. and police laid siege to the place. and one officer was killed and another wounded. Finally Luoue's sister had the courage 0 approach the house and urge him to surrender, as it was impossible to escape. Lague said : "Then 1 better kill myseli," and blow ont his brains with the same gun which had already killed three per sons, ---------------- All Are Asleep. A conservative asked the editor. of the Ontario Tory to write an editori- al entitled "Wake Up, Whitney." Brampton correspondént for the same paper wrote as follows : : "Dear Tory,~Who is runmng the conservative , organization in Ontario anyway, of is there anyone running i ai all? We read about an Ontario conservative association, but when we get into town there is none to be found. No one to give you informa: tion, no one to treat one decently, no one to give suggestions. or directions and tell how things are going. "The party seems & sort of irres- ponsible affair without any central or directing energy." er ---- Meeting Of The Bicycle Club. The Kingston bicycle club met last evening, president Hoag in the chair. There was a large attendance of mem bers, and much enthusiasm displayed. The members discussed the question of holding a field day of sports this sum- mer, ~ Many of the members favored the idea, and the matter will be taken up later. A membership committee was appointed, and a vigorous canvas for new members will be aeted upon. John Francis was appointed chair nan of the house committee, and the following honorary members wore elected : A. B. Shannon, representing the News; Fred. J. A. Belch, the Times, and Leman A. Guild, the Whig. A large number ¢ the old-time men bers are again taking an active part in the weliare of the club, a thorough reorganization has taken place, and the popular club begins another year with, bright prospects of success. ------------ Will Form A New Cone. Naples, May 6.--The central cone of Mount Vesuving suadenly collapsed on Friday evening and a large gap is now seen toward Pompeii. Long and very deep cracks have also made their appearance alongside 'of volcano. Pro- fessor Mattei, of the Vesuvian oliser. vatory, says the collapse will he fol towed soon hy stapling volegnic mani- festations, resultivg in the formation of & mw done in the dirsetion of Na: Jes, Considerable alarm is felt by the inhabitants. 3 The Royal Box. Jaroy: Pelletier's production uf Charles Coghlan's play, "The Royal Box," at the Grand, on Wednesday evening, will come direct from Filth Avenue theatre, New York, where it originally a vin of over 100 46. 'The role of Clarence will be assumed by 1} Howard Fowler, a H i it THE LAWS OF NETAODSN CRITICISED BY TEV. SALEM BLAND. Church Should Not JLegislate Be- yond Legislation of Christ and Dancing Should Not Be Ex- cluded. Qitana nena Sunday worsing wm the Eastorn Me thudist church the ro Rev. KR. G. Bland, sume out decidedly pro nounced agaiust the last clause in the Methodist church legisfatisn which prphibity dancing, theatre ring and card-playing. While in song sve pathy with it as counsel he war ope posed to it as legislation. The sermon was a continuation of the study of the rules of the Muthu dist chareh. "Rules. said the sever end gentleman, are good for the ig movant and children, bit Tor os hers the bible and the working of the Holy Spirit should be sufficient gaide, And at any rate the rules laid down by - the church legislature were nn comprehensive, as lving, stealing, murder, gdultery and gambling 1n bue- ket shops were not prohibited "The last clause was added to the Wesley rules during the closing hours of general conférence of 1806, when not over 100 out of the 250 delegates were present." Rev, Mr. Bland stated frank iy that he thought ¥# was a mistaky to have added that clause. The church has no right to legislate bevond the legislation of Christ and His apostles The christian church must not be at the mercy of general conferenies or general assemblies. The clavse added regarding the social life excoods the word of God. At a conference 22% out of 30 wight think a thing wrong. but their opinion should not he fubes ed on a manority. Sins cannot be made by a majority vote. It would he aad, were it not so ridientous, to think that if 'at a conference fifty-one out of a hundeed voted one way that a certain act would be a wn, but would not be if only forty-nine voted that way. Sins are what are forbidden in Christ's word. If legislation was made against one form of amusement Rav, Mr. Bland foresaw that it would be just as reasonable to prohibit chess, eroquey or ping-pong, or the reading of novels, hecawse many people pose these. : : "Let us not try to be wiser and more select than Christ,' said the re verend speaker. The spirit of some in the church ie that Jesus is painfully lax and wonderfully loose, When a young person comes and asks admis sion to the church on the grounds that they have made peace with Christ, but do not renounce dancing and such amusements, there are peo- ple in the church of such a spirit that says: "Oh, Christ may have received you, but you are not good enough for op- us Rev. Mr. Bland further opposed the clause because it is inexpedient. It is wrong to try to force on young oon: verts the convictions of years of ma turity. The weak in health should be trusted and admitted to the church, not met on the threshhold with an argument on doctrine, much less with a club and mandate you can't enter if vou do this or that. The young don't like the opinions of others thrust on them. Then the clause is confusing to the conscience. Doubtful amusements are put side by side with those allogeth- er wrong: Dancing is classed with profanity. and theatre and cireus vo. ing with drunkennessxAnd even the restriction against drinking, while a good rule to adopt in this elime "and temperament. could not be put in the chareh rules in some lands where wine and beer ix drink as freely as tea and coffee here, and with even less harm than the drinking of strong tea and cofies. The result of such prohibitory legis. lation has been to arouse in some quarters the opinion that the Metho- dist church exists for the sole por pose of shooing people away from the dance, theatres and 'cards, as the only thing the Methodist church abhors EXERTED WIDE INFLUENCE. A Figure of National Importance In Church. : New York, May 6.--Archhishop Cor rigan died last night at A 05 o'clock. He was talking to his secretary, Fr Pp. J. Curley, at 10.40 o'clock ; his heart gave way at Ll o'clock. Michael Anguetine Corrigan, arch bishop of New York, has for many years heen a figure of national im portance in the Roman Catholic church in America. Jn New York, by force of character and of intellect, archbishop Corrigan has exerted. = wide influence on public affairs 'and has been a potent factor in the np building and development of the chur ches of the metropolis, He was born in Newark, N.J., on August (3th, 1839, and had theatre reached the advanced ape of sixty. three years. He was educated at St Mary's college, Wilmington, Del., amd was at Moont St. Mary's, Fmmettshurg, Md, in 1859. Fhé same year he entered the American voliege at Rome, i dained to tinued at college until chair of ie theology and weer: at ol seripturs that institntion. ale Ti i c sue rials 36 inches wide and lar selling price 10c. yard. THE LOT AT BUT you'll find this store gains, value and reliable goods what's doing and you will sav SPECIAL SALE 2 5 Pieces Colon Mav 7th {10 am Strong bo north weet wine y Ro arth inds, veadualle clear. Designs are floral, stripes and guaranteed WEDNESDAY WE WILL CLEX Don't forget the fact that we havy and newest styles in SHIRT WAIS STARR & SUTCL. '118 and 120 Princess Street. King = - a------ nine TT New styles, $9, THE H. D. BIBB ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. OAX ua TOW Is in ordar #0 gf the first of the es, Don't be a back . any others. Sprin "Master pieces o 8. §8, $10, 912, $13, $3, $0.95 Spring Tos Blinds or style of $6.5 $10, 812, and Night |r Bone, Nerve, Muscle. and dare. You to-digest Eat Wheat Marrow for breakfast and for your day's work. with new vim, vigor land tour Itisa bone, nerve and muscle Best Grocers sell it. gin sured and will grow stronger and physically, with this dolich Cereal Wh Na w a Il A 7. TIFPaTT & CO., BILLING AGENTS. MON TT DO YOU LIKE ICE CREAM 7 i The gow Montreal confectionery stops mei Boise will base, on Neturdav CL UHEAM and SODA WATER since from pore cronm snd purs bruit fuilpws., Cindl and tev ib, ohiv So. a dish, Ales w Jorge Brock of Jey boxes of wars gn hawt H. E. JERVAS, 220 Princess St. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 5 : GATARRH CURE ,., &VU° oud al ¥ : ran SECOND HAND GOODS BOUGH | THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Eg PAID FOL Gent's Oast-ofl Clobing, and LT rAomMPSON HENRY P, SMITH, %, ete, Anchor | SET + ighest sash pr clothing, boots nod all Kody of bowed al card and we will I. Z4 drag wid A Pleasing John Kj} Are you selling ploy the best-y 8 tisfied when youpging 1 |