i { SERVICE| and eavetin capacity are | wh: the economy of paint--not price per gallon. wears longest and covers Jmost. It is the best paint economy "Made to paint buildings CONTRACTORS. ------ SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE underdigiwd and endorsed © "Teles for Works" will be revived wt this department will moon of FRIDAY, MAY 28nd, for the rwosion of the Chembstry, Mining and Geology Builior on College Street in eon neetion with the sehool of Practical Seiencs oxoepting Heading, #Flowbing, Ventilation and Eletric work. : Teoders may be went in separately or in butk, Plan and specifications can be sein and forme of tender procured st $his debartment An acerpled hotk checue, pavable to the uo dervigned, low Sve por cent. on the amount of each tender for each of the above works will be requirsd. The thentes of the unsue owesinl parties tendering will be returned when the contracts have been entered into for the several works. The bona fide signcivres and busivess ad Growes of two pariies as securities must sc company each tender. The department will not be bousd to oe with SOLD BY ~ Corbett's Hardware. SHOE ~ WoMaN The Bun | Of Activity Is Notiood Around | Sutherland's These Days. ~ Our New Shoes } are 1evelations of the shoemakers' art. No shoes in America can compare with the UEEN QUALI- Y SHOE for la- dies and the PACK- § ARD SHOE for men, Don't be mis- led. These are the best and are sold on- |} ly at . Kingston's Coats Shoe Store Sutherland's, - ¥ not pt thie lgwout or ny without pot be oopt the lowest or amy ender. T. RB. LATCHFORD, Commissioner, Depaviment of Public Works, Ontario. Mav 3ed, 1902 Newspapers inserting (the above) this. sé voriigement without suthesity from (he de partment will po be paid for iv + T Cl Temiskaming aad : orthern « . Uatario Railway. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE mderviied and endorsed "Tenders for Clear vg Right of Way will be received at this Olen until noun FRIDAY, the 23rd day of MAY, jou, the frst two me Hons of waniskowing and Nortboru On tario railway, extending twenty wiles north North Bay. Pi spvcition be seen and nll in . 4 ot the other of the Chis 7 ai North Bay, or #t the Department of I Works, 'Ontario. Tenders will wot be considered unless mad on the formd supplied for this purposs by Ipuriment of Public Works, amd signe with the wsctusl wignatores of the parties Pred che The cheque. will be if the party whose tender is no pled declines to enter into a conveact for the work at the ratés and on the terms stated in the submitted. The accepted cheats thus sent in will be wetarned 10 the partic whose tenders an aveepted. The depursment does not Bind itsclly to ae totxcher LATCHFORD. Commissioner, 'orks, * R Department of Public Toronto, Ontario, Tth May, 1902. papers inverting this advertisomens authority rom the department will maid for ie Toronte General Trusts Corporatior Oftios and Safe Deposit Vaults, YONGE STREBT, TORONT( The Capital, $1,000,000 Tra-- President : foER BOSKIN. Ro LL.D. AON. 8.0. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Es J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A.D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager JANIS DAVEY: Secretary. ad Be LR to rent. All sizes and Guarantes Adminis : are of th "For oine information we tls Ov A COSY BRIGHT O 4 FIRE st or City BOOTH'S COAL Phone 188, Fook of Wat Biot. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. IHE DAILY WHIG. Opiter por Orbem Dicor. a -------------------- ABUSING MR. MARTER. Why is so much mention made of Mr. Marter? Becawse he has been hounded by the conservative party which be once led and is forced to de fend himsell, and, incidentally, to ex pose the shams of his accusers. Mr. Marter had the courage to say what he felt on the proposed pulp wood concessions, and the average tory is not supposed to have a mind and opinion of his own. "The opposi tion, he pointed out, bad gbjected to the eoncossions--latterly, not at first--4 on two points, (1) that they should be put up. at public competition, and (2) that the dues should be regulated by the legislature. The frst abjection was impracticable on account of the immense expenses attending the delim- tation' "and estimation. The second was absurd, becanse the opposition, "ould have, if it desired, moved a re solution and put the dues at what, in the opinion of the members, they ought to be. "That," said Mr. Marter, "is a bet ter way than finding fault with peo- ole who are trying to do the coun try's business, Any man or set of men can pull down and destroy, but it takes wise men to build up. TI have got sick and tived of listening to the inuendoes that everybody is a thief, md a robber, and so on, 1 have lived: to my age, and 1 am pretty well advanced, and I think it has vet to be id that I am a robber, or a thief, or support men who are robbers and thieves. I am tired and sick of it, [ say, and I can only ask for the pri- vilege and opportunity of mesting the gentlemen who make such asser- tions, when 1 will endeavour to convince any audience in this country that this is a good business proposi- tion and one free from any doing." Some one having said that Mr. Marter got into the Spanish River Pulp and Paper Company in a manner to make money out of it. He said he purchased ten shares of the stock, when it was advertised for sale, on the open market, and paid $1,000 for them. That was not much of a snap. Any man was at liberty, at the same time, '0 buy the same stock at the price, and, bargain as of his Opponents say it was, they did not seek and secure any of it. ---------------- NAME TO CONJURE WITH. "*Billy Smith' is a name to conjure with." So the Mail assures us. There are se. veral who can be distinguished by the same. There is one in South Ontario, who has not added to his own credit of that of the conservative party. This Billy Smith figured in the eam paign in 1898, when Calder opposed Hon. John Dryden, and the tories spent about $7,000. Votes went as high as $15 and $20 apisd®r wid workers were rewarded handsomely when thoy succeeded in making the record at certain polling divisions favorable to their candidate. When certain persons were being prosecuted for bribery in January, 1900, Smith, under pressure, nade a humiliating confession. The following is an extract from his evidence, the questions being asked by Mr. Loant, (now judge), who was acting for the crown. Did you use any money during the election ¥ 1 did. For what purpose 7 T suppose it was buying votes. How much did you use? I cannst tell you, About how much ?.I cannot tell. Over $100? I never bought a man wrong- same some hess other two. T think Mr Suith's "idence cannot' bé Yoo, strongly condemmed. As it bears on the question it is discredited by his admission that be was guilty of this gigantic corruption." He said further: "I have some regrets that this large offender, Mr. Smith, is not before us I have nothing to say to him, but that his evidence is the mdst glaring piece of corruption | ever beard." And the Mail says "Billy Smith" is a name to comjure with ! Jt does not mean Billy Saugh of South Ontario. and it is necessary' to make the dis tindtion. ---------- THE PICKLING BUSINESS. The pickle-maker, Heinz, of Alle ghanny City, Pa,, is'buying vegetables from Burlington district, and sending them back to Canada pickled. He at one time contemplated the evectivh of a factory near Hamilton, "but," the Spectator says, "he found that the Canadian tariff was sufficiently low to allow him to get his raw material here, to carry it to Alleghanny City, put on the finishing touches there, and ship the completed article back to Canada for sale. That being the case) Hamilton will get 'no Heinz pickle iac- tory," . The cure is what? A duty on vegetables. And the eficet would be the end of an export trade on gar- den truck, which is for the time being very valuable' to the Burlington dis trict people. The soil and the climate may be such as to produce the vege tables Heinz wants, but he is not lim- ited to one little plot of land, and Burlington would realize this if the tariff were amended to suit them. What Canadians should do, if they do not like Hemnz's style, is to go into pickling on their own account. There does not appear to be any secret about the business. ------ THE PLOT OF 188. Mr. Rowell has been making other great speech, bringing to light what the consérvative party means by saying that the pulpwood policy of Ontario should be made like that of the province of Quebec. Said he : "What does the opposition policy involve 7 It means that the purchas- er gets both land and timber, and if he gets an absolute grant of the tand with the timber, he can deal with the timber gs he pleases, so far as the government of the province is con- cerned. If there is pine or hard wood on the land, he nmiay sell it off purchasers of pime or hard wood; if there is pulpmwgod on the land he may sell it to purchasers of pulpwood, or may take all the timber to the Uni: tod States to build up American in dustries; if the land is good for set tlement or agriculture, he may keep it for gu rise in value, "or sell it to set tlers for that purpose; or, if he thinks the value of timber will increase he may hold it for years to come, shat- ting out all settlement and tying up the new distriets of Ontario. ; "It opens the way to capitalists with large means at their disposal to buy immense aréas of territory for very little, and keep them for an increase in value. No capital is invested, ex- cept the original purchase price; no industries are established; no employ- ment given to working men. 'I je new growth of spruce which would be ready for cutting thirty years hence, passes to the purchaser, and s, on in perpetuity, the people of the province receiving not one cent of benefit. The land ix the purchaser's: - Hes has bought it at pablic competition and paid' down his price _in cash. He can do what he likes with it. "By this means the government dis possesses itself 'of all power of con- trol over its forest trees; ever pro- tecting the sourees of its "reams, ancl of continuing the benefits to its people resultant from the existence of tracts of forest land ever increasing in value." Mr. Rowell, beside explaining what the conservatives desire, called atten tion to the intimate connection he tween their present attitude wud great scandal of the past. Mr. Whit ney is the solicitor of a Michigan lumber company, and so be knows that the lands of the state and the timber therdon are sold to the high est bidders, and Mr. Whitney knows, or ought to know, that Michigan has been denuded of its timber, and that ite capitalists are seeking other fang which they can work in a similar way. The bribery plot of 1834 was the scheme of the Michigan lumbermen to upset the Ontario government because they objected to the timber policy. The Ontario opposition was in wym- tathy with the conservative govern ment at Ottawa, which had law suits an- Just a e Bits, alhough, 'even thems, odo wat get the title to. the land. "1 46 not for a monwni suggest that Mr. Whitney and his gesocintes, in introducing this" resolution a the house, did swith the intent of sa rificing the interests of the provinee of Ontario for the benefit of American y lumbermen: but that would be the re sult of such a policy nevertheless. It simply shows the perilons position in which this province would plave itself if it intrasted its vast domain to the Management and control of wen who promise us wothing, goods though it be, so far gs it goes, than 'the good intentions! of honest men' {Ap plause. ) "Any 'person will sf once concede that if the pmipwood lands of the pro- vine weve put up fer public competi tion, a larger immediate cash return would be received thom is received by the present method of dealing with them. Any man would pay more for both land ami timber, free and un. trammelled from any control or con ditions, than he would if he only re tejved the right to ent under the con diticns now imposed by the govern went; but such 4 policy would be the policy of Poa line our, birthright for 5 mess of portage. {Apphuse.) It is well that the electors shoukd nnderstarg this "question fully, and wake no "mistake about it. to su eiot------ EBITORIAL NOTES, Mr. Marter déclares that it was the giving of the first milp-wood cones sion in 1895, which settled Me. ( fergue in Sauwit Ste. Marie and gave the benefit of the millions he controls. Mr. Teetzel and Mr. Colquhoun, ex: mayors, Hamilton, one & liberal and the other a cohservative, go down the street together, and the Specta tor containg the event and labels it. "Strange bed-fellows." Lord Salisbury, Sir Wiltrid Laurier, and Mr. Barton, (federated Austra lia), are all opposed to the burrying forward elaborate imperial schemes. But Sir Mackensie Bowell says it is mistake, and his opinion must vail. be a pre | DE, -- It was a mysterious providence that permitted the killing of that bright ring genius Paul Leicester Ford by is worthless scamp of a brother. Exchange. Had Providence with it ? anything to de ---- Some years ago the consery government at Ottawa undertook te give away New Ontario in blosks of fifty miles square to ite friends, and the Mail, contemplating a fresh mis "Ow ive sion of same, refers to it Northern inheritance." as -- The Manitoba binder twine men ob ject to any tarifi charge upon the im- ported article, because the American: get a rebate on the raw material. The Brandon factory says it can fight the combine without tariff legislation That's plucky. Great pressure is being brought to bear upon Mr. Colguboun to make him retire from the contest in West Hamilton. But his 'Scotch is up' (as he said in an interview), and he fuses to be cajoled, coerced or cuffed into silence and retirement. re Complaint is made because Mr. | €¥ Clinton, postmaster, has been réplac ed in Wellington, Prince Fdward County. The post-office was being used as a conservative committee room. and; of, course, the conservatives de not see any harm in that. -- An American contemporary is per suaded "that if the average working man's usefulness is over at forty-five the oid age pension scheme, which has been a success in Germany, must be introduced. The army of pensioners, above forty-five, will run inte the mil lions. S ------ A son of the late Sir John Thomp son intiomtes that Ottawa rapt, that the electorate has been guilty of all sorts of offences. Nor ix a cure in sight. The conservative can didates promise to "do everything in their power 5 get elected.' That "everything" cor carries its own lessoff. "Mr. Whitney has been in the house for fourteen years, and | would like to know if anybody can pwint to & single motion in the journals of the house moved by him in all that time Proposing or even suggesting soy feasible scheme for the denvelopment ol Ontario, new or old.""--Hon (. W. your expectations. fight weights and popular fabrics. ;00ds will convince you that we are doing ju ay, selling at reduced priges in order to lessen STARR & SUTC NEW SPRING They are as handsome as can SUITS, THE H. D. BIBBY CO. im miut and piper, then beautify, adorn snd fix s0zy and atiractive for your husband and children for the parlor, then Art Blinds, O nake it just complete. lean. Then a nica Art, Woo; Joys Rom or Library. Bath-t»a, Hall or Duuing- Chere is really rothir Shairs, Tables, Rockers, Etc. ABSOLUTE Little Liver Pills. Clearing Sale - Dress Goods This Week You will find many lines reduced in price beyond Our stock is too large and we' waat reduce it. We take the plan. of giving you decided ly better bargainsand values than you can get clse- where in order to effect this reduction. offer fromYwhich to make your selections i the newest and choicest fabrics suitable f The stock we s made up of Xr spring and weaves. The A look at the st as we stock. LIFFE'S, Kingston, mmer wear. The right shades and IS and 120 Princeas Street. When | You See The Moon Over the left shoulder it's a lucky look. y But a better look still will 7 to come in and see our SUITS. Looking "at them over cither shoulder you will sdy they are REET Spring Beauties. $7, 88, $9, $10, $12 and $14, In Fine Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges. ' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. : A WOMAN'S HEART The d: sire of a woman's heart at this season of the year is when she has bed honse~cl-anivg ¢ fix up a bit, First . s it's brighteo up wish new up your home end make it A nsw carpet in needed artsin Poles an! New Lice Curiaing to Japanese Matting is nice for the girl's room : its ool and s- easy to keep or Tapestry Rug with a border all around for room urcdx ew Oiloloth. d vow s«lays so very cheap If you us for your fizirgs you will be pleased and well suited, Lace Curtams. from 25¢ » poir to $5 Japanese Matting, 10c. to 25¢ ya-d, Flos Oileloth, 28¢. and u- ; 1 0 4 sords wide Ourtain Poles and Art Blinds, a)! eAloes avd widihe Wool Carpets, Rugs aad Tapestry Carpets ut wo per cont off Just Try Us for Your Fixings. IWF All cash customers receive Coupons without king for which we redeem for Silverware, Lamps, £ more suitable wn -> - co CRUTILEY BROS. 132-134 PRINCESS STREET, SECURITY. . Genuine Carter's Men's; § . a Oxfords Our. stock of these splen- did shoes is simply swell, We can suit every taste Must Bear Signaiare of a Ton ST Tes and satisfy every prefers ence, whether the choice is patent leather, enamel hox calf or Velours calf. : Nelo Shoe. Store i HOME, 5 ; atbention en