DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY MAY 10. 1 Laxative Water. MMEDIATE RELIEF, 'Wineglussful Before Breakfast. atained by smaller and steadily peated for successive days. i ee ee and Strength 19 Thouswnds. The old breaktast grair foods with of insoluble starch and wither ! elements producing dvapapeig,. Amdigestion, irritation of the sroptions and redness of Ho pi mi wi Bot been tolerated in man; y foe the igtroduction of Maly Food i The advent of Malt Pyeakfast Food has w health, or] and content- went tot of thousahds who use Jouin - mudcle in he etivition of . Thi neg Hed breakiast food oa pe tive banisher Hf dyspepwia and feregrlarities; our Best Lhywiciang recommend it daily to those whose digestion is weak. It 3] Brees with the stomach of young child and the strongest von would build up in flesh, iN amd steépgth, make ant Food your first morn | Keath JY oF ind free Ss #rocery, se' Mae, mews sod seioke) uty, Ww uh Be Mary's Cemetery. Fucther imptovements are to to ¢ St, Mary's pemetery gate, with be erected at the alse be some the vault so as to than hevetofore A néw. woof and a steel door will be add. 'ool, and the stone' walls partially re. built" 86. Mary's cemetery will be nade a beautiful spot. 5 og YO Spring Hat, Sir! correct styles, be A massive CASES DISPOSED OF. The Decision at the Assizes Napanee. Napanee, May 10.---The following cases wore dis of at the assizes here this: week, Lefore judge Street : Hiltigun VE. ha akon ~An action over a bill, Verdict for Relea og § London mutual fire insurance com: pany vs. Freltz--A case involving the liability" of W. R. Frelte and other bondsmien of Mr. Snider, acting agent foe the eomipany. Verdict for defond- ant. McCormick vay Township of Rieh- mond Verdict Jor Plafutiff. Clarke vs. MeCOwullough--A Deseropto case. Plaintifi made claim against the executors of the late Godirey Kolp es- tate for nursing and caring for him during his sickness. 'Verdict for plain- tilf for 3600 and costs. The coves of Pruym ve, Waller and Platt ve. Buck, were heard but not finished. Wearing . was set for 2rd June for these two cases. A. G. Fairbairn returned jthis week from a couple of months stay' in Win- nipeg. 'He will retuen to the Prairie province in the course of a week or two, G. H. Williams' grey team of horses resented the cold wait at the station, yestepday, and while no one was near started to exorcise themselves a little, They are spirited and made the trip down town around corners at quite a pace, but they reached the barn without mishap, at yesterday for Providence, R.1. M. B. Denting, Mes. Shibley"s father. is in very poor health at present. M he re- covers sufficiently he will accompany Meru. Shibley back here to spend the summer, Mr. amd Mrs. Fred. Laughlin and son, Arthur, are visiting Mrs. Laugh- hin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bruton. James Canniff, for the past ten | years on the staff of the Beaver, left { this week to accept a position on the Times' stall, Peterboro. Miss Della Wales, arrived home from Smith's Falls: this week, to ac- | cept a position on the staff of the Nr and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson will remove next week to their handsome residence on Dundad street, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Steacy will remové to Mr, Jawmieson's residence 'on Dundas stroet. The business will be eafried on as heretofore, hut Mr. and Mrs. Ja- mieson will have a little more time to themselves by the change which, after some thirty years of business life, will come ax a rest, The fist vegular mebting of the cheese board was Lald on Wednesday afternoon last, but owing to the as sizes claiming the atiendunce of some and the board adjourned to méet again on Wednesday, Map 11th. lor 5 19 new and 3 -------------- . Tio 81.00; 81.75, 82. "The H. D. |" Mave your mattresses, odd' chairs ov rr i -------------- All tabaogn stores keep Caramel. a ---- Em------NNART GIRLS AND se ady work. Apply 4 "SRY Co. i ---------------- NICK RG lr board | board. ------------ ANYONE HAVIN Him My Way. | Will Pay Se Cost. If It Fails. on. -- . SLE FOR CoPY! arbors Xe hie at the start: he oni a oe the sick one an ontler on his or her at - tes Dr. Shoop's Restorative, 1 will so he 3 let him test it for a month at my risk. J it If. 1 will leave the decision to you. the cot in $5.50. Ifit fails 1 will pay the drag Don't misjudge my offer, for I do just as 1 le 1 lave the matier to your honor. You vould would; but | trust vou. 1 ask in return i= no possible way in which I co I have furnished half ilo Seobin in hus Shin d w « m saw) paid that it did what I claim, nt means that 29 in cach 40 are curved. i Fo with. you, In the past five over half a mi remarkable record r on ng strength E SOMEBODY benny from you. name of a sick ¢ I shall vo nd. makin tin a treat ment that I Set the sick one decide if re and it fuils, 1 setts, made 'over, at James ey. $ 4 £ Sanford's boys' suits. Grand Union. | one-simply a "postal pent a lifetime | he wants it. will pay @évery penny of eat me, w eon be. un- wy treatment profiel { an ideal Christian womanhood. § troit, Sarnia, 3 PIECE SPTIIIVCHS CEE DI OEE OVER THE TR COPS, | i The. "L. C." celebrated its sigh. tectith anniversary on Monday after noon, when the club met at the resi dence of its president Miss Macaulay, in the same room as it was informal. ly organized in 184. There were twenty-four nfembers present at the birthday rity, -and the proceedings were capocially interesting. After a short address from the president. a bright 'sketch of the early life of the club was wread by Miss Helen Fraser, its first president. At the organization meeting at Miss Macaulay's, it was decided that the club should meet every Friday afternoon, and the frst regular meeting was held at Miss May Strange's on May 2nd; 1584. At that meeting Miss Helon Fraser was elect- ed president and Miss May Strange secretapy. After a discussion about a suitable name for the club, the choice fell upon "IL. €." after Charles Lamb's "elub, tha Literary Coterie. In the beginning the meetings were held every Friday afternoon, but Monday was. found to be a more convenient day, and Monday it has been for years--in fact it ix better known ns the "Monday Reading Club," thin as the "L. C." During the first '87, twelve married unmarried members were: admitted, the membership roll including Mrs Montague Strange, Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. Bane. Mis Rigg, Mrs, Stafford Kirkpatrick, Mrs, Mon tizambert, Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mrs. Deacon, Mrs. Cotton, Miss Macaulay, Miss May Strange, Miss Amy Strange, Miss K. E. Fras or (King street), Miss Saunders. Miss May Saunders, Miss Katie Hewett, Misses © Marion, Maud, and Kate Campbell, Miss Lilian Mowat, Mis Deacon, Miss Dickson, Miss Goodwin, Miss Maud Cartwright, Miss Lily ain, Miss Macpherson, Misa Hamil- ton, Miss Maud Petts. There were eight honorary members several of whom organized similar clubs in other places, the first to do so being Mrs. Wilkie, of Belleville, in 1885 three vears, 'S84. and twenty-four At the close of Miss Fraser's paper every member present read or phived violin or piano) or sang, the subject of all the reading was "woman," and sentiments flattering and otherwise were expressed. After the programme each member was given a gold sham: rock pin, and one was sent to Miss May Strange, Toronto, the first se cretary of the club. Afternoon tea followed nae usual, when the doines of the club, past and present, were freely discussed over the tea cups. 5 - * - - The Y.W.C.A. secretary has sent me this account of the opening of the new rooms on Thursday : "Phe formal opening of the rooms of the Young Women's Christian As sociation at the corner of Princess and Sydephmun streets, on Thursday, took the form of an: afternoon tea and a conversazione in the evenine Tea was served by the little cooks of the primary cooking class, who look ed sweet in their cap asd aprons. The German band was in attendance both afternoon and evening. The principal foature of the evenihp progranuse consisted of an address from the pre sidont, Mes. Carr-Harris, who on be ball of the board and members = ex tended to the young women of King ston an inv tation to avail the salves of the opportunities presented in the association for the development of How can young women, who sit all day ayer books, or typewriters, 'or sewing machines, or looms, hope to develop into strong and beautiful women ? Let them test what physical culture can do for them in the ealisthenic classes, conducted by Sergeant-Maior James. The association has provided at great cost all the appliances of a well equipped . gymnasium, Mrs. Carr-Harriz pointed to the ad: vantage offered. in the educatipnal de- partment, which embraced classes in commercial subjects, elementary Eng: Flish branches and in domestic science. She referred to the bible classes as the crowning work of the association, inasmuch as thev introduced its mem- bers to the Lord and giver af life Many young women, she said, are beautiful and accomplished, but lack: the crowning glory of womanhcod, a living union with Christ The trial scone of "The Merchant of Venice," by the Literary class, was remarkably good and elicited. great abplause from the audience which 6ill- ed the hall." Mr. and Mra. James Minnes have gone into the Bomestead on Paget street, and Mrs. Mines and her daughters have moved into theid next Mr, T. Minnes, on Gore street. Misses Minnes are going over to England for the coro: nation. On: Thareday afternoon Mrs. Lennox Mills gave a small tea at Bishop's Court for Miss Muriel Evans, caugh- wr of Archdeacon Evans, of Montreal, who 'has heen' visitigg friends in De- London, Toronto, and t Hope, and who stayed over in Kingston for a week with the hishop Land Mex. Mills, returning yesterday to | Montreal. By Misses Mudie, Wiss Loretto Swift, Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Florence Cunningham, Mise irene Swift, Miss Ing Shaw, Miss Uneenie Miss Bewié Dowgley, Miss len King, Miss Mildrea Jones, Miss Flsie Penge, f Mise Annie Irwin, Miss Miss Amy Campbell, Smythe, Miss Loraine Dalton, Alice Callaghan, Miss Kathleen Me Parlond, Miss Kathleen Donoghue; Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Marion Less | hie, Miss Leta Carson. ] Messrs. Arthur Britton Norman Crothers, E. jeld, Hallo-! way Waddell, Ronald Skinner, Ross Murphy, Eldon Callaghan, Win. Dows ley, Hogh Taylor, Clande Keat, Bruce Strachan, P. Brown, Leo Huden,! Fred McParland, Vietor Drury, Jim | Swift, Mr Dillon, Karl Tandy, Ar | thur Martin, Ernest Strange, Bart Dalton, Jim Kearns, Richard Mills, and others, i Clive Betts, ! 2 8 8 Miss Teresa Wilson, of Ottawa, sec retary of the National Council oi Wo men, Jormerly Lady Aberdeen's pri: vate secretary, is going over to Scotland for * the suemner, but before leaving Cannda she will. pay her first visit to Ringston next week. A spe. cial meeting of the local eoundl is be ing arranged in her humor and the president, Mis. Hugh Fraser geserts that many matters of interest will be discussed at that meeting at St, George's hall at three o'clock on bri- day afternoon, when the principal at traction will he an address from Miss Wilson to the women of Kingston. rr » . - Mrs. J. C. Clark, of Mass., who has been visiting Mrs. Cotton and Mrs. Neilson at Ottawa, arrived yesterday and is the guest of Mrs. R. KE. Kent, "Somersby House." Miss Leavitt, of Brockville, the guest of Mrs, Hubbell, Bagot street. Mrs, Malcolm Sutherland is the guest of Miss Yeomans, at Belleville, Miss Kathleen Harty left on Mon day to visit Mrs. Steers in New York. Mr. Willie Breden yesterday entered wpon his duties as junior clerk of the local branch of the Merchants' bank. Miss Isabel Cartwright has returned home to "'Hazeldell," after a visit to relatives in England and Treland. Her cousin Miss Charlie has come with her and will spend the summer here. Mry, Mayne and her three little chil dren have arrived in London from their home at Bombay, India, and are conmpng over next month to visit Mrs RM Moore. Col. Mayone's five years' service in India will expire in November, when he, too, will return to England, Mrs. Arthur 8, Evans is expected to arrive in Englandl on the 16th, «en routs from Rangoon. Lhe golf tea, postponed on account of the ruin last Saturday, will be given by the committee this afternoon at the club house, weather permit cing. The tennis courts in the city park and in the ericket field have len marked ont and the chibs expect to play some matches this afternoon. The park club has jost been formed and if it has a name it has not been piven to the public yet, The ericket fiekd club is. entering upon. its fourth season, but it has no generally ap proved name yet. Another new clul 15 being talked of to play at the usvlum courts. With such 5 revival of tennis there ought to be some in teresting tournaments in the autumn Mrs. Albree "will on davs at "Home House, (Hormerly "Closeburn,") Emily street, Mrs. Tom. Tandy has removed Clergy street, next door to Mr. P Macarow. Miss Beatrice Tandy howe for he summer, but may return to Toronto in the fall Mrs. €. F. Bate, Frontenac street, returned home on Monday after spend ing a month with ber parents, Fetes and Mrs. Barrett, at Walkerville. Mrs. O'Brien, Stuart street, is visit ing her sister at Peterborough, Mrs. Charles O Connor and her wi ter, Miss Ida Hughes, are coming from Ottawa next week. to visit Mes, Cor nelius Bermingham. Mri. Stafford Kirkpatrick and the Misses Kirkpatrick have returned from Toronto end are at Miss Mac aulay's. and Miss Edith Mrs. Straubenzee Stranbenzee . went to Halifax this vovage ta Cape, Springiield, is receive Tues to H Is - week to hid bon Charles Straibensee, who sailed *on Thursday for Sooth Africa as adjn- tant of the 3rd Casadian Mounted Rifles. Mrs. Frank "Emery anil her littie daughter returned from Remptville on Thurcday miter spending six with the Rev. C. P. Emery, The Re tory. Miss Ethel Maenes has véturned from a visit at Toronto and Hamilton Miss: Molly Bermingham returned from New York last Saturday. Mr. Clande Kent, of the Standard bank, Chathani, is ho e for his holi- avs, Mrs. Machar and Miss Allen have arrived in Toronto after 'a very de lightful trip of eight months in Cali: fornia and British Columbia. They will visit Toronto for o fortnight and then return 16 Kingston wherd they have taken Mr. Oldrieve's house, on Wellington street. : Mrs. Charles Henshaw, of Vancou- ver, B.C., who has heen feted sy much in Montreal that she was left po time for g visit to Kingston, leaves' for ith the west on Monday, Mra, Frederick Taylor will accompany Mrs, Henshaw as far as Kingston on Mon- and will spend the week in tows 3 's guest, ! Mrs. Melntyre . [4 TRS Oy ~GERALDINE. -- weoks as oF Fae 4 Cor {In driving you should have. 4 TIRES put : he 0H! THE POOR DIGESTIGN RENDERS THE LIFL OF THE DYSPEPTIC MISERABLE. Food Becomes Distasteful and a Feeling of Weariness, Pain and Depression Ensues. From LeSoreiois, Sorel, Gf the dyspepsia is one of the worst to en dure. Its victims find life almost w burden. Food becomes distasteful; they soffer from severe pains in the disvases afiticting mankind stomach; sometimes etcessive hedr: palpitation, and a pgeseral feeling of wenkness and depression. Though this disease is ane of the most distress. ing. it is one which, if the proper rem: edy is employed, can be readily cured, Thousands throughout this country bear testimony to the efficiency of Dr Williams' Pink Pills as a never failing cure. Among them is Mrs. Adolphe A. Latrousse, a well known and high ly' esteemed lady residing at Sorel, Que She says :--" For two years | was a constant sufferer from bad di gestion and its accompanying symp: toms. Food became distasteful and 1 grew very weak. I suffered much from pains in the stomach and head could not oblain restful sleep and be came unfit for all housework. I tried several medicines without finding the least relief and I continuglly grow worse until in the end I would vomit everything I ate 1 had almost given up hdbe of ever being well again when one diy I read of a case mmilar to mine cured through the use of Dr. William's Pink Pills. 1 detérmined to give these pills a trial and am happy to-day that I did so, as by the time I had taken eight or nite boxes my strength had returned, and the pains which had #0 long racked me disap peared, my stomach would digest food properly and | had fully regained old time health, and have not had any return of the trouble." Dr. Williams', Pink Pills' are a pure ly tonic medicine and unlike all purga tives do not weaken the system, but give life and energy with every dose They are a certain cure for anemia, dizziness, heart troubles, rheumatism, sciatien, indigestion, partial paralysis, St, Vitus dance and the functual ail ments that make the lives of many « women an almost constant source of misery. Sold by dealers din medicine, or sent post paid at 30 cents 'a box or six boxes for $2.50 hy addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cos, Brockville, Ont. my since From The Back Township. Denbigh, May 7.--Our village school has re-opened, under the ghle manage ment of Miss Efia Bell, Moscow. The school in 8.8. No. 6 (Thompson set tlement) has been closed by order of the hoard of health, owing to an out break of diphtheria. Efforts are being in said section 6 move the schoolhouse, which is now nearly at the southern end gf the section, central locality The Denbi factory will start operation on 3 with Carman MeNeil os maker. Charles P. Stein has appointed a bailiff of the seventh urt. of the county Len nox and Addington, in place of Justus Sweelnan, resigned Frust Be r. in partnership with Otto Khem, boug one of the best 20 aere Tarms this township, got dissatisfied wit) itfe in the Canadian backwoods, and sold his share of the farm and perso al estate to his late partner. Mr ger is now in the United which he wishes to sce as much as can before returning to Germany. village will be' improvea this by the addition of several new dw ing Several wooden fences have ed, and replac practical wire fen uflering for some math been division ve of ht States, engon honses., unsightly also heen re: neat avg Edward Petzold time with a cancer in his stomach, has now for 8 couple of weeks been in Berlin, Ont., special treatment Dr. Hett His Inst reports very hopeful Wil Ham Warlide has leased his farm and gone to Berlin, Ont., (6 look for more remunerative employment, Mise 1 Petzold has also accepten a situsti in that pleasant and thriving town Ore I under a hv were Se -------- Women And Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man--that is the order of a woman's preferences, Even . 'that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in thd strenuous efforts to save the money to purchase them. 1 a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then Jet hey for tify hersell agaist the insiduons con sequences of conghs, colds dnd bron chinl affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syriip. It will promptly arrest consumption in its carly stages and Heal the affectnd lungs. and" bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. Ty iw not a cure-all, but it is a esrtain cure for coughs, ¢olds and all bron chial troubles. You can get this reli able remedy at Wade's drag stor. Dates Of Registration. Young men, register, and have your say in the government of this coun try. The correct dates for registra tion are May Ith, 13th, 16th and 17sh; supp , 'May With and Zird. The date for the heiving of appealy has been fixed for May 21s If you know of a young man who should reginter, wid Nis name to the secretary of the reform association, at the committes rooms, Princess street. Worry And Late Hours. Worry and late blurs seriously of foet the systems, causing 8 kha avian, nervousness, general ifity and hy ron 5 makers Lk Tonic Pills are great blood makers. They strengihon the nerves, invigorate the system, re store wast tality and cure ail a "de Price 25 conte, at Wade's drug store. Crosse. & Blackwell's mived pickles. Crosse 8A Blackwedl's chow chow, Crom & Mackwell's pioalilli. Crows & Blackwell's white onion. Crosse & Blackwell's walnuts, Jas Redden & Co, - LU "Tailored to fit" pen's smite. Ged: Uren try one of this pew brand. of dye wear Price 810, Standard Wall Coating the World Over. Twenty Tints and Read. old Wi for wixing in C mer. Tne Trio Tose T eaied. "Nothing so good for the walls of chorehes, homes, sthoul houses and afl publia buildings." Alabastine is thervsult of many years' practical work on the part of M. B. Choreh, the inventor, attempts have been made to imitate; bus it has comes from selling and using only Many DS Tmitation in the sincerest Battery. but satisfaction There is only coe genuine Alabastine, Uh the little church on every label--is never sold Alnbastine fs for sale by ardware and Pelt Dealers E here, Co Teton dence Melt Good Things." or address Che Alabastine Co., Limited, dealer for free offer "Two Paris, Ont, A New Brunswick Lady Who Hat Bacoma a Physical Wreck is Marveliously Restored. She Would Have the Whole World Know That Paine's Celery Compound Was Her From A Specs] Massage of Comfnt For Set sud Despondact Women, Deliverer Disease Fen vears s Wdney heavy record | i i } { { of suffering from teach: | disease is of itself a of for one frail woman kidney suffering, | and « ! home, it marks a } that draws forth ! i sympathies | . { i i ickness and When we NErvousness, ontinued overwork ny add to sleep in the condition of life om less and tenderost life was bring of Gneen street, ch a condition of W close to of ¢ and IRvag aes {octor the of and friends of Mra he prescriptions, | disease continued Irv said was going fast with | to | ne a death.' Just before deadly ish work, drous life-giver, pound a new hope---cheered and brightetied up the p searching, life at the making new and strengthens voices could fin of that won lery Com disease its Pa WHS reromm« you, hope | heart powerful was orking it nour and life Take wick and Irvine w root wi shing it body Was savi comf, sin LL 3 wibles will, wit 1! Mrs. levine sy 1 heen troubled with ed a great re' preseripd i resolved to and trou I try Fan ompound, usp fou Kidney 3 sy and past, and In 8 word, wish you to pmblish this world i i." m od oan re very best tonics known. Carling's Porter is the very best porter that &s made, o Its purity com- mends # to physiciags--its flavor to those who drink it. yl ARLING | Bae LOMDOM Sole agent for Kingsteu, J. BS. | Henderson, A thousand snd one things s boat the Bouse besides your dredges, ritvfons, feathers, tates etc, will dye prestily if Maypole Somp iw weil for the pur pore, ¥ No mesx no tron. E De irk, hy ki ate re The coigrs are bell. 7) 0 Vivok dud fadeless. I5 dyesta | Vie any list 4 1 Maypole Soap. Sold sreryurers 70 200. for colors. rye. for black, Yegeepnssdl STRACHAN Alahastine, Katmomins, Strww Hat © And Hieophant Re«dy Mixed Paiot THESE ARE SPECIALS. a HIGHEST cu | Jo A Pleasing Dream. AWAKE FOR ACTION. dream of future satisfies at omy It is foolish 1 0 Bot § or those who 1 providing * my fom, . i of many prices CONTRACTORS. IS ADDRESSED T0 THE Tomder for this department MAY for SEALED TENDE lorsioned an enthir sed el at 3 Died, Miniog y Collegn Street in 0 scparaicly cnn he seem . and it this department, bie to the ume the smotnt shove works poem of the dunsnoe be returned entered 68 pave to i th ved Lisinves ade ~ ition must a» nit be bound to se tender '. LATCHFORD Couns one, Works May, Sed, 1902 above) this ade the de Department Newstmpors ot withon thority fromm - i fox 8 "rian Parmout Sms -- BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS. NOTICE Is bereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win. ter. Your order is sclicited, P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack St. a ----. ica Roi rr BY== hn H. Mills Jo Are you selling out ? if so ems ploy the best--you'll be more sa tisfied when your sale isover., = JOHN H. Mi am. AUCTION . SAL