~ THE DAILY W HIG, WEDNESULAY, MAY ,7 = THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR DAILY BRITISM WHIG, = published ad , ot 306310 King Sirest, ot » your. Bdivions ot 230 end 4 what improvments can be made J titde paint here and there. Old chairs, old cupboards, old tables and dingy woodwork painted with 3 THE < SHERWIN-WILLIAMS : PAINTS can change the whole tone of the house. A different paint for each pur- pose. Tell us what you want to phint and we'll tell you the right paint to use. 17s Surprising about the house by the use of 2 sen COLOR CARDS AT sso Corbett's Hardware. wi ¥ BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, publivhed oviry Thursdey morniog nt $1 8 year. Attached is one of the best Job Printisg Offices in Canedm rapid, stylish snd cheap work, mine inproved presses. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. EDV. J. B. {HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor,' COST OF SCHOOL BOOKS. There are some people who cannot see nity difierence between book au thorization and book publishing, and "yet such a difference exists, and in an exceedingly marked degree. The school readers, writing books and drawing books are published by what is called" the "ring," whose op- erations the Whig did not discuss when it referred to ihe authorization of school books. The public school readers are générally approved, and they have been continuously in use since 1884, The price is regulated by the government, or by an agreement between the governinent and the pub Yighern, the ideq being to give the peo- ple as good an article as possible at us low a price as circumstances will permit. The question of cost was ré- furred to a commission of compétent men, publishers . and printers, some ( Any woman who 18 enter- prising enotigh to break away from old habits and _ on her next bake day, use Empire Soda BEST FOR time ago, and they reported favour Jably, There has been g great decline in the value of these books, in conse quinee of the large number which is im wee, and it is calculated that the saving to the people, on readers, writing and drawing books alone, in 1900, was $72,343.10. The cost of all the books wanted by the public school pupil--for the entire course--is $5.77, wnd the average annual cost is 5Sc. There is something to be said ghout the notes and briefs which are pub- lished by various suthors and given authorization by the department. I'he Whig has favoured the purchase of the copyrights from the writers and the publication of the books by the department. It ean say this, and much more to the same effect, how ever, and be a strong supporter of the - Ross 'government, It certainly has no use for Mr. Whitney's talk about the schools or colleges. He has i ( C r the the would not have elapsed after the clos- the railway would have commenond," on highway one and and everything else they wanted his government came into Monk and Mr 4 themselves as being Fe WHITNEY IS A BRIBER. The consersative tour must pronounced a success--=0 far a8 promises of its parficipants are eon corned. Ht has taken the people = by storm and bid for their support by open and Hagrant bribery. There is only one parallel, and it was the outcome of Sir Charles Tup- per's invasion of the maritime prp- vines many years ago. Mr. Blake was then the leader of the opposition, and on a trip down by the sea had made 8 good impression by his speeches, Something had to be done to offset it. So the old war horse was recalled from the high commis sioner's office in London and turned loowe upon this stamping ground. The result was that in a few daye the [wo ple were engrossed with the wonder ful schemes of the government, in the way of public works and railways, the initial cost of which ran up to rome sixty millions of dollars. Ontario quartette was joined by the Quebec contingent-~the bribing began. Mr. Smith, the conservative candidate for East Nipissing, said the opposi- tion, in office, would do all that the government had undertaken, "and a Little more besides." Mr. Whitney, catching the key note from Mr. Klock, Mattawa, said the opposition was red hot for the Temiskaming railway, and bad done nothing in the house but "censure the dilatoriness of the gov- ernment in not getting a bonus from the federal "government." And yet he bad voted against progress in, every form, and had, with the aid of his friends, done what he could to keep enterprise back. "IL" said oe, * the conservatives had received opportunity, twenty-four hours ng of the season until the work on )h what rot! And that is not all. Jontinuing, Mr. Whitney said a road to Sturgeon Falls was of the first needs of the district, he would sce that they got it, wher pow ¥ al oy expressed Mr. ailwev ar atfling supporters of the no definite ideas in regavd to them, and cannot explain any reform which he hints. One day he go the public school sy ol 1 rs h 2 make i, complete, a Foes not say. ol il start five or six "nf iiural ' colleges. Une ally A the number to fifty or AF a + Another day he vg or seven agri ; BAKING . . she will find that her baki:. ight, health, p00 ol aw - assosar r mn x 14 sot the capitali ane a 8 St ~ ! 'of the ho? 4 is absolu- "ricnitutist Sha of unvarying taxatiogh. Always use the hisedfF oportions and you'll ys get the same excel: ag 4 fie are cesssenseses | NL ¢ endorse 8 thing, young ship without a com YoOPife's 5 men without a plan, Whit i 'h headway a a I) k as mue NE pass of rudder. n------------ WEBB-MEYER SYNDICATE. pr. W. 8. Webb, of New York, he capitalist and railway r------ ne i revelatic t figured too well in the 0 ht fe have occurred In nA with the Dominion Securities oss v New ork venture, Dich hr n with several bi = pretentious banking houses, SA Which "had a hen on" In Ja y navhiny out a variety of welueshes, hief of which was the aevelopment « savers) cailways with the aid of Nova Reotian and federal honuses. The bonafides g up in the house some time consideration of a which the company Was The minister of railways atements of nnectio 9 bill interested then chal Canadian railway were hob gorrect. point became intense fdicate was & Myke upon the Intercol sowertul ive from ¥ 1 be financial pov The fact thst Dr. dent of the company, laway a director fictitious value as ence, and now tha gos into Jiguidation, fall ® nt of view. Webb was of it, pave a matter of ref and that in \ brokerage , it is explai he prospectus 4 amounts to 5 ned that ir names to with men like bed fF elt ves surprised that work "Geoi1, meant a good deal, said Mr. conservative members, of them would the meeting by assuring the that if Mr. Whitney were elected pre mier he would always be ready to re ceive deputations al fy any grievances from which th of the company came ago in the mn the com- ita pros: as the Webb Hleged to have onial rail: to be all: presi- and 8. R. Cal od by them, t the company has | pid Lauri institutions | po office. amounted this, how of reputation can: .. THE AFFAIRS OF THE BOUR the At North Bay----where Mr. Whitney's k A TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. United States admiral Sampson died yesterday. The Allan line steamer Ionian, hom St. John, N.B., arrived at Liverpool, on Tuesday. Dr. Porter, North Bay, a patient of the Oakville sanitarium, was drowaned while bathing in the lake. The conservatives of Port Arthur Rainy River have pominated Joseph G. King for the legislature. Mrs. Robert Murray, whose husband was killed on the Grand Trunk track, at Hamilton, 'is suing the company for 85,000. | The camps for cavalry and artillery will be held as usual this summer, buy, (it does pot seem likely that there will be any infantry camps. G. R. Blithe & Sons, dry goods, of { Ottawa, have assigned to J. P. Lan- ' gley, Toromto. The firm has been in bnsncial difficulties for some time past. Horace G. Bowen, chief cashier of the bank of England, for many years a member of the council of the in stitute of bankers and the Royal elec: trical society, is dead Charles - Wilken a who lived pear Elmwood, Ont., was instantly killed through his team running away, the horses being fright- ened by a hand-ear, A course of military instruction for school teachers of high schools. or col: legiate institutes, in Ontario, will be held at Stanley barracks, Toronto, commencing on the 7th July. A trooper writes from Abyssinia that he and twenty other Italians are still prisoners of the Negus Menclik. It was supposed that these men were killed at the hattle of Adowa in 1596. The West Hamilton hvernls helt a convention on Tuesday might and nominated 8. F. Washington, K.C,, as their candidate for the legislature. Mr. Washington was the only nomine ation and he was declared the unani- mous choice. of the convention. Tha Toronto baseball club has pur- oh. «dd the thease of ["Buttons" Briggs, the fing twirler of manag- ally Taylor's Utica club, of the York state league, and he will Non the team at once. B¥500 js the PN pri an 10S Lame mm the P.E.J 2s > nent The case of . gove retired farmer, vs. ed in the supreme court at Charlotte town, on Tuesdny. The court decided not already been begun upon it Foy, o Toronto, which would elect four and every one gee that the road was Mr. Carscallen closed quickly built. people, nd redress or recti- ey were suffering. i the warping And finally ot % Beware © ou rom imely enough, in omises I It was time br conscience, alter the Sponiiers had been so profuse in generous speec! ' «1 gome to you," said Mr. Whitney at another meeting, 8 little while ago, « with nothing but honest intentions. He has abandoned become boastful and recklegs, bidding for power by br most unblushing kind. ---------- EDITORIAL NOTES. ; opposition in the legislatur every step ¢ WEY election and The voted against ernment in re jue. selfvay, d has not been built. -- cause the ros At North Bay Mr. Whitne action of the legislature in iskaming bill--the ro which he resorted--was dvignnd hasten the building of the road. it? would have thought it ? Before Mr. return from New. Ont : 8 | have several railways started are telling the people some i t waren, aud fh bx non likely. "n ---------------- er- | The Spectator has i er will get its tion and d the coronal ou an ee ib whiel \ h as that of being That office man in sight T the | io jo honor 10 | ciates sO muc mier of Canada. adorns as no other AY | do. arriers of Toronto a reso action with the says that that idea now, has 1» of the of the gov-, gard to the Temiskam- and now find fault be- y said the the Tem- obstructive tactics he people may be deceiv- t that Sir Wil high honots at rop out of Cana: h Sir Wilrid appre Jation concurring in the t the act did not spply to part- Banton and consequently the, firm is not liable for the provincial tax ol of $100 on commercial travellers. A meeting of the British empire league, was held Tuesday evening, a the British house of commons, under the chairmanship of lofd Avebury, to hear an address from Col. Denison on the subject of prefential trade. The duke of Abercorn, Sir Charles Papper and several influential members ©! parliament were present t There is a clause in the Dutch eon- Greenshields, Montreal, was argu- 4h - R FOR MAY. Tophetic Fame, call attention he month to of May in our atmosphere and usually brings on a series of very threateming and often dangerous storms. We believe that a daily series of storms of thunder, rain and wind. with heavy rain in many localities, will over from the 7th to the llth and that at the fimal "blow out" oi break up of the cycle, a marke change to cooler weather, with grea: probabilty of heavy frosts northward are almost certain. If only one gener al storm should oeclir at this period the cpol wave and frosts will follow it up immediately. A reactionary storm period is cen tral on the 14th and 15th, followe on the 16th by the passage of the moon over the celestial equator, oi her way to south declination. Such a thing is not improbable fo the daily cvele period referred &« above to last into this resctonary period, and if such should prove tc be the case, look for a general ant violent culmination on and touching the 16th. Very cool nights and frosts over th northern sections will most likely fol low these "Fenctionary perturbations with very cool weather, lasting fron about the 16th up to about the 19th The Vulcan storm period, centra on the 21st and covering the 19th the 23rd, is another period in whid xery active stormd may be -counte on. We will name Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 2ist, 22nd and 23ed as the days upon which the storms o this period will develop and run thei course from west to east. As we enter this period the day: and nights begin to grow sultry am warm. About the 20th these condi tions will break into active storms o rain, wind and thunder in westen sections, and during the three day: following, these storms will increase, in extent and severity as they gathei force and move eastward across the country. On and touching the 26th and 27t} look for a change to much warmer falling barometer and some decide storms of wind and rain. Summing up the outlook for May we predict that geverally it will be ¢ fine month for pushing the work o * e n. Ch AN EXTRAORDINARY FACT. co-- in House Disputed the Accounts. C. Fraser, at Galt. { "Now, | am abow extraordinary fact : In all the las Never b o emphasize an Why Re «Use S. H. a M. avoid all necessity binding. Next ti need a skirt bindin S. H. & M. Red , write to bias corded velvet. resk of your x Shop here p ople shop here bec? general public shop In ; satisfactory store and every Thursday for | 56 in. Suiting and Dr Black, made of fine worsted und $1 yard. THURSDAM™ A 'clearing lot of AD - (s00ds in various designsfigod, $3.00 Up value soc. to 75¢, THU Colored and White Tiokes. Trowels an & Wools. THU haa REDUCES EXPENSE ll do quicker work ith impure soap. Octagon Bar. whi Nata SOP wide. Regular 20cc THUR , Parasols, Regular $2. ach. Men's Colored Shirts, $1 and $i DAY 7sc. Women's Tailor-Made Suits, Women Shirt Waist Hats Children's Black Cotton Men's Bow and String STARR & S 18 and 120 Princess 'esses d Ease. , celebrated Lock Weave Meron! grades, $2.50 andl $3.50, Seagrass and Wool M. . stripe tickin~. only $2.50 are Boted for durability, For Polishing Furniture use our Faenite Restorer. Have yoor repairing and upholstering do Tlail: thirty years, the conservatives havi never even tried to show in the hous that a dime was disbonestly spent (Applause.) Yet, and it 8 signi ant, on the platiorm they clamor about dishonesty. (Laughter.) "Mr. Chairman ei ayn ith In an AA . that TI nd never at a dime was 3 esting just ew. IL p s 8 son i ne avor when v1 on H child i born within wd Dutch parliament has diswolve the marriage. power to LEFT OVER $200,000. : A Former Kingston School Teacher. ¢ to Stas x go aloerman herman, who © - estate In Canada ued. Mise Mary will of the lum ast, lel piu, James Scott, died' in March | valued at " Jane Scott, receive the residence wi St. James' cathedr morial window not to the memory © St. Georges 8¢ James Smart 8 cl exceeding ¥2,000 piety is ' to ho . "+" sess juty will not The sueseesioh ficiaries. year the bene deducted from Whitney and his friends ario they will They queer the vicinity ingston. * Kings hospital i ity college, 8 to on general At of this sister, Trinity college. a into fifteen part fiths to the Siek chilaren jor endowment of cots She. Tet 1 Joseph and Jane Scott. § Ringst denth he balance of here pre: he can yidows' shane" una, one-fiiteenth ead! home for nena ic institution, en's aid society, Si. Ji ! day school, eof] | school, Kin Besides ¥ have new home for the a sister, will th all elects. al will have a me: i Harvey Stanley given Brockville, $5, lothes will go '© 1i this is not $10,000, $20,000 to the three: hospital memory Harvey, 8. i , Ort bie children fuhe Sun i Ontario will d tempte The people © i misspent. } 8 not give credence to such men. plause.) "What that says then says platform ? liar, even W { Langhter. } men are liars, statements are do you think of a party nothing in the house, and al kinds of things on the Sir, you can't trust a « he tells he ont say that these but | do say that their ties. (Laughter and applause.) I a tory charges the Ross government with dis him for a single instance committee of enquiry wes slayse.} : 04 t's this: } d does no oe use, One must cons ide tion does not bring prosperity. a party must build up. The parts dha ba= 'pothing to show, no ron. ha it makes charges is not the park that should be supported. in which a + sir, what is the question ? The party th hing else is no good, © truct; destruc y, ------ April Conditions. These April notes are meteorological office , Faronto stock. Trees coming into . Stratford --Light snowlall and dry winds have pweve advancing unduly; ear just breaking hue oh 4 regetation well orward; Vege: also fruit-trees and busk Georgetown.--Several wild flowery blooms on 10th; swallows arriv Stony Creek. --Wea Thi aothing injured by fropt. 8 good condition, Port pope. thing is backward. gay ka. Forest Yu op ang 1 hing nearly gv: PE ialiburton.- ce wept Mb on Sth. Kinmow! buddi durin IR Crowth Jarmgm been slo Vv > x N tation P den ing done; no graif subs only beat of life; no SE be At on 30 col ly leaving-tre , 30th. Paris tal Ol rer the Eve ng of vegetation h to nning had S182.414 in shages in the United States. the truth. § honesty, ask # called. (Ap B at finds fault e given from the Wood nted vegetation heat log*" of OO her Myora uch seed of luke roes, plants, ete. he last three days. mn in frees Rd ae. ira. err Aree ing 2S. REID'S, ™ "908 rakes INSMITHS © foider. *It's such a pleasure to work. Hall apd ball, refined, wim, DA METAL CO., any Willtam Street Toront: WE LEAD, FOLLOW: We control the agency in King ston for the most elegant shoe fc Ladies, made in America--Reed' of Rochester, NY. Worn wit great satisfaction by the fire Ladies of this city. Your oppo: tunities for securing a pair these are being lessened ever pair we sell-made in Patent an Velvetta kid, in turn dnd welts soles. Prices, $4, $4.25, $5 We also carry McPherson's P: tent Chrome Call and Dongol raison of play lations give temporary re but it is ussless 0 try cure Asthma Ly brenthing ated air or smoke, Asth- being a constitutional dis requires a treatioont that clean out ssl tome un the m CLARKE'S KOLA POUND ju the only remedy mewts these reguirements that it does so perfectly, mn by the mmov remarks pures, after all i Fhysicians recommend 3 botiles $5. prepaid, from Grifliths & Macpherson Co, fi else had \ - - §ental Fencing. All Styles of Orsde mental Fencing Yery Cheap. Flower Stands, Trel- lis for climbing plants, Wire Guards, and Wire v all panulactured kinds by F PW ed h oly pd 8. in {BRI = Walenta. Snvited. . off to Students. ONG'S, ig. in ry " perfect and spd remedy ° 1 Aree ¢ ly kin. Our ALWOND 8 : rT Foun used ae diceetdl, Fe ot skin foe. be ow -- has | o oe "3 ® ructions be ® 5 hows © sivdent to bean $ "ia pmayze TOET Sine 118 King BU v : re. va Cunninvhem, * Manageres LA BE ¥ Belleville, has! NYT, a= a