Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1902, p. 3

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t it econundttes . a : Mr. Wilson--1t see r 105 BOMRD OF EDOCATION! 2: "imme = THE LABOR QUESTION CAME I> INTO VIEW. Board Defeats an Amendment Miss Martin Appointed Kin- dergarten Assistant -- Busi- ness Transacted Last Night. A meeting of the board of education was held last evening. Pre sent Bears anid Messrs Martin, James 53. P. Oram, William Kelle: Meek, W. H Worm ! , RK. J. McKelvey, , Joseph G. Elliott and Aollowing communications were rend and referred : Ie department, To- clo ue of $1,215.65, the grant iate institute. eo to finance committee. From George Cliff and P. Strange, neking for g share of the hoard's in- war . committee. : 3 we, asking to be appointed entrance examiner. Man- 'ment nittes, rm the education department, eon 'a of an amendment to the Hols act. --Fyled. should displate one #ho bad given satisfaction by one who had not been Mr. McKelvey---Mibe Anglin was not appointed by the board, Mr. Wilson--If this rule ctrries it is no inducement for téichers to give their best serviees to the board, Miss Anglin should have galten the posi- ion. ; I Hr. Shaw moved, seconded by Mr { Wilson, that the report be gmended by striking out Miss Martifs name and substituting therdfore that of Miss Anglin. Mr. Shaw spike stroug- ly in favor of Miss Anglin. Mr. McKelvey gave explanations of the canes that led wp to the ap pointmént.. Several names were before the committee. Miss Martin bad frown up in the Sty hooks; aml she d had all ~ kindergarten training here. The committee of 1808 virtually promised Miss Martin the position, but funds were not available to mske the appointment then, If there was any ciaim on the position, Mise Martin it. Mr. Molntyre said he Wad objected to the clause, for the same reasons as those which actuated Messrs. Wilson and § Shaw. 1 amehdment was uit d lost the following division - py tou on Nays--~Monsws, Elliott, Kelly, la -- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY MAY 9. AAGISHN HERE molith. There were four- teen cases of tinancy and one sus pension, e them." resolution enrried. Prof. Martin's was also @arried. Principal Ellis' Report. 5 Principal Ellis, of the esllégiate in- stitute réported as follows for April: 1 te attendance, 331; average, : corresponding pumbers for lust year, 24 sud 26. Inerdase in aggre gate, 57; in average, G8. Decrease in stiendance since last month, 4. Moved by R. Meek, seconded by Mr. Elliott, "That the board of education keep a record in its office of the resi dent ratepayers and supporters of the public and high schools. That appli- cants for admission to the school procutd fem the secretary of the board a certificate in effect that the parents of guardisios ave public and high school ratepayers. That to ap- plicants who are non-res payers certificates be issied to that effect. That these cértificates be accept: ed as the basis of the applicants' ad- mission and assignment " that enquiries . be now prosecuted in the schools, sa that the proper classi fieation snd rating nay be applied to the scholars who 'hate in any way es residents of Aon was unanimously motion, respecting better lighting of WAS KLED IN TE Wooos BY A FALLING TREE STRIK- ING HIM. A Search Revealed the State of Affairs--Decensed Was Well. Known and Respected -- A Number of Bears Killed. Wensley, May 6.-A very sad accid ent happened on Thursday, May Ist, when James Gowan, a resident of Weasley, township of Abbinger, was killed. Deceased was building brush fence, and while cutting down a cedar free, not noticing one which had been previously lodged in the one he was cutting, stepped back, appar ently to get out of the road of the! falling tree. But unfortunately he stepped right under the lodged tree, which came down with a crash, hit ting Mr. Gowan on back of the neck killing him. 'Mr. Goplin, the man ' who was working for him, was not more than five or six rods from de: ceased when he was killed. He saw | the free fnll, but as Mr. Gowan had been falling trees off and on all day, he paid not attention. When the call was given for the four o'clock meal, Mr. Goplin went home. After tea was over deceased's family bodante uneasy about him, as they had ealled sever -- READ THIS RECORD. Of the Ontario Liberal Govern ment in Thirty Years. Education. It bas expended $18,205,000 on edu cation since' 1871. The total grants for all edueation- al parposts wi 101 was S968 051 {im cluding « grams to agoieuitural and mining schools), or out of every $4 spent, by the government $1 goes for educational purposes It placed the depmrtmiont of educhs tion under the responsible control of a minister of education+a course proved hy the late Dr. Ryersom, erintendent of Soundil of public in struction. It made the educational council a consultative committer to confer with the' minister on wh watters as he (may from tine to time submit to | Tt crystallised the schoo! laws § |» Sno | sonsolidation. a t has improved the school on fifty distinct lines, making gee most complete and effective of any | similar system in the world. It has established' a school of prag- tical science, provimsa! and county model sohools, normal college apd schools, training Institutes, art schools, teachers' assogiations aml mechanics' institutes. : It bus 'ssivted tichmical schools and -- he Accounts Passed, wirtiey, Martin, Meek, McKelvey, Ri- hy resolution, recom: chardeon and Wormwith--s. Meek, of the following ne: Yean--Messrs. Melniyre, Oram, y Mig. od; Brockville, Shaw and J. Wilson--4. 80.11; H. Skinner & Co. 4 Dr. Fee objected to voting, but. the y John Corwett, hardware, other members demurred gt this, say: . N ps Heat & Power Co., | Ing that 'they would all liked to have ry \ . \ 5 Connor, furniture, 8%; shirked 3 / er ot Ai al times and had no answer. So they Manual training departments, ~ Left For South Africa. ash ob io. search for hin, only To Hy policy as to textbooks is Cans Caintown, May 7~Farmers ave 8b-| fisd hin in this terrible position. - for the Canadians. In 1883, out of out through their sealing. The grass They had to-go two miles to get help 154 books used in the public dnd for this time of year is very far ad} ¢; remove the tree, dnd teke the | high schools, only forty-nine «were vanced. Que cheese factory has under- corpse to the house. Deceased was | written by Canadians and 185 by Am = go some sre sin 4 te |e "io Torn in| an ae Be phe IY 10 . \ : . wy his ny ess mt in and ¥ p as | 3 i schools, wi jn ahdies, Conn: Guarantee. and | Dr- Fee then voted against the sin " y. \ \ Wi 7% Sips for heating in cool weather and iy ns j two exceptions, is the work of a Ce Insarance Co., bond, endment, ! : : 3 TN 3 G7 7 or cooling in warm weather. R. R. | Plovna, by Kev. 'Mr. Muyck. I'ecoased | nadian author ! $7.50: Bell Telophswe Co., 812.50; G The report was then received and TS 7 Philips has made some repairs to his | was very much respected, and will be It has reduced the text-books from a Nu 8 & Son, $42.00; John he. » ) > wind mill. Tra Andress, agent for the | yiseed by all who knew him. number in different tranches of study to's expenses, 818; | Mr. Godwin took his seat at this . fichro TG: cor Canada carriage company, has sold | The country is beginning to look | 10 one in each. , sundries, $2.50; C. juncture, A ol! davitdt now dh Jha ibeuen, Will } quite attractive again; the gentle | Thirtuen $htt-houks were used dn the Of; Kelvey & + -- Connolly, atte ietotia universi. wers t ' entd , | public schools in MN, as against Bi pul Ae i The Property Committee. ty, at Toromto, an left for South ar Ey rie histure | ty-five in 1906. Twenty-three Sere th e $30; Jobn Wilkin- 50: RB. Uglow & C6, | Mr. Oram prescnted the report of | , Africa as a mounted policeman, pverywhere oning to dense | in the high wchools in 1901, as come A ack Bs powder, | the property committee, recommend | s wish Will a pleasant journey and a with their na Alhouch the | Pared with sighty in 1875. house, $1.44; | ing : That James Cruse be paid He. | safe return. Burton Hays, Union Val | gris has not much of a start as | It has materially reduced the cost , 8; | per night for acling as caretaker jor' P ley, wad visiting at John Kincaird's | get, the prospects bid fair, and the of text-books. The average annual Y p the liases Juring last winter; f reve » on Bumday. Miss Anna and Fara | | ser. | cost to public schoel pupils is only b Ya farmers are looking toward a prosy that t soltifnites be empowered Jo . Baul, Semparines Jaks. wera visiting ous year. Mr. Cronk snd family, of ! " a South par pupil. purchase & Borse roller for use on the - frie here receatly. p ickey and | Parham, are spending the summer in redugtion in price in text-hooks ant Tomiie Taporte, | ot Frome ube commie ot | The Man the Liberals Say Will Remain | Xi iii Bro" moskport™ wre | WEE. "Wr Feonk "ob Tooky | frm, 150 to 101 shows o saving of om oe + | Ai 00! ication o s 6 i 8 . enbugh other day t ill three | $73,000, Mr. Rn presented the report Hamilton, Se of the building . as Premier of Ontario town this week. William Buell reports ah and catch a small ob, which he PUA a 6,010 public schools and . ttee, recom: rades' council, t ar 0 » hy! achers, of 4 RR oes be have ite work berg Bh : a pgerien director to and recommends that so fat as prac; i of the class to he opened | ticable union. labor be employed. the cofitraet would be given to the | MeKelvey and Richardson--d. a | that while absent from his home in | wii] take home with him. a a ar Junetown, on Sunday his house was The number of departmental exam inationa bas been rethuced from twen- 1 + in Sédenhagh + sehool in September, Mr. Oram moved the ption of union Wan; yo---Mesers. Wilson, Eliott, Kel Bi ts ny Eo ach a8 asbistant to Miss Mr. Martin--1 strongly oppose that, | ly, Godwin, = Laturney, Meek, Mcin-} his parents at Rockport. broken into. Nothing of any value seems to have Been taken. E. J. Ka The Delineator For June. ty-seven, held under the council of wd the report, 4 : Jones," at' nssistant's pay, until the ok Martin objected to the lant | Any man of common honesty should | tyre, Oram, Shaw and Fee--10. mid-simmer holidays; no action in | clause in no uncertain manner. t | give every taxpayer .an equal chance The report was then adopted. ; The June number of the Delineator IA : hat spent Saturday and Sunday with lrts nothing to be Sor mp public instruction, to thirteen, fons, in the timelindsg of its house Spring Madness bold matter, in the interest of its lit ' " ; : ME gd : ' New French Warship. erature, and in the beauty of its il: i Rim Carian in Afters = petition oa po grin Sin » de friable Yi sans! ! Fiat Jetta wos a plese of impertin- Paris, May 9-The armored cruiser | lustrations. The publications ane | Ard urief in past yo the centifiuiunce of the half line tis] CL Fil the thupaylesand: we: the: and Tdbut tonceive of mey son The Inspector's Report. Admiral Aube was lswnched at Saint- | time ago of an article on Old, Blue | Tg, the wild heart in Cataranui éhinal; that e tin ori benloin sheng ns meu sible body 'sending such a letter to Inspector Kidd presented the fol- | Nazaire to-day with interesting cere: | China aroused such interest and in | Will tip it ami smboiden now. for 1002." 0m. ation of Mr. Lam. | between laboters and gmion Jaborers, | this' board | lowing report for April: Total num- | monies, and"in the presence of a large | volved #6 much correspondence, that | fur 1000 on he an nations "the We have no move right to militate | Br. Meek did not seo what else the | hor of pupils in attendance, 2,355; | crowd of spectators. The vessel is o | a supplementary chapter was planned The bro) io gd A ania lly 160° nk ven he matter dus i a a | committhe could have done than it | Jagt year, 2,313; increase, 42, 2,355 ; | sister ship of the Conde, recently | to give collectors the information de- Ard the woth wkise orl "and i# of the opinion | Methodist. Are we to take the bread | nad dope. daily attendance, 2,002; last year, |, 8] launched at Lorient. She is the last | sired, and appears, fully illustrated, whi» Yelm af win 'that' the t system of making | and butter out of some poor man's' Mr. Martin moved, seconded hy | 895. increase, 167. In the kindergarten | of the armored cruisers provided for | in this number. The departments pre dom of new splendor now, ns Pe Y! hi hools is | mouth becande he does not join a nn- | Mr. McKelvey; that clause three be | 163 pupils were enrolled, the average | in the shipbuilding programme of | sent matter of interest for every | "The stmeta are fill of ~ladness pow Promotion Ly i at on there: jon? 1 do hope the board will eancel | dropperk: bs attendance being 131. New pupils ad- | 1806. The Admiral Aube will be | branch of the household. Porew thwir Jook of sisdness now; an Eh a Lay change | this clause. The committee should | » Mr: Kelly stated that the criticized | mised, 108, of whom 31 had recently | ready for commission in Sune, 1903 ; ot. gl ger at p : have ignored the communication. I latter remituled him of Haat of , 80 came to the city. Since the opening Her total cost is estimated at nearly Men s Summer Underwear. ! Comes back the old spring medoess wow." Mr. McKelvey moved the adoption | move that we cast it out, and that inhutdrion Agent, whe #nid: ] Bteih of the schools in January 196 new $5,000,000. _ Splendid value at S0c., 75c., $1 suit : the communication be returned te the my ine work, nt a ; pupils have been admitted, of wham Oak Hall, Bibby's The H. D. Bibby Co. . . rt, PY + i x " 2 i iv leman who sent it.' it." As for the rest, it was not, R85 were recent arrivals in the city. We have shout 2,000 pineapples to r. Wilson Mise Anglin give genth ma defended the action of Worthy a reply. During the same 'period ' 29 public | "Into each life some rain must | Men's ready-to-wear sits, 66, #8,| choose from. Extra good value for Hi ny was called upon to | the committee, pointing out that any- he ment was put and lost school pupils hmve moved out of the | fall." our umbrellas will prevent it's | and 810. Livingstone'. preserving, don't delay too long I sar that she was giving | one, union or non-union, could tend- on the following division ; : city. 28 pupils have made applica: ' falling on your head; special at 8, Rich Coronation cake, try a pound. | from $1.50 to $2.50 per dosen. J. tion. er for board work. If both were equal Yons---Measrs. Martin, Wormwith, tions to write on the entrance exami- $1.50, The fH. D. Bibby Co. W, J. Crothers. cock, & laborer Two Thousand. Le Carpets. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS from the leading English Mills, large dssortyient of designs and colorings, suitable or Japanese Nothing so cool and cléan, €ih "be" $iSily - fitted to any room, giving splendid wear, a very large variety of designs. 12jc., 15ec., 1Be., 20¢., 25¢. a yard. x QOCOA MATTING, for front steps, madé of the best quality fibre, warranted to stand the rain and frost, unequalled for service- ability, in all the standard widths, #, 3, 3; 11 yards wide. 28c., B0e:, 8B¢.; 80c. yard. "BRUSH MATS. A very large range of these goods. Everything mew and fresh, plain and open work, B50¢., 60c., 7c, 90¢., $1, $1.25 and $1.50 yard. : and Be A Surprise in Undershirts $0 doen (800) MEN'S BALERIGOAN UNDERSHIRTS, ranging in _piieds from 40c. to 7Be. each, including the best French finished qualities, all sizes, up to 46 inches. Special to clea: 25¢. each. No drawers in this lot. | WAIN UMBRELLAS, 108 good Umbrellas, made of extra quali- ; ty English Waterproof covering. Black, guarattésd natural wood R. Waldron, Cor. Brock and Wellington Sts. LACE CURTAINS.--We are offering a 3} yard tape bordered Lace éurtain, nearly finished at only 70e. FINE QUALITY NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, 3} yards long, OS4-inches wide) heavy and light designs, very excellent qualities, at 98¢, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 pair. EXTRA VALUE, NOFTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, finished with the new lock stitch edge, which is warranted not to Pull Away in the Washing, new Renaissance effects, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.- 50, #4 pair. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, made on extra fine soft net, neatly finished on edges, with plain or worked centrés, very handsome Yorders, eream and white, $4, $4.50, $5, $6, $7 pair. rooms, halls and stairs, at 5O¢. per yard. BALMORAL CARPETS, the very choicest qualities, very hand. some patterns, suitable for amy house, 75c., 80¢., 80c. yard. EXTRA SUPER INGRAM CARPETS, very stylish, designs, ex- tra values, 35¢., 40¢c., 45¢c., 50c., @0c. yard. BRUSSELS CARPETS the very best qualities, extremely hand- some designs, beautiful colorings, 90c., $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35 yd. TAPESTRY RUGS. --We are offering some very special induce ments in these goods, sines © fest x 0 feet, 9 x 12, 12 x 12. ALL WOOL ART SQUARES. Nothing to equal them for wear or appearance, can be adjusted to any room, in all the best sizes, 9 x 9 0 x12 10§ x 12, 12 x 13}, 12 x 15, etc. ete. handles, 85-inch. Well worth, $1.40. for $1. each. . Corsets. 49 'cents for Women's Corsets, straight frost and Short waist styles, grey only, neatly trimmed. 98 cents for the new girdle Cor- wets, and straight front bias gored Corsets, white, grey, suitable for Curtain Muslins. Tn nafy new ideas, 158., 20c., 25¢. yard. Plain ant: Fancy Nets for Sash Stockings. 2 Very eXcsllent values in Boys' Cotton Stockings. 2-1 Rib Cotton stockibgs, double knees and feet, shbsolutely fast black, all sizes, 5§ to 10 fnéhes, 12jc., 15¢., 17%c., i-1 Ribbed Cotton Stockings. Extra Fine double knees and feet, a really excelient Stocking for wear and appearance, sises 5}, 10 inches, 18¢., 20c., 206¢., 30., 85e¢. pair. ENGLISH PRINTED LAWNS, very neat, stylish goods, our own importations, at 15¢., 18¢., 20¢c. yard. SATIN FINISH FOULARDS, beautiful Mercerized finish light and dark grounds. Floral and striped patterns, 20¢., 25¢., 28¢c. yd. GINGHANS, English and American ideas, checks and stripes, 10c., 104e. and 15¢. yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS, NEWEST NOVELTIES, WOOL CRASHES, VOILES, ETOMENES, TAFFETAS, SERGES, CHEVIOTS COLORED SILKS, IN PLAIN FANCY DESIONS, YOR WAISTS AND DRESSES LARGE VARIETY. : {a Rr MP A Sh _--_-

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