Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1902, p. 1

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i YEAR. NO, 108. i - KINGSTON, ONTAHIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902 LAST EDITION a Yo Aro In Bed A Third of the Time. eR dT As 'ou'll Enjoy our Si she nied br Tht vu ice, 3 2 Robt. J. Reid, oo, § Doors Above the Opers nse, Telephone 877 A. A Matter Of Wisdom. Tt is foolish to wear glasses if you do not ike guits hat are fashionable; our svi on fas you select 8 eom- ive t quality into Ok wd qu Rvcaustions ) r x oy engin out LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Board of education § pam. Royal Arcanvin 'meeting to-night. "All On Account of Elise" at the opers house thin evening, Limestone lodge No. #1, AQUW. meets tonight at sight o'clock, Artists aod poets frequently ges their High bhals by livieg up doses to the rool. Lomdon bas Just segured ite first amibul- ance for the removal of disabled animals. Glsegow is to baw o military review, to dive 12,000 and spterisin 100,000 on our mation day, While the under dog usally has the sym- pathy of the crowd, the one ou top gots the rate receipts. This day in the works history : Cans digns arrive at Zaed River, 1000: ¥. H. Vauderbils bern, 1821; Sir Jobn lin's fate, in the Avotic sem, diwcow 186 : of Washington treaty of, 18TT, Schiller died, 1806; Jobn Stemrt in died, 187% but Hon. EK. 4. Fivan te of Palo Alto, 1846; asked to join & cabimet io Quebec, 15896, boronaton mers. The Latest, Just Out. ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA ol: GRAND w| First Appearance Here of the ts KINGSTON, 26th May, af the FAIR GROUNDS. MILITARY TOURNAMENT, lv. 84 oh to Sa iY 10 Sonh IN THE BAKE he - T. HB. Fergwmon, GIRLS AND ONE SMART work, Apply KINGSTON EY a { FRONT SHOP BOY, ONE ches Ply Pg Mr yom with ON NING RACES. LACROSSE MATCHES. BASEBALL MATCHES. Excursions ou all boats and traios, J. MORGAN SHAW, Ww. Al. GODWIN, Prasident, Secretary. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW be, 10¢.. aud 1Ge. ANT. BY JUNE 28n, Mew. Avien, 138 Wel i FROM 20TH MAY Must have in evening I making. vweive_ dollars 4 addres wilh two ; GHFICE WORK. MUST eg weOurBte. | PICTURES ? KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE w HOUSE » TO-NIGHT CELEBRATION HORSE RACES, 298, #30 AND RUN- T0 MOULD OPPONENTS jato A Portion Of The British Empire THIS WILL BE BRITISH AIN ASKED TO CONSIDER PERIAL FEDERATION. Britain Cannot Interfere With the National Development of the Colonies -- There Must be Slow Progress and a Con- stant Conservation of Energy. London, May 8.~In his address to the great demonstration of the Prim- rose league at the Albert hall yester: day, the marquis of Salishury said that when the present conflict was over all that could be done would be done to mould their present oppon- ents into a portion of the empire which had conferred so many bless ings on the human race. ord Salisbury then touched on the question of imperial federation, e exhorted those who were anxious to secure that end carefully to consider the steps they were going to take and the results which they expected. They could not interfere with the national development of their colonies. He looked with apprehension at any at- tempt to anticipgte events or fore- close the precious result which was in store for them. If they were patient and careful there was a tremendous destiny before the empire, if they has tened there might be the reverse of such destiny, the breaking apart of those forces which were necessary to construct the majestic fabric of the future empire. They had to remember that matters were changing, there were forces in the world much more powerful than used to work, and they must watch them with eare in order to avoid that their great ener- gv should be directed against the in- terests it was their business to pre serve. A despatch to the Central News, from Liverpool, says that the circular of the White Star line will not be is sued for some days yet. The share holders probably will not meet be- fore the end of the month. The des patch adds that the Cunard line has decided to invite lenders for a new steamer for the New York service to cost $1,000,000. This decision is tak- en to indicate that the company will not change hands, and that it will maintain its forward policy. The Berlin correspondent of the Morning Post sends the text of or ders which have been issued to the Russian troops forbidding them to parley with mobs when the military is called 'out during disturbances, and saying that aiviless shooting over the of rioters must be avoided. Weapons must be used conscientious- ly and zeslowsly in accordance with orders. 'The orders were remarkable as eonfieming the reports that the soldiers are disinclined to act against the insurgents. The weather 'in London is hitterly ¢old, and snow has fallen in various parts of England. There have been snow-storms in Cheshire and Lancas- hire, and in Dover and other parts of Kent and Leicestershire and Norfolk. Snow fell at Newmarket = yesterday morning, accompanied by thunder, followed hy sunshowers, The returns issued by the London board of trade show that during the month of April the imports decreased £65,080, while the exports increased £1,505496, The increase in exports ted to £387,542 Replying to a question on the mat. ter of the shipping combine in the house of commons, yesterday, Gerald Baliour, president of the board of trade, said he was gware that navi- sation bounties had been granted to French built vessels, birt the affect of these on British trade was subject to investigation by the select com- shippi subsidies, which he hoped wo Shortly be reappoint. ef. Mr. Balfour said he dil not think he could add anything usefyl to what be had said in the debate the other day on the shipping comlfine. At the annual meeting of the civil engineers' institute, yesterday, the council anhounced that in accordance with the Carnegie scholarship scheme, i value of £100, . Mathews, United States; {, Great Britain, and Herr ' re, ad . 3 ex is appro: val of the awards and was so pleased with the vature of the applications that he had doubled his original do tion, the course of the debate in the house of commons, last & wing, op John J. 's vote of censure the for his ruling on » recent ceoasion of t i of John that be to SECURED TWO BOYS. s-- Youthful Vandals at Work in Summer Homes. Ogdensiqurg, N.X., Mar 8Cottages all glony the St. Lawrence river irom Terrace park to the fishing grounds below this city have been entered late- ly and Grticles stolin, broken and: used. Monday night Fraser MeDon ald, who lives in the vicinity of Dill- ingham's island, noticed 4 light burn- ing in George E. Vankeunen's cotlage and pioceeded to investigate, He found two boys in the place enjoying themselves in different ways. Mcbon- ald arrested the boys and took them to his home where he kept them pris cnars over night. Yesterday ke Vought the youthful burglars to this city, where they were ockad up. They were arraigned and pleaded guilty of burglary and gave their names as John Barber and William | | We Are Well Off. The Montreal Star is no grit--mot even the most biased and hide-bound tory will dispute that--but it cannot shut its eyes to the fact that Ontario has been well governed. A short time ago it said when to- ries here were denouncing the liberal party in this province : "Jf the province of Que- bec had as good a govern- ment as that of Ontario jts people would be too happy to even dream of a change. The trouble with certain sections in the sis- ter province arises from. the fact that they don't know when they are well off." 0000000000000 0000 000000 00000000000000000000000%¢ | ds i Wallace. The boys say they have Leen living along the river and seeking lodging in summer homes for the past month. Many boats, sails and other articles have been stolen lately and it is believed these boys are guilty of the crime. e---- BRAIN WAS AFFECTED. This Ted to Mr. Sweatman Tak- ing His Life. Toronto, May B8.-No inquest was considered necessary on the 'body of Arthur Sweetman, who committed sui- cide by throwing himself in front of a train, The father of the deceased said hie gon had been in bad health for a long time and he believed that pro- longetl sickness had unhinged his mind. He went to Mexico four years ago to try life on a ranch and he took ty- phoid fever. © Last winter he went to California and only « returned to To- ronto last Friday. German Belief. Berlin, May 8.~Count Douglas, who is a friend of emperor William, By introduced & bill, in the Prussian diet, preventing the sale of spitits containing fuse oil before seven o'clock in the morning in summer and eight o'clock in winter, to persons under sixteen wears of age, or to habitual drunkards. Count Douglas expressed the conviction that the countries where temperance is ineuloated will ultimately secure the advantage in industrial rivalry, instancing the Un- ed States particularly, Baseball Wednesday. American league--At Boston, 12; Baltimore, 8. At Philadelphia, 6; Washinoton, 5. At Cleveland, 3; Chi- eago, 5. At Detroit, 2; St. Louis, 4. national league--At Chicago, 4; New York, 0. At Pitssbhirg, 4; Brook- lyn, 3. At Cincinnati, 3: Boston, 7; At St. Louis, 1: PhiladelpKia, 3. Eastern league--At Buffalo, 2; Man- treal, 6. At Rochester, 3; Toronto, 2. At Worecester, 3; Jersey City, 7. At Providence, 10; Newark, 5. * Train Wrecked, Then Burned. Des Moines, Jowa, May 8.-The breaking down of a tank car filed with oil caused a costly wreck on the Chi & Western RR., at Talmage. Conductor George Miller, of St. Jos eph, Mo., was killed. The tank car fell from 'the hridge over the Grand river, deaguing with it three cars, in chading t caboose. The oil was ignited, and the bridge, 150 feet long, and the cars werp burned. " Convict Dies Leaving $6,000. Laporte, Ind., May 8--George H. Steyer, a life convict, died in the Mi- chigan city peison. He succeeded i USE CANADIAN FLAX For The Manufactur: of Binder Twise A NEW PLANT T0 BE PUT IN WILL BE INSTALLED AT THE PENITENTIARY. A Provision Touching the Sale of Binder Twine Has Been Withdrawn--The Bisley Team is Now Complete. Ottawa, May 8.--The agriculture committee recommended the installa tion of a plant in Kingston peniten tiary to use the tow and fibre of Can adian flax: A resolution passed Inst session by which the government was directed to sell on July Ist, by public tender, all of the binder twine output that had not by that date been sold direct to the farmers. That has not worked out well, and the provision will ac cordingly be withdrawn. The Bisley team is now complete, Lieut. W. L. Ross, of the 13th regi ment, Hamilton, Ont, has dropped out, and the last four places go to the following men: company sergeant major M. McDougall, 5th R.C.A., Vie- toria; Capt. J. M. Jones, 82nd regi ment PEI; Sergt. J. J. Perry, 6th D.C.OR., Vancouver; Maj. J. Spearing, 53rd regiment, Sherbrooke. Waiting men, Capt. W. C, King, 46th regiment, Bowmanville. The supplementary estimates for the year were presented to parliament yesterday. They total $5,739.30], of which $3,386.20] is chargeable to con solidated fund and $2.350L100 to capi tal. This makes, with the main esti- mates, 859,100,939, for the year begin ning in July next. There are $10,000 for experimenial farmé; $175,000 for Bt, Léuis exhibi- tion; $20,000 for Cork and Wolver hampton exhibition; $50,000 defence Esquimalt; $300,000 arms and ammu- nition; $150,000 to purchase rifles; £50,000 for the coronation military contingent; £315,000 Halifax garrison; £1.315.000 for Intemolonial and $36,- 000 Yukon public buildings; Northwest government, $107,000 and Yukon gov- ernment, 2384 500. Mr. Lash, on the First National bank of Canada bill coming up before the senate banking and commerce committeee, suggested that the bank be styled The Securities bank of Ca- nada. Strong objections had previous ly been taken to the title First Nati: onal bank. Mr. Lash's suggestion was adopted, and the bill was reported as amended, It is probable that the militia partment will assist in the big mili- tion fo be given in Mantresal on coronation day, The min ister of militia has set apart a sum to pay for the transportation of a limited number of troops from other points into Montreal. Bomé of the western Ontario regiments may take in the celebration, do- "PEACE PROBABLE." The Message Gen. Meyer Cabled to His Wife. London, May 8.-The wile of Gen. Lucas Meyer, the commander of the Orange Free State forces, who is in this. country, has reedfVed a cable message from her husband saying that peace in South Africa was probable, 208 Boers Captured. London, May S-<Further advices re: ceived. here from South Africa an nounce that 208 Hoers had been cap- tured amd that ten burghers were killed in the neightiorhood of Lindley, Orange River Colony, yesterday. : Boer Operations In Cape Colony. London, May 8.--A despatch to the Times, from Cape Town, says that normal operations in Cape Colony are less afiected than other districs by the Boer meetings for peace. The enemy is not pumerons, but the enor: mous area of the country renders the camgmign difficult. The pick of the enemy are some Transvaalers who ae- companied Gen. Smuts in his horried tour of 'the madlands and then geross the railway to the western distriet. One Lody comprising six commandoes has been intervupting traffic on the railway between Port Nolloth and O'Kelp; another has headyoarters two hundred miles away in the great Fish river valley watching the block houses line. Three commandoes have headed north; 4 small party of Boers is again wandering in the Camddboo dis- trict, keeping close to the mountain i i i the wil Fi Hi i 5: F E il fr 4 bd ¥ i ii I i 1 PLEASURE PARTY DROWNED. Seven Young People Lose Lives in River, Toledo, Dhiv, May ¥--Seves voung peoge, wembers of a Sunday school class of the First Baptist church, weee drowned in the Maumee fiver, just below the city last night The naph- the launch Frolic, on which they were taking a pleastwe ride, was run down by the tag Arthur Woods, of the Great Lakes towing company's fleet. The launch is owned by Joseph W. Hepburn, of this city, who invited ten young people to take an evening vide with him. They starteil put op a trip to Lake Erie carly in the evening and were returning when the accident hap pened. Mr. Hepburn, Miss Clara Marks, Arthur Marks, and Miss Grace Lowe are the caly survivors, Mr. Hephaun says that he saw the lights of the approaching tug, and thinking it was bound straight down the river, turned to the cast, When nearly abreast of the launch the tug suddenly turoed to the east in order to make the dock at Ironville and be fore the launch could get out of the way it was struck by the tug and overturned and sunk about 100 feet from the dock. Mr. Hepburn caught hold of the side of the tig and the Lowe girl grasped his log and both were pulled on the tug. The Marks girl was picked up from a cushion on which she Hoat Ar thur Marks also was fortunate enotgh to grab a piece of wreckage and was picked wp by those on the tug The other seven members of the party were drowned and the river is now, being dragged for their bodies, Capt. Al. Fitts, in charge of the tui, sail the launch showed no lights and that he was not aware of its presence until 'the tug sirick her. TO AWAIT TRIAL. -- James Stephenson Held on Bur. glary Charge. Cornwall, Out., May 5.-J, Stephen- son, recently arrested near Wadding ton, N.Y., and taken to Cornwall by inspector John Murray, was brought before police magistrate Davis on a charge of burgjary, committed at Morrisburg, on January 15th, After hearing some evidence the magistrute commitied Stephenson for trial. Nr M. Markell, whose hushatd was re cently sent to Kingston for four years for the same erime, testified that Ste phenson brought the stolen goods in- to her house. Stephenson is said to have been connected with the Melhall gang. FRENCH SHORE TROUBLE. Newfoundlanders Complain of De- predations. St. John's, Nfld, May 8.-The resi- cents of St. George, on the French shore, complain bitterly of the depre dations practiced by the French ermen, whe recently arrived there, No warships are vet on the coast and the lawlessness of the Fremchmen in un- checked. Loeal fishermen are compelled to earry guns in their boats in order to protect their herring nets. An extra foree of police hax been ordered to the scene to prevent further trouble ; To Visit Kingston. Watertown, N.Y., May 8.-It is pro bable that the 4th battalion of the National - Guard will visit Kingston, Ont, May 26th, the date of the cele bration of Victoria day The bata lion includes the two separste com- panies of Utica and one each in No hawk, Malone, Ogdensburg and Water fown, and is commanded by Maj James 8S. Boyer, of this eity. The 206 separate company here Kas voted to go if the other companies of the battalion go, and all but those at Mohawk ana Malone have signified their intention of I the trip is made the soldiers will meet here, May 25th, and will leave that afternoon for Kingston. doing so. Died from Exhaustion, Wawancsa, Man, May «John Leachman left home some time ago (o go across the Souris river. His bont was discovered, a few days later, some distance down stream, and ves terday bis body was found on the river bank. It would appear that the man was not drownep but died of ax baustion and exposure, It is thought that the boat capsized and that after | hanging on ~ te it for a long time, Leachman managed to climb on the | bavk where he fell from exhanstion. x She Is Improving. The Hague, May 8.--The bulletin on the condition of quesn Wilhelmina, is sand this morning. says : "There wad no increase in the patient's tempers ture yesterday evening. Her majesty had a good night and ber condition this morning gives cause for sstisiac tion." & For Army Medical Corps. Ditaws, May 5-~On May Mth a six-days' course of instruction for misidhers of the army medical corps will be commenced in Ottawa. Sergt.- Maj. Gillisde, Ottows, will be in charge, Now soft front shirts, 75¢. and $1 at Bilby's. During Moving D. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Moy Sth, (10 wm )~Fise and moderately worm today, then to v Showers and oval thumdor storms Sa rong south to wes winds. Friny strong winks, shifting 10 Wiat aed Sorth Wout, showers as Best followal by eaves id SORSETS THURSDAY FRIDAY 750. A PAIR. They include P. D,, W. B, C. P. makes, COLORS --White and Drab SIZES--18 to 30. NOTE---No approval dnd not returnable. PUTNAM MARRISOR<41 the resithocs of the bride's father, on Walnosdsy. Mav Tih, by the Ven Arveisiencon Opewe. H of 1802, 8 Pawam to Flores, third desgbder William Marrison, York street. A Pleasing Dream. AWAKE FOR ACTION. J in foolish to dréam of futurg 'satisfac Mon. It is wise 10 act at Onde v im possible for those who are esreful, We'll mike your dress sete Wve by providing A home vou oun bay" wad easily tev for, ineliads properties of eany prices. APPLY 10 A. CAYS, 346 King Street. Our lists that's why GRIFFITHS MEN. THOL LINIMENT was nebo. It's impossible for soy Pee, external or inlerdal, te exis, when this wonderful lniment ie i pons thabt Pain Not President Schuman hae declined to be on the committee to investigate thy alleged Vhilippine = airocities Ha thought president Roosevelt wonld aft justly. A Special Favorite Jn a git =r i! f Days Gentleman's i * i i r £ x Watch is our thin » Send Soe tmily ast Plain Gold Case fitted us, save 4 yourself 'all the worry | | with one of our | and labor. Oux rates movements. , are reasonable, and the | § No charge for engrave guality of our work ing a monogram on 't, i h i HE i 3

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