Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1902, p. 5

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* Fd THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY. MAY 9. SS ---- WHAT YOU 0, 50 IT WELL This Is Important for Health Building in May Thousands of Cures Made by Paine's Celery Compound Should Convince You of Its Value, "What vou do, do it well," is the golden rule of business Gike; This rule and far coming he observed in many other life, In sickness and suffering "what you a gore lost health, should + While prudenes and common i ply every instance, you aright, the experiences of friends and neighbors and the housands from Sicloss and suffering, will point directly to aine's Selery Compound: as infallible bealth-givet. People who think they will get rid bles suchas 'rheamatisin, neu- dyspepuip and pervous disor elicits which have not Jot assed experimen tal stage, wi fe sadly disappointed and find their Lid gufierings incceased. | : To get rid of rheumatism, neuralgia, © dyspepsia and nervous complaints, it ix wisdom to use Paine's Celery Com pound, a medicine that procecds at ones to make the mppetite normal, sleep natural, and refreshing, the nerves wirong, as a foundation for Tuilding up health and vigor. If sick people in May look for a true nerve strengthener, an honest blood purifier, a reliable dinretic, that will restore # , renew vitality, regulate the kidneys, liver and bowels, they should at once make use of Puine's Celery Compound, and note the speedy and pleasing rosults that flow from its use. : 3 CONTRACTORS A SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO TH undersigned anid endorsed "Tender for Works," 'Will bs received at this department until noo of SATURDAY, MAY 17th, for the erection of the Chemistry, Mining and Geology Bulking on Colleww Street in con nection with the school of Practical Science wxoepting Heating, Phambing, Ventilation and Elctria work. Tends may be sont In separately or in bulk, Ser Plans and specifications ean be seen and forms of tender procured at this department An accepted buok chaque, pavable to the une dervigned, foe five. por cent. on the amount of each tender for ach of the above works will be required. The cheques of the unsuc or any tender. "7. RB LATCHF¥ORD, Commissioner, Department of Public Works, Ontario. May Sed. 1902. Newspapers inserting (the nbove) this ad vertisement authority from the de pariment will nob be paid for it. opt loweat . SEALED ; TO TH® wodhersi ~ det for » ving Dominion Mdings. git be in this ifice 3 tl TUES. AY, Sed 208, inclusively, for she Public build supply i nies and form of tender oan be on application at this of SHOE BUTTON FROM A LUNG BY A REMARKABLE SURGICAL OPERATION. ee First of the Kind Recorded--Ex- cision From the Ixterior--The Patient, a Child, Will Recover. Chicago, May 9.--~Through a surgic- al operation believed to be the first of its kind, little Louise Dishuer, whose life was despaired of because she inhaled n shoe button, is a happy patient in the Hahnemason hospital. The button, which she had inhaled while playing with it over three years ago, was en fram her left lung af ter an Xoay examination. The op eration, which is: the first instange in which a foreign body inibedded in lung tissue has been removed by an excision from the exterior, *was per formed by Dr. Howard Chislett, of the surgical stafi of the hospital. The Jittle patient has survived the ensuing shock and is mow considered out of danger. " ysicians had several times declar ed the removal of the hutton imprac- tieahle owing to the difficulty of de termining its exact location. Ulcera tion in time closed the entire left long and forced the button further down into the tender lung tiswnes, When the child was taken to the hospital Dr. Gordon E. Burdick made two skiagrapbhs with his X-ray appa ratus, one from hehind the patient, and one from the side. The resulting pictures showed the button. An in cision was made into the affected tung, the radiograph having given the physician two pointe from which to determine the button's position, which he removed with a pair of for cops, Compressed air containing nebulized oil will be used to inflate the lung as soon ss the wound, bas healed, and the doctors say their treatment should effect un complete cure, ---- A FURTHER HONOR. Dr. Mitchell Appointed Fellow of R.A.8., London. Few young men have attained the saceess and bad the honors showered upon them that 'have fallen to the lot of Dr. 8. A. Mitchell, son of John ©. Mitchell, of this city, This young Kingstonian graauated from Queen's in 1804, apd in 1898 obtained the de- gree of Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins university. After a vear spent at the Yerxes observatory of the university of Chicago, working with the most powerful telescope in the world, Dr, Mitchell was appointed to his present position at Columbia ' university in the city of New York. Since then he has twice heen invited by the United States government to take part in the ohservations on eclipses of the sun, in 1900 in Georgia, and last year in the island of Sumatrg in the East Indies. The weather at this latest total eclipse was very disheartening to an axtronomer, clouds covering the sun throuchout the whole of totality, but. in spite of these unfavorable condi- tions, the photographs taken by Dr. Mitchell were very . excellent, and the rosinlts "of his eclipse investigations just published have been most highly spoken of hy the leading astronomers of this country and England. The appointment' as fellow of the Royal astronomical society of London just bestowed upon him seems as a fitting reward "for such good work, This is the oldest astronomical society in the world, having heen founded in 1820, with William Herschel, the groat astronomer, as its first president, and to it belong the most noted astrono- mors in the world. It is indeed an honor to be q fellow of such a sotiety, and Prof. Mitchell is to be congratuo- lated on the high standing he has at tained in the scientific world. Fifty Years Sheriff, Perth Coudder While the assizes were in session last week the fiftieth vear of the docupancy of thie sherifi's chair by James Thomp- son, passed away. Mr. Thompson was appointed sheriff of the thep united counties of Lanark ana Renfrew, on the lst of May, 1852, succeeding sher- if Dickson. He has filled the office long and worthily, and is yet quite healthy in body and mind, though in the month of July he will be ninety years old. ---------- A Benefit Social. A social and concert was held i the First" jet Sunday school room last night in aid of the organ fund. The attendance was good and the collection liberal. Songs were wiven by W. Salshucy, Clare Smith and Miss Winaie Phillips: recitation, Miss Goetié Geary; duet, Misses Jes sie Derry and Pear! Smith; eramo- fone selections, ¥. W. Coates. Rev. Tr was s- To Celebrate The + At a lar meoting of the Royal Arcanum, No. 905, held last evening, three new members were initiated. The anniversary of the founding of the or- der will be celebrated in Gananoque on June 25th, and the Jocal lodge decided o take part: On Tuesday next ex: q iltiam Punlop will go to BUT HE WANTS THEIR VOTES. ---- Carscallen's Opidion of Presby- terians and Methodists. Hamilton Ties. : ft usea to be said of lord Glenelg, who was colonial secretary at the time of the Canadigny rebellion, that be had a. positive genius for doing the wrong thing. A similar remark might be made about that silver tongue which is the distinguishing feature of Heory Carscallen, the tory candidate for' East Hamilton, Several yrars ago, when Mr. Carscallen was a candidate for the mavoralty of Hamilton, that tongue broke loose on the steps of the eity hall, at midoight, on the Sunday precoding the day of polling, and it performed so peculiarly that it drove hundreds of good votes over to Mr. Carscallén's opponent, and caused his defeat. The other day Mr. Carscallen spoke at Renfrew, on behalf of the tory candidate. Perbaps he thought it was safe to let that tongue of his run Joose at such a distance from home. He is thus reported by the Ottawg Citizen : Mr, Carcallen scored principal Grant, of Queen's university, for his slavish support of the reform govern- ments, past and present. The support was, and is, still given, he stated, in return for financial favors received from the Ontario party by the institu tion. "Rev, Dr. Potts, in the sale of old Vietoria 'umiversity, of Cobourg, has also a reason for supporting Rose." A few days hence, Mr. Carscallen will be looking for the votes of Pres byterians and Methodists; in East Hamilton--the votes of men who hold principal Grant and Rev. Dr. Potts in the highest mspect, and who cannot be convinced that either of them ever sole his political support for financial favors from the Ross government, The public money expendéd in connec tion with the work of Queen's college, the Presbyterian institution at Kings ton, was usefully. expended. The min ing achool has more than peid for it self in results, and it i= part of a plan for developing the wealth of Ontario. To people of the eastern part of the province, Queen's college has been an educational centre for more than half a century, and nothing that My Carscallen can say will cause the men of Eastern Ontario to look with disfavor upon schemes to extend the usefulness of the college to estab- Tish and maintain which their own money has been freely contributed, and in which many of them have re ceived their awn education. Bo with regard to the old Victoria ollege building at Cobourg, which Mr. Cars. eallen says was purchased by the gov- ernment to get the political influence of Rev. Dr, Potts. The building was ppechased becanss the government could make good use of it for asy- lum purposes, the other assy tums in Ontario being overcrowded, Tt cost less than a new building with similar accommodation could be erect- ed for. No doubt it was an accommo dation to the Methodists to find a purchaser for & building no longer needed for college purposes, after the removal of Victoria to Toronto, but there was nothing corrupt in the transaction, and Mr. Carscallen ought to have been the last man to make such a charge or insinuation He ought to keep that tongue under con: trol. BIBLE IN THE SCHOOLS. Delegate McIntyre Regretted Ac- tion of Educational Association. At the meeting of the board of edu- cation last night John Melntyre, the board' delegate to the annual con vention of the Ontario educational as- sociation at Toronto, on April Ist, 20d and vd, gave a brief but inter esting verbal report of the proceed ings. He stated that Prof. Dyde, Mr Ellis, J. G. Elliott, and Miss Jones, Kingston, were also present, the lat ter contributing a paper. Mr. Elliott had had the honor of being appoint ed vice-president of the trustees de partment. The minister of education delivered a swecint and highly inter esting address. Mr. Mclntyre was sur prised at the - way the association treated the proposal to introdiice the bible imto the schools. One depart ment tabooed it altogether, and an other department treated it in a ca valier manner. The bible, said = Mr. Melntyre, should be need ax a text book for its literary value if for no thing else, and he mode a strong plea for the introduction, of the study of holy 'writ jin the schoels. Prof." Martin stated that, in his op] inion, "when you put the bible into the schools you take it out of the home." Mr. M arked that many chil: dren gegffo home training. He favor | ed that the lessons be continued, and would like to sec the words, 'With out comment," struck from the regu lations. ' Mr. Elliott quoted Rev. Mr. Cook's paper on this subject, given at last year's convention. Mr. Cook, he maid, wanted 'the great' historical features and literary conceptions of the bible brought before the children. Mr. El liott considered that they were work. ing along a reform that would cowe sooner of THE HAVE VIOLET COLORED RAYS A CURATIVE PROPERTY ? Important Extensive Experiments Being Conducted in the Flower Hospital, New York--Results Secured in Europe Ave Encour- aging. New York, May 9.--At the Flowe: hospital a second experiment has been made with the getinolite, , pew elévtrienl apparatus, through which thé actinic ray, or the violet colored light, which hds heen found to be ges uicidal, is thrown upon the diseased parts of the hody. The first patient was Frederick Mont gomery Campbell, fourteen years old, the special protege of Anson Rr Flower, the president of the hospital, who for a vear has defrayed the ex- penses of the boy's care in a private room. The boy's case is a desperate one. He has tuberculosis of the hip ip a very advanced stage. The entire upper part of the femur has been cut away. His only hope is in the .actimic ray, and although that has been used on him but once, al ready toere is noticed a décrease i the discharge from the wounds. ¥ second operation' lasted ten minutes, after which the boy was carried from the operating room, and a second pa- tient, suffering with 5 secondary can cor of the neck, was brought in. The light used is of 3,000 candle power. Similar cases will be alternately subjected to treatment from actinic and X-rays. Experiments 'alg will he made in radium, an element which, under the action of radiation, emits rave similar to Beaquerel rays found in pitchblende, and the rapidity on whose vibrations is between that of the actinic and the X-ray in Vienna, Paris, Copenhagen and other cities of Europe, treatment Ly means of "the actinic rays has teen systematically carried "on for months with results which its advo cates believe are highly encouraging. some Sunnyside Sayings. Sunnyside, May 9. Judging from the machinery purchased by the farm ers in this vicinity, farming is pay- ing, The following are some of the men who bave bought machines this year : Jonathan Knight, binder; Charlee Trudell, roller and horde rake; Oliver Fairbanks, sr., horse rake; Ja cob Harpell, wheel cultivator; C. A, Adair. dise harrow; Archibald Knight, mowing machine. Milford Abrams has gone to South Africa with the fourth contingent. Albert Aylesworth has purchased half an acre of land op posite the toll-gate from John Har pell, of the city. George Harpell has moved from his late residence to property he recently bought from Mr. Herrington, Toronto, John Cooke, Cobourg, has recently been making a short visit with his sister, Mrs, Jon athan Knight. Oliver Fairbanks is again drawing the milk to Mr. Rob inson's factory. Mrs. Sidney Gunning has been seriously ill with hemorr- hage. Mrs. Harey Rodway is staving at her old home gt' James Powley's. Mr. Rodway is prospecting in the north-west. Miss' G. Townsend. Kep lor, spent a week at Alfred Knight's Several attended Northwore's shile and made a number of purchases. Ed- ward Cooke, Miss Emma Cooke and Miss Gertrude Northmbre at Knight's. Miss Noetthmore is about to Jeave for Ithaca, N.Y., to visit her sister, Mrs. Jackson Mr. Leaky's broncho gave him quite a chase on Thursday, coming from the citv to the toll-gate on the Sydenham road, before being caught. One of the cul verts on the main ropd, in what known as the Powley flat, was closed up last fall, and the other, which in a dangerous condition, was to he widened, but bas not yet heen done, causing the water to back up on Mr Heaton's land. -------------- Another Rhodes Story. Court Journal. A wellknown peer asked Mr. Rhodés to stand godfather to. hig son, and he rorlied he would on one condition, which was that he might invest. at once a hundred pounds in the boy's name, and give a hundred pounds on each suceeeding birthday, prov ided that it should all go on at compound interest until-the boy was old enough to begin to spend the interest; and that then he might yearly decide on what to spend it, so long as it was mot on himsol. SPH," said - Mr. Rhodes, "will do two things; first, it will teach your boy how to spend money: and, secondly, it will make him unselfish and kind to those in is need.' ------------------ The ~ funéral of the late admiral Sampson took place to-day, at Wash ington. Every department of the na tional government was rvepres( ted. The military and naval features of the ceremony were brilliant and im- pressive. General Tieresian Simonsam. presi dent of the Haytien republic, has re si his . The Haytien congress will assemble May 12th, to elect bis SUCCPSSOY. « The Pittshirg Gazelte this morning says: "The United Siates steel cor poration will expend $60,000,600 in improving their present holdings.' heavy snow storm is raging tem: perature registering thirt deren. . The estate of "the late Sir ilhiam Sheffield Telegraph, England, at TREATNENT OF CANCER! TO MAKE A TOUR. ---- Lillie Langtry to Again Visit Am- erican Cities. MRS. LANGTRY. London, May 9--Mr. Frobam arranged with Mrs. Langtty to pear at the Garrick theatre in New York in Jaohary. Subsequently she will make g tour of the principal Ame rican cities, with a specially selected comflany. has ap- MARINE INTELLIGENCE, | Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. The steamer Vietoria, of Rockport, i# now in Davis' dry doek for repairs The schooner Bmerald, from Char lotte. with coal, arrived at Garden Island The tug Col. By, after receiving re pairs in Davis' dry dock, cleared up the Rideau canal. Swift's wharf : Steamer Spartan from Hamilton; steamer Ridean King from Ottawa and cleared again M. T. company elevator : 88. Rose mount and consorts cleared for Fort William; steamer Arabian cleared for Toronto; tugs Bronson and Thomson arrived from Montreal with five light barges During day, the the heavy gale on Wednes- schooner Ballou sprang a Jeak amd had to be ran on a bar in Brighton harbor, sinking in about eight feet of water. The vessel was laden with stone for' Toronto. A par ty is at work raising the Ballou. -- Donations To General Hospital. * Mrs. Hume, Seymour, 85 R. J Chown. books, ete; Mr. Leonawnd, couch: Mrs. Porter's children, books; 5 Y. Parkhill, syrup; J. Gilbert, groceries, soap, ete; Capt. Booth, pa pers and books; Dr. Walkem, hooks, periodicals; Misses Voight, oranges, sugar: Miss Chown, papers; Mrs Ro binson, toilet set; 8t. Paul's church, flowers: © Chalmers church, flowers; Rev. Mr. Crisp, magazines; J H Johns, two bags onions; Alexandra circle, King's daughters, pillow slips and towels: Mrs. (Prof) Marshall, chickens; Victoria circle, King's daughters, twelve, sheets, twelve night dresses. twenty towels; W. G Craig & Co., two hoxes baddies; Mrs H. Wade, 'magazines; Mrs. Dalton, il lustrated papers; W. F. Nickle, bot ties: Mr, Smeaton, bottles. The char ity circle have completely renovated their room, making it one of the most attractive in the building Doing Big Business. Broekville Times There is a great increase in freight traffic on the Grand - Trunk railway. Wednesany 551 loaded cars, represent tng 147.0960 tons, passed east through Brockville vards, and 229 loaded and SIS empties went west One eight wheel double compound hauled sixty wight cars to Montreal, representing 2.300 tons. This said to be the biggest {rain ever pulled over the fifth district nw A Lady Injured. While Mrs. Reid, "of Williamaville, was getting off a car at the corner of Alfred and Princess streets, on Thurs day afternoon, the car started, and she was thrown to the ground, strik- ing Her head. She was carried into Mrs. Adams' millinery store, and later token. home in a cab, and a doctor summoned. Mrs. Reid was severely shaken up; but' happily escaped seri: ous injury. Be One Of The Lucky Ones Who will get ome of our new styles in derbys, at $1, $1.50, $2. Campbell Bros, noted for low prices one's fine hats. You Save $5. 1f you buy one of the $10 serge shite we are selling this week, Jea- kins, Men Of Taste. 8 our neckwear, 25c. and S0e. v's, Oak Hall. Mes John ¥eFarlane died in Drum- mond township "in ber vighty firet ; survi : ve dig th Wonk St, They are a sure cure for Faint or Dizzy S Effects General Anemia, ron After down system. Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. and Energy. Srvousness, Nervous Prostration, Palpitation of of bility or all troubles arising from a run © Price Sc. per box or § boses for $1.25, all dealers or « Toronto, Ont De- Dy, Twelve Reasons Why People Should Use. 00D FURNISHED ROOMS, without board, 101 Quesn stems. =~ By coming to us for Labor- Saving Implements. z= Lawn Mowers, Good, Sickles, Grass Knives, Rakes, Trowels and all other Gardening Tools. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. $3.25 UP -- AP---------- 0 33 LET, WITH OR MiLT BREAKFAST FOOD 191 FOUR GOOD PURNISHED board, th ROOMS, WwWiTH , with oll modern couvenisnces, ab University Avenue. First--1t is the most delicious grain breakfast food made Second--1t is the most healthful ce- 3 real food : Third the most nutri tious form in which a grain food can fw merved. Fourthi~It is the most easily diges It comes in | THAT DESIRABLE RESIDE! strest, lately oooupied Possession at onos. or terme Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. 1st Brock modern cou! wo lH. D. Bibby 168 KING by Major Eston. apply MAY. BRICK RESIDENCE, #44 Al condition, § street, rows, vetienoss throughout, Apply 201 Brock street. ted cereal food manufactured, Fifth-1t pleases the whole family, old and strong and weak, athlete and invalid Rixth--For invalids A NEW young, 1 and convales street, sirests, 8 moderate. NELSON BRICK HOUSE, NO. 27 k and Johnston rooms n Apply Ring street. Food is an um is always relished the best food for age after infancy is indorsed by cents Malt Breakfast ecpialled diet; it Seventh--It children of anv is all the of srities in the science mend Malt MONEY health food Tenth-It affords a great variety appetizing dishes EleventhJIt i# a boon to those suf Breakfast Food as a true of city ON THE 1s OF Gore, star the Park. corner rk. Large water furnace. Apply to ne y a Bagot 8 sama, and farm property. WeiLL MAY, THAT VERY DE 117 of weet... MONEY AND BUSINESS. TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL low rates Interest on Wi@ county pe w lavestment ly. Offiee opposes Post Office. from indigestio dyspep It banishes all stomach derangs economical package wakes 5 weal for twenty-five to thirty jeopl A Man's A Man If His Clothes Are Right. We make suits that give 2 man character ; that show It is the most foods; over one oiders. FARM lowest. oo { Liverpool, Fire Insurance Company. A 1.187.218. Arie t, bL412 fty the unlimited ity of For particulars INSURANCE Express Office, Market London and Globe In addition for the possible rates. business got giving sew STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. character ; we put quality into the work and our productions are fashionable ; our svits have your ideas worked out on fashionable lines. J. R. Johnston, TAILOR. Provincial Election, FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EDW. J. B. PENSE. ¥or Good Government, Building up of Ontario, and Kingston's best Interests. - NOTICE Is hereby given the public that 1 propose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. ; P. Walsh, 55.57 Barrack SL. The Kingsion Rag & Metal Co, 389-301-383 Princess SL Ends for

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