THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. MAY 10. Been Received From The War Office =o. 11,1 THOUSAND TONS -- . Jen BY THE CANADIAN MILLING CONCERNS. Canada Central Railway's | Capital Reduced and Its Bill ) Passed--Death of J. P. Nut- ting. JO0ttava, May 10~The department of agriculture has received through the war office an order for 1,000 tons of flour, which is now being loaded at St. John, N.B., for South Africa, an other shipment of 1.000 tons will be wnt forward about the 20th of the month. The steamship Micmac is now loading at St. Jobn for South Africa. The Ogilvie and Lake of the Woods milling company are furnishing the flour. William Montgomery, collector of customs at Dalbougic, N.B., has been cuperannuated, and George Haddow appointed in his place. The railway committee reported the bill chartering the Canada Central railway company, to run from French River to Jeune Cache, B.C., by way of Yellow Head Pass. The line is to pues north of lake Winnipeg, fifty miles north of Edmonton and Prince Albert. A branch is sanctioned to Port Arthur. The capital stock is al wo reduced to 815,000,000, The promo- grees wi a ws are BE. F. B' Johnston, Toronto; ag Rah the stomal W. Folger, Kingston; Paul Weaner, Swould build up in (Mroit; John" Millen, Duluth, and Fi and strength, on )0MaS W. Patterson, Vancouver. Han Food your' first mm James P. Nutting, chief ¢lerk of the breakfast grair foo! 3: sof insoluble star he elements pr! i indigestion, irrita Veh aeapt on: and red have Bot been toler ad ince the igtendu The 'advent of Malt Fyeakfn- hos bebught. lenlth, Tj inant to of thowaluds wl 3 3 mviscle in the aetivii hin alied breakias i Positive hanisher of dys and "stom irregularities; ot Liysicidnn recammend it dai 2 whose digestion is weak partment of trade and commerce, pd Thursday evening after a very ort illness. He contracted pneu onia last Saturday, but was not ought to be seriously ill. Last éven- « he grew worsd and diea in an 1. He was forty-two veaws of age, / had been with the department for ' feral voars, The late Mr.! Nutting is a prominent athlete ana a good fle shot. He accompanied the Bis- «y team to England on one occasion. HE RESISTED ARREST. But Constable Diamond Landed His Man. On the 21st day of September last p'homas Lindsay was loitering on Brock street. A pohieeman told him MAS OF! to move on. Thomas said he did, : E ind fi Poi ! shop at J7/0AIree 1,4 constable Arniel says he didn't. J Us grocacy, ae: Therefore ha was summoned to ap as ad abi. § Buff: pear in court for obstructing the A street. He never appeared. Yester wife ol she city. os | day he came into the city and was vl standing at the corner of Montreal street and Raglan Road when con stable Diamond touched him on the houlder and requested his company on a walk to the police station. Lind say had heen working on 5 farm, and his muscles were firm, and so he thought he would have go fall gut of the officer of the law. He banged the constable on the head, and landed his loft on the chest. The honor of the Fon gate, with rn: Loree ' was at stake, and Diamond stoned pillars; will be erected 1 ground his teeth and' determined to onirance. Phere will also be "do or die.. He landed his man on the changes Sande 16 the vault so TTY face ptunde, aud yut the nip wonder "it wafer than heretofore Ur place. In the fa the con- mw. oof anh a steel door will | stable's hand was a little cut up. re thi stone walls partic il Lindsay continued to fight until » de Piles Su. M 3 -- WW livery waggon came along. when he v EVN 'cemetery Ww Cniade' 5 beutiful pot was bundled into it and taken to the EL RS . police station. " : i In court this morning there were nh Tous Sine Sat, Sie Yi two charges against him. Hel stated BE . 3h, 81.80 $1.7 83 The i that he dido't Temember striking the 1 yp SOMpBRY, pl , ® Noonstable. I Tet off fe would return a. & o the farm near -IESughloro lake, Jhere he had been working. Me was he -------------- All wbacep Stare héop Carame. jot off with 810 and costs, or a month GIRLS AND ==yin jail e-- work, Apely ARE £0. i REPORTS EXAGGERATED, Bonar ad] A Hh HAVIN pi Bie for swtowe lL Gamaouy Es set Mary About the Recent Disturbances in Russia. London, May 10~A despatch to the Times from St. Petersburg, dated May 6th, states that the reported disturbances in the southern provinces are exaggerated. Most of the details appearing in foreign press are mere guess-work. It was stated that the disturbances originated on the duke of Mecklenburg's estate. This is absolutely u wisrepgesentation. The duke's peasants and workmen offered such determined resistance to the rioters that the chateau and all the duke"s property were saved, except a few barns, which peasants from neigh horing estates plundered. The movement, the despatch de- claves, is hot directed against the dynasty, the peasants acting in the full belief that they were obeying the czar's orders. ---------------- The market was not a rarge one to day. Butter sola at from 18. to 20e, a dozen, and eggs had gone up to lie. a dozen, . One lone wayiarer sought protection at the police station Le 4 In the past five | * * . over half a milli SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICERS. Elected on Thursday--Changes in Library Rules. On Thursday evening occurred the annunl meeting of Sydesham street Methodist Sunday school board, Rev. Dr. Philp in the chair. There was a large and enthusiastic attendance. The several reports were considered very satisfactory, the school being in a héalthy condition. The librarien submited report, showing 900 volumes. The superintendent outlined a plan for correcting the reading tas tes-of scholars. This plan included = new library for jumdor scholars, con- sisflyg of books on nature studies, science, biography, history, ete, and all' the best availiable works, such as Seton-Thompson's, ete, written es pecially for the voung; the librdly to be opened on Saturday from 2 to 4 vm,, presided over by a permanpen: ibrarian, with volunteer help. Thee plan as outlined was favorably received and adopted and later oun Miss V. Norris was appointed libre rian. Children under ten or twelve years of age are allowed membership and as young as those who can spell. It is intended to give occasional talks on subjects found in these books te the members. #t is hoped that in this formative ge, tastes will be created that will endure. The cost will be copmsiderable, but it is expect. ed that it will appeal to the sympa- thies. The election of officers dnd teachers followed : T. F. Harrison was again re-elected as superintendent; A. Shaw, assistant superintendent, and Mr. (ireenless as superintendent of grad- ing. The other officers and teachers réemain the same as last year. It was decided to hold the flower Sunday on the third Sunday of June, in the morning, Rev. J. Philp to preach Various committees for arrangements were formed. The school gives 8100 to missions this year and has just paid $225 to the jubilee fund of the church. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds, For all ocean tickets call on Gil dersleeve & Kirkpatrick, Don't forget leo next henelit for Hotel Dieu. One English county, Lancaster, is as populous as the whole of Ireland. F. W. Gordon, John Lappin and G. F. Moore, have passed their examina- tions at the dental college, at Tor- onto, Walter Dorman, Pittsburg, Pa., for murder, sentenced to be hanged, is likely to get off with life imprison- ment. The fire brigade was called out at 2 p.m., today, to extinguish a blaze in the sheds at the rear of Dr. An. glin's residence on Earl street. The buildings were badly damaged. Marine insurance, ocean or inland, hulls, cargoes or small shipments. Gildersleeve &' Kirkpatrick, The lacrosse team enjoyed their first practic e at the cricket field last even ing. There was a large and enthusins- tic turnout. Another practice, follow- ed by a mecting, will take place on Monday night, Benefit for Hotel honse, next Wednesday. 35e., 25¢, Crosby & Thornton's orchestra con. ducted a very successful assembly in the Whig hall last night. The music was good, the attendance satisfactory, ond, altogether, a pleasant evening was apent. First trip! North King, to-morrow, for Rochester. Gildersleeve & Kirkpat rick, ticket agents. There was no change in the strike situation to-day. Up to noon the or ganizers had not returned to the city The iron workers' helpers' union was called to meet this afternoon, when, it was expected, an interesting deci sion would be arrive at. Wednesday; Dieu (Leo) opera Tickets 50c., THE PRINCE PLAYED. ---- 2 In Military-Civilian Polo Match at Dublin. Dublin, May 10.--Prince Henry of Prussia and the duke of Connaught fimeched yesterday with earl Cadogan; the viceroy, ut the viceregal lodge Afterwards all went to the park to seo. the polo watch, in which the prince took part Match was between army and navy teams against civili- ans. Prince Henvy played a good game as back for the former. The civ: ilians won by a score of four to two. Did It Commit Suicide ? A curious bit of tragedy occtred at Swift's: wharf this morning, and the clerks of the office down there are sorely puszled as to whether it was a case of suicide, While building a nest under the eave of the coal shed, a bird became entangled in a string which got around its neck. In its ef forts to get free, the little creature evidently started to fly from the nest, but was brought to a sudden halt. The strain on the string choked it, and it hung from the nest. lifeless. ------------------ Feit feed ; fla 15 5 FE f POTICO IN THE WEST ACUTE SITUATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Opposition Gives Trouble -- They Will Obstruct Supply -- Gov- ernment in a Descerate Posi- tion, Toronto, May 10.--A Victoria, B C., special to the Globe says that the acute political situation of the last two weeks seems to have reathed a ¢risie. The opposition has intimated to the governinent that in view of the latter's attempt to win over op: position members, and thos make themselves strong enough to pass the railway measure, the opposition will exercise their prerogative, as set ont in Blackstone, of ventilating these grievances in budget debate and ob- structing supply. * This puts the government in rather a desperate position, as they must either get support from the opposi- tion of drop the bill, Before the house 'met yesterday afternoon the premier summoned Mr. McBride, Mad er of the opposition, to a conference, and it is said did not disguise the fact that he realized he was beaten and sabmitted certain terms. These will be discussed by the opposition at a emueus to-night. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The FPeople--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. William Fleming, spending a few days in the city, was called home to Napanee yesterday by the illness of her husband. Rev. Pr. Jordan was in Ottawa last night and addressed the teachers' as sociation there on 'The Scientific Study of an Ancient Literature," or "What the Bible in Schools May Come to in the Distant Futare." 8, H. St. Germain, of "St. Germain Park," North Toronto, has so far re covered from his severe illness as to he able to start on ag six months' trip to Europe. He sailed oh Saturday on the Cunard steamship Lucania, from New York. Dr. C. P. Johns, Kingston, tried the April medical examinations in Lon don, England, and succeeded. He gets thé degrees of M.R.C.S, (England), and L.R.C.P. (London). The latest English mail also tells of other Cana dians who passed. Congratulations to William Horsey, of Bowmanville, an old Kingstonian, upon his appointment as police magis- trate. of Bowmanville. One of the most genial, kindly and thoughtful of citizens, he will fill the office with gen- eral acceptancy. An Extremely Cold Snap. Farly this morning the thermometer registered ten degrees below the freez ing point. An old resident states that not in: twenty-three years has there been such i cold spell in May as that of last night ana this morn ing, In I879 there was a black frost about the end of May, which did aw ful damage. The prosent cold spell has done great camage to plants. 0. (i. Johnston savs that as far a4 he is concerned it is a case of "the worm cating the bird." He had 1,000 plants outside, and expects they wil be mostly destroyea. Another such cold snap would not be welcomed, 8 -------- Glorious Uncertainty .Of Law. A prominent legal gentleman of the city recounted to a reporter an in stance of the glorious uncertainty of law. An action was brought against a Kingston company, and the trial judge decided in favor of the defend ants. This decision was reversed hy the court of appeal on a vote of three judges to two, Then the judgment of the court of appeal is now reversed by the supreme court by three judges to two. Consequently the trial judge on the ground floor is still standing, the attempt to bowl him out having failed, Not Sufficiently Signed. The 'civic finance comiuittee niet last night, there being present may or Shaw, aldermen White, McLeod and Kent. The auditors' report was gone over, and declared satisfactory, and the customary number of copies or- dered tg be printed. The hutchers' pe tition,' aski that thie 850 license foe be reduced to 85, was not, the committee says, sufficiently signed, and so no action was taken. W. F. Nickle's request that, when inshrance rates on the city buildings, are re- adjusted, the house of industry should be included, was granted. Chairman Opens Tenders. 'K meeting of the civie printing com mittee was called for four o'clock yes- terday afternoon, but chairman Far rell was the only member to put in an appearance. T] were four ten- ders submitted for the printing* of the debentures. The chairman opened them, and found they were as follows: Whig, 829; News, $30.37; Smith, $18. 50; Jackson, 831. Mr. Fareell will put in a minority report to council, recomminding that the contract be given to the lowest tenderer. Carts Were Frozen Up. Two of the street watering earth ' when taken out for obi real soa i to go into an pro- ar ater to thaw the ice out. ng from many itions Sd council, the city is trying - to freeze them out in another way. MONSOON Is sold only In Scaled Packets, Never fn anv ofher way Get 2 packet from THE BLOOM OF HEALTH. How to Keep Little Ones Bright, Active and Healthy. Every mother knows that little chil dren need careful attention--but they do not need strong drugs. When baby is peevish, cross or unwell, it is an unfortunate. fact that too many mo thers dose them with "so-called "soothing" medicines which stupely and put the little one into an unna- tural sleep, but do not remove the cause of the trouble. What is wanted to make the littld one bright, cheer ful and well, is Baby's Own Tablets, which will promptly cure 'eclic, sour stomach, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and teething troubles. They give children sound, refreshing sleep, because 'they remove the cause of the trouble. These tab- lets are guaranteed to contain no opi ate or other harmful drug. Mrs. James Found, Valentia, Ont. says: "Before I got Baby's Own Tablets, my baby was very pale and delicate, ana so peevish that I had te walk the floor with him day and night. The first tablet 1 gave him helped him, and that night he slept soundly Since then the tablets have made him perfectly well, and he is now a fine, healthy looking baby, and is getting quite fat. I would not be without the tablets if they cost a dollar a box." 3aby's Own Tablets are gooa for children of all ages and are taken as readily as candy. Crushed to a pow der, they can be given with absolute safety to the youngest, weakest baby Sold by all druggists or sent post- paid at 25 cents a box, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. Exclusive Greenland. Greenland, with its icy mountains, is not only cool, but very exclusive, for it does not invite visitors, amd it even makes it inconvenient for tour ists to land on the little hit of occa sionally green land that surrounds its great heart of perpetual ice. Per mission must be had from old, con servative mother Denmark: hefore aliens can visit the not very inviting northern colony. Denmark is indeed very careful and conservative in the management , of Greenland affairs. The trade there monopolized by the state, and only government vessels ave welcomed - to Greenland waters. This, says Den mark, is to protect the Greenlanders from unscrupwlous merchants. And to make sure of the pepple's welfare the state fixes both the price they shall pav for food and the price they shall sell at. The quality sold is alse regulated, so that the natives will not leave themselves short of food or clothing In fact, the Greenlander is under quite strict guardianship and i8 allowed to buy no spirituous liquors, The trade between Greenland and the mother country is, as a rude, car vied on by nine vessels helonging to the Greenland company, under ernment direction is gov Holleford Heraldings. Holleford, May 9.---James Babcock has his sunmer cottage about com pleted. «© Charles Martin has 'engaged the Cowdy Bros, Harrowsmith, to finish his new house. Messrs. A. Red mond and J. O'Rielly have each pur chased a new waggon from Connolly Bros. J. Carslake has gone to New ton Falls, for the summer, D. Walker, sr., Las again moved to this neigh borhood. C. Martin went to Sharbot Lake last week to help search for the body of his nephew, who was drown ed; much sympathy is felt here for the bay's parents, as they formerly re sided in this neighborhood. R. B Sigaworth, Hartington, passed through here last week, delivering fruit trees. Edith Walker is home from Cataraqui. Visitors: Mrs. H. 'Martin, Kingston; J. W. Babcock, Sharhot Lake, at James Walker's; Mrs, Morey and Mr. and Mrs. A. Collins, Desert Lake, and Mr. and Mes. P. Babeock, Odessa, at A, Collins"; William Shel lington, Fish Creek, at-D. Walker's: Mrs. J. D. Walker, Bedford, at J. W. Redmond"s. James Walker has pur chased a piano. Northfield Conference. The student Y. M. C. A. conferenc will assemble at Northfield, Mass. June Zith to July 6th. Platform ad dresses will be given by Rev. John Kelman, Edinburgh: Rev. C. WN. Gor don ("Ralph Commor"), Robert FE. Speer, John R. Mott, Rev. G. Uamp- hell Morgan and others. Fourth of July address by Dr. Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton university. July Ist to 30th, at Northfield sum- mer school of bible study, consecu- {ive courses of lectures will be given Rev. Gu Camphell Morgan, Rev. W. . White and Rev. ohn Kehna August 6st to 178 general confer- ence of christian workers will be held. Spal inte or aie Speaks 'a work, music, mizsions, - ers will be Revs. F. B. Mever, G. Gampbell Morgan, A. C. Pixon. A. T. Pierson, W. Rows, Henry G. Weston, with Henry Varley and others. Post- conference addresses will be continued our grocer and try it. y aa It is delicious, INDO-CEYLON TEA Sovereien Bran Fine Shoes FOR Ladies' and Gentlomr Sold Only By A. Abernethy Warranted, Every Pair Save Labor By coming to us for Labor Sickles, Grass Knives Saving Implements. movers. $396 [JP Mowers, Good, , Rakes, Trowels an all other Gardening Tools. McKELVEY & BIRCH and 71 Brock Street. ~ REFRIGERATORS! We have the finest assortment the city, ranging from $7.50 to $25. We have the following lines pick from : TELEPHONE CITY, ELLIOTT BROS. 75 PRINC E BRANFORD, NORSEMAN, MICHIGAN, NORTHER! STREET. mss Springs and For Comfort and Ease, 'Mattresses Tey our oslebrated Lock Weave, Hercu Spring, two grades, $2.50 and $8.50. Also our Laundry Seagrass and' Wool M. Strassen, in fancy stripe tickine. only $2.50 Thess ars noted for durability For Polishing Fursitore use our Furnity Restorer Have your repeiring sod epholstering de mnt Ps JAMES REID'S, ™eledine, ker a ------ "Wir ELEC THE ADA METAL CO., WILL CURE - dificaity of ; breathing, - tightness of wasting away of flesh, throat the chest, troubles, Consumption, CANNERS, Solder" GLAZIER® William $teeet Toront